Vec3Df RayTracer::Brdf(const Vec3Df & camPos, const Vec3Df & normal, int idObj, const Vec3Df & intersectionPoint, float occlusion, int PTRays){ Scene * scene = Scene::getInstance (); std::vector<Light> lights = scene->getLights(); Object & object = scene->getObjects()[idObj]; Vec3Df ci; for(unsigned int i =0;i<lights.size();i++) { Light light = lights[i]; Vec3Df n = normal; n.normalize(); Vec3Df wi = light.getPos() - intersectionPoint; wi.normalize(); Vec3Df w0 = (camPos-intersectionPoint); w0.normalize(); Vec3Df r = 2*(Vec3Df::dotProduct(wi,n))*n-wi; r.normalize(); float diffuse = Vec3Df::dotProduct(wi, n); float shininess = 11; float spec = pow(std::max(Vec3Df::dotProduct(r,w0),0.f),shininess); diffuse = std::max(diffuse,0.0f); Vec3Df lightColor = light.getColor(); Material material = object.getMaterial(); float matDiffuse = material.getDiffuse(); float matSpecular = material.getSpecular(); Vec3Df matDiffuseColor = material.getColor(); Vec3Df matSpecularColor = material.getColor(); Vec3Df intersectionPoint2; Vec3Df IntersPointNormal2; //Area Lighting float radius=0.3f; //Miroir if(scene->getObjects()[idObj].getRefl()>0 && activeMirror) { Vec3Df vDir= intersectionPoint-camPos; vDir.normalize(); Vec3Df planA = Vec3Df::crossProduct(n, Vec3Df::crossProduct(vDir, n)); Vec3Df newDir = Vec3Df::dotProduct(planA, vDir)*planA - Vec3Df::dotProduct(vDir, n)*n; float occ; int obj = getIntersectionPoint(intersectionPoint, newDir, intersectionPoint2, IntersPointNormal2, occ); if(obj>-1) { if(activeShadow) { if(getIntersectionPoint(intersectionPoint,-intersectionPoint+light.getPos(),intersectionPoint2,IntersPointNormal2)==-1) { ci += Brdf(intersectionPoint,IntersPointNormal2,obj,intersectionPoint2,occ,0)*scene->getObjects()[idObj].getRefl(); } } else ci += Brdf(intersectionPoint,IntersPointNormal2,obj,intersectionPoint2,occ,0)*scene->getObjects()[idObj].getRefl(); } } //PathTracing if(activePT) { if(PTRays < depthPT) { for(int h=0; h< nbRayPT; h++) { Vec3Df n1; Vec3Df n2; normal.getTwoOrthogonals(n1,n2); float a = ((float)std::rand())/((float)RAND_MAX); float b = ((float)std::rand())/((float)RAND_MAX)*2.-1.; float c = ((float)std::rand())/((float)RAND_MAX)*2.-1.; Vec3Df dir = normal*a+n1*b+n2*c; dir.normalize(); int objPT = getIntersectionPoint(intersectionPoint,dir,intersectionPoint2,IntersPointNormal2); ci+=Brdf(intersectionPoint,IntersPointNormal2,objPT,intersectionPoint2,0.,PTRays+1)/(nbRayPT*depthPT); } } //si pt<pt_max //lancer plein de rayons //contribution+=brdf(pt+1) } if(scene->getObjects()[idObj].getRefl()<1.0 || true) { if(nbRayShadow>0 && activeShadow) for(int p = 0;p<nbRayShadow;p++) { float a = ((float)std::rand())/((float)RAND_MAX)*2.-1.; float b = ((float)std::rand())/((float)RAND_MAX)*2.-1.; float c = ((float)std::rand())/((float)RAND_MAX)*2.-1.; float sum = a+b+c; a=a/sum*radius; b=b/sum*radius; c=c/sum*radius; Vec3Df lightposbis; lightposbis[0]=light.getPos()[0]+a; lightposbis[1]=light.getPos()[1]+b; lightposbis[2]=light.getPos()[2]+c; if(getIntersectionPoint(intersectionPoint,-intersectionPoint+lightposbis,intersectionPoint2,IntersPointNormal2)==-1) { ci += (((matDiffuse * diffuse * matDiffuseColor) +( matSpecular * spec * matSpecularColor*0.5))*lightColor)*255/nbRayShadow; } } else