GLBlitTextureImageHelper::BlitTextureImage(TextureImage *aSrc, const nsIntRect& aSrcRect,
                                           TextureImage *aDst, const nsIntRect& aDstRect)
    NS_ASSERTION(!aSrc->InUpdate(), "Source texture is in update!");
    NS_ASSERTION(!aDst->InUpdate(), "Destination texture is in update!");

    if (aSrcRect.IsEmpty() || aDstRect.IsEmpty())

    int savedFb = 0;
    mGL->fGetIntegerv(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &savedFb);

    ScopedGLState scopedScissorTestState(mGL, LOCAL_GL_SCISSOR_TEST, false);
    ScopedGLState scopedBlendState(mGL, LOCAL_GL_BLEND, false);

    // 2.0 means scale up by two
    float blitScaleX = float(aDstRect.width) / float(aSrcRect.width);
    float blitScaleY = float(aDstRect.height) / float(aSrcRect.height);

    // We start iterating over all destination tiles
    do {
        // calculate portion of the tile that is going to be painted to
        nsIntRect dstSubRect;
        nsIntRect dstTextureRect = ThebesIntRect(aDst->GetTileRect());
        dstSubRect.IntersectRect(aDstRect, dstTextureRect);

        // this tile is not part of the destination rectangle aDstRect
        if (dstSubRect.IsEmpty())

        // (*) transform the rect of this tile into the rectangle defined by aSrcRect...
        nsIntRect dstInSrcRect(dstSubRect);
        // ...which might be of different size, hence scale accordingly
        dstInSrcRect.ScaleRoundOut(1.0f / blitScaleX, 1.0f / blitScaleY);


        // now iterate over all tiles in the source Image...
        do {
            // calculate portion of the source tile that is in the source rect
            nsIntRect srcSubRect;
            nsIntRect srcTextureRect = ThebesIntRect(aSrc->GetTileRect());
            srcSubRect.IntersectRect(aSrcRect, srcTextureRect);

            // this tile is not part of the source rect
            if (srcSubRect.IsEmpty()) {
            // calculate intersection of source rect with destination rect
            srcSubRect.IntersectRect(srcSubRect, dstInSrcRect);
            // this tile does not overlap the current destination tile
            if (srcSubRect.IsEmpty()) {
            // We now have the intersection of
            //     the current source tile
            // and the desired source rectangle
            // and the destination tile
            // and the desired destination rectange
            // in destination space.
            // We need to transform this back into destination space, inverting the transform from (*)
            nsIntRect srcSubInDstRect(srcSubRect);
            srcSubInDstRect.ScaleRoundOut(blitScaleX, blitScaleY);

            // we transform these rectangles to be relative to the current src and dst tiles, respectively
            nsIntSize srcSize = srcTextureRect.Size();
            nsIntSize dstSize = dstTextureRect.Size();
            srcSubRect.MoveBy(-srcTextureRect.x, -srcTextureRect.y);
            srcSubInDstRect.MoveBy(-dstTextureRect.x, -dstTextureRect.y);

            float dx0 = 2.0f * float(srcSubInDstRect.x) / float(dstSize.width) - 1.0f;
            float dy0 = 2.0f * float(srcSubInDstRect.y) / float(dstSize.height) - 1.0f;
            float dx1 = 2.0f * float(srcSubInDstRect.x + srcSubInDstRect.width) / float(dstSize.width) - 1.0f;
            float dy1 = 2.0f * float(srcSubInDstRect.y + srcSubInDstRect.height) / float(dstSize.height) - 1.0f;
            ScopedViewportRect autoViewportRect(mGL, 0, 0, dstSize.width, dstSize.height);

            RectTriangles rects;

            nsIntSize realTexSize = srcSize;
            if (!CanUploadNonPowerOfTwo(mGL)) {
                realTexSize = nsIntSize(gfx::NextPowerOfTwo(srcSize.width),

            if (aSrc->GetWrapMode() == LOCAL_GL_REPEAT) {
                rects.addRect(/* dest rectangle */
                        dx0, dy0, dx1, dy1,
                        /* tex coords */
                        srcSubRect.x / float(realTexSize.width),
                        srcSubRect.y / float(realTexSize.height),
                        srcSubRect.XMost() / float(realTexSize.width),
                        srcSubRect.YMost() / float(realTexSize.height));
            } else {
                DecomposeIntoNoRepeatTriangles(srcSubRect, realTexSize, rects);

                // now put the coords into the d[xy]0 .. d[xy]1 coordinate space
                // from the 0..1 that it comes out of decompose
                RectTriangles::vert_coord* v = (RectTriangles::vert_coord*)rects.vertexPointer();

                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rects.elements(); ++i) {
                    v[i].x = (v[i].x * (dx1 - dx0)) + dx0;
                    v[i].y = (v[i].y * (dy1 - dy0)) + dy0;

            ScopedBindTextureUnit autoTexUnit(mGL, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE0);
            ScopedBindTexture autoTex(mGL, aSrc->GetTextureID());

            mGL->fBindBuffer(LOCAL_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

            mGL->fVertexAttribPointer(0, 2, LOCAL_GL_FLOAT, LOCAL_GL_FALSE, 0, rects.vertexPointer());
            mGL->fVertexAttribPointer(1, 2, LOCAL_GL_FLOAT, LOCAL_GL_FALSE, 0, rects.texCoordPointer());


            mGL->fDrawArrays(LOCAL_GL_TRIANGLES, 0, rects.elements());


        } while (aSrc->NextTile());
    } while (aDst->NextTile());

    mGL->fVertexAttribPointer(0, 2, LOCAL_GL_FLOAT, LOCAL_GL_FALSE, 0, nullptr);
    mGL->fVertexAttribPointer(1, 2, LOCAL_GL_FLOAT, LOCAL_GL_FALSE, 0, nullptr);

    // unbind the previous texture from the framebuffer

    mGL->fBindFramebuffer(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, savedFb);