Esempio n. 1
 * return true if this gradient is "equivalent" to that gradient.
 * Equivalent meaning they have the same stop count, same stop colors and same stop opacity
 * @param that - A gradient to compare this to
bool SPGradient::isEquivalent(SPGradient *that)
    //TODO Make this work for mesh gradients

    bool status = false;
    while(1){ // not really a loop, used to avoid deep nesting or multiple exit points from function
        if (this->getStopCount() != that->getStopCount()) { break; }
        if (this->hasStops() != that->hasStops()) { break; }
        if (!this->getVector() || !that->getVector()) { break; }
        if (this->isSwatch() != that->isSwatch()) {  break; }
        if ( this->isSwatch() ){
           // drop down to check stops.
        else if (
            (SP_IS_LINEARGRADIENT(this) && SP_IS_LINEARGRADIENT(that)) ||
            (SP_IS_RADIALGRADIENT(this) && SP_IS_RADIALGRADIENT(that)) ||
            (SP_IS_MESH(this)           && SP_IS_MESH(that))) {
        else { break; }  // this should never happen, some unhandled type of gradient

        SPStop *as = this->getVector()->getFirstStop();
        SPStop *bs = that->getVector()->getFirstStop();

        bool effective = true;
        while (effective && (as && bs)) {
            if (!as->getEffectiveColor().isClose(bs->getEffectiveColor(), 0.001) ||
                    as->offset != bs->offset) {
                effective = false;
            else {
                as = as->getNextStop();
                bs = bs->getNextStop();
        if (!effective) break;

        status = true;
    return status;
Esempio n. 2
// user selected existing stop from list
static void sp_grad_edit_combo_box_changed (GtkComboBox * /*widget*/, GtkWidget *tbl)
    SPStop *stop = get_selected_stop(tbl);
    if (!stop) {

    blocked = TRUE;

    SelectedColor *csel = static_cast<SelectedColor*>(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(tbl), "cselector"));
    // set its color, from the stored array
    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(tbl), "updating_color", reinterpret_cast<void*>(1));
    csel->setColorAlpha(stop->getEffectiveColor(), stop->opacity);
    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(tbl), "updating_color", reinterpret_cast<void*>(0));
    GtkWidget *offspin = GTK_WIDGET(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(tbl), "offspn"));
    GtkWidget *offslide =GTK_WIDGET(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(tbl), "offslide"));

    GtkAdjustment *adj = static_cast<GtkAdjustment*>(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(tbl), "offset"));

    bool isEndStop = false;

    SPStop *prev = NULL;
    prev = stop->getPrevStop();
    if (prev != NULL )  {
        gtk_adjustment_set_lower (adj, prev->offset);
    } else {
        isEndStop = true;
        gtk_adjustment_set_lower (adj, 0);

    SPStop *next = NULL;
    next = stop->getNextStop();
    if (next != NULL ) {
        gtk_adjustment_set_upper (adj, next->offset);
    } else {
        isEndStop = true;
        gtk_adjustment_set_upper (adj, 1.0);

    //fixme: does this work on all possible input gradients?
    if (!isEndStop) {
        gtk_widget_set_sensitive(offslide, TRUE);
        gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(offspin), TRUE);
    } else {
        gtk_widget_set_sensitive(offslide, FALSE);
        gtk_widget_set_sensitive(GTK_WIDGET(offspin), FALSE);

    gtk_adjustment_set_value(adj, stop->offset);


    blocked = FALSE;
Esempio n. 3
static void sp_gradient_vector_widget_load_gradient(GtkWidget *widget, SPGradient *gradient)
    blocked = TRUE;

    SPGradient *old;

    old = static_cast<SPGradient*>(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(widget), "gradient"));

    if (old != gradient) {
        sigc::connection *release_connection;
        sigc::connection *modified_connection;

        release_connection = static_cast<sigc::connection *>(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(widget), "gradient_release_connection"));
        modified_connection = static_cast<sigc::connection *>(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(widget), "gradient_modified_connection"));

        if (old) {
            g_assert( release_connection != NULL );
            g_assert( modified_connection != NULL );
            sp_signal_disconnect_by_data(old, widget);

        if (gradient) {
            if (!release_connection) {
                release_connection = new sigc::connection();
            if (!modified_connection) {
                modified_connection = new sigc::connection();
            *release_connection = gradient->connectRelease(sigc::bind<1>(sigc::ptr_fun(&sp_gradient_vector_gradient_release), widget));
            *modified_connection = gradient->connectModified(sigc::bind<2>(sigc::ptr_fun(&sp_gradient_vector_gradient_modified), widget));
        } else {
            if (release_connection) {
                delete release_connection;
                release_connection = NULL;
            if (modified_connection) {
                delete modified_connection;
                modified_connection = NULL;

        g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(widget), "gradient_release_connection", release_connection);
        g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(widget), "gradient_modified_connection", modified_connection);

