Esempio n. 1
void ResultFormatter::LatexFullFitResultTable( FitResult * OutputData, stringstream& latex )
	ResultFormatter::TableHeader( latex, 4 );
	latex << "Parameter & Fit result and error & $\\sigma$ from input & Abs from input \\\\ \t\t\\hline \\hline\n" << endl;

	ResultParameterSet * outputParameters = OutputData->GetResultParameterSet();
	vector<string> allNames = outputParameters->GetAllNames();
	for( vector<string>::iterator nameIterator = allNames.begin(); nameIterator != allNames.end(); ++nameIterator )
		ResultParameter * outputParameter = outputParameters->GetResultParameter( *nameIterator );

		double fitValue = outputParameter->GetValue();
		double inputValue = outputParameter->GetOriginalValue();
		double fitError = outputParameter->GetError();
		double sigmaFromInputValue = outputParameter->GetPull();
		string unit = outputParameter->GetUnit();
		string name = *nameIterator;
		latex << setw(20) << EdStyle::GetParamLatexName(name) << " & "
			<< setw(12) << setprecision(5) << fitValue;
		if( outputParameter->GetAssym() )
			latex << " + " << outputParameter->GetErrHi() << " - " << outputParameter->GetErrLow() << " ";
			latex << " \\pm " << setw(10) << fitError << " ";
		latex	<< setw(15) << EdStyle::GetParamLatexUnit(unit) << " & "
			<< setw(20) << setprecision(2) << sigmaFromInputValue << " & "
			<< setw(15) << setprecision(5) << fitValue-inputValue << "\\\\" << endl;

	ResultFormatter::TableFooter( latex );
Esempio n. 2
//Add a new fit result
bool FitResultVector::AddFitResult( FitResult * NewResult, const bool with_clock )
	vector<double> newParameterValues, newParameterErrors, newParameterPulls, newParameterGenValues;
	vector<string>::iterator nameIterator;
	ResultParameterSet * newSet = NewResult->GetResultParameterSet();

	//Check all expected parameters are found
	for ( nameIterator = allNames.begin(); nameIterator != allNames.end(); ++nameIterator )
		ResultParameter * newResult = newSet->GetResultParameter( *nameIterator );
		if ( newResult->GetUnit() == "NameNotFoundError" )
			//If any parameter is not found, fail
			cerr << "Expected fitted parameter \"" << *nameIterator << "\" not found" << endl;
			return false;
			//Retrieve the parameter information
			newParameterValues.push_back( newResult->GetValue() );
			newParameterErrors.push_back( newResult->GetError() );
			newParameterPulls.push_back( newResult->GetPull() );
			newParameterGenValues.push_back( newResult->GetOriginalValue() );

	//If you've got this far, all the parameters have been found, so add them to the record
	for (unsigned int nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < allNames.size(); ++nameIndex )
		allValues[nameIndex].push_back( newParameterValues[nameIndex] );
		allErrors[nameIndex].push_back( newParameterErrors[nameIndex] );
		allPulls[nameIndex].push_back( newParameterPulls[nameIndex] );
		allGenValues[nameIndex].push_back( newParameterGenValues[nameIndex] );

	if( with_clock && clock != NULL )
		//Store the duration
		double thisTime = gl_clock->End();
		allGLTimes.push_back( thisTime );
		allRealTimes.push_back( clock->RealTime() );
		allCPUTimes.push_back( clock->CpuTime() );

	return true;
Esempio n. 3
//Display the results of a fit in a LaTeX table using cout
void ResultFormatter::LatexOutputFitResult( FitResult * OutputData )
	// Standard table for MC toys with pulls
	cout << "Fit result for MC toys with pulls" << endl;
	cout << "\n\\begin{center}" << endl;
	cout << "Fit status: " << OutputData->GetFitStatus() << endl;
	cout << setprecision(8) << "Minimum function value: " << OutputData->GetMinimumValue() << endl;
	cout << "\\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \n\\hline" << endl;
	cout << setw(20) << "Parameter"<< " & " << setw(25) << "Fit result and error" << setw(21) << " & " << setw(20) << "$\\sigma$ from input \\\\ \t\t\\hline \\hline\n" << endl;