if(activeShadow) { if(getIntersectionPoint(intersectionPoint,-intersectionPoint+light.getPos(),intersectionPoint2,IntersPointNormal2)==-1) { ci += (((matDiffuse * diffuse * matDiffuseColor) +( matSpecular * spec * matSpecularColor*0.5))*lightColor)*255; } } else //sans ombre { ci += (((matDiffuse * diffuse * matDiffuseColor) +( matSpecular * spec * matSpecularColor*0.5))*lightColor)*255; } //ci += (((matDiffuse * diffuse * matDiffuseColor) +( matSpecular * spec * matSpecularColor*0.5))*lightColor)*255/nbrayshadow; } } if(activeAO) return ci*(1.f-occlusion); else return ci; }
Scene::Scene(const Scene & s) : Container(s) { camera_ = shared_ptr<Camera>(new Camera(*(; }
UINT WGRetUserDataHandler::Execute( WGRetUserData* pPacket, Player* pPlayer ) { __ENTER_FUNCTION PlayerID_t PlayerID ; GamePlayer* pGamePlayer = NULL ; Assert( pPlayer ) ; if( pPlayer->IsServerPlayer() ) { PlayerID = pPacket->GetPlayerID() ; pGamePlayer = g_pPlayerPool->GetPlayer(PlayerID) ; if( pGamePlayer==NULL ) { Assert(FALSE) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } } else if( pPlayer->IsGamePlayer() ) { PlayerID = pPlayer->PlayerID() ; pGamePlayer = (GamePlayer*)pPlayer ; } else { Assert(FALSE) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } if( pGamePlayer->GetPlayerStatus()==PS_SERVER_WAITING_FOR_SERVER_DATA ) {//在ServerManager模块中执行部分 Assert( MyGetCurrentThreadID()==g_pServerManager->m_ThreadID ) ; pGamePlayer->SetPlayerStatus( PS_SERVER_WAITING_FOR_SERVER_DATA_INCOMING ) ; g_pIncomingPlayerManager->SendPacket( pPacket, PlayerID ) ; g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "WGRetUserDataHandler::Execute(ret=%d) GUID=%X ServerPlayer...OK", pPacket->GetReturn(), pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID ) ; return PACKET_EXE_NOTREMOVE ; } else if( pGamePlayer->GetPlayerStatus()==PS_SERVER_WAITING_FOR_SERVER_DATA_INCOMING ) {//在IncomingPlayerManager模块中执行的 Assert( MyGetCurrentThreadID()==g_pIncomingPlayerManager->m_ThreadID ) ; switch( pPacket->GetReturn() ) { case UDR_NOTFINDUSERDATA: { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "ERROR:WGRetUserDataHandler::Execute UDR_NOTFINDUSERDATA(PID=%d,GUID=%X)", pPacket->GetPlayerID(),pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID ) ; return PACKET_EXE_ERROR ; } break ; case UDR_USERDATA: { GCConnect Msg ; Msg.SetServerID( g_pServerManager->GetServerID() ) ; //测试数据 SceneID_t sceneid = pPacket->GetUserData()->m_Human.m_StartScene ; WORLD_POS enterpos = pPacket->GetUserData()->m_Human.m_Position ; Msg.SetSceneID( sceneid ) ; Msg.SetWorldPos( &enterpos ) ; Msg.SetEstate( 0 ); //测试数据 pGamePlayer->InitHuman( pPacket->GetUserData(),UDR_USERDATA, pPacket->GetPlayerAge() ) ; pGamePlayer->SetPlayerStatus( PS_SERVER_WAITING_FOR_ENTER ) ; pGamePlayer->SendPacket( &Msg ) ; g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "WGRetUserDataHandler::Execute(ret=%d) GUID=%X SceneID=%d Pos=(%.2f,%.2f)...OK ", pPacket->GetReturn(), pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID, sceneid, enterpos.m_fX, enterpos.m_fZ ) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } break ; case UDR_USERDATALIVING: { //取得已经用户此GUID数据的Obj_Human信息 Obj_Human* pOldHuman = (Obj_Human*)(g_pGUIDManager->Get(pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID)) ; if( pOldHuman==NULL ) { GWNotifyUser* pMsg = (GWNotifyUser*)(g_pPacketFactoryManager->CreatePacket(PACKET_GW_NOTIFYUSER)) ; pMsg->SetGUID( pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID ) ; pMsg->SetPlayerID( -1 ) ; pMsg->SetStatus( GWNotifyUser::NUS_NEED_WORLD_KICK ) ; g_pServerManager->SendPacket( pMsg, INVALID_ID ) ; g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "ERROR:WGRetUserDataHandler::Execute Cannot find HumanData (GUID=%X)", pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID ) ; return PACKET_EXE_ERROR ; } //取得拥有此GUID的Obj_Human所在的场景指针 Scene* pScene = pOldHuman->getScene() ; if( pScene==NULL ) { GamePlayer* pOldPlayer = (GamePlayer*)(pOldHuman->GetPlayer()) ; if( pOldPlayer && pOldPlayer->GetPlayerStatus()==PS_SERVER_ENTER_RECYCLE ) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "ERROR:WGRetUserDataHandler::Execute PS_SERVER_ENTER_RECYCLE (GUID=%X)", pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID ) ; } else { GWNotifyUser* pMsg = (GWNotifyUser*)(g_pPacketFactoryManager->CreatePacket(PACKET_GW_NOTIFYUSER)) ; pMsg->SetGUID( pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID ) ; pMsg->SetPlayerID( -1 ) ; pMsg->SetStatus( GWNotifyUser::NUS_NEED_WORLD_KICK ) ; g_pServerManager->SendPacket( pMsg, INVALID_ID ) ; g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "ERROR:WGRetUserDataHandler::Execute Scene==NULL (GUID=%X)", pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID ) ; } return PACKET_EXE_ERROR ; } INT nStatus = ((GamePlayer*)(pOldHuman->GetPlayer()))->GetPlayerStatus() ; if( nStatus != PS_SERVER_NORMAL ) { GWNotifyUser* pMsg = (GWNotifyUser*)(g_pPacketFactoryManager->CreatePacket(PACKET_GW_NOTIFYUSER)) ; pMsg->SetGUID( pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID ) ; pMsg->SetPlayerID( -1 ) ; pMsg->SetStatus( GWNotifyUser::NUS_NEED_WORLD_KICK ) ; g_pServerManager->SendPacket( pMsg, INVALID_ID ) ; g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "ERROR:WGRetUserDataHandler::Execute GetPlayerStatus() != PS_SERVER_NORMAL (GUID=%X Status=%d)", pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID, nStatus ) ; ((GamePlayer*)(pOldHuman->GetPlayer()))->SetPlayerStatus(PS_SERVER_ANOTHER_GUID_ALSO_KICK) ; //向此场景发送当前消息 pScene->SendPacket( pPacket, pOldHuman->GetPlayerID() ) ; return PACKET_EXE_NOTREMOVE_ERROR ; } ((GamePlayer*)(pOldHuman->GetPlayer()))->SetPlayerStatus(PS_SERVER_ANOTHER_GUID_ENTER) ; //向此场景发送当前消息 pScene->SendPacket( pPacket, pOldHuman->GetPlayerID() ) ; g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "WGRetUserDataHandler::Execute(ret=%d) UDR_USERDATALIVING GUID=%X SceneID=%d ...OK ", pPacket->GetReturn(), pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID, pScene->SceneID() ) ; return PACKET_EXE_NOTREMOVE ; } break ; case UDR_USERSERVERCRASH: //取消对Server Crash 情况处理 { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "ERROR:WGRetUserDataHandler::Execute UDR_USERSERVERCRASH(PID=%d, GUID=%X)", pPacket->GetPlayerID(), pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID ) ; return PACKET_EXE_ERROR ; } break; case UDR_KEYERROR: { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "ERROR:WGRetUserDataHandler::Execute UDR_KEYERROR(PID=%d, GUID=%X)", pPacket->GetPlayerID(), pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID ) ; return PACKET_EXE_ERROR ; } break ; default : { Assert(FALSE) ; } break ; } } else if( pGamePlayer->GetPlayerStatus()==PS_SERVER_ANOTHER_GUID_ENTER ) {//旧的玩家所在的场景来执行 Scene Obj_Human* pHuman = pGamePlayer->GetHuman() ; Assert( pHuman ) ; Scene* pScene = pHuman->getScene() ; if( pScene==NULL ) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "ERROR WGRetUserDataHandler::Scene==NULL(ret=%d) GUID=%X", pPacket->GetReturn(), pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } //检测执行线程的数据是否正确 Assert( MyGetCurrentThreadID()==pScene->m_ThreadID ) ; GamePlayer* pNewPlayer = g_pPlayerPool->GetPlayer( pPacket->GetPlayerID() ) ; Assert( pNewPlayer ) ; Obj_Human* pNewHuman = pNewPlayer->GetHuman() ; Assert( pNewHuman ) ; {//重设消息数据 pPacket->SetReturn( UDR_USERDATA ) ; FULLUSERDATA* pData = pPacket->GetUserData() ; memcpy( &(pData->m_Human), pHuman->GetDB()->GetHumanDB(), sizeof(_HUMAN_DB_LOAD) ) ; memcpy( &(pData->m_Equip), pHuman->GetDB()->GetEquipDB(), sizeof(_EQUIP_DB_LOAD) ) ; memcpy( &(pData->m_Bag), pHuman->GetDB()->GetBag(), sizeof(_BAG_DB_LOAD) ) ; memcpy( &(pData->m_Bank), pHuman->GetDB()->GetBankDB(), sizeof(_BANK_DB_LOAD) ) ; memcpy( &(pData->m_Skill), pHuman->GetDB()->GetSkillDB(), sizeof(_SKILL_DB_LOAD) ) ; memcpy( &(pData->m_Cooldown), pHuman->GetDB()->GetCooldownDB(), sizeof(_COOLDOWN_DB_LOAD_FOR_HUMAN) ) ; memcpy( &(pData->m_XinFa), pHuman->GetDB()->GetXinFaDB(), sizeof(_XINFA_DB_LOAD) ) ; memcpy( &(pData->m_Impact), pHuman->GetDB()->GetImpactDB(), sizeof(_IMPACT_DB_LOAD) ) ; memcpy( &(pData->m_Ability), pHuman->GetDB()->GetAbilityDB(), sizeof(_ABILITY_DB_LOAD) ) ; memcpy( &(pData->m_Mission), pHuman->GetDB()->GetMissionDB(), sizeof(_MISSION_DB_LOAD) ) ; memcpy( &(pData->m_Setting), pHuman->GetDB()->GetSettingDB(), sizeof(_SETTING_DB_LOAD) ) ; memcpy( &(pData->m_PetList), pHuman->GetDB()->m_dbPetList, sizeof(_PET_DB_LIST_LOAD) ) ; memcpy( &(pData->m_Relation), pHuman->GetDB()->GetRelationDB(), sizeof(_RELATION_DB_LOAD) ) ; memcpy( &(pData->m_PrivateInfo), pHuman->GetDB()->GetPrivateInfoDB(), sizeof(_PRIVATE_INFO_DB_LOAD) ) ; // pData->m_bIsPasswdUnlock = pHuman->__IsPasswordUnlock(); // 此时不予设置 } pGamePlayer->SetDirty( TRUE ) ; g_pIncomingPlayerManager->SendPacket( pPacket, pNewPlayer->PlayerID() ) ; g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "WGRetUserDataHandler::Execute(ret=%d) GUID=%X SceneID=%d IncomingPlayerManager...OK ", pPacket->GetReturn(), pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID, pScene->SceneID() ) ; return PACKET_EXE_NOTREMOVE_ERROR ; } else if( pGamePlayer->GetPlayerStatus()==PS_SERVER_ANOTHER_GUID_ALSO_KICK ) { Obj_Human* pHuman = pGamePlayer->GetHuman() ; Assert( pHuman ) ; Scene* pScene = pHuman->getScene() ; if( pScene==NULL ) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "ERROR WGRetUserDataHandler::Scene==NULL(statuc=%d) GUID=%X", PS_SERVER_ANOTHER_GUID_ALSO_KICK, pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } //检测执行线程的数据是否正确 Assert( MyGetCurrentThreadID()==pScene->m_ThreadID ) ; g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "WGRetUserDataHandler::Execute(status=%d) GUID=%X SceneID=%d Kickout OldHuman...OK ", PS_SERVER_ANOTHER_GUID_ALSO_KICK, pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID, pScene->SceneID() ) ; return PACKET_EXE_ERROR ; } __LEAVE_FUNCTION return PACKET_EXE_ERROR ; }
