Esempio n. 1
static bool LoadThumbnail(DisplayState& ds)
    delete ds.thumbnail;
    ds.thumbnail = NULL;

    ScopedMem<WCHAR> bmpPath(GetThumbnailPath(ds.filePath));
    if (!bmpPath)
        return false;

    RenderedBitmap *bmp = LoadRenderedBitmap(bmpPath);
    if (!bmp || bmp->Size().IsEmpty()) {
        delete bmp;
        return false;

    ds.thumbnail = bmp;
    return true;
Esempio n. 2
bool LoadThumbnail(DisplayState& ds) {
    delete ds.thumbnail;
    ds.thumbnail = nullptr;

    AutoFreeW bmpPath(GetThumbnailPath(ds.filePath));
    if (!bmpPath) {
        return false;

    RenderedBitmap* bmp = LoadRenderedBitmap(bmpPath);
    if (!bmp || bmp->Size().IsEmpty()) {
        delete bmp;
        return false;

    ds.thumbnail = bmp;
    return true;
// TODO: conceptually, RenderCache is not the right place for code that paints
//       (this is the only place that knows about Tiles, though)
UINT RenderCache::PaintTile(HDC hdc, RectI bounds, DisplayModel *dm, int pageNo,
                            TilePosition tile, RectI tileOnScreen, bool renderMissing,
                            bool *renderOutOfDateCue, bool *renderedReplacement)
    BitmapCacheEntry *entry = Find(dm, pageNo, dm->Rotation(), dm->ZoomReal(), &tile);
    UINT renderDelay = 0;

    if (!entry) {
        if (!isRemoteSession) {
            if (renderedReplacement)
                *renderedReplacement = true;
            entry = Find(dm, pageNo, dm->Rotation(), INVALID_ZOOM, &tile);
        renderDelay = GetRenderDelay(dm, pageNo, tile);
        if (renderMissing && RENDER_DELAY_UNDEFINED == renderDelay && !IsRenderQueueFull())
            Render(dm, pageNo, tile);
    RenderedBitmap *renderedBmp = entry ? entry->bitmap : NULL;
    HBITMAP hbmp = renderedBmp ? renderedBmp->GetBitmap() : NULL;

    if (!hbmp) {
        if (entry && !(renderedBmp && ReduceTileSize()))
            renderDelay = RENDER_DELAY_FAILED;
        else if (0 == renderDelay)
            renderDelay = 1;
        if (entry)
        return renderDelay;

    HDC bmpDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
    if (bmpDC) {
        SizeI bmpSize = renderedBmp->Size();
        int xSrc = -min(tileOnScreen.x, 0);
        int ySrc = -min(tileOnScreen.y, 0);
        float factor = min(1.0f * bmpSize.dx / tileOnScreen.dx, 1.0f * bmpSize.dy / tileOnScreen.dy);

        SelectObject(bmpDC, hbmp);
        if (factor != 1.0f)
            StretchBlt(hdc, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.dx, bounds.dy,
                bmpDC, (int)(xSrc * factor), (int)(ySrc * factor),
                (int)(bounds.dx * factor), (int)(bounds.dy * factor), SRCCOPY);
            BitBlt(hdc, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.dx, bounds.dy,
                bmpDC, xSrc, ySrc, SRCCOPY);


        HPEN pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0x00));
        HGDIOBJ oldPen = SelectObject(hdc, pen);
        PaintRect(hdc, bounds);
        DeletePen(SelectObject(hdc, oldPen));

    if (renderOutOfDateCue)
        *renderOutOfDateCue = renderedBmp->outOfDate;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
static bool PrintToDevice(PrintData& pd, ProgressUpdateUI *progressUI=NULL, AbortCookieManager *abortCookie=NULL)
    if (!pd.engine)
        return false;
    if (!pd.printerName)
        return false;

    BaseEngine& engine = *pd.engine;
    ScopedMem<WCHAR> fileName;

    DOCINFO di = { 0 };
    di.cbSize = sizeof (DOCINFO);
    if (gPluginMode) {
        // fall back to a generic "filename" instead of the more confusing temporary filename
        di.lpszDocName = fileName ? fileName : L"filename";
        di.lpszDocName = engine.FileName();

    int current = 1, total = 0;
    if (pd.sel.Count() == 0) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < pd.ranges.Count(); i++) {
            if (pd.ranges.At(i).nToPage < pd.ranges.At(i).nFromPage)
                total += pd.ranges.At(i).nFromPage - pd.ranges.At(i).nToPage + 1;
                total += pd.ranges.At(i).nToPage - pd.ranges.At(i).nFromPage + 1;
    else {
        for (int pageNo = 1; pageNo <= engine.PageCount(); pageNo++) {
            if (!BoundSelectionOnPage(pd.sel, pageNo).IsEmpty())
    AssertCrash(total > 0);
    if (0 == total)
        return false;
    if (progressUI)
        progressUI->UpdateProgress(current, total);

