Esempio n. 1
int main() {

  const std::string sInputDir = stlplus::folder_up(string(THIS_SOURCE_DIR))
    + "/imageData/SceauxCastle/";
  Image<RGBColor> image;
  const string jpg_filenameL = sInputDir + "100_7101.jpg";
  const string jpg_filenameR = sInputDir + "100_7102.jpg";

  Image<unsigned char> imageL, imageR;
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameL.c_str(), &imageL);
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameR.c_str(), &imageR);

  // Detect regions thanks to an image_describer
  using namespace openMVG::features;
  std::unique_ptr<Image_describer> image_describer(new SIFT_Image_describer);
  std::map<IndexT, std::unique_ptr<features::Regions> > regions_perImage;
  image_describer->Describe(imageL, regions_perImage[0]);
  image_describer->Describe(imageR, regions_perImage[1]);

  const SIFT_Regions* regionsL = dynamic_cast<SIFT_Regions*>(;
  const SIFT_Regions* regionsR = dynamic_cast<SIFT_Regions*>(;

  const PointFeatures
    featsL =>GetRegionsPositions(),
    featsR =>GetRegionsPositions();

  // Show both images side by side
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);
    string out_filename = "01_concat.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  //- Draw features on the two image (side by side)
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);

    //-- Draw features :
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsL.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature point = regionsL->Features()[i];
      DrawCircle(point.x(), point.y(), point.scale(), 255, &concat);
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsR.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature point = regionsR->Features()[i];
      DrawCircle(point.x()+imageL.Width(), point.y(), point.scale(), 255, &concat);
    string out_filename = "02_features.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  std::vector<IndMatch> vec_PutativeMatches;
  //-- Perform matching -> find Nearest neighbor, filtered with Distance ratio
    // Define a matcher and a metric to find corresponding points
    typedef SIFT_Regions::DescriptorT DescriptorT;
    typedef L2_Vectorized<DescriptorT::bin_type> Metric;
    typedef ArrayMatcherBruteForce<DescriptorT::bin_type, Metric> MatcherT;
    // Distance ratio squared due to squared metric
    getPutativesMatches<DescriptorT, MatcherT>(
      Square(0.8), vec_PutativeMatches);

    // Draw correspondences after Nearest Neighbor ratio filter
    svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++i) {
      //Get back linked feature, draw a circle and link them by a line
      const SIOPointFeature L = regionsL->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._i];
      const SIOPointFeature R = regionsR->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._j];
      svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), L.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), R.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
    const string out_filename = "03_siftMatches.svg";
    ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
    svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

  // Fundamental geometry filtering of putative matches
    //A. get back interest point and send it to the robust estimation framework
    Mat xL(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());
    Mat xR(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());

    for (size_t k = 0; k < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++k)  {
      const PointFeature & imaL = featsL[vec_PutativeMatches[k]._i];
      const PointFeature & imaR = featsR[vec_PutativeMatches[k]._j];
      xL.col(k) = imaL.coords().cast<double>();
      xR.col(k) = imaR.coords().cast<double>();

    //-- Fundamental robust estimation
    std::vector<size_t> vec_inliers;
    typedef ACKernelAdaptor<

    KernelType kernel(
      xL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height(),
      xR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(),
      true); // configure as point to line error model.

    Mat3 F;
    std::pair<double,double> ACRansacOut = ACRANSAC(kernel, vec_inliers, 1024, &F,
      4.0, // Upper bound of authorized threshold
    const double & thresholdF = ACRansacOut.first;

    // Check the fundamental support some point to be considered as valid
    if (vec_inliers.size() > KernelType::MINIMUM_SAMPLES *2.5) {

      std::cout << "\nFound a fundamental under the confidence threshold of: "
        << thresholdF << " pixels\n\twith: " << vec_inliers.size() << " inliers"
        << " from: " << vec_PutativeMatches.size()
        << " putatives correspondences"
        << std::endl;

      //Show fundamental validated point and compute residuals
      std::vector<double> vec_residuals(vec_inliers.size(), 0.0);
      svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
      svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
      svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < vec_inliers.size(); ++i)  {
        const SIOPointFeature & LL = regionsL->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[vec_inliers[i]]._i];
        const SIOPointFeature & RR = regionsR->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[vec_inliers[i]]._j];
        const Vec2f L = LL.coords();
        const Vec2f R = RR.coords();
        svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
        svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), LL.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
        svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), RR.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
        // residual computation
        vec_residuals[i] = std::sqrt(KernelType::ErrorT::Error(F,
      const string out_filename = "04_ACRansacFundamental.svg";
      ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
      svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

      // Display some statistics of reprojection errors
      float dMin, dMax, dMean, dMedian;
      minMaxMeanMedian<float>(vec_residuals.begin(), vec_residuals.end(),
                            dMin, dMax, dMean, dMedian);

      std::cout << std::endl
        << "Fundamental matrix estimation, residuals statistics:" << "\n"
        << "\t-- Residual min:\t" << dMin << std::endl
        << "\t-- Residual median:\t" << dMedian << std::endl
        << "\t-- Residual max:\t "  << dMax << std::endl
        << "\t-- Residual mean:\t " << dMean << std::endl;
    else  {
      std::cout << "ACRANSAC was unable to estimate a rigid fundamental"
        << std::endl;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 2
  void ComputeMSURFDescriptor(
    const ImageT & Lx ,
    const ImageT & Ly ,
    const int id_octave ,
    const SIOPointFeature & ipt ,
    Descriptor< Real , 64 > & desc )

    Real dx = 0, dy = 0, mdx = 0, mdy = 0, gauss_s1 = 0, gauss_s2 = 0;
    Real rx = 0, ry = 0, rrx = 0, rry = 0, ys = 0, xs = 0;
    Real sample_x = 0, sample_y = 0;
    int kx = 0, ky = 0, i = 0, j = 0, dcount = 0;