// PathIntegrator Method Definitions Spectrum PathIntegrator::Li(const RayDifferential &r, const Scene &scene, Sampler &sampler, MemoryArena &arena, int depth) const { ProfilePhase p(Prof::SamplerIntegratorLi); Spectrum L(0.f), alpha(1.f); RayDifferential ray(r); bool specularBounce = false; for (int bounces = 0;; ++bounces) { // Find next path vertex and accumulate contribution // Store intersection into _isect_ SurfaceInteraction isect; bool foundIntersection = scene.Intersect(ray, &isect); // Possibly add emitted light and terminate if (bounces == 0 || specularBounce) { // Add emitted light at path vertex or from the environment if (foundIntersection) L += alpha * isect.Le(-ray.d); else for (const auto &light : scene.lights) L += alpha * light->Le(ray); } if (!foundIntersection || bounces >= maxDepth) break; // Compute scattering functions and skip over medium boundaries isect.ComputeScatteringFunctions(ray, arena, true); if (!isect.bsdf) { ray = isect.SpawnRay(ray.d); bounces--; continue; } // Sample illumination from lights to find path contribution L += alpha * UniformSampleOneLight(isect, scene, sampler, arena); // Sample BSDF to get new path direction Vector3f wo = -ray.d, wi; Float pdf; BxDFType flags; Spectrum f = isect.bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, sampler.Get2D(), &pdf, BSDF_ALL, &flags); if (f.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.f) break; alpha *= f * AbsDot(wi, isect.shading.n) / pdf; Assert(std::isinf(alpha.y()) == false); specularBounce = (flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0; ray = isect.SpawnRay(wi); // Account for subsurface scattering, if applicable if (isect.bssrdf && (flags & BSDF_TRANSMISSION)) { // Importance sample the BSSRDF SurfaceInteraction pi; Spectrum S = isect.bssrdf->Sample_S( scene, sampler.Get1D(), sampler.Get2D(), arena, &pi, &pdf); #ifndef NDEBUG Assert(std::isinf(alpha.y()) == false); #endif if (S.IsBlack() || pdf == 0) break; alpha *= S / pdf; // Account for the direct subsurface scattering component L += alpha * UniformSampleOneLight(pi, scene, sampler, arena); // Account for the indirect subsurface scattering component Spectrum f = pi.bsdf->Sample_f(pi.wo, &wi, sampler.Get2D(), &pdf, BSDF_ALL, &flags); if (f.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.f) break; alpha *= f * AbsDot(wi, pi.shading.n) / pdf; #ifndef NDEBUG Assert(std::isinf(alpha.y()) == false); #endif specularBounce = (flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0; ray = pi.SpawnRay(wi); } // Possibly terminate the path if (bounces > 3) { Float continueProbability = std::min((Float).5, alpha.y()); if (sampler.Get1D() > continueProbability) break; alpha /= continueProbability; Assert(std::isinf(alpha.y()) == false); } } return L; }
// Calculate a target zoom level for display int targetZoomLevel(ViewState *viewState) { if (!viewState || !renderer || !scene) return minZoom; Point2f frameSize = renderer->getFramebufferSize(); CoordSystemDisplayAdapter *coordAdapter = scene->getCoordAdapter(); int zoomLevel = 0; // Start with the center (where we're looking) in model coordinates WhirlyKit::Point3d centerInModel = viewState->eyePos; // The coordinate adapter might have its own center Point3d adaptCenter = scene->getCoordAdapter()->getCenter(); centerInModel += adaptCenter; if (!scene->getCoordAdapter()->isFlat()) centerInModel.normalize(); // Convert from model coordinates to the coord adapters local