Esempio n. 1
//   Create a static flow field 
//   Input: (float) vector data, minB, maxB
//   note this flow field can be a subfield so 
//   minB[0/1/2] may not be zero, and maxB[0/1/2]
//   may not be the max of the entire field 
void OSUFlow::InitStaticFlowField(float* pData, VECTOR3 minB, 
				  VECTOR3 maxB)
	int dimension[3], totalNum;

	dimension[0] = maxB[0]-minB[0]+1; 
	dimension[1] = maxB[1]-minB[1]+1; 
	dimension[2] = maxB[2]-minB[2]+1; 

	totalNum = dimension[0] * dimension[1] * dimension[2];

	// create field object
	Solution* pSolution;
	RegularCartesianGrid* pRegularCGrid;
	VECTOR3* pVector;
	VECTOR3** ppVector;
	pVector = new VECTOR3[totalNum];
	for(int iFor = 0; iFor < totalNum; iFor++)
		pVector[iFor].Set(pData[iFor*3], pData[iFor*3+1], pData[iFor*3+2]);
	ppVector = new VECTOR3*[1];
	ppVector[0] = pVector;
	pSolution = new Solution(ppVector, totalNum, 1);
	pRegularCGrid = new RegularCartesianGrid(dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2]);
	lMin = minB; lMax = maxB; //local data min/max range
	pRegularCGrid->SetBoundary(lMin, lMax);
	assert(pSolution != NULL && pRegularCGrid != NULL);
	flowField = new CVectorField(pRegularCGrid, pSolution, 1);
Esempio n. 2
void OSUFlow:: InitTimeVaryingFlowField(void)
	FILE *fIn;
	FILE *fVecIn;
	int timesteps;
	char* filename = new char[100];
	int dimension[3], totalNum, tStep;
	float** ppData = NULL;
	float* pData = NULL;
	VECTOR3** ppVector;
	Solution* pSolution;
	RegularCartesianGrid* pRegularCGrid;
	// load in data
	fIn = fopen(flowName, "r");
	assert(fIn != NULL);
	fscanf(fIn, "%d", &timesteps);
	ppData = new float*[timesteps];
	ppVector = new VECTOR3*[timesteps];
	for(int iFor = 0; iFor < timesteps; iFor++)
		VECTOR3* pVector;

		fscanf(fIn, "%s", filename);
		fVecIn = fopen(filename, "rb");
		fread(dimension, sizeof(int), 3, fVecIn);
		fread(&tStep, sizeof(int), 1, fVecIn);
		totalNum = dimension[0] * dimension[1] * dimension[2];
		pData = new float[totalNum * 3];
		fread(pData, sizeof(float), totalNum*3, fVecIn);

		pVector = new VECTOR3[totalNum];
		for(int jFor = 0; jFor < totalNum; jFor++)
			pVector[jFor].Set(pData[jFor*3], pData[jFor*3+1], pData[jFor*3+2]);
		delete[] pData;
		ppVector[iFor] = pVector;
	pSolution = new Solution(ppVector, totalNum, timesteps);
	pRegularCGrid = new RegularCartesianGrid(dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2]);
	// set the boundary of physical grid
	VECTOR3 minB, maxB;
	minB.Set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	maxB.Set((float)dimension[0], (float)dimension[1], (float)dimension[2]);
	pRegularCGrid->SetBoundary(minB, maxB);
	assert(pSolution != NULL && pRegularCGrid != NULL);
	flowField = new CVectorField(pRegularCGrid, pSolution, timesteps);
Esempio n. 3
//Read the whole datafile and create a vectorfield object based on that 
void OSUFlow::InitStaticFlowField(void)
	FILE *fIn;
	int dimension[3], totalNum;
	float* pData = NULL;
	fIn = fopen(flowName, "rb");
	assert(fIn != NULL);
	fread(dimension, sizeof(int), 3, fIn);
	totalNum = dimension[0] * dimension[1] * dimension[2];
	pData = new float[totalNum * 3];
	fread(pData, sizeof(float), totalNum*3, fIn);

	// ADD-BY-LEETEN 03/19/2010-BEGIN
	for(int i = 0; i < totalNum; i++)
		pData[3 * i + 2] = 0.0f;
	// ADD-BY-LEETEN 03/19/2010-END

