Esempio n. 1
/// \brief Populate the body of the cloned closure, modifying instructions as
/// necessary to take into consideration the removed parameters.
PromotedParamCloner::populateCloned() {
  SILFunction *Cloned = getCloned();

  // Create arguments for the entry block
  SILBasicBlock *OrigEntryBB = &*Orig->begin();
  SILBasicBlock *ClonedEntryBB = Cloned->createBasicBlock();

  SmallVector<SILValue, 4> entryArgs;

  // Initialize all NewPromotedArgs slots to an invalid value.

  unsigned ArgNo = 0;
  auto I = OrigEntryBB->args_begin(), E = OrigEntryBB->args_end();
  while (I != E) {
    if (count(PromotedArgIndices, ArgNo)) {
      // Create a new argument with the promoted type.
      auto boxTy = (*I)->getType().castTo<SILBoxType>();
      assert(boxTy->getLayout()->getFields().size() == 1
             && "promoting multi-field boxes not implemented yet");
      auto promotedTy = boxTy->getFieldType(Cloned->getModule(), 0);
      auto *promotedArg =
          ClonedEntryBB->createFunctionArgument(promotedTy, (*I)->getDecl());

      NewPromotedArgs[ArgNo] = promotedArg;

      // All uses of the promoted box should either be projections, which are
      // folded when visited, or copy/destroy operations which are ignored.
    } else {
      // Create a new argument which copies the original argument.
          (*I)->getType(), (*I)->getDecl()));

  // Visit original BBs in depth-first preorder, starting with the
  // entry block, cloning all instructions and terminators.
  cloneFunctionBody(Orig, ClonedEntryBB, entryArgs);
Esempio n. 2
/// At least one value feeding the specified SILArgument is a Struct. Attempt to
/// replace the Argument with a new Struct in the same block.
/// When we handle more types of casts, this can become a template.
/// ArgValues are the values feeding the specified Argument from each
/// predecessor. They must be listed in order of Arg->getParent()->getPreds().
static StructInst *
replaceBBArgWithStruct(SILPhiArgument *Arg,
                       SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &ArgValues) {

  SILBasicBlock *PhiBB = Arg->getParent();
  auto *FirstSI = dyn_cast<StructInst>(ArgValues[0]);
  if (!FirstSI)
    return nullptr;

  // Collect the BBArg index of each struct oper.
  // e.g.
  //   struct(A, B)
  //   br (B, A)
  // : ArgIdxForOper => {1, 0}
  SmallVector<unsigned, 4> ArgIdxForOper;
  for (unsigned OperIdx : indices(FirstSI->getElements())) {
    bool FoundMatchingArgIdx = false;
    for (unsigned ArgIdx : indices(PhiBB->getArguments())) {
      SmallVectorImpl<SILValue>::const_iterator AVIter = ArgValues.begin();
      bool TryNextArgIdx = false;
      for (SILBasicBlock *PredBB : PhiBB->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
        // All argument values must be StructInst.
        auto *PredSI = dyn_cast<StructInst>(*AVIter++);
        if (!PredSI)
          return nullptr;
        OperandValueArrayRef EdgeValues =
          getEdgeValuesForTerminator(PredBB->getTerminator(), PhiBB);
        if (EdgeValues[ArgIdx] != PredSI->getElements()[OperIdx]) {
          TryNextArgIdx = true;
      if (!TryNextArgIdx) {
        assert(AVIter == ArgValues.end() && "# ArgValues does not match # BB preds");
        FoundMatchingArgIdx = true;
    if (!FoundMatchingArgIdx)
      return nullptr;

  SmallVector<SILValue, 4> StructArgs;
  for (auto ArgIdx : ArgIdxForOper)

  SILBuilder Builder(PhiBB, PhiBB->begin());
  return Builder.createStruct(cast<StructInst>(ArgValues[0])->getLoc(),
                              Arg->getType(), StructArgs);
Esempio n. 3
/// \brief Populate the body of the cloned closure, modifying instructions as
/// necessary. This is where we create the actual specialized BB Arguments.
void ClosureSpecCloner::populateCloned() {
  SILFunction *Cloned = getCloned();
  SILFunction *ClosureUser = CallSiteDesc.getApplyCallee();

  // Create arguments for the entry block.
  SILBasicBlock *ClosureUserEntryBB = &*ClosureUser->begin();
  SILBasicBlock *ClonedEntryBB = Cloned->createBasicBlock();