	//Ouput each parameter
	ResultParameterSet * outputParameters = OutputData->GetResultParameterSet();
	vector<string> allNames = outputParameters->GetAllNames();
	vector<string>::iterator nameIterator;
	for ( nameIterator = allNames.begin(); nameIterator != allNames.end(); ++nameIterator )
		ResultParameter * outputParameter = outputParameters->GetResultParameter( *nameIterator );

		double fitValue = outputParameter->GetValue();
		//		double minValue = outputParameter->GetMinimum();
		//		double inputValue = outputParameter->GetOriginalValue();
		double fitError = outputParameter->GetError();
		double sigmaFromInputValue = outputParameter->GetPull();
		string unit = outputParameter->GetUnit();
		//if (fitError > 0.0) sigmaFromInputValue = (fitValue - inputValue)/fitError;

		//boost::regex pattern ("_",boost::regex_constants::icase|boost::regex_constants::perl);
		//string replace ("\\_");
		//string newName = boost::regex_replace (*nameIterator, pattern, replace);

		//string name = FindAndReplaceString( *nameIterator );
		//string name = StringProcessing::ReplaceString( *nameIterator, "_", "\\_" );
		string name = *nameIterator;
		cout << setw(20) << EdStyle::GetParamLatexName(name) << " & "
			<< setw(12) << setprecision(5) << fitValue << " $\\pm$ "
			<< setw(10) <<  		  fitError << " " << setw(15) << EdStyle::GetParamLatexUnit(unit) << " & "
			<< setw(20) << setprecision(2) << sigmaFromInputValue << "\\\\" << endl;

	cout << "\\hline \n\\end{tabular}" << endl;
	cout << "\\end{center}\n" << endl;

	//longer table for MC pull fits with absolute offsets
	cout << endl ;
	cout << "Fit result - for MC toys with pulls and absolute offsets " << endl;
	cout << "\n\\begin{center}" << endl;
	cout << "Fit status: " << OutputData->GetFitStatus() << endl;
	cout << setprecision(8) << "Minimum function value: " << OutputData->GetMinimumValue() << endl;
	cout << "\\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \n\\hline" << endl;
	cout << setw(20)<< "Parameter"<< " & " << setw(25) << "Fit result and error" << setw(21) << " & "<< setw(20) <<"$\\sigma$ from input" << " & " << setw(20) << "Abs from input \\\\ \t\t\\hline \\hline\n" << endl;

	//Ouput each parameter
	for ( nameIterator = allNames.begin(); nameIterator != allNames.end(); ++nameIterator )
		ResultParameter * outputParameter = outputParameters->GetResultParameter( *nameIterator );

		double fitValue = outputParameter->GetValue();
		//		double minValue = outputParameter->GetMinimum();
		double inputValue = outputParameter->GetOriginalValue();
		double fitError = outputParameter->GetError();
		double sigmaFromInputValue = outputParameter->GetPull();
		string unit = outputParameter->GetUnit();
		//if (fitError > 0.0) sigmaFromInputValue = (fitValue - inputValue)/fitError;

		//boost::regex pattern ("_",boost::regex_constants::icase|boost::regex_constants::perl);
		//string replace ("\\_");
		//string newName = boost::regex_replace (*nameIterator, pattern, replace);

		//string name = FindAndReplaceString( *nameIterator );
		//string name = StringProcessing::ReplaceString( *nameIterator, "_", "\\_" );
		string name = *nameIterator;
		cout << setw(20) << EdStyle::GetParamLatexName(name) << " & "
			<< setw(12) << setprecision(5) << fitValue << " $\\pm$ "
			<< setw(10) <<  		  fitError << " " << setw(15) << EdStyle::GetParamLatexUnit(unit) << " & "
			<< setw(20) << setprecision(2) << sigmaFromInputValue << " & "
			<< setw(15) << setprecision(5) << fitValue-inputValue << "\\\\" << endl;

	cout << "\\hline \n\\end{tabular}" << endl;
	cout << "\\end{center}\n" << endl;

	//short table for data fits
	cout << endl ;
	cout << "\n\\begin{center}" << endl;
	cout << "Fit result - for Data fits" << endl;
	cout << "Fit status: " << OutputData->GetFitStatus() << endl;
	cout << setprecision(8) << "Minimum function value: " << OutputData->GetMinimumValue() << endl;
	cout << "\\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \n\\hline" << endl;
	cout << setw(20) << "Parameter" << " & " << setw(21) << "Fit result and error" << setw(21) << " " << " \\\\ \\hline \\hline\n" << endl;

	//Will need to do some comparisons
	//	double Rperp =0, Rzp =0, ePerp =0 , eZp=0;

