Esempio n. 1
void AlleleIdentity::PredictSequenceMotifSSE(const LocalReferenceContext &reference_context,
                             const TIonMotifSet & ErrorMotifs,
                             const ReferenceReader &ref_reader, int chr_idx) {

  //cout << "Hello from PredictSequenceMotifSSE" << endl;
  sse_prob_positive_strand = 0;
  sse_prob_negative_strand = 0;
  //long vcf_position = reference_context.position0+1;
  long var_position = reference_context.position0 + left_anchor; // This points to the first deleted base

  string seqContext;
  // status.isHPIndel && status.isDeletion implies > 1
  if (status.isHPIndel && status.isDeletion) {

    // cout << start_pos << "\t" << variant_context.refBaseAtCandidatePosition << variant_context.ref_hp_length << "\t" << variant_context.refBaseLeft << variant_context.left_hp_length << "\t" << variant_context.refBaseRight  << variant_context.right_hp_length << "\t";

    unsigned context_left = var_position >= 10 ? 10 : var_position;
    //if (var_position + + 10 < ref_reader.chr_size(chr_idx))
      seqContext = ref_reader.substr(chr_idx, var_position - context_left, context_left + (unsigned int)reference_context.my_hp_length[left_anchor] + 10);
    //  else
    //  seqContext = ref_reader.substr(chr_idx, var_position - context_left);

    if (seqContext.length() > 0 && context_left < seqContext.length()) {
      sse_prob_positive_strand = ErrorMotifs.get_sse_probability(seqContext, context_left);

       //cout << seqContext << "\t" << context_left << "\t" << sse_prob_positive_strand << "\t";

      context_left = seqContext.length() - context_left - 1;
      string reverse_seqContext;
      ReverseComplement(seqContext, reverse_seqContext);

      sse_prob_negative_strand = ErrorMotifs.get_sse_probability(reverse_seqContext, context_left);

     // cout << reverse_seqContext << "\t" << context_left << "\t" << sse_prob_negative_strand << "\t";

Esempio n. 2
string SpliceDoRealignement (PersistingThreadObjects &thread_objects, const Alignment &current_read, long variant_position,
		                     bool &changed_alignment, int DEBUG, const ReferenceReader &ref_reader, int chr_idx) {

  // We do not allow any clipping since we align a short substring
  thread_objects.realigner.SetClipping(0, true);
  string new_alignment;

  // --- Get index positions at snp variant position
  int read_idx = current_read.left_sc;
  int ref_idx  = current_read.alignment.Position;
  unsigned int pretty_idx = 0;

  while (pretty_idx < current_read.pretty_aln.length() and ref_idx < variant_position) {
    IncrementAlignmentIndices(current_read.pretty_aln[pretty_idx], ref_idx, read_idx);
  if (DEBUG > 1)
    cout << "Computed variant position as (red, ref, pretty) " << read_idx << " " << ref_idx << " " << pretty_idx << endl;

  if (pretty_idx >= current_read.pretty_aln.length()
       or ref_idx  >= ref_reader.chr_size(chr_idx)
       or read_idx >= (int)current_read.alignment.QueryBases.length() - current_read.right_sc)
    return new_alignment;

  // --- Get small sequence context for very local realignment ------------------------
  int min_bases = 5;

  // Looking at alignment to the left of variant position to find right place to cut sequence
  int read_left = read_idx;
  int ref_left  = ref_idx;
  unsigned int pretty_left = pretty_idx;
  bool continue_looking = pretty_idx > 0;

  while (continue_looking) {
	DecrementAlignmentIndices(current_read.pretty_aln[pretty_left], ref_left, read_left);

	// Stopping criterion
	if (pretty_left < 1) {
      continue_looking = false;
	if (ref_idx - ref_left < min_bases)
      continue_looking = true;
	else {
	  // make sure to start with a matching base and don't split large HPs
	  if (current_read.pretty_aln[pretty_left] != '|'
          or (ref_reader.base(chr_idx,ref_left+1) == ref_reader.base(chr_idx,ref_left)))
	    continue_looking = true;
	    continue_looking = false;
  if (DEBUG > 1)
    cout << "Computed left realignment window as (red, ref, pretty) " << read_left << " " << ref_left << " " << pretty_left << endl;

  // Looking at alignment to the right to find right place to cut sequence
  int read_right = read_idx;
  int ref_right  = ref_idx;
  unsigned int pretty_right = pretty_idx;
  continue_looking = pretty_idx < current_read.pretty_aln.length()-1;

  while (continue_looking) {
  	IncrementAlignmentIndices(current_read.pretty_aln[pretty_right], ref_right, read_right);
  	// Stopping criterion (half open interval)
  	if (pretty_right >= current_read.pretty_aln.length()
        or ref_right >= ref_reader.chr_size(chr_idx)) {
      continue_looking = false;
  	if (ref_right - ref_idx < min_bases)
        continue_looking = true;
  	else {
  	  // make sure to stop with a matching base and don't split large HPs
  	  if (current_read.pretty_aln[pretty_right-1] != '|'
          or (ref_reader.base(chr_idx,ref_right-1) == ref_reader.base(chr_idx,ref_right)))
  	    continue_looking = true;
  	    continue_looking = false;
  if (DEBUG > 1)
    cout << "Computed right realignment window as (red, ref, pretty) " << read_right << " " << ref_right << " " << pretty_right << endl;
  // Put in some sanity checks for alignment boundaries found...

  // --- Realign -------------------------
  unsigned int start_position_shift;
  vector<CigarOp>    new_cigar_data;
  vector<MDelement>  new_md_data;

  // printouts
  if (DEBUG > 1) {
    thread_objects.realigner.verbose_ = true;
    cout << "Realigned " << current_read.alignment.Name << " from " << endl;
  if (read_left >= read_right and ref_left >= ref_right) {
    if (DEBUG > 1)
      cout << "ERROR: realignment window has zero size! " << endl;
    return new_alignment;

  string old_alignment = current_read.pretty_aln.substr(pretty_left, pretty_right-pretty_left);
  thread_objects.realigner.SetSequences(current_read.alignment.QueryBases.substr(read_left, read_right-read_left),
                         ref_reader.substr(chr_idx, ref_left, ref_right-ref_left), old_alignment, true);

  if (!thread_objects.realigner.computeSWalignment(new_cigar_data, new_md_data, start_position_shift)) {
    if (DEBUG > 1)
      cout << "ERROR: realignment failed! " << endl;
    return new_alignment;

  // --- Fuse realigned partial sequence back into pretty_aln string
  new_alignment = current_read.pretty_aln;
  if (old_alignment == thread_objects.realigner.pretty_aln()) {
    changed_alignment = false;
  else {
    new_alignment.replace(pretty_left, (pretty_right-pretty_left), thread_objects.realigner.pretty_aln());
    changed_alignment = true;
  return new_alignment;