coordinates Point3d localPt = scene->getCoordAdapter()->displayToLocal(centerInModel); // Now convert into our coordinate system Point3d ourCenter = CoordSystemConvert3d(scene->getCoordAdapter()->getCoordSystem(), coordSys, localPt); Point2f ourCenter2d(ourCenter.x(),ourCenter.y()); while (zoomLevel <= maxZoom) { WhirlyKit::Quadtree::Identifier ident; ident.x = 0; ident.y = 0; ident.level = zoomLevel; // Make an MBR right in the middle of where we're looking Mbr mbr = control->getQuadtree()->generateMbrForNode(ident); Point2f span = mbr.ur()-mbr.ll(); mbr.ll() = ourCenter2d - span/2.0; mbr.ur() = ourCenter2d + span/2.0; // If that MBR is pushing the north or south boundaries, let's adjust it Mbr quadTreeMbr = control->getQuadtree()->getMbr(); if (mbr.ur().y() > quadTreeMbr.ur().y()) { double dy = mbr.ur().y() - quadTreeMbr.ur().y(); mbr.ur().y() -= dy; mbr.ll().y() -= dy; } else if (mbr.ll().y() < quadTreeMbr.ll().y()) { double dy = quadTreeMbr.ll().y() - mbr.ll().y(); mbr.ur().y() += dy; mbr.ll().y() += dy; } // Also the east and west boundaries if (mbr.ur().x() > quadTreeMbr.ur().x()) { double dx = mbr.ur().x() - quadTreeMbr.ur().x(); mbr.ur().x() -= dx; mbr.ll().x() -= dx; } else if (mbr.ll().x() < quadTreeMbr.ll().x()) { double dx = quadTreeMbr.ll().x() - mbr.ll().x(); mbr.ur().x() += dx; mbr.ll().x() += dx; } Dictionary attrs; float import = ScreenImportance(viewState, frameSize, viewState->eyeVec, 1, coordSys, scene->getCoordAdapter(), mbr, ident, &attrs); if (import <= shortCircuitImportance/(importanceScale*importanceScale)) { zoomLevel--; break; } zoomLevel++; } return std::min(zoomLevel,maxZoom); }
UINT CGCharMoveHandler::Execute( CGCharMove* pPacket, Player* pPlayer ) { __ENTER_FUNCTION GamePlayer* pGamePlayer = (GamePlayer*)pPlayer ; if ( pGamePlayer == NULL ) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGCharMoveHandler: Error (pGamePlayer == NULL) " ) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } Obj_Human* pHuman = pGamePlayer->GetHuman() ; if ( pHuman == NULL ) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGCharMoveHandler: Error (pHuman == NULL) " ) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } Scene* pScene = pHuman->getScene() ; if ( pScene == NULL ) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGCharMoveHandler: Error Obj = %d (pScene == NULL) ", pHuman->GetID() ) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } //检查线程执行资源是否正确 Assert( MyGetCurrentThreadID()==pScene->m_ThreadID ) ; if ( MyGetCurrentThreadID() != pScene->m_ThreadID ) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGCharMoveHandler: Error Obj = %d (MyGetCurrentThreadID() != pScene->m_ThreadID) ", pHuman->GetID() ) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } const WORLD_POS* pCur = pHuman->getWorldPos(); WORLD_POS posCur = *pCur; pScene->GetMap()->VerifyPos( &posCur ) ; if(pHuman->m_StallBox.GetStallStatus() == ServerStallBox::STALL_OPEN) {//摆摊中 GCCharMoveResult msgResult; msgResult.setResult(OR_CAN_NOT_MOVE_STALL_OPEN); msgResult.setHandleID(pPacket->getHandleID()); pGamePlayer->SendPacket( &msgResult ) ; g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGCharMoveHandler::摆摊中") ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } ObjID_t ObjID = pHuman->GetID() ; INT nHandleID = pPacket->getHandleID(); WORLD_POS CurPos = *pHuman->getWorldPos() ; WORD wNumPathNode = (WORD)(pPacket->getNumTargetPos()); WORLD_POS *paTarPos = (WORLD_POS *)pPacket->getTargetPos() ; ORESULT oResult = pHuman->GetHumanAI()->PushCommand_Move( nHandleID, wNumPathNode, paTarPos, TRUE ); if ( OR_FAILED( oResult ) ) { GCCharMoveResult msgResult; msgResult.setResult(oResult); msgResult.setHandleID(pPacket->getHandleID()); if( oResult == OR_CUT_PATHROUTE && wNumPathNode > 0 ) { for(WORD w = 0; w < wNumPathNode; w ++ ) { msgResult.addTargetPos(paTarPos+w); } } else { pHuman->GetHumanAI()->PushCommand_Idle( ) ; pHuman->Teleport( &posCur ) ; } pGamePlayer->SendPacket( &msgResult ) ; } if ( wNumPathNode > 0 ) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGCharMoveHandler::ObjID=%d X=%f Y=%f", ObjID, paTarPos[wNumPathNode-1].m_fX, paTarPos[wNumPathNode-1].m_fZ ) ; } else { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGCharMoveHandler::ObjID=%d , no target pos", ObjID ) ; } return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; __LEAVE_FUNCTION return PACKET_EXE_ERROR ; }
bool SceneConverter::convert() { // // Construt the scene // FbxNode *node = m_scene->GetRootNode(); std::list<FbxNode *> nodes; std::map<FbxNode *, SceneNode *> fbxNode2SceneNodes; Scene scene; nodes.push_back(node); SceneNode *sceneNode = makeSceneNode(node); scene.addNode(sceneNode); fbxNode2SceneNodes.insert(std::make_pair(node, sceneNode)); while (!nodes.empty()) { FbxNode *ret = nodes.front(); nodes.pop_front(); for (int i = 0; i < ret->GetChildCount(); i++) { FbxNode *child = ret->GetChild(i); // Only output visible nodes. if (child->GetVisibility() && child->Show.Get()) { SceneNode *sceneNode = makeSceneNode(child); if (sceneNode != NULL) { if (sceneNode->type == "camera") { // The first camera will be the main camera of the scene scene.setCamera(sceneNode); } scene.addNode(sceneNode, fbxNode2SceneNodes[ret]); fbxNode2SceneNodes.insert(std::make_pair(child, sceneNode)); } nodes.push_back(child); } } } // Create a camera if it is not included in FBX. The camera is evaluated // using the bounding box of all visible nodes. if (m_numCameras == 0) { FbxVector4 rootBboxMin; FbxVector4 rootBboxMax; FbxVector4 rootBboxCenter; rootBboxMin = FbxVector4(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX); rootBboxMax = FbxVector4(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); FbxNode *node = m_scene->GetRootNode(); nodes.push_back(node); while (!nodes.empty()) { FbxNode *ret = nodes.front(); nodes.pop_front(); for (int i = 0; i < ret->GetChildCount(); i++) { FbxNode *child = ret->GetChild(i); nodes.push_back(child); } if (ret->GetChildCount() == 0 && ret->GetVisibility() && ret->Show.Get() && ret->GetMesh() != NULL) { FbxVector4 bboxMin; FbxVector4 bboxMax; FbxVector4 bboxCenter; ret->EvaluateGlobalBoundingBoxMinMaxCenter(bboxMin, bboxMax, bboxCenter); rootBboxMin[0] = std::min(rootBboxMin[0], bboxMin[0]); rootBboxMin[1] = std::min(rootBboxMin[1], bboxMin[1]); rootBboxMin[2] = std::min(rootBboxMin[2], bboxMin[2]); rootBboxMax[0] = std::max(rootBboxMax[0], bboxMax[0]); rootBboxMax[1] = std::max(rootBboxMax[1], bboxMax[1]); rootBboxMax[2] = std::max(rootBboxMax[2], bboxMax[2]); } } rootBboxCenter = (rootBboxMin + rootBboxMax) / 2; FbxVector4 rootBboxSize = rootBboxMax - rootBboxMin; SceneNode *sceneNode = new SceneