RooFitResult *breakDownFit(RooSimultaneous *m, RooAbsData *d, RooRealVar *mass, bool precondition = false){ if(precondition){ const char *catsName = m->indexCat().GetName(); TIterator *it = m->indexCat().typeIterator(); while(RooCatType* ci = dynamic_cast<RooCatType*>(it->Next())) { const Text_t *catLabel = ci->GetName(); RooAbsPdf *pdf = m->getPdf(Form("%s",catLabel)); RooAbsData *reduced = d->reduce(SelectVars(*mass),Cut(Form("%s==%s::%s",catsName, catsName, catLabel))); RooFitResult *r = pdf->fitTo(*reduced,PrintLevel(-1),Save(), Minimizer("Minuit2","migrad"),Strategy(0),Hesse(false),Minos(false),Optimize(false) ); cout << catsName << " " << catLabel << " M2migrad0 " << r->status() << endl; if(r->status()!=0){ RooFitResult *r = pdf->fitTo(*reduced, PrintLevel(-1), Save()); cout << catsName << " " << catLabel << " Mmigrad1 " << r->status() << endl; } } } RooFitResult *r = m->fitTo(*d, Save(), PrintLevel(-1), Strategy(0)); cout << "Global fit Mmigrad0 " << r->status() << endl; if(r->status()!=0){ RooFitResult *r = m->fitTo(*d, PrintLevel(-1), Save(), Minimizer("Minuit","minimize"),Strategy(2)); cout << "Global fit Mminimize2 " << r->status() << endl; return r; } return r; }
//____________________________________ void MakePlots(RooWorkspace* wks) { // Make plots of the data and the best fit model in two cases: // first the signal+background case // second the background-only case. // get some things out of workspace RooAbsPdf* model = wks->pdf("model"); RooAbsPdf* sigModel = wks->pdf("sigModel"); RooAbsPdf* zjjModel = wks->pdf("zjjModel"); RooAbsPdf* qcdModel = wks->pdf("qcdModel"); RooRealVar* mu = wks->var("mu"); RooRealVar* invMass = wks->var("invMass"); RooAbsData* data = wks->data("data"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Make plots for the Alternate hypothesis, eg. let mu float mu->setConstant(kFALSE); model->fitTo(*data,Save(kTRUE),Minos(kFALSE), Hesse(kFALSE),PrintLevel(-1)); //plot sig candidates, full model, and individual componenets new TCanvas(); RooPlot* frame = invMass->frame() ; data->plotOn(frame ) ; model->plotOn(frame) ; model->plotOn(frame,Components(*sigModel),LineStyle(kDashed), LineColor(kRed)) ; model->plotOn(frame,Components(*zjjModel),LineStyle(kDashed),LineColor(kBlack)) ; model->plotOn(frame,Components(*qcdModel),LineStyle(kDashed),LineColor(kGreen)) ; frame->SetTitle("An example fit to the signal + background model"); frame->Draw() ; // cdata->SaveAs("alternateFit.gif"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Do Fit to the Null hypothesis. Eg. fix mu=0 mu->setVal(0); // set signal fraction to 0 mu->setConstant(kTRUE); // set constant model->fitTo(*data, Save(kTRUE), Minos(kFALSE), Hesse(kFALSE),PrintLevel(-1)); // plot signal candidates with background model and components new TCanvas(); RooPlot* xframe2 = invMass->frame() ; data->plotOn(xframe2, DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2)) ; model->plotOn(xframe2) ; model->plotOn(xframe2, Components(*zjjModel),LineStyle(kDashed),LineColor(kBlack)) ; model->plotOn(xframe2, Components(*qcdModel),LineStyle(kDashed),LineColor(kGreen)) ; xframe2->SetTitle("An example fit to the background-only model"); xframe2->Draw() ; // cbkgonly->SaveAs("nullFit.gif"); }
//____________________________________ void DoSPlot(RooWorkspace* ws){ std::cout << "Calculate sWeights" << std::endl; // get what we need out of the workspace to do the fit RooAbsPdf* model = ws->pdf("model"); RooRealVar* zYield = ws->var("zYield"); RooRealVar* qcdYield = ws->var("qcdYield"); RooDataSet* data = (RooDataSet*) ws->data("data"); // fit the model to the data. model->fitTo(*data, Extended() ); // The sPlot technique requires that we fix the parameters // of the model that are not yields after doing the fit. RooRealVar* sigmaZ = ws->var("sigmaZ"); RooRealVar* qcdMassDecayConst = ws->var("qcdMassDecayConst"); sigmaZ->setConstant(); qcdMassDecayConst->setConstant(); RooMsgService::instance().setSilentMode(true); // Now we use the SPlot class to add SWeights to our data set // based on our model and our yield variables RooStats::SPlot* sData = new RooStats::SPlot("sData","An SPlot", *data, model, RooArgList(*zYield,*qcdYield) ); // Check that our weights have the desired properties std::cout << "Check SWeights:" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl << "Yield of Z is " << zYield->getVal() << ". From sWeights it is " << sData->GetYieldFromSWeight("zYield") << std::endl; std::cout << "Yield of QCD is " << qcdYield->getVal() << ". From sWeights it is " << sData->GetYieldFromSWeight("qcdYield") << std::endl << std::endl; for(Int_t i=0; i < 10; i++) { std::cout << "z Weight " << sData->GetSWeight(i,"zYield") << " qcd Weight " << sData->GetSWeight(i,"qcdYield") << " Total Weight " << sData->GetSumOfEventSWeight(i) << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; // import this new dataset with sWeights std::cout << "import new dataset with sWeights" << std::endl; ws->import(*data, Rename("dataWithSWeights")); }
RooAbsPdf *MakeModel(RooDataHist *data, RooRealVar *mww, char *name) { char *modelName = (char*)calloc(50, sizeof(char)); strcat(modelName, name); strcat(modelName, "model"); char *signalName = (char*)calloc(50, sizeof(char)); char *backgroundName = (char*)calloc(50, sizeof(char)); strcat(signalName, name); strcat(signalName, "signal"); strcat(backgroundName, name); strcat(backgroundName, "background"); char *meanName = (char*)calloc(50, sizeof(char)); strcat(meanName, name); strcat(meanName, "mean"); char *sigmaName = (char*)calloc(50, sizeof(char)); strcat(sigmaName, name); strcat(sigmaName, "sigma"); char *decayName = (char*)calloc(50, sizeof(char)); strcat(decayName, name); strcat(decayName, "decay"); char *weightName = (char*)calloc(50, sizeof(char)); strcat(weightName, name); strcat(weightName, "weight"); RooRealVar *mean = new RooRealVar(meanName, "mean", 0, 10000, "GeV"); RooRealVar *sigma = new RooRealVar(sigmaName, "sigma", 0, 3000, "GeV"); RooGaussian *signal = new RooGaussian(signalName, "signal", *mww, *mean, *sigma); RooRealVar *decay = new RooRealVar(decayName, "decay", -10, 10, "GeV"); RooExponential *background = new RooExponential(backgroundName, "background", *mww, *decay); RooRealVar *weight = new RooRealVar("decayweight", "weight", 0, 1.0, "None"); RooAbsPdf *model = new RooAddPdf(modelName, "model", RooArgList(*signal, *background), RooArgList(*weight), kTRUE); model->fitTo(*data); mean->setConstant(); sigma->setConstant(); weight->setConstant(); decay->setConstant(); return model; }
void rf510_wsnamedsets() { // C r e a t e m o d e l a n d d a t a s e t // ----------------------------------------------- RooWorkspace* w = new RooWorkspace("w") ; fillWorkspace(*w) ; // Exploit convention encoded in named set "parameters" and "observables" // to use workspace contents w/o need for introspected RooAbsPdf* model = w->pdf("model") ; // Generate data from p.d.f. in given observables RooDataSet* data = model->generate(*w->set("observables"),1000) ; // Fit model to data model->fitTo(*data) ; // Plot fitted model and data on frame of first (only) observable RooPlot* frame = ((RooRealVar*)w->set("observables")->first())->frame() ; data->plotOn(frame) ; model->plotOn(frame) ; // Overlay plot with model with reference parameters as stored in snapshots w->loadSnapshot("reference_fit") ; model->plotOn(frame,LineColor(kRed)) ; w->loadSnapshot("reference_fit_bkgonly") ; model->plotOn(frame,LineColor(kRed),LineStyle(kDashed)) ; // Draw the frame on the canvas new TCanvas("rf510_wsnamedsets","rf503_wsnamedsets",600,600) ; gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4) ; frame->Draw() ; // Print workspace contents w->Print() ; // Workspace will remain in memory after macro finishes gDirectory->Add(w) ; }
void MCStudy() { string fileName = "h4l_Template_2012_lowmass_unconstrained_new_v00.root"; const char * wsName = "combined"; //"w"; const char * modelSBName = "ModelConfig"; //"modelConfig"; const char * dataName = dataname.c_str(); TFile* file = TFile::Open(fileName); // get the workspace out of file RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(wsName); if (!wsName) { cout << "workspace not found" << endl; return -1.0; } // get the modelConfig out of the file ModelConfig* sbModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelSBName); // get the data out of file //RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName); // get toy MC data TFile *fhist = new TFile("../ToyMC/toyMC_ggF125.root"); TH1F *hsum = (TH1F*) fhist->Get("sumtoy1"); RooRealVar m4l("m4l","m4l",120,130); RooDataHist* data = new RooDataHist("data","data",x,hsum); // get pdf RooAbsPdf* model = sbModel->GetPdf(); RooPlot* xframe = m4l.frame(); data->plotOn(xframe); model->fitTo(*data); model->plotOn(xframe,LineColor(kRed)); TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c","c"); xframe->Draw(); }
RooDataSet * getDataAndFrac(TString name, TString q2name, TreeReader * mydata, TCut cut, RooRealVar * MM, double * frac, Str2VarMap jpsiPars, double *outnsig) { RooRealVar * cosThetaL = new RooRealVar("cosThetaL","cosThetaL",0.,-1.,1.); RooRealVar * cosThetaB = new RooRealVar("cosThetaB","cosThetaB",0.,-1.,1.); TCut massCut = "Lb_MassConsLambda > 5590 && Lb_MassConsLambda < 5650"; Analysis * ana = new Analysis(name+"_mass"+q2name,"Lb",mydata,&cut,MM); ana->AddVariable("J_psi_1S_MM"); ana->AddVariable(cosThetaL); ana->AddVariable(cosThetaB); RooAbsPdf * mysig = stringToPdf("Gauss","sig",MM,jpsiPars); RooAbsPdf * mybkg = stringToPdf("Exp","bkgM",MM); RooRealVar * mynsig = new RooRealVar("mynsig","mynsig",50,0,100000); RooRealVar * mynbkg = new RooRealVar("mynbkg","mynbkg",10,0,100000); RooAbsPdf * Mmodel = new RooAddPdf("MassModel","MassModel",RooArgSet(*mysig,*mybkg),RooArgSet(*mynsig,*mynbkg)); ana->applyCuts(&cut); RooDataSet * data = ana->GetDataSet("-recalc"); Mmodel->fitTo(*data,Extended(kTRUE)); double sigBkg = mybkg->createIntegral(*MM,NormSet(*MM),Range("Signal"))->getVal(); double sig = mysig->createIntegral(*MM,NormSet(*MM),Range("Signal"))->getVal(); double nsig = mynsig->getVal(); double nbkg = mynbkg->getVal(); if(frac) { frac[0] = nsig*sig/(nsig*sig+nbkg*sigBkg); frac[1] = frac[0]*TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power(mynsig->getError()/nsig,2) + TMath::Power(mynbkg->getError()/nbkg,2) ); } TCut mycut = cut + massCut; ana->applyCuts(&mycut); TCanvas * cc = new TCanvas(); GetFrame(MM,Mmodel,data,"-nochi2-plotAllComp",30,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{#Lambda}")->Draw(); cc->Print("M_"+name+"_"+q2name+".pdf"); if(*outnsig) *outnsig = nsig; return ana->GetDataSet("-recalc"); }
void rf509_wsinteractive() { // C r e a t e a n d f i l l w o r k s p a c e // ------------------------------------------------ // Create a workspace named 'w' // With CINT w could exports its contents to // a same-name C++ namespace in CINT 'namespace w'. // but this does not work anymore in CLING. // so this tutorial is an example on how to // change the code RooWorkspace* w = new RooWorkspace("w",kTRUE) ; // Fill workspace with p.d.f. and data in a separate function fillWorkspace(*w) ; // Print workspace contents w->Print() ; // this does not work anymore with CLING // use normal workspace functionality // U s e w o r k s p a c e c o n t e n t s // ---------------------------------------------- // Old syntax to use the name space prefix operator to access the workspace contents // //RooDataSet* d = w::model.generate(w::x,1000) ; //RooFitResult* r = w::model.fitTo(*d) ; // use normal workspace methods RooAbsPdf * model = w->pdf("model"); RooRealVar * x = w->var("x"); RooDataSet* d = model->generate(*x,1000) ; RooFitResult* r = model->fitTo(*d) ; // old syntax to access the variable x // RooPlot* frame = w::x.frame() ; RooPlot* frame = x->frame() ; d->plotOn(frame) ; // OLD syntax to ommit x:: // NB: The 'w::' prefix can be omitted if namespace w is imported in local namespace // in the usual C++ way // // using namespace w; // model.plotOn(frame) ; // model.plotOn(frame,Components(bkg),LineStyle(kDashed)) ; // new correct syntax RooAbsPdf *bkg = w->pdf("bkg"); model->plotOn(frame); model->plotOn(frame,Components(*bkg),LineStyle(kDashed)) ; // Draw the frame on the canvas new TCanvas("rf509_wsinteractive","rf509_wsinteractive",600,600) ; gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4) ; frame->Draw() ; }
void FitterUtils::prepare_PDFs(string trigStr, string BDTVar, double BDTcut, string signalfile, string partrecofile, string combfile, string JpsiLeakfile, double minBMass, double maxBMass, string signaltree, string partrecotree, string combtree, string JpsiLeaktree) { //***********Get the datasets TFile* fSignal = new TFile(signalfile.c_str()); TTree* tSignal = (TTree*)fSignal->Get(signaltree.c_str()); TFile* fPartReco = new TFile(partrecofile.c_str()); TTree* tPartReco = (TTree*)fPartReco->Get(partrecotree.c_str()); TFile* fComb = new TFile(combfile.c_str()); TTree* tComb = (TTree*)fComb->Get(combtree.c_str()); TFile* fJpsiLeak = new TFile(JpsiLeakfile.c_str()); TTree* tJpsiLeak = (TTree*)fJpsiLeak->Get(JpsiLeaktree.c_str()); //**********Define variables RooRealVar trigVar(trigStr.c_str(), trigStr.c_str(), -10, 10); RooRealVar BDTRooRealVar(BDTVar.c_str(), BDTVar.c_str(), -1,1); RooRealVar B_plus_M("B_plus_M", "M_{visible}", minBMass, maxBMass, "MeV"); RooRealVar misPT("misPT", "p_{#perp}", 0, 5000, "MeV"); RooRealVar B_plus_DTFM_M_zero("B_plus_DTFM_M_zero", "M_{constr}", 0, 20000, "MeV"); RooRealVar e_plus_BremMultiplicity("e_plus_BremMultiplicity","e_plus_BremMultiplicity", -1,2); RooRealVar e_minus_BremMultiplicity("e_minus_BremMultiplicity","e_minus_BremMultiplicity", -1,2); RooRealVar weightPartReco("weightPartReco", "weightPartReco", 0, 10); RooRealVar weightLeakage("weightLeakage", "weightLeakage", 0, 10); RooRealVar dataMCWeightee("DataMCWeightee", "DataMCWeightee",0, 30); //***********Set only variables needed tSignal->SetBranchStatus("*", 0); tSignal->SetBranchStatus("B_plus_M", 1); tSignal->SetBranchStatus("misPT", 1); tSignal->SetBranchStatus("B_plus_DTFM_M_zero", 1); tSignal->SetBranchStatus(BDTVar.c_str(),1); tSignal->SetBranchStatus("e_plus_BremMultiplicity", 1); tSignal->SetBranchStatus("e_minus_BremMultiplicity", 1); tSignal->SetBranchStatus(trigStr.c_str()); tSignal->SetBranchStatus("DataMCWeightee",1); tPartReco->SetBranchStatus("*", 0); tPartReco->SetBranchStatus("B_plus_M", 1); tPartReco->SetBranchStatus("misPT", 1); tPartReco->SetBranchStatus("B_plus_DTFM_M_zero", 1);tPartReco->SetBranchStatus(BDTVar.c_str(),1); tPartReco->SetBranchStatus("e_plus_BremMultiplicity", 1); tPartReco->SetBranchStatus("e_minus_BremMultiplicity", 1); tPartReco->SetBranchStatus(trigStr.c_str()); tPartReco->SetBranchStatus("weightPartReco",1); tComb->SetBranchStatus("*", 0); tComb->SetBranchStatus("B_plus_M", 1); tComb->SetBranchStatus("misPT", 1); tComb->SetBranchStatus("B_plus_DTFM_M_zero", 1);tComb->SetBranchStatus(BDTVar.c_str(),1); tComb->SetBranchStatus("e_plus_BremMultiplicity", 1); tComb->SetBranchStatus("e_minus_BremMultiplicity", 1); tComb->SetBranchStatus(trigStr.c_str()); tJpsiLeak->SetBranchStatus("*", 0); tJpsiLeak->SetBranchStatus("B_plus_M", 1); tJpsiLeak->SetBranchStatus("misPT", 1); tJpsiLeak->SetBranchStatus("B_plus_DTFM_M_zero", 1);tJpsiLeak->SetBranchStatus(BDTVar.c_str(),1); tJpsiLeak->SetBranchStatus("e_plus_BremMultiplicity", 1); tJpsiLeak->SetBranchStatus("e_minus_BremMultiplicity", 1); tJpsiLeak->SetBranchStatus(trigStr.c_str()); tJpsiLeak->SetBranchStatus("weightLeakage",1); //***********Set Binning RooBinning defaultMBins(floor((maxBMass-minBMass)/(40.)), B_plus_M.getMin(), B_plus_M.getMax() ); RooBinning defaultMisPTBins(floor(40), misPT.getMin(), misPT.getMax()); RooBinning broaderMBins(floor((maxBMass-minBMass)/(80.)), B_plus_M.getMin(), B_plus_M.getMax()); RooBinning broaderMisPTBins(floor(40), misPT.getMin(), misPT.getMax()); B_plus_M.setBinning( defaultMBins); misPT.setBinning( defaultMisPTBins ); B_plus_M.setBinning( broaderMBins, "broaderBins"); misPT.setBinning( broaderMisPTBins, "broaderBins" ); B_plus_DTFM_M_zero.setBins(100); RooArgSet argset(BDTRooRealVar, B_plus_DTFM_M_zero, misPT, B_plus_M, trigVar, e_plus_BremMultiplicity, e_minus_BremMultiplicity); RooArgSet argsetPartReco(BDTRooRealVar, B_plus_DTFM_M_zero, misPT, B_plus_M, trigVar, e_plus_BremMultiplicity, e_minus_BremMultiplicity, weightPartReco); RooArgSet argsetLeakage(BDTRooRealVar, B_plus_DTFM_M_zero, misPT, B_plus_M, trigVar, e_plus_BremMultiplicity, e_minus_BremMultiplicity, weightLeakage); RooArgSet argsetSignal(BDTRooRealVar, B_plus_DTFM_M_zero, misPT, B_plus_M, trigVar, e_plus_BremMultiplicity, e_minus_BremMultiplicity, dataMCWeightee); cout<<"getting the datasets:"<<endl; RooDataSet* dataSetSignalZeroGamma; RooDataSet* dataSetSignalOneGamma; RooDataSet* dataSetSignalTwoGamma; RooDataSet* dataSetPartReco; RooDataSet* dataSetJpsiLeak; RooDataSet* dataSetComb; TFile* fw(NULL); string BDTCutString( ("("+BDTVar+">"+d2s(BDTcut)+")").c_str() ); dataSetSignalZeroGamma = new RooDataSet("dataSetSignalZeroGamma", "dataSetSignalZeroGamma", argsetSignal, Import(*tSignal), Cut(( " ("+trigStr+" > 0.9) && "+BDTCutString+" && ((e_plus_BremMultiplicity+e_minus_BremMultiplicity) > -0.5) && ((e_plus_BremMultiplicity+e_minus_BremMultiplicity) < 0.5) && B_plus_M > "+d2s(minBMass)+" && B_plus_M < "+d2s(maxBMass)).c_str()), WeightVar("DataMCWeightee") ); dataSetSignalOneGamma = new RooDataSet("dataSetSignalOneGamma", "dataSetSignalOneGamma", argsetSignal, Import(*tSignal), Cut(( " ("+trigStr+" > 0.9) && "+BDTCutString+" && ((e_plus_BremMultiplicity+e_minus_BremMultiplicity) > 0.5) && ((e_plus_BremMultiplicity+e_minus_BremMultiplicity) < 1.5) && B_plus_M > "+d2s(minBMass)+" && B_plus_M < "+d2s(maxBMass)).c_str()), WeightVar("DataMCWeightee") ); dataSetSignalTwoGamma = new RooDataSet("dataSetSignalTwoGamma", "dataSetSignalTwoGamma", argsetSignal, Import(*tSignal), Cut(( " ("+trigStr+" > 0.9) && "+BDTCutString+" && ((e_plus_BremMultiplicity+e_minus_BremMultiplicity) > 1.5) && ((e_plus_BremMultiplicity+e_minus_BremMultiplicity) < 2.5) && B_plus_M > "+d2s(minBMass)+" && B_plus_M < "+d2s(maxBMass)).c_str()), WeightVar("DataMCWeightee") ); dataSetPartReco = new RooDataSet("dataSetPartReco", "dataSetPartReco", argsetPartReco, Import(*tPartReco),Cut(("("+trigStr+" > 0.9) && "+BDTCutString+ " && B_plus_M > "+d2s(minBMass)+" && B_plus_M < "+d2s(maxBMass)).c_str()), WeightVar("weightPartReco")); dataSetJpsiLeak = new RooDataSet("dataSetJpsiLeak", "dataSetJpsiLeak", argsetLeakage, Import(*tJpsiLeak),Cut(("B_plus_M > "+d2s(minBMass)+" && B_plus_M < "+d2s(maxBMass)).c_str()), WeightVar("weightLeakage")); // dataSetComb = new RooDataSet("dataSetComb", "dataSetComb", tComb, argset, ("("+trigStr+" > 0.9) && (UBDT3R > "+d2s(BDTcut-0.03)+") && B_plus_M > "+d2s(minBMass)+" && B_plus_M < "+d2s(maxBMass)).c_str()); dataSetComb = new RooDataSet("dataSetComb", "dataSetComb", tComb, argset, ("("+trigStr+" > 0.9) && "+BDTCutString+" && B_plus_M > "+d2s(minBMass)+" && B_plus_M < "+d2s(maxBMass)).c_str()); cout<<"Number of zero: "<< dataSetSignalZeroGamma->sumEntries()<<endl; cout<<"Number of one: "<< dataSetSignalOneGamma->sumEntries()<<endl; cout<<"Number of two: "<< dataSetSignalTwoGamma->sumEntries()<<endl; cout<<"Number of PartReco: "<< dataSetPartReco->sumEntries()<<endl; cout<<"Number of Jpsi leaking:"<< dataSetJpsiLeak->sumEntries()<<endl; cout<<"Number of combinatorial events:"<< dataSetComb->sumEntries()<<endl; cout<<"binning the datasets:"<<endl; RooArgSet argset2(B_plus_M); if (fit2D) argset2.add(misPT); RooDataHist dataHistSignalZeroGamma("dataHistSignalZeroGamma", "dataHistSignalZeroGamma", argset2, *dataSetSignalZeroGamma); RooDataHist dataHistSignalOneGamma("dataHistSignalOneGamma", "dataHistSignalOneGamma", argset2, *dataSetSignalOneGamma); RooDataHist dataHistSignalTwoGamma("dataHistSignalTwoGamma", "dataHistSignalTwoGamma", argset2, *dataSetSignalTwoGamma); RooDataHist dataHistComb("dataHistComb", "dataHistComb", argset2, *dataSetComb); RooDataHist dataHistPartReco("dataHistPartReco", "dataHistPartReco", argset2, *dataSetPartReco); RooDataHist dataHistJpsiLeak("dataHistJpsiLeak", "dataHistJpsiLeak", argset2, "broaderBins"); dataHistJpsiLeak.add(*dataSetJpsiLeak); //*************** Compute Error on J/psi leak double ErrorJpsi(0); if(dataSetJpsiLeak->sumEntries(("("+trigStr+" > 0.9) && "+BDTCutString+" && B_plus_M > "+d2s(minBMass)+" && B_plus_M < "+d2s(maxBMass)).c_str()) > 0) ErrorJpsi = 1./sqrt(dataSetJpsiLeak->sumEntries(("("+trigStr+" > 0.9) && "+BDTCutString+" && B_plus_M > "+d2s(minBMass)+" && B_plus_M < "+d2s(maxBMass)).c_str())); RooRealVar fractionalErrorJpsiLeak("fractionalErrorJpsiLeak", "fractionalErrorJpsiLeak", ErrorJpsi); cout<<"JPSI LEAK: "<<dataSetJpsiLeak->sumEntries(("("+trigStr+" > 0.9) && "+BDTCutString+" && B_plus_M > "+d2s(minBMass)+" && B_plus_M < "+d2s(maxBMass)).c_str()); cout<<"JPSI LEAK fractional Error: "<<ErrorJpsi<<endl; //***************Create 2D histogram estimates from data cout<<"Preparing the 3 2D histPdf: 1"; // RooArgSet argset2(B_plus_M); RooHistPdf histPdfSignalZeroGamma("histPdfSignalZeroGamma", "histPdfSignalZeroGamma", argset2, dataHistSignalZeroGamma,2); cout<<" 2"; RooHistPdf histPdfSignalOneGamma("histPdfSignalOneGamma", "histPdfSignalOneGamma", argset2, dataHistSignalOneGamma,2); cout<<" 3"; RooHistPdf histPdfSignalTwoGamma("histPdfSignalTwoGamma", "histPdfSignalTwoGamma", argset2, dataHistSignalTwoGamma,2); cout<<" 4"; RooHistPdf histPdfPartReco("histPdfPartReco", "histPdfPartReco", argset2, dataHistPartReco,2); cout<<" 5"; RooHistPdf histPdfJpsiLeak("histPdfJpsiLeak", "histPdfJpsiLeak", argset2, dataHistJpsiLeak,2); cout<<" 6"; //***************Create combinatorial from fit to data RooRealVar expoConst("expoConst", "expoConst", -1e-3, -1, 1); RooRealVar T("T", "T", 97, 0, 200); RooRealVar n("n", "n", 3.5, 1., 5.5); RooAbsPdf *combPDF; if (fit2D) { combPDF = new RooPTMVis("PTMVis", "PTMVis", misPT, B_plus_M, T, n, expoConst); } else { combPDF = new RooExponential("histPdfComb", "histPdfComb", B_plus_M, expoConst); } combPDF->fitTo(*dataSetComb); // if (fit2D) { T.setConstant(true); n.setConstant(true); std::cout<<"T generated is: "<<T.getVal()<<std::endl; } RooRealVar trueExp("trueExp","trueExp", expoConst.getVal(), -1000, 1000); trueExp.setError(expoConst.getError()); RooRealVar trueT("trueT","trueT", T.getVal(), -1000, 1000); trueT.setError(T.getError()); RooRealVar trueN("trueN","trueN", n.getVal(), -1000, 1000); trueN.setError(n.getError()); //***************Save everything on a workspace RooWorkspace workspace("workspace", "workspace"); workspace.import(B_plus_DTFM_M_zero); workspace.import(B_plus_M); workspace.import(misPT); workspace.import(expoConst); workspace.import(trueExp); workspace.import(T); workspace.import(n); workspace.import(*dataSetSignalZeroGamma); workspace.import(*dataSetSignalOneGamma); workspace.import(*dataSetSignalTwoGamma); workspace.import(*dataSetPartReco); workspace.import(*dataSetComb); workspace.import(*dataSetJpsiLeak); workspace.import(histPdfSignalZeroGamma); workspace.import(histPdfSignalOneGamma); workspace.import(histPdfSignalTwoGamma); workspace.import(histPdfPartReco); workspace.import(histPdfJpsiLeak); workspace.import(fractionalErrorJpsiLeak); workspace.import(trueT); workspace.import(trueN); workspace.writeToFile(workspacename.c_str()); delete fComb; delete fSignal; delete fPartReco; if(fw!=0 && fw != NULL) delete fw; delete combPDF; delete dataSetSignalZeroGamma; delete dataSetSignalOneGamma; delete dataSetSignalTwoGamma; delete dataSetPartReco; delete dataSetJpsiLeak; delete dataSetComb; }
