Esempio n. 1
void XSModel::addGrammarToXSModel(XSNamespaceItem* namespaceItem)
    // Loop through top-level attribute declarations in the grammar...
    RefHashTableOf<XMLAttDef>* attDeclRegistry = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getAttributeDeclRegistry();
    if(attDeclRegistry) {
        RefHashTableOfEnumerator<XMLAttDef> attrEnum = RefHashTableOfEnumerator<XMLAttDef> (attDeclRegistry, false, fMemoryManager);
        while (attrEnum.hasMoreElements())
            XSAttributeDeclaration* xsAttrDecl = fObjFactory->addOrFind
                (SchemaAttDef*) &(attrEnum.nextElement()), this

                namespaceItem, xsAttrDecl, XSConstants::ATTRIBUTE_DECLARATION - 1
        } // end of attribute loop

    // Loop through top-level elements in the grammar...
    RefHash3KeysIdPoolEnumerator<SchemaElementDecl> elemEnum = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getElemEnumerator();    
    while (elemEnum.hasMoreElements())
        SchemaElementDecl& curElem = elemEnum.nextElement();
        if (curElem.getEnclosingScope() == Grammar::TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE) 
            XSElementDeclaration* xsElemDecl = fObjFactory->addOrFind
                &curElem, this

                namespaceItem, xsElemDecl, XSConstants::ELEMENT_DECLARATION -1
    } // end of element loop

    // Now loop through top-level User Defined simple type definitions in the grammar...
    DVHashTable* dvHT = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getDatatypeRegistry()->getUserDefinedRegistry();
    if (dvHT)
        RefHashTableOfEnumerator<DatatypeValidator> simpleUserEnum = RefHashTableOfEnumerator<DatatypeValidator> (dvHT, false, fMemoryManager);
        while (simpleUserEnum.hasMoreElements())
            DatatypeValidator& curSimple = simpleUserEnum.nextElement();
            if (!curSimple.getAnonymous())
                    , fObjFactory->addOrFind(&curSimple, this)
                    , XSConstants::TYPE_DEFINITION - 1
        } // end of simple User loop

    // Loop through top-level COMPLEX type definitions in the grammar...
    RefHashTableOf<ComplexTypeInfo>* complexTypeRegistry = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getComplexTypeRegistry();
    if(complexTypeRegistry) {
        RefHashTableOfEnumerator<ComplexTypeInfo> complexEnum = RefHashTableOfEnumerator<ComplexTypeInfo> (complexTypeRegistry, false, fMemoryManager);
        while (complexEnum.hasMoreElements())
            ComplexTypeInfo&  curComplex = complexEnum.nextElement();
            if (!curComplex.getAnonymous())
                    , fObjFactory->addOrFind(&curComplex, this)
                    , XSConstants::TYPE_DEFINITION - 1
        }  // end of type definition loop

    // Loop through top-level attribute group definitions in the grammar...
    RefHashTableOf<XercesAttGroupInfo>* attGroupInfoRegistry = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getAttGroupInfoRegistry();
    if(attGroupInfoRegistry) {
        RefHashTableOfEnumerator<XercesAttGroupInfo> attrGroupEnum = RefHashTableOfEnumerator<XercesAttGroupInfo> (attGroupInfoRegistry, false, fMemoryManager);
        while (attrGroupEnum.hasMoreElements())
                , fObjFactory->createXSAttGroupDefinition
                      &(attrGroupEnum.nextElement()), this
                , XSConstants::ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_DEFINITION - 1
        } // end of attribute group loop

    // Loop through top-level model group definitions in the grammar...
    RefHashTableOf<XercesGroupInfo>* groupInfoRegistry = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getGroupInfoRegistry();
    if(groupInfoRegistry) {
        RefHashTableOfEnumerator<XercesGroupInfo> modelGroupEnum = RefHashTableOfEnumerator<XercesGroupInfo> (groupInfoRegistry, false, fMemoryManager);
        while (modelGroupEnum.hasMoreElements())
                , fObjFactory->createXSModelGroupDefinition
                      &(modelGroupEnum.nextElement()), this
                , XSConstants::MODEL_GROUP_DEFINITION - 1
        } // end of model group loop

    // Loop through notations in the grammar...    
    NameIdPoolEnumerator<XMLNotationDecl> notationEnum = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getNotationEnumerator();
    while (notationEnum.hasMoreElements())
            , fObjFactory->addOrFind(&(notationEnum.nextElement()), this)
            , XSConstants::NOTATION_DECLARATION - 1
    } // end of notation loop

