Esempio n. 1
 void Render(HDC hdc, RectI target, int pageNo, float zoom) {
     ScopedCritSec scope(&currAccess);
     if (currBmp && currPage == pageNo && currSize == target.Size())
         currBmp->StretchDIBits(hdc, target);
     else if (!thread) {
         reqPage = pageNo;
         reqZoom = zoom;
         reqSize = target.Size();
         thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, RenderThread, this, 0, 0);
Esempio n. 2
 void Render(HDC hdc, RectI target, int pageNo, float zoom) {
     ScopedCritSec scope(&currAccess);
     if (currBmp && currPage == pageNo && currSize == target.Size())
         currBmp->StretchDIBits(hdc, target);
     else if (!thread) {
         reqPage = pageNo;
         reqZoom = zoom;
         reqSize = target.Size();
         reqAbort = false;
         thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, RenderThread, this, 0, 0);
     else if (reqPage != pageNo || reqSize != target.Size()) {
         if (abortCookie)
         reqAbort = true;
RenderedBitmap *DjVuEngineImpl::RenderBitmap(int pageNo, float zoom, int rotation, RectD *pageRect, RenderTarget target, AbortCookie **cookie_out)
    ScopedCritSec scope(&gDjVuContext.lock);

    RectD pageRc = pageRect ? *pageRect : PageMediabox(pageNo);
    RectI screen = Transform(pageRc, pageNo, zoom, rotation).Round();
    RectI full = Transform(PageMediabox(pageNo), pageNo, zoom, rotation).Round();
    screen = full.Intersect(screen);

    ddjvu_page_t *page = ddjvu_page_create_by_pageno(doc, pageNo-1);
    if (!page)
        return NULL;
    int rotation4 = (((-rotation / 90) % 4) + 4) % 4;
    ddjvu_page_set_rotation(page, (ddjvu_page_rotation_t)rotation4);

    while (!ddjvu_page_decoding_done(page))
    if (ddjvu_page_decoding_error(page))
        return NULL;

    bool isBitonal = DDJVU_PAGETYPE_BITONAL == ddjvu_page_get_type(page);
    ddjvu_format_t *fmt = ddjvu_format_create(isBitonal ? DDJVU_FORMAT_GREY8 : DDJVU_FORMAT_BGR24, 0, NULL);
    ddjvu_format_set_row_order(fmt, /* top_to_bottom */ TRUE);
    ddjvu_rect_t prect = { full.x, full.y, full.dx, full.dy };
    ddjvu_rect_t rrect = { screen.x, 2 * full.y - screen.y + full.dy - screen.dy, screen.dx, screen.dy };

    RenderedBitmap *bmp = NULL;
    int stride = ((screen.dx * (isBitonal ? 1 : 3) + 3) / 4) * 4;
    ScopedMem<char> bmpData(AllocArray<char>(stride * (screen.dy + 5)));
    if (bmpData) {
#ifndef DEBUG
        ddjvu_render_mode_t mode = isBitonal ? DDJVU_RENDER_MASKONLY : DDJVU_RENDER_COLOR;
        // TODO: there seems to be a heap corruption in IW44Image.cpp
        //       in debug builds when passing in DDJVU_RENDER_COLOR
        ddjvu_render_mode_t mode = DDJVU_RENDER_MASKONLY;
        if (ddjvu_page_render(page, mode, &prect, &rrect, fmt, stride, bmpData.Get())) {
            bmp = new RenderedDjVuPixmap(bmpData, screen.Size(), isBitonal);
            AddUserAnnots(bmp, pageNo, zoom, rotation, screen);


    return bmp;
Esempio n. 4
void EnsureAreaVisibility(RectI& r)
    // adjust to the work-area of the current monitor (not necessarily the primary one)
    RectI work = GetWorkAreaRect(r);

    // make sure that the window is neither too small nor bigger than the monitor
    if (r.dx < MIN_WIN_DX || r.dx > work.dx)
        r.dx = (int)min(work.dy * DEF_PAGE_RATIO, work.dx);
    if (r.dy < MIN_WIN_DY || r.dy > work.dy)
        r.dy = work.dy;

    // check whether the lower half of the window's title bar is
    // inside a visible working area
    int captionDy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);
    RectI halfCaption(r.x, r.y + captionDy / 2, r.dx, captionDy / 2);
    if (halfCaption.Intersect(work).IsEmpty())
        r = RectI(work.TL(), r.Size());
Esempio n. 5
RenderedBitmap *ImagesEngine::RenderBitmap(int pageNo, float zoom, int rotation, RectD *pageRect, RenderTarget target, AbortCookie **cookie_out)
    RectD pageRc = pageRect ? *pageRect : PageMediabox(pageNo);
    RectI screen = Transform(pageRc, pageNo, zoom, rotation).Round();
    screen.Offset(-screen.x, -screen.y);

    HDC hDC = GetDC(NULL);
    HDC hDCMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
    HBITMAP hbmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, screen.dx, screen.dy);
    DeleteObject(SelectObject(hDCMem, hbmp));

    bool ok = RenderPage(hDCMem, screen, pageNo, zoom, rotation, pageRect, target, cookie_out);
    ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC);
    if (!ok) {
        return NULL;

    return new RenderedBitmap(hbmp, screen.Size());