    // Subregion centers for the 4x4 gaussian weighting
    Real cx = - static_cast<Real>( 0.5 ) , cy = static_cast<Real>( 0.5 ) ;

    // Set the descriptor size and the sample and pattern sizes
    const int sample_step = 5;
    const int pattern_size = 12;

    // Get the information from the keypoint
    const Real ratio = static_cast<Real>( 1 << id_octave );
    const int scale = MathTrait<float>::round( ipt.scale() / ratio );
    const Real angle = ipt.orientation() ;
    const Real yf = ipt.y() / ratio;
    const Real xf = ipt.x() / ratio;
    const Real co = MathTrait<Real>::cos( angle );
    const Real si = MathTrait<Real>::sin( angle );

    i = -8;

    const image::Sampler2d<image::SamplerLinear> sampler;

    // Calculate descriptor for this interest point
    // Area of size 24 s x 24 s
    while ( i < pattern_size )
      j = -8;
      i = i - 4;

      cx += 1.0;
      cy = -0.5;

      while ( j < pattern_size )
        dx = dy = mdx = mdy = 0.0;
        cy += 1.0;
        j = j - 4;

        ky = i + sample_step;
        kx = j + sample_step;

        xs = xf + ( -kx * scale * si + ky * scale * co );
        ys = yf + ( kx * scale * co + ky * scale * si );

        for ( int k = i; k < i + 9; ++k )
          for ( int l = j; l < j + 9; ++l )
            // Get coords of sample point on the rotated axis
            sample_y = yf + ( l * scale * co + k * scale * si );
            sample_x = xf + ( -l * scale * si + k * scale * co );

            // Get the gaussian weighted x and y responses
            gauss_s1 = gaussian( xs - sample_x, ys - sample_y, static_cast<Real>( 2.5 ) * static_cast<Real>( scale ) );

            rx = sampler( Lx, sample_y, sample_x );
            ry = sampler( Ly, sample_y, sample_x );

            // Get the x and y derivatives on the rotated axis
            rry = gauss_s1 * ( rx * co + ry * si );
            rrx = gauss_s1 * ( -rx * si + ry * co );

            // Sum the derivatives to the cumulative descriptor
            dx += rrx;
            dy += rry;
            mdx += MathTrait<Real>::abs( rrx );
            mdy += MathTrait<Real>::abs( rry );

        // Add the values to the descriptor vector
        gauss_s2 = gaussian( cx - static_cast<Real>( 2.0 ) , cy - static_cast<Real>( 2.0 ) , static_cast<Real>( 1.5 ) ) ;
        desc[dcount++] = dx * gauss_s2;
        desc[dcount++] = dy * gauss_s2;
        desc[dcount++] = mdx * gauss_s2;
        desc[dcount++] = mdy * gauss_s2;

        j += 9;

      i += 9;

    // convert to unit vector (L2 norm)
int main() {

  std::cout << "Compute the relative pose between two spherical image."
   << "\nUse an Acontrario robust estimation based on angular errors." << std::endl;

  const std::string sInputDir = std::string(THIS_SOURCE_DIR);
  const string jpg_filenameL = sInputDir + "/SponzaLion000.jpg";

  Image<unsigned char> imageL;
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameL.c_str(), &imageL);

  const string jpg_filenameR = sInputDir + "/SponzaLion001.jpg";

  Image<unsigned char> imageR;
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameR.c_str(), &imageR);

  // Detect regions thanks to an image_describer
  using namespace openMVG::features;
  std::unique_ptr<Image_describer> image_describer(new SIFT_Image_describer(SiftParams(-1)));
  std::map<IndexT, std::unique_ptr<features::Regions> > regions_perImage;
  image_describer->Describe(imageL, regions_perImage[0]);
  image_describer->Describe(imageR, regions_perImage[1]);

  const SIFT_Regions* regionsL = dynamic_cast<SIFT_Regions*>(;
  const SIFT_Regions* regionsR = dynamic_cast<SIFT_Regions*>(;

  const PointFeatures
    featsL =>GetRegionsPositions(),
    featsR =>GetRegionsPositions();

  std::cout << "Left image SIFT count: " << featsL.size() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Right image SIFT count: "<< featsR.size() << std::endl;

  // Show both images side by side
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);
    string out_filename = "01_concat.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  //- Draw features on the two image (side by side)
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);

    //-- Draw features :
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsL.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature point = regionsL->Features()[i];
      DrawCircle(point.x(), point.y(), point.scale(), 255, &concat);
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsR.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature point = regionsR->Features()[i];
      DrawCircle(point.x()+imageL.Width(), point.y(), point.scale(), 255, &concat);
    string out_filename = "02_features.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  std::vector<IndMatch> vec_PutativeMatches;
  //-- Perform matching -> find Nearest neighbor, filtered with Distance ratio
    // Find corresponding points
      0.8, matching::ANN_L2,

    IndMatchDecorator<float> matchDeduplicator(vec_PutativeMatches, featsL, featsR);

    // Draw correspondences after Nearest Neighbor ratio filter
    svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++i) {
      //Get back linked feature, draw a circle and link them by a line
      const SIOPointFeature L = regionsL->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[i].i_];
      const SIOPointFeature R = regionsR->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[i].j_];
      svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), L.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), R.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
    string out_filename = "03_siftMatches.svg";
    ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
    svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

  // Essential geometry filtering of putative matches
    //A. get back interest point and send it to the robust estimation framework
    Mat xL(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());
    Mat xR(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());

    for (size_t k = 0; k < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++k)  {
      const PointFeature & imaL = featsL[vec_PutativeMatches[k].i_];
      const PointFeature & imaR = featsR[vec_PutativeMatches[k].j_];
      xL.col(k) = imaL.coords().cast<double>();
      xR.col(k) = imaR.coords().cast<double>();

