Esempio n. 1
Expression * Trigonometry::shallowReduceDirectFunction(Expression * e, Context& context, Expression::AngleUnit angleUnit) {
  assert(e->type() == Expression::Type::Sine || e->type() == Expression::Type::Cosine || e->type() == Expression::Type::Tangent);
  Expression * lookup = Trigonometry::table(e->operand(0), e->type(), context, angleUnit);
  if (lookup != nullptr) {
    return e->replaceWith(lookup, true);
  Expression::Type correspondingType = e->type() == Expression::Type::Cosine ? Expression::Type::ArcCosine : (e->type() == Expression::Type::Sine ? Expression::Type::ArcSine : Expression::Type::ArcTangent);
  if (e->operand(0)->type() == correspondingType) {
    float trigoOp = e->operand(0)->operand(0)->approximateToScalar<float>(context, angleUnit);
    if (e->type() == Expression::Type::Tangent || (trigoOp >= -1.0f && trigoOp <= 1.0f)) {
      return e->replaceWith(e->editableOperand(0)->editableOperand(0), true);
  if (e->operand(0)->sign() == Expression::Sign::Negative) {
    Expression * op = e->editableOperand(0);
    Expression * newOp = op->setSign(Expression::Sign::Positive, context, angleUnit);
    newOp->shallowReduce(context, angleUnit);
    if (e->type() == Expression::Type::Cosine) {
      return e->shallowReduce(context, angleUnit);
    } else {
      Multiplication * m = new Multiplication(new Rational(-1), e->clone(), false);
      m->editableOperand(1)->shallowReduce(context, angleUnit);
      return e->replaceWith(m, true)->shallowReduce(context, angleUnit);
  if ((angleUnit == Expression::AngleUnit::Radian && e->operand(0)->type() == Expression::Type::Multiplication && e->operand(0)->numberOfOperands() == 2 && e->operand(0)->operand(1)->type() == Expression::Type::Symbol && static_cast<const Symbol *>(e->operand(0)->operand(1))->name() == Ion::Charset::SmallPi && e->operand(0)->operand(0)->type() == Expression::Type::Rational) || (angleUnit == Expression::AngleUnit::Degree && e->operand(0)->type() == Expression::Type::Rational)) {
    Rational * r = angleUnit == Expression::AngleUnit::Radian ? static_cast<Rational *>(e->editableOperand(0)->editableOperand(0)) : static_cast<Rational *>(e->editableOperand(0));
    int unaryCoefficient = 1; // store 1 or -1
    // Replace argument in [0, Pi/2[ or [0, 90[
    Integer divisor = angleUnit == Expression::AngleUnit::Radian ? r->denominator() : Integer::Multiplication(r->denominator(), Integer(90));
    Integer dividand = angleUnit == Expression::AngleUnit::Radian ? Integer::Addition(r->numerator(), r->numerator()) : r->numerator();
    if (divisor.isLowerThan(dividand)) {
      Integer piDivisor = angleUnit == Expression::AngleUnit::Radian ? r->denominator() : Integer::Multiplication(r->denominator(), Integer(180));
      IntegerDivision div = Integer::Division(r->numerator(), piDivisor);
      dividand = angleUnit == Expression::AngleUnit::Radian ? Integer::Addition(div.remainder, div.remainder) : div.remainder;
      if (divisor.isLowerThan(dividand)) {
        div.remainder = Integer::Subtraction(piDivisor, div.remainder);
        if (e->type() == Expression::Type::Cosine || e->type() == Expression::Type::Tangent) {
          unaryCoefficient *= -1;
      Rational * newR = new Rational(div.remainder, r->denominator());
      Expression * rationalParent = angleUnit == Expression::AngleUnit::Radian ? e->editableOperand(0) : e;
      rationalParent->replaceOperand(r, newR, true);
      e->editableOperand(0)->shallowReduce(context, angleUnit);
      if (Integer::Division(div.quotient, Integer(2)).remainder.isOne() && e->type() != Expression::Type::Tangent) {
        unaryCoefficient *= -1;
      Expression * simplifiedCosine = e->shallowReduce(context, angleUnit); // recursive
      Multiplication * m = new Multiplication(new Rational(unaryCoefficient), simplifiedCosine->clone(), false);
      return simplifiedCosine->replaceWith(m, true)->shallowReduce(context, angleUnit);
    assert(r->sign() == Expression::Sign::Positive);
  return e;
Esempio n. 2
Rational Rational::Power(const Rational & i, const Integer & j) {
  Integer absJ = j;
  Integer newNumerator = Integer::Power(i.numerator(), absJ);
  Integer newDenominator = Integer::Power(i.denominator(), absJ);
  if (j.isNegative()) {
    return Rational(newDenominator, newNumerator);
  return Rational(newNumerator, newDenominator);
Esempio n. 3
INTERN_MP_FLOAT::to_double(const Root_of_2<MP_Float> &x)
  typedef MP_Float RT;
  typedef Quotient<RT> FT;
  typedef CGAL::Rational_traits< FT > Rational;
  Rational r;
  const RT r1 = r.numerator(x.alpha());
  const RT d1 = r.denominator(x.alpha());

  if(x.is_rational()) {
    std::pair<double, int> n = to_double_exp(r1);
    std::pair<double, int> d = to_double_exp(d1);
    double scale = std::ldexp(1.0, n.second - d.second);
    return (n.first / d.first) * scale;

  const RT r2 = r.numerator(x.beta());
  const RT d2 = r.denominator(x.beta());
  const RT r3 = r.numerator(x.gamma());
  const RT d3 = r.denominator(x.gamma());

