Esempio n. 1
Resources JSONFormatter::parse( const Bytes& value )
    auto json = json::parse( String::to_string( value ) );
    if ( json.count( "data" ) == 0 )
        throw domain_error( "Root property must be named 'data'." );
    auto data = json[ "data" ];
    Resources resources;
    if ( data.is_array( ) )
        for ( const auto object : data )
            if ( not object.is_object( ) )
                throw domain_error( "Root array child elements must be objects." );
            resources.push_back( parse_object( object ) );
    else if ( data.is_object( ) )
        resources.push_back( parse_object( data ) );
        throw domain_error( "Root property must be unordered set or object." );
    return resources;
Esempio n. 2
void STLRepository::include( const Bytes& relationship, Resources& values )
    if ( relationship.empty( ) )
    Resources relationships;
    unique_lock< mutex> lock( m_resources_lock );
    if ( relationship == restq::SUBSCRIPTION )
        for ( const auto& resource : m_resources )
            if ( resource.lower_bound( "type" )->second == restq::SUBSCRIPTION )
                auto iterators = resource.equal_range( "queues" );
                for ( const auto& queue : values )
                    auto key = String::lowercase( String::to_string( queue.lower_bound( "key" )->second ) );
                    for ( auto iterator = iterators.first; iterator not_eq iterators.second; iterator++ )
                        if ( key == String::lowercase( String::to_string( iterator->second ) ) )
                            relationships.push_back( resource );
        for ( const auto& value : values )
            const auto key = String::lowercase( String::to_string( value.lower_bound( "key" )->second ) );
            const auto type = value.lower_bound( "type" )->second;
            const auto foreign_key = String::to_string( type ) + "-key";
            for ( const auto& resource : m_resources )
                if ( resource.lower_bound( "type" )->second == relationship )
                    if ( resource.count( foreign_key ) and key == String::lowercase( String::to_string( resource.lower_bound( foreign_key )->second ) ) )
                        relationships.push_back( resource );
    lock.unlock( );
    values.insert( values.end( ), relationships.begin( ), relationships.end( ) );
Esempio n. 3
    Resources* assign(int n)
        Resources* r = new Resources;

        for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        return r;
Esempio n. 4
Resources* Activity::releasedResources() const
    if (end()) {
        return mAllocatedResources;
    } else {
        Resources* resources = new Resources;

        for (Resources::const_iterator it = mAllocatedResources->begin();
             it != mAllocatedResources->end(); ++it) {
            if (not (*mStepIterator)->needAgain((*it)->type())) {
        return resources;
Esempio n. 5
void STLRepository::read( const shared_ptr< Query > query, const function< void ( const shared_ptr< Query > ) >& callback )
    Resources values;
    Resources resources;
    const auto keys = query->get_keys( );
    unique_lock< mutex> lock( m_resources_lock );
    if ( not keys.empty( ) )
        for ( const auto& key : keys )
            auto resource = find_if( m_resources.begin( ), m_resources.end( ), [ &key ]( const Resource & resource )
                if ( resource.count( "key" ) == 0 )
                    return false;
                return String::lowercase( key ) == String::lowercase( String::to_string( resource.lower_bound( "key" )->second ) );
            } );
            if ( resource == m_resources.end( ) )
                query->set_error_code( 40004 );
                return callback( query );
            resources.push_back( *resource );
        resources = m_resources;
    lock.unlock( );
    filter( resources, query->get_inclusive_filters( ), query->get_exclusive_filters( ) ); //just pass query
    const auto& index = query->get_index( );
    const auto& limit = query->get_limit( );
    if ( index < resources.size( ) and limit not_eq 0 )
        auto start = resources.begin( );
        advance( start, index );
        while ( start not_eq resources.end( ) and limit not_eq values.size( ) )
            values.push_back( *start );
    include( query->get_include( ), values );
    auto results = fields( values, query );
    query->set_resultset( results );
    callback( query );