void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::DeleteItem( SCH_ITEM* aItem ) { wxCHECK_RET( aItem != NULL, wxT( "Cannot delete invalid item." ) ); // Here, aItem is not null. SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen(); if( aItem->Type() == SCH_SHEET_PIN_T ) { // This iten is attached to a node, and is not accessible by the global list directly. SCH_SHEET* sheet = (SCH_SHEET*) aItem->GetParent(); wxCHECK_RET( (sheet != NULL) && (sheet->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T), wxT( "Sheet label has invalid parent item." ) ); SaveCopyInUndoList( (SCH_ITEM*) sheet, UR_CHANGED ); sheet->RemovePin( (SCH_SHEET_PIN*) aItem ); m_canvas->RefreshDrawingRect( sheet->GetBoundingBox() ); } else { screen->Remove( aItem ); SaveCopyInUndoList( aItem, UR_DELETED ); m_canvas->RefreshDrawingRect( aItem->GetBoundingBox() ); } }
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::DeleteItem( SCH_ITEM* aItem, bool aAppend ) { wxCHECK_RET( aItem != NULL, wxT( "Cannot delete invalid item." ) ); wxCHECK_RET( !( aItem->GetFlags() & STRUCT_DELETED ), wxT( "Cannot delete item that is already deleted." ) ); // Here, aItem is not null. SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen(); if( aItem->Type() == SCH_SHEET_PIN_T ) { // This item is attached to a node, and is not accessible by the global list directly. SCH_SHEET* sheet = (SCH_SHEET*) aItem->GetParent(); wxCHECK_RET( (sheet != NULL) && (sheet->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T), wxT( "Sheet label has invalid parent item." ) ); SaveCopyInUndoList( (SCH_ITEM*) sheet, UR_CHANGED, aAppend ); sheet->RemovePin( (SCH_SHEET_PIN*) aItem ); m_canvas->RefreshDrawingRect( sheet->GetBoundingBox() ); } else { PICKED_ITEMS_LIST itemsList; ITEM_PICKER picker( aItem, UR_DELETED ); aItem->SetFlags( STRUCT_DELETED ); itemsList.PushItem( picker ); screen->Remove( aItem ); if( aItem->IsConnectable() && aItem->Type() != SCH_JUNCTION_T ) { std::vector< wxPoint > pts; aItem->GetConnectionPoints( pts ); for( auto point : pts ) { SCH_ITEM* junction; if( !screen->IsJunctionNeeded( point ) && ( junction = screen->GetItem( point, 0, SCH_JUNCTION_T ) ) ) { ITEM_PICKER picker_juction( junction, UR_DELETED ); junction->SetFlags( STRUCT_DELETED ); itemsList.PushItem( picker_juction ); screen->Remove( junction ); } } } SaveCopyInUndoList( itemsList, UR_DELETED, aAppend ); m_canvas->RefreshDrawingRect( aItem->GetBoundingBox() ); } }
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event ) { int id = event.GetId(); wxPoint pos; SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen(); SCH_ITEM* item = screen->GetCurItem(); pos = wxGetMousePosition(); pos.y += 20; // If needed, stop the current command and deselect current tool switch( id ) { case wxID_CUT: case wxID_COPY: case ID_POPUP_CANCEL_CURRENT_COMMAND: case ID_POPUP_SCH_ENTRY_SELECT_SLASH: case ID_POPUP_SCH_ENTRY_SELECT_ANTISLASH: case ID_POPUP_SCH_BEGIN_WIRE: case ID_POPUP_SCH_BEGIN_BUS: case ID_POPUP_END_LINE: case ID_POPUP_SCH_SET_SHAPE_TEXT: case ID_POPUP_SCH_CLEANUP_SHEET: case ID_POPUP_SCH_END_SHEET: case ID_POPUP_SCH_RESIZE_SHEET: case ID_POPUP_IMPORT_GLABEL: case ID_POPUP_SCH_INIT_CMP: case ID_POPUP_SCH_DISPLAYDOC_CMP: case ID_POPUP_SCH_EDIT_CONVERT_CMP: case ID_POPUP_DELETE_BLOCK: case ID_POPUP_PLACE_BLOCK: case ID_POPUP_ZOOM_BLOCK: case ID_POPUP_DRAG_BLOCK: case ID_POPUP_COPY_BLOCK: case ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_NODE: case ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_CONNECTION: case ID_POPUP_SCH_ENTER_SHEET: case ID_POPUP_SCH_LEAVE_SHEET: case ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_JUNCTION: case ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_LABEL: case ID_POPUP_SCH_GETINFO_MARKER: /* At this point: Do nothing. these commands do not need to stop the * current command (mainly a block command) or reset the current state * They will be executed later, in next switch structure. */ break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_CMP: case ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE: // Stop the current command (if any) but keep the current tool m_canvas->EndMouseCapture(); break; default: // Stop the current command and deselect the current tool m_canvas->EndMouseCapture( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, m_canvas->GetDefaultCursor() ); break; } INSTALL_UNBUFFERED_DC( dc, m_canvas ); item = screen->GetCurItem(); // Can be modified by previous calls. switch( id ) { case ID_HIERARCHY: InstallHierarchyFrame( &dc, pos ); SetRepeatItem( NULL ); break; case wxID_CUT: if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetCommand() != BLOCK_MOVE ) break; screen->m_BlockLocate.SetCommand( BLOCK_DELETE ); screen->m_BlockLocate.SetMessageBlock( this ); HandleBlockEnd( &dc ); SetRepeatItem( NULL ); SetSheetNumberAndCount(); break; case wxID_PASTE: HandleBlockBegin( &dc, BLOCK_PASTE, GetCrossHairPosition() ); break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_ENTRY_SELECT_SLASH: m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); SetBusEntryShape( &dc, dynamic_cast<SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE*>( item ), '/' ); break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_ENTRY_SELECT_ANTISLASH: m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); SetBusEntryShape( &dc, dynamic_cast<SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE*>( item ), '\\' ); break; case ID_POPUP_CANCEL_CURRENT_COMMAND: if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() ) { m_canvas->EndMouseCapture(); SetToolID( GetToolId(), m_canvas->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString ); } else { SetToolID( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, m_canvas->GetDefaultCursor(), wxEmptyString ); } break; case ID_POPUP_END_LINE: m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); EndSegment( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_BEGIN_WIRE: m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); OnLeftClick( &dc, GetCrossHairPosition() ); break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_BEGIN_BUS: m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); OnLeftClick( &dc, GetCrossHairPosition() ); break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_SET_SHAPE_TEXT: // Not used break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_NODE: case ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_CONNECTION: m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); DeleteConnection( id == ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_CONNECTION ); screen->SetCurItem( NULL ); SetRepeatItem( NULL ); screen->TestDanglingEnds( m_canvas, &dc ); m_canvas->Refresh(); break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_BREAK_WIRE: { DLIST< SCH_ITEM > oldWires; oldWires.SetOwnership( false ); // Prevent DLIST for deleting items in destructor. m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); screen->ExtractWires( oldWires, true ); screen->BreakSegment( GetCrossHairPosition() ); if( oldWires.GetCount() != 0 ) { PICKED_ITEMS_LIST oldItems; oldItems.m_Status = UR_WIRE_IMAGE; while( oldWires.GetCount() != 0 ) { ITEM_PICKER picker = ITEM_PICKER( oldWires.PopFront(), UR_WIRE_IMAGE ); oldItems.PushItem( picker ); } SaveCopyInUndoList( oldItems, UR_WIRE_IMAGE ); } screen->TestDanglingEnds( m_canvas, &dc ); } break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE_CMP: case ID_POPUP_SCH_DELETE: if( item == NULL ) break; DeleteItem( item ); screen->SetCurItem( NULL ); SetRepeatItem( NULL ); screen->TestDanglingEnds( m_canvas, &dc ); SetSheetNumberAndCount(); OnModify(); break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_END_SHEET: m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); addCurrentItemToList( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_RESIZE_SHEET: ReSizeSheet( (SCH_SHEET*) item, &dc ); screen->TestDanglingEnds( m_canvas, &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_IMPORT_GLABEL: if( item != NULL && item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T ) screen->SetCurItem( ImportSheetPin( (SCH_SHEET*) item, &dc ) ); break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_CLEANUP_SHEET: if( item != NULL && item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T ) { SCH_SHEET* sheet = (SCH_SHEET*) item; if( !sheet->HasUndefinedPins() ) { DisplayInfoMessage( this, _( "There are no undefined labels in this sheet to clean up." ) ); return; } if( !IsOK( this, _( "Do you wish to cleanup this sheet?" ) ) ) return; /* Save sheet in undo list before cleaning up unreferenced hierarchical labels. */ SaveCopyInUndoList( sheet, UR_CHANGED ); sheet->CleanupSheet(); OnModify(); m_canvas->RefreshDrawingRect( sheet->GetBoundingBox() ); } break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_INIT_CMP: m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_EDIT_CONVERT_CMP: // Ensure the struct is a component (could be a struct of a component, like Field, text..) if( item && item->Type() == SCH_COMPONENT_T ) { m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); ConvertPart( (SCH_COMPONENT*) item, &dc ); } break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_DISPLAYDOC_CMP: // Ensure the struct is a component (could be a piece of a component, like Field, text..) if( item && item->Type() == SCH_COMPONENT_T ) { LIB_ALIAS* LibEntry; LibEntry = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibraryEntry( ( (SCH_COMPONENT*) item )->GetLibName() ); if( LibEntry && LibEntry->GetDocFileName() != wxEmptyString ) { GetAssociatedDocument( this, LibEntry->GetDocFileName(), &wxGetApp().GetLibraryPathList() ); } } break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_ENTER_SHEET: if( item && (item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_T) ) { m_CurrentSheet->Push( (SCH_SHEET*) item ); DisplayCurrentSheet(); } break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_LEAVE_SHEET: m_CurrentSheet->Pop(); DisplayCurrentSheet(); break; case wxID_COPY: // really this is a Save block for paste screen->m_BlockLocate.SetCommand( BLOCK_SAVE ); screen->m_BlockLocate.SetMessageBlock( this ); HandleBlockEnd( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_PLACE_BLOCK: m_canvas->SetAutoPanRequest( false ); m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); HandleBlockPlace( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_ZOOM_BLOCK: screen->m_BlockLocate.SetCommand( BLOCK_ZOOM ); screen->m_BlockLocate.SetMessageBlock( this ); HandleBlockEnd( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_DELETE_BLOCK: m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); screen->m_BlockLocate.SetCommand( BLOCK_DELETE ); screen->m_BlockLocate.SetMessageBlock( this ); HandleBlockEnd( &dc ); SetSheetNumberAndCount(); break; case ID_POPUP_COPY_BLOCK: m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); screen->m_BlockLocate.SetCommand( BLOCK_COPY ); screen->m_BlockLocate.SetMessageBlock( this ); HandleBlockEnd( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_DRAG_BLOCK: m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); screen->m_BlockLocate.SetCommand( BLOCK_DRAG ); screen->m_BlockLocate.SetMessageBlock( this ); HandleBlockEnd( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_JUNCTION: m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); screen->SetCurItem( AddJunction( &dc, GetCrossHairPosition(), true ) ); screen->TestDanglingEnds( m_canvas, &dc ); screen->SetCurItem( NULL ); break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_LABEL: case ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_GLABEL: screen->SetCurItem( CreateNewText( &dc, id == ID_POPUP_SCH_ADD_LABEL ? LAYER_LOCLABEL : LAYER_GLOBLABEL ) ); item = screen->GetCurItem(); if( item ) addCurrentItemToList( &dc ); break; case ID_POPUP_SCH_GETINFO_MARKER: if( item && item->Type() == SCH_MARKER_T ) ( (SCH_MARKER*) item )->DisplayMarkerInfo( this ); break; default: // Log error: wxFAIL_MSG( wxString::Format( wxT( "Cannot process command event ID %d" ), event.GetId() ) ); break; } // End switch ( id ) (Command execution) if( GetToolId() == ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED ) SetRepeatItem( NULL ); }