float ComputeTestStat(TString wsfile, double mu_susy_sig_val) { gROOT->Reset(); TFile* wstf = new TFile( wsfile ) ; RooWorkspace* ws = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( wstf->Get("ws") ); ws->Print() ; ModelConfig* modelConfig = (ModelConfig*) ws->obj( "SbModel" ) ; modelConfig->Print() ; RooDataSet* rds = (RooDataSet*) ws->obj( "ra2b_observed_rds" ) ; rds->Print() ; rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ; RooAbsPdf* likelihood = modelConfig->GetPdf() ; RooRealVar* rrv_mu_susy_sig = ws->var("mu_susy_all0lep") ; if ( rrv_mu_susy_sig == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find mu_susy_all0lep in workspace. Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; } else { printf(" current value is : %8.3f\n", rrv_mu_susy_sig->getVal() ) ; cout << flush ; rrv_mu_susy_sig->setConstant(kFALSE) ; } /* // check the impact of varying the qcd normalization: RooRealVar *rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH1 = ws->var("qcd_0lepLDP_ratio_H1"); RooRealVar *rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH2 = ws->var("qcd_0lepLDP_ratio_H2"); RooRealVar *rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH3 = ws->var("qcd_0lepLDP_ratio_H3"); rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH1->setVal(0.3); rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH2->setVal(0.3); rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH3->setVal(0.3); rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH1->setConstant(kTRUE); rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH2->setConstant(kTRUE); rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH3->setConstant(kTRUE); */ printf("\n\n\n ===== Doing a fit with SUSY component floating ====================\n\n") ; RooFitResult* fitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(0) ) ; double logLikelihoodSusyFloat = fitResult->minNll() ; double logLikelihoodSusyFixed(0.) ; double testStatVal(-1.) ; if ( mu_susy_sig_val >= 0. ) { printf("\n\n\n ===== Doing a fit with SUSY fixed ====================\n\n") ; printf(" fixing mu_susy_sig to %8.2f.\n", mu_susy_sig_val ) ; rrv_mu_susy_sig->setVal( mu_susy_sig_val ) ; rrv_mu_susy_sig->setConstant(kTRUE) ; fitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(0) ) ; logLikelihoodSusyFixed = fitResult->minNll() ; testStatVal = 2.*(logLikelihoodSusyFixed - logLikelihoodSusyFloat) ; printf("\n\n\n ======= test statistic : -2 * ln (L_fixed / ln L_max) = %8.3f\n\n\n", testStatVal ) ; } return testStatVal ; }
void ws_profile_interval1( const char* wsfile = "ws-test1.root", const char* parName = "mu_susy_sig", double alpha = 0.10, double mu_susy_sig_val = 0., double xmax = -1. ) { TFile* wstf = new TFile( wsfile ) ; RooWorkspace* ws = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( wstf->Get("ws") ); ws->Print() ; //// ModelConfig* modelConfig = (ModelConfig*) ws->obj( "SbModel" ) ; //// printf("\n\n\n ===== SbModel ====================\n\n") ; //// modelConfig->Print() ; RooDataSet* rds = (RooDataSet*) ws->obj( "ra2b_observed_rds" ) ; printf("\n\n\n ===== RooDataSet ====================\n\n") ; rds->Print() ; rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ; printf("\n\n\n ===== Grabbing %s rrv ====================\n\n", parName ) ; RooRealVar* rrv_par = ws->var( parName ) ; if ( rrv_par == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find %s in workspace. Quitting.\n\n\n", parName ) ; return ; } else { printf(" current value is : %8.3f\n", rrv_par->getVal() ) ; cout << flush ; } if ( xmax > 0 ) { rrv_par->setMax( xmax ) ; } printf("\n\n\n ===== Grabbing mu_susy_sig rrv ====================\n\n") ; RooRealVar* rrv_mu_susy_sig = ws->var("mu_susy_sig") ; if ( rrv_mu_susy_sig == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find mu_susy_sig in workspace. Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; } if ( strcmp( parName, "mu_susy_sig" ) != 0 ) { if ( mu_susy_sig_val >= 0. ) { printf(" current value is : %8.3f\n", rrv_mu_susy_sig->getVal() ) ; cout << flush ; printf(" fixing to %8.2f.\n", mu_susy_sig_val ) ; rrv_mu_susy_sig->setVal( mu_susy_sig_val ) ; rrv_mu_susy_sig->setConstant(kTRUE) ; } else { printf(" current value is : %8.3f\n", rrv_mu_susy_sig->getVal() ) ; cout << flush ; printf(" allowing mu_susy_sig to float.\n") ; rrv_mu_susy_sig->setConstant(kFALSE) ; } } else { printf("\n\n profile plot parameter is mu_susy_sig.\n") ; rrv_mu_susy_sig->setConstant(kFALSE) ; } printf("\n\n\n ===== Grabbing likelihood pdf ====================\n\n") ; RooAbsPdf* likelihood = ws->pdf("likelihood") ; if ( likelihood == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find likelihood pdf in workspace. Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; } else { printf("\n\n likelihood pdf: \n\n") ; likelihood->Print() ; } printf("\n\n\n ===== Doing a fit ====================\n\n") ; likelihood->fitTo( *rds ) ; double mlValue = rrv_par->getVal() ; printf(" Maximum likelihood value of %s : %8.3f +/- %8.3f\n", parName, rrv_par->getVal(), rrv_par->getError() ) ; printf("\n\n ========== Creating ProfileLikelihoodCalculator\n\n" ) ; cout << flush ; // ProfileLikelihoodCalculator plc( *rds, *modelConfig ) ; ProfileLikelihoodCalculator plc( *rds, *likelihood, RooArgSet( *rrv_par ) ) ; plc.SetTestSize( alpha ) ; ConfInterval* plinterval = plc.GetInterval() ; double low = ((LikelihoodInterval*) plinterval)->LowerLimit(*rrv_par) ; double high = ((LikelihoodInterval*) plinterval)->UpperLimit(*rrv_par) ; printf("\n\n Limits: %8.3f, %8.3f\n\n", low, high ) ; printf("\n\n ========= Making profile likelihood plot\n\n") ; cout << flush ; LikelihoodIntervalPlot* profPlot = new LikelihoodIntervalPlot((LikelihoodInterval*)plinterval) ; TCanvas* cplplot = new TCanvas("cplplot","cplplot", 500, 400) ; profPlot->Draw() ; gPad->SetGridy(1) ; char plotname[10000] ; sprintf( plotname, "plplot-%s.png", parName ) ; cplplot->SaveAs( plotname ) ; if ( alpha > 0.3 ) { printf("\n\n\n 1 standard-deviation errors for %s : %8.2f + %8.2f - %8.2f\n\n\n", parName, mlValue, high-mlValue, mlValue-low ) ; } }
void asimov() { std::string InputFile = "./data/example.root"; // Create the measurement Measurement meas("meas", "meas"); meas.SetOutputFilePrefix( "./results/asimov_UsingC" ); meas.SetPOI( "SigXsecOverSM" ); meas.AddConstantParam("alpha_syst1"); meas.AddConstantParam("Lumi"); meas.SetLumi( 1.0 ); meas.SetLumiRelErr( 0.10 ); meas.SetExportOnly( false ); meas.SetBinHigh( 2 ); // Create a channel Channel chan( "channel1" ); chan.SetData( "data", InputFile ); chan.SetStatErrorConfig( 0.05, "Poisson" ); // Now, create some samples // Create the signal sample Sample signal( "signal", "signal", InputFile ); signal.AddOverallSys( "syst1", 0.95, 1.05 ); signal.AddNormFactor( "SigXsecOverSM", 1, 0, 3 ); chan.AddSample( signal ); // Background 1 Sample background1( "background1", "background1", InputFile ); background1.ActivateStatError( "background1_statUncert", InputFile ); background1.AddOverallSys( "syst2", 0.95, 1.05 ); chan.AddSample( background1 ); // Background 1 Sample background2( "background2", "background2", InputFile ); background2.ActivateStatError(); background2.AddOverallSys( "syst3", 0.95, 1.05 ); chan.AddSample( background2 ); // Done with this channel // Add it to the measurement: meas.AddChannel( chan ); // Collect the histograms from their files, // print some output, meas.CollectHistograms(); //meas.PrintTree(); // One can print XML code to an // output directory: // meas.PrintXML( "xmlFromCCode", meas.GetOutputFilePrefix() ); RooWorkspace* wspace = RooStats::HistFactory::HistoToWorkspaceFactoryFast::MakeCombinedModel(meas); // Get the pdf, obs RooAbsPdf* pdf = wspace->pdf("simPdf"); RooDataSet* obsData = (RooDataSet*) wspace->data("obsData"); RooDataSet* asimovData = (RooDataSet*) wspace->data("asimovData"); // fit the pdf to the asimov data std::cout << "Fitting to Observed Data" << std::endl; pdf->fitTo(*obsData); std::cout << "Fitting to Asimov Data" << std::endl; pdf->fitTo(*asimovData); return; }
void rs603_HLFactoryElaborateExample() { // --- Prepare the 2 needed datacards for this example --- TString card_name(""); ofstream ofile(card_name); ofile << "// The simplest card for combination\n\n"; ofile << "gauss1 = Gaussian(x[0,100],mean1[50,0,100],4);\n"; ofile << "flat1 = Polynomial(x,0);\n"; ofile << "sb_model1 = SUM(nsig1[120,0,300]*gauss1 , nbkg1[100,0,1000]*flat1);\n\n"; ofile << "echo In the middle!;\n\n"; ofile << "gauss2 = Gaussian(x,mean2[80,0,100],5);\n"; ofile << "flat2 = Polynomial(x,0);\n"; ofile << "sb_model2 = SUM(nsig2[90,0,400]*gauss2 , nbkg2[80,0,1000]*flat2);\n\n"; ofile << "echo At the end!;\n"; ofile.close(); TString card_name2(""); ofstream ofile2(card_name2); ofile2 << "// The simplest card for combination\n\n"; ofile2 << "gauss1 = Gaussian(x[0,100],mean1[50,0,100],4);\n"; ofile2 << "flat1 = Polynomial(x,0);\n"; ofile2 << "sb_model1 = SUM(nsig1[120,0,300]*gauss1 , nbkg1[100,0,1000]*flat1);\n\n"; ofile2 << "echo In the middle!;\n\n"; ofile2 << "gauss2 = Gaussian(x,mean2[80,0,100],5);\n"; ofile2 << "flat2 = Polynomial(x,0);\n"; ofile2 << "sb_model2 = SUM(nsig2[90,0,400]*gauss2 , nbkg2[80,0,1000]*flat2);\n\n"; ofile2 << "#include;\n\n"; ofile2 << "echo At the end!;\n"; ofile2.close(); TString card_name3(""); ofstream ofile3(card_name3); ofile3 << "echo Now reading the included file!;\n\n"; ofile3 << "echo Including datasets in a Workspace in a Root file...;\n"; ofile3 << "data1 = import(rs603_infile.root,\n"; ofile3 << " rs603_ws,\n"; ofile3 << " data1);\n\n"; ofile3 << "data2 = import(rs603_infile.root,\n"; ofile3 << " rs603_ws,\n"; ofile3 << " data2);\n"; ofile3.close(); // --- Produce the two separate datasets into a WorkSpace --- HLFactory hlf("HLFactoryComplexExample", "", false); RooRealVar* x = static_cast<RooRealVar*>(hlf.GetWs()->arg("x")); RooAbsPdf* pdf1 = hlf.GetWs()->pdf("sb_model1"); RooAbsPdf* pdf2 = hlf.GetWs()->pdf("sb_model2"); RooWorkspace w("rs603_ws"); RooDataSet* data1 = pdf1->generate(RooArgSet(*x),Extended()); data1->SetName("data1"); w.import(*data1); RooDataSet* data2 = pdf2->generate(RooArgSet(*x),Extended()); data2->SetName("data2"); w.import(*data2); // --- Write the WorkSpace into a rootfile --- TFile outfile("rs603_infile.root","RECREATE"); w.Write(); outfile.Close(); cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n" << " Rootfile and Workspace prepared \n" << "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; HLFactory hlf_2("HLFactoryElaborateExample", "", false); x = hlf_2.GetWs()->var("x"); pdf1 = hlf_2.GetWs()->pdf("sb_model1"); pdf2 = hlf_2.GetWs()->pdf("sb_model2"); hlf_2.AddChannel("model1","sb_model1","flat1","data1"); hlf_2.AddChannel("model2","sb_model2","flat2","data2"); RooDataSet* data = hlf_2.GetTotDataSet(); RooAbsPdf* pdf = hlf_2.GetTotSigBkgPdf(); RooCategory* thecat = hlf_2.GetTotCategory(); // --- Perform extended ML fit of composite PDF to toy data --- pdf->fitTo(*data) ; // --- Plot toy data and composite PDF overlaid --- RooPlot* xframe = x->frame() ; data->plotOn(xframe); thecat->setIndex(0); pdf->plotOn(xframe,Slice(*thecat),ProjWData(*thecat,*data)) ; thecat->setIndex(1); pdf->plotOn(xframe,Slice(*thecat),ProjWData(*thecat,*data)) ; gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); xframe->Draw(); }
void rf105_funcbinding() { // B i n d T M a t h : : E r f C f u n c t i o n // --------------------------------------------------- // Bind one-dimensional TMath::Erf function as RooAbsReal function RooRealVar x("x","x",-3,3) ; RooAbsReal* errorFunc = bindFunction("erf",TMath::Erf,x) ; // Print erf definition errorFunc->Print() ; // Plot erf on frame RooPlot* frame1 = x.frame(Title("TMath::Erf bound as RooFit function")) ; errorFunc->plotOn(frame1) ; // B i n d R O O T : : M a t h : : b e t a _ p d f C f u n c t i o n // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bind pdf ROOT::Math::Beta with three variables as RooAbsPdf function RooRealVar x2("x2","x2",0,0.999) ; RooRealVar a("a","a",5,0,10) ; RooRealVar b("b","b",2,0,10) ; RooAbsPdf* beta = bindPdf("beta",ROOT::Math::beta_pdf,x2,a,b) ; // Perf beta definition beta->Print() ; // Generate some events and fit RooDataSet* data = beta->generate(x2,10000) ; beta->fitTo(*data) ; // Plot data and pdf on frame RooPlot* frame2 = x2.frame(Title("ROOT::Math::Beta bound as RooFit pdf")) ; data->plotOn(frame2) ; beta->plotOn(frame2) ; // B i n d R O O T T F 1 a s R o o F i t f u n c t i o n // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Create a ROOT TF1 function TF1 *fa1 = new TF1("fa1","sin(x)/x",0,10); // Create an observable RooRealVar x3("x3","x3",0.01,20) ; // Create binding of TF1 object to above observable RooAbsReal* rfa1 = bindFunction(fa1,x3) ; // Print rfa1 definition rfa1->Print() ; // Make plot frame in observable, plot TF1 binding function RooPlot* frame3 = x3.frame(Title("TF1 bound as RooFit function")) ; rfa1->plotOn(frame3) ; TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("rf105_funcbinding","rf105_funcbinding",1200,400) ; c->Divide(3) ; c->cd(1) ; gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; frame1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6) ; frame1->Draw() ; c->cd(2) ; gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; frame2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6) ; frame2->Draw() ; c->cd(3) ; gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; frame3->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6) ; frame3->Draw() ; }
void fit2015( TString FileName ="/afs/", int oniamode = 2, // oniamode-> 3: Z, 2: Upsilon and 1: J/Psi bool isData = true, // isData = false for MC, true for Data bool isPbPb = false, // isPbPb = false for pp, true for PbPb bool doFit = false , bool inExcStat = true // if inExcStat is true, then the excited states are fitted ) { InputOpt opt; SetOptions(&opt, isData, isPbPb, oniamode,inExcStat); if (isPbPb) { FileName = "/afs/"; } else { FileName = "/afs/"; } int nbins = 1; //ceil((opt.dMuon->M->Max - opt.dMuon->M->Min)/binw); if (oniamode==1){ nbins = 140; } else if (oniamode==2) { nbins = 70; } else if (oniamode==3) { nbins = 40; } RooWorkspace myws; TH1F* hDataOS = new TH1F("hDataOS","hDataOS", nbins, opt.dMuon.M.Min, opt.dMuon.M.Max); makeWorkspace2015(myws, FileName, opt, hDataOS); RooRealVar* mass = (RooRealVar*) myws.var("invariantMass"); RooDataSet* dataOS_fit = (RooDataSet*)"dataOS"); RooDataSet* dataSS_fit = (RooDataSet*)"dataSS"); RooAbsPdf* pdf = NULL; if (oniamode==3) { doFit=false; } if (doFit) { int sigModel=0, bkgModel=0; if (isData) { if (oniamode==1){ sigModel = inExcStat ? 2 : 3; bkgModel = 1; } else { sigModel = inExcStat ? 1 : 3; // gaussian bkgModel = 2; } } else { if (oniamode==1){ sigModel = inExcStat ? 2 : 3; // gaussian bkgModel = 2; } else { sigModel = inExcStat ? 2 : 3; // gaussian bkgModel = 3; } } if (opt.oniaMode==1) buildModelJpsi2015(myws, sigModel, bkgModel,inExcStat); else if (opt.oniaMode==2) buildModelUpsi2015(myws, sigModel, bkgModel,inExcStat); pdf =(RooAbsPdf*) myws.pdf("pdf"); RooFitResult* fitObject = pdf->fitTo(*dataOS_fit,Save(),Hesse(kTRUE),Extended(kTRUE)); // Fit } RooPlot* frame = mass->frame(Bins(nbins),Range(opt.dMuon.M.Min, opt.dMuon.M.Max)); RooPlot* frame2 = NULL; dataSS_fit->plotOn(frame, Name("dataSS_FIT"), MarkerColor(kRed), LineColor(kRed), MarkerSize(1.2)); dataOS_fit->plotOn(frame, Name("dataOS_FIT"), MarkerColor(kBlue), LineColor(kBlue), MarkerSize(1.2)); if (doFit) { pdf->plotOn(frame,Name("thePdf"),Normalization(dataOS_fit->sumEntries(),RooAbsReal::NumEvent)); RooHist *hpull = frame -> pullHist(0,0,true); hpull -> SetName("hpull"); frame2 = mass->frame(Title("Pull Distribution"),Bins(nbins),Range(opt.dMuon.M.Min,opt.dMuon.M.Max)); frame2 -> addPlotable(hpull,"PX"); } drawPlot(frame,frame2, pdf, opt, doFit,inExcStat); TString OutputFileName = ""; if (isPbPb) { FileName = "/afs/"; opt.RunNb.Start=262548; opt.RunNb.End=262893; if (oniamode==1) {OutputFileName = (TString)("JPSIPbPbDataset.root");} if (oniamode==2) {OutputFileName = (TString)("YPbPbDataset.root");} if (oniamode==3) {OutputFileName = (TString)("ZPbPbDataset.root");} } else { FileName = "/afs/"; opt.RunNb.Start=262163; opt.RunNb.End=262328; if (oniamode==1) {OutputFileName = (TString)("JPSIppDataset.root");} if (oniamode==2) {OutputFileName = (TString)("YppDataset.root");} if (oniamode==3) {OutputFileName = (TString)("ZppDataset.root");} } TFile* oFile = new TFile(OutputFileName,"RECREATE"); oFile->cd(); hDataOS->Write("hDataOS"); dataOS_fit->Write("dataOS_FIT"); oFile->Write(); oFile->Close(); }
