void Matrix4x3::setupParentToLocal(const Vector3& pos, const EulerAngles& orient)
	RotationMatrix orientMatrix;

Esempio n. 2
/// \param angles The orientation (unit) vector that you want to reflect
/// \return Euler angles that are reflected about the slope of the plane.
EulerAngles Plane::reflectOrientation(const EulerAngles& angles) const
  EulerAngles out;
  Vector3 look, up, right;  
  RotationMatrix rotMat;
  // get look and up vector from euler angles
  look = rotMat.objectToInertial(Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f));
  up = rotMat.objectToInertial(Vector3(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f));

  // reflect the look and up vectors over the plane
  look = reflectOrientation(look);
  up = -reflectOrientation(up); 
  // calculate right vector
  right = Vector3::crossProduct( up, look);
  // create a rotation matrix from right, up, and look
  rotMat.m11 = right.x; rotMat.m12 = right.y; rotMat.m13 = right.z;
  rotMat.m21 = up.x; rotMat.m22 = up.y; rotMat.m23 = up.z;
  rotMat.m31 = look.x; rotMat.m32 = look.y; rotMat.m33 = look.z;
  // calculate new euler angles from the matrix

  return out;
Esempio n. 3
// Resets camera to behind target object
void TetherCamera::reset() 
  Vector3 target;
  float targetHeading;

  assert(m_objects); // object manager doesn't exist
  GameObject* obj = m_objects->getObjectPointer(m_targetObjectID);    
  assert(obj); // object to follow doesn't exist  
  targetHeading = obj->getOrientation().heading;
  target = obj->getPosition();

  target.y += 3.0f;

  cameraOrient.set(targetHeading, 0.0f,0.0f);

  RotationMatrix cameraMatrix;

  Vector3 bOffset(0.0f,0.0f, -maxDist);
  Vector3 iOffset = cameraMatrix.objectToInertial(bOffset);
  cameraPos = target + iOffset;
void BulletObject::updateRay()
  EulerAngles lookEuler = getOrientation();
  lookEuler.bank = 0.0f;
  RotationMatrix look;
  m_bulletRay = look.objectToInertial(Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,m_range));
/// \param pos Specifies the position of the local space within the
///     parent space.
/// \param orient Specifies the orientation of the local space within
///     the parent space as an Euler angle triplet.
void	Matrix4x3::setupParentToLocal(const Vector3 &pos, const EulerAngles &orient) {

	// Create a rotation matrix.

	RotationMatrix orientMatrix;

	// Setup the 4x3 matrix.

	setupParentToLocal(pos, orientMatrix);
/// \param pos Specifies the position of the local space within the
///     parent space.
/// \param orient Specifies the orientation of the local space within
///     the parent space as an Euler angle triplet.
void	Matrix4x3::setupLocalToParent(const Vector3 &pos, const EulerAngles &orient) {

	// Create a rotation matrix.

	RotationMatrix orientMatrix;

	// Setup the 4x3 matrix.  Note: if we were really concerned with
	// speed, we could create the matrix directly into these variables,
	// without using the temporary RotationMatrix object.  This would
	// save us a function call and a few copy operations.

	setupLocalToParent(pos, orientMatrix);
bool Ned3DObjectManager::interactPlaneTerrain(PlaneObject &plane, TerrainObject &terrain)
  Terrain *terr = terrain.getTerrain();
  if(terr == NULL) return false;

  //test for plane collision with terrain
  Vector3 planePos = plane.getPosition();
  EulerAngles planeOrient = plane.getOrientation();
  Vector3 disp = planePos - disp;
  RotationMatrix planeMatrix;
  planeMatrix.setup(plane.getOrientation()); // get plane's orientation

  float planeBottom = plane.getBoundingBox().min.y;
  float terrainHeight = terr->getHeight(planePos.x,planePos.z);
  if(plane.isPlaneAlive() && planeBottom < terrainHeight)
  { //collision
    Vector3 viewVector = planeMatrix.objectToInertial(Vector3(0,0,1));
    if(viewVector * terr->getNormal(planePos.x,planePos.z) < -0.5f // dot product
      || plane.isCrashing())
      int partHndl = gParticle.createSystem("planeexplosion");
      gParticle.setSystemPos(partHndl, plane.getPosition());
      int boomHndl = gSoundManager.requestSoundHandle("Boom.wav");
      int boomInst = gSoundManager.requestInstance(boomHndl);
      if(boomInst != SoundManager::NOINSTANCE)
      planePos += 2.0f * viewVector;
      planeOrient.pitch = kPi / 4.0f;
      planeOrient.bank = kPi / 4.0f;
    else planePos.y = terrainHeight + planePos.y - planeBottom;
    return true;
  return false;
void PlaneObject::damage(int hp)
  // if god mode is on leave 
  if (!takeDamage)

  m_hp -= hp;
  setTextureAndSmoke(); // change to a texture with more damange on it
  if(m_isPlaneAlive && m_hp <= 0)
    m_planeState = PS_CRASHING;
    m_velocity = Vector3::kForwardVector;
    m_eaOrient[0].pitch = degToRad(20);
    RotationMatrix r; r.setup(m_eaOrient[0]);
    m_velocity = r.objectToInertial(m_velocity);
    m_velocity *= m_maxSpeed * m_speedRatio * 20.0f;
bool Ned3DObjectManager::interactPlaneWater(PlaneObject &plane, WaterObject &water)
  Water *pWater = water.getWater();
  if(pWater == NULL) return false;
  // Test for plane collision with water
  Vector3 planePos = plane.getPosition();
  EulerAngles planeOrient = plane.getOrientation();
  Vector3 disp = planePos - disp;
  RotationMatrix planeMatrix;
  planeMatrix.setup(plane.getOrientation()); // get plane's orientation
  float planeBottom = plane.getBoundingBox().min.y;
  float waterHeight = pWater->getWaterHeight();
  if(plane.isPlaneAlive() && planeBottom < waterHeight)
  { //collision
    Vector3 viewVector = planeMatrix.objectToInertial(Vector3(0,0,1));
    planePos += 2.0f * viewVector;
    planeOrient.pitch = kPi / 4.0f;
    planeOrient.bank = kPi / 4.0f;
    int partHndl = gParticle.createSystem("planeexplosion");
    gParticle.setSystemPos(partHndl, plane.getPosition());
    int boomHndl = gSoundManager.requestSoundHandle("Boom.wav");
    int boomInst = gSoundManager.requestInstance(boomHndl);
    if(boomInst != SoundManager::NOINSTANCE)
    return true;
  return false;