std::vector<std::string> InfoManager::GetLoadingAnnouncments() { STRINGLIST l = g_ClusterManager.GetList(LISTPREFIX_LOADING_ANNOUNCMENTS); STRINGLIST s; if(l.size() == 0) { s.push_back(StringUtil::Format(ReplaceBrandingPatterns("Welcome to ${GameName} - ${Edition}. You can set your own <b>Loading Announcements</b> by creating and adding multiple elements to the list <b>'%s'</b> in the Redis database."), LISTPREFIX_LOADING_ANNOUNCMENTS.c_str())); } else { for(auto it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { s.push_back(ReplaceBrandingPatterns(*it)); } } return s; }
bool InfoManager::Init() { TextFileEntityReader ter(Platform::JoinPath(Platform::JoinPath(g_Config.ResolveStaticDataPath(), "Data"), "Tips.txt" ), Case_None, Comment_Semi); ter.Start(); if (!ter.Exists()) return false; ter.Key("", "", true); ter.Index("ENTRY"); STRINGLIST sections = ter.Sections(); int i = 0; for (auto a = sections.begin(); a != sections.end(); ++a) { ter.PushSection(*a); Tip t; t.mID = ++i; if (!t.EntityKeys(&ter) || !t.ReadEntity(&ter)) return false; mTips.push_back(t); ter.PopSection(); } ter.End(); std::string filename = Platform::JoinPath(Platform::JoinPath(g_Config.ResolveStaticDataPath(), "Data"), "Game.txt" ); FileReader lfr; if (lfr.OpenText(filename.c_str()) != Err_OK) {>error("Could not open configuration file: %v", filename); return false; } else { static char Delimiter[] = { '=', 13, 10 }; lfr.Delimiter = Delimiter; lfr.CommentStyle = Comment_Semi; while (lfr.FileOpen() == true) { int r = lfr.ReadLine(); if (r > 0) { lfr.SingleBreak("="); char *NameBlock = lfr.BlockToString(0); if (strcmp(NameBlock, "GameName") == 0) { mGameName = lfr.BlockToStringC(1, 0); } else if (strcmp(NameBlock, "Edition") == 0) { mEdition = lfr.BlockToStringC(1, 0); } else if (strcmp(NameBlock, "StartZone") == 0) { mStartZone = lfr.BlockToInt(1); } else if (strcmp(NameBlock, "StartX") == 0) { mStartX = lfr.BlockToInt(1); } else if (strcmp(NameBlock, "StartY") == 0) { mStartY = lfr.BlockToInt(1); } else if (strcmp(NameBlock, "StartZ") == 0) { mStartZ = lfr.BlockToInt(1); } else if (strcmp(NameBlock, "StartRotation") == 0) { mStartRotation = lfr.BlockToInt(1); } else {>error("Unknown identifier [%v] in config file [%v]", lfr.BlockToString(0), filename); } } } lfr.CloseCurrent(); } return true; }