void ws_constrained_profile3D( const char* wsfile = "rootfiles/ws-data-unblind.root", const char* new_poi_name = "n_M234_H4_3b", int npoiPoints = 20, double poiMinVal = 0., double poiMaxVal = 20., double constraintWidth = 1.5, double ymax = 10., int verbLevel=0 ) { gStyle->SetOptStat(0) ; //--- make output directory. char command[10000] ; sprintf( command, "basename %s", wsfile ) ; TString wsfilenopath = gSystem->GetFromPipe( command ) ; wsfilenopath.ReplaceAll(".root","") ; char outputdirstr[1000] ; sprintf( outputdirstr, "outputfiles/scans-%s", wsfilenopath.Data() ) ; TString outputdir( outputdirstr ) ; printf("\n\n Creating output directory: %s\n\n", outputdir.Data() ) ; sprintf(command, "mkdir -p %s", outputdir.Data() ) ; gSystem->Exec( command ) ; //--- Tell RooFit to shut up about anything less important than an ERROR. RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::ERROR) ; if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n\n Verbose level : %d\n\n", verbLevel) ; } TFile* wstf = new TFile( wsfile ) ; RooWorkspace* ws = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( wstf->Get("ws") ); if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { ws->Print() ; } RooDataSet* rds = (RooDataSet*) ws->obj( "ra2b_observed_rds" ) ; if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n\n\n ===== RooDataSet ====================\n\n") ; rds->Print() ; rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ; } ModelConfig* modelConfig = (ModelConfig*) ws->obj( "SbModel" ) ; RooAbsPdf* likelihood = modelConfig->GetPdf() ; RooRealVar* rrv_mu_susy_all0lep = ws->var("mu_susy_all0lep") ; if ( rrv_mu_susy_all0lep == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find mu_susy_all0lep in workspace. Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; } //-- do BG only. rrv_mu_susy_all0lep->setVal(0.) ; rrv_mu_susy_all0lep->setConstant( kTRUE ) ; //-- do a prefit. printf("\n\n\n ====== Pre fit with unmodified nll var.\n\n") ; RooFitResult* dataFitResultSusyFixed = likelihood->fitTo(*rds, Save(true),Hesse(false),Minos(false),Strategy(1),PrintLevel(verbLevel)); int dataSusyFixedFitCovQual = dataFitResultSusyFixed->covQual() ; if ( dataSusyFixedFitCovQual < 2 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** Failed fit! Cov qual %d. Quitting.\n\n", dataSusyFixedFitCovQual ) ; return ; } double dataFitSusyFixedNll = dataFitResultSusyFixed->minNll() ; if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { dataFitResultSusyFixed->Print("v") ; } printf("\n\n Nll value, from fit result : %.3f\n\n", dataFitSusyFixedNll ) ; delete dataFitResultSusyFixed ; //-- Construct the new POI parameter. RooAbsReal* new_poi_rar(0x0) ; new_poi_rar = ws->var( new_poi_name ) ; if ( new_poi_rar == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n New POI %s is not a variable. Trying function.\n\n", new_poi_name ) ; new_poi_rar = ws->function( new_poi_name ) ; if ( new_poi_rar == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n New POI %s is not a function. I quit.\n\n", new_poi_name ) ; return ; } } else { printf("\n\n New POI %s is a variable with current value %.1f.\n\n", new_poi_name, new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ; } if ( npoiPoints <=0 ) { printf("\n\n Quitting now.\n\n" ) ; return ; } double startPoiVal = new_poi_rar->getVal() ; //--- The RooNLLVar is NOT equivalent to what minuit uses. // RooNLLVar* nll = new RooNLLVar("nll","nll", *likelihood, *rds ) ; // printf("\n\n Nll value, from construction : %.3f\n\n", nll->getVal() ) ; //--- output of createNLL IS what minuit uses, so use that. RooAbsReal* nll = likelihood -> createNLL( *rds, Verbose(true) ) ; RooRealVar* rrv_poiValue = new RooRealVar( "poiValue", "poiValue", 0., -10000., 10000. ) ; /// rrv_poiValue->setVal( poiMinVal ) ; /// rrv_poiValue->setConstant(kTRUE) ; RooRealVar* rrv_constraintWidth = new RooRealVar("constraintWidth","constraintWidth", 0.1, 0.1, 1000. ) ; rrv_constraintWidth -> setVal( constraintWidth ) ; rrv_constraintWidth -> setConstant(kTRUE) ; if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n\n ======= debug likelihood print\n\n") ; likelihood->Print("v") ; printf("\n\n ======= debug nll print\n\n") ; nll->Print("v") ; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RooMinuit* rminuit( 0x0 ) ; RooMinuit* rminuit_uc = new RooMinuit( *nll ) ; rminuit_uc->setPrintLevel(verbLevel-1) ; rminuit_uc->setNoWarn() ; rminuit_uc->migrad() ; rminuit_uc->hesse() ; RooFitResult* rfr_uc = rminuit_uc->fit("mr") ; double floatParInitVal[10000] ; char floatParName[10000][100] ; int nFloatParInitVal(0) ; RooArgList ral_floats = rfr_uc->floatParsFinal() ; TIterator* floatParIter = ral_floats.createIterator() ; { RooRealVar* par ; while ( (par = (RooRealVar*) floatParIter->Next()) ) { sprintf( floatParName[nFloatParInitVal], "%s", par->GetName() ) ; floatParInitVal[nFloatParInitVal] = par->getVal() ; nFloatParInitVal++ ; } } //------- printf("\n\n Unbiased best value for new POI %s is : %7.1f\n\n", new_poi_rar->GetName(), new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ; double best_poi_val = new_poi_rar->getVal() ; char minuit_formula[10000] ; sprintf( minuit_formula, "%s+%s*(%s-%s)*(%s-%s)", nll->GetName(), rrv_constraintWidth->GetName(), new_poi_rar->GetName(), rrv_poiValue->GetName(), new_poi_rar->GetName(), rrv_poiValue->GetName() ) ; printf("\n\n Creating new minuit variable with formula: %s\n\n", minuit_formula ) ; RooFormulaVar* new_minuit_var = new RooFormulaVar("new_minuit_var", minuit_formula, RooArgList( *nll, *rrv_constraintWidth, *new_poi_rar, *rrv_poiValue, *new_poi_rar, *rrv_poiValue ) ) ; printf("\n\n Current value is %.2f\n\n", new_minuit_var->getVal() ) ; rminuit = new RooMinuit( *new_minuit_var ) ; RooAbsReal* plot_var = nll ; printf("\n\n Current value is %.2f\n\n", plot_var->getVal() ) ; rminuit->setPrintLevel(verbLevel-1) ; if ( verbLevel <=0 ) { rminuit->setNoWarn() ; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- If POI range is -1 to -1, automatically determine the range using the set value. if ( poiMinVal < 0. && poiMaxVal < 0. ) { printf("\n\n Automatic determination of scan range.\n\n") ; if ( startPoiVal <= 0. ) { printf("\n\n *** POI starting value zero or negative %g. Quit.\n\n\n", startPoiVal ) ; return ; } poiMinVal = startPoiVal - 3.5 * sqrt(startPoiVal) ; poiMaxVal = startPoiVal + 6.0 * sqrt(startPoiVal) ; if ( poiMinVal < 0. ) { poiMinVal = 0. ; } printf(" Start val = %g. Scan range: %g to %g\n\n", startPoiVal, poiMinVal, poiMaxVal ) ; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- double poiVals_scanDown[1000] ; double nllVals_scanDown[1000] ; //-- Do scan down from best value. printf("\n\n +++++ Starting scan down from best value.\n\n") ; double minNllVal(1.e9) ; for ( int poivi=0; poivi < npoiPoints/2 ; poivi++ ) { ////double poiValue = poiMinVal + poivi*(poiMaxVal-poiMinVal)/(1.*(npoiPoints-1)) ; double poiValue = best_poi_val - poivi*(best_poi_val-poiMinVal)/(1.*(npoiPoints/2-1)) ; rrv_poiValue -> setVal( poiValue ) ; rrv_poiValue -> setConstant( kTRUE ) ; //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ rminuit->migrad() ; rminuit->hesse() ; RooFitResult* rfr = rminuit->save() ; //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { rfr->Print("v") ; } float fit_minuit_var_val = rfr->minNll() ; printf(" %02d : poi constraint = %.2f : allvars : MinuitVar, createNLL, PV, POI : %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", poivi, rrv_poiValue->getVal(), fit_minuit_var_val, nll->getVal(), plot_var->getVal(), new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ; cout << flush ; poiVals_scanDown[poivi] = new_poi_rar->getVal() ; nllVals_scanDown[poivi] = plot_var->getVal() ; if ( nllVals_scanDown[poivi] < minNllVal ) { minNllVal = nllVals_scanDown[poivi] ; } delete rfr ; } // poivi printf("\n\n +++++ Resetting floats to best fit values.\n\n") ; for ( int pi=0; pi<nFloatParInitVal; pi++ ) { RooRealVar* par = ws->var( floatParName[pi] ) ; par->setVal( floatParInitVal[pi] ) ; } // pi. printf("\n\n +++++ Starting scan up from best value.\n\n") ; //-- Now do scan up. double poiVals_scanUp[1000] ; double nllVals_scanUp[1000] ; for ( int poivi=0; poivi < npoiPoints/2 ; poivi++ ) { double poiValue = best_poi_val + poivi*(poiMaxVal-best_poi_val)/(1.*(npoiPoints/2-1)) ; rrv_poiValue -> setVal( poiValue ) ; rrv_poiValue -> setConstant( kTRUE ) ; //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ rminuit->migrad() ; rminuit->hesse() ; RooFitResult* rfr = rminuit->save() ; //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { rfr->Print("v") ; } float fit_minuit_var_val = rfr->minNll() ; printf(" %02d : poi constraint = %.2f : allvars : MinuitVar, createNLL, PV, POI : %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", poivi, rrv_poiValue->getVal(), fit_minuit_var_val, nll->getVal(), plot_var->getVal(), new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ; cout << flush ; poiVals_scanUp[poivi] = new_poi_rar->getVal() ; nllVals_scanUp[poivi] = plot_var->getVal() ; if ( nllVals_scanUp[poivi] < minNllVal ) { minNllVal = nllVals_scanUp[poivi] ; } delete rfr ; } // poivi double poiVals[1000] ; double nllVals[1000] ; int pointCount(0) ; for ( int pi=0; pi<npoiPoints/2; pi++ ) { poiVals[pi] = poiVals_scanDown[(npoiPoints/2-1)-pi] ; nllVals[pi] = nllVals_scanDown[(npoiPoints/2-1)-pi] ; pointCount++ ; } for ( int pi=1; pi<npoiPoints/2; pi++ ) { poiVals[pointCount] = poiVals_scanUp[pi] ; nllVals[pointCount] = nllVals_scanUp[pi] ; pointCount++ ; } npoiPoints = pointCount ; printf("\n\n --- TGraph arrays:\n") ; for ( int i=0; i<npoiPoints; i++ ) { printf(" %2d : poi = %6.1f, nll = %g\n", i, poiVals[i], nllVals[i] ) ; } printf("\n\n") ; double nllDiffVals[1000] ; double poiAtMinlnL(-1.) ; double poiAtMinusDelta2(-1.) ; double poiAtPlusDelta2(-1.) ; for ( int poivi=0; poivi < npoiPoints ; poivi++ ) { nllDiffVals[poivi] = 2.*(nllVals[poivi] - minNllVal) ; double poiValue = poiMinVal + poivi*(poiMaxVal-poiMinVal)/(1.*npoiPoints) ; if ( nllDiffVals[poivi] < 0.01 ) { poiAtMinlnL = poiValue ; } if ( poiAtMinusDelta2 < 0. && nllDiffVals[poivi] < 2.5 ) { poiAtMinusDelta2 = poiValue ; } if ( poiAtMinlnL > 0. && poiAtPlusDelta2 < 0. && nllDiffVals[poivi] > 2.0 ) { poiAtPlusDelta2 = poiValue ; } } // poivi printf("\n\n Estimates for poi at delta ln L = -2, 0, +2: %g , %g , %g\n\n", poiAtMinusDelta2, poiAtMinlnL, poiAtPlusDelta2 ) ; //--- Main canvas TCanvas* cscan = (TCanvas*) gDirectory->FindObject("cscan") ; if ( cscan == 0x0 ) { printf("\n Creating canvas.\n\n") ; cscan = new TCanvas("cscan","Delta nll") ; } char gname[1000] ; TGraph* graph = new TGraph( npoiPoints, poiVals, nllDiffVals ) ; sprintf( gname, "scan_%s", new_poi_name ) ; graph->SetName( gname ) ; double poiBest(-1.) ; double poiMinus1stdv(-1.) ; double poiPlus1stdv(-1.) ; double poiMinus2stdv(-1.) ; double poiPlus2stdv(-1.) ; double twoDeltalnLMin(1e9) ; int nscan(1000) ; for ( int xi=0; xi<nscan; xi++ ) { double x = poiVals[0] + xi*(poiVals[npoiPoints-1]-poiVals[0])/(nscan-1) ; double twoDeltalnL = graph -> Eval( x, 0, "S" ) ; if ( poiMinus1stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL < 1.0 ) { poiMinus1stdv = x ; printf(" set m1 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;} if ( poiMinus2stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL < 4.0 ) { poiMinus2stdv = x ; printf(" set m2 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;} if ( twoDeltalnL < twoDeltalnLMin ) { poiBest = x ; twoDeltalnLMin = twoDeltalnL ; } if ( twoDeltalnLMin < 0.3 && poiPlus1stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL > 1.0 ) { poiPlus1stdv = x ; printf(" set p1 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;} if ( twoDeltalnLMin < 0.3 && poiPlus2stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL > 4.0 ) { poiPlus2stdv = x ; printf(" set p2 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;} if ( xi%100 == 0 ) { printf( " %4d : poi=%6.2f, 2DeltalnL = %6.2f\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL ) ; } } printf("\n\n POI estimate : %g +%g -%g [%g,%g], two sigma errors: +%g -%g [%g,%g]\n\n", poiBest, (poiPlus1stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus1stdv), poiMinus1stdv, poiPlus1stdv, (poiPlus2stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus2stdv), poiMinus2stdv, poiPlus2stdv ) ; printf(" %s val,pm1sig,pm2sig: %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f\n", new_poi_name, poiBest, (poiPlus1stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus1stdv), (poiPlus2stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus2stdv) ) ; char htitle[1000] ; sprintf(htitle, "%s profile likelihood scan: -2ln(L/Lm)", new_poi_name ) ; TH1F* hscan = new TH1F("hscan", htitle, 10, poiMinVal, poiMaxVal ) ; hscan->SetMinimum(0.) ; hscan->SetMaximum(ymax) ; hscan->DrawCopy() ; graph->SetLineColor(4) ; graph->SetLineWidth(3) ; graph->Draw("CP") ; gPad->SetGridx(1) ; gPad->SetGridy(1) ; cscan->Update() ; TLine* line = new TLine() ; line->SetLineColor(2) ; line->DrawLine(poiMinVal, 1., poiPlus1stdv, 1.) ; line->DrawLine(poiMinus1stdv,0., poiMinus1stdv, 1.) ; line->DrawLine(poiPlus1stdv ,0., poiPlus1stdv , 1.) ; TText* text = new TText() ; text->SetTextSize(0.04) ; char tstring[1000] ; sprintf( tstring, "%s = %.1f +%.1f -%.1f", new_poi_name, poiBest, (poiPlus1stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus1stdv) ) ; text -> DrawTextNDC( 0.15, 0.85, tstring ) ; sprintf( tstring, "68%% interval [%.1f, %.1f]", poiMinus1stdv, poiPlus1stdv ) ; text -> DrawTextNDC( 0.15, 0.78, tstring ) ; char hname[1000] ; sprintf( hname, "hscanout_%s", new_poi_name ) ; TH1F* hsout = new TH1F( hname,"scan results",4,0.,4.) ; double obsVal(-1.) ; hsout->SetBinContent(1, obsVal ) ; hsout->SetBinContent(2, poiPlus1stdv ) ; hsout->SetBinContent(3, poiBest ) ; hsout->SetBinContent(4, poiMinus1stdv ) ; TAxis* xaxis = hsout->GetXaxis() ; xaxis->SetBinLabel(1,"Observed val.") ; xaxis->SetBinLabel(2,"Model+1sd") ; xaxis->SetBinLabel(3,"Model") ; xaxis->SetBinLabel(4,"Model-1sd") ; char outrootfile[10000] ; sprintf( outrootfile, "%s/scan-ff-%s.root", outputdir.Data(), new_poi_name ) ; char outpdffile[10000] ; sprintf( outpdffile, "%s/scan-ff-%s.pdf", outputdir.Data(), new_poi_name ) ; cscan->Update() ; cscan->Draw() ; printf("\n Saving %s\n", outpdffile ) ; cscan->SaveAs( outpdffile ) ; //--- save in root file printf("\n Saving %s\n", outrootfile ) ; TFile fout(outrootfile,"recreate") ; graph->Write() ; hsout->Write() ; fout.Close() ; delete ws ; wstf->Close() ; }
void fitqual_plots( const char* wsfile = "outputfiles/ws.root", const char* plottitle="" ) { TText* tt_title = new TText() ; tt_title -> SetTextAlign(33) ; gStyle -> SetOptStat(0) ; gStyle -> SetLabelSize( 0.06, "y" ) ; gStyle -> SetLabelSize( 0.08, "x" ) ; gStyle -> SetLabelOffset( 0.010, "y" ) ; gStyle -> SetLabelOffset( 0.010, "x" ) ; gStyle -> SetTitleSize( 0.07, "y" ) ; gStyle -> SetTitleSize( 0.05, "x" ) ; gStyle -> SetTitleOffset( 1.50, "x" ) ; gStyle -> SetTitleH( 0.07 ) ; gStyle -> SetPadLeftMargin( 0.15 ) ; gStyle -> SetPadBottomMargin( 0.15 ) ; gStyle -> SetTitleX( 0.10 ) ; gDirectory->Delete("h*") ; TFile* wstf = new TFile( wsfile ) ; RooWorkspace* ws = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( wstf->Get("ws") ); ws->Print() ; int bins_of_met = TMath::Nint( ws->var("bins_of_met")->getVal() ) ; printf("\n\n Bins of MET : %d\n\n", bins_of_met ) ; int bins_of_nb = TMath::Nint( ws->var("bins_of_nb")->getVal() ) ; printf("\n\n Bins of nb : %d\n\n", bins_of_nb ) ; int nb_lookup[10] ; if ( bins_of_nb == 2 ) { nb_lookup[0] = 2 ; nb_lookup[1] = 4 ; } else if ( bins_of_nb == 3 ) { nb_lookup[0] = 2 ; nb_lookup[1] = 3 ; nb_lookup[2] = 4 ; } TCanvas* cfq1 = (TCanvas*) gDirectory->FindObject("cfq1") ; if ( cfq1 == 0x0 ) { if ( bins_of_nb == 3 ) { cfq1 = new TCanvas("cfq1","hbb fit", 700, 1000 ) ; } else if ( bins_of_nb == 2 ) { cfq1 = new TCanvas("cfq1","hbb fit", 700, 750 ) ; } else { return ; } } RooRealVar* rv_sig_strength = ws->var("sig_strength") ; if ( rv_sig_strength == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** can't find sig_strength in workspace.\n\n" ) ; return ; } ModelConfig* modelConfig = (ModelConfig*) ws->obj( "SbModel" ) ; RooDataSet* rds = (RooDataSet*) ws->obj( "hbb_observed_rds" ) ; rds->Print() ; rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ; RooAbsPdf* likelihood = modelConfig->GetPdf() ; ///RooFitResult* fitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(0) ) ; RooFitResult* fitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(3) ) ; fitResult->Print() ; char hname[1000] ; char htitle[1000] ; char pname[1000] ; //-- unpack observables. int obs_N_msig[10][50] ; // first index is n btags, second is met bin. int obs_N_msb[10][50] ; // first index is n btags, second is met bin. const RooArgSet* dsras = rds->get() ; TIterator* obsIter = dsras->createIterator() ; while ( RooRealVar* obs = (RooRealVar*) obsIter->Next() ) { for ( int nbi=0; nbi<bins_of_nb; nbi++ ) { for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) { sprintf( pname, "N_%db_msig_met%d", nb_lookup[nbi], mbi+1 ) ; if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), pname ) == 0 ) { obs_N_msig[nbi][mbi] = TMath::Nint( obs -> getVal() ) ; } sprintf( pname, "N_%db_msb_met%d", nb_lookup[nbi], mbi+1 ) ; if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), pname ) == 0 ) { obs_N_msb[nbi][mbi] = TMath::Nint( obs -> getVal() ) ; } } // mbi. } // nbi. } // obs iterator. printf("\n\n") ; for ( int nbi=0; nbi<bins_of_nb; nbi++ ) { printf(" nb=%d : ", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) { printf(" sig=%3d, sb=%3d |", obs_N_msig[nbi][mbi], obs_N_msb[nbi][mbi] ) ; } // mbi. printf("\n") ; } // nbi. printf("\n\n") ; int pad(1) ; cfq1->Clear() ; cfq1->Divide( 2, bins_of_nb+1 ) ; for ( int nbi=0; nbi<bins_of_nb; nbi++ ) { sprintf( hname, "h_bg_%db_msig_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; sprintf( htitle, "mass sig, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; TH1F* hist_bg_msig = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ; hist_bg_msig -> SetFillColor( kBlue-9 ) ; labelBins( hist_bg_msig ) ; sprintf( hname, "h_bg_%db_msb_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; sprintf( htitle, "mass sb, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; TH1F* hist_bg_msb = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ; hist_bg_msb -> SetFillColor( kBlue-9 ) ; labelBins( hist_bg_msb ) ; sprintf( hname, "h_sig_%db_msig_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; sprintf( htitle, "mass sig, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; TH1F* hist_sig_msig = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ; hist_sig_msig -> SetFillColor( kMagenta+2 ) ; labelBins( hist_sig_msig ) ; sprintf( hname, "h_sig_%db_msb_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; sprintf( htitle, "mass sb, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; TH1F* hist_sig_msb = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ; hist_sig_msb -> SetFillColor( kMagenta+2 ) ; labelBins( hist_sig_msb ) ; sprintf( hname, "h_all_%db_msig_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; sprintf( htitle, "mass sig, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; TH1F* hist_all_msig = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ; sprintf( hname, "h_all_%db_msb_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; sprintf( htitle, "mass sb, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; TH1F* hist_all_msb = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ; sprintf( hname, "h_data_%db_msig_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; sprintf( htitle, "mass sig, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; TH1F* hist_data_msig = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ; hist_data_msig -> SetLineWidth(2) ; hist_data_msig -> SetMarkerStyle(20) ; labelBins( hist_data_msig ) ; sprintf( hname, "h_data_%db_msb_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; sprintf( htitle, "mass sb, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; TH1F* hist_data_msb = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ; hist_data_msb -> SetLineWidth(2) ; hist_data_msb -> SetMarkerStyle(20) ; labelBins( hist_data_msb ) ; for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) { sprintf( pname, "mu_bg_%db_msig_met%d", nb_lookup[nbi], mbi+1 ) ; RooAbsReal* mu_bg_msig = ws->function( pname ) ; if ( mu_bg_msig == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** ws missing %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; } hist_bg_msig -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, mu_bg_msig->getVal() ) ; sprintf( pname, "mu_sig_%db_msig_met%d", nb_lookup[nbi], mbi+1 ) ; RooAbsReal* mu_sig_msig = ws->function( pname ) ; if ( mu_sig_msig == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** ws missing %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; } hist_sig_msig -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, mu_sig_msig->getVal() ) ; hist_all_msig -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, mu_bg_msig->getVal() + mu_sig_msig->getVal() ) ; hist_data_msig -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, obs_N_msig[nbi][mbi] ) ; sprintf( pname, "mu_bg_%db_msb_met%d", nb_lookup[nbi], mbi+1 ) ; RooAbsReal* mu_bg_msb = ws->function( pname ) ; if ( mu_bg_msb == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** ws missing %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; } hist_bg_msb -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, mu_bg_msb->getVal() ) ; sprintf( pname, "mu_sig_%db_msb_met%d", nb_lookup[nbi], mbi+1 ) ; RooAbsReal* mu_sig_msb = ws->function( pname ) ; if ( mu_sig_msb == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** ws missing %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; } hist_sig_msb -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, mu_sig_msb->getVal() ) ; hist_all_msb -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, mu_bg_msb->getVal() + mu_sig_msb->getVal() ) ; hist_data_msb -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, obs_N_msb[nbi][mbi] ) ; } // mbi. cfq1->cd( pad ) ; sprintf( hname, "h_stack_%db_msig_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; sprintf( htitle, "mass sig, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; THStack* hstack_msig = new THStack( hname, htitle ) ; hstack_msig -> Add( hist_bg_msig ) ; hstack_msig -> Add( hist_sig_msig ) ; hist_data_msig -> Draw("e") ; hstack_msig -> Draw("same") ; hist_data_msig -> Draw("same e") ; hist_data_msig -> Draw("same axis") ; tt_title -> DrawTextNDC( 0.85, 0.85, plottitle ) ; pad++ ; cfq1->cd( pad ) ; sprintf( hname, "h_stack_%db_msb_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; sprintf( htitle, "mass sig, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ; THStack* hstack_msb = new THStack( hname, htitle ) ; hstack_msb -> Add( hist_bg_msb ) ; hstack_msb -> Add( hist_sig_msb ) ; hist_data_msb -> Draw("e") ; hstack_msb -> Draw("same") ; hist_data_msb -> Draw("same e") ; hist_data_msb -> Draw("same axis") ; tt_title -> DrawTextNDC( 0.85, 0.85, plottitle ) ; pad++ ; } // nbi. TH1F* hist_R_msigmsb = new TH1F( "h_R_msigmsb", "R msig/msb vs met bin", bins_of_met, 0.5, 0.5+bins_of_met ) ; hist_R_msigmsb -> SetLineWidth(2) ; hist_R_msigmsb -> SetMarkerStyle(20) ; hist_R_msigmsb -> SetYTitle("R msig/msb") ; labelBins( hist_R_msigmsb ) ; for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) { sprintf( pname, "R_msigmsb_met%d", mbi+1 ) ; RooRealVar* rrv_R = ws->var( pname ) ; if ( rrv_R == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** Can't find %s in ws.\n\n", pname ) ; return ; } hist_R_msigmsb -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, rrv_R -> getVal() ) ; hist_R_msigmsb -> SetBinError( mbi+1, rrv_R -> getError() ) ; } // mbi. cfq1->cd( pad ) ; gPad->SetGridy(1) ; hist_R_msigmsb -> SetMaximum(0.35) ; hist_R_msigmsb -> Draw("e") ; tt_title -> DrawTextNDC( 0.85, 0.85, plottitle ) ; pad++ ; cfq1->cd( pad ) ; scan_sigstrength( wsfile ) ; tt_title -> DrawTextNDC( 0.85, 0.25, plottitle ) ; TString pdffile( wsfile ) ; pdffile.ReplaceAll("ws-","fitqual-") ; pdffile.ReplaceAll("root","pdf") ; cfq1->SaveAs( pdffile ) ; TString histfile( wsfile ) ; histfile.ReplaceAll("ws-","fitqual-") ; saveHist( histfile, "h*" ) ; } // fitqual_plots
