Esempio n. 1
void XMLArchive::WriteField(const Residue &res)
    /* write a RESIDUE field */
    char secstr = res.secstr();
    // this fixes a wierd bug - if these happen to be 0 - disaster!
    if (!isalpha(secstr))
        secstr = 'U';
    if (!isalpha(res.name1()))
        secstr = 'X';
    f = format("%s<Residue name=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" chain=\"%d\" secstr=\"%c\" confomer=\"%d\" flags=\"%d\" linkage_type=\"%d\" name1=\"%c\" seqpos=\"%d\" >\n",
               indent,, res.type().c_str(), (int)res.chain_id(), secstr, (int)res.confomer(), (int)res.flags(), (int)res.linkage_type(), res.name1(), res.seqpos());
    for (int i = 0; i < res.atomCount(); i++)
Esempio n. 2
  void RibbonEngine::updateChains(PainterDevice *pd)
    if (!isEnabled())

    QList<Primitive *> list;
    list = primitives().subList(Primitive::ResidueType);
    unsigned int currentChain = 0;
    QVector<Vector3d> pts;
    // Get a list of residues for the molecule
    const Molecule *molecule = pd->molecule();

    foreach(Primitive *p, list) {
      Residue *r = static_cast<Residue *>(p);
      if(r->name() =="HOH") {

      if(r->chainNumber() != currentChain) {
        // this residue is on a new chain
        if(pts.size() > 0)
        currentChain = r->chainNumber();

      foreach (unsigned long atom, r->atoms()) {
        // should be CA
        QString atomId = r->atomId(atom);
        atomId = atomId.trimmed();
        if (atomId == "CA") {
        else if (atomId == "N" && m_useNitrogens == 2) {
      } // end atoms in residue

    } // end primitive list (i.e., all residues)
Esempio n. 3
Residue *SymmResidue(const Residue *Model, CMapHeaderBase *mh, float center[3], float r, int color)
    /* set unity to true if operator = x,y,z to avoid looking at 0,0,0 position */
    const Residue *model;
    Residue *res = NULL, *newres, *Res = NULL;
    char label[MAXNAME];
    int nlabel;
    int nadd = 0;
    int i, j, k, n = 0;
    float minxyz[3], maxxyz[3];
    float sminxyz[3], smaxxyz[3];
    float fx, fy, fz;
    int ix, iy, iz;
    float x1, y1, z1;
    float cx1, cy1, cz1, cx2, cy2, cz2;
    float pos[3];
    float cx, cy, cz, dx, dy, dz;
    float symmat[3][4];
    float ctof[3][3];
    float ftoc[3][3];
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
        for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
            ctof[j][k] = mh->ctof[j][k];
            ftoc[j][k] = mh->ftoc[j][k];

    minxyz[0] = 9999.0;
    minxyz[1] = 9999.0;
    minxyz[2] = 9999.0;
    maxxyz[0] = -9999.0;
    maxxyz[1] = -9999.0;
    maxxyz[2] = -9999.0;
    cx = center[X];
    cy = center[Y];
    cz = center[Z];
    cx1 = center[X]-r;
    cy1 = center[Y]-r;
    cz1 = center[Z]-r;
    cx2 = center[X]+r;
    cy2 = center[Y]+r;
    cz2 = center[Z]+r;
    transform(ctof, &cx, &cy, &cz);
    transform(ctof, &cx1, &cy1, &cz1);
    transform(ctof, &cx2, &cy2, &cz2);

    for (int symmop = 0; symmop < mh->nsym; symmop++)
        /* put res at end of list */
        sprintf(label, "#%d", symmop);
        nlabel = strlen(label);

        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                symmat[j][k] = mh->symops[j][k][symmop];