    // Loop through annotations in the grammar...
    // As annotations are already created as XSAnnotations no need to create them
    // or store them in the XercesToXSMap.
    XSAnnotation* annot = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getAnnotation();
    while (annot)
        addComponentToIdVector(annot, XSConstants::ANNOTATION -1);
        annot = annot->getNext();
    } // end of annotation loop
Esempio n. 2
void process(char* const xmlFile)
    //  Create a Schema validator to be used for our validation work. Then create
    //  a SAX parser object and pass it our validator. Then, according to what
    //  we were told on the command line, set it to validate or not. He owns
    //  the validator, so we have to allocate it.
    SAXParser parser;


    if (parser.getErrorCount())
        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\nErrors occurred, no output available\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;

	if (!parser.getValidator().handlesSchema())
		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\n Non schema document, no output available\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;

	Grammar* rootGrammar = parser.getRootGrammar();
	if (!rootGrammar || rootGrammar->getGrammarType() != Grammar::SchemaGrammarType)
		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\n Non schema grammar, no output available\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;

	//  Now we will get an enumerator for the element pool from the validator
	//  and enumerate the elements, printing them as we go. For each element
	//  we get an enumerator for its attributes and print them also.

	SchemaGrammar* grammar = (SchemaGrammar*) rootGrammar;
	RefHash3KeysIdPoolEnumerator<SchemaElementDecl> elemEnum = grammar->getElemEnumerator();

	if (!elemEnum.hasMoreElements())
		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\nThe validator has no elements to display\n" << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;

		const SchemaElementDecl& curElem = elemEnum.nextElement();

		// Name
		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Name:\t\t\t" << StrX(curElem.getFullName()) << "\n";

		// Model Type
		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Model Type:\t\t";
		switch( curElem.getModelType() )
		case SchemaElementDecl::Empty:          XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Empty";         break;
		case SchemaElementDecl::Any:            XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Any";           break;
		case SchemaElementDecl::Mixed_Simple:   XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Mixed_Simple";  break;
		case SchemaElementDecl::Mixed_Complex:  XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Mixed_Complex"; break;
		case SchemaElementDecl::Children:       XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Children";      break;
		case SchemaElementDecl::Simple:         XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Simple";        break;
        case SchemaElementDecl::ElementOnlyEmpty:    XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "ElementOnlyEmpty";    break;

		default:                                XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Unknown";       break;

		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\n";

		// Create Reason
		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Create Reason:\t";
		switch( curElem.getCreateReason() )
		case XMLElementDecl::NoReason:          XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Empty";            break;
		case XMLElementDecl::Declared:          XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Declared";         break;
		case XMLElementDecl::AttList:           XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "AttList";          break;
		case XMLElementDecl::InContentModel:    XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "InContentModel";   break;
		case XMLElementDecl::AsRootElem:        XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "AsRootElem";       break;
		case XMLElementDecl::JustFaultIn:       XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "JustFaultIn";      break;

		default:                            XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Unknown";  break;

		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\n";

		// Content Spec Node
		processContentSpecNode( curElem.getContentSpec() );

		// Misc Flags
		int mflags = curElem.getMiscFlags();
		if( mflags !=0 )
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Misc. Flags:\t";

        if ( mflags & SchemaSymbols::XSD_NILLABLE )
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Nillable ";

		if ( mflags & SchemaSymbols::XSD_ABSTRACT )
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Abstract ";

		if ( mflags & SchemaSymbols::XSD_FIXED )
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Fixed ";

		if( mflags !=0 )
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\n";

		// Substitution Name
		SchemaElementDecl* subsGroup = curElem.getSubstitutionGroupElem();
		if( subsGroup )
			const XMLCh* uriText = parser.getURIText(subsGroup->getURI());
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Substitution Name:\t" << StrX(uriText)
			     << "," << StrX(subsGroup->getBaseName()) << "\n";

		// Content Model
		const XMLCh* fmtCntModel = curElem.getFormattedContentModel();
		if( fmtCntModel != NULL )
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "Content Model:\t" << StrX(fmtCntModel) << "\n";

		const ComplexTypeInfo* ctype = curElem.getComplexTypeInfo();
		if( ctype != NULL)
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "ComplexType:\n";
			XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "\tTypeName:\t" << StrX(ctype->getTypeName()) << "\n";

			ContentSpecNode* cSpecNode = ctype->getContentSpec();
			processContentSpecNode(cSpecNode, true );

		// Datatype
		DatatypeValidator* dtValidator = curElem.getDatatypeValidator();
		processDatatypeValidator( dtValidator );

		// Get an enumerator for this guy's attributes if any
		if ( curElem.hasAttDefs() )
			processAttributes( curElem.getAttDefList() );

		XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cout << "--------------------------------------------";

