// Render submitted models (filtered by flags) using the given modifier void SortModelRenderer::Render(const RenderModifierPtr& modifier, int flags) { int pass = 0; if (m->models.size() == 0) return; do { int streamflags = modifier->BeginPass(pass); CModelDefPtr lastmdef; CTexturePtr lasttex; m->vertexRenderer->BeginPass(streamflags); for(std::vector<SModel*>::iterator it = m->models.begin(); it != m->models.end(); ++it) { SModel* smdl = *it; CModel* mdl = smdl->GetModel(); if (flags && !(mdl->GetFlags() & flags)) continue; ENSURE(smdl->GetKey() == m); CModelDefPtr mdef = mdl->GetModelDef(); CTexturePtr tex = mdl->GetTexture(); // Prepare per-CModelDef data if changed if (mdef != lastmdef) { m->vertexRenderer->PrepareModelDef(streamflags, mdef); lastmdef = mdef; } // Prepare necessary RenderModifier stuff if (tex != lasttex) { modifier->PrepareTexture(pass, tex); lasttex = tex; } modifier->PrepareModel(pass, mdl); // Render the model m->vertexRenderer->RenderModel(streamflags, mdl, smdl->m_Data); } m->vertexRenderer->EndPass(streamflags); } while(!modifier->EndPass(pass++)); }
void ShaderModelRenderer::Render(const RenderModifierPtr& modifier, const CShaderDefines& context, int cullGroup, int flags) { if (m->submissions[cullGroup].empty()) return; CMatrix3D worldToCam; g_Renderer.GetViewCamera().m_Orientation.GetInverse(worldToCam); /* * Rendering approach: * * m->submissions contains the list of CModels to render. * * The data we need to render a model is: * - CShaderTechnique * - CTexture * - CShaderUniforms * - CModelDef (mesh data) * - CModel (model instance data) * * For efficient rendering, we need to batch the draw calls to minimise state changes. * (Uniform and texture changes are assumed to be cheaper than binding new mesh data, * and shader changes are assumed to be most expensive.) * First, group all models that share a technique to render them together. * Within those groups, sub-group by CModelDef. * Within those sub-groups, sub-sub-group by CTexture. * Within those sub-sub-groups, sub-sub-sub-group by CShaderUniforms. * * Alpha-blended models have to be sorted by distance from camera, * then we can batch as long as the order is preserved. * Non-alpha-blended models can be arbitrarily reordered to maximise batching. * * For each model, the CShaderTechnique is derived from: * - The current global 'context' defines * - The CModel's material's defines * - The CModel's material's shader effect name * * There are a smallish number of materials, and a smaller number of techniques. * * To minimise technique lookups, we first group models by material, * in 'materialBuckets' (a hash table). * * For each material bucket we then look up the appropriate shader technique. * If the technique requires sort-by-distance, the model is added to the * 'sortByDistItems' list with its computed distance. * Otherwise, the bucket's list of models is sorted by modeldef+texture+uniforms, * then the technique and model list is added to 'techBuckets'. * * 'techBuckets' is then sorted by technique, to improve batching when multiple * materials map onto the same technique. * * (Note that this isn't perfect batching: we don't sort across models in * multiple buckets that share a technique. In practice that shouldn't reduce * batching much (we rarely have one mesh used with multiple materials), * and it saves on copying and lets us sort smaller lists.) * * Extra tech buckets are added for the sorted-by-distance models without reordering. * Finally we render by looping over each tech bucket, then looping over the model * list in each, rebinding the GL state whenever it changes. */ Allocators::DynamicArena arena(256 * KiB); typedef ProxyAllocator<CModel*, Allocators::DynamicArena> ModelListAllocator; typedef