	//Ouput each parameter
	for ( nameIterator = allNames.begin(); nameIterator != allNames.end(); ++nameIterator )
		ResultParameter * outputParameter = outputParameters->GetResultParameter( *nameIterator );

		double fitValue = outputParameter->GetValue();
		//		double minValue = outputParameter->GetMinimum();
		//		double inputValue = outputParameter->GetOriginalValue();
		double fitError = outputParameter->GetError();
		//		double sigmaFromInputValue = outputParameter->GetPull();
		string unit = outputParameter->GetUnit();
		//string name = StringProcessing::ReplaceString( *nameIterator, "_", "\\_" );
		string name = *nameIterator;
		cout << setw(20) << EdStyle::GetParamLatexName(name) << " & "
			<< setw(12) << setprecision(3) << fitValue << " $\\pm$ "
			<< setw(10) <<  		  fitError << " " << setw(15) << EdStyle::GetParamLatexUnit(unit)  << "\\\\" << endl;
	cout << "\\hline \n\\end{tabular}" << endl;
	cout << "\\end{center}\n" << endl;

Esempio n. 4
//Make pull plots from the output of a toy study
void ResultFormatter::WriteFlatNtuple( const string FileName, const FitResultVector* ToyResult, const vector<string> inputXML, const vector<string> runtimeArgs, const string XMLForProjections, const string XMLForToys )
	TFile * rootFile = TFile::Open( FileName.c_str(), "RECREATE" );
	rootFile->SetCompressionLevel( 9 );

	//cout << "Storing Fit Result Vector" << endl;

	//	Important!
	//	The output from this is typically run through the RapidPlot file
	//	For sake of backwards compatibility the RapidPlot tool makes use of the ability to look for the 'first' TTree in a ROOT file for some of it's internal logic
	TTree* outputTree = new TTree( "RapidFitResult", "RapidFitResult" );

	ResultParameterSet* resultSet = ToyResult->GetFitResult( 0 )->GetResultParameterSet();

	vector<string> allNames = resultSet->GetAllNames();

	for( unsigned int param_i=0; param_i< allNames.size(); ++param_i )
		string thisParamName( allNames[param_i] );

		vector<double> ParameterValues, ParameterErrors, ParameterOriginalValues;
		vector<double> ParameterPulls, ParameterStepSizes;
		vector<double> ParameterErrorsHigh, ParameterErrorsLow;
		vector<double> ParameterMinimums, ParameterMaximums;
		vector<int> ParameterScanStatus, ParameterFixedStatus;
		for( unsigned int resultNum=0; resultNum< (unsigned)ToyResult->NumberResults(); ++resultNum )
			ResultParameter* thisParam = ToyResult->GetFitResult( (unsigned)resultNum )->GetResultParameterSet()->GetResultParameter( thisParamName );

			ParameterValues.push_back( thisParam->GetValue() );
			ParameterErrors.push_back( thisParam->GetError() );
			ParameterPulls.push_back( thisParam->GetPull() );
			ParameterMinimums.push_back( thisParam->GetMinimum() );
			ParameterMaximums.push_back( thisParam->GetMaximum() );
			ParameterOriginalValues.push_back( thisParam->GetOriginalValue() );

			if( thisParam->GetType() == "Fixed" )
				ParameterFixedStatus.push_back( 1 );
				ParameterFixedStatus.push_back( 0 );

			//if( thisParam->GetScanStatus() ) cout << "Scanned: " << string(thisParamName) << endl;

			if( thisParam->GetScanStatus() )
				ParameterScanStatus.push_back( 1 );
				ParameterScanStatus.push_back( 0 );

			if( thisParam->GetAssym() )
				ParameterErrorsHigh.push_back( thisParam->GetErrHi() );
				ParameterErrorsLow.push_back( thisParam->GetErrLow() );
			} else {
				ParameterErrorsHigh.push_back( 0. );
				ParameterErrorsLow.push_back( 0. );
			ParameterStepSizes.push_back( thisParam->GetStepSize() );
		string BranchName=allNames[param_i];
		ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, BranchName+"_value", ParameterValues );
		bool fixed_param = ToyResult->GetFitResult(0)->GetResultParameterSet()->GetResultParameter(thisParamName)->GetType() == "Fixed";
		bool scanned_param = ToyResult->GetFitResult(0)->GetResultParameterSet()->GetResultParameter(thisParamName)->GetScanStatus();
		if( (!fixed_param) || (scanned_param) )
			ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, BranchName+"_error", ParameterErrors );
			ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, BranchName+"_gen", ParameterOriginalValues );
			ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, BranchName+"_pull", ParameterPulls );
			ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, BranchName+"_max", ParameterMaximums );
			ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, BranchName+"_min", ParameterMinimums );
			ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, BranchName+"_step", ParameterStepSizes );
			ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, BranchName+"_errHi", ParameterErrorsHigh );
			ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, BranchName+"_errLo", ParameterErrorsLow );
		ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, BranchName+"_scan", ParameterScanStatus );
		ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, BranchName+"_fix", ParameterFixedStatus );