    //-- Convert planar to spherical coordinates
    Mat xL_spherical(3,vec_PutativeMatches.size()), xR_spherical(3,vec_PutativeMatches.size());
    spherical_cam::planarToSpherical(xL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height(), xL_spherical);
    spherical_cam::planarToSpherical(xR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), xR_spherical);

    //-- Essential matrix robust estimation from spherical bearing vectors
      std::vector<size_t> vec_inliers;

      // Use the 8 point solver in order to estimate E
      typedef openMVG::spherical_cam::EssentialKernel_spherical Kernel;

      // Define the AContrario angular error adaptor
      typedef openMVG::robust::ACKernelAdaptor_AngularRadianError<

      KernelType kernel(xL_spherical, xR_spherical);

      // Robust estimation of the Essential matrix and it's precision
      Mat3 E;
      const double precision = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
      const std::pair<double,double> ACRansacOut =
        ACRANSAC(kernel, vec_inliers, 1024, &E, precision, true);
      const double & threshold = ACRansacOut.first;
      const double & NFA = ACRansacOut.second;

      std::cout << "\n Angular threshold found: " << R2D(threshold) << "(Degree)"<<std::endl;
      std::cout << "\n #Putatives/#inliers : " << xL_spherical.cols() << "/" << vec_inliers.size() << "\n" << std::endl;

      if (vec_inliers.size() > 120)
        // If an essential matrix have been found
        // Extract R|t
        //  - From the 4 possible solutions extracted from E keep the best
        //  - (check cheirality of correspondence once triangulation is done)

        // Accumulator to find the best solution
        std::vector<size_t> f(4, 0);

        std::vector<Mat3> Es;  // Essential,
        std::vector<Mat3> Rs;  // Rotation matrix.
        std::vector<Vec3> ts;  // Translation matrix.

        // Recover best rotation and translation from E.
        MotionFromEssential(E, &Rs, &ts);

        //-> Test the 4 solutions will all the point
        Mat34 P1;
        P_From_KRt(Mat3::Identity(), Mat3::Identity(), Vec3::Zero(), &P1);
        std::vector< std::vector<size_t> > vec_newInliers(4);
        std::vector< std::vector<Vec3> > vec_3D(4);

        for (int kk = 0; kk < 4; ++kk) {
          const Mat3 &R2 = Rs[kk];
          const Vec3 &t2 = ts[kk];
          Mat34 P2;
          P_From_KRt(Mat3::Identity(), R2, t2, &P2);

          //-- For each inlier:
          //   - triangulate
          //   - check chierality
          for (size_t k = 0; k < vec_inliers.size(); ++k)
            const Vec3 & x1_ = xL_spherical.col(vec_inliers[k]);
            const Vec3 & x2_ = xR_spherical.col(vec_inliers[k]);

            Vec3 X;
            openMVG::spherical_cam::TriangulateDLT(P1, x1_, P2, x2_, &X);

            //Check positivity of the depth (sign of the dot product)
            const Vec3 Mc = R2 * X + t2;
            if ( > 0 && > 0)
        std::cout << std::endl << "estimate_Rt_fromE" << std::endl;
        std::cout << " #points in front of both cameras for each solution: "
          << f[0] << " " << f[1] << " " << f[2] << " " << f[3] << std::endl;

        std::vector<size_t>::iterator iter = max_element(f.begin(), f.end());
        if(*iter != 0)  {
          const size_t index = std::distance(f.begin(),iter);
          if (f[index] < 120) {
            std::cout << "Found solution have too few 3D points." << std::endl;
          else  {
            std::cout << "Export found 3D scene in current directory." << std::endl;
            vec_inliers = vec_newInliers[index];
            std::ostringstream os;
            os << "./" << "relativePose_Spherical"<< ".ply";
            plyHelper::exportToPly(vec_3D[index], os.str());
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 4
int main() {

  Image<RGBColor> image;
  const string jpg_filenameL = stlplus::folder_up(string(THIS_SOURCE_DIR))
    + "/imageData/StanfordMobileVisualSearch/Ace_0.png";
  const string jpg_filenameR = stlplus::folder_up(string(THIS_SOURCE_DIR))
    + "/imageData/StanfordMobileVisualSearch/Ace_1.png";

  Image<unsigned char> imageL, imageR;
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameL.c_str(), &imageL);
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameR.c_str(), &imageR);

  // Detect regions thanks to an image_describer
  using namespace openMVG::features;
  std::unique_ptr<Image_describer> image_describer(new SIFT_Image_describer(SiftParams(-1)));
  std::map<IndexT, std::unique_ptr<features::Regions> > regions_perImage;
  image_describer->Describe(imageL, regions_perImage[0]);
  image_describer->Describe(imageR, regions_perImage[1]);

  const SIFT_Regions* regionsL = dynamic_cast<SIFT_Regions*>(;
  const SIFT_Regions* regionsR = dynamic_cast<SIFT_Regions*>(;

  const PointFeatures
    featsL =>GetRegionsPositions(),
    featsR =>GetRegionsPositions();

  // Show both images side by side
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);
    string out_filename = "01_concat.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  //- Draw features on the two image (side by side)
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);

    //-- Draw features :
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsL.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature point = regionsL->Features()[i];
      DrawCircle(point.x(), point.y(), point.scale(), 255, &concat);
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsR.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature point = regionsR->Features()[i];
      DrawCircle(point.x()+imageL.Width(), point.y(), point.scale(), 255, &concat);
    string out_filename = "02_features.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  std::vector<IndMatch> vec_PutativeMatches;
  //-- Perform matching -> find Nearest neighbor, filtered with Distance ratio
    // Find corresponding points
      0.8, matching::BRUTE_FORCE_L2,

