/** * Testing function. */ void LC_SimpleTests::slotTestInsertMText() { RS_DEBUG->print("%s\n: begin\n", __func__); RS_Document* d = QC_ApplicationWindow::getAppWindow()->getDocument(); if (d) { RS_Graphic* graphic = (RS_Graphic*)d; if (graphic==NULL) { return; } RS_MText* text; RS_MTextData textData; textData = RS_MTextData(RS_Vector(10.0,10.0), 10.0, 100.0, RS_MTextData::VATop, RS_MTextData::HALeft, RS_MTextData::LeftToRight, RS_MTextData::Exact, 1.0, "LibreCAD", "iso", 0.0); text = new RS_MText(graphic, textData); text->setLayerToActive(); text->setPen(RS_Pen(RS_Color(255, 0, 0), RS2::Width01, RS2::SolidLine)); graphic->addEntity(text); } RS_DEBUG->print("%s\n: end\n", __func__); }
/** * Creates a dimensioning line (line with one, two or no arrows and a text). * * @param forceAutoText Automatically reposition the text label. */ void RS_Dimension::updateCreateDimensionLine(const RS_Vector& p1, const RS_Vector& p2, bool arrow1, bool arrow2, bool forceAutoText) { // general scale (DIMSCALE) double dimscale = getGeneralScale(); // text height (DIMTXT) double dimtxt = getTextHeight()*dimscale; // text distance to line (DIMGAP) double dimgap = getDimensionLineGap()*dimscale; // length of dimension line: double distance = p1.distanceTo(p2); // arrow size: double arrowSize = getArrowSize()*dimscale; // do we have to put the arrows outside of the line? bool outsideArrows = (distance<arrowSize*2.5); // arrow angles: double arrowAngle1, arrowAngle2; // Create dimension line: RS_Line* dimensionLine = new RS_Line(this, RS_LineData(p1, p2)); dimensionLine->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); dimensionLine->setLayer(NULL); addEntity(dimensionLine); if (outsideArrows==false) { arrowAngle1 = dimensionLine->getAngle2(); arrowAngle2 = dimensionLine->getAngle1(); } else { arrowAngle1 = dimensionLine->getAngle1(); arrowAngle2 = dimensionLine->getAngle2(); // extend dimension line outside arrows RS_Vector dir; dir.setPolar(arrowSize*2, arrowAngle2); dimensionLine->setStartpoint(p1 + dir); dimensionLine->setEndpoint(p2 - dir); } double dimtsz=getTickSize()*dimscale; if(dimtsz < 0.01) { //display arrow // Arrows: RS_SolidData sd; RS_Solid* arrow; if (arrow1) { // arrow 1 arrow = new RS_Solid(this, sd); arrow->shapeArrow(p1, arrowAngle1, arrowSize); arrow->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); arrow->setLayer(NULL); addEntity(arrow); } if (arrow2) { // arrow 2: arrow = new RS_Solid(this, sd); arrow->shapeArrow(p2, arrowAngle2, arrowSize); arrow->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); arrow->setLayer(NULL); addEntity(arrow); } }else{ //display ticks // Arrows: RS_Line* tick; RS_Vector tickVector; tickVector.setPolar(dimtsz,arrowAngle1 + M_PI*0.25); //tick is 45 degree away if (arrow1) { // tick 1 tick = new RS_Line(this, p1-tickVector, p1+tickVector); tick->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); tick->setLayer(NULL); addEntity(tick); } if (arrow2) { // tick 2: tick = new RS_Line(this, p2-tickVector, p2+tickVector); tick->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); tick->setLayer(NULL); addEntity(tick); } } // Text label: RS_MTextData textData; RS_Vector textPos; double dimAngle1 = dimensionLine->getAngle1(); double textAngle; bool corrected=false; if (getAlignText()) textAngle =0.0; else textAngle = RS_Math::makeAngleReadable(dimAngle1, true, &corrected); if (data.middleOfText.valid && !forceAutoText) { textPos = data.middleOfText; } else { textPos = dimensionLine->getMiddlePoint(); if (!getAlignText()) { RS_Vector distV; // rotate text so it's readable from the bottom or right (ISO) // quadrant 1 & 4 if (corrected) { distV.setPolar(dimgap + dimtxt/2.0, dimAngle1-M_PI/2.0); } else { distV.setPolar(dimgap + dimtxt/2.0, dimAngle1+M_PI/2.0); } // move text away from dimension line: textPos+=distV; } //// the next update should still be able to adjust this //// auto text position. leave it invalid data.middleOfText = textPos; } textData = RS_MTextData(textPos, dimtxt, 30.0, RS_MTextData::VAMiddle, RS_MTextData::HACenter, RS_MTextData::LeftToRight, RS_MTextData::Exact, 1.0, getLabel(), "standard", textAngle); RS_MText* text = new RS_MText(this, textData); // move text to the side: RS_Vector distH; if (text->getUsedTextWidth()>distance) { distH.setPolar(text->getUsedTextWidth()/2.0 +distance/2.0+dimgap, textAngle); text->move(distH); } text->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); text->setLayer(NULL); //horizontal text, split dimensionLine if (getAlignText()) { double w =text->getUsedTextWidth()/2+dimgap; double h = text->getUsedTextHeight()/2+dimgap; RS_Vector v1 = textPos - RS_Vector(w, h); RS_Vector v2 = textPos + RS_Vector(w, h); RS_Line l[] = { RS_Line(NULL, RS_LineData(v1, RS_Vector(v2.x, v1.y))), RS_Line(NULL, RS_LineData(RS_Vector(v2.x, v1.y), v2)), RS_Line(NULL, RS_LineData(v2, RS_Vector(v1.x, v2.y))), RS_Line(NULL, RS_LineData(RS_Vector(v1.x, v2.y), v1)) }; RS_VectorSolutions sol1, sol2; int inters= 0; do { sol1 = RS_Information::getIntersection(dimensionLine, &(l[inters++]), true); } while (!sol1.hasValid() && inters < 4); if (!sol1.hasValid()) { do { sol2 = RS_Information::getIntersection(dimensionLine, &(l[inters++]), true); } while (!sol2.hasValid() && inters < 4); } //are text intersecting dimensionLine? if (sol1.hasValid() && sol2.hasValid()) { //yes, split dimension line RS_Line* dimensionLine2 = (RS_Line*)dimensionLine->clone(); v1 = sol1.get(0); v2 = sol2.get(0); if (p1.distanceTo(v1) < p1.distanceTo(v2)) { dimensionLine->setEndpoint(v1); dimensionLine2->setStartpoint(v2); } else { dimensionLine->setEndpoint(v2); dimensionLine2->setStartpoint(v1); } addEntity(dimensionLine2); } } addEntity(text); }
/** * Updates the Inserts (letters) of this text. Called when the * text or it's data, position, alignment, .. changes. * This method also updates the usedTextWidth / usedTextHeight property. */ void RS_MText::update() { RS_DEBUG->print("RS_Text::update"); clear(); if (isUndone()) { return; } usedTextWidth = 0.0; usedTextHeight = 0.0; RS_Font* font = RS_FONTLIST->requestFont(data.style); if (font==NULL) { return; } RS_Vector letterPos = RS_Vector(0.0, -9.0); RS_Vector letterSpace = RS_Vector(font->getLetterSpacing(), 0.0); RS_Vector space = RS_Vector(font->getWordSpacing(), 0.0); int lineCounter = 0; // Every single text line gets stored in this entity container // so we can move the whole line around easely: RS_EntityContainer* oneLine = new RS_EntityContainer(this); // First every text line is created with // alignement: top left // angle: 0 // height: 9.0 // Rotation, scaling and centering is done later // For every letter: for (int i=0; i<(int)data.text.length(); ++i) { bool handled = false; switch (data.text.at(i).unicode()) { case 0x0A: // line feed: updateAddLine(oneLine, lineCounter++); oneLine = new RS_EntityContainer(this); letterPos = RS_Vector(0.0, -9.0); break; case 0x20: // Space: letterPos+=space; break; case 0x5C: { // code (e.g. \S, \P, ..) i++; int ch = data.text.at(i).unicode(); switch (ch) { case 'P': updateAddLine(oneLine, lineCounter++); oneLine = new RS_EntityContainer(this); letterPos = RS_Vector(0.0, -9.0); handled = true; break; case 'f': case 'F': //font change // \f{symbol} changes font to symbol // \f{} sets font to standard { i++; if(data.text.at(i).unicode()!