void* RTSPRequestInterface::GetFileName(QTSSDictionary* inRequest, UInt32* /*outLen*/)
    // This function always gets called
    RTSPRequestInterface* theRequest = (RTSPRequestInterface*)inRequest;
    theRequest->SetVal(qtssRTSPReqFileName, theRequest->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqFilePath));

    StrPtrLen* theFileNameParam = theRequest->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqFileName);

    //paranoid check
    if (theFileNameParam->Len == 0)
        return theFileNameParam;
    //walk back in the file name until we hit a /
    SInt32 x = theFileNameParam->Len - 1;
    for (; x > 0; x--)
        if (theFileNameParam->Ptr[x] == kPathDelimiterChar)
    //once we do, make the tempPtr point to the next character after the slash,
    //and adjust the length accordingly
    if (theFileNameParam->Ptr[x] == kPathDelimiterChar )
        theFileNameParam->Ptr = (&theFileNameParam->Ptr[x]) + 1;
        theFileNameParam->Len -= (x + 1);
    return NULL;        
void RTSPRequestInterface::AppendRTPInfoHeader(QTSS_RTSPHeader inHeader,
                                                StrPtrLen* url, StrPtrLen* seqNumber,
                                                StrPtrLen* ssrc, StrPtrLen* rtpTime, Bool16 lastRTPInfo)
    static StrPtrLen sURL("url=", 4);
    static StrPtrLen sSeq(";seq=", 5);
    static StrPtrLen sSsrc(";ssrc=", 6);
    static StrPtrLen sRTPTime(";rtptime=", 9);

    if (!fStandardHeadersWritten)

    if (inHeader != qtssSameAsLastHeader)
    //Only append the various bits of RTP information if they actually have been
    if ((url != NULL) && (url->Len > 0))

if (true) //3gpp requires this and it follows RTSP RFC.
    RTSPRequestInterface* theRequest = (RTSPRequestInterface*)this;
    StrPtrLen *path = (StrPtrLen *) theRequest->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqAbsoluteURL);
    if (path != NULL && path->Len > 0)
    {   fOutputStream->Put(*path);
        if(path->Ptr[path->Len-1] != '/')

    if ((seqNumber != NULL) && (seqNumber->Len > 0))
    if ((ssrc != NULL) && (ssrc->Len > 0))
    if ((rtpTime != NULL) && (rtpTime->Len > 0))
    if (lastRTPInfo)
Esempio n. 3
void* RTSPRequestInterface::GetLocalPath(QTSSDictionary* inRequest, UInt32* outLen)
	// This function always gets called	
	RTSPRequestInterface* theRequest = (RTSPRequestInterface*)inRequest;
	QTSS_AttributeID theID = qtssRTSPReqFilePath;
    // Get the truncated path on a setup, because setups have the trackID appended
	if (theRequest->GetMethod() == qtssSetupMethod)
        theID = qtssRTSPReqFilePathTrunc;
		// invoke the param retrieval function here so that we can use the internal GetValue function later  
		RTSPRequestInterface::GetTruncatedPath(inRequest, outLen);
	StrPtrLen* thePath = theRequest->GetValue(theID);
	StrPtrLen filePath(thePath->Ptr, thePath->Len);
	StrPtrLen* theRootDir = theRequest->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqRootDir);
	if (theRootDir->Len && theRootDir->Ptr[theRootDir->Len -1] == kPathDelimiterChar
	    && thePath->Len  && thePath->Ptr[0] == kPathDelimiterChar)
	    char *thePathEnd = &(filePath.Ptr[filePath.Len]);
	    while (filePath.Ptr != thePathEnd)
	        if (*filePath.Ptr != kPathDelimiterChar)
	        filePath.Ptr ++;
	        filePath.Len --;