std::vector<CModel*, ModelListAllocator> ModelList_t; typedef boost::unordered_map<SMRMaterialBucketKey, ModelList_t, SMRMaterialBucketKeyHash, std::equal_to<SMRMaterialBucketKey>, ProxyAllocator<std::pair<const SMRMaterialBucketKey, ModelList_t>, Allocators::DynamicArena> > MaterialBuckets_t; MaterialBuckets_t materialBuckets((MaterialBuckets_t::allocator_type(arena))); { PROFILE3("bucketing by material"); for (size_t i = 0; i < m->submissions[cullGroup].size(); ++i) { CModel* model = m->submissions[cullGroup][i]; uint32_t condFlags = 0; const CShaderConditionalDefines& condefs = model->GetMaterial().GetConditionalDefines(); for (size_t j = 0; j < condefs.GetSize(); ++j) { const CShaderConditionalDefines::CondDefine& item = condefs.GetItem(j); int type = item.m_CondType; switch (type) { case DCOND_DISTANCE: { CVector3D modelpos = model->GetTransform().GetTranslation(); float dist = worldToCam.Transform(modelpos).Z; float dmin = item.m_CondArgs[0]; float dmax = item.m_CondArgs[1]; if ((dmin < 0 || dist >= dmin) && (dmax < 0 || dist < dmax)) condFlags |= (1 << j); break; } } } CShaderDefines defs = model->GetMaterial().GetShaderDefines(condFlags); SMRMaterialBucketKey key(model->GetMaterial().GetShaderEffect(), defs); MaterialBuckets_t::iterator it = materialBuckets.find(key); if (it == materialBuckets.end()) { std::pair<MaterialBuckets_t::iterator, bool> inserted = materialBuckets.insert( std::make_pair(key, ModelList_t(ModelList_t::allocator_type(arena)))); inserted.first->second.reserve(32); inserted.first->second.push_back(model); } else { it->second.push_back(model); } } } typedef ProxyAllocator<SMRSortByDistItem, Allocators::DynamicArena> SortByDistItemsAllocator; std::vector<SMRSortByDistItem, SortByDistItemsAllocator> sortByDistItems((SortByDistItemsAllocator(arena))); typedef ProxyAllocator<CShaderTechniquePtr, Allocators::DynamicArena> SortByTechItemsAllocator; std::vector<CShaderTechniquePtr, SortByTechItemsAllocator> sortByDistTechs((SortByTechItemsAllocator(arena))); // indexed by sortByDistItems[i].techIdx // (which stores indexes instead of CShaderTechniquePtr directly // to avoid the shared_ptr copy cost when sorting; maybe it'd be better // if we just stored raw CShaderTechnique* and assumed the shader manager // will keep it alive long enough) typedef ProxyAllocator<SMRTechBucket, Allocators::DynamicArena> TechBucketsAllocator; std::vector<SMRTechBucket, TechBucketsAllocator> techBuckets((TechBucketsAllocator(arena))); { PROFILE3("processing material buckets"); for (MaterialBuckets_t::iterator it = materialBuckets.begin(); it != materialBuckets.end(); ++it) { CShaderTechniquePtr tech = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(it->first.effect, context, it->first.defines); // Skip invalid techniques (e.g. from data file errors) if (!tech) continue; if (tech->GetSortByDistance()) { // Add the tech into a vector so we can index it // (There might be duplicates in this list, but that doesn't really matter) if (sortByDistTechs.empty() || sortByDistTechs.back() != tech) sortByDistTechs.push_back(tech); size_t techIdx = sortByDistTechs.size()-1; // Add each model into sortByDistItems for (size_t i = 0; i < it->second.size(); ++i) { SMRSortByDistItem itemWithDist; itemWithDist.techIdx = techIdx; CModel* model = it->second[i]; itemWithDist.model = model; CVector3D modelpos = model->GetTransform().GetTranslation(); itemWithDist.dist = worldToCam.Transform(modelpos).Z; sortByDistItems.push_back(itemWithDist); } } else { // Sort model list by modeldef+texture, for batching // TODO: This only sorts by base texture. While this is an OK approximation // for most cases (as related samplers are usually used together), it would be better // to take all