Esempio n. 1
bool SCH_SCREEN::BreakSegment( const wxPoint& aPoint )
    SCH_LINE* segment;
    SCH_LINE* newSegment;
    bool brokenSegments = false;

    for( SCH_ITEM* item = m_drawList.begin(); item; item = item->Next() )
        if( (item->Type() != SCH_LINE_T) || (item->GetLayer() == LAYER_NOTES) )

        segment = (SCH_LINE*) item;

        if( !segment->HitTest( aPoint, 0 ) || segment->IsEndPoint( aPoint ) )

        // Break the segment at aPoint and create a new segment.
        newSegment = new SCH_LINE( *segment );
        newSegment->SetStartPoint( aPoint );
        segment->SetEndPoint( aPoint );
        m_drawList.Insert( newSegment, segment->Next() );
        item = newSegment;
        brokenSegments = true;

    return brokenSegments;
Esempio n. 2
void AddMenusForWire( wxMenu* PopMenu, SCH_LINE* Wire, SCH_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
    SCH_SCREEN* screen = frame->GetScreen();
    wxPoint     pos    = frame->GetCrossHairPosition();
    wxString    msg;

    if( Wire == NULL )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Begin Wire" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_BEGIN_WIRE );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_BEGIN_WIRE, msg, KiBitmap( add_line_xpm ) );

    bool is_new = Wire->IsNew();
    if( is_new )
        msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Wire End" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_END_CURR_LINEWIREBUS );
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_END_LINE, msg, KiBitmap( checked_ok_xpm ) );

    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Drag Wire" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DRAG );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_SCH_DRAG_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( move_track_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Wire" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE, msg, KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_NODE, _( "Delete Node" ),
                 KiBitmap( delete_node_xpm ) );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_CONNECTION, _( "Delete Connection" ),
                 KiBitmap( delete_connection_xpm ) );

    SCH_LINE* line = screen->GetWireOrBus( frame->GetCrossHairPosition() );

    if( line && !line->IsEndPoint( frame->GetCrossHairPosition() ) )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_BREAK_WIRE, _( "Break Wire" ),
                     KiBitmap( break_line_xpm ) );


    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Add Junction" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ADD_JUNCTION );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_JUNCTION, msg, KiBitmap( add_junction_xpm ) );
    msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Add Label" ), g_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ADD_LABEL );
    AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_LABEL, msg, KiBitmap( add_line_label_xpm ) );

    // Add global label command only if the cursor is over one end of the wire.
    if( Wire->IsEndPoint( pos ) )
        AddMenuItem( PopMenu, ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_GLABEL, _( "Add Global Label" ),
                     KiBitmap( add_glabel_xpm ) );
bool SCH_COLLECTOR::IsDraggableJunction() const
    int wireEndCount = 0;
    int wireMidPoint = 0;
    int junctionCount = 0;

    for( size_t i = 0;  i < m_List.size();  i++ )
        SCH_ITEM* item = (SCH_ITEM*) m_List[ i ];
        KICAD_T type = item->Type();

        if( type == SCH_JUNCTION_T )

        if( type == SCH_LINE_T )
            if( item->GetLayer() != LAYER_WIRE )
                return false;

            SCH_LINE* line = (SCH_LINE*) item;

            if( line->IsEndPoint( m_RefPos ) )


        // Any other item types indicate that this collection is not a draggable junction.
        return false;

    return (wireEndCount >= 3) || ((wireEndCount >= 1) && (wireMidPoint == 1))
        || ((wireMidPoint >= 2) && (junctionCount == 1));
Esempio n. 4
int SCH_SCREEN::GetConnection( const wxPoint& aPosition, PICKED_ITEMS_LIST& aList,
                               bool aFullConnection )
    SCH_ITEM* item;
    EDA_ITEM* tmp;
    EDA_ITEMS list;

    // Clear flags member for all items.

    if( GetNode( aPosition, list ) == 0 )
        return 0;

    for( size_t i = 0;  i < list.size();  i++ )
        item = (SCH_ITEM*) list[ i ];
        item->SetFlags( SELECTEDNODE | STRUCT_DELETED );