    // Draw correspondences after Nearest Neighbor ratio filter
    svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++i) {
      //Get back linked feature, draw a circle and link them by a line
      const SIOPointFeature L = regionsL->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._i];
      const SIOPointFeature R = regionsR->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._j];
      svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), L.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), R.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
    const std::string out_filename = "03_siftMatches.svg";
    std::ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
    svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

  // Homography geometry filtering of putative matches
    //A. get back interest point and send it to the robust estimation framework
    Mat xL(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());
    Mat xR(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());

    for (size_t k = 0; k < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++k)  {
      const PointFeature & imaL = featsL[vec_PutativeMatches[k]._i];
      const PointFeature & imaR = featsR[vec_PutativeMatches[k]._j];
      xL.col(k) = imaL.coords().cast<double>();
      xR.col(k) = imaR.coords().cast<double>();

    //-- Homography robust estimation
    std::vector<size_t> vec_inliers;
    typedef ACKernelAdaptor<

    KernelType kernel(
      xL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height(),
      xR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(),
      false); // configure as point to point error model.

    Mat3 H;
    std::pair<double,double> ACRansacOut = ACRANSAC(kernel, vec_inliers, 1024, &H,
    const double & thresholdH = ACRansacOut.first;

    // Check the homography support some point to be considered as valid
    if (vec_inliers.size() > KernelType::MINIMUM_SAMPLES *2.5) {

      std::cout << "\nFound a homography under the confidence threshold of: "
        << thresholdH << " pixels\n\twith: " << vec_inliers.size() << " inliers"
        << " from: " << vec_PutativeMatches.size()
        << " putatives correspondences"
        << std::endl;

      //Show homography validated point and compute residuals
      std::vector<double> vec_residuals(vec_inliers.size(), 0.0);
      svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
      svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
      svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < vec_inliers.size(); ++i)  {
        const SIOPointFeature & LL = regionsL->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[vec_inliers[i]]._i];
        const SIOPointFeature & RR = regionsR->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[vec_inliers[i]]._j];
        const Vec2f L = LL.coords();
        const Vec2f R = RR.coords();
        svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
        svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), LL.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
        svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), RR.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
        // residual computation
        vec_residuals[i] = std::sqrt(KernelType::ErrorT::Error(H,
      string out_filename = "04_ACRansacHomography.svg";
      ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
      svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

      // Display some statistics of reprojection errors
      float dMin, dMax, dMean, dMedian;
      minMaxMeanMedian<float>(vec_residuals.begin(), vec_residuals.end(),
                            dMin, dMax, dMean, dMedian);

      std::cout << std::endl
        << "Homography matrix estimation, residuals statistics:" << "\n"
        << "\t-- Residual min:\t" << dMin << std::endl
        << "\t-- Residual median:\t" << dMedian << std::endl
        << "\t-- Residual max:\t "  << dMax << std::endl
        << "\t-- Residual mean:\t " << dMean << std::endl;

      // Warp the images to fit the reference view
      // reread right image that will be warped to fit left image
      ReadImage(jpg_filenameR.c_str(), &image);
      WriteImage("query.png", image);

      // Create and fill the output image
      Image<RGBColor> imaOut(imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
      image::Warp(image, H, imaOut);
      const std::string imageNameOut = "query_warped.png";
      WriteImage(imageNameOut.c_str(), imaOut);
    else  {
      std::cout << "ACRANSAC was unable to estimate a rigid homography"
        << std::endl;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 5
static bool SIFTDetector(const Image<unsigned char>& I,
  std::vector<SIOPointFeature>& feats,
  std::vector<Descriptor<type,128> >& descs,
  bool bDezoom = false,
  bool bRootSift = false,
  float dPeakThreshold = 0.04f)
  // First Octave Index.
  int firstOctave = (bDezoom == true) ? -1 : 0;
  // Number of octaves.
  int numOctaves = 6;
  // Number of scales per octave.
  int numScales = 3;
  // Max ratio of Hessian eigenvalues.
  float edgeThresh = 10.0f;
  // Min contrast.
  float peakThresh = dPeakThreshold;

  int w=I.Width(), h=I.Height();
  //Convert to float
  Image<float> If( I.GetMat().cast<float>() );


  VlSiftFilt *filt = vl_sift_new(w,h,numOctaves,numScales,firstOctave);
  if (edgeThresh >= 0)
    vl_sift_set_edge_thresh(filt, edgeThresh);
  if (peakThresh >= 0)
    vl_sift_set_peak_thresh(filt, 255*peakThresh/numScales);


  vl_sift_pix descr[128];
  Descriptor<type, 128> descriptor;

  while (true) {

    VlSiftKeypoint const *keys  = vl_sift_get_keypoints(filt);
    int nkeys = vl_sift_get_nkeypoints(filt);

    for (int i=0;i<nkeys;++i) {
      double angles [4];
      int	nangles=vl_sift_calc_keypoint_orientations(filt,angles,keys+i);

      for (int q=0 ; q < nangles ; ++q) {
        vl_sift_calc_keypoint_descriptor(filt,descr, keys+i, angles [q]);
        SIOPointFeature fp;
        fp.x() = keys[i].x;
        fp.y() = keys[i].y;
        fp.scale() = keys[i].sigma;
        fp.orientation() = static_cast<float>(angles[q]);

        siftDescToFloat(descr, descriptor, bRootSift);
    if (vl_sift_process_next_octave(filt))
      break; // Last octave


  return true;
Esempio n. 6
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  CmdLine cmd;

  std::string sImg1 = stlplus::folder_up(string(THIS_SOURCE_DIR))
    + "/imageData/StanfordMobileVisualSearch/Ace_0.png";
  std::string sImg2 = stlplus::folder_up(string(THIS_SOURCE_DIR))
    + "/imageData/StanfordMobileVisualSearch/Ace_1.png";
  std::string sOutDir = "./kvldOut";
  std::cout << sImg1 << std::endl << sImg2 << std::endl;
  cmd.add( make_option('i', sImg1, "img1") );
  cmd.add( make_option('j', sImg2, "img2") );
  cmd.add( make_option('o', sOutDir, "outdir") );