  std::pair<double, int> n1 = to_double_exp(r1);
  std::pair<double, int> v1 = to_double_exp(d1);
  double scale1 = std::ldexp(1.0, n1.second - v1.second);

  std::pair<double, int> n2 = to_double_exp(r2);
  std::pair<double, int> v2 = to_double_exp(d2);
  double scale2 = std::ldexp(1.0, n2.second - v2.second);

  std::pair<double, int> n3 = to_double_exp(r3);
  std::pair<double, int> v3 = to_double_exp(d3);
  double scale3 = std::ldexp(1.0, n3.second - v3.second);

  return ((n1.first / v1.first) * scale1) + 
         ((n2.first / v2.first) * scale2) *
         std::sqrt((n3.first / v3.first) * scale3);
Esempio n. 4
File: Merger.cpp Progetto: orcc/jade
SuperInstance*  Merger::getSuperInstance(Instance* src, Instance* dst, list<Connection*>* connections ){
    // Superinstance name
    stringstream id;
    id << "merger";
    id << index++;

    //Get property of instances
    Actor* srcAct = src->getActor();
    MoC* srcMoC = srcAct->getMoC();
    Actor* dstAct = dst->getActor();
    MoC* dstMoC = dstAct->getMoC();
    Pattern* srcPattern = ((CSDFMoC*)srcMoC)->getOutputPattern();
    Pattern* dstPattern = ((CSDFMoC*)dstMoC)->getInputPattern();

    map<Port*, Port*>* internPorts = new map<Port*, Port*>();

    // Calculate rate and set internal ports
    Rational rate;

    list<Connection*>::iterator it;
    for (it = connections->begin(); it != connections->end(); it++){
        Connection* connection = *it;

        // Get ports of the connection
        Port* srcPort = connection->getSourcePort();
        Port* dstPort = connection->getDestinationPort();

        // Get corresponding port in actor
        Port* srcActPort = srcAct->getOutput(srcPort->getName());
        Port* dstActPort = dstAct->getInput(dstPort->getName());

        // Verify that rate of the two instances are consistent
        Rational compareRate = getRational(srcPattern->getNumTokens(srcActPort), dstPattern->getNumTokens(dstActPort));
        if ( rate == 0){
            rate = compareRate;
        }else if (rate != compareRate){
            // This two instances can't be merged
            return NULL;

        // Set internal ports of each instances
        internPorts->insert(pair<Port*, Port*>(srcPort, dstPort));

    return new SuperInstance(Context, id.str() , src, rate.numerator(), dst, rate.denominator(), internPorts);
Rational operator / ( const Rational & lhs, const Rational & rhs ) {
	return Rational(lhs.numerator() * rhs.denominator(), lhs.denominator() * rhs.numerator());
Esempio n. 6
const Rational<T> operator*(const Rational<T>& lhs, 
							const Rational<T>& rhs)
	return Rational<T>(lhs.numerator() * rhs.numerator(), lhs.denominator() * lhs.denominator());
const Rational<T> doMultiply (const Rational<T>& lhs,
		const Rational<T>& rhs) {
	return Rational<T>(lhs.numerator()*rhs.numerator(),
Esempio n. 8
int Rational::NaturalOrder(const Rational & i, const Rational & j) {
  Integer i1 = Integer::Multiplication(i.numerator(), j.denominator());
  Integer i2 = Integer::Multiplication(i.denominator(), j.numerator());
  return Integer::NaturalOrder(i1, i2);
Esempio n. 9
Rational Rational::Multiplication(const Rational & i, const Rational & j) {
  Integer newNumerator = Integer::Multiplication(i.numerator(), j.numerator());
  Integer newDenominator = Integer::Multiplication(i.denominator(), j.denominator());
  return Rational(newNumerator, newDenominator);
Esempio n. 10
bool Rational::operator==(const Rational& r) const
    // todo: 1/2 == 2/4
    return n==r.numerator() && d==r.denominator();
Esempio n. 11
int main()
	using namespace std;
	using numeric::Rational;

	Rational a { 1, 3 };
	Rational b { 3, 2 };

	cout << "Rational Number Class - Test Program\n"
		 << endl;
	Rational c = a + b;

	cout << a.numerator() << '/' << a.denominator() << " + "
		 << b.numerator() << '/' << b.denominator() << " = "
		 << c.numerator() << '/' << c.denominator() << endl;

	Rational d = a * c;

	cout << a.numerator() << '/' << a.denominator() << " * "
		 << c.numerator() << '/' << c.denominator() << " = "
		 << d.numerator() << '/' << d.denominator() << endl;

	Rational e = d - b;

	cout << d.numerator() << '/' << d.denominator() << " - "
		 << b.numerator() << '/' << b.denominator() << " = "
		 << e.numerator() << '/' << e.denominator() << endl;

	Rational f = e / a;

	cout << e.numerator() << '/' << e.denominator() << " / "
		 << a.numerator() << '/' << a.denominator() << " = "
		 << f.numerator() << '/' << f.denominator() << endl;


	cout << a.numerator() << '/' << a.denominator() << " == "
		 << b.numerator() << '/' << b.denominator() << " ? "
		 << (a == b) << endl;

	cout << c.numerator() << '/' << c.denominator()
		 << " Positive? " << (c > Rational::ZERO) << endl;

	cout << e.numerator() << '/' << e.denominator()
		 << " Negative? " << (e < Rational::ZERO) << endl;

	return 0;