// . run a series of tests to ensure that gb is functioning properly
// . uses the ./qa subdirectory to hold archive pages, ips, spider dates to
//   ensure consistency between tests for exact replays
bool qatest ( ) {

	if ( s_registered ) {
		s_registered = false;

	if ( ! s_callback ) s_callback = qatest;

	if ( ! g_qaSock ) return true;

	// returns true when done, false when blocked
	//if ( ! qainject ( ) ) return false;

	// returns true when done, false when blocked
	//if ( ! qaspider ( ) ) return false;

	long n = sizeof(s_qatests)/sizeof(QATest);
	for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		QATest *qt = &s_qatests[i];
		if ( ! qt->m_doTest ) continue;
		// store that
		s_qt = qt;
		// point to flags
		s_flags = qt->m_flags;
		// call the qatest
		if ( ! qt->m_func() ) return false;

	// save this
	// do not reset since we don't reload it above!

	//if ( g_numErrors )
	//	g_qaOutput.safePrintf("<input type=submit value=submit><br>");

	g_qaOutput.safePrintf("<br>DONE RUNNING QA TESTS<br>");

	// . print the output
	// . the result of each test is stored in the g_qaOutput safebuf


	g_qaSock = NULL;

	return true;