    // cf.
    // According to our crash dumps, Cannon printer drivers (caprenn.dll etc.)
    // are buggy and like to crash during printing with DEP violation
    // We disable dep during printing to hopefully not crash
    // TODO: even better would be to print in a separate process so that
    // crashes during printing wouldn't affect the main process. It's also
    // much more complicated to implement
    ScopeDisableDEP scopeNoDEP;

    // cf.
    ScopeHDC hdc(CreateDC(pd.driverName, pd.printerName, pd.portName, pd.devMode));
    if (!hdc)
        return false;

    if (StartDoc(hdc, &di) <= 0)
        return false;

    // MM_TEXT: Each logical unit is mapped to one device pixel.
    // Positive x is to the right; positive y is down.
    SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);

    const SizeI paperSize(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PHYSICALWIDTH),
                          GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PHYSICALHEIGHT));
    const RectI printable(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PHYSICALOFFSETX),
                          GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PHYSICALOFFSETY),
                          GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES), GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES));
    const float dpiFactor = min(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX) / engine.GetFileDPI(),
                                GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY) / engine.GetFileDPI());
    bool bPrintPortrait = paperSize.dx < paperSize.dy;
    if (pd.devMode && (pd.devMode.Get()->dmFields & DM_ORIENTATION))
        bPrintPortrait = DMORIENT_PORTRAIT == pd.devMode.Get()->dmOrientation;

    if (pd.sel.Count() > 0) {
        for (int pageNo = 1; pageNo <= engine.PageCount(); pageNo++) {
            RectD bounds = BoundSelectionOnPage(pd.sel, pageNo);
            if (bounds.IsEmpty())

            if (progressUI)
                progressUI->UpdateProgress(current, total);


            SizeT<float> bSize = bounds.Size().Convert<float>();
            float zoom = min((float)printable.dx / bSize.dx,
                             (float)printable.dy / bSize.dy);
            // use the correct zoom values, if the page fits otherwise
            // and the user didn't ask for anything else (default setting)
            if (PrintScaleShrink == pd.advData.scale)
                zoom = min(dpiFactor, zoom);
            else if (PrintScaleNone == pd.advData.scale)
                zoom = dpiFactor;

            for (size_t i = 0; i < pd.sel.Count(); i++) {
                if (pd.sel.At(i).pageNo != pageNo)

                RectD *clipRegion = &pd.sel.At(i).rect;
                PointI offset((int)((clipRegion->x - bounds.x) * zoom), (int)((clipRegion->y - bounds.y) * zoom));
                if (!pd.advData.asImage) {
                    RectI rc((int)(printable.dx - bSize.dx * zoom) / 2 + offset.x,
                             (int)(printable.dy - bSize.dy * zoom) / 2 + offset.y,
                             (int)(clipRegion->dx * zoom), (int)(clipRegion->dy * zoom));
                    engine.RenderPage(hdc, rc, pd.sel.At(i).pageNo, zoom, pd.rotation, clipRegion, Target_Print, abortCookie ? &abortCookie->cookie : NULL);
                    if (abortCookie)
                else {
                    RenderedBitmap *bmp = NULL;
                    short shrink = 1;
                    do {
                        bmp = engine.RenderBitmap(pd.sel.At(i).pageNo, zoom / shrink, pd.rotation, clipRegion, Target_Print, abortCookie ? &abortCookie->cookie : NULL);
                        if (abortCookie)
                        if (!bmp || !bmp->GetBitmap()) {
                            shrink *= 2;
                            delete bmp;
                            bmp = NULL;
                    } while (!bmp && shrink < 32 && !(progressUI && progressUI->WasCanceled()));
                    if (bmp) {
                        RectI rc((int)(paperSize.dx - bSize.dx * zoom) / 2 + offset.x,
                                 (int)(paperSize.dy - bSize.dy * zoom) / 2 + offset.y,
                                 bmp->Size().dx * shrink, bmp->Size().dy * shrink);
                        bmp->StretchDIBits(hdc, rc);
                        delete bmp;

            if (EndPage(hdc) <= 0 || progressUI && progressUI->WasCanceled()) {
                return false;

        return false;

