Esempio n. 1
   DataInfo* createDataInfo(DataElement* pElement)
      RasterElement* pRasterElement = dynamic_cast<RasterElement*>(pElement);
      if (pRasterElement == NULL)
         return NULL;

      RasterDataDescriptor* pDescriptor = dynamic_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(pRasterElement->getDataDescriptor());
      if (pDescriptor == NULL)
         return NULL;

      DataInfo* pDataInfo = new DataInfo;
      pDataInfo->numRows = pDescriptor->getRowCount();
      pDataInfo->numColumns = pDescriptor->getColumnCount();
      pDataInfo->numBands = pDescriptor->getBandCount();
      pDataInfo->encodingType = static_cast<uint32_t>(pDescriptor->getDataType());
      pDataInfo->encodingTypeSize = RasterUtilities::bytesInEncoding(pDescriptor->getDataType());
      pDataInfo->interleaveFormat = static_cast<uint32_t>(pDescriptor->getInterleaveFormat());
      const std::vector<int>& badValues = pDescriptor->getBadValues();
      pDataInfo->numBadValues = badValues.size();
      if (pDataInfo->numBadValues == 0)
         pDataInfo->pBadValues = NULL;
         pDataInfo->pBadValues = new int32_t[pDataInfo->numBadValues];
         memcpy(pDataInfo->pBadValues, &badValues[0], pDataInfo->numBadValues * sizeof(int32_t));

      return pDataInfo;
Esempio n. 2
bool ResultsExporter::writeOutput(ostream &stream)
    mMessage = "Exporting results matrix...";
    if (mpProgress != NULL)
        mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, NORMAL);

    StepResource pStep(mMessage, "app", "D890E37C-B960-4527-8AAC-D62F2DE7A541");

    RasterDataDescriptor* pDescriptor = dynamic_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(mpResults->getDataDescriptor());
    if (pDescriptor == NULL)
        mMessage = "Could not get the results data descriptor!";
        if (mpProgress != NULL)
            mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, ERRORS);

        return false;

    VERIFY(mpResults != NULL);
    string name = mpResults->getName();

    VERIFY(mpFileDescriptor != NULL);
    const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& rows = mpFileDescriptor->getRows();
    const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& columns = mpFileDescriptor->getColumns();
    unsigned int numRows = pDescriptor->getRowCount();
    unsigned int numColumns = pDescriptor->getColumnCount();
    EncodingType eDataType = pDescriptor->getDataType();
    const vector<int>& badValues = pDescriptor->getBadValues();

    if (mbMetadata)
        stream << APP_NAME << " Results Raster\n";
        stream << "Version = 4\n";
        stream << "Results Name = " << name << "\n";

        DataElement* pParent = mpResults->getParent();
        if (pParent != NULL)
            stream << "Data Set Name = " << pParent->getName() << "\n";

        stream << "Rows = " << numRows << "\n";
        stream << "Columns = " << numColumns << "\n";

        string dataType = StringUtilities::toDisplayString(eDataType);
        stream << "Data Type = " << dataType << "\n";

        Statistics* pStatistics = mpResults->getStatistics();
        if (pStatistics != NULL)
            stream << "Min = " << pStatistics->getMin() << "\n";
            stream << "Max = " << pStatistics->getMax() << "\n";
            stream << "Average = " << pStatistics->getAverage() << "\n";
            stream << "Standard Deviation = " << pStatistics->getStandardDeviation() << "\n\n";

    RasterElement* pGeo = getGeoreferencedRaster();

    DataAccessor da = mpResults->getDataAccessor();
    if (!da.isValid())
        mMessage = "Could not access the data in the results raster!";
        if (mpProgress != NULL)
            mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, ERRORS);

        return false;

    unsigned int activeRowNumber = 0;
    for (unsigned int r = 0; r < rows.size(); ++r)
        if (mbAbort)
            mMessage = "Results exporter aborted!";
            if (mpProgress != NULL)
                mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, 0, ABORT);

            return false;

        DimensionDescriptor rowDim = rows[r];
        // Skip to the next row
        for (; activeRowNumber < rowDim.getActiveNumber(); ++activeRowNumber)

        unsigned int activeColumnNumber = 0;
        for (unsigned int c = 0; c < columns.size(); ++c)
            DimensionDescriptor columnDim = columns[c];
            // Skip to the next column
            for (; activeColumnNumber < columnDim.getActiveNumber(); ++activeColumnNumber)


            double dValue = ModelServices::getDataValue(eDataType, da->getColumn(), COMPLEX_MAGNITUDE, 0);
            if (isValueExported(dValue, badValues))
                string location = getLocationString(r, c, pGeo);
                char buffer[1024];
                sprintf(buffer, "%lf\n", dValue);
                stream << name << "    " << location << "    " << buffer;

