Esempio n. 1
int main() {
    //Oyun Basi Mesaji
    cout << "Hello Player." << endl << "Welcome to Reversi." << endl << endl
         << "There is no limit for the Size of Board." << endl
         << "But Size of Board can be pozitif number." << endl << endl;
    //Gecerli bir size of board degeri girilmezse oyun biter.
    Reversi firstSimple;
    Reversi secondSimple;
    Reversi thirdSimple;
    Reversi fourthSimple;
    Reversi fifthSimple;
    //5 oyunda sira ile hamle yapilir
   while( !firstSimple.endGame() || !secondSimple.endGame() ||
          !thirdSimple.endGame() || !fourthSimple.endGame() ||
          !fifthSimple.endGame() )
        cout << "******************************" << endl;
        cout << "******************************" << endl;
        cout << "******************************" << endl;
        cout << "******************************" << endl;
        cout << "******************************" << endl;
    //Playera ait olan hucre sayisi her obje icin yazdirilir
    cout << "Score Tables: " << endl
         << "First game: " << firstSimple.getPlayerScore() << endl
         << "Second game: " << secondSimple.getPlayerScore() << endl
         << "Third game: " << thirdSimple.getPlayerScore() << endl
         << "Fourth game: " << fourthSimple.getPlayerScore() << endl
         << "Fifth game: " << fifthSimple.getPlayerScore() << endl << endl;
    //isFirstGameIsBetter fonksiyonu cagrilir
    //eger isFirstGameIsBetter fonksiyonunu cagiran objenin skoru 
    //parametre olarak alinan objenin skorundan daha iyi ise 1,
    //daha iyi degil ise 0 return edilir
    cout << endl << endl << "Which One Is Better:" << endl
         << endl << "First game vs Second game: "
         << firstSimple.isFirstGameIsBetter(secondSimple)
         << endl << "First game vs Third game: " 
         << firstSimple.isFirstGameIsBetter(thirdSimple)
         << endl << "First game vs Fourth game: " 
         << firstSimple.isFirstGameIsBetter(fourthSimple)
         << endl << "First game vs Fifth game: " 
         << firstSimple.isFirstGameIsBetter(fifthSimple);
    cout << endl << endl << "All Living Cells Number: " 
         << Reversi::getLivingCellsNumber();
    return 0;
void testCallByValue1(Reversi reversi){
    cout << "__________CALL BY VALUE TEST FUNCTION____________\n";