  if (argc > 1)
    try {
      if (argc == 1) throw std::string("Invalid command line parameter.");
      cmd.process(argc, argv);
    } catch(const std::string& s) {
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << ' '
        << "[-i|--img1 file] "
        << "[-j|--img2 file] "
        << "[-o|--outdir path] "
        << std::endl;

        std::cerr << s << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

  std::cout << " You called : " <<std::endl
            << argv[0] << std::endl
            << "--img1 " << sImg1 << std::endl
            << "--img2 " << sImg2 << std::endl
            << "--outdir " << sOutDir << std::endl;

  if (sOutDir.empty())  {
    std::cerr << "\nIt is an invalid output directory" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // -----------------------------
  // a. List images
  // b. Compute features and descriptor
  // c. Compute putatives descriptor matches
  // d. Geometric filtering of putatives matches
  // e. Export some statistics
  // -----------------------------

  // Create output dir
  if (!stlplus::folder_exists(sOutDir))
    stlplus::folder_create( sOutDir );

  const string jpg_filenameL = sImg1;
  const string jpg_filenameR = sImg2;

  Image<unsigned char> imageL, imageR;
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameL.c_str(), &imageL);
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameR.c_str(), &imageR);

  // Detect regions thanks to an image_describer
  using namespace openMVG::features;
  std::unique_ptr<Image_describer> image_describer(new SIFT_Image_describer(SiftParams(-1)));
  std::map<IndexT, std::unique_ptr<features::Regions> > regions_perImage;
  image_describer->Describe(imageL, regions_perImage[0]);
  image_describer->Describe(imageR, regions_perImage[1]);

  const SIFT_Regions* regionsL = dynamic_cast<SIFT_Regions*>(;
  const SIFT_Regions* regionsR = dynamic_cast<SIFT_Regions*>(;

  const PointFeatures
    featsL =>GetRegionsPositions(),
    featsR =>GetRegionsPositions();

  // Show both images side by side
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);
    string out_filename = "00_images.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  //- Draw features on the two image (side by side)
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);

    //-- Draw features :
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsL.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature point = regionsL->Features()[i];
      DrawCircle(point.x(), point.y(), point.scale(), 255, &concat);
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsR.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature point = regionsR->Features()[i];
      DrawCircle(point.x()+imageL.Width(), point.y(), point.scale(), 255, &concat);
    string out_filename = "01_features.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  std::vector<IndMatch> vec_PutativeMatches;
  //-- Perform matching -> find Nearest neighbor, filtered with Distance ratio
   // Define a matcher and a metric to find corresponding points
    typedef SIFT_Regions::DescriptorT DescriptorT;
    typedef L2_Vectorized<DescriptorT::bin_type> Metric;
    typedef ArrayMatcherBruteForce<DescriptorT::bin_type, Metric> MatcherT;
    // Distance ratio squared due to squared metric
    getPutativesMatches<DescriptorT, MatcherT>(
      Square(0.8), vec_PutativeMatches);

    // Draw correspondences after Nearest Neighbor ratio filter
    svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++i) {
      //Get back linked feature, draw a circle and link them by a line
      const SIOPointFeature L = regionsL->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._i];
      const SIOPointFeature R = regionsR->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._j];
      svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), L.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), R.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
    string out_filename = "02_siftMatches.svg";
    ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
    svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

  //K-VLD filter
  Image<float> imgA (imageL.GetMat().cast<float>());
  Image<float> imgB (imageR.GetMat().cast<float>());

  std::vector<Pair> matchesFiltered;
  std::vector<Pair> matchesPair;

  for (std::vector<IndMatch>::const_iterator i_match = vec_PutativeMatches.begin();
        i_match != vec_PutativeMatches.end(); ++i_match){
    matchesPair.push_back(std::make_pair(i_match->_i, i_match->_j));
  std::vector<double> vec_score;

  //In order to illustrate the gvld(or vld)-consistant neighbors,
  // the following two parameters has been externalized as inputs of the function KVLD.
  openMVG::Mat E = openMVG::Mat::Ones(vec_PutativeMatches.size(), vec_PutativeMatches.size())*(-1);
  // gvld-consistancy matrix, intitialized to -1,  >0 consistancy value, -1=unknow, -2=false
  std::vector<bool> valide(vec_PutativeMatches.size(), true);// indices of match in the initial matches, if true at the end of KVLD, a match is kept.

  size_t it_num=0;
  KvldParameters kvldparameters; // initial parameters of KVLD
  while (it_num < 5 &&
          kvldparameters.inlierRate > KVLD(imgA, imgB, regionsL->Features(), regionsR->Features(),
          matchesPair, matchesFiltered, vec_score,E,valide,kvldparameters)) {
    kvldparameters.inlierRate /= 2;
    //std::cout<<"low inlier rate, re-select matches with new rate="<<kvldparameters.inlierRate<<std::endl;
    kvldparameters.K = 2;

  std::vector<IndMatch> vec_FilteredMatches;
  for (std::vector<Pair>::const_iterator i_matchFilter = matchesFiltered.begin();
      i_matchFilter != matchesFiltered.end(); ++i_matchFilter){
    vec_FilteredMatches.push_back(IndMatch(i_matchFilter->first, i_matchFilter->second));

  //Print K-VLD consistent matches
    svgDrawer svgStream(imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));

    // ".svg"
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());

    for (int it1=0; it1<matchesPair.size()-1;it1++){
      for (int it2=it1+1; it2<matchesPair.size();it2++){
         if (valide[it1] && valide[it2] && E(it1,it2)>=0){

          const PointFeature & l1 = featsL[matchesPair[it1].first];
          const PointFeature & r1 = featsR[matchesPair[it1].second];

          const PointFeature & l2 = featsL[matchesPair[it2].first];
          const PointFeature & r2 = featsR[matchesPair[it2].second];