        /* find min max of model in fractional */
        model = Model;
        while (model != NULL)
            for (i = 0; i < model->atomCount(); i++)
                if (model->atom(i)->x() < minxyz[X])
                    minxyz[X] = model->atom(i)->x();
                if (model->atom(i)->y() < minxyz[Y])
                    minxyz[Y] = model->atom(i)->y();
                if (model->atom(i)->z() < minxyz[Z])
                    minxyz[Z] = model->atom(i)->z();
                if (model->atom(i)->x() > maxxyz[X])
                    maxxyz[X] = model->atom(i)->x();
                if (model->atom(i)->y() > maxxyz[Y])
                    maxxyz[Y] = model->atom(i)->y();
                if (model->atom(i)->z() > maxxyz[Z])
                    maxxyz[Z] = model->atom(i)->z();
            model = model->next();
        /* convert to fractional */
        transform(ctof, &minxyz[X], &minxyz[Y], &minxyz[Z]);
        transform(ctof, &maxxyz[X], &maxxyz[Y], &maxxyz[Z]);

        /* find symmetry min max */
        symm(minxyz[X], minxyz[Y], minxyz[Z],
             &sminxyz[X], &sminxyz[Y], &sminxyz[Z], symmat);
        symm(maxxyz[X], maxxyz[Y], maxxyz[Z],
             &smaxxyz[X], &smaxxyz[Y], &smaxxyz[Z], symmat);
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            if (sminxyz[i] > smaxxyz[i])
                float t = sminxyz[i];
                sminxyz[i] = smaxxyz[i];
                smaxxyz[i] = t;

        /* look at unit cells -1 to +1 around minmax */
        dx = cx - (sminxyz[X]+smaxxyz[X])/2.0 ;
        dy = cy - (sminxyz[Y]+smaxxyz[Y])/2.0 ;
        dz = cz - (sminxyz[Z]+smaxxyz[Z])/2.0 ;
        for (ix = -1; ix <= 1; ix += 1)
            for (iy = -1; iy <= 1; iy += 1)
                for (iz = -1; iz <= 1; iz += 1)
                    /*    if (symmop==0 && ix==0 && iy==0 && iz==0) continue; */
                    fx = ROUND(dx + ix);
                    fy = ROUND(dy + iy);
                    fz = ROUND(dz + iz);
                    model = Model;
                    while (model != NULL)
                        /* look for any atom to be within radius-
                           if so copy entire residue and move on */
                        for (i = 0; i < model->atomCount(); i++)
                            x1 = model->atom(i)->x();
                            y1 = model->atom(i)->y();
                            z1 = model->atom(i)->z();
                            transform(ctof, &x1, &y1, &z1);
                            symm(x1, y1, z1, &x1, &y1, &z1, symmat);
                            x1 += fx;
                            y1 += fy;
                            z1 += fz;
                            transform(ftoc, &x1, &y1, &z1);
                            pos[X] = x1;
                            pos[Y] = y1;
                            pos[Z] = z1;
                            if (outside_sphere(pos, r, center))
                            if (symmop == 0
                                && x1 < model->atom(i)->x()+.1
                                && x1 > model->atom(i)->x()-.1
                                && y1 < model->atom(i)->y()+.1
                                && y1 > model->atom(i)->y()-.1
                                && z1 < model->atom(i)->z()+.1
                                && z1 > model->atom(i)->z()-.1)
                            newres = new Residue(*model);
                            if (Res == NULL)
                                Res = res = newres;
                                res = res->insertResidue(newres);
                            /* now transform the atoms */
                            if ((int)strlen(res->name().c_str()) < MAXNAME-nlabel)
                                res->setName(res->name() + std::string(label));
                            for (j = 0; j < res->atomCount(); j++)
                                x1 = res->atom(j)->x();
                                y1 = res->atom(j)->y();
                                z1 = res->atom(j)->z();
                                transform(ctof, &x1, &y1, &z1);
                                symm(x1, y1, z1, &x1, &y1, &z1, symmat);
                                x1 += fx;
                                y1 += fy;
                                z1 += fz;
                                transform(ftoc, &x1, &y1, &z1);
                                res->atom(j)->setPosition(x1, y1, z1);
                                /* save fx,fy,fz for later */
                                res->atom(j)->addDelta(fx, fy, fz);
                        model = model->next();
                        //      if(wait.CheckForAbort()) model=NULL;
    Logger::log("Built %d symmatoms", nadd);
    return (Res);