        /* Put this structure in the picked list: */
        ITEM_PICKER picker( item, UR_DELETED );
        aList.PushItem( picker );

    // Mark all wires, junctions, .. connected to the item(s) found.
    if( aFullConnection )
        SCH_LINE* segment;

        for( item = m_drawList.begin(); item; item = item->Next() )
            if( !(item->GetFlags() & SELECTEDNODE) )

            if( item->Type() != SCH_LINE_T )

            MarkConnections( (SCH_LINE*) item );

        // Search all attached wires (i.e wire with one new dangling end )
        for( item = m_drawList.begin(); item; item = item->Next() )
            bool noconnect = false;

            if( item->GetFlags() & STRUCT_DELETED )
                continue;                                   // Already seen

            if( !(item->GetFlags() & CANDIDATE) )
                continue;                                   // not a candidate

            if( item->Type() != SCH_LINE_T )

            item->SetFlags( SKIP_STRUCT );

            segment = (SCH_LINE*) item;

            /* If the wire start point is connected to a wire that was already found
             * and now is not connected, add the wire to the list. */
            for( tmp = m_drawList.begin(); tmp; tmp = tmp->Next() )
                // Ensure tmp is a previously deleted segment:
                if( ( tmp->GetFlags() & STRUCT_DELETED ) == 0 )

                if( tmp->Type() != SCH_LINE_T )

                SCH_LINE* testSegment = (SCH_LINE*) tmp;

               // Test for segment connected to the previously deleted segment:
                if( testSegment->IsEndPoint( segment->GetStartPoint() ) )

            // when tmp != NULL, segment is a new candidate:
            // put it in deleted list if
            // the start point is not connected to an other item (like pin)
            if( tmp && !CountConnectedItems( segment->GetStartPoint(), true ) )
                noconnect = true;

            /* If the wire end point is connected to a wire that has already been found
             * and now is not connected, add the wire to the list. */
            for( tmp = m_drawList.begin(); tmp; tmp = tmp->Next() )
                // Ensure tmp is a previously deleted segment:
                if( ( tmp->GetFlags() & STRUCT_DELETED ) == 0 )

                if( tmp->Type() != SCH_LINE_T )

                SCH_LINE* testSegment = (SCH_LINE*) tmp;

                // Test for segment connected to the previously deleted segment:
                if( testSegment->IsEndPoint( segment->GetEndPoint() ) )

            // when tmp != NULL, segment is a new candidate:
            // put it in deleted list if
            // the end point is not connected to an other item (like pin)
            if( tmp && !CountConnectedItems( segment->GetEndPoint(), true ) )
                noconnect = true;

            item->ClearFlags( SKIP_STRUCT );

            if( noconnect )
                item->SetFlags( STRUCT_DELETED );

                ITEM_PICKER picker( item, UR_DELETED );
                aList.PushItem( picker );

                item = m_drawList.begin();

        // Get redundant junctions (junctions which connect < 3 end wires
        // and no pin)
        for( item = m_drawList.begin(); item; item = item->Next() )
            if( item->GetFlags() & STRUCT_DELETED )

            if( !(item->GetFlags() & CANDIDATE) )

            if( item->Type() != SCH_JUNCTION_T )

            SCH_JUNCTION* junction = (SCH_JUNCTION*) item;

            if( CountConnectedItems( junction->GetPosition(), false ) <= 2 )
                item->SetFlags( STRUCT_DELETED );

                ITEM_PICKER picker( item, UR_DELETED );
                aList.PushItem( picker );

        for( item = m_drawList.begin(); item;  item = item->Next() )
            if( item->GetFlags() & STRUCT_DELETED )

            if( item->Type() != SCH_LABEL_T )

            tmp = GetWireOrBus( ( (SCH_TEXT*) item )->GetPosition() );

            if( tmp && tmp->GetFlags() & STRUCT_DELETED )
                item->SetFlags( STRUCT_DELETED );

                ITEM_PICKER picker( item, UR_DELETED );
                aList.PushItem( picker );


    return aList.GetCount();