the samplers into account when sorting here. std::sort(it->second.begin(), it->second.end(), SMRBatchModel()); // Add a tech bucket pointing at this model list SMRTechBucket techBucket = { tech, &it->second[0], it->second.size() }; techBuckets.push_back(techBucket); } } } { PROFILE3("sorting tech buckets"); // Sort by technique, for better batching std::sort(techBuckets.begin(), techBuckets.end(), SMRCompareTechBucket()); } // List of models corresponding to sortByDistItems[i].model // (This exists primarily because techBuckets wants a CModel**; // we could avoid the cost of copying into this list by adding // a stride length into techBuckets and not requiring contiguous CModel*s) std::vector<CModel*, ModelListAllocator> sortByDistModels((ModelListAllocator(arena))); if (!sortByDistItems.empty()) { { PROFILE3("sorting items by dist"); std::sort(sortByDistItems.begin(), sortByDistItems.end(), SMRCompareSortByDistItem()); } { PROFILE3("batching dist-sorted items"); sortByDistModels.reserve(sortByDistItems.size()); // Find runs of distance-sorted models that share a technique, // and create a new tech bucket for each run size_t start = 0; // start of current run size_t currentTechIdx = sortByDistItems[start].techIdx; for (size_t end = 0; end < sortByDistItems.size(); ++end) { sortByDistModels.push_back(sortByDistItems[end].model); size_t techIdx = sortByDistItems[end].techIdx; if (techIdx != currentTechIdx) { // Start of a new run - push the old run into a new tech bucket SMRTechBucket techBucket = { sortByDistTechs[currentTechIdx], &sortByDistModels[start], end-start }; techBuckets.push_back(techBucket); start = end; currentTechIdx = techIdx; } } // Add the tech bucket for the final run SMRTechBucket techBucket = { sortByDistTechs[currentTechIdx], &sortByDistModels[start], sortByDistItems.size()-start }; techBuckets.push_back(techBucket); } } { PROFILE3("rendering bucketed submissions"); size_t idxTechStart = 0; // This vector keeps track of texture changes during rendering. It is kept outside the // loops to avoid excessive reallocations. The token allocation of 64 elements // should be plenty, though it is reallocated below (at a cost) if necessary. typedef ProxyAllocator<CTexture*, Allocators::DynamicArena> TextureListAllocator; std::vector<CTexture*, TextureListAllocator> currentTexs((TextureListAllocator(arena))); currentTexs.reserve(64); // texBindings holds the identifier bindings in the shader, which can no longer be defined // statically in the ShaderRenderModifier class. texBindingNames uses interned strings to // keep track of when bindings need to be reevaluated. typedef ProxyAllocator<CShaderProgram::Binding, Allocators::DynamicArena> BindingListAllocator; std::vector<CShaderProgram::Binding, BindingListAllocator> texBindings((BindingListAllocator(arena))); texBindings.reserve(64); typedef ProxyAllocator<CStrIntern, Allocators::DynamicArena> BindingNamesListAllocator; std::vector<CStrIntern, BindingNamesListAllocator> texBindingNames((BindingNamesListAllocator(arena))); texBindingNames.reserve(64); while (idxTechStart < techBuckets.size()) { CShaderTechniquePtr currentTech = techBuckets[idxTechStart].tech; // Find runs [idxTechStart, idxTechEnd) in techBuckets of the same technique size_t idxTechEnd; for (idxTechEnd = idxTechStart + 1; idxTechEnd < techBuckets.size(); ++idxTechEnd) { if (techBuckets[idxTechEnd].tech != currentTech) break; } // For each of the technique's passes, render all the models in this run for (int pass = 0; pass < currentTech->GetNumPasses(); ++pass) { currentTech->BeginPass(pass); const CShaderProgramPtr& shader = currentTech->GetShader(pass); int streamflags = shader->GetStreamFlags(); modifier->BeginPass(shader); m->vertexRenderer->BeginPass(streamflags); // When