    // print all the pages the user requested
    for (size_t i = 0; i < pd.ranges.Count(); i++) {
        int dir = pd.ranges.At(i).nFromPage > pd.ranges.At(i).nToPage ? -1 : 1;
        for (DWORD pageNo = pd.ranges.At(i).nFromPage; pageNo != pd.ranges.At(i).nToPage + dir; pageNo += dir) {
            if ((PrintRangeEven == pd.advData.range && pageNo % 2 != 0) ||
                (PrintRangeOdd == pd.advData.range && pageNo % 2 == 0))
            if (progressUI)
                progressUI->UpdateProgress(current, total);


            SizeT<float> pSize = engine.PageMediabox(pageNo).Size().Convert<float>();
            int rotation = 0;
            // Turn the document by 90 deg if it isn't in portrait mode
            if (pSize.dx > pSize.dy) {
                rotation += 90;
                swap(pSize.dx, pSize.dy);
            // make sure not to print upside-down
            rotation = (rotation % 180) == 0 ? 0 : 270;
            // finally turn the page by (another) 90 deg in landscape mode
            if (!bPrintPortrait) {
                rotation = (rotation + 90) % 360;
                swap(pSize.dx, pSize.dy);

            // dpiFactor means no physical zoom
            float zoom = dpiFactor;
            // offset of the top-left corner of the page from the printable area
            // (negative values move the page into the left/top margins, etc.);
            // offset adjustments are needed because the GDI coordinate system
            // starts at the corner of the printable area and we rather want to
            // center the page on the physical paper (default behavior)
            PointI offset(-printable.x, -printable.y);

            if (pd.advData.scale != PrintScaleNone) {
                // make sure to fit all content into the printable area when scaling
                // and the whole document page on the physical paper
                RectD rect = engine.PageContentBox(pageNo, Target_Print);
                RectT<float> cbox = engine.Transform(rect, pageNo, 1.0, rotation).Convert<float>();
                zoom = min((float)printable.dx / cbox.dx,
                       min((float)printable.dy / cbox.dy,
                       min((float)paperSize.dx / pSize.dx,
                           (float)paperSize.dy / pSize.dy)));
                // use the correct zoom values, if the page fits otherwise
                // and the user didn't ask for anything else (default setting)
                if (PrintScaleShrink == pd.advData.scale && dpiFactor < zoom)
                    zoom = dpiFactor;
                // make sure that no content lies in the non-printable paper margins
                RectT<float> onPaper((paperSize.dx - pSize.dx * zoom) / 2 + cbox.x * zoom,
                                     (paperSize.dy - pSize.dy * zoom) / 2 + cbox.y * zoom,
                                     cbox.dx * zoom, cbox.dy * zoom);
                if (onPaper.x < printable.x)
                    offset.x += (int)(printable.x - onPaper.x);
                else if (onPaper.BR().x > printable.BR().x)
                    offset.x -= (int)(onPaper.BR().x - printable.BR().x);
                if (onPaper.y < printable.y)
                    offset.y += (int)(printable.y - onPaper.y);
                else if (onPaper.BR().y > printable.BR().y)
                    offset.y -= (int)(onPaper.BR().y - printable.BR().y);

            if (!pd.advData.asImage) {
                RectI rc = RectI::FromXY((int)(paperSize.dx - pSize.dx * zoom) / 2 + offset.x,
                                         (int)(paperSize.dy - pSize.dy * zoom) / 2 + offset.y,
                                         paperSize.dx, paperSize.dy);
                engine.RenderPage(hdc, rc, pageNo, zoom, rotation, NULL, Target_Print, abortCookie ? &abortCookie->cookie : NULL);
                if (abortCookie)
            else {
                RenderedBitmap *bmp = NULL;
                short shrink = 1;
                do {
                    bmp = engine.RenderBitmap(pageNo, zoom / shrink, rotation, NULL, Target_Print, abortCookie ? &abortCookie->cookie : NULL);
                    if (abortCookie)
                    if (!bmp || !bmp->GetBitmap()) {
                        shrink *= 2;
                        delete bmp;
                        bmp = NULL;
                } while (!bmp && shrink < 32 && !(progressUI && progressUI->WasCanceled()));
                if (bmp) {
                    RectI rc((paperSize.dx - bmp->Size().dx * shrink) / 2 + offset.x,
                             (paperSize.dy - bmp->Size().dy * shrink) / 2 + offset.y,
                             bmp->Size().dx * shrink, bmp->Size().dy * shrink);
                    bmp->StretchDIBits(hdc, rc);
                    delete bmp;

            if (EndPage(hdc) <= 0 || progressUI && progressUI->WasCanceled()) {
                return false;

    return true;
Esempio n. 5
static bool PrintToDevice(const PrintData &pd, ProgressUpdateUI *progressUI = nullptr,
                          AbortCookieManager *abortCookie = nullptr) {
    if (!pd.engine)
        return false;
    if (!pd.printerName)
        return false;

