int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { double balance = 500; double deposit, withdraw; // set floating-point output formatting cout << fixed << setprecision(2); // Vector of 2 base class pointers vector <Account *> accounts(2); // Initialize vectors with various accounts accounts[0] = new SavingAccount(balance, 15); accounts[1] = new CheckingAccount(balance, 2.50); // polymorphically process each element in vector employees for (size_t i = 0; i < accounts.size(); i++) { // Downcast pointer SavingAccount *derivedPtr = dynamic_cast <SavingAccount *>(accounts[i]); if (derivedPtr != 0) // 0 if not CheckingAccount { system("cls"); cout << "Account: " << typeid(*accounts[i]).name(); // Calculate interest on existing balance cout << "\n\nWith an interest rate of 15%, you have accumulated: $" << derivedPtr->calculateInterest(); cout << "\nCurrent Account Balance: $" << derivedPtr->credit(); // Depositing funds into account cout << "\n\nEnter Deposit Amount: $"; cin >> deposit; derivedPtr->setCreditAmount(deposit); derivedPtr->credit(); cout << "Updated Account Balance: $" << derivedPtr->getAccountBalance(); // Withdrawing funds from account cout << "\n\nEnter Withdraw Amount: $"; cin >> withdraw; derivedPtr->setDebitAmount(withdraw); derivedPtr->debit(); cout << "Updated Account Balance: $" << derivedPtr->getAccountBalance() << endl << endl;; system("pause"); } // This falls into CheckingAccount else {
int main() { Account a = Account(100.00); SavingAccount sa = SavingAccount(1000.00, 0.03); CheckingAccount ca = CheckingAccount(3000.00, 100.00);; cout << a.getBalance() << endl; a.debit(50.00); cout << a.getBalance() << endl;; cout << sa.getBalance() << endl; sa.calculateInterest(); sa.debit(1000); cout << sa.getBalance() << endl;; cout << ca.getBalance() << endl; ca.debit(1000.00); cout << ca.getBalance() << endl; return 0; }
int atm() { CinReader reader; BankAccount myBanking; bool end_program = false; bool done = false; long dollars; int cents; do { cout << "Select the type of account you wish to create" << endl; cout << "1 Bank Account 2 - Checking 3 - Savings 4 - Credit\n" << endl; int choice = reader.readInt(1,4); string account_name; long balance_dollars; int balance_cents; double interest_rate; switch(choice) { //Bank account options case 1: { cout << "Set the dollar amount of your account balance\n" << endl; balance_dollars = reader.readInt(0); cout << "Set the cent amount of your account balance\n" << endl; balance_cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myBanking.SetDollars(balance_dollars); myBanking.SetCents(balance_cents); cout << "Please select from the following options." << endl; while(!done) { cout << "1 - Show account balance\n2 - Deposit\n3 - Withdraw\n4 - Show recent transactions\n5 - Clear Transaction history\n6 - Exit ATM\n" << endl; int choice = reader.readInt(1,6); switch(choice) { case 1: { cout << myBanking.ShowBalance() << endl; break; } case 2: { cout << "Please enter the amount in dollars you would like to deposit, followed by the amount in cents\n" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myBanking.DepositAccount(dollars, cents); break; } case 3: { cout << "Please enter the amount in dollars you would like to withdraw, followed by the amount in cents\n" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myBanking.WithdrawAccount(dollars, cents); break; } case 4: { for(int i = 0;i<10;i++) { if(myBanking.GetRecentTransactions(i) == "") { cout << "none" << endl; }else { cout << myBanking.GetRecentTransactions(i) << endl; } } cout << "Your last transaction was: " << myBanking.GetLastTransaction() << endl; break; } case 5: { myBanking.ClearRecentTransactions(); break; } case 6: { done = true; } } } break; } //Checking account options case 2: { CheckingAccount myChecking; cout << "Set the dollar amount of your account balance" << endl; balance_dollars = reader.readInt(0); cout << "Set the cent amount of your account balance\n" << endl; balance_cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myChecking.SetDollars(balance_dollars); myChecking.SetCents(balance_cents); cout << "Please select from the following options." << endl; while(!done) { cout << "1 - Show account balance\n2 - Deposit Money/Check\n3 - Withdraw/Write a check\n4 - Show recent transactions\n5 - Clear Transaction history\n6 - Exit ATM\n" << endl; int choice = reader.readInt(1,6); switch(choice) { case 1: { cout << myChecking.ShowBalance() << endl; break; } case 2: { cout << "Would you like to deposit money into your account or cash a check?" << endl; cout << "Press 1 to deposit money and 2 to cash a check" << endl; int choice = reader.readInt(1,2); if(choice == 1) { cout << "Please enter the amount in dollars you would like to deposit, followed by the amount in cents\n" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myChecking.DepositAccount(dollars, cents); } else { cout << "Please enter the dollar value of the check you are cashing, followed by the cent value" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); cout << "Please enter the amount you'd like to keep in dollars, followed by cents\n" << endl; long kept_dollars = reader.readInt(0); int kept_cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myChecking.CashCheck(dollars, cents, kept_dollars, kept_cents); } break; } case 3: { cout << "Please enter the check number that you are writing" << endl; int check_number = reader.readInt(0); cout << "Please enter the amount the check is for in dollars, followed by the amount in cents\n" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myChecking.WriteCheck(check_number, dollars, cents); break; } case 4: { for(int i = 0;i<10;i++) { if(myChecking.GetRecentTransactions(i) == "") { cout << "none" << endl; }else { cout << myChecking.GetRecentTransactions(i) << endl; } } break; } case 5: { myChecking.ClearRecentTransactions(); break; } case 6: { done = true; } } } break; } //Savings account options case 3: { SavingAccount mySavings; cout << "Set the dollar amount of your account balance" << endl; balance_dollars = reader.readInt(0); cout << "Set the cent amount of your account balance" << endl; balance_cents = reader.readInt(0,99); cout << "Select your interest rate\n" << endl; interest_rate = reader.readDouble(); mySavings.SetDollars(balance_dollars); mySavings.SetCents(balance_cents); mySavings.SetInterestRate(interest_rate); cout << "Please select from the following options." << endl; while(!done) { cout << "1 - Show account balance\n2 - Deposit\n3 - Withdraw\n4 - Show recent transactions\n5 - Clear Transaction history\n6 - Calculate Interest\n7 - Show interest accumulated\n8 - Exit ATM\n" << endl; int choice = reader.readInt(1,8); switch(choice) { case 1: { cout << mySavings.ShowBalance() << endl; break; } case 2: { cout << "Please enter the amount in dollars you would like to deposit, followed by the amount in cents\n" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); mySavings.DepositAccount(dollars, cents); break; } case 3: { cout << "Please enter the amount in dollars you would like to withdraw, followed by the amount in cents\n" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); mySavings.WithdrawAccount(dollars, cents); break; } case 4: { for(int i = 0;i<10;i++) { if(mySavings.GetRecentTransactions(i) == "") { cout << "none" << endl; }else { cout << mySavings.GetRecentTransactions(i) << endl; } } break; } case 5: { mySavings.ClearRecentTransactions(); break; } case 6: { mySavings.CalculateInterest(); break; } case 7: { cout << "Interest accumulated this month: " << mySavings.GetInterestAccumulatedMonth() << endl; cout << "Interest accumulated this year: " << mySavings.GetInterestAccumulatedYear() << "\n" << endl; break; } case 8: { done = true; } } } break; } //Credit Account options case 4: { CreditAccount myCredit; cout << "Set the dollar amount of your account balance" << endl; balance_dollars = reader.readInt(0); cout << "Set the cent amount of your account balance" << endl; balance_cents = reader.readInt(0,99); cout << "Select your interest rate. NOTE: Must be greater or equal to 0.0" << endl; interest_rate = reader.readDouble(); cout << "Set the dollar amount for your max balance" << endl; long max_dollars = reader.readInt(0); cout << "Set the cent amount for your max balance\n" << endl; int max_cents = reader.readInt(0, 99); myCredit.SetDollars(balance_dollars); myCredit.SetCents(balance_cents); myCredit.SetMaxBalanceDollars(max_dollars); myCredit.SetMaxBalanceCents(max_cents); myCredit.SetInterestRate(interest_rate); cout << "Please select from the following options." << endl; while(!done) { cout << "1 - Show account balance\n2 - Deposit\n3 - Withdraw\n4 - Calculate Interest\n5 - Clear Transaction history\n6 - Calculate interest\n7 - Show interest accumulated\n8 - Exit ATM\n" << endl; int choice = reader.readInt(1,8); switch(choice) { case 1: { cout << myCredit.ShowBalance() << endl; break; } case 2: { cout << "Please enter the amount you would like pay towards your balance in dollars, followed by cents\n" << endl << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myCredit.MakePayment(dollars, cents); break; } case 3: { cout << "Please enter the transaction number for the charge" << endl; int transaction = reader.readInt(0); cout << "Please enter the amount of the transaction in dollars, followed by cents\n" << endl; dollars = reader.readInt(0); cents = reader.readInt(0,99); myCredit.ChargeCard(transaction, dollars, cents); break; } case 4: { for(int i = 0;i<10;i++) { if(myCredit.GetRecentTransactions(i) == "") { cout << "none" << endl; }else { cout << myCredit.GetRecentTransactions(i) << endl; } } break; } case 5: { myCredit.ClearRecentTransactions(); break; } case 6: { myCredit.CalculateInterest(); break; } case 7: { cout << "Interest accumulated this month: " << myCredit.GetInterestAccumulatedMonth() << endl; cout << "Interest accumulated this year: " << myCredit.GetInterestAccumulatedYear() << "\n" << endl; break; } case 8: { done = true; } } } }//break } }while(!end_program); }