void paper_fit_plot() { SetAtlasStyle(); // get the stuff from the file char fname_postfit[200] = "monoh_withsm_SRCR_bg11.7_bgslop-0.0_nsig0.0.root"; TFile *tf = new TFile(fname_postfit); RooWorkspace *ws_post = (RooWorkspace*)tf->Get("wspace"); // data and pdf RooAbsData *data = ws_post->data("data"); RooAbsPdf *pdfc = ws_post->pdf("jointModeld"); // variables to be constrained RooRealVar *mh = ws_post->var("mh"); RooRealVar *sigma_h = ws_post->var("sigma_h"); RooRealVar *eff = ws_post->var("eff"); RooRealVar *theory = ws_post->var("theory"); RooRealVar *lumi = ws_post->var("lumi"); RooRealVar *x_mgg = ws_post->var("mgg"); RooArgSet cas(*mh,*sigma_h,*eff,*theory,*lumi); // redo the fit RooFitResult *r = pdfc->fitTo(*data,RooFit::Constrain(cas),RooFit::Save(true)); // make the frame RooPlot *frame = x_mgg->frame(); TCanvas *tc = new TCanvas("tc","",700,500); frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{#gamma#gamma} [GeV]"); frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events / 1 GeV"); // add the data data->plotOn(frame,RooFit::Binning(55),RooFit::Name("xdata"),RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::Poisson)); //data->plotOn(frame,RooFit::Binning(11),RooFit::Name("xdata"),RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::Poisson)); /// PDFs pdfc->plotOn(frame, RooFit::Components("E"), RooFit::LineColor(kRed), RooFit::Name("xbackground")); pdfc->plotOn(frame, RooFit::Components("S"), RooFit::LineColor(kBlue),RooFit::LineStyle(kDotted), RooFit::Name("xsm")); pdfc->plotOn(frame, RooFit::Components("G"), RooFit::LineColor(kGreen),RooFit::LineStyle(kDotted), RooFit::Name("xbsm")); pdfc->plotOn(frame, RooFit::LineColor(kRed), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed),RooFit::Name("xtotal")); frame->SetMinimum(1e-7); frame->SetMaximum(9); // Legend double x1,y1,x2,y2; GetX1Y1X2Y2(tc,x1,y1,x2,y2); TLegend *legend_sr=FastLegend(x1+0.02,y2-0.3,x1+0.35,y2-0.02,0.045); legend_sr->AddEntry(frame->findObject("xdata"),"Data","LEP"); legend_sr->AddEntry(frame->findObject("xbackground"),"Background fit","L"); legend_sr->AddEntry(frame->findObject("xsm"),"SM H","L"); legend_sr->AddEntry(frame->findObject("xbsm"),"Best-fit BSM H","L"); legend_sr->AddEntry(frame->findObject("xtotal"),"Total","L"); frame->Draw(); legend_sr->Draw("SAME"); // descriptive text vector<TString> pavetext11; pavetext11.push_back("#bf{#it{ATLAS Internal}}"); pavetext11.push_back("#sqrt{#it{s}} = 8 TeV #scale[0.6]{#int}#it{L} dt = 20.3 fb^{-1}"); pavetext11.push_back("#it{H + E}_{T}^{miss} , #it{H #rightarrow #gamma#gamma}, #it{m}_{#it{H}} = 125.4 GeV"); TPaveText* text11=CreatePaveText(x2-0.47,y2-0.25,x2-0.05,y2-0.05,pavetext11,0.045); text11->Draw(); tc->Print("paper_fit_plot.pdf"); }
result fit_toy(RooWorkspace* wspace, int n, const RooArgSet* globals) { RooRandom::randomGenerator()->SetSeed(0); // TFile f(filename); // RooWorkspace *wspace = (RooWorkspace*)f.Get("combined"); ModelConfig* model = (ModelConfig*)wspace->obj("ModelConfig"); RooAbsPdf* pdf; pdf = model->GetPdf(); RooAbsPdf* top_constraint = (RooAbsPdf*)wspace->obj("top_ratio_constraint"); RooAbsPdf* vv_constraint = (RooAbsPdf*)wspace->obj("vv_ratio_constraint"); RooAbsPdf* top_vv_constraint_sf = (RooAbsPdf*)wspace->obj("top_vv_ratio_sf_constraint"); RooAbsPdf* top_vv_constraint_of = (RooAbsPdf*)wspace->obj("top_vv_ratio_of_constraint"); // generate constraint global observables RooRealVar *nom_top_ratio = (RooRealVar*)wspace->obj("nom_top_ratio"); nom_top_ratio->setRange(0, 100); RooRealVar *nom_vv_ratio = (RooRealVar*)wspace->obj("nom_vv_ratio"); nom_vv_ratio->setRange(0,100); RooRealVar *nom_top_vv_ratio_sf = (RooRealVar*)wspace->obj("nom_top_vv_ratio_sf"); nom_top_vv_ratio_sf->setRange(0,100); RooRealVar *nom_top_vv_ratio_of = (RooRealVar*)wspace->obj("nom_top_vv_ratio_of"); nom_top_vv_ratio_of->setRange(0,100); RooDataSet *nom_top_generated = top_constraint->generateSimGlobal(RooArgSet(*nom_top_ratio), 1); nom_top_ratio->setVal(((RooRealVar*)nom_top_generated->get(0)->find("nom_top_ratio"))->getVal()); RooDataSet *nom_vv_generated = vv_constraint->generateSimGlobal(RooArgSet(*nom_vv_ratio), 1); nom_vv_ratio->setVal(((RooRealVar*)nom_vv_generated->get(0)->find("nom_vv_ratio"))->getVal()); RooDataSet *nom_top_vv_sf_generated = top_vv_constraint_sf->generateSimGlobal(RooArgSet(*nom_top_vv_ratio_sf), 1); nom_top_vv_ratio_sf->setVal(((RooRealVar*)nom_top_vv_sf_generated->get(0)->find("nom_top_vv_ratio_sf"))->getVal()); RooDataSet *nom_top_vv_of_generated = top_vv_constraint_of->generateSimGlobal(RooArgSet(*nom_top_vv_ratio_of), 1); nom_top_vv_ratio_of->setVal(((RooRealVar*)nom_top_vv_of_generated->get(0)->find("nom_top_vv_ratio_of"))->getVal()); NumEventsTestStat* dummy = new NumEventsTestStat(*pdf); ToyMCSampler* mc = new ToyMCSampler(*dummy, 1); mc->SetPdf(*pdf); mc->SetObservables(*model->GetObservables()); mc->SetGlobalObservables(*globals); mc->SetNuisanceParameters(*model->GetNuisanceParameters()); mc->SetParametersForTestStat(*model->GetParametersOfInterest()); mc->SetNEventsPerToy(n); RooArgSet constr; constr.add(*(model->GetNuisanceParameters())); RemoveConstantParameters(&constr); RooDataSet* toy_data = (RooDataSet*)mc->GenerateToyData(*const_cast<RooArgSet*>(model->GetSnapshot())); RooFitResult *res = pdf->fitTo(*toy_data, Constrain(constr), PrintLevel(0), Save(), Range("fitRange"), InitialHesse(), ExternalConstraints(RooArgSet(*top_constraint, *vv_constraint, *top_vv_constraint_sf, *top_vv_constraint_of))); result yield = get_results(wspace, res); yield.of.generated_sum.val = toy_data->sumEntries("(channelCat==channelCat::of) & (obs_x_of>120)"); yield.sf.generated_sum.val = toy_data->sumEntries("(channelCat==channelCat::sf) & (obs_x_sf>120)"); delete mc; delete dummy; // f.Close(); return yield; }
void constrained_scan( const char* wsfile = "outputfiles/ws.root", const char* new_poi_name="mu_bg_4b_msig_met1", double constraintWidth=1.5, int npoiPoints = 20, double poiMinVal = 0., double poiMaxVal = 10.0, double ymax = 9., int verbLevel=1 ) { TString outputdir("outputfiles") ; gStyle->SetOptStat(0) ; TFile* wstf = new TFile( wsfile ) ; RooWorkspace* ws = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( wstf->Get("ws") ); ws->Print() ; RooDataSet* rds = (RooDataSet*) ws->obj( "hbb_observed_rds" ) ; cout << "\n\n\n ===== RooDataSet ====================\n\n" << endl ; rds->Print() ; rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ; RooRealVar* rv_sig_strength = ws->var("sig_strength") ; if ( rv_sig_strength == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** can't find sig_strength in workspace.\n\n" ) ; return ; } RooAbsPdf* likelihood = ws->pdf("likelihood") ; if ( likelihood == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** can't find likelihood in workspace.\n\n" ) ; return ; } printf("\n\n Likelihood:\n") ; likelihood -> Print() ; /////rv_sig_strength -> setConstant( kFALSE ) ; rv_sig_strength -> setVal(0.) ; rv_sig_strength -> setConstant( kTRUE ) ; likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(false), PrintLevel(0), Hesse(true), Strategy(1) ) ; //RooFitResult* fitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(0), Hesse(true), Strategy(1) ) ; //double minNllSusyFloat = fitResult->minNll() ; //double susy_ss_atMinNll = rv_sig_strength -> getVal() ; RooMsgService::instance().getStream(1).removeTopic(Minimization) ; RooMsgService::instance().getStream(1).removeTopic(Fitting) ; //-- Construct the new POI parameter. RooAbsReal* new_poi_rar(0x0) ; new_poi_rar = ws->var( new_poi_name ) ; if ( new_poi_rar == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n New POI %s is not a variable. Trying function.\n\n", new_poi_name ) ; new_poi_rar = ws->function( new_poi_name ) ; if ( new_poi_rar == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n New POI %s is not a function. I quit.\n\n", new_poi_name ) ; return ; } else { printf("\n Found it.\n\n") ; } } else { printf("\n\n New POI %s is a variable with current value %.1f.\n\n", new_poi_name, new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ; } double startPoiVal = new_poi_rar->getVal() ; RooAbsReal* nll = likelihood -> createNLL( *rds, Verbose(true) ) ; RooRealVar* rrv_poiValue = new RooRealVar( "poiValue", "poiValue", 0., -10000., 10000. ) ; RooRealVar* rrv_constraintWidth = new RooRealVar("constraintWidth","constraintWidth", 0.1, 0.1, 1000. ) ; rrv_constraintWidth -> setVal( constraintWidth ) ; rrv_constraintWidth -> setConstant(kTRUE) ; RooMinuit* rminuit( 0x0 ) ; RooMinuit* rminuit_uc = new RooMinuit( *nll ) ; rminuit_uc->setPrintLevel(verbLevel-1) ; rminuit_uc->setNoWarn() ; rminuit_uc->migrad() ; rminuit_uc->hesse() ; RooFitResult* rfr_uc = rminuit_uc->fit("mr") ; double floatParInitVal[10000] ; char floatParName[10000][100] ; int nFloatParInitVal(0) ; RooArgList ral_floats = rfr_uc->floatParsFinal() ; TIterator* floatParIter = ral_floats.createIterator() ; { RooRealVar* par ; while ( (par = (RooRealVar*) floatParIter->Next()) ) { sprintf( floatParName[nFloatParInitVal], "%s", par->GetName() ) ; floatParInitVal[nFloatParInitVal] = par->getVal() ; nFloatParInitVal++ ; } } printf("\n\n Unbiased best value for new POI %s is : %7.1f\n\n", new_poi_rar->GetName(), new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ; double best_poi_val = new_poi_rar->getVal() ; char minuit_formula[10000] ; sprintf( minuit_formula, "%s+%s*(%s-%s)*(%s-%s)", nll->GetName(), rrv_constraintWidth->GetName(), new_poi_rar->GetName(), rrv_poiValue->GetName(), new_poi_rar->GetName(), rrv_poiValue->GetName() ) ; printf("\n\n Creating new minuit variable with formula: %s\n\n", minuit_formula ) ; RooFormulaVar* new_minuit_var = new RooFormulaVar("new_minuit_var", minuit_formula, RooArgList( *nll, *rrv_constraintWidth, *new_poi_rar, *rrv_poiValue, *new_poi_rar, *rrv_poiValue ) ) ; printf("\n\n Current value is %.2f\n\n", new_minuit_var->getVal() ) ; rminuit = new RooMinuit( *new_minuit_var ) ; RooAbsReal* plot_var = nll ; printf("\n\n Current value is %.2f\n\n", plot_var->getVal() ) ; rminuit->setPrintLevel(verbLevel-1) ; if ( verbLevel <=0 ) { rminuit->setNoWarn() ; } if ( poiMinVal < 0. && poiMaxVal < 0. ) { printf("\n\n Automatic determination of scan range.\n\n") ; if ( startPoiVal <= 0. ) { printf("\n\n *** POI starting value zero or negative %g. Quit.\n\n\n", startPoiVal ) ; return ; } poiMinVal = startPoiVal - 3.5 * sqrt(startPoiVal) ; poiMaxVal = startPoiVal + 6.0 * sqrt(startPoiVal) ; if ( poiMinVal < 0. ) { poiMinVal = 0. ; } printf(" Start val = %g. Scan range: %g to %g\n\n", startPoiVal, poiMinVal, poiMaxVal ) ; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- double poiVals_scanDown[1000] ; double nllVals_scanDown[1000] ; //-- Do scan down from best value. printf("\n\n +++++ Starting scan down from best value.\n\n") ; double minNllVal(1.e9) ; for ( int poivi=0; poivi < npoiPoints/2 ; poivi++ ) { ////double poiValue = poiMinVal + poivi*(poiMaxVal-poiMinVal)/(1.*(npoiPoints-1)) ; double poiValue = best_poi_val - poivi*(best_poi_val-poiMinVal)/(1.*(npoiPoints/2-1)) ; rrv_poiValue -> setVal( poiValue ) ; rrv_poiValue -> setConstant( kTRUE ) ; //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ rminuit->migrad() ; rminuit->hesse() ; RooFitResult* rfr = rminuit->save() ; //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { rfr->Print("v") ; } float fit_minuit_var_val = rfr->minNll() ; printf(" %02d : poi constraint = %.2f : allvars : MinuitVar, createNLL, PV, POI : %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", poivi, rrv_poiValue->getVal(), fit_minuit_var_val, nll->getVal(), plot_var->getVal(), new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ; cout << flush ; poiVals_scanDown[poivi] = new_poi_rar->getVal() ; nllVals_scanDown[poivi] = plot_var->getVal() ; if ( nllVals_scanDown[poivi] < minNllVal ) { minNllVal = nllVals_scanDown[poivi] ; } delete rfr ; } // poivi printf("\n\n +++++ Resetting floats to best fit values.\n\n") ; for ( int pi=0; pi<nFloatParInitVal; pi++ ) { RooRealVar* par = ws->var( floatParName[pi] ) ; par->setVal( floatParInitVal[pi] ) ; } // pi. printf("\n\n +++++ Starting scan up from best value.\n\n") ; //-- Now do scan up. double poiVals_scanUp[1000] ; double nllVals_scanUp[1000] ; for ( int poivi=0; poivi < npoiPoints/2 ; poivi++ ) { double poiValue = best_poi_val + poivi*(poiMaxVal-best_poi_val)/(1.*(npoiPoints/2-1)) ; rrv_poiValue -> setVal( poiValue ) ; rrv_poiValue -> setConstant( kTRUE ) ; //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ rminuit->migrad() ; rminuit->hesse() ; RooFitResult* rfr = rminuit->save() ; //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { rfr->Print("v") ; } float fit_minuit_var_val = rfr->minNll() ; printf(" %02d : poi constraint = %.2f : allvars : MinuitVar, createNLL, PV, POI : %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", poivi, rrv_poiValue->getVal(), fit_minuit_var_val, nll->getVal(), plot_var->getVal(), new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ; cout << flush ; poiVals_scanUp[poivi] = new_poi_rar->getVal() ; nllVals_scanUp[poivi] = plot_var->getVal() ; if ( nllVals_scanUp[poivi] < minNllVal ) { minNllVal = nllVals_scanUp[poivi] ; } delete rfr ; } // poivi double poiVals[1000] ; double nllVals[1000] ; int pointCount(0) ; for ( int pi=0; pi<npoiPoints/2; pi++ ) { poiVals[pi] = poiVals_scanDown[(npoiPoints/2-1)-pi] ; nllVals[pi] = nllVals_scanDown[(npoiPoints/2-1)-pi] ; pointCount++ ; } for ( int pi=1; pi<npoiPoints/2; pi++ ) { poiVals[pointCount] = poiVals_scanUp[pi] ; nllVals[pointCount] = nllVals_scanUp[pi] ; pointCount++ ; } npoiPoints = pointCount ; printf("\n\n --- TGraph arrays:\n") ; for ( int i=0; i<npoiPoints; i++ ) { printf(" %2d : poi = %6.1f, nll = %g\n", i, poiVals[i], nllVals[i] ) ; } printf("\n\n") ; double nllDiffVals[1000] ; double poiAtMinlnL(-1.) ; double poiAtMinusDelta2(-1.) ; double poiAtPlusDelta2(-1.) ; for ( int poivi=0; poivi < npoiPoints ; poivi++ ) { nllDiffVals[poivi] = 2.*(nllVals[poivi] - minNllVal) ; double poiValue = poiMinVal + poivi*(poiMaxVal-poiMinVal)/(1.*npoiPoints) ; if ( nllDiffVals[poivi] < 0.01 ) { poiAtMinlnL = poiValue ; } if ( poiAtMinusDelta2 < 0. && nllDiffVals[poivi] < 2.5 ) { poiAtMinusDelta2 = poiValue ; } if ( poiAtMinlnL > 0. && poiAtPlusDelta2 < 0. && nllDiffVals[poivi] > 2.0 ) { poiAtPlusDelta2 = poiValue ; } } // poivi printf("\n\n Estimates for poi at delta ln L = -2, 0, +2: %g , %g , %g\n\n", poiAtMinusDelta2, poiAtMinlnL, poiAtPlusDelta2 ) ; //--- Main canvas TCanvas* cscan = (TCanvas*) gDirectory->FindObject("cscan") ; if ( cscan == 0x0 ) { printf("\n Creating canvas.\n\n") ; cscan = new TCanvas("cscan","Delta nll") ; } char gname[1000] ; TGraph* graph = new TGraph( npoiPoints, poiVals, nllDiffVals ) ; sprintf( gname, "scan_%s", new_poi_name ) ; graph->SetName( gname ) ; double poiBest(-1.) ; double poiMinus1stdv(-1.) ; double poiPlus1stdv(-1.) ; double poiMinus2stdv(-1.) ; double poiPlus2stdv(-1.) ; double twoDeltalnLMin(1e9) ; int nscan(1000) ; for ( int xi=0; xi<nscan; xi++ ) { double x = poiVals[0] + xi*(poiVals[npoiPoints-1]-poiVals[0])/(nscan-1) ; double twoDeltalnL = graph -> Eval( x, 0, "S" ) ; if ( poiMinus1stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL < 1.0 ) { poiMinus1stdv = x ; printf(" set m1 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;} if ( poiMinus2stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL < 4.0 ) { poiMinus2stdv = x ; printf(" set m2 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;} if ( twoDeltalnL < twoDeltalnLMin ) { poiBest = x ; twoDeltalnLMin = twoDeltalnL ; } if ( twoDeltalnLMin < 0.3 && poiPlus1stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL > 1.0 ) { poiPlus1stdv = x ; printf(" set p1 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;} if ( twoDeltalnLMin < 0.3 && poiPlus2stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL > 4.0 ) { poiPlus2stdv = x ; printf(" set p2 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;} if ( xi%100 == 0 ) { printf( " %4d : poi=%6.2f, 2DeltalnL = %6.2f\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL ) ; } } printf("\n\n POI estimate : %g +%g -%g [%g,%g], two sigma errors: +%g -%g [%g,%g]\n\n", poiBest, (poiPlus1stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus1stdv), poiMinus1stdv, poiPlus1stdv, (poiPlus2stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus2stdv), poiMinus2stdv, poiPlus2stdv ) ; printf(" %s val,pm1sig,pm2sig: %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f\n", new_poi_name, poiBest, (poiPlus1stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus1stdv), (poiPlus2stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus2stdv) ) ; char htitle[1000] ; sprintf(htitle, "%s profile likelihood scan: -2ln(L/Lm)", new_poi_name ) ; TH1F* hscan = new TH1F("hscan", htitle, 10, poiMinVal, poiMaxVal ) ; hscan->SetMinimum(0.) ; hscan->SetMaximum(ymax) ; hscan->DrawCopy() ; graph->SetLineColor(4) ; graph->SetLineWidth(3) ; graph->Draw("CP") ; gPad->SetGridx(1) ; gPad->SetGridy(1) ; cscan->Update() ; TLine* line = new TLine() ; line->SetLineColor(2) ; line->DrawLine(poiMinVal, 1., poiPlus1stdv, 1.) ; line->DrawLine(poiMinus1stdv,0., poiMinus1stdv, 1.) ; line->DrawLine(poiPlus1stdv ,0., poiPlus1stdv , 1.) ; TText* text = new TText() ; text->SetTextSize(0.04) ; char tstring[1000] ; sprintf( tstring, "%s = %.1f +%.1f -%.1f", new_poi_name, poiBest, (poiPlus1stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus1stdv) ) ; text -> DrawTextNDC( 0.15, 0.85, tstring ) ; sprintf( tstring, "68%% interval [%.1f, %.1f]", poiMinus1stdv, poiPlus1stdv ) ; text -> DrawTextNDC( 0.15, 0.78, tstring ) ; char hname[1000] ; sprintf( hname, "hscanout_%s", new_poi_name ) ; TH1F* hsout = new TH1F( hname,"scan results",4,0.,4.) ; double obsVal(-1.) ; hsout->SetBinContent(1, obsVal ) ; hsout->SetBinContent(2, poiPlus1stdv ) ; hsout->SetBinContent(3, poiBest ) ; hsout->SetBinContent(4, poiMinus1stdv ) ; TAxis* xaxis = hsout->GetXaxis() ; xaxis->SetBinLabel(1,"Observed val.") ; xaxis->SetBinLabel(2,"Model+1sd") ; xaxis->SetBinLabel(3,"Model") ; xaxis->SetBinLabel(4,"Model-1sd") ; char outrootfile[10000] ; sprintf( outrootfile, "%s/scan-ff-%s.root", outputdir.Data(), new_poi_name ) ; char outpdffile[10000] ; sprintf( outpdffile, "%s/scan-ff-%s.pdf", outputdir.Data(), new_poi_name ) ; cscan->Update() ; cscan->Draw() ; printf("\n Saving %s\n", outpdffile ) ; cscan->SaveAs( outpdffile ) ; //--- save in root file printf("\n Saving %s\n", outrootfile ) ; TFile fout(outrootfile,"recreate") ; graph->Write() ; hsout->Write() ; fout.Close() ; delete ws ; wstf->Close() ; } // constrained_scan.