          // Compute the width of the current VLD segment
          float L = (l1.coords() - l2.coords()).norm();
          float width = std::max(1.f, L / (dimension+1.f));

          // ".svg"
          svgStream.drawLine(l1.x(), l1.y(), l2.x(), l2.y(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", width));
          svgStream.drawLine(r1.x() + imageL.Width(), r1.y(), r2.x() + imageL.Width(), r2.y(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", width));

    string out_filename = "05_KVLD_Matches.svg";
      out_filename = stlplus::create_filespec(sOutDir, out_filename);
    ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
    svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

    //Print keypoints kept by K-VLD
    svgDrawer svgStream(imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));

    // ".svg"
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());

    for (int it=0; it<matchesPair.size();it++){
       if (valide[it]){

        const PointFeature & l = featsL[matchesPair[it].first];
        const PointFeature & r = featsR[matchesPair[it].second];

        // ".svg"
        svgStream.drawCircle(l.x(), l.y(), 10, svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
        svgStream.drawCircle(r.x() + imageL.Width(), r.y(), 10, svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
    string out_filename = "06_KVLD_Keypoints.svg";
    out_filename = stlplus::create_filespec(sOutDir, out_filename);
    ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
    svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

  Image <unsigned char> imageOutL = imageL;
  Image <unsigned char> imageOutR = imageR;

    &imageOutL, &imageOutR,
    regionsL->Features(), regionsR->Features(),

    string out_filename = "07_Left-K-VLD-MASK.jpg";
    out_filename = stlplus::create_filespec(sOutDir, out_filename);
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), imageOutL);
    string out_filename = "08_Right-K-VLD-MASK.jpg";
    out_filename = stlplus::create_filespec(sOutDir, out_filename);
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), imageOutR);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 7
int main() {

  const std::string sInputDir = stlplus::folder_up(string(THIS_SOURCE_DIR))
    + "/imageData/SceauxCastle/";
  const string jpg_filenameL = sInputDir + "100_7101.jpg";
  const string jpg_filenameR = sInputDir + "100_7102.jpg";

  Image<unsigned char> imageL, imageR;
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameL.c_str(), &imageL);
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameR.c_str(), &imageR);

  // Detect regions thanks to an image_describer
  using namespace openMVG::features;
  std::unique_ptr<Image_describer> image_describer(new SIFT_Image_describer);
  std::map<IndexT, std::unique_ptr<features::Regions> > regions_perImage;
  image_describer->Describe(imageL, regions_perImage[0]);
  image_describer->Describe(imageR, regions_perImage[1]);

  const SIFT_Regions* regionsL = dynamic_cast<SIFT_Regions*>(;
  const SIFT_Regions* regionsR = dynamic_cast<SIFT_Regions*>(;

  const PointFeatures
    featsL =>GetRegionsPositions(),
    featsR =>GetRegionsPositions();

  // Show both images side by side
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);
    string out_filename = "01_concat.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  //- Draw features on the two image (side by side)
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);

    //-- Draw features :
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsL.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature point = regionsL->Features()[i];
      DrawCircle(point.x(), point.y(), point.scale(), 255, &concat);
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsR.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature point = regionsR->Features()[i];
      DrawCircle(point.x()+imageL.Width(), point.y(), point.scale(), 255, &concat);
    string out_filename = "02_features.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  std::vector<IndMatch> vec_PutativeMatches;
  //-- Perform matching -> find Nearest neighbor, filtered with Distance ratio
    // Define a matcher and a metric to find corresponding points
    typedef SIFT_Regions::DescriptorT DescriptorT;
    typedef L2_Vectorized<DescriptorT::bin_type> Metric;
    typedef ArrayMatcherBruteForce<DescriptorT::bin_type, Metric> MatcherT;
    // Distance ratio squared due to squared metric
    getPutativesMatches<DescriptorT, MatcherT>(
      Square(0.8), vec_PutativeMatches);

    IndMatchDecorator<float> matchDeduplicator(
            vec_PutativeMatches, featsL, featsR);

      <<>RegionCount() << " #Features on image A" << std::endl
      <<>RegionCount() << " #Features on image B" << std::endl
      << vec_PutativeMatches.size() << " #matches with Distance Ratio filter" << std::endl;

    // Draw correspondences after Nearest Neighbor ratio filter
    svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++i) {
      //Get back linked feature, draw a circle and link them by a line
      const SIOPointFeature L = regionsL->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._i];
      const SIOPointFeature R = regionsR->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._j];
      svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), L.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), R.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
    const std::string out_filename = "03_siftMatches.svg";
    std::ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
    svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

  // Essential geometry filtering of putative matches
    Mat3 K;
    //read K from file
    if (!readIntrinsic(stlplus::create_filespec(sInputDir,"K","txt"), K))
      std::cerr << "Cannot read intrinsic parameters." << std::endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

    //A. prepare the corresponding putatives points
    Mat xL(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());
    Mat xR(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());
    for (size_t k = 0; k < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++k)  {
      const PointFeature & imaL = featsL[vec_PutativeMatches[k]._i];
      const PointFeature & imaR = featsR[vec_PutativeMatches[k]._j];
      xL.col(k) = imaL.coords().cast<double>();
      xR.col(k) = imaR.coords().cast<double>();

    //B. Compute the relative pose thanks to a essential matrix estimation
    std::pair<size_t, size_t> size_imaL(imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    std::pair<size_t, size_t> size_imaR(imageR.Width(), imageR.Height());
    sfm::RelativePose_Info relativePose_info;
    if (!sfm::robustRelativePose(K, K, xL, xR, relativePose_info, size_imaL, size_imaR, 256))
      std::cerr << " /!\\ Robust relative pose estimation failure."
        << std::endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

    std::cout << "\nFound an Essential matrix:\n"
      << "\tprecision: " << relativePose_info.found_residual_precision << " pixels\n"
      << "\t#inliers: " << relativePose_info.vec_inliers.size() << "\n"
      << "\t#matches: " << vec_PutativeMatches.size()
      << std::endl;