the shader technique changes, textures need to be // rebound, so ensure there are no remnants from the last pass. // (the vector size is set to 0, but memory is not freed) currentTexs.clear(); texBindings.clear(); texBindingNames.clear(); CModelDef* currentModeldef = NULL; CShaderUniforms currentStaticUniforms; for (size_t idx = idxTechStart; idx < idxTechEnd; ++idx) { CModel** models = techBuckets[idx].models; size_t numModels = techBuckets[idx].numModels; for (size_t i = 0; i < numModels; ++i) { CModel* model = models[i]; if (flags && !(model->GetFlags() & flags)) continue; const CMaterial::SamplersVector& samplers = model->GetMaterial().GetSamplers(); size_t samplersNum = samplers.size(); // make sure the vectors are the right virtual sizes, and also // reallocate if there are more samplers than expected. if (currentTexs.size() != samplersNum) { currentTexs.resize(samplersNum, NULL); texBindings.resize(samplersNum, CShaderProgram::Binding()); texBindingNames.resize(samplersNum, CStrIntern()); // ensure they are definitely empty std::fill(texBindings.begin(), texBindings.end(), CShaderProgram::Binding()); std::fill(currentTexs.begin(), currentTexs.end(), (CTexture*)NULL); std::fill(texBindingNames.begin(), texBindingNames.end(), CStrIntern()); } // bind the samplers to the shader for (size_t s = 0; s < samplersNum; ++s) { const CMaterial::TextureSampler& samp = samplers[s]; CShaderProgram::Binding bind = texBindings[s]; // check that the handles are current // and reevaluate them if necessary if (texBindingNames[s] == samp.Name && bind.Active()) { bind = texBindings[s]; } else { bind = shader->GetTextureBinding(samp.Name); texBindings[s] = bind; texBindingNames[s] = samp.Name; } // same with the actual sampler bindings CTexture* newTex = samp.Sampler.get(); if (bind.Active() && newTex != currentTexs[s]) { shader->BindTexture(bind, samp.Sampler->GetHandle()); currentTexs[s] = newTex; } } // Bind modeldef when it changes CModelDef* newModeldef = model->GetModelDef().get(); if (newModeldef != currentModeldef) { currentModeldef = newModeldef; m->vertexRenderer->PrepareModelDef(shader, streamflags, *currentModeldef); } // Bind all uniforms when any change CShaderUniforms newStaticUniforms = model->GetMaterial().GetStaticUniforms(); if (newStaticUniforms != currentStaticUniforms) { currentStaticUniforms = newStaticUniforms; currentStaticUniforms.BindUniforms(shader); } const CShaderRenderQueries& renderQueries = model->GetMaterial().GetRenderQueries(); for (size_t q = 0; q < renderQueries.GetSize(); q++) { CShaderRenderQueries::RenderQuery rq = renderQueries.GetItem(q); if (rq.first == RQUERY_TIME) { CShaderProgram::Binding binding = shader->GetUniformBinding(rq.second); if (binding.Active()) { double time = g_Renderer.GetTimeManager().GetGlobalTime(); shader->Uniform(binding, time, 0,0,0); } } else if (rq.first == RQUERY_WATER_TEX) { WaterManager* WaterMgr = g_Renderer.GetWaterManager(); double time = WaterMgr->m_WaterTexTimer; double period = 1.6; int curTex = (int)(time*60/period) % 60; if (WaterMgr->m_RenderWater && WaterMgr->WillRenderFancyWater()) shader->BindTexture(str_waterTex, WaterMgr->m_NormalMap[curTex]); else shader->BindTexture(str_waterTex, g_Renderer.GetTextureManager().GetErrorTexture()); } else if (rq.first == RQUERY_SKY_CUBE) { shader->BindTexture(str_skyCube, g_Renderer.GetSkyManager()->GetSkyCube()); } } modifier->PrepareModel(shader, model); CModelRData* rdata = static_cast<CModelRData*>(model->GetRenderData()); ENSURE(rdata->GetKey() == m->vertexRenderer.get()); m->vertexRenderer->RenderModel(shader, streamflags, model, rdata); } } m->vertexRenderer->EndPass(streamflags); currentTech->EndPass(pass); } idxTechStart = idxTechEnd; } } }