//____________________________________ void rs_bernsteinCorrection(){ // set range of observable Double_t lowRange = -1, highRange =5; // make a RooRealVar for the observable RooRealVar x("x", "x", lowRange, highRange); // true model RooGaussian narrow("narrow","",x,RooConst(0.), RooConst(.8)); RooGaussian wide("wide","",x,RooConst(0.), RooConst(2.)); RooAddPdf reality("reality","",RooArgList(narrow, wide), RooConst(0.8)); RooDataSet* data = reality.generate(x,1000); // nominal model RooRealVar sigma("sigma","",1.,0,10); RooGaussian nominal("nominal","",x,RooConst(0.), sigma); RooWorkspace* wks = new RooWorkspace("myWorksspace"); wks->import(*data, Rename("data")); wks->import(nominal); // The tolerance sets the probability to add an unecessary term. // lower tolerance will add fewer terms, while higher tolerance // will add more terms and provide a more flexible function. Double_t tolerance = 0.05; BernsteinCorrection bernsteinCorrection(tolerance); Int_t degree = bernsteinCorrection.ImportCorrectedPdf(wks,"nominal","x","data"); cout << " Correction based on Bernstein Poly of degree " << degree << endl; RooPlot* frame = x.frame(); data->plotOn(frame); // plot the best fit nominal model in blue nominal.fitTo(*data,PrintLevel(-1)); nominal.plotOn(frame); // plot the best fit corrected model in red RooAbsPdf* corrected = wks->pdf("corrected"); corrected->fitTo(*data,PrintLevel(-1)); corrected->plotOn(frame,LineColor(kRed)); // plot the correction term (* norm constant) in dashed green // should make norm constant just be 1, not depend on binning of data RooAbsPdf* poly = wks->pdf("poly"); poly->plotOn(frame,LineColor(kGreen), LineStyle(kDashed)); // this is a switch to check the sampling distribution // of -2 log LR for two comparisons: // the first is for n-1 vs. n degree polynomial corrections // the second is for n vs. n+1 degree polynomial corrections // Here we choose n to be the one chosen by the tolerance // critereon above, eg. n = "degree" in the code. // Setting this to true is takes about 10 min. bool checkSamplingDist = false; TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas(); if(checkSamplingDist) { c1->Divide(1,2); c1->cd(1); } frame->Draw(); if(checkSamplingDist) { // check sampling dist TH1F* samplingDist = new TH1F("samplingDist","",20,0,10); TH1F* samplingDistExtra = new TH1F("samplingDistExtra","",20,0,10); int numToyMC = 1000; bernsteinCorrection.CreateQSamplingDist(wks,"nominal","x","data",samplingDist, samplingDistExtra, degree,numToyMC); c1->cd(2); samplingDistExtra->SetLineColor(kRed); samplingDistExtra->Draw(); samplingDist->Draw("same"); } }
void MakePlots(RooWorkspace* ws){ std::cout << "make plots" << std::endl; RooAbsPdf* model = ws->pdf("model"); RooAbsPdf* model_dY = ws->pdf("model_dY"); RooRealVar* nsig = ws->var("nsig"); RooRealVar* nsigDPS = ws->var("nsigDPS"); RooRealVar* nsigSPS = ws->var("nsigSPS"); RooRealVar* nBbkg = ws->var("nBbkg"); RooRealVar* nbkg = ws->var("nbkg"); RooRealVar* nbkg2 = ws->var("nbkg2"); RooRealVar* FourMu_Mass = ws->var("FourMu_Mass"); RooRealVar* Psi1_Mass = ws->var("Psi1_Mass"); RooRealVar* Psi2_Mass = ws->var("Psi2_Mass"); RooRealVar* Psi1_CTxy = ws->var("Psi1_CTxy"); RooRealVar* Psi2_CTxy = ws->var("Psi2_CTxy"); RooRealVar* Psi1To2_dY = ws->var("Psi1To2_dY"); RooRealVar* Psi1To2Significance = ws->var("Psi1To2Significance"); // note, we get the dataset with sWeights RooDataSet* data = (RooDataSet*) ws->data("dataWithSWeights"); model->fitTo(*data, Extended() ); // make TTree with efficiency variation info //TFile *fFile = new TFile("Fit_Results_Eff_Cut.root","recreate"); setTDRStyle(); // make our canvas TCanvas* cmass1 = new TCanvas("sPlotMass1","sPlotMass1", 600, 600); cmass1->cd(); cmass1->SetFillColor(kWhite); RooPlot* Mass1Plot = Psi1_Mass->frame(20); data->plotOn(Mass1Plot,Name("data"), DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2)); model->plotOn(Mass1Plot,Name("all")); model->plotOn(Mass1Plot,Name("sig"),RooFit::Components("Sig,sig_*"),RooFit::LineColor(kRed), RooFit::LineStyle(2)); model->plotOn(Mass1Plot,Name("bkg"),RooFit::Components("bkg_model"),RooFit::LineColor(kGreen), RooFit::LineStyle(3)); model->plotOn(Mass1Plot,Name("bkg2"),RooFit::Components("bkg2_model"),RooFit::LineColor(kBlack), RooFit::LineStyle(4)); model->plotOn(Mass1Plot,Name("Bbkg"),RooFit::Components("BBkg,Bbkg_*"),RooFit::LineColor(6), RooFit::LineStyle(7)); Mass1Plot->SetTitle(""); Mass1Plot->SetXTitle("#mu^{+}#mu^{-} 1 Invariant Mass (GeV/c^{2})"); Mass1Plot->SetYTitle("Events / 0.025 GeV/c^{2}"); Mass1Plot->SetLabelOffset(0.012); //Mass1Plot->SetTitleOffset(0.95); Mass1Plot->Draw(); //cmass1->SaveAs("pic/Psi1_mass.pdf"); //cmass1->Close(); TCanvas* cmass2 = new TCanvas("sPlotMass2","sPlotMass2", 600, 600); cmass2->cd(); cmass2->SetFillColor(kWhite); RooPlot* Mass2Plot = Psi2_Mass->frame(20); data->plotOn(Mass2Plot,Name("data"), DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2)); model->plotOn(Mass2Plot,Name("all")); model->plotOn(Mass2Plot,Name("sig"),RooFit::Components("Sig,sig_*"),RooFit::LineColor(kRed), RooFit::LineStyle(2)); model->plotOn(Mass2Plot,Name("bkg"),RooFit::Components("bkg_model"),RooFit::LineColor(kGreen), RooFit::LineStyle(3)); model->plotOn(Mass2Plot,Name("bkg2"),RooFit::Components("bkg2_model"),RooFit::LineColor(kBlack), RooFit::LineStyle(4)); model->plotOn(Mass2Plot,Name("Bbkg"),RooFit::Components("BBkg,Bbkg_*"),RooFit::LineColor(6), RooFit::LineStyle(7)); Mass2Plot->SetTitle(""); Mass2Plot->SetXTitle("#mu^{+}#mu^{-} 2 Invariant Mass (GeV/c^{2})"); Mass2Plot->SetYTitle("Events / 0.025 GeV/c^{2}"); Mass2Plot->SetLabelOffset(0.012); //Mass2Plot->SetTitleOffset(0.95); Mass2Plot->Draw(); //cmass2->SaveAs("pic/Psi2_mass.pdf"); //cmass2->Close(); TCanvas* cctxy1 = new TCanvas("sPlotCTxy1","sPlotCTxy1", 600, 600); cctxy1->cd(); cctxy1->SetFillColor(kWhite); RooPlot* CTxy1Plot = Psi1_CTxy->frame(30); data->plotOn(CTxy1Plot,Name("data"), DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2)); model->plotOn(CTxy1Plot,Name("all")); model->plotOn(CTxy1Plot,Name("sig"),RooFit::Components("Sig,sig_*"),RooFit::LineColor(kRed), RooFit::LineStyle(2)); model->plotOn(CTxy1Plot,Name("bkg"),RooFit::Components("bkg_model"),RooFit::LineColor(kGreen), RooFit::LineStyle(3)); model->plotOn(CTxy1Plot,Name("bkg2"),RooFit::Components("bkg2_model"),RooFit::LineColor(kBlack), RooFit::LineStyle(4)); model->plotOn(CTxy1Plot,Name("Bbkg"),RooFit::Components("BBkg,Bbkg_*"),RooFit::LineColor(6), RooFit::LineStyle(7)); CTxy1Plot->SetTitle(""); CTxy1Plot->SetXTitle("J/#psi^{1} ct_{xy} (cm)"); CTxy1Plot->SetYTitle("Events / 0.005 cm"); CTxy1Plot->SetMaximum(2000); CTxy1Plot->SetMinimum(0.1); CTxy1Plot->Draw(); cctxy1->SetLogy(); //cctxy1->SaveAs("pic/Psi1_CTxy.pdf"); //cctxy1->Close(); TCanvas* csig = new TCanvas("sPlotSig","sPlotSig", 600, 600); csig->cd(); RooPlot* SigPlot = Psi1To2Significance->frame(20); data->plotOn(SigPlot,Name("data"), DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2)); model->plotOn(SigPlot,Name("all")); model->plotOn(SigPlot,Name("sig"),RooFit::Components("Sig,sig_*"),RooFit::LineColor(kRed), RooFit::LineStyle(2)); model->plotOn(SigPlot,Name("bkg"),RooFit::Components("bkg_model"),RooFit::LineColor(kGreen), RooFit::LineStyle(3)); model->plotOn(SigPlot,Name("bkg2"),RooFit::Components("bkg2_model"),RooFit::LineColor(kBlack), RooFit::LineStyle(4)); model->plotOn(SigPlot,Name("Bbkg"),RooFit::Components("BBkg,Bbkg_*"),RooFit::LineColor(6), RooFit::LineStyle(7)); SigPlot->SetTitle(""); SigPlot->SetYTitle("Events / 0.4"); SigPlot->SetXTitle("J/#psi Distance Significance"); SigPlot->Draw(); //csig->SaveAs("pic/Psi1To2Significance.pdf"); //csig->Close(); // create weighted data set (signal-weighted) //RooDataSet * dataw_sig = new RooDataSet(data->GetName(),data->GetTitle(),data,*data->get(),0,"nsig_sw"); // model_dY->fitTo(*data); //TCanvas* cdata2 = new TCanvas("sPlot2","sPlots2", 700, 500); //cdata2->cd(); //RooPlot* frame2 = Psi1To2_dY->frame(20); //dataw_sig->plotOn(frame2, DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2) ); /* model_dY->fitTo(*dataw_sig, SumW2Error(kTRUE), Extended()); model_dY->plotOn(frame2); model_dY->plotOn(frame2,RooFit::Components("*DPS"),RooFit::LineColor(kRed), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed)); model_dY->plotOn(frame2,RooFit::Components("*SPS"),RooFit::LineColor(kGreen), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed)); */ //frame2->SetTitle("DeltaY distribution for sig"); //frame2->SetMinimum(1e-03); //frame2->Draw(); //TCanvas* cdata3 = new TCanvas("sPlot3","sPlots3", 700, 500); //cdata3->cd(); //RooPlot* frame3 = FourMu_Mass->frame(Bins(14),Range(6.,20.)); //dataw_sig->plotOn(frame3, DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2)); //frame3->SetTitle("FourMu_Mass distribution for sig"); //frame3->SetMinimum(1e-03); //frame3->Draw(); //fFile->Write(); //fFile->Close(); //delete fFile; }
void plot_pll(TString fname="monoh_withsm_SRCR_bg11.7_bgslop-0.0_nsig0.0.root") { SetAtlasStyle(); TFile* file = TFile::Open(fname); RooWorkspace* wspace = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get("wspace"); cout << "\n\ncheck that eff and reco terms included in BSM component to make fiducial cross-section" <<endl; wspace->function("nsig")->Print(); RooRealVar* reco = wspace->var("reco"); if( wspace->function("nsig")->dependsOn(*reco) ) { cout << "all good." <<endl; } else { cout << "need to rerun fit_withsm using DO_FIDUCIAL_LIMIT true" <<endl; return; } /* // DANGER // TEST WITH EXAGGERATED UNCERTAINTY wspace->var("unc_theory")->setMax(1); wspace->var("unc_theory")->setVal(1); wspace->var("unc_theory")->Print(); */ // this was for making plot about decoupling/recoupling approach TCanvas* tc = new TCanvas("tc","",400,400); RooPlot *frame = wspace->var("xsec_bsm")->frame(); RooAbsPdf* pdfc = wspace->pdf("jointModeld"); RooAbsData* data = wspace->data("data"); RooAbsReal *nllJoint = pdfc->createNLL(*data, RooFit::Constrained()); // slice with fixed xsec_bsm RooAbsReal *profileJoint = nllJoint->createProfile(*wspace->var("xsec_bsm")); wspace->allVars().Print("v"); pdfc->fitTo(*data); wspace->allVars().Print("v"); wspace->var("xsec_bsm")->Print(); double nllmin = 2*nllJoint->getVal(); wspace->var("xsec_bsm")->setVal(0); double nll0 = 2*nllJoint->getVal(); cout << Form("nllmin = %f, nll0 = %f, Z=%f", nllmin, nll0, sqrt(nll0-nllmin)) << endl; nllJoint->plotOn(frame, RooFit::LineColor(kGreen), RooFit::LineStyle(kDotted), RooFit::ShiftToZero(), RooFit::Name("nll_statonly")); // no error profileJoint->plotOn(frame,RooFit::Name("pll") ); wspace->var("xsec_sm")->Print(); wspace->var("theory")->Print(); wspace->var("theory")->setConstant(); profileJoint->plotOn(frame, RooFit::LineColor(kRed), RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed), RooFit::Name("pll_smfixed") ); frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{BSM, fid} [fb]"); frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("-log #lambda ( #sigma_{BSM, fid} )"); double temp = frame->GetYaxis()->GetTitleOffset(); frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset( 1.1* temp ); frame->SetMinimum(1e-7); frame->SetMaximum(4); // Legend double x1,y1,x2,y2; GetX1Y1X2Y2(tc,x1,y1,x2,y2); TLegend *legend_sr=FastLegend(x2-0.75,y2-0.3,x2-0.25,y2-0.5,0.045); legend_sr->AddEntry(frame->findObject("pll"),"with #sigma_{SM} uncertainty","L"); legend_sr->AddEntry(frame->findObject("pll_smfixed"),"with #sigma_{SM} constant","L"); legend_sr->AddEntry(frame->findObject("nll_statonly"),"no systematics","L"); frame->Draw(); legend_sr->Draw("SAME"); // descriptive text vector<TString> pavetext11; pavetext11.push_back("#bf{#it{ATLAS Internal}}"); pavetext11.push_back("#sqrt{#it{s}} = 8 TeV #scale[0.6]{#int}Ldt = 20.3 fb^{-1}"); pavetext11.push_back("#it{H}+#it{E}_{T}^{miss} , #it{H #rightarrow #gamma#gamma}, #it{m}_{#it{H}} = 125.4 GeV"); TPaveText* text11=CreatePaveText(x2-0.75,y2-0.25,x2-0.25,y2-0.05,pavetext11,0.045); text11->Draw(); tc->SaveAs("pll.pdf"); /* wspace->var("xsec_bsm")->setConstant(true); wspace->var("eff" )->setConstant(true); wspace->var("mh" )->setConstant(true); wspace->var("sigma_h" )->setConstant(true); wspace->var("lumi" )->setConstant(true); wspace->var("xsec_sm" )->setVal(v_xsec_sm); wspace->var("eff" )->setVal(1.0); wspace->var("lumi" )->setVal(v_lumi); TH1* nllHist = profileJoint->createHistogram("xsec_bsm",100); TFile* out = new TFile("nllHist.root","REPLACE"); nllHist->Write() out->Write(); out->Close(); */ }
/*********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** * CONSTRUCTOR MAKES ALLLLLLLL ******************************************************************* ************************************************* ***************************** ***** */ Tbroomfit(double xlow, double xhi, TH1 *h2, int npeak, double *peak, double *sigm, const char *chpol="p0"){ int iq=0; printf("constructor - %d %ld", iq++, (int64_t)h2 ); h2->Print(); /* * get global area, ranges for sigma, x */ npeaks=npeak; // class defined int // double areah2=h2->Integral( int(xlow), int(xhi) ); // WRONG - BINS min= h2->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(); printf("constructor - %d %f", iq++, min ); max= h2->GetXaxis()->GetLast(); printf("constructor - %d %f", iq++, max ); double areah2=h2->Integral( min, max ); printf("constructor - %d %f", iq++, areah2 ); min=xlow; max=xhi; double sigmamin=(max-min)/300; double sigmamax=(max-min)/4; double areamin=0; double areamax=2*areah2; printf("x:(%f,%f) s:(%f,%f) a:(%f,%f) \n", min,max,sigmamin, sigmamax,areamin, areamax ); /* * definition of variables.............. * */ RooRealVar x("x", "x", min, max); int MAXPEAKS=6; // later from 5 to 6 ??? printf("RooFit: npeaks=%d\n", npeaks ); // ABOVE: RooRealVar *msat[14][5]; // POINTERS TO ALL variables // 0 m Mean // 1 s Sigma // 2 a Area // 3 t Tail // 4 [0] nalpha // 5 [0] n1 for (int ii=0;ii<14;ii++){ for (int jj=0;jj<MAXPEAKS;jj++){ msat[ii][jj]=NULL; msat_values[ii][jj]=0.0; } //for for }// for for printf("delete fitresult, why crash?\n%s",""); fitresult=NULL; printf("delete fitresult, no crash?\n%s",""); RooRealVar mean1("mean1", "mean", 1*(max-min)/(npeaks+1)+min, min,max);msat[0][0]=&mean1; RooRealVar mean2("mean2", "mean", 2*(max-min)/(npeaks+1)+min, min,max);msat[0][1]=&mean2; RooRealVar mean3("mean3", "mean", 3*(max-min)/(npeaks+1)+min, min,max);msat[0][2]=&mean3; RooRealVar mean4("mean4", "mean", 4*(max-min)/(npeaks+1)+min, min,max);msat[0][3]=&mean4; RooRealVar mean5("mean5", "mean", 5*(max-min)/(npeaks+1)+min, min,max);msat[0][4]=&mean5; RooRealVar mean6("mean6", "mean", 6*(max-min)/(npeaks+1)+min, min,max);msat[0][5]=&mean6; RooRealVar sigma1("sigma1","sigma", (max-min)/10, sigmamin, sigmamax );msat[1][0]=&sigma1; RooRealVar sigma2("sigma2","sigma", (max-min)/10, sigmamin, sigmamax );msat[1][1]=&sigma2; RooRealVar sigma3("sigma3","sigma", (max-min)/10, sigmamin, sigmamax );msat[1][2]=&sigma3; RooRealVar sigma4("sigma4","sigma", (max-min)/10, sigmamin, sigmamax );msat[1][3]=&sigma4; RooRealVar sigma5("sigma5","sigma", (max-min)/10, sigmamin, sigmamax );msat[1][4]=&sigma5; RooRealVar sigma6("sigma6","sigma", (max-min)/10, sigmamin, sigmamax );msat[1][5]=&sigma6; RooRealVar area1("area1", "area", areah2/npeaks, areamin, areamax );msat[2][0]=&area1; RooRealVar area2("area2", "area", areah2/npeaks, areamin, areamax );msat[2][1]=&area2; RooRealVar area3("area3", "area", areah2/npeaks, areamin, areamax );msat[2][2]=&area3; RooRealVar area4("area4", "area", areah2/npeaks, areamin, areamax );msat[2][3]=&area4; RooRealVar area5("area5", "area", areah2/npeaks, areamin, areamax );msat[2][4]=&area5; RooRealVar area6("area6", "area", areah2/npeaks, areamin, areamax );msat[2][5]=&area6; RooRealVar bgarea("bgarea", "bgarea", areah2/5, 0, 2*areah2); double tailstart=-1.0;// tune the tails.... double tailmin=-1e+4; double tailmax=1e+4; RooRealVar tail1("tail1", "tail", tailstart, tailmin, tailmax );msat[3][0]=&tail1; RooRealVar tail2("tail2", "tail", tailstart, tailmin, tailmax );msat[3][1]=&tail2; RooRealVar tail3("tail3", "tail", tailstart, tailmin, tailmax );msat[3][2]=&tail3; RooRealVar tail4("tail4", "tail", tailstart, tailmin, tailmax );msat[3][3]=&tail4; RooRealVar tail5("tail5", "tail", tailstart, tailmin, tailmax );msat[3][4]=&tail5; RooRealVar tail6("tail6", "tail", tailstart, tailmin, tailmax );msat[3][5]=&tail6; // for CBShape RooRealVar nalpha1("nalpha1", "nalpha", 1.3, 0, 100 );msat[4][0]=&nalpha1; RooRealVar n1("n1", "n", 5.1, 0, 100 ); msat[5][0]=&n1; /* * initial values for peak positions................ */ if (npeaks>=1) {mean1=peak[0];sigma1=sigm[0];} if (npeaks>=2) {mean2=peak[1];sigma2=sigm[1];} if (npeaks>=3) {mean3=peak[2];sigma3=sigm[2];} if (npeaks>=4) {mean4=peak[3];sigma4=sigm[3];} if (npeaks>=5) {mean5=peak[4];sigma5=sigm[4];} if (npeaks>=6) {mean6=peak[5];sigma6=sigm[5];} /* * RooAbsPdf -> RooGaussian * RooNovosibirsk * RooLandau */ RooAbsPdf *pk[6]; // MAXIMUM PEAKS ==5 6 NOW!! RooAbsPdf *pk_dicto[14][6]; // ALL DICTIONARY OF PEAKS.......... // Abstract Class.... carrefuly RooGaussian gauss1("gauss1","gauss(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean1, sigma1);pk_dicto[0][0]=&gauss1; RooGaussian gauss2("gauss2","gauss(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean2, sigma2);pk_dicto[0][1]=&gauss2; RooGaussian gauss3("gauss3","gauss(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean3, sigma3);pk_dicto[0][2]=&gauss3; RooGaussian gauss4("gauss4","gauss(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean4, sigma4);pk_dicto[0][3]=&gauss4; RooGaussian gauss5("gauss5","gauss(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean5, sigma5);pk_dicto[0][4]=&gauss5; RooGaussian gauss6("gauss6","gauss(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean6, sigma6);pk_dicto[0][5]=&gauss6; RooNovosibirsk ns1("ns1","novosib(x,mean,sigma,tail)", x, mean1,sigma1, tail1 );pk_dicto[1][0]=&ns1; RooNovosibirsk ns2("ns2","novosib(x,mean,sigma,tail)", x, mean2,sigma2, tail2 );pk_dicto[1][1]=&ns2; RooNovosibirsk ns3("ns3","novosib(x,mean,sigma,tail)", x, mean3,sigma3, tail3 );pk_dicto[1][2]=&ns3; RooNovosibirsk ns4("ns4","novosib(x,mean,sigma,tail)", x, mean4,sigma4, tail4 );pk_dicto[1][3]=&ns4; RooNovosibirsk ns5("ns5","novosib(x,mean,sigma,tail)", x, mean5,sigma5, tail5 );pk_dicto[1][4]=&ns5; // BreitWiegner is Lorentzian...? RooBreitWigner bw1("bw1","BreitWigner(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean1, sigma1 );pk_dicto[2][0]=&bw1; RooBreitWigner bw2("bw2","BreitWigner(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean2, sigma2 );pk_dicto[2][1]=&bw2; RooBreitWigner bw3("bw3","BreitWigner(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean3, sigma3 );pk_dicto[2][2]=&bw3; RooBreitWigner bw4("bw4","BreitWigner(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean4, sigma4 );pk_dicto[2][3]=&bw4; RooBreitWigner bw5("bw5","BreitWigner(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean5, sigma5 );pk_dicto[2][4]=&bw5; RooCBShape cb1("cb1","CBShape(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean1, sigma1, nalpha1, n1 );pk_dicto[3][0]=&cb1; RooCBShape cb2("cb2","CBShape(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean2, sigma2, nalpha1, n1 );pk_dicto[3][1]=&cb2; RooCBShape cb3("cb3","CBShape(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean3, sigma3, nalpha1, n1 );pk_dicto[3][2]=&cb3; RooCBShape cb4("cb4","CBShape(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean4, sigma4, nalpha1, n1 );pk_dicto[3][3]=&cb4; RooCBShape cb5("cb5","CBShape(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean5, sigma5, nalpha1, n1 );pk_dicto[3][4]=&cb5; RooCBShape cb6("cb6","CBShape(x,mean,sigma)", x, mean6, sigma6, nalpha1, n1 );pk_dicto[3][5]=&cb6; /* * PEAK TYPES BACKGROUND TYPE ......... COMMAND BOX OPTIONS ...... */ /**************************************************************************** * PLAY WITH THE DEFINITION COMMANDLINE...................... POLYNOM + PEAKS */ // CALSS DECLARED TString s; s=chpol; /* * peaks+bg== ALL BEFORE ; or : (after ... it is a conditions/options) */ TString command; int comstart=s.Index(":"); if (comstart<0){ comstart=s.Index(";");} if (comstart<0){ command="";}else{ command=s(comstart+1, s.Length()-comstart -1 ); // without ; s=s(0,comstart); // without ; printf("COMMANDLINE : %s\n", command.Data() ); if (TPRegexp("scom").Match(command)!=0){ }// COMMANDS - }// there is some command /************************************************* * PLAY WITH peaks+bg.................. s */ s.Append("+"); s.Prepend("+"); s.ReplaceAll(" ","+"); s.ReplaceAll("++++","+"); s.ReplaceAll("+++","+"); s.ReplaceAll("++","+");s.ReplaceAll("++","+"); printf (" regextp = %s\n", s.Data() ); if (TPRegexp("\\+p[\\dn]\\+").Match(s)==0){ // no match printf("NO polynomial demanded =>: %s\n", "appending pn command" ); s.Append("pn+"); } TString spk=s; TString sbg=s; TPRegexp("\\+p[\\dn]\\+").Substitute(spk,"+"); // remove +p.+ TPRegexp(".+(p[\\dn]).+").Substitute(sbg,"$1"); // remove all but +p+ printf ("PEAKS=%s BG=%s\n", spk.Data() , sbg.Data() ); spk.ReplaceAll("+",""); // VARIANT 1 ------- EACH LETTER MEANS ONE PEAK /************************************************************************ * PREPARE PEAKS FOLLOWING THE COMMAND BOX................ */ //default PEAK types pk[0]=&gauss1; pk[1]=&gauss2; pk[2]=&gauss3; pk[3]=&gauss4; pk[4]=&gauss5; pk[5]=&gauss6; int maxi=spk.Length(); if (maxi>npeaks){maxi=npeaks;} for (int i=0;i<maxi;i++){ if (spk[i]=='n'){ pk[i]=pk_dicto[1][i];//novosibirsk printf("PEAK #%d ... Novosibirsk\n", i ); }else if(spk[i]=='b'){ pk[i]=pk_dicto[2][i];//BreitWiegner printf("PEAK #%d ... BreitWigner\n", i ); }else if(spk[i]=='c'){ pk[i]=pk_dicto[3][i];//CBShape printf("PEAK #%d ... CBShape\n", i ); }else if(spk[i]=='y'){ }else if(spk[i]=='z'){ }else{ pk[i]=pk_dicto[0][i]; //gauss printf("PEAK #%d ... Gaussian\n", i ); }// ELSE CHAIN }//i to maxi for (int i=0;i<npeaks;i++){ printf("Peak %d at %f s=%f: PRINT:\n " , i, peak[i], sigm[i] );pk[i]->Print();} /******************************************************** BACKGROUND pn-p4 * a0 == level - also skew * a1 == p2 * a2 == p3 */ // Build Chebychev polynomial p.d.f. // RooRealVar a0("a0","a0", 0.) ; RooRealVar a0("a0","a0", 0., -10, 10) ; RooRealVar a1("a1","a1", 0., -10, 10) ; RooRealVar a2("a2","a2", 0., -10, 10) ; RooRealVar a3("a3","a3", 0., -10, 10) ; RooArgSet setcheb; if ( sbg=="pn" ){ setcheb.add(a0); a0=0.; a0.setConstant(kTRUE);bgarea=0.; bgarea.setConstant(kTRUE);} if ( sbg=="p0" ){ setcheb.add(a0); a0=0.; a0.setConstant(kTRUE); } if ( sbg=="p1" ){ setcheb.add(a0); } if ( sbg=="p2" ){ setcheb.add(a1); setcheb.add(a0); } if ( sbg=="p3" ){ setcheb.add(a2); setcheb.add(a1); setcheb.add(a0); } if ( sbg=="p4" ){ setcheb.add(a3);setcheb.add(a2); setcheb.add(a1); setcheb.add(a0); } // RooChebychev bkg("bkg","Background",x,RooArgSet(a0,a1,a2,a3) ) ; RooChebychev bkg("bkg","Background",x, setcheb ) ; /********************************************************************** * MODEL */ RooArgList rl; if (npeaks>0)rl.add( *pk[0] ); if (npeaks>1)rl.add( *pk[1] ); if (npeaks>2)rl.add( *pk[2] ); if (npeaks>3)rl.add( *pk[3] ); if (npeaks>4)rl.add( *pk[4] ); if (npeaks>5)rl.add( *pk[5] ); rl.add( bkg ); RooArgSet rs; if (npeaks>0)rs.add( area1 ); if (npeaks>1)rs.add( area2 ); if (npeaks>2)rs.add( area3 ); if (npeaks>3)rs.add( area4 ); if (npeaks>4)rs.add( area5 ); if (npeaks>5)rs.add( area6 ); rs.add( bgarea ); RooAddPdf modelV("model","model", rl, rs ); /* * WITH CUSTOMIZER - I can change parameters inside. But * - then all is a clone and I dont know how to reach it */ RooCustomizer cust( modelV ,"cust"); /* * Possibility to fix all sigma or tails.... */ if (TPRegexp("scom").Match(command)!=0){//----------------------SCOM printf("all sigma have common values.....\n%s", ""); if (npeaks>1)cust.replaceArg(sigma2,sigma1) ; if (npeaks>2)cust.replaceArg(sigma3,sigma1) ; if (npeaks>3)cust.replaceArg(sigma4,sigma1) ; if (npeaks>4)cust.replaceArg(sigma5,sigma1) ; if (npeaks>5)cust.replaceArg(sigma6,sigma1) ; } if (TPRegexp("tcom").Match(command)!=0){//----------------------TCOM printf("all tails have common values.....\n%s", ""); if (npeaks>1)cust.replaceArg(tail2,tail1) ; if (npeaks>2)cust.replaceArg(tail3,tail1) ; if (npeaks>3)cust.replaceArg(tail4,tail1) ; if (npeaks>4)cust.replaceArg(tail5,tail1) ; if (npeaks>5)cust.replaceArg(tail6,tail1) ; } /* if (TPRegexp("tcom").Match(command)!=0){//----------------------TCOM Neni dalsi ACOM,NCOM pro CB... printf("all tails have common values.....\n%s", ""); if (npeaks>1)cust.replaceArg(tail2,tail1) ; if (npeaks>2)cust.replaceArg(tail3,tail1) ; if (npeaks>3)cust.replaceArg(tail4,tail1) ; if (npeaks>4)cust.replaceArg(tail5,tail1) ; } */ if (TPRegexp("p1fix").Match(command)!=0){//---------------------- mean1.setConstant();printf("position 1 set constant%s\n",""); } if (TPRegexp("p2fix").Match(command)!=0){//---------------------- mean2.setConstant();printf("position 2 set constant%s\n",""); } if (TPRegexp("p3fix").Match(command)!=0){//---------------------- mean3.setConstant();printf("position 3 set constant%s\n",""); } if (TPRegexp("p4fix").Match(command)!=0){//---------------------- mean4.setConstant();printf("position 4 set constant%s\n",""); } if (TPRegexp("p5fix").Match(command)!=0){//---------------------- mean5.setConstant();printf("position 5 set constant%s\n",""); } if (TPRegexp("p6fix").Match(command)!=0){//---------------------- mean6.setConstant();printf("position 6 set constant%s\n",""); } if (TPRegexp("s1fix").Match(command)!=0){//---------------------- sigma1.setConstant();printf("sigma 1 set constant%s\n",""); } if (TPRegexp("s2fix").Match(command)!=0){//---------------------- sigma2.setConstant();printf("sigma 2 set constant%s\n",""); } if (TPRegexp("s3fix").Match(command)!=0){//---------------------- sigma3.setConstant();printf("sigma 3 set constant%s\n",""); } if (TPRegexp("s4fix").Match(command)!=0){//---------------------- sigma4.setConstant();printf("sigma 4 set constant%s\n",""); } if (TPRegexp("s5fix").Match(command)!=0){//---------------------- sigma5.setConstant();printf("sigma 5 set constant%s\n",""); } if (TPRegexp("s6fix").Match(command)!=0){//---------------------- sigma6.setConstant();printf("sigma 6 set constant%s\n",""); } RooAbsPdf* model = (RooAbsPdf*) ; //build a clone...comment on changes... // model->Print("t") ; //delete model ; // eventualy delete the model... /* * DISPLAY RESULTS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> */ TPad *orig_gpad=(TPad*)gPad; TCanvas *c; c=(TCanvas*)gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject("fitresult"); if (c==NULL){ printf("making new canvas\n%s",""); c=new TCanvas("fitresult",h2->GetName(),1000,700); }else{ printf("using old canvas\n%s",""); c->SetTitle( h2->GetName() ); } c->Clear(); printf(" canvas cleared\n%s",""); c->Divide(1,2) ; printf(" canvas divided\n%s",""); c->Modified();c->Update(); RooDataHist datah("datah","datah with x",x,h2); RooPlot* xframe = x.frame(); datah.plotOn(xframe, DrawOption("logy") ); // return; if (TPRegexp("chi2").Match(command)!=0){//----------------------CHI2 //from lorenzo moneta // TH1 * h1 = datah.createHistogram(x); // TF1 * f = model->asTF(RooArgList(x) , parameters ); //??? // h2->Fit(f); //It will work but you need to create a THNSparse and fit it //or use directly the ROOT::Fit::BinData class to create a ROOT::Fit::Chi2Function to minimize. // THIS CANNOT DO ZERO BINS fitresult = model->chi2FitTo( datah , Save() ); }else{ // FIT FIT FIT FIT FIT FIT FIT FIT FIT FIT fitresult = model->fitTo( datah , Save() ); } fitresult->SetTitle( h2->GetName() ); // I PUT histogram name to global fitresult // will be done by printResult ... fitresult->Print("v") ; //duplicite fitresult->floatParsFinal().Print("s") ; // later - after parsfinale .... : printResult(); // model->Print(); // not interesting........ model->plotOn(xframe, LineColor(kRed), DrawOption("l0z") ); //,Minos(kFALSE) /* * Posledni nakreslena vec je vychodiskem pro xframe->resid...? * NA PORADI ZALEZI.... */ //unused RooHist* hresid = xframe->residHist() ; RooHist* hpull = xframe->pullHist() ; // RooPlot* xframe2 = x.frame(Title("Residual Distribution")) ; // xframe2->addPlotable(hresid,"P") ; // Construct a histogram with the pulls of the data w.r.t the curve RooPlot* xframe3 = x.frame(Title("Pull Distribution")) ; xframe3->addPlotable(hpull,"P") ; /* * plot components at the end.... PLOT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> */ int colorseq[10]={kRed,kGreen,kBlue,kYellow,kCyan,kMagenta,kViolet,kAzure,kGray,kOrange}; // RooArgSet* model_params = model->getParameters(x); // this returns all parameters RooArgSet* model_params = model->getComponents(); TIterator* iter = model_params->createIterator() ; RooAbsArg* arg ; int icomp=0, ipeak=0; // printf("ENTERING COMPONENT ITERATOR x%dx.....................\n", icomp ); while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) { // printf("printing COMPONENT %d\n", icomp ); // arg->Print(); // printf("NAME==%s\n", arg->Class_Name() ); //This returns only RooAbsArg // printf("NAME==%s\n", arg->ClassName() ); //This RooGaussian RooChebychev if ( IsPeak( arg->ClassName() )==1 ){ pk[ipeak]=(RooAbsPdf*)arg; //? // pk[ipeak]->Print(); ipeak++; // printf("adresses ... %d - %d - %d\n", pk[0], pk[1], pk[2] ); }// yes peak. icomp++; }//iterations over all components model->plotOn(xframe, Components(bkg), LineColor(kRed), LineStyle(kDashed), DrawOption("l0z") ); for (int i=0;i<npeaks;i++){ // printf("plotting %d. peak, color %d\n", i, colorseq[i+1] ); // printf("adresses ... %d - %d - %d\n", pk[0], pk[1], pk[2] ); // pk[i]->Print(); model->plotOn(xframe, Components( RooArgSet(*pk[i],bkg) ), LineColor(colorseq[i+1]), LineStyle(kDashed), DrawOption("l0z") ); // DrawOption("pz"),DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2) );??? pz removes complains...warnings // model.plotOn(xframe, Components( RooArgSet(*pk[i],bkg) ), LineColor(colorseq[i+1]), LineStyle(kDashed)); } // WE SET THE 1st PAD in "fitresult" to LOGY.... 1 // ..... if the original window is LOGY..... :) // // printf("########### ORIGPAD LOGY==%d #########3\n", orig_gpad->GetLogy() ); c->cd(1); xframe->Draw(); gPad->SetLogy( orig_gpad->GetLogy() ); // c->cd(2); xframe2->Draw(); c->cd(2); xframe3->Draw(); c->Modified();c->Update(); orig_gpad->cd(); // printf("msat reference to peak 0 0 = %d, (%f)\n", msat[0][0] , msat[0][0]->getVal() ); for (int ii=0;ii<14;ii++){ for (int jj=0;jj<MAXPEAKS;jj++){ if ( msat[ii][jj]!=NULL){ msat_values[ii][jj]=msat[ii][jj]->getVal(); }//if } //for for }// for for printf("at the total end of the constructor....%s\n",""); // done in pirntResult .. fitresult->floatParsFinal().Print("s") ; printResult(); }; // constructor
int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool printSw = true; //TString massModel = "Gauss-m[5622]"; string massModel = "DCB-m[5622]"; TString effbase = "/afs/"; bool printeff = false; TString dodata = "data"; bool fitsingle = false; TString wstr = "physRate_polp006"; TString decayToDo = "Lb2Lmumu"; if(dodata=="genMC") wstr += "_noDecay"; gROOT->ProcessLine(".x lhcbStyle.C"); RooRealVar * cosThetaL = new RooRealVar("cosThetaL","cosThetaL",0.,-1.,1.); RooRealVar * cosThetaB = new RooRealVar("cosThetaB","cosThetaB",0.,-1.,1.); RooRealVar * nsig_sw = new RooRealVar("nsig_sw","nsig_sw",1,-1.e6,1.e6); RooRealVar * MCweight = new RooRealVar(wstr,wstr,1.,-1.e10,1.e10); RooRealVar * MM = new RooRealVar("Lb_MassConsLambda","Lb_MassConsLambda",5620.,5500.,5900.); TString datafilename = "/afs/"; if(dodata=="MC") datafilename = "/afs/"; if(dodata=="genMC") datafilename = "/afs/"+(string)decayToDo+"_geomMC_Pythia8_NBweighted.root"; TreeReader * data; if(dodata!="genMC") data = new TreeReader("cand"+decayToDo); else data = new TreeReader("MCtree"); data->AddFile(datafilename); TFile * histFile = new TFile("Afb_hist.root","recreate"); RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::ERROR); int nbins = 1;//CutsDef::nq2bins; double q2min[] = {15.,11.0,15,16,18};//&CutsDef::q2min_highfirst[0]; double q2max[] = {20.,12.5,16,18,20};//&CutsDef::q2max_highfirst[0]; //int nbins = CutsDef::nq2bins //double *q2min = &CutsDef::q2min[0]; //double *q2max = &CutsDef::q2max[0]; TGraphErrors * Afb_vs_q2 = new TGraphErrors(); TGraphErrors * AfbB_vs_q2 = new TGraphErrors(); TGraphErrors * fL_vs_q2 = new TGraphErrors(); TCanvas * ceff = new TCanvas(); RooCategory * samples = new RooCategory("samples","samples"); samples->defineType("DD"); samples->defineType("LL"); RooRealVar * afb = new RooRealVar("afb","afb",0.,-100,100); RooRealVar * fL = new RooRealVar("fL","fL",0.7,-1.,10.); //RooRealVar * afb = new RooRealVar("afb","afb",0.,-1.,1.); //RooRealVar * fL = new RooRealVar("fL","fL",0.7,0.,1.); RooRealVar * origafb = new RooRealVar("afb","afb",0.,-1.,1.); RooRealVar * origfL = new RooRealVar("fL","fL",0.7,-1.,10.); TString afbLpdf = "((3./8.)*(1.-fL)*(1 + TMath::Power(cosThetaL,2)) + afb*cosThetaL + (3./4.)*fL*(1 - TMath::Power(cosThetaL,2)))"; RooRealVar * afbB = new RooRealVar("afbB","afbB",0.,-100,100); //RooRealVar * afbB = new RooRealVar("afbB","afbB",0.,-1.,1.); RooRealVar * origafbB = new RooRealVar("afbB","afbB",0.,-1.,1.); TString afbBpdf = "(1 + 2*afbB*cosThetaB)"; vector< vector< double > > afb_errs, afbB_errs, fL_errs; TList * LLlist = new TList, * DDlist = new TList; TCanvas * cDD = new TCanvas(); TCanvas * cLL = new TCanvas(); TCanvas * cDDB = new TCanvas(); TCanvas * cLLB = new TCanvas(); for(int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) { //if(q2min[i] < 8) continue; TString q2name = ((TString)Form("q2_%4.2f_%4.2f",q2min[i],q2max[i])).ReplaceAll(".",""); TString curq2cut = Form("TMath::Power(J_psi_1S_MM/1000,2) >= %e && TMath::Power(J_psi_1S_MM/1000,2) < %e",q2min[i],q2max[i]); //TString curq2cut = Form("TMath::Power(J_psi_1S_MM/1000,2) >= %e && TMath::Power(J_psi_1S_MM/1000,2) < %e && (Lb_MassConsLambda > 5680 || Lb_MassConsLambda < 5590)",q2min[i],q2max[i]); cout << "------------------- q2 bin: " << q2min[i] << " - " << q2max[i] << " -----------------------" << endl; TFile * effFile = NULL; TH1F * effDD = NULL, * effLL = NULL, * effLLB = NULL, * effDDB = NULL; if(q2min[i] == 15 && q2max[i] == 20) { effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"LbeffvscosThetaL_DD.root"); effDD = (TH1F *)effFile->Get("htoteff"); effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"LbeffvscosThetaL_LL.root"); effLL = (TH1F *)effFile->Get("htoteff"); effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"LbeffvscosThetaB_DD.root"); effDDB = (TH1F *)effFile->Get("htot_nodet_eff"); effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"LbeffvscosThetaB_LL.root"); effLLB = (TH1F *)effFile->Get("htot_nodet_eff"); } else { effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"Lbeff2D_cosThetaL_vs_q2_DD.root"); TH2F * effDD2D = (TH2F *)effFile->Get("htot_eff"); effDD = (TH1F*)GetSliceX(effDD2D,(q2max[i]+q2min[i])/2.); effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"Lbeff2D_cosThetaL_vs_q2_LL.root"); TH2F * effLL2D = (TH2F *)effFile->Get("htot_eff"); effLL = (TH1F*)GetSliceX(effLL2D,(q2max[i]+q2min[i])/2.); effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"Lbeff2D_cosThetaB_vs_q2_DD.root"); TH2F * effDDB2D = (TH2F *)effFile->Get("hupper_eff"); effDDB = (TH1F*)GetSliceX(effDDB2D,(q2max[i]+q2min[i])/2.); effFile = TFile::Open(effbase+"Lbeff2D_cosThetaB_vs_q2_LL.root"); TH2F * effLLB2D = (TH2F *)effFile->Get("hupper_eff"); effLLB = (TH1F*)GetSliceX(effLLB2D,(q2max[i]+q2min[i])/2.); } ceff->cd(); /** FIT EFFICIENCY **/ RooDataHist * hLL = new RooDataHist("hLL","hLL",*cosThetaL,effLL); RooDataHist * hDD = new RooDataHist("hDD","hDD",*cosThetaL,effDD); RooRealVar * c1LL = new RooRealVar("c1LL","",0.,-1.,1); RooRealVar * c1DD = new RooRealVar("c1DD","",0.,-1.,1); RooRealVar * c2LL = new RooRealVar("c2LL","",0.,-1.,1); RooRealVar * c2DD = new RooRealVar("c2DD","",0.,-1.,1); TString effLLstr = "(1 + c1LL*cosThetaL + c2LL*TMath::Power(cosThetaL,2))"; TString effDDstr = "(1 + c1DD*cosThetaL + c2DD*TMath::Power(cosThetaL,2))"; RooAbsPdf * effLLpdf = new RooGenericPdf("effLLpdf", "", effLLstr, RooArgSet(*cosThetaL, *c1LL, *c2LL)); RooAbsPdf * effDDpdf = new RooGenericPdf("effDDpdf", "", effDDstr, RooArgSet(*cosThetaL, *c1DD, *c2DD)); effLLpdf->fitTo(*hLL,PrintLevel(-1)); effDDpdf->fitTo(*hDD,PrintLevel(-1)); fixParams(effLLpdf,cosThetaL); fixParams(effDDpdf,cosThetaL); RooDataHist * hLLB = new RooDataHist("hLLB","hLLB",*cosThetaB,effLLB); RooDataHist * hDDB = new RooDataHist("hDDB","hDDB",*cosThetaB,effDDB); RooRealVar * cB1LL = new RooRealVar("cB1LL","",0,-1.,1); RooRealVar * cB1DD = new RooRealVar("cB1DD","",0,-1.,1); RooRealVar * cB2LL = new RooRealVar("cB2LL","",0,-1.,1); RooRealVar * cB2DD = new RooRealVar("cB2DD","",0,-1.,1); TString effLLBstr = "(1 + cB1LL*cosThetaB + cB2LL*TMath::Power(cosThetaB,2))"; TString effDDBstr = "(1 + cB1DD*cosThetaB + cB2DD*TMath::Power(cosThetaB,2))"; RooAbsPdf * effLLpdfB = new RooGenericPdf("effLLpdfB", "", effLLBstr, RooArgSet(*cosThetaB, *cB1LL, *cB2LL)); RooAbsPdf * effDDpdfB = new RooGenericPdf("effDDpdfB", "", effDDBstr, RooArgSet(*cosThetaB, *cB1DD, *cB2DD)); effLLpdfB->fitTo(*hLLB,PrintLevel(-1)); effDDpdfB->fitTo(*hDDB,PrintLevel(-1)); fixParams(effLLpdfB,cosThetaB); fixParams(effDDpdfB,cosThetaB); //cout << q2min[i] << " - " << q2max[i] << " LL cosThetaL -> " << c1LL->getVal() << " " << c2LL->getVal() << endl; //cout << q2min[i] << " - " << q2max[i] << " DD cosThetaL -> " << c1DD->getVal() << " " << c2DD->getVal() << endl; //cout << q2min[i] << " - " << q2max[i] << " LL cosThetaB -> " << cB1LL->getVal() << " " << cB2LL->getVal() << endl; //cout << q2min[i] << " - " << q2max[i] << " DD cosThetaB -> " << cB1DD->getVal() << " " << cB2DD->getVal() << endl; if(printeff) { GetFrame(cosThetaL, hLL,effLLpdf,"-nochi2",0,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}","Tot. eff.")