    // Show Essential validated point
    svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < relativePose_info.vec_inliers.size(); ++i)  {
      const SIOPointFeature & LL = regionsL->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[relativePose_info.vec_inliers[i]]._i];
      const SIOPointFeature & RR = regionsR->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[relativePose_info.vec_inliers[i]]._j];
      const Vec2f L = LL.coords();
      const Vec2f R = RR.coords();
      svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), LL.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), RR.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
    const std::string out_filename = "04_ACRansacEssential.svg";
    std::ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
    svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

    //C. Triangulate and export inliers as a PLY scene
    std::vector<Vec3> vec_3DPoints;

    // Setup camera intrinsic and poses
    Pinhole_Intrinsic intrinsic0(imageL.Width(), imageL.Height(), K(0, 0), K(0, 2), K(1, 2));
    Pinhole_Intrinsic intrinsic1(imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), K(0, 0), K(0, 2), K(1, 2));

    const Pose3 pose0 = Pose3(Mat3::Identity(), Vec3::Zero());
    const Pose3 pose1 = relativePose_info.relativePose;

    // Init structure by inlier triangulation
    const Mat34 P1 = intrinsic0.get_projective_equivalent(pose0);
    const Mat34 P2 = intrinsic1.get_projective_equivalent(pose1);
    std::vector<double> vec_residuals;
    vec_residuals.reserve(relativePose_info.vec_inliers.size() * 4);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < relativePose_info.vec_inliers.size(); ++i)  {
      const SIOPointFeature & LL = regionsL->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[relativePose_info.vec_inliers[i]]._i];
      const SIOPointFeature & RR = regionsR->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[relativePose_info.vec_inliers[i]]._j];
      // Point triangulation
      Vec3 X;
      TriangulateDLT(P1, LL.coords().cast<double>(), P2, RR.coords().cast<double>(), &X);
      // Reject point that is behind the camera
      if (pose0.depth(X) < 0 && pose1.depth(X) < 0)
      const Vec2 residual0 = intrinsic0.residual(pose0, X, LL.coords().cast<double>());
      const Vec2 residual1 = intrinsic1.residual(pose1, X, RR.coords().cast<double>());

    // Display some statistics of reprojection errors
    float dMin, dMax, dMean, dMedian;
    minMaxMeanMedian<float>(vec_residuals.begin(), vec_residuals.end(),
      dMin, dMax, dMean, dMedian);

    std::cout << std::endl
      << "Triangulation residuals statistics:" << "\n"
      << "\t-- Residual min:\t" << dMin << "\n"
      << "\t-- Residual median:\t" << dMedian << "\n"
      << "\t-- Residual max:\t " << dMax << "\n"
      << "\t-- Residual mean:\t " << dMean << std::endl;

      // Export as PLY (camera pos + 3Dpoints)
      std::vector<Vec3> vec_camPos;
      vec_camPos.push_back( );
      vec_camPos.push_back( );
      exportToPly(vec_3DPoints, vec_camPos, "EssentialGeometry.ply");
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
int main() {

  Image<RGBColor> image;
  const string jpg_filenameL = stlplus::folder_up(string(THIS_SOURCE_DIR))
    + "/imageData/StanfordMobileVisualSearch/Ace_0.png";
  const string jpg_filenameR = stlplus::folder_up(string(THIS_SOURCE_DIR))
    + "/imageData/StanfordMobileVisualSearch/Ace_1.png";

  Image<unsigned char> imageL, imageR;
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameL.c_str(), &imageL);
  ReadImage(jpg_filenameR.c_str(), &imageR);

  // Detect regions thanks to an image_describer
  using namespace openMVG::features;
  std::unique_ptr<Image_describer> image_describer(new SIFT_Image_describer(SiftParams(-1)));
  std::map<IndexT, std::unique_ptr<features::Regions> > regions_perImage;
  image_describer->Describe(imageL, regions_perImage[0]);
  image_describer->Describe(imageR, regions_perImage[1]);

  const SIFT_Regions* regionsL = dynamic_cast<SIFT_Regions*>(;
  const SIFT_Regions* regionsR = dynamic_cast<SIFT_Regions*>(;

  const PointFeatures
    featsL =>GetRegionsPositions(),
    featsR =>GetRegionsPositions();

  // Show both images side by side
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);
    string out_filename = "01_concat.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  //- Draw features on the two image (side by side)
    Image<unsigned char> concat;
    ConcatH(imageL, imageR, concat);

    //-- Draw features :
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsL.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature point = regionsL->Features()[i];
      DrawCircle(point.x(), point.y(), point.scale(), 255, &concat);
    for (size_t i=0; i < featsR.size(); ++i )  {
      const SIOPointFeature point = regionsR->Features()[i];
      DrawCircle(point.x()+imageL.Width(), point.y(), point.scale(), 255, &concat);
    string out_filename = "02_features.jpg";
    WriteImage(out_filename.c_str(), concat);

  std::vector<IndMatch> vec_PutativeMatches;
  //-- Perform matching -> find Nearest neighbor, filtered with Distance ratio
    // Define a matcher and a metric to find corresponding points
    typedef SIFT_Regions::DescriptorT DescriptorT;
    typedef L2_Vectorized<DescriptorT::bin_type> Metric;
    typedef ArrayMatcherBruteForce<DescriptorT::bin_type, Metric> MatcherT;
    // Distance ratio squared due to squared metric
    getPutativesMatches<DescriptorT, MatcherT>(
      Square(0.8), vec_PutativeMatches);

