Esempio n. 1
SbMatrix::multLineMatrix(const SbLine &src, SbLine &dst) const
	SbVec3f pos, dir;
	multVecMatrix(src.getPosition(), pos);
	multDirMatrix(src.getDirection(), dir);
	dst.setValue(pos, pos+dir);
Esempio n. 2
XipGeomUtils::intersect(const SbLine &line, const SbPlane &plane, SbVec3f &pt)
    float t, denom;

    // solve for t:
    //  n . (l.p + t * l.d) - d == 0

    denom = plane.getNormal().dot(line.getDirection());
    if ( fabs(denom) < XIP_EPSILON )
        return FALSE;

    //  t = - (n . l.p - d) / (n . l.d)
    t = - (plane.getNormal().dot(line.getPosition()) - plane.getDistanceFromOrigin()) /  denom;

    pt = line.getPosition() + t * line.getDirection();
    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 3
// Sphere line intersection - this sets the parameter intersection,
// and returns TRUE if the line and sphere really do intersect.
// line-sphere intersection algorithm lifted from Eric Haines chapter in 
// Glassner's "Introduction to Ray Tracing", pp. 35-7
SbSphere::intersect(const SbLine &l, SbVec3f &intersection) const
    float   B,C;	// At^2 + Bt + C = 0, but A is 1 since we normalize Rd
    float   discr;	// discriminant (B^2 - 4AC)
    SbVec3f v;
    float   t,sqroot;
    SbBool  doesIntersect = TRUE;

    // setup B,C
    v = l.getPosition() - center;
    B = 2.0 * (l.getDirection().dot(v));
    C = - (radius * radius);

    // compute discriminant
    // if negative, there is no intersection
    discr = B*B - 4.0*C;
    if (discr < 0.0) {
	// line and sphere do not intersect
	doesIntersect = FALSE;
    else {
	// compute t0: (-B - sqrt(B^2 - 4AC)) / 2A  (A = 1)
	sqroot = sqrtf(discr);
	t = (-B - sqroot) * 0.5;
	if (t < 0.0) {
	    // no intersection, try t1: (-B + sqrt(B^2 - 4AC)) / 2A  (A = 1)
	    t = (-B + sqroot) * 0.5;

	if (t < 0.0) {
	    // line and sphere do not intersect
	    doesIntersect = FALSE;
	else {
	    // intersection! point is (point + (dir * t))
	    intersection = l.getPosition() + (l.getDirection() * t);

    return doesIntersect;
Esempio n. 4
// Sphere line intersection - this sets the parameter intersection,
// and returns TRUE if the line and sphere really do intersect.
// line-sphere intersection algorithm lifted from Eric Haines chapter in 
// Glassner's "Introduction to Ray Tracing", pp. 35-7
SbSphere::intersect(const SbLine &l, SbVec3f &enter, SbVec3f &exit) const
    float   B,C;	// At^2 + Bt + C = 0, but A is 1 since we normalize Rd
    float   discr;	// discriminant (B^2 - 4AC)
    SbVec3f v;
    float   sqroot;
    SbBool  doesIntersect = TRUE;

    // setup B,C
    v = l.getPosition() - center;
    B = 2.0 * (l.getDirection().dot(v));
    C = - (radius * radius);

    // compute discriminant
    // if negative, there is no intersection
    discr = B*B - 4.0*C;

    if (discr < 0.0) {
	// line and sphere do not intersect
	doesIntersect = FALSE;
    else {
	sqroot = sqrtf(discr);
	float t0 = (-B - sqroot) * 0.5;
	enter = l.getPosition() + (l.getDirection() * t0);
	float t1 = (-B + sqroot) * 0.5;
	exit = l.getPosition() + (l.getDirection() * t1);

    return doesIntersect;
Esempio n. 5
SbCylinder::intersect(const SbLine &line, SbVec3f &enter, SbVec3f &exit) const
    // The intersection will actually be done on a radius 1 cylinder
    // aligned with the y axis, so we transform the line into that
    // space, then intersect, then transform the results back.