->Draw(); ceff->Print("DDeffFit"+q2name+".pdf"); GetFrame(cosThetaL, hDD,effDDpdf,"-nochi2",0,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}","Tot. eff.")->Draw(); ceff->Print("LLeffFit"+q2name+".pdf"); GetFrame(cosThetaB, hLLB,effLLpdfB,"-nochi2",0,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{#Lambda}","Tot. eff.")->Draw(); ceff->Print("DDeffFitB"+q2name+".pdf"); GetFrame(cosThetaB, hDDB,effDDpdfB,"-nochi2",0,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{#Lambda}","Tot. eff.")->Draw(); ceff->Print("LLeffFitB"+q2name+".pdf"); } /** FIT AFB **/ afb->setVal(0); afbB->setVal(0); fL->setVal(0.7); TString LLnorm = "1./( 1. + (2./3.)*afb*c1LL + (2./5.)*c2LL - (1./5.)*c2LL*fL )*"+effLLstr; TString DDnorm = "1./( 1. + (2./3.)*afb*c1DD + (2./5.)*c2DD - (1./5.)*c2DD*fL )*"+effDDstr; RooAbsPdf * corrPdfLL = new RooGenericPdf(Form("corrPdfLL_%i",i),LLnorm+"*"+afbLpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaL, *afb, *fL, *c1LL, *c2LL) ); RooAbsPdf * corrPdfDD = new RooGenericPdf(Form("corrPdfDD_%i",i),DDnorm+"*"+afbLpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaL, *afb, *fL, *c1DD, *c2DD) ); TString LLnormB = "1./( (2./3.)*( 2*afbB*cB1LL + cB2LL + 3.) )*"+effLLBstr; TString DDnormB = "1./( (2./3.)*( 2*afbB*cB1DD + cB2DD + 3.) )*"+effDDBstr; RooAbsPdf * corrPdfLLB = new RooGenericPdf(Form("corrPdfLLB_%i",i),LLnormB+"*"+afbBpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaB, *afbB, *cB1LL, *cB2LL) ); RooAbsPdf * corrPdfDDB = new RooGenericPdf(Form("corrPdfDDB_%i",i),DDnormB+"*"+afbBpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaB, *afbB, *cB1DD, *cB2DD) ); TCut cutLL = CutsDef::LLcut + (TCut)curq2cut; TCut cutDD = CutsDef::DDcut + (TCut)curq2cut; if(dodata=="genMC") { corrPdfLLB = new RooGenericPdf("corrPdfLL",afbBpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaB, *afbB, *cB1LL, *cB2LL) ); corrPdfDDB = new RooGenericPdf("corrPdfDD",afbBpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaB, *afbB, *cB1DD, *cB2DD) ); corrPdfLL = new RooGenericPdf("corrPdfLL",afbLpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaL, *afb, *fL, *c1LL, *c2LL) ); corrPdfDD = new RooGenericPdf("corrPdfDD",afbLpdf,RooArgSet(*cosThetaL, *afb, *fL, *c1DD, *c2DD) ); cutLL = (TCut)curq2cut; cutDD = (TCut)curq2cut; } Analysis * anaLL = new Analysis(Form("LL_mass_%i",i),"Lb",data,&cutLL,MM); anaLL->AddVariable(cosThetaL); anaLL->AddVariable(cosThetaB); anaLL->AddVariable("J_psi_1S_MM"); if(dodata!="data") anaLL->SetWeight(wstr); RooDataSet * dataLL = anaLL->GetDataSet("-recalc-docuts"); Analysis * anaDD = new Analysis(Form("DD_mass_%i",i),"Lb",data,&cutDD,MM); anaDD->AddVariable(cosThetaL); anaDD->AddVariable(cosThetaB); anaDD->AddVariable("J_psi_1S_MM"); if(dodata!="data") anaDD->SetWeight(wstr); RooDataSet * dataDD = anaDD->GetDataSet("-recalc-docuts"); RooDataSet * sdataDD, * sdataLL; if(dodata=="data") { sdataLL = anaLL->CalcSweight("",massModel.c_str(),"Exp"); if(printSw) { GetFrame(MM,NULL,sdataLL,"-nochi2",30,NULL,0,"M(#Lambda#mu#mu) (MeV/c^{2})")->Draw(); ceff->Print("Mass_LL_sWeighted"+q2name+".pdf"); GetFrame(cosThetaL,NULL,sdataLL,"-nochi2",6,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("cosThetaL_LL_sWeighted"+q2name+".pdf"); GetFrame(cosThetaL,NULL,dataLL,"-nochi2",6,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("cosThetaL_LL_"+q2name+".pdf"); } sdataDD = anaDD->CalcSweight("",massModel.c_str(),"Exp"); if(printSw) { GetFrame(MM,NULL,sdataDD,"-nochi2",30,NULL,0,"M(#Lambda#mu#mu) (MeV/c^{2})")->Draw(); ceff->Print("Mass_DD_sWeighted"+q2name+".pdf"); GetFrame(cosThetaL,NULL,sdataDD,"-nochi2",10,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("cosThetaL_DD_sWeighted"+q2name+".pdf"); GetFrame(cosThetaL,NULL,dataDD,"-nochi2",10,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("cosThetaL_DD_"+q2name+".pdf"); } } else { sdataLL = dataLL; sdataDD = dataDD; } histFile->cd(); TTree * LLTree = (TTree*)sdataLL->tree(); LLTree->SetName(Form("treeLL_%i",i)); LLlist->Add(LLTree); TTree * DDTree = (TTree*)sdataDD->tree(); DDTree->SetName(Form("treeDD_%i",i)); DDlist->Add(DDTree); // CREATE COMBINED DATASET RooDataSet * combData; if(dodata=="data") combData = new RooDataSet(Form("combData_%i",i),"combined data",RooArgSet(*cosThetaL,*cosThetaB,*nsig_sw),Index(*samples),Import("DD",*sdataDD),Import("LL",*sdataLL),WeightVar("nsig_sw")); else combData = new RooDataSet(Form("combData_%i",i),"combined data",RooArgSet(*cosThetaL,*cosThetaB,*MCweight),Index(*samples),Import("DD",*sdataDD),Import("LL",*sdataLL),WeightVar(wstr)); // FIT COS LEPTON RooSimultaneous * combModel = new RooSimultaneous(Form("combModel_%i",i),"",*samples); combModel->addPdf(*corrPdfLL,"LL"); combModel->addPdf(*corrPdfDD,"DD"); combModel->fitTo(*combData,PrintLevel(-1),Verbose(kFALSE),SumW2Error(kTRUE)); if(fitsingle) corrPdfLL->fitTo(*sdataLL,PrintLevel(-1),Verbose(kFALSE),SumW2Error(kTRUE)); GetFrame(cosThetaL,corrPdfLL,sdataLL,"-sumW2err-nochi2-noCost",6,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("Afb_LL_"+q2name+".pdf"); if(fitsingle) corrPdfDD->fitTo(*sdataDD,PrintLevel(-1),Verbose(kFALSE),SumW2Error(kTRUE)); GetFrame(cosThetaL,corrPdfDD,sdataDD,"-sumW2err-nochi2-noCost",10,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{l}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("Afb_DD_"+q2name+".pdf"); Afb_vs_q2->SetPoint(i,(q2max[i] + q2min[i])/2.,afb->getVal()); Afb_vs_q2->SetPointError(i,(q2max[i] - q2min[i])/2.,afb->getError()); fL_vs_q2->SetPoint(i,(q2max[i] + q2min[i])/2.,fL->getVal()); fL_vs_q2->SetPointError(i,(q2max[i] - q2min[i])/2.,fL->getError()); // FIT COS HADRON RooSimultaneous * combModelB = new RooSimultaneous(Form("combModelB_%i",i),"",*samples); combModelB->addPdf(*corrPdfLLB,"LL"); combModelB->addPdf(*corrPdfDDB,"DD"); combModelB->fitTo(*combData,PrintLevel(-1),Verbose(kFALSE),SumW2Error(kTRUE)); if(fitsingle) corrPdfLLB->fitTo(*sdataLL,PrintLevel(-1),Verbose(kFALSE),SumW2Error(kTRUE)); GetFrame(cosThetaB,corrPdfLLB,sdataLL,"-sumW2err-nochi2-noCost",6,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{#Lambda}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("AfbB_LL_"+q2name+".pdf"); if(fitsingle) corrPdfDDB->fitTo(*sdataDD,PrintLevel(-1),Verbose(kFALSE),SumW2Error(kTRUE)); GetFrame(cosThetaB,corrPdfDDB,sdataDD,"-sumW2err-nochi2-noCost",10,NULL,0,"cos#theta_{#Lambda}")->Draw(); ceff->Print("AfbB_DD_"+q2name+".pdf"); AfbB_vs_q2->SetPoint(i,(q2max[i] + q2min[i])/2.,afbB->getVal()); AfbB_vs_q2->SetPointError(i,(q2max[i] - q2min[i])/2.,afbB->getError()); cout << endl << fixed << setprecision(6) << "AfbB = " << afbB->getVal() << " +/- " << afbB->getError() << endl; cout << "Afb = " << afb->getVal() << " +/- " << afb->getError() << endl; cout << "fL = " << fL->getVal() << " +/- " << fL->getError() << endl; cout << endl; cout << "------------------------ FELDMAN AND COUSINS ------------------------" << endl; vector < RooDataSet * > datas; vector < RooAbsPdf * > pdfs, pdfsB; vector < TString > cat; cat.push_back("LL"); cat.push_back("DD"); datas.push_back(sdataLL); datas.push_back(sdataDD); RooArgSet * origPars = new RooArgSet(); origPars->add(*origafb); origPars->add(*origfL); pdfs.push_back(corrPdfLL); pdfs.push_back(corrPdfDD); vector< double > afb_err, afbB_err, fL_err; /* double fLval = fL->getVal(), fLerr = fL->getError(); FeldmanCousins * FC = new FeldmanCousins(q2name,cat,datas,pdfs,cosThetaL,afb,"nsig_sw"); //FC->SetNPointsToScan(20); //FC->SetNExp(1000); if(q2min[i]==18) afb_err = FC->ExtractLimits(origPars,-0.3,0.3); else if( (afb->getVal()-1.4*afb->getError()) > -1 && (afb->getVal()+1.4*afb->getError()) < 1 ) afb_err = FC->ExtractLimits(origPars,afb->getVal()-1.4*afb->getError(),afb->getVal()+1.4*afb->getError()); else afb_err = FC->ExtractLimits(origPars,-0.4,0.4); //FeldmanCousins * FCfL = new FeldmanCousins(q2name,cat,datas,pdfs,cosThetaL,fL,"nsig_sw"); //if(q2min[i]==11) fL_err = FCfL->ExtractLimits(origPars,0.,0.6); //else if (q2min[i]==18) fL_err = FCfL->ExtractLimits(origPars,0.75,0.992); //( (fLval-1.3*fLerr) > 0 && (fLval+1.3*fLerr) <= 1 ) //else fL_err = FCfL->ExtractLimits(origPars,fLval-1.3*fLerr,fLval+1.3*fLerr); afb_errs.push_back(afb_err); //fL_errs.push_back(fL_err); RooArgSet * origParsB = new RooArgSet(); origParsB->add(*origafbB); pdfsB.push_back(corrPdfLLB); pdfsB.push_back(corrPdfDDB); FeldmanCousins * FCB = new FeldmanCousins(q2name,cat,datas,pdfsB,cosThetaB,afbB,"nsig_sw"); if( (afbB->getVal()-1.5*afbB->getError()) > -1 && (afbB->getVal()+1.5*afbB->getError()) < 1 ) afbB_err = FCB->ExtractLimits(origParsB,afbB->getVal()-1.5*afbB->getError(),afbB->getVal()+1.5*afbB->getError()); else afbB_err = FCB->ExtractLimits(origParsB,-0.4,0.4); afbB_errs.push_back(afbB_err); */ delete effDD; delete effLL; delete effLLB; delete effDDB; } cDD->Print("DDeff.pdf"); cLL->Print("LLeff.pdf"); cDDB->Print("DDBeff.pdf"); cLLB->Print("LLBeff.pdf"); Afb_vs_q2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("q^{2}"); Afb_vs_q2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Afb"); Afb_vs_q2->SetMaximum(1); Afb_vs_q2->SetMinimum(-1); Afb_vs_q2->Draw("AP"); ceff->Print("Afb_vs_q2.pdf"); AfbB_vs_q2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("q^{2}"); AfbB_vs_q2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("AfbB"); AfbB_vs_q2->SetMaximum(1); AfbB_vs_q2->SetMinimum(-1); AfbB_vs_q2->Draw("AP"); ceff->Print("AfbB_vs_q2.pdf"); fL_vs_q2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("q^{2}"); fL_vs_q2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("fL"); fL_vs_q2->Draw("AP"); ceff->Print("fL_vs_q2.pdf"); for(int bb = 0; bb < Afb_vs_q2->GetN(); bb++) { double qq, qqerr, afbv, afbBv, fLv; Afb_vs_q2->GetPoint(bb,qq,afbv); qqerr = Afb_vs_q2->GetErrorX(bb); AfbB_vs_q2->GetPoint(bb,qq,afbBv); fL_vs_q2->GetPoint(bb,qq,fLv); cout << fixed << setprecision(1) << qq-qqerr << " - " << qq+qqerr; cout << fixed << setprecision(4); //cout << " & $" << afbv << "_{-" << TMath::Abs(afb_errs[bb][0] - afbv) << "}^{+" << TMath::Abs(afb_errs[bb][1] - afbv) << "} \\text{(stat)} \\pm \\text{(sys)}$ "; //cout << " & $" << afbBv << "_{-" << TMath::Abs(afbB_errs[bb][0] - afbBv) << "}^{+" << TMath::Abs(afbB_errs[bb][1]-afbBv) << "} \\text{(stat)} \\pm \\text{(sys)}$ " ; //cout << " & $" << fLv << "_{-" << TMath::Abs(fL_errs[bb][0] - fLv) << "}^{+" << TMath::Abs(fL_errs[bb][1] - fLv) << "} \\text{(stat)} \\pm \\text{(sys)}$ "; cout << " \\\\ " << endl; } histFile->cd(); TTree * finalLLtree = (TTree*)TTree::MergeTrees(LLlist); TTree * finalDDtree = (TTree*)TTree::MergeTrees(DDlist); finalLLtree->SetName("LL_data"); finalDDtree->SetName("DD_data"); finalLLtree->Write(); finalDDtree->Write(); delete ceff; histFile->Write(); delete histFile; }
void rf104_classfactory() { // W r i t e c l a s s s k e l e t o n c o d e // -------------------------------------------------- // Write skeleton p.d.f class with variable x,a,b // To use this class, // - Edit the file MyPdfV1.cxx and implement the evaluate() method in terms of x,a and b // - Compile and link class with '.x MyPdfV1.cxx+' // RooClassFactory::makePdf("MyPdfV1","x,A,B") ; // W i t h a d d e d i n i t i a l v a l u e e x p r e s s i o n // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write skeleton p.d.f class with variable x,a,b and given formula expression // To use this class, // - Compile and link class with '.x MyPdfV2.cxx+' // RooClassFactory::makePdf("MyPdfV2","x,A,B","","A*fabs(x)+pow(x-B,2)") ; // W i t h a d d e d a n a l y t i c a l i n t e g r a l e x p r e s s i o n // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write skeleton p.d.f class with variable x,a,b, given formula expression _and_ // given expression for analytical integral over x // To use this class, // - Compile and link class with '.x MyPdfV3.cxx+' // RooClassFactory::makePdf("MyPdfV3","x,A,B","","A*fabs(x)+pow(x-B,2)",kTRUE,kFALSE, "x:(A/2)*(pow(x.max(rangeName),2)+pow(x.min(rangeName),2))+(1./3)*(pow(x.max(rangeName)-B,3)-pow(x.min(rangeName)-B,3))") ; // U s e i n s t a n c e o f c r e a t e d c l a s s // --------------------------------------------------------- // Compile MyPdfV3 class (only when running in CINT) gROOT->ProcessLineSync(".x MyPdfV3.cxx+") ; // Create instance of MyPdfV3 class RooRealVar a("a","a",1) ; RooRealVar b("b","b",2,-10,10) ; RooRealVar y("y","y",-10,10); MyPdfV3 pdf("pdf","pdf",y,a,b) ; // Generate toy data from pdf and plot data and p.d.f on frame RooPlot* frame1 = y.frame(Title("Compiled class MyPdfV3")) ; RooDataSet* data = pdf.generate(y,1000) ; pdf.fitTo(*data) ; data->plotOn(frame1) ; pdf.plotOn(frame1) ; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // C o m p i l e d v e r s i o n o f e x a m p l e r f 1 0 3 // ================================================================= // Declare observable x RooRealVar x("x","x",-20,20) ; // The RooClassFactory::makePdfInstance() function performs code writing, compiling, linking // and object instantiation in one go and can serve as a straight replacement of RooGenericPdf RooRealVar alpha("alpha","alpha",5,0.1,10) ; RooAbsPdf* genpdf = RooClassFactory::makePdfInstance("GenPdf","(1+0.1*fabs(x)+sin(sqrt(fabs(x*alpha+0.1))))",RooArgSet(x,alpha)) ; // Generate a toy dataset from the interpreted p.d.f RooDataSet* data2 = genpdf->generate(x,50000) ; // Fit the interpreted p.d.f to the generated data genpdf->fitTo(*data2) ; // Make a plot of the data and the p.d.f overlaid RooPlot* frame2 = x.frame(Title("Compiled version of pdf of rf103")) ; data2->plotOn(frame2) ; genpdf->plotOn(frame2) ; // Draw all frames on a canvas TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("rf104_classfactory","rf104_classfactory",800,400) ; c->Divide(2) ; c->cd(1) ; gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; frame1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4) ; frame1->Draw() ; c->cd(2) ; gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; frame2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4) ; frame2->Draw() ; }
void MakePlots(RooWorkspace* ws){ // Here we make plots of the discriminating variable (invMass) after the fit // and of the control variable (isolation) after unfolding with sPlot. std::cout << "make plots" << std::endl; // make our canvas TCanvas* cdata = new TCanvas("sPlot","sPlot demo", 400, 600); cdata->Divide(1,3); // get what we need out of the workspace RooAbsPdf* model = ws->pdf("model"); RooAbsPdf* zModel = ws->pdf("zModel"); RooAbsPdf* qcdModel = ws->pdf("qcdModel"); RooRealVar* isolation = ws->var("isolation"); RooRealVar* invMass = ws->var("invMass"); // note, we get the dataset with sWeights RooDataSet* data = (RooDataSet*) ws->data("dataWithSWeights"); // this shouldn't be necessary, need to fix something with workspace // do this to set parameters back to their fitted values. model->fitTo(*data, Extended() ); //plot invMass for data with full model and individual componenets overlayed // TCanvas* cdata = new TCanvas(); cdata->cd(1); RooPlot* frame = invMass->frame() ; data->plotOn(frame ) ; model->plotOn(frame) ; model->plotOn(frame,Components(*zModel),LineStyle(kDashed), LineColor(kRed)) ; model->plotOn(frame,Components(*qcdModel),LineStyle(kDashed),LineColor(kGreen)) ; frame->SetTitle("Fit of model to discriminating variable"); frame->Draw() ; // Now use the sWeights to show isolation distribution for Z and QCD. // The SPlot class can make this easier, but here we demonstrait in more // detail how the sWeights are used. The SPlot class should make this // very easy and needs some more development. // Plot isolation for Z component. // Do this by plotting all events weighted by the sWeight for the Z component. // The SPlot class adds a new variable that has the name of the corresponding // yield + "_sw". cdata->cd(2); // create weightfed data set RooDataSet * dataw_z = new RooDataSet(data->GetName(),data->GetTitle(),data,*data->get(),0,"zYield_sw") ; RooPlot* frame2 = isolation->frame() ; dataw_z->plotOn(frame2, DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2) ) ; frame2->SetTitle("isolation distribution for Z"); frame2->Draw() ; // Plot isolation for QCD component. // Eg. plot all events weighted by the sWeight for the QCD component. // The SPlot class adds a new variable that has the name of the corresponding // yield + "_sw". cdata->cd(3); RooDataSet * dataw_qcd = new RooDataSet(data->GetName(),data->GetTitle(),data,*data->get(),0,"qcdYield_sw") ; RooPlot* frame3 = isolation->frame() ; dataw_qcd->plotOn(frame3,DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2) ) ; frame3->SetTitle("isolation distribution for QCD"); frame3->Draw() ; // cdata->SaveAs("SPlot.gif"); }
