handle open(const char* file_, const char* mode, error_policy ep) { #ifdef OX_DEBUG if (!strstr(mode, "b")) log::warning("file::open for file '%s' should be called with 'b' (means binary) flag", file_); #endif //OX_ASSERT(_openedFiles == 0); LOGD("open file: %s %s %d", file_, mode, _openedFiles); char file[512]; path::normalize(file_, file); LOGD("q1"); fileHandle* fh = 0; _nfs.open(file, mode, ep_ignore_error, fh); LOGD("q3"); if (!fh) { handleErrorPolicy(ep, "can't open file: %s", file); } return (handle)fh; }
handle open(const char *file_, const char *mode, error_policy ep) { //OX_ASSERT(_openedFiles == 0); LOGD("open file: %s %s %d", file_, mode, _openedFiles); char file[512]; path::normalize(file_, file); LOGD("q1"); fileHandle *fh = 0; _nfs.open(file, mode, ep_ignore_error, fh); LOGD("q3"); if (!fh) { handleErrorPolicy(ep, "can't open file: %s", file); } return fh; }