    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(widget), "gradient", gradient);

    if (gradient) {
        gtk_widget_set_sensitive(widget, TRUE);


        SPStop *stop = get_selected_stop(widget);
        if (!stop) {

        // get the color selector
        SelectedColor *csel =  static_cast<SelectedColor*>(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(widget), "cselector"));

        g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(widget), "updating_color", reinterpret_cast<void*>(1));
        csel->setColorAlpha(stop->getEffectiveColor(), stop->opacity);
        g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(widget), "updating_color", reinterpret_cast<void*>(0));

        /* Fill preview */
        GtkWidget *w = static_cast<GtkWidget *>(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(widget), "preview"));
        sp_gradient_image_set_gradient(SP_GRADIENT_IMAGE(w), gradient);

        update_stop_list(GTK_WIDGET(widget), gradient, NULL);

        // Once the user edits a gradient, it stops being auto-collectable
        if (gradient->getRepr()->attribute("inkscape:collect")) {
            SPDocument *document = gradient->document;
            bool saved = DocumentUndo::getUndoSensitive(document);
            DocumentUndo::setUndoSensitive(document, false);
            gradient->getRepr()->setAttribute("inkscape:collect", NULL);
            DocumentUndo::setUndoSensitive(document, saved);
    } else { // no gradient, disable everything
        gtk_widget_set_sensitive(widget, FALSE);

    blocked = FALSE;
Esempio n. 4
/** Creates normalized color vector */
void SPGradient::rebuildVector()
    gint len = 0;
    for ( SPObject *child = firstChild() ; child ; child = child->getNext() ) {
        if (SP_IS_STOP(child)) {
            len ++;

    has_stops = (len != 0);


    SPGradient *reffed = ref ? ref->getObject() : NULL;
    if ( !hasStops() && reffed ) {
        /* Copy vector from referenced gradient */
        vector.built = true;   // Prevent infinite recursion.
        if (!reffed->vector.stops.empty()) {
            vector.built = reffed->vector.built;
            vector.stops.assign(reffed->vector.stops.begin(), reffed->vector.stops.end());

    for ( SPObject *child = firstChild(); child; child = child->getNext() ) {
        if (SP_IS_STOP(child)) {
            SPStop *stop = SP_STOP(child);

            SPGradientStop gstop;
            if (!vector.stops.empty()) {
                // "Each gradient offset value is required to be equal to or greater than the
                // previous gradient stop's offset value. If a given gradient stop's offset
                // value is not equal to or greater than all previous offset values, then the
                // offset value is adjusted to be equal to the largest of all previous offset
                // values."
                gstop.offset = MAX(stop->offset, vector.stops.back().offset);
            } else {
                gstop.offset = stop->offset;

            // "Gradient offset values less than 0 (or less than 0%) are rounded up to
            // 0%. Gradient offset values greater than 1 (or greater than 100%) are rounded
            // down to 100%."
            gstop.offset = CLAMP(gstop.offset, 0, 1);

            gstop.color = stop->getEffectiveColor();
            gstop.opacity = stop->opacity;


    // Normalize per section 13.2.4 of SVG 1.1.
    if (vector.stops.empty()) {
        /* "If no stops are defined, then painting shall occur as if 'none' were specified as the
         * paint style."
            SPGradientStop gstop;
            gstop.offset = 0.0;
            gstop.color.set( 0x00000000 );
            gstop.opacity = 0.0;
            SPGradientStop gstop;
            gstop.offset = 1.0;
            gstop.color.set( 0x00000000 );
            gstop.opacity = 0.0;
    } else {
        /* "If one stop is defined, then paint with the solid color fill using the color defined
         * for that gradient stop."
        if (vector.stops.front().offset > 0.0) {
            // If the first one is not at 0, then insert a copy of the first at 0.
            SPGradientStop gstop;
            gstop.offset = 0.0;
            gstop.color = vector.stops.front().color;
            gstop.opacity = vector.stops.front().opacity;
            vector.stops.insert(vector.stops.begin(), gstop);
        if (vector.stops.back().offset < 1.0) {
            // If the last one is not at 1, then insert a copy of the last at 1.
            SPGradientStop gstop;
            gstop.offset = 1.0;
            gstop.color = vector.stops.back().color;
            gstop.opacity = vector.stops.back().opacity;

    vector.built = true;