        // Update the progress
        int iProgress = (r * 100) / rows.size();
        if (iProgress == 100)
            iProgress = 99;

        if (mpProgress != NULL)
            mpProgress->updateProgress(mMessage, iProgress, NORMAL);

    stream << "\n";
    return true;
bool ImageRegistration::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* pOutArgList)
   StepResource pStep("Image Registration", "app", "A2E0FC44-2A31-41EE-90F8-805773D01FCA");
   if (pInArgList == NULL || pOutArgList == NULL)
      return false;
   Progress* pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg());
   //RasterElement* pCube = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<RasterElement>(Executable::DataElementArg());

   std::vector<Window*> windows;
   Service<DesktopServices>()->getWindows(SPATIAL_DATA_WINDOW, windows);
   std::vector<RasterElement*> elements;
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < windows.size(); ++i)
       SpatialDataWindow* pWindow = dynamic_cast<SpatialDataWindow*>(windows[i]);
       if (pWindow == NULL)
       LayerList* pList = pWindow->getSpatialDataView()->getLayerList();

   RasterElement* pCube = elements[0];
   RasterElement* pCubeRef = elements[1];
   if ((pCube == NULL) || (pCubeRef == NULL))
      std::string msg = "A raster cube must be specified.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;
   RasterDataDescriptor* pDesc = static_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(pCube->getDataDescriptor());
   VERIFY(pDesc != NULL);
   EncodingType ResultType = pDesc->getDataType();
   if (pDesc->getDataType() == INT4SCOMPLEX)
      ResultType = INT4SBYTES;
   else if (pDesc->getDataType() == FLT8COMPLEX)
      ResultType = FLT8BYTES;

   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pRequest;
   DataAccessor pSrcAcc = pCube->getDataAccessor(pRequest.release());

   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pRequestRef;
   DataAccessor pSrcAccRef = pCubeRef->getDataAccessor(pRequestRef.release());

   ModelResource<RasterElement> pResultCube(RasterUtilities::createRasterElement(pCube->getName() +
      "_Image_Registration_Result", pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount(), ResultType));
   if (pResultCube.get() == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube could not be created.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;

   std::vector<int> badValues = pDesc->getBadValues();
   RasterDataDescriptor* pDescriptor = dynamic_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(pResultCube->getDataDescriptor());
   Statistics* pStatistics = pResultCube->getStatistics(pDescriptor->getActiveBand(0));

   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pResultRequest;
   DataAccessor pDestAcc = pResultCube->getDataAccessor(pResultRequest.release());
   nCountMas = 0;
   nCountRef = 0;
   int windowSize = 6;
   double *pBuffer = (double *)calloc(pDesc->getRowCount()*pDesc->getColumnCount(), sizeof(double));


   for (unsigned int row = 0; row < pDesc->getRowCount(); ++row)
	   if (pProgress != NULL)
           pProgress->updateProgress("Image registration", row * 100 / pDesc->getRowCount(), NORMAL);
       if (isAborted())
          std::string msg = getName() + " has been aborted.";
          pStep->finalize(Message::Abort, msg);
          if (pProgress != NULL)
             pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ABORT);
          return false;
       for (unsigned int col = 0; col < pDesc->getColumnCount(); ++col)
	       locateAllStarPosition(pSrcAcc, pSrcAccRef, row, col, pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount(), pDesc->getDataType(), windowSize, pBuffer);

   ModifyCenter(pSrcAcc, pDesc->getDataType(), windowSize, nCountMas, nStarPositionsMas);
   ModifyCenter(pSrcAccRef, pDesc->getDataType(), windowSize, nCountRef, nStarPositionsRef);

   GetParameters(pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount());
   DrawStars(pBuffer, pSrcAccRef, pDesc->getDataType(), matrixT, pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount());

   //Output the value 
      for (unsigned int m = 0; m < pDesc->getRowCount(); m++)
	      for (unsigned int n = 0; n < pDesc->getColumnCount(); n++)
		      if (isAborted())
                  std::string msg = getName() + " has been aborted.";
                  pStep->finalize(Message::Abort, msg);
                  if (pProgress != NULL)
                      pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ABORT);
                  return false;
			  if (!pDestAcc.isValid())
                  std::string msg = "Unable to access the cube data.";
                  pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
                  if (pProgress != NULL) 
                      pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
                   return false;

			  switchOnEncoding(ResultType, updatePixel, pDestAcc->getColumn(), pBuffer, m, n, pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount());       

   if (!isBatch())
      Service<DesktopServices> pDesktop;

      SpatialDataWindow* pWindow = static_cast<SpatialDataWindow*>(pDesktop->createWindow(pResultCube->getName(),

      SpatialDataView* pView = (pWindow == NULL) ? NULL : pWindow->getSpatialDataView();
      if (pView == NULL)
         std::string msg = "Unable to create view.";
         pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
         if (pProgress != NULL) 
            pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
         return false;

      pView->createLayer(RASTER, pResultCube.get());

   double theta = std::acos(matrixT[0][0])*180.0/3.1415926;

   std::string msg = "Image Registration is complete.\n Translation x = " +  StringUtilities::toDisplayString(round(shiftX)) + ", y = " + 
	                 StringUtilities::toDisplayString(round(shiftY)) + ", rotation = " + StringUtilities::toDisplayString(round(theta)) + " degree";
   if (pProgress != NULL)
       pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 100, NORMAL);

   pOutArgList->setPlugInArgValue("Image Registration Result", pResultCube.release());


   return true;