	// create field object
	Solution* pSolution;
	RegularCartesianGrid* pRegularCGrid;
	VECTOR3* pVector;
	VECTOR3** ppVector;
	pVector = new VECTOR3[totalNum];
	for(int iFor = 0; iFor < totalNum; iFor++)
		pVector[iFor].Set(pData[iFor*3], pData[iFor*3+1], pData[iFor*3+2]);
	delete[] pData;
	ppVector = new VECTOR3*[1];
	ppVector[0] = pVector;
	pSolution = new Solution(ppVector, totalNum, 1);
	pRegularCGrid = new RegularCartesianGrid(dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2]);
	// set the boundary of physical grid
	gMin.Set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	lMin.Set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	gMax.Set((float)(dimension[0]-1), (float)(dimension[1]-1), (float)(dimension[2]-1));
	lMax.Set((float)(dimension[0]-1), (float)(dimension[1]-1), (float)(dimension[2]-1));
	pRegularCGrid->SetBoundary(gMin, gMax);
	assert(pSolution != NULL && pRegularCGrid != NULL);
	flowField = new CVectorField(pRegularCGrid, pSolution, 1);
Esempio n. 4
CVectorField* OSUFlow::CreateStaticFlowField(float *pData, 
					     int xdim, int ydim, int zdim, 
					     float* minB, float* maxB,
					     int* minRealB, int* maxRealB) 
  CVectorField* field; 
  Solution* pSolution;
  RegularCartesianGrid* pRegularCGrid;
  VECTOR3* pVector;
  VECTOR3** ppVector;
  VECTOR3 min_b, max_b; 
  VECTOR4 realMin_b, realMax_b; 

  pVector = (VECTOR3*)pData;
  ppVector = new VECTOR3*[1]; 
  ppVector[0] = pVector; 

  int totalNum = xdim*ydim*zdim; 
  pSolution = new Solution(ppVector, totalNum, 1);
  pRegularCGrid = new RegularCartesianGrid(xdim, ydim, zdim); 

  min_b[0] = minB[0]; min_b[1] = minB[1]; min_b[2] = minB[2]; 
  max_b[0] = maxB[0]; max_b[1] = maxB[1]; max_b[2] = maxB[2]; 
  realMin_b[0] = minRealB[0]; realMin_b[1] = minRealB[1]; 
  realMin_b[2] = minRealB[2]; realMin_b[3] = minRealB[3]; 
  realMax_b[0] = maxRealB[0]; realMax_b[1] = maxRealB[1]; 
  realMax_b[2] = maxRealB[2]; realMax_b[3] = maxRealB[3]; 

  pRegularCGrid->SetBoundary(min_b, max_b);
  pRegularCGrid->SetRealBoundary(realMin_b, realMax_b);

  assert(pSolution != NULL && pRegularCGrid != NULL);
  field = new CVectorField(pRegularCGrid, pSolution, 1);
  flowField = field; 

Esempio n. 5
//   ppData are assumed to contain the vector data of 
//   max_t-min_t+1 time steps 
//   xdim, ydim, zdim are the resolutions of the data block
//   minB and maxB specify the actual physical bounds of the block 
//   min_t and max_t are the time interval that this block represents 
CVectorField* OSUFlow::CreateTimeVaryingFlowField(float** ppData, 
						  int xdim, int ydim, int zdim, 
						  float* minB, float* maxB, 
						  int* minRealB, int* maxRealB,
						  int min_t, int max_t) 
  CVectorField* field; 
  Solution* pSolution;
  RegularCartesianGrid* pRegularCGrid;
  VECTOR3** ppVector;
  VECTOR3 min_b, max_b; 
  VECTOR4 realMin_b, realMax_b; 
  int totalNum = xdim*ydim*zdim; 

  numTimesteps = max_t-min_t+1;  
  ppVector = (VECTOR3**)ppData;
  min_b[0] = minB[0]; min_b[1] = minB[1]; min_b[2] = minB[2]; 
  max_b[0] = maxB[0]; max_b[1] = maxB[1]; max_b[2] = maxB[2]; 
  realMin_b[0] = minRealB[0]; realMin_b[1] = minRealB[1]; 
  realMin_b[2] = minRealB[2]; realMin_b[3] = minRealB[3]; 
  realMax_b[0] = maxRealB[0]; realMax_b[1] = maxRealB[1]; 
  realMax_b[2] = maxRealB[2]; realMax_b[3] = maxRealB[3]; 

  // create the flow field now 
  pSolution = new Solution(ppVector, totalNum, numTimesteps, min_t, max_t);
  pRegularCGrid = new RegularCartesianGrid(xdim, ydim, zdim); 			

  pRegularCGrid->SetBoundary(min_b, max_b);
  pRegularCGrid->SetRealBoundary(realMin_b, realMax_b);

  assert(pSolution != NULL && pRegularCGrid != NULL);
  field = new CVectorField(pRegularCGrid, pSolution, numTimesteps, min_t);

  flowField = field; 