void statTest(double mu_pe, double mu_hyp, ModelConfig *mc , RooDataSet *data ){ int nToyMC = 5; // set roofit seed RooRandom::randomGenerator()->SetSeed(); cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Will generate " << nToyMC << " pseudo-experiments for : " << endl; cout << " - mu[pseudo-data] = " << mu_pe << endl; cout << " - mu[stat-test] = " << mu_hyp << endl; cout << endl; // Check number of POI (for Wald approx) RooArgSet *ParamOfInterest = (RooArgSet*) mc->GetParametersOfInterest(); int nPOI = ParamOfInterest->getSize(); if(nPOI>1){ cout <<"not sure what to do with other parameters of interest, but here are their values"<<endl; mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->Print("v"); } RooRealVar* firstPOI = (RooRealVar*) ParamOfInterest->first(); RooAbsPdf *simPdf = (mc->GetPdf()); //PrintAllParametersAndValues( *mc->GetGlobalObservables() ); //PrintAllParametersAndValues( *mc->GetObservables() ); firstPOI->setVal(0.0); // FIXME //simPdf->fitTo( *data, Hesse(kTRUE), Minos(kTRUE), PrintLevel(1) ); simPdf->fitTo( *data ); // set up the sampler ToyMCSampler sampler; sampler.SetPdf(*mc->GetPdf()); sampler.SetObservables(*mc->GetObservables()); sampler.SetNToys(nToyMC); sampler.SetGlobalObservables(*mc->GetGlobalObservables()); sampler.SetParametersForTestStat(*mc->GetParametersOfInterest()); RooArgSet* poiset = dynamic_cast<RooArgSet*>(ParamOfInterest->Clone()); // only unconditional fit MinNLLTestStat *minNll = new MinNLLTestStat(*mc->GetPdf()); minNll->EnableDetailedOutput(true); sampler.AddTestStatistic(minNll); // enable PROOF if desired //ProofConfig pc(*w, 8, "workers=8", kFALSE); //sampler.SetProofConfig(&pc); // evaluate the test statistics - this is where most of our time will be spent cout << "Generating " << nToyMC << " toys...this will take a few minutes" << endl; TStopwatch *mn_t = new TStopwatch; mn_t->Start(); RooDataSet* sd = sampler.GetSamplingDistributions(*poiset); cout << "Toy generation complete :" << endl; // stop timing mn_t->Stop(); cout << " total CPU time: " << mn_t->CpuTime() << endl; cout << " total real time: " << mn_t->RealTime() << endl; // now sd contains all information about our test statistics, including detailed output // we might eg. want to explore the results either directly, or first converting to a TTree // do the conversion TFile f("mytoys.root", "RECREATE"); TTree *toyTree = RooStats::GetAsTTree("toyTree", "TTree created from test statistics", *sd); // save result to file, but in general do whatever you like; toyTree->Write(); f.Close(); /* TFile* tmpFile = new TFile("mytoys.root","READ"); TTree* myTree = (TTree*)tmpFile->Get("toyTree"); // get boundaries for histograms TIter nextLeaf( (myTree->GetListOfLeaves())->MakeIterator() ); TObject* leafObj(0); map<TString, float> xMaxs; map<TString, float> xMins; for(int i(0); i<myTree->GetEntries(); i++) { myTree->GetEntry(i); nextLeaf = ( (myTree->GetListOfLeaves())->MakeIterator() ); while( (leafObj = nextLeaf.Next()) ) { TString name(leafObj->GetName()); float value(myTree->GetLeaf( leafObj->GetName() )->GetValue()); if(value > xMaxs[name]) { xMaxs[name] = value; } if(value < xMins[name]) { xMins[name] = value; } } // loop over leaves } // loop over tree entries // plot everything in the tree myTree->GetEntry(0); nextLeaf = ( (myTree->GetListOfLeaves())->MakeIterator() ); leafObj = 0; // make a histogram per leaf map<TString, TH1F*> hists; myTree->GetEntry(0); while( (leafObj = nextLeaf.Next()) ) { if(!leafObj) { continue; } //cout << leafObj->GetName() << endl; TString name(leafObj->GetName()); // special ones : fit related things if(name.Contains("covQual")) { hists[name] = new TH1F(name,name,5,0,5); continue; } if(name.Contains("fitStatus")) { hists[name] = new TH1F(name,name,5,0,5); continue; } int nbin(500); float histMin( xMins[name] - 0.1*fabs(xMins[name]) ); float histMax( xMaxs[name] + 0.1*fabs(xMaxs[name]) ); if(name.Contains("ATLAS_norm")) { // floating normalization factors histMin = 0; histMax = 10; } else if(name.Contains("gamma_stat")) { // statistical nus param if(name.Contains("globObs")) { // get custom range for sampling histMin = int( xMins[name] - 0.1*fabs(xMins[name]) ); histMax = int( xMaxs[name] + 0.1*fabs(xMaxs[name]) ); } // use small range for pull and error else { nbin = 100; histMin = 0.0; histMax = 2.0; } } else if(name.Contains("_err")) { // errors on nus param nbin = 100; histMin = 0.0; histMax = 2.0; } else if(name.Contains("fitCond") || name.Contains("fitUncond") || name.Contains("globObs")) { // fit pulls nbin = 500; histMin = -5; histMax = 5; } hists[name] = new TH1F(name,name,nbin,histMin,histMax); } // loop over leaves to declare histos // loop over entries and fill histograms for(int i(0); i<myTree->GetEntries(); i++) { myTree->GetEntry(i); nextLeaf = ( (myTree->GetListOfLeaves())->MakeIterator() ); while( (leafObj = nextLeaf.Next()) ) { TString name(leafObj->GetName()); if(hists.find(name) == hists.end()) { continue; } hists[name]->Fill( myTree->GetLeaf( leafObj->GetName() )->GetValue() ); } // loop over leaves } // loop over tree entries // overflow and underflow for(map<TString,TH1F*>::iterator ihist(hists.begin()); ihist!=hists.end(); ihist++) { if(ihist->second->GetBinContent(0)>0) { ihist->second->SetBinContent(1, ihist->second->GetBinContent(0) + ihist->second->GetBinContent(1) ); // fix err } int nBinx = ihist->second->GetNbinsX(); if(ihist->second->GetBinContent(nBinx)>0) { ihist->second->SetBinContent(nBinx-1, ihist->second->GetBinContent(nBinx) + ihist->second->GetBinContent(nBinx-1) ); // fix err } } // save the results TString dirName(OutputDir+"/PlotsStatisticalTest/GlobalFit"); if(drawPlots) { system(TString("mkdir -vp "+dirName)); } TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas("pulls"); TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.67, 0.64, 0.87, 0.86); LegendStyle(leg); for(map<TString,TH1F*>::iterator ihist(hists.begin()); ihist!=hists.end(); ihist++) { if( (ihist->first).Contains("fitCond_") ) { continue; } // skip unconditional fit - get it explicitly canvas->Clear(); leg->Clear(); TString niceName(ihist->first); niceName.ReplaceAll("fitUncond_",""); //niceName.ReplaceAll("SD_TS0_",""); // not good if have multiple test statistics // conditional fit information ihist->second->SetLineColor(kGray+2); ihist->second->SetTitle(niceName); ihist->second->SetLineStyle(kSolid); ihist->second->SetLineWidth(2); if((ihist->first).Contains("fit") && !(ihist->first).Contains("_err") && !(ihist->first).Contains("Qual") && !(ihist->first).Contains("Status")) { ihist->second->Rebin(4); } // ihist->second->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(""); // ihist->second->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(""); if(niceName.Contains("globObs")) { leg->AddEntry( ihist->second, "Sampling", "l" ); // add value of mu } else { leg->AddEntry( ihist->second, "Unconditional Fit", "l" ); // add value of mu } TString condName(ihist->first); condName.ReplaceAll("fitUncond","fitCond"); // uncomditional fit information if(hists.find(condName) != hists.end() && condName != ihist->first) { hists[condName]->SetLineColor(kGray+2); hists[condName]->SetLineStyle(kDashed); hists[condName]->SetLineWidth(2); if(!(ihist->first).Contains("_err")) { hists[condName]->Rebin(4); } leg->AddEntry( hists[condName], "Conditional Fit", "l" ); if( hists[condName]->GetMaximum() > ihist->second->GetMaximum() ) { ihist->second->SetMaximum( hists[condName]->GetMaximum() ); } } ihist->second->SetMaximum( 1.2 * ihist->second->GetMaximum() ); canvas->cd(); ihist->second->Draw(); leg->Draw(); if(hists[condName] && condName != ihist->first) { hists[condName]->Draw("same"); } if(drawPlots) { canvas->Print(dirName+"/"+niceName+".eps"); canvas->Print(dirName+"/"+niceName+".png"); } MainDirStatTest->cd(); canvas->Write(); gROOT->cd(); } */ return; }
void StandardBayesianNumericalDemo(const char* infile = "", const char* workspaceName = "combined", const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig", const char* dataName = "obsData") { // option definitions double confLevel = optBayes.confLevel; TString integrationType = optBayes.integrationType; int nToys = optBayes.nToys; bool scanPosterior = optBayes.scanPosterior; int nScanPoints = optBayes.nScanPoints; int intervalType = optBayes.intervalType; int maxPOI = optBayes.maxPOI; double nSigmaNuisance = optBayes.nSigmaNuisance; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // First part is just to access a user-defined file // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char* filename = ""; if (!strcmp(infile,"")) { filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root"; bool fileExist = !gSystem->AccessPathName(filename); // note opposite return code // if file does not exists generate with histfactory if (!fileExist) { #ifdef _WIN32 cout << "HistFactory file cannot be generated on Windows - exit" << endl; return; #endif // Normally this would be run on the command line cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl; gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory ."); gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml"); cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl; cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl; cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl; } } else filename = infile; // Try to open the file TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename); // if input file was specified byt not found, quit if(!file ){ cout <<"StandardRooStatsDemoMacro: Input file " << filename << " is not found" << endl; return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tutorial starts here //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get the workspace out of the file RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName); if(!w){ cout <<"workspace not found" << endl; return; } // get the modelConfig out of the file ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigName); // get the modelConfig out of the file RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName); // make sure ingredients are found if(!data || !mc){ w->Print(); cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl; return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// // create and use the BayesianCalculator // to find and plot the 95% credible interval // on the parameter of interest as specified // in the model config // before we do that, we must specify our prior // it belongs in the model config, but it may not have // been specified RooUniform prior("prior","",*mc->GetParametersOfInterest()); w->import(prior); mc->SetPriorPdf(*w->pdf("prior")); // do without systematics //mc->SetNuisanceParameters(RooArgSet() ); if (nSigmaNuisance > 0) { RooAbsPdf * pdf = mc->GetPdf(); assert(pdf); RooFitResult * res = pdf->fitTo(*data, Save(true), Minimizer(ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::DefaultMinimizerType().c_str()), Hesse(true), PrintLevel(ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::DefaultPrintLevel()-1) ); res->Print(); RooArgList nuisPar(*mc->GetNuisanceParameters()); for (int i = 0; i < nuisPar.getSize(); ++i) { RooRealVar * v = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*> (&nuisPar[i] ); assert( v); v->setMin( TMath::Max( v->getMin(), v->getVal() - nSigmaNuisance * v->getError() ) ); v->setMax( TMath::Min( v->getMax(), v->getVal() + nSigmaNuisance * v->getError() ) ); std::cout << "setting interval for nuisance " << v->GetName() << " : [ " << v->getMin() << " , " << v->getMax() << " ]" << std::endl; } } BayesianCalculator bayesianCalc(*data,*mc); bayesianCalc.SetConfidenceLevel(confLevel); // 95% interval // default of the calculator is central interval. here use shortest , central or upper limit depending on input // doing a shortest interval might require a longer time since it requires a scan of the posterior function if (intervalType == 0) bayesianCalc.SetShortestInterval(); // for shortest interval if (intervalType == 1) bayesianCalc.SetLeftSideTailFraction(0.5); // for central interval if (intervalType == 2) bayesianCalc.SetLeftSideTailFraction(0.); // for upper limit if (!integrationType.IsNull() ) { bayesianCalc.SetIntegrationType(integrationType); // set integrationType bayesianCalc.SetNumIters(nToys); // set number of ietrations (i.e. number of toys for MC integrations) } // in case of toyMC make a nnuisance pdf if (integrationType.Contains("TOYMC") ) { RooAbsPdf * nuisPdf = RooStats::MakeNuisancePdf(*mc, "nuisance_pdf"); cout << "using TOYMC integration: make nuisance pdf from the model " << std::endl; nuisPdf->Print(); bayesianCalc.ForceNuisancePdf(*nuisPdf); scanPosterior = true; // for ToyMC the posterior is scanned anyway so used given points } // compute interval by scanning the posterior function if (scanPosterior) bayesianCalc.SetScanOfPosterior(nScanPoints); RooRealVar* poi = (RooRealVar*) mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first(); if (maxPOI != -999 && maxPOI > poi->getMin()) poi->setMax(maxPOI); SimpleInterval* interval = bayesianCalc.GetInterval(); // print out the iterval on the first Parameter of Interest cout << "\n>>>> RESULT : " << confLevel*100 << "% interval on " << poi->GetName()<<" is : ["<< interval->LowerLimit() << ", "<< interval->UpperLimit() <<"] "<<endl; // make a plot // since plotting may take a long time (it requires evaluating // the posterior in many points) this command will speed up // by reducing the number of points to plot - do 50 // ignore errors of PDF if is zero RooAbsReal::setEvalErrorLoggingMode(RooAbsReal::Ignore) ; cout << "\nDrawing plot of posterior function....." << endl; // always plot using numer of scan points bayesianCalc.SetScanOfPosterior(nScanPoints); RooPlot * plot = bayesianCalc.GetPosteriorPlot(); plot->Draw(); }
//____________________________________ void DoSPlot(RooWorkspace* ws){ std::cout << "Calculate sWeights" << std::endl; RooAbsPdf* model = ws->pdf("model"); RooRealVar* nsig = ws->var("nsig"); RooRealVar* nBbkg = ws->var("nBbkg"); RooRealVar* nbkg = ws->var("nbkg"); RooRealVar* nbkg2 = ws->var("nbkg2"); RooDataSet* data = (RooDataSet*) ws->data("data"); // fit the model to the data. model->fitTo(*data, Extended() ); RooMsgService::instance().setSilentMode(true); // Now we use the SPlot class to add SWeights to our data set // based on our model and our yield variables RooStats::SPlot* sData = new RooStats::SPlot("sData","An SPlot", *data, model, RooArgList(*nsig,*nBbkg,*nbkg,*nbkg2) ); // Check that our weights have the desired properties std::cout << "Check SWeights:" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl << "Yield of sig is " << nsig->getVal() << ". From sWeights it is " << sData->GetYieldFromSWeight("nsig") << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl << "Yield of Bbkg is " << nBbkg->getVal() << ". From sWeights it is " << sData->GetYieldFromSWeight("nBbkg") << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl << "Yield of bkg is " << nbkg->getVal() << ". From sWeights it is " << sData->GetYieldFromSWeight("nbkg") << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl << "Yield of bkg2 is " << nbkg2->getVal() << ". From sWeights it is " << sData->GetYieldFromSWeight("nbkg2") << std::endl; cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << endl; float sum20=0; float sum50=0; float sum100=0; float sum200=0; float sum300=0; float sum600=0; float sum900=0; float sum1200=0; float total=0; // saving weights into a file ofstream myfile; ("weights.txt"); // plot the weight event by event with the Sum of events values as cross-check for(Int_t i=0; i < data->numEntries(); i++) { //myfile << sData->GetSWeight(i,"nsig") << " " << sData->GetSWeight(i,"nBbkg") << " " << sData->GetSWeight(i,"nbkg") << " " << sData->GetSWeight(i,"nbkg2") << endl; //myfile << sData->GetSWeight(i,"nsig") <<endl; myfile << (unsigned int) data->get(i)->getRealValue("run") << " " << (unsigned int) data->get(i)->getRealValue("event") << " " << (float) data->get(i)->getRealValue("FourMu_Mass") << " " << sData->GetSWeight(i,"nsig") << endl; // std::cout << "nsig Weight " << sData->GetSWeight(i,"nsig") // << " nBbkg Weight " << sData->GetSWeight(i,"nBbkg") // << " nbkg Weight " << sData->GetSWeight(i,"nbkg") // << " nbkg2 Weight " << sData->GetSWeight(i,"nbkg2") // << " Total Weight " << sData->GetSumOfEventSWeight(i) // << std::endl; total+=sData->GetSWeight(i,"nsig"); if(i<20) sum20+=sData->GetSWeight(i,"nsig"); if(i<50) sum50+=sData->GetSWeight(i,"nsig"); if(i<100) sum100+=sData->GetSWeight(i,"nsig"); if(i<200) sum200+=sData->GetSWeight(i,"nsig"); if(i<300) sum300+=sData->GetSWeight(i,"nsig"); if(i<600) sum600+=sData->GetSWeight(i,"nsig"); if(i<900) sum900+=sData->GetSWeight(i,"nsig"); if(i<1200) sum1200+=sData->GetSWeight(i,"nsig"); } myfile.close(); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout<<"Sum of the sWeights is: "<<total<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Sum of the first 20 sWeights is: "<<sum20<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Sum of the first 50 sWeights is: "<<sum50<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Sum of the first 100 sWeights is: "<<sum100<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Sum of the first 200 sWeights is: "<<sum200<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Sum of the first 300 sWeights is: "<<sum300<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Sum of the first 600 sWeights is: "<<sum600<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Sum of the first 900 sWeights is: "<<sum900<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Sum of the first 1200 sWeights is: "<<sum1200<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Total # of events: "<<data->numEntries()<<std::endl; // import this new dataset with sWeights std::cout << "import new dataset with sWeights" << std::endl; ws->import(*data, Rename("dataWithSWeights")); }