    BaseEngine &engine = *pd.engine;
    ScopedMem<WCHAR> fileName;

    DOCINFO di = { 0 };
    di.cbSize = sizeof(DOCINFO);
    if (gPluginMode) {
        // fall back to a generic "filename" instead of the more confusing temporary filename
        di.lpszDocName = fileName ? fileName : L"filename";
    } else
        di.lpszDocName = engine.FileName();

    int current = 1, total = 0;
    if (pd.sel.Count() == 0) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < pd.ranges.Count(); i++) {
            if (pd.ranges.At(i).nToPage < pd.ranges.At(i).nFromPage)
                total += pd.ranges.At(i).nFromPage - pd.ranges.At(i).nToPage + 1;
                total += pd.ranges.At(i).nToPage - pd.ranges.At(i).nFromPage + 1;
    } else {
        for (int pageNo = 1; pageNo <= engine.PageCount(); pageNo++) {
            if (!BoundSelectionOnPage(pd.sel, pageNo).IsEmpty())
    AssertCrash(total > 0);
    if (0 == total)
        return false;
    if (progressUI)
        progressUI->UpdateProgress(current, total);

    // cf.
    ScopeHDC hdc(CreateDC(nullptr, pd.printerName, nullptr, pd.devMode));
    if (!hdc)
        return false;

    if (StartDoc(hdc, &di) <= 0)
        return false;

    // MM_TEXT: Each logical unit is mapped to one device pixel.
    // Positive x is to the right; positive y is down.
    SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);

    const SizeI paperSize(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PHYSICALWIDTH), GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PHYSICALHEIGHT));
    const RectI printable(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PHYSICALOFFSETX), GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PHYSICALOFFSETY),
                          GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES), GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES));
    const float dpiFactor = std::min(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX) / engine.GetFileDPI(),
                                     GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY) / engine.GetFileDPI());
    bool bPrintPortrait = paperSize.dx < paperSize.dy;
    if (pd.devMode && (pd.devMode.Get()->dmFields & DM_ORIENTATION))
        bPrintPortrait = DMORIENT_PORTRAIT == pd.devMode.Get()->dmOrientation;

    if (pd.sel.Count() > 0) {
        for (int pageNo = 1; pageNo <= engine.PageCount(); pageNo++) {
            RectD bounds = BoundSelectionOnPage(pd.sel, pageNo);
            if (bounds.IsEmpty())

            if (progressUI)
                progressUI->UpdateProgress(current, total);


            geomutil::SizeT<float> bSize = bounds.Size().Convert<float>();
            float zoom = std::min((float)printable.dx / bSize.dx, (float)printable.dy / bSize.dy);
            // use the correct zoom values, if the page fits otherwise
            // and the user didn't ask for anything else (default setting)
            if (PrintScaleShrink == pd.advData.scale)
                zoom = std::min(dpiFactor, zoom);
            else if (PrintScaleNone == pd.advData.scale)
                zoom = dpiFactor;

            for (size_t i = 0; i < pd.sel.Count(); i++) {
                if (pd.sel.At(i).pageNo != pageNo)

                RectD *clipRegion = &pd.sel.At(i).rect;
                PointI offset((int)((clipRegion->x - bounds.x) * zoom),
                              (int)((clipRegion->y - bounds.y) * zoom));
                if (pd.advData.scale != PrintScaleNone) {
                    // center the selection on the physical paper
                    offset.x += (int)(printable.dx - bSize.dx * zoom) / 2;
                    offset.y += (int)(printable.dy - bSize.dy * zoom) / 2;

                bool ok = false;
                short shrink = 1;
                do {
                    RenderedBitmap *bmp = engine.RenderBitmap(
                        pd.sel.At(i).pageNo, zoom / shrink, pd.rotation, clipRegion, Target_Print,
                        abortCookie ? &abortCookie->cookie : nullptr);
                    if (abortCookie)
                    if (bmp && bmp->GetBitmap()) {
                        RectI rc(offset.x, offset.y, bmp->Size().dx * shrink,
                                 bmp->Size().dy * shrink);
                        ok = bmp->StretchDIBits(hdc, rc);
                    delete bmp;
                    shrink *= 2;
                } while (!ok && shrink < 32 && !(progressUI && progressUI->WasCanceled()));
            // TODO: abort if !ok?