	char rootDir[512] = { 0 };
	::strncpy(rootDir, theRootDir->Ptr, theRootDir->Len);
	UInt32 fullPathLen = filePath.Len + theRootDir->Len;
	char* theFullPath = NEW char[fullPathLen+1];
	theFullPath[fullPathLen] = '\0';
	::memcpy(theFullPath, theRootDir->Ptr, theRootDir->Len);
	::memcpy(theFullPath + theRootDir->Len, filePath.Ptr, filePath.Len);
	(void)theRequest->SetValue(qtssRTSPReqLocalPath, 0, theFullPath,fullPathLen , QTSSDictionary::kDontObeyReadOnly);
	// delete our copy of the data
	delete [] theFullPath;
	*outLen = 0;
	return NULL;
//param retrieval functions described in .h file
void* RTSPRequestInterface::GetAbsTruncatedPath(QTSSDictionary* inRequest, UInt32* /*outLen*/)
    // This function gets called only once
    RTSPRequestInterface* theRequest = (RTSPRequestInterface*)inRequest;
    theRequest->SetVal(qtssRTSPReqTruncAbsoluteURL, theRequest->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqAbsoluteURL));

    //Adjust the length to truncate off the last file in the path
    StrPtrLen* theAbsTruncPathParam = theRequest->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqTruncAbsoluteURL);
    while (theAbsTruncPathParam->Ptr[theAbsTruncPathParam->Len] != kPathDelimiterChar)
    return NULL;
void* RTSPRequestInterface::GetTruncatedPath(QTSSDictionary* inRequest, UInt32* /*outLen*/)
    // This function always gets called
    RTSPRequestInterface* theRequest = (RTSPRequestInterface*)inRequest;
    theRequest->SetVal(qtssRTSPReqFilePathTrunc, theRequest->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqFilePath));

    //Adjust the length to truncate off the last file in the path
    StrPtrLen* theTruncPathParam = theRequest->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqFilePathTrunc);

    if (theTruncPathParam->Len > 0)
        while ( (theTruncPathParam->Len != 0) && (theTruncPathParam->Ptr[theTruncPathParam->Len] != kPathDelimiterChar) )

    return NULL;
void* RTSPRequestInterface::GetFileDigit(QTSSDictionary* inRequest, UInt32* /*outLen*/)
    // This function always gets called
    RTSPRequestInterface* theRequest = (RTSPRequestInterface*)inRequest;
    theRequest->SetVal(qtssRTSPReqFileDigit, theRequest->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqFilePath));

    StrPtrLen* theFileDigit = theRequest->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqFileDigit);

    UInt32  theFilePathLen = theRequest->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqFilePath)->Len;
    theFileDigit->Ptr += theFilePathLen - 1;
    theFileDigit->Len = 0;
    while ((StringParser::sDigitMask[(unsigned int) *(*theFileDigit).Ptr] != '\0') &&
            (theFileDigit->Len <= theFilePathLen))
    //termination condition means that we aren't actually on a digit right now.
    //Move pointer back onto the digit
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 7
QTSS_Error	QTSSCallbacks::QTSS_Authorize(QTSS_RTSPRequestObject inAuthRequestObject, char** outAuthRealm, Bool16* outAuthUserAllowed)
    RTSPRequestInterface* request = (RTSPRequestInterface *) inAuthRequestObject;
    if (request == NULL)
        return QTSS_BadArgument;
    // Because this is a role being executed from inside a callback, we need to
    // make sure that QTSS_RequestEvent will not work.
    Task* curTask = NULL;
    QTSS_ModuleState* theState = (QTSS_ModuleState*)OSThread::GetMainThreadData();
    if (OSThread::GetCurrent() != NULL)
        theState = (QTSS_ModuleState*)OSThread::GetCurrent()->GetThreadData();
    if (theState != NULL)
        curTask = theState->curTask;
    QTSS_RoleParams theParams;
    theParams.rtspRequestParams.inRTSPSession = NULL;
    theParams.rtspRequestParams.inRTSPRequest = request;
    theParams.rtspRequestParams.inClientSession = NULL;

    QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_RequestFailed;
    UInt32 x = 0;
    UInt32 numModules = QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kRTSPAuthRole);
    QTSSModule* theModulePtr = NULL;
    Bool16 		allowedDefault =  QTSServerInterface::GetServer()->GetPrefs()->GetAllowGuestDefault();
    *outAuthUserAllowed = allowedDefault;
    Bool16      allowed = allowedDefault; //server pref?
    Bool16      hasUser = false; 
    Bool16      handled = false;
    // Call all the modules that are registered for the RTSP Authorize Role 
    for ( ; x < numModules; x++)
        debug_printf(" QTSSCallbacks::QTSS_Authorize calling module module = %lu numModules=%lu\n", x,numModules);
        theModulePtr = QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kRTSPAuthRole, x);
        theErr =  QTSS_NoErr;
        if (theModulePtr)
            if (__QTSSCALLBACKS_DEBUG__)
                theModulePtr->GetValue(qtssModName)->PrintStr("QTSSModule::CallDispatch ENTER module=", "\n");
            theErr = theModulePtr->CallDispatch(QTSS_RTSPAuthorize_Role, &theParams);
            debug_printf(" QTSSCallbacks::QTSS_Authorize calling module module = %lu numModules=%lu ModuleError=%ld\n", x,numModules, theErr);
        {    debug_printf(" QTSSCallbacks::QTSS_Authorize calling module module = %lu is NULL! numModules=%lu\n", x,numModules);

        allowed = request->GetAllowed();
        hasUser = request->GetHasUser();
        handled = request->GetAuthHandled();
        debug_printf("QTSSCallbacks::QTSS_Authorize allowedDefault =%d allowed= %d hasUser = %d handled=%d \n",allowedDefault, allowed,hasUser, handled);
        *outAuthUserAllowed = allowed;    
        //if (allowed && !handled)  break; //old module               
        //if (!allowed && handled) /new module handled the request but not authorized keep trying
        //if (allowed && handled) //new module allowed but keep trying in case someone denies.
        if (!allowed && !handled)  //old module break on !allowed
            debug_printf("RTSPSession.cpp::Run(kAuthorizingRequest)  skipping other modules fCurrentModule = %lu numModules=%lu\n", x,numModules);
    // outAuthRealm is set to the realm that is given by the module that has denied authentication
    StrPtrLen* realm = request->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqURLRealm);
    *outAuthRealm = realm->GetAsCString();
    return theErr;
Esempio n. 8
QTSS_Error  QTSSCallbacks::QTSS_Authenticate(const char* inAuthUserName, const char* inAuthResourceLocalPath, const char* inAuthMoviesDir, QTSS_ActionFlags inAuthRequestAction, QTSS_AuthScheme inAuthScheme, QTSS_RTSPRequestObject ioAuthRequestObject)
    if((inAuthUserName == NULL) || (inAuthResourceLocalPath == NULL) || (inAuthMoviesDir == NULL) || (ioAuthRequestObject == NULL)) 
        return QTSS_BadArgument;
    if(inAuthRequestAction == qtssActionFlagsNoFlags)
        return QTSS_BadArgument;
    if(inAuthScheme == qtssAuthNone)
        return QTSS_BadArgument;

    // First create a RTSPRequestInterface object 
    // There is no session attached to it, so just pass in NULL for the RTSPSession
    RTSPRequestInterface *request =  (RTSPRequestInterface *) ioAuthRequestObject;
    // Set all the attributes required by the authentication module, using the input values
    (void) request->SetValue(qtssRTSPReqUserName, 0,  inAuthUserName , ::strlen(inAuthUserName), QTSSDictionary::kDontObeyReadOnly);
    (void) request->SetValue(qtssRTSPReqLocalPath, 0,  inAuthResourceLocalPath , ::strlen(inAuthResourceLocalPath), QTSSDictionary::kDontObeyReadOnly);
    (void) request->SetValue(qtssRTSPReqRootDir, 0,  inAuthMoviesDir , ::strlen(inAuthMoviesDir), QTSSDictionary::kNoFlags);
    (void) request->SetValue(qtssRTSPReqAction, 0,  (const void *)&inAuthRequestAction , sizeof(QTSS_ActionFlags), QTSSDictionary::kNoFlags);
    (void) request->SetValue(qtssRTSPReqAuthScheme, 0,  (const void *)&inAuthScheme , sizeof(QTSS_AuthScheme), QTSSDictionary::kDontObeyReadOnly);
    QTSSUserProfile *profile = request->GetUserProfile();
    (void) profile->SetValue(qtssUserName, 0, inAuthUserName, ::strlen(inAuthUserName), QTSSDictionary::kDontObeyReadOnly);
    // Because this is a role being executed from inside a callback, we need to
    // make sure that QTSS_RequestEvent will not work.
    Task* curTask = NULL;
    QTSS_ModuleState* theState = (QTSS_ModuleState*)OSThread::GetMainThreadData();
    if (OSThread::GetCurrent() != NULL)
        theState = (QTSS_ModuleState*)OSThread::GetCurrent()->GetThreadData();
    if (theState != NULL)
        curTask = theState->curTask;
    // Setup the authentication param block
    QTSS_RoleParams theAuthenticationParams;
    theAuthenticationParams.rtspAthnParams.inRTSPRequest = request;
    QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_RequestFailed;
    UInt32 x = 0;
    UInt32 numModules = QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kRTSPAthnRole);
    QTSSModule* theModulePtr = NULL;
    Bool16 allowedDefault = QTSServerInterface::GetServer()->GetPrefs()->GetAllowGuestDefault();
    Bool16 allowed = allowedDefault; //server pref?
    Bool16 hasUser = false; 
    Bool16 handled = false;
    // Call all the modules that are registered for the RTSP Authorize Role 
    for ( ; x < numModules; x++)
        debug_printf(" QTSSCallbacks::QTSS_Authenticate calling module module = %lu numModules=%lu\n", x,numModules);
        theModulePtr = QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kRTSPAthnRole, x);
        theErr =  QTSS_NoErr;
        if (theModulePtr)
            theErr = theModulePtr->CallDispatch(QTSS_RTSPAuthenticate_Role, &theAuthenticationParams);
            debug_printf(" QTSSCallbacks::QTSS_Authorize calling module module = %lu numModules=%lu ModuleError=%ld\n", x,numModules, theErr);
            debug_printf(" QTSSCallbacks::QTSS_Authorize calling module module = %lu is NULL! numModules=%lu\n", x,numModules);
        allowed = request->GetAllowed();
        hasUser = request->GetHasUser();
        handled = request->GetAuthHandled();
        debug_printf("QTSSCallbacks::QTSS_Authenticate allowedDefault =%d allowed= %d hasUser = %d handled=%d \n",allowedDefault, allowed,hasUser, handled);
        if (hasUser || handled ) //See RTSPSession.cpp::Run state=kAuthenticatingRequest
            debug_printf(" QTSSCallbacks::QTSS_Authenticate skipping other modules fCurrentModule = %lu numModules=%lu\n", x,numModules);

    // Reset the curTask to what it was before this role started
    if (theState != NULL)
        theState->curTask = curTask;

    return theErr;
Esempio n. 9
void* RTSPRequestInterface::GetAuthDigestResponse(QTSSDictionary* inRequest, UInt32* )
	RTSPRequestInterface* theRequest = (RTSPRequestInterface*)inRequest;
	(void)theRequest->SetValue(qtssRTSPReqDigestResponse, 0, theRequest->fAuthDigestResponse.Ptr,theRequest->fAuthDigestResponse.Len , QTSSDictionary::kDontObeyReadOnly);
	return NULL;