='{') { i--; continue; } int j=data.text.indexOf('}',i); if(j>i){ // QString fontName; if(j==i+1) fontName="standard"; else fontName=data.text.mid(i+1,j-i-1); RS_Font* fontNew = RS_FONTLIST->requestFont( fontName ); if(fontNew != NULL) { font=fontNew; } if(font==NULL) font = RS_FONTLIST->requestFont("standard"); i=j; } } continue; case 'S': { QString up; QString dw; //letterPos += letterSpace; // get upper string: i++; while (data.text.at(i).unicode()!='^' && //data.text.at(i).unicode()!='/' && data.text.at(i).unicode()!='\\' && //data.text.at(i).unicode()!='#' && i<(int)data.text.length()) { up += data.text.at(i); i++; } i++; if (data.text.at(i-1).unicode()=='^' && data.text.at(i).unicode()==' ') { i++; } // get lower string: while (data.text.at(i).unicode()!=';' && i<(int)data.text.length()) { dw += data.text.at(i); i++; } // add texts: RS_MText* upper = new RS_MText( oneLine, RS_MTextData(letterPos + RS_Vector(0.0,9.0), 4.0, 100.0, RS_MTextData::VATop, RS_MTextData::HALeft, RS_MTextData::LeftToRight, RS_MTextData::Exact, 1.0, up, data.style, 0.0, RS2::Update)); upper->setLayer(NULL); upper->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); oneLine->addEntity(upper); RS_MText* lower = new RS_MText( oneLine, RS_MTextData(letterPos+RS_Vector(0.0,4.0), 4.0, 100.0, RS_MTextData::VATop, RS_MTextData::HALeft, RS_MTextData::LeftToRight, RS_MTextData::Exact, 1.0, dw, data.style, 0.0, RS2::Update)); lower->setLayer(NULL); lower->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); oneLine->addEntity(lower); // move cursor: upper->calculateBorders(); lower->calculateBorders(); double w1 = upper->getSize().x; double w2 = lower->getSize().x; if (w1>w2) { letterPos += RS_Vector(w1, 0.0); } else { letterPos += RS_Vector(w2, 0.0); } letterPos += letterSpace; } handled = true; break; default: i--; break; } } //if char is not handled continue in default: statement if (handled) break; default: { // One Letter: QString letterText = QString(data.text.at(i)); if (font->findLetter(letterText) == NULL) { RS_DEBUG->print("RS_Text::update: missing font for letter( %s ), replaced it with QChar(0xfffd)",qPrintable(letterText)); letterText = QChar(0xfffd); } // if (font->findLetter(QString(data.text.at(i))) != NULL) { RS_DEBUG->print("RS_Text::update: insert a " "letter at pos: %f/%f", letterPos.x, letterPos.y); RS_InsertData d(letterText, letterPos, RS_Vector(1.0, 1.0), 0.0, 1,1, RS_Vector(0.0,0.0), font->getLetterList(), RS2::NoUpdate); RS_Insert* letter = new RS_Insert(this, d); RS_Vector letterWidth; letter->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); letter->setLayer(NULL); letter->update(); letter->forcedCalculateBorders(); // until //letterWidth = RS_Vector(letter->getSize().x, 0.0); // from letterWidth = RS_Vector(letter->getMax().x-letterPos.x, 0.0); if (letterWidth.x < 0) letterWidth.x = -letterSpace.x; oneLine->addEntity(letter); // next letter position: letterPos += letterWidth; letterPos += letterSpace; // } } break; } } double tt = updateAddLine(oneLine, lineCounter); if (data.valign == RS_MTextData::VABottom) { RS_Vector ot = RS_Vector(0.0,-tt).rotate(data.angle); RS_EntityContainer::move(ot); } usedTextHeight -= data.height*data.lineSpacingFactor*5.0/3.0 - data.height; forcedCalculateBorders(); RS_DEBUG->print("RS_Text::update: OK"); }
/** * Updates the sub entities of this dimension. Called when the * dimension or the position, alignment, .. changes. * * @param autoText Automatically reposition the text label */ void RS_DimRadial::updateDim(bool autoText) { RS_DEBUG->print("RS_DimRadial::update"); clear(); if (isUndone()) { return; } // dimension line: //updateCreateDimensionLine(data.definitionPoint, edata.definitionPoint, //false, true); // general scale (DIMSCALE) double dimscale = getGeneralScale(); RS_Vector p1 = data.definitionPoint; RS_Vector p2 = edata.definitionPoint; double angle = p1.angleTo(p2); // text height (DIMTXT) double dimtxt = getTextHeight()*dimscale; // text distance to line (DIMGAP) double dimgap = getDimensionLineGap()*dimscale; // arrow size: double arrowSize = getArrowSize()*dimscale; // length of dimension line: double length = p1.distanceTo(p2); RS_Pen pen(getDimensionLineColor(), getDimensionLineWidth(), RS2::LineByBlock); RS_MTextData textData; textData = RS_MTextData(RS_Vector(0.0,0.0), dimtxt, 30.0, RS_MTextData::VAMiddle, RS_MTextData::HACenter, RS_MTextData::LeftToRight, RS_MTextData::Exact, 1.0, getLabel(), getTextStyle(), // "standard", 0.0); RS_MText* text = new RS_MText(this, textData); double textWidth = text->getSize().x; // do we have to put the arrow / text outside of the arc? bool outsideArrow = (length<arrowSize*2+textWidth); double arrowAngle; if (outsideArrow) { length += arrowSize*2 + textWidth; arrowAngle = angle+M_PI; } else { arrowAngle = angle; } // create arrow: RS_SolidData sd; RS_Solid* arrow; arrow = new RS_Solid(this, sd); arrow->shapeArrow(p2, arrowAngle, arrowSize); // arrow->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); arrow->setPen(pen); arrow->setLayer(NULL); addEntity(arrow); RS_Vector p3; p3.setPolar(length, angle); p3 += p1; // Create dimension line: RS_Line* dimensionLine = new RS_Line(this, RS_LineData(p1, p3)); dimensionLine->setPen(pen); // dimensionLine->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); dimensionLine->setLayer(NULL); addEntity(dimensionLine); RS_Vector distV; double textAngle; // rotate text so it's readable from the bottom or right (ISO) // quadrant 1 & 4 if (angle>M_PI_2*3.0+0.001 || angle<M_PI_2+0.001) { distV.setPolar(dimgap + dimtxt/2.0, angle+M_PI_2); textAngle = angle; } // quadrant 2 & 3 else { distV.setPolar(dimgap + dimtxt/2.0, angle-M_PI_2); textAngle = angle+M_PI; } // move text label: RS_Vector textPos; if (data.middleOfText.valid && !autoText) { textPos = data.middleOfText; } else { if (outsideArrow) { textPos.setPolar(length-textWidth/2.0-arrowSize, angle); } else { textPos.setPolar(length/2.0, angle); } textPos+=p1; // move text away from dimension line: textPos += distV; data.middleOfText = textPos; } text->rotate(RS_Vector(0.0,0.0), textAngle); text->move(textPos); text->setPen(RS_Pen(getTextColor(), RS2::WidthByBlock, RS2::SolidLine)); // text->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); text->setLayer(NULL); addEntity(text); calculateBorders(); }
/** * Creates a dimensioning line (line with one, two or no arrows and a text). * * @param forceAutoText Automatically reposition the text label. */ void RS_Dimension::updateCreateDimensionLine(const RS_Vector& p1, const RS_Vector& p2, bool arrow1, bool arrow2, bool forceAutoText) { // general scale (DIMSCALE) double dimscale = getGeneralScale(); // text height (DIMTXT) double dimtxt = getTextHeight()*dimscale; // text distance to line (DIMGAP) double dimgap = getDimensionLineGap()*dimscale; // length of dimension line: double distance = p1.distanceTo(p2); // arrow size: double arrowSize = getArrowSize()*dimscale; // do we have to put the arrows outside of the line? bool outsideArrows = (distance<arrowSize*2.5); // arrow angles: double arrowAngle1, arrowAngle2; RS_Pen pen(getDimensionLineColor(), getDimensionLineWidth(), RS2::LineByBlock); // Create dimension line: RS_Line* dimensionLine = new RS_Line{this, p1, p2}; dimensionLine->setPen(pen); // dimensionLine->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); dimensionLine->setLayer(nullptr); addEntity(dimensionLine); if (outsideArrows==false) { arrowAngle1 = dimensionLine->getAngle2(); arrowAngle2 = dimensionLine->getAngle1(); } else { arrowAngle1 = dimensionLine->getAngle1(); arrowAngle2 = dimensionLine->getAngle2(); // extend dimension line outside arrows RS_Vector dir = RS_Vector::polar(arrowSize*2, arrowAngle2); dimensionLine->setStartpoint(p1 + dir); dimensionLine->setEndpoint(p2 - dir); } double dimtsz=getTickSize()*dimscale; if(dimtsz < 0.01) { //display arrow // Arrows: RS_SolidData sd; RS_Solid* arrow; if (arrow1) { // arrow 1 arrow = new RS_Solid(this, sd); arrow->shapeArrow(p1, arrowAngle1, arrowSize); // arrow->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); arrow->setPen(pen); arrow->setLayer(nullptr); addEntity(arrow); } if (arrow2) { // arrow 2: arrow = new RS_Solid(this, sd); arrow->shapeArrow(p2, arrowAngle2, arrowSize); // arrow->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); arrow->setPen(pen); arrow->setLayer(nullptr); addEntity(arrow); } }else{ //display ticks // Arrows: RS_Line* tick; RS_Vector tickVector = RS_Vector::polar(dimtsz,arrowAngle1 + M_PI*0.25); //tick is 45 degree away if (arrow1) { // tick 1 tick = new RS_Line(this, p1-tickVector, p1+tickVector); tick->setPen(pen); // tick->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); tick->setLayer(nullptr); addEntity(tick); } if (arrow2) { // tick 2: tick = new RS_Line(this, p2-tickVector, p2+tickVector); tick->setPen(pen); // tick->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); tick->setLayer(nullptr); addEntity(tick); } } // Text label: RS_MTextData textData; RS_Vector textPos; double dimAngle1 = dimensionLine->getAngle1(); double textAngle; bool corrected=false; if (getAlignText()) textAngle =0.0; else textAngle = RS_Math::makeAngleReadable(dimAngle1, true, &corrected); if (data.middleOfText.valid && !forceAutoText) { textPos = data.middleOfText; } else { textPos = dimensionLine->getMiddlePoint(); if (!getAlignText()) { // rotate text so it's readable from the bottom or right (ISO) // quadrant 1 & 4 double const a = corrected?-M_PI_2:M_PI_2; RS_Vector distV = RS_Vector::polar(dimgap + dimtxt/2.0, dimAngle1+a); // move text away from dimension line: textPos+=distV; } //// the next update should still be able to adjust this //// auto text position. leave it invalid data.middleOfText = textPos; } textData = RS_MTextData(textPos, dimtxt, 30.0, RS_MTextData::VAMiddle, RS_MTextData::HACenter, RS_MTextData::LeftToRight, RS_MTextData::Exact, 1.0, getLabel(), getTextStyle(), // "standard", textAngle); RS_MText* text = new RS_MText(this, textData); // move text to the side: RS_Vector distH; if (text->getUsedTextWidth()>distance) { distH.setPolar(text->getUsedTextWidth()/2.0 +distance/2.0+dimgap, textAngle); text->move(distH); } text->setPen(RS_Pen(getTextColor(), RS2::WidthByBlock, RS2::SolidLine)); // text->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); text->setLayer(nullptr); //horizontal text, split dimensionLine if (getAlignText()) { double w =text->getUsedTextWidth()/2+dimgap; double h = text->getUsedTextHeight()/2+dimgap; RS_Vector v1 = textPos - RS_Vector{w, h}; RS_Vector v2 = textPos + RS_Vector{w, h}; RS_EntityContainer c; c.addRectangle(v1, v2); RS_VectorSolutions sol1; for(RS_Entity* e: c) { sol1.push_back( RS_Information::getIntersection(dimensionLine, e, true) ); } //are text intersecting dimensionLine? if (sol1.size()>1) { //yes, split dimension line RS_Line* dimensionLine2 = static_cast<RS_Line*>(dimensionLine->clone()); v1 = sol1.get(0); v2 = sol1.get(1); if (p1.distanceTo(v1) < p1.distanceTo(v2)) { dimensionLine->setEndpoint(v1); dimensionLine2->setStartpoint(v2); } else { dimensionLine->setEndpoint(v2); dimensionLine2->setStartpoint(v1); } addEntity(dimensionLine2); } } addEntity(text); }