	//cout << "Stored Parameters" << endl;

	ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, "Fit_RealTime", ToyResult->GetAllRealTimes() );
	ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, "Fit_CPUTime", ToyResult->GetAllCPUTimes() );
	ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, "Fit_GLTime", ToyResult->GetAllGLTimes() );

	vector<int> fitStatus;
	vector<double> NLL_Values, RealTimes, CPUTimes;
	for( unsigned int i=0; i< (unsigned) ToyResult->NumberResults(); ++i )
		fitStatus.push_back( ToyResult->GetFitResult( (int)i )->GetFitStatus() );
		NLL_Values.push_back(  ToyResult->GetFitResult( (int)i )->GetMinimumValue() );

	ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, "Fit_Status", fitStatus );
	ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, "NLL", NLL_Values );


	//ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, "Fit_RealTime", RealTimes );
	//ResultFormatter::AddBranch( outputTree, "Fit_CPUTime", CPUTimes );

	//	Ntuples are 'stupid' objects in ROOT and the basic one can only handle float type objects
	/*TNtuple * parameterNTuple;
	  parameterNTuple = new TNtuple("RapidFitResult", "RapidFitResult", ToyResult->GetFlatResultHeader());
	  Float_t * resultArr;
	  for( int resultIndex = 0; resultIndex < ToyResult->NumberResults(); ++resultIndex )
	  vector<double> result = ToyResult->GetFlatResult(resultIndex);
	  resultArr = new Float_t [result.size()];
	  copy( result.begin(), result.end(), resultArr);
	  parameterNTuple->Fill( resultArr );
	  delete [] resultArr;

	//cout << "Storing Correlation Matrix" << endl;

	if( ToyResult->GetFitResult(0)->GetResultParameterSet() != NULL )
		if( !ToyResult->GetFitResult(0)->GetResultParameterSet()->GetAllFloatNames().empty() )
			vector<double> MatrixElements; vector<string> MatrixNames;
			TTree * tree = new TTree("corr_matrix", "Elements from Correlation Matricies");
			tree->Branch("MartrixElements", "std::vector<double>", &MatrixElements );
			tree->Branch("MartrixNames", "std::vector<string>", &MatrixNames );
			for( int resultIndex = 0; resultIndex < ToyResult->NumberResults(); ++resultIndex )
				TMatrixDSym* thisMatrix = ToyResult->GetFitResult(resultIndex)->GetCovarianceMatrix()->thisMatrix;
				if( thisMatrix == NULL ) continue;
				MatrixNames = ToyResult->GetFitResult(resultIndex)->GetCovarianceMatrix()->theseParameters;
				if( MatrixNames.empty() ) continue;
				double* MatrixArray = thisMatrix->GetMatrixArray();
				if( MatrixArray == NULL ) continue;
				for( unsigned int i=0; i< (unsigned) thisMatrix->GetNoElements(); ++i )
					MatrixElements.push_back( MatrixArray[i] );
				if( thisMatrix->GetNoElements() > 0 ) tree->Fill();

	//cout << "Saving XML and runtime" << endl;

	if( !inputXML.empty() )
		TTree* XMLTree = new TTree( "FittingXML", "FittingXML" );

		vector<string> thisXML = inputXML;

		XMLTree->Branch( "FittingXML", "std::vector<string>", &thisXML );


	if( !runtimeArgs.empty() )
		TTree* RuntimeTree = new TTree( "RuntimeArgs", "RuntimeArgs" );

		vector<string> thisRuntime = runtimeArgs;

		RuntimeTree->Branch( "RuntimeArgs", "std::vector<string>", &thisRuntime );



	if( !XMLForProjections.empty() )
		TTree* ProjectionXML = new TTree( "XMLForProjections", "XMLForProjections" );

		string thisXML = XMLForProjections;

		ProjectionXML->Branch( "ProjectionXML", "std::string", &thisXML );



        if( !XMLForToys.empty() )
                TTree* ToyXML = new TTree( "XMLForToys", "XMLForToys" );

                string thisXML = XMLForToys;

                ToyXML->Branch( "ToyXML", "std::string", &thisXML );




	//	THIS SHOULD BE SAFE... BUT THIS IS ROOT so 'of course' it isn't...
	//delete parameterNTuple;
	//delete rootFile;