  SmallVector<SILValue, 4> entryArgs;

  // Remove the closure argument.
  SILArgument *ClosureArg = nullptr;
  for (size_t i = 0, e = ClosureUserEntryBB->args_size(); i != e; ++i) {
    SILArgument *Arg = ClosureUserEntryBB->getArgument(i);
    if (i == CallSiteDesc.getClosureIndex()) {
      ClosureArg = Arg;

    // Otherwise, create a new argument which copies the original argument
    SILValue MappedValue =
        ClonedEntryBB->createFunctionArgument(Arg->getType(), Arg->getDecl());

  // Next we need to add in any arguments that are not captured as arguments to
  // the cloned function.
  // We do not insert the new mapped arguments into the value map since there by
  // definition is nothing in the partial apply user function that references
  // such arguments. After this pass is done the only thing that will reference
  // the arguments is the partial apply that we will create.
  SILFunction *ClosedOverFun = CallSiteDesc.getClosureCallee();
  auto ClosedOverFunConv = ClosedOverFun->getConventions();
  unsigned NumTotalParams = ClosedOverFunConv.getNumParameters();
  unsigned NumNotCaptured = NumTotalParams - CallSiteDesc.getNumArguments();
  llvm::SmallVector<SILValue, 4> NewPAIArgs;
  for (auto &PInfo : ClosedOverFunConv.getParameters().slice(NumNotCaptured)) {
    auto paramTy = ClosedOverFunConv.getSILType(PInfo);
    SILValue MappedValue = ClonedEntryBB->createFunctionArgument(paramTy);

  SILBuilder &Builder = getBuilder();

  // Clone FRI and PAI, and replace usage of the removed closure argument
  // with result of cloned PAI.
  SILValue FnVal =
      Builder.createFunctionRef(CallSiteDesc.getLoc(), ClosedOverFun);
  auto *NewClosure = CallSiteDesc.createNewClosure(Builder, FnVal, NewPAIArgs);

  // Clone a chain of ConvertFunctionInsts. This can create further
  // reabstraction partial_apply instructions.
  SmallVector<PartialApplyInst*, 4> NeedsRelease;
  SILValue ConvertedCallee = cloneCalleeConversion(
      CallSiteDesc.getClosureCallerArg(), NewClosure, Builder, NeedsRelease);

  // Make sure that we actually emit the releases for reabstraction thunks. We
  // have guaranteed earlier that we only allow reabstraction thunks if the
  // closure was passed trivial.
  assert(NeedsRelease.empty() || CallSiteDesc.isTrivialNoEscapeParameter());

  entryArgs[CallSiteDesc.getClosureIndex()] = ConvertedCallee;

  // Visit original BBs in depth-first preorder, starting with the
  // entry block, cloning all instructions and terminators.
  cloneFunctionBody(ClosureUser, ClonedEntryBB, entryArgs);

  // Then insert a release in all non failure exit BBs if our partial apply was
  // guaranteed. This is b/c it was passed at +0 originally and we need to
  // balance the initial increment of the newly created closure(s).
  bool ClosureHasRefSemantics = CallSiteDesc.closureHasRefSemanticContext();
  if ((CallSiteDesc.isClosureGuaranteed() ||
       CallSiteDesc.isTrivialNoEscapeParameter()) &&
      (ClosureHasRefSemantics || !NeedsRelease.empty())) {
    for (SILBasicBlock *BB : CallSiteDesc.getNonFailureExitBBs()) {
      SILBasicBlock *OpBB = getOpBasicBlock(BB);

      TermInst *TI = OpBB->getTerminator();
      auto Loc = CleanupLocation::get(NewClosure->getLoc());

      // If we have an exit, we place the release right before it so we know
      // that it will be executed at the end of the epilogue.
      if (TI->isFunctionExiting()) {
        if (ClosureHasRefSemantics)
          Builder.createReleaseValue(Loc, SILValue(NewClosure),
        for (auto PAI : NeedsRelease)
          Builder.createReleaseValue(Loc, SILValue(PAI),

      // We use casts where findAllNonFailureExitBBs should have made sure that
      // this is true. This will ensure that the code is updated when we hit the
      // cast failure in debug builds.
      auto *Unreachable = cast<UnreachableInst>(TI);
      auto PrevIter = std::prev(SILBasicBlock::iterator(Unreachable));
      auto NoReturnApply = FullApplySite::isa(&*PrevIter);

      // We insert the release value right before the no return apply so that if
      // the partial apply is passed into the no-return function as an @owned
      // value, we will retain the partial apply before we release it and
      // potentially eliminate it.
      if (ClosureHasRefSemantics)
        Builder.createReleaseValue(Loc, SILValue(NewClosure),
      for (auto PAI : NeedsRelease)
        Builder.createReleaseValue(Loc, SILValue(PAI),
Esempio n. 4
SILInstruction *StackPromoter::findDeallocPoint(SILInstruction *StartInst,
                                                SILInstruction *&RestartPoint,
                                                EscapeAnalysis::CGNode *Node,
                                                int NumUsePointsToFind) {
  // In the following we check two requirements for stack promotion:
  // 1) Are all uses in the same control region as the alloc? E.g. if the
  //    allocation is in a loop then there may not be any uses of the object
  //    outside the loop.
  // 2) We need to find an insertion place for the deallocation so that it
  //    preserves a properly nested stack allocation-deallocation structure.
  SILBasicBlock *StartBlock = StartInst->getParent();

  // The block where we assume we can insert the deallocation.
  SILBasicBlock *EndBlock = StartBlock;

  // We visit all instructions starting at the allocation instruction.
  WorkListType WorkList;
  // It's important that the EndBlock is at the head of the WorkList so that
  // we handle it after all other blocks.
  WorkList.insert(EndBlock, -1);
  WorkList.insert(StartBlock, 0);

  for (;;) {
    SILBasicBlock *BB = WorkList.pop_back_val();
    int StackDepth = 0;
    SILBasicBlock::iterator Iter;
    if (BB == StartBlock) {
      // In the first block we start at the allocation instruction and not at
      // the begin of the block.
      Iter = StartInst->getIterator();
    } else {
      // Track all uses in the block arguments.
      for (SILArgument *BBArg : BB->getArguments()) {
        if (ConGraph->isUsePoint(BBArg, Node))
      // Make sure that the EndBlock is not inside a loop (which does not
      // contain the StartBlock).
      // E.g.:
      //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
      //     br loop
      //   loop:
      //     the_only_use_of_obj(%obj)
      //     cond_br ..., loop, exit
      //   exit:
      //     ... // this is the new EndBlock
      EndBlock = updateEndBlock(BB, EndBlock, WorkList);
      if (!EndBlock)
        return nullptr;
      Iter = BB->begin();
      StackDepth = WorkList.getStackDepth(BB);
    // Visit all instructions of the current block.
    while (Iter != BB->end()) {
      SILInstruction &I = *Iter++;
      if (BB == EndBlock && StackDepth == 0 && NumUsePointsToFind == 0) {
        // We found a place to insert the stack deallocation.
        return &I;
      if (I.isAllocatingStack()) {
      } else if (I.isDeallocatingStack()) {
        if (StackDepth == 0) {
          // The allocation is inside a stack alloc-dealloc region and we are
          // now leaving this region without having found a place for the
          // deallocation. E.g.
          // E.g.:
          //     %1 = alloc_stack
          //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
          //     dealloc_stack %1
          //     use_of_obj(%obj)
          // In this case we can move the alloc_ref before the alloc_stack
          // to fix the nesting.
          auto *Alloc = dyn_cast<SILInstruction>(I.getOperand(0));
          if (!Alloc)
            return nullptr;

          // This should always be the case, but let's be on the safe side.
          if (!postDominates(StartBlock, Alloc->getParent()))
            return nullptr;

          // Trigger another iteration with a new start point;
          RestartPoint = Alloc;
          return nullptr;
      // Track a use.
      if (ConGraph->isUsePoint(&I, Node) != 0)
    if (WorkList.empty()) {
      if (EndBlock == BB) {
        // We reached the EndBlock but didn't find a place for the deallocation
        // so far (because we didn't find all uses yet or we entered another
        // stack alloc-dealloc region). Let's extend our lifetime region.
        // E.g.:
        //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
        //     %1 = alloc_stack
        //     use_of_obj(%obj) // can't insert the deallocation in this block
        //     cond_br ..., bb1, bb2
        //   bb1:
        //     ...
        //     br bb2
        //   bb2:
        //     dealloc_stack %1 // this is the new EndBlock
        EndBlock = getImmediatePostDom(EndBlock);
        if (!EndBlock)
          return nullptr;
      // Again, it's important that the EndBlock is the first in the WorkList.
      WorkList.insert(EndBlock, -1);
    // Push the successor blocks to the WorkList.
    for (SILBasicBlock *Succ : BB->getSuccessors()) {
      if (!strictlyDominates(StartBlock, Succ)) {
        // The StartBlock is inside a loop but we couldn't find a deallocation
        // place in this loop, e.g. because there are uses outside the loop.
        // E.g.:
        //     %container = alloc_ref
        //     br loop
        //   loop:
        //     %obj = alloc_ref // the allocation
        //     store %obj to %some_field_in_container
        //     cond_br ..., loop, exit
        //   exit:
        //     use(%container)
        return nullptr;
      WorkList.insert(Succ, StackDepth);
Esempio n. 5
void GenericCloner::populateCloned() {
  SILFunction *Cloned = getCloned();