            if (EndPage(hdc) <= 0 || progressUI && progressUI->WasCanceled()) {
                return false;

        return false;

    // print all the pages the user requested
    for (size_t i = 0; i < pd.ranges.Count(); i++) {
        int dir = pd.ranges.At(i).nFromPage > pd.ranges.At(i).nToPage ? -1 : 1;
        for (DWORD pageNo = pd.ranges.At(i).nFromPage; pageNo != pd.ranges.At(i).nToPage + dir;
             pageNo += dir) {
            if ((PrintRangeEven == pd.advData.range && pageNo % 2 != 0) ||
                (PrintRangeOdd == pd.advData.range && pageNo % 2 == 0))
            if (progressUI)
                progressUI->UpdateProgress(current, total);


            geomutil::SizeT<float> pSize = engine.PageMediabox(pageNo).Size().Convert<float>();
            int rotation = 0;
            // Turn the document by 90 deg if it isn't in portrait mode
            if (pSize.dx > pSize.dy) {
                rotation += 90;
                std::swap(pSize.dx, pSize.dy);
            // make sure not to print upside-down
            rotation = (rotation % 180) == 0 ? 0 : 270;
            // finally turn the page by (another) 90 deg in landscape mode
            if (!bPrintPortrait) {
                rotation = (rotation + 90) % 360;
                std::swap(pSize.dx, pSize.dy);

            // dpiFactor means no physical zoom
            float zoom = dpiFactor;
            // offset of the top-left corner of the page from the printable area
            // (negative values move the page into the left/top margins, etc.);
            // offset adjustments are needed because the GDI coordinate system
            // starts at the corner of the printable area and we rather want to
            // center the page on the physical paper (except for PrintScaleNone
            // where the page starts at the very top left of the physical paper so
            // that printing forms/labels of varying size remains reliably possible)
            PointI offset(printable.x, printable.y);

            if (pd.advData.scale != PrintScaleNone) {
                // make sure to fit all content into the printable area when scaling
                // and the whole document page on the physical paper
                RectD rect = engine.PageContentBox(pageNo, Target_Print);
                geomutil::RectT<float> cbox =
                    engine.Transform(rect, pageNo, 1.0, rotation).Convert<float>();
                zoom = std::min((float)printable.dx / cbox.dx,
                                std::min((float)printable.dy / cbox.dy,
                                         std::min((float)paperSize.dx / pSize.dx,
                                                  (float)paperSize.dy / pSize.dy)));
                // use the correct zoom values, if the page fits otherwise
                // and the user didn't ask for anything else (default setting)
                if (PrintScaleShrink == pd.advData.scale && dpiFactor < zoom)
                    zoom = dpiFactor;
                // center the page on the physical paper
                offset.x += (int)(paperSize.dx - pSize.dx * zoom) / 2;
                offset.y += (int)(paperSize.dy - pSize.dy * zoom) / 2;
                // make sure that no content lies in the non-printable paper margins
                geomutil::RectT<float> onPaper(printable.x + offset.x + cbox.x * zoom,
                                               printable.y + offset.y + cbox.y * zoom,
                                               cbox.dx * zoom, cbox.dy * zoom);
                if (onPaper.x < printable.x)
                    offset.x += (int)(printable.x - onPaper.x);
                else if (onPaper.BR().x > printable.BR().x)
                    offset.x -= (int)(onPaper.BR().x - printable.BR().x);
                if (onPaper.y < printable.y)
                    offset.y += (int)(printable.y - onPaper.y);
                else if (onPaper.BR().y > printable.BR().y)
                    offset.y -= (int)(onPaper.BR().y - printable.BR().y);

            bool ok = false;
            short shrink = 1;
            do {
                RenderedBitmap *bmp =
                    engine.RenderBitmap(pageNo, zoom / shrink, rotation, nullptr, Target_Print,
                                        abortCookie ? &abortCookie->cookie : nullptr);
                if (abortCookie)
                if (bmp && bmp->GetBitmap()) {
                    RectI rc(offset.x, offset.y, bmp->Size().dx * shrink, bmp->Size().dy * shrink);
                    ok = bmp->StretchDIBits(hdc, rc);
                delete bmp;
                shrink *= 2;
            } while (!ok && shrink < 32 && !(progressUI && progressUI->WasCanceled()));
            // TODO: abort if !ok?

            if (EndPage(hdc) <= 0 || progressUI && progressUI->WasCanceled()) {
                return false;

    return true;