    // rotation to y axis
    SbRotation	rotToYAxis(axis.getDirection(), SbVec3f(0,1,0));
    SbMatrix	mtxToYAxis;

    // scale to unit space
    float	scaleFactor = 1.0f/radius;
    SbMatrix	toUnitCylSpace;
    toUnitCylSpace.setScale(SbVec3f(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor));

    // find the given line un-translated
    SbVec3f origin = line.getPosition();
    origin -= axis.getPosition();
    SbLine noTranslationLine(origin, origin + line.getDirection());

    // find the un-translated line in unit cylinder's space
    SbLine cylLine;
    toUnitCylSpace.multLineMatrix(noTranslationLine, cylLine);

    // find the intersection on the unit cylinder
    SbVec3f cylEnter, cylExit;
    SbBool intersected = unitCylinderIntersect(cylLine, cylEnter, cylExit);

    if (intersected) {
        // transform back to original space
        SbMatrix fromUnitCylSpace = toUnitCylSpace.inverse();

        fromUnitCylSpace.multVecMatrix(cylEnter, enter);
        enter += axis.getPosition();

        fromUnitCylSpace.multVecMatrix(cylExit, exit);
        exit += axis.getPosition();

    return intersected;
Esempio n. 6
SbCylinder::unitCylinderIntersect(const SbLine &l,
                                  SbVec3f &enter, SbVec3f &exit)
    float		A, B, C, discr, sqroot, t0, t1;
    const SbVec3f	&pos = l.getPosition(), &dir = l.getDirection();
    SbBool		doesIntersect = TRUE;

    A = dir[0] * dir[0] + dir[2] * dir[2];

    B = 2.0f * (pos[0] * dir[0] + pos[2] * dir[2]);

    C = pos[0] * pos[0] + pos[2] * pos[2] - 1;

    // discriminant = B^2 - 4AC
    discr = B*B - 4.0f*A*C;

    // if discriminant is negative, no intersection
    if (discr < 0.0) {
        doesIntersect = FALSE;
    else {
        sqroot = float(sqrtf(discr));

        // magic to stabilize the answer
        if (B > 0.0) {
            t0 = -(2.0f * C) / (sqroot + B);
            t1 = -(sqroot + B) / (2.0f * A);
        else {
            t0 = (2.0f * C) / (sqroot - B);
            t1 = (sqroot - B) / (2.0f * A);

        enter = pos + (dir * t0);
        exit = pos + (dir * t1);

    return doesIntersect;
Esempio n. 7
SbLineProjector::project(const SbVec2f &point)
    // Convert two line points to world space
	SbLine worldLine;
	workingToWorld.multLineMatrix( line, worldLine );
	SbVec3f wldPt1 = worldLine.getPosition();
	SbVec3f wldDir = worldLine.getDirection();
	SbVec3f wldPt2 = wldPt1 + wldDir;

    // Convert two line points to normalized screen space.
	SbVec3f nrmScnPt1, nrmScnPt2;
	viewVol.projectToScreen( wldPt1, nrmScnPt1 );
	viewVol.projectToScreen( wldPt2, nrmScnPt2 );

    // Convert two line points and input point 
    // to viewPlane space, a screen space that's got view plane's aspect ratio:
	float vvW  = (viewVol.getWidth()  == 0.0) ? 1 : viewVol.getWidth();
	float vvH  = (viewVol.getHeight() == 0.0) ? 1 : viewVol.getHeight();
	SbVec3f     vpPt1( nrmScnPt1[0] * vvW, nrmScnPt1[1] * vvH, 0);
	SbVec3f     vpPt2( nrmScnPt2[0] * vvW, nrmScnPt2[1] * vvH, 0);
	SbVec3f vpInPoint(     point[0] * vvW,     point[1] * vvH, 0);

    // Create the viewPlaneLine -- our line expressed in viewPlane space:
        SbLine  viewPlaneLine( vpPt1, vpPt2 );

    // In viewplane space, find the closest point on our line to the cursor.
	SbVec3f vpClosestPt = viewPlaneLine.getClosestPoint( vpInPoint );
	vpClosestPt.setValue( vpClosestPt[0], vpClosestPt[1], 0 );

    // If we've got a perspective view, we may need to clamp the point we
    // choose so that it's not too close to the vanishing point.
    // Otherwise we'll just use our vpClosestPt

	SbVec3f vpClampedPt = vpClosestPt;

	if ( viewVol.getProjectionType() == SbViewVolume::PERSPECTIVE ) {

	// Find the vanishing point of our line in viewPlane space: 
	    // Convert the direction of our line from world space into space 
	    // after the affine matrix (i.e. just before the projection matrix)
	    SbMatrix vvAffine, vvProj;
	    viewVol.getMatrices( vvAffine, vvProj );
	    SbVec3f postAffineDir;
	    vvAffine.multDirMatrix( wldDir, postAffineDir ); 

	  // If the direction of the line is parallel to the view plane,
	  // then the z component of postAffineDir is 0.
	  // In this case, we will not need to clamp our point and moreover,
	  // if we try we'll wind up dividing by zero pretty soon.
	  if ( postAffineDir[2] != 0.0 ) {

	    // If we send a line out from (0,0,0) into the viewVolume towards 
	    // postAffineDir, it will vanish at the same point as any other line
	    // parallel to this direction.  Also, all points along this line 
	    // will project to the same point on the near (or far) plane.
	    // So a line connecting (0,0,0) and the point at postAffineDir will
	    // intersect the near plane at the vanishing point.  Transforming 
	    // any point on this line by vvProj will yield the same x,y result 
	    // and the z component will vary with depth.
	    // So multiply the postAffineDir as a vector through the projection
	    // matrix and use the x,y for the vanishing point.
	    SbVec3f projVanish;
	    vvProj.multVecMatrix( postAffineDir, projVanish );

	    // Convert from [-1,1] range to [0,1] range for normalized coords.
	    SbVec3f nrmScnVanish;
	    nrmScnVanish[0] = (1.0 + projVanish[0]) * 0.5;
	    nrmScnVanish[1] = (1.0 + projVanish[1]) * 0.5;

	    // Finally, get the vanishing point in viewPlane coords:
	    SbVec3f vpVanish( nrmScnVanish[0] * vvW, nrmScnVanish[1] * vvH, 0 );

#if 0
	    // Check that the vanishing point is correct:
	    // Project nrmScnVanish on the plane to see if it goes along wldDir:
	    SbVec2f nrmScnVanish2( nrmScnVanish[0], nrmScnVanish[1] );
	    SbLine vanishWorldLine;
	    viewVol.projectPointToLine( nrmScnVanish2, vanishWorldLine );
	    SbVec3f test = vanishWorldLine.getDirection();
	    fprintf(stderr,"wldDir = %f %f %f\n",wldDir[0],wldDir[1],wldDir[2]);
	    fprintf(stderr,"checkDir = %f %f %f\n", test[0], test[1],test[2]);

	// The points vpPt1 and vpPt2 define the line in viewPlane space.
	// We can't go on the other side of the vanishing point from these 
	// defining points in screen space or the point will be undefined when 
	// we cast it into world space.
	// So clamp our selected point to lie on vpPt1's side of the vanishing 
	// point.  Since points near the vanishing point will also be incredibly
	// far away, introduce an (arbitrary) metric, VANISH_DELTA.
	// Our selection must be more than VANISH_DELTA times the average of
	// viewVolumeHeight and viewVolumeWidth from the vanishing point.
#define VANISH_DELTA .01
	    float vanishSafetyDist = VANISH_DELTA * .5 * (vvW + vvH);
	    // Make pt0, the point from which we measure distances along vpLine.
	    // It will be one extra unit away from vpVanish than safetyDist
	    SbVec3f pt0 = viewPlaneLine.getPosition();
	    pt0.setValue( pt0[0], pt0[1], 0 );
	    SbVec3f pt0ToVanishDir = vpVanish - pt0;
	    float   pt0ToVanishDist = vanishSafetyDist + 1.0;
	    pt0 = vpVanish - pt0ToVanishDist * pt0ToVanishDir;

	    // Get vector and dist from pt0 to vpClosestPt
	    SbVec3f pt0ToClosest = vpClosestPt - pt0;
	    float   pt0ToClosestDist = pt0ToClosest.length();

	    // If vpClosestPt is too far from pt0, clamp it:
	    float   clampDist = pt0ToVanishDist - vanishSafetyDist;
	    if (    (pt0ToClosestDist > clampDist) 
		 && ( > 0.0) ) {
		vpClampedPt = pt0 + clampDist * pt0ToVanishDir;

    // Convert result back into normalized screen space:
	SbVec2f nrmScnClampedPt( vpClampedPt[0] / vvW, vpClampedPt[1] / vvH);

    // Create a line in working space by projecting our point into the scene:
	SbVec3f result, whoCares;
	SbLine workingLine = getWorkingLine( nrmScnClampedPt );

    // Find point on the projector line closest to workingLine
	if (! line.getClosestPoints(workingLine, result, whoCares)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			       "Couldn't get closest point");

    return result;