  // Create arguments for the entry block.
  SILBasicBlock *OrigEntryBB = &*Original.begin();
  SILBasicBlock *ClonedEntryBB = Cloned->createBasicBlock();

  llvm::SmallVector<AllocStackInst *, 8> AllocStacks;
  AllocStackInst *ReturnValueAddr = nullptr;

  // Create the entry basic block with the function arguments.
  auto origConv = Original.getConventions();
  unsigned ArgIdx = 0;
  for (auto &OrigArg : OrigEntryBB->getArguments()) {
    RegularLocation Loc((Decl *)OrigArg->getDecl());
    AllocStackInst *ASI = nullptr;
    SILType mappedType = remapType(OrigArg->getType());

    auto createAllocStack = [&]() {
      // We need an alloc_stack as a replacement for the indirect parameter.
      mappedType = mappedType.getObjectType();
      ASI = getBuilder().createAllocStack(Loc, mappedType);
      ValueMap[OrigArg] = ASI;
    auto handleConversion = [&]() {
      if (!origConv.useLoweredAddresses())
        return false;

      if (ArgIdx < origConv.getSILArgIndexOfFirstParam()) {
        // Handle result arguments.
        unsigned formalIdx =
        if (ReInfo.isFormalResultConverted(formalIdx)) {
          // This result is converted from indirect to direct. The return inst
          // needs to load the value from the alloc_stack. See below.
          ReturnValueAddr = ASI;
          return true;
      } else {
        // Handle arguments for formal parameters.
        unsigned paramIdx = ArgIdx - origConv.getSILArgIndexOfFirstParam();
        if (ReInfo.isParamConverted(paramIdx)) {
          // Store the new direct parameter to the alloc_stack.
          auto *NewArg = ClonedEntryBB->createFunctionArgument(
              mappedType, OrigArg->getDecl());
          getBuilder().createStore(Loc, NewArg, ASI,

          // Try to create a new debug_value from an existing debug_value_addr.
          for (Operand *ArgUse : OrigArg->getUses()) {
            if (auto *DVAI = dyn_cast<DebugValueAddrInst>(ArgUse->getUser())) {
              getBuilder().createDebugValue(DVAI->getLoc(), NewArg,
          return true;
      return false; // No conversion.
    if (!handleConversion()) {
      auto *NewArg =
          ClonedEntryBB->createFunctionArgument(mappedType, OrigArg->getDecl());
      ValueMap[OrigArg] = NewArg;

  BBMap.insert(std::make_pair(OrigEntryBB, ClonedEntryBB));
  // Recursively visit original BBs in depth-first preorder, starting with the
  // entry block, cloning all instructions other than terminators.

  // Now iterate over the BBs and fix up the terminators.
  for (auto BI = BBMap.begin(), BE = BBMap.end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
    TermInst *OrigTermInst = BI->first->getTerminator();
    if (auto *RI = dyn_cast<ReturnInst>(OrigTermInst)) {
      SILValue ReturnValue;
      if (ReturnValueAddr) {
        // The result is converted from indirect to direct. We have to load the
        // returned value from the alloc_stack.
        ReturnValue =
            getBuilder().createLoad(ReturnValueAddr->getLoc(), ReturnValueAddr,
      for (AllocStackInst *ASI : reverse(AllocStacks)) {
        getBuilder().createDeallocStack(ASI->getLoc(), ASI);
      if (ReturnValue) {
        getBuilder().createReturn(RI->getLoc(), ReturnValue);
    } else if (isa<ThrowInst>(OrigTermInst)) {
      for (AllocStackInst *ASI : reverse(AllocStacks)) {
        getBuilder().createDeallocStack(ASI->getLoc(), ASI);