    // Draw correspondences after Nearest Neighbor ratio filter
    svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
    svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++i) {
      //Get back linked feature, draw a circle and link them by a line
      const SIOPointFeature L = regionsL->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._i];
      const SIOPointFeature R = regionsR->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[i]._j];
      svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), L.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
      svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), R.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
    string out_filename = "03_siftMatches.svg";
    ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
    svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

  // Homography geometry filtering of putative matches
    //A. get back interest point and send it to the robust estimation framework
    Mat xL(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());
    Mat xR(2, vec_PutativeMatches.size());

    for (size_t k = 0; k < vec_PutativeMatches.size(); ++k)  {
      const PointFeature & imaL = featsL[vec_PutativeMatches[k]._i];
      const PointFeature & imaR = featsR[vec_PutativeMatches[k]._j];
      xL.col(k) = imaL.coords().cast<double>();
      xR.col(k) = imaR.coords().cast<double>();

    //-- Homography robust estimation
    std::vector<size_t> vec_inliers;
    typedef ACKernelAdaptor<

    KernelType kernel(
      xL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height(),
      xR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(),
      false); // configure as point to point error model.

    Mat3 H;
    std::pair<double,double> ACRansacOut = ACRANSAC(kernel, vec_inliers, 1024, &H,
    const double & thresholdH = ACRansacOut.first;

    // Check the homography support some point to be considered as valid
    if (vec_inliers.size() > KernelType::MINIMUM_SAMPLES *2.5) {

      std::cout << "\nFound a homography under the confidence threshold of: "
        << thresholdH << " pixels\n\twith: " << vec_inliers.size() << " inliers"
        << " from: " << vec_PutativeMatches.size()
         << " putatives correspondences"
        << std::endl;

      //Show homography validated point and compute residuals
      std::vector<double> vec_residuals(vec_inliers.size(), 0.0);
      svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
      svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
      svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < vec_inliers.size(); ++i)  {
        const SIOPointFeature & LL = regionsL->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[vec_inliers[i]]._i];
        const SIOPointFeature & RR = regionsR->Features()[vec_PutativeMatches[vec_inliers[i]]._j];
        const Vec2f L = LL.coords();
        const Vec2f R = RR.coords();
        svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
        svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), LL.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
        svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), RR.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
        // residual computation
        vec_residuals[i] = std::sqrt(KernelType::ErrorT::Error(H,
      string out_filename = "04_ACRansacHomography.svg";
      ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
      svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();

      // Display some statistics of reprojection errors
      float dMin, dMax, dMean, dMedian;
      minMaxMeanMedian<float>(vec_residuals.begin(), vec_residuals.end(),
                            dMin, dMax, dMean, dMedian);

      std::cout << std::endl
        << "Homography matrix estimation, residuals statistics:" << "\n"
        << "\t-- Residual min:\t" << dMin << std::endl
        << "\t-- Residual median:\t" << dMedian << std::endl
        << "\t-- Residual max:\t "  << dMax << std::endl
        << "\t-- Residual mean:\t " << dMean << std::endl;

      // --
      // Perform GUIDED MATCHING
      // --
      // Use the computed model to check valid correspondences
      // a. by considering only the geometric error,
      // b. by considering geometric error and descriptor distance ratio.
      std::vector< std::vector<IndMatch> > vec_corresponding_indexes(2);

      Mat xL, xR;
      PointsToMat(featsL, xL);
      PointsToMat(featsR, xR);

      //a. by considering only the geometric error

      geometry_aware::GuidedMatching<Mat3, openMVG::homography::kernel::AsymmetricError>(
        H, xL, xR, Square(thresholdH), vec_corresponding_indexes[0]);
      std::cout << "\nGuided homography matching (geometric error) found "
        << vec_corresponding_indexes[0].size() << " correspondences."
        << std::endl;

      // b. by considering geometric error and descriptor distance ratio
      typedef SIFT_Regions::DescriptorT DescriptorT;
        <Mat3, openMVG::homography::kernel::AsymmetricError,
        DescriptorT, L2_Vectorized<DescriptorT::bin_type> >(
        xL, ((SIFT_Regions*)>Descriptors(),
        xR, ((SIFT_Regions*)>Descriptors(),
        Square(thresholdH), Square(0.8),

      std::cout << "\nGuided homography matching "
        << "(geometric + descriptor distance ratio) found "
        << vec_corresponding_indexes[1].size() << " correspondences."
        << std::endl;

      for (size_t idx = 0; idx < 2; ++idx)
        const std::vector<IndMatch> & vec_corresponding_index = vec_corresponding_indexes[idx];
        //Show homography validated correspondences
        svgDrawer svgStream( imageL.Width() + imageR.Width(), max(imageL.Height(), imageR.Height()));
        svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameL, imageL.Width(), imageL.Height());
        svgStream.drawImage(jpg_filenameR, imageR.Width(), imageR.Height(), imageL.Width());
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < vec_corresponding_index.size(); ++i)  {

          const SIOPointFeature & LL = regionsL->Features()[vec_corresponding_index[i]._i];
          const SIOPointFeature & RR = regionsR->Features()[vec_corresponding_index[i]._j];
          const Vec2f L = LL.coords();
          const Vec2f R = RR.coords();
          svgStream.drawLine(L.x(), L.y(), R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), svgStyle().stroke("green", 2.0));
          svgStream.drawCircle(L.x(), L.y(), LL.scale(), svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
          svgStream.drawCircle(R.x()+imageL.Width(), R.y(), RR.scale(),svgStyle().stroke("yellow", 2.0));
        const string out_filename =
          (idx == 0) ? "04_ACRansacHomography_guided_geom.svg"
            : "04_ACRansacHomography_guided_geom_distratio.svg";
        ofstream svgFile( out_filename.c_str() );
        svgFile << svgStream.closeSvgFile().str();
    else  {
      std::cout << "ACRANSAC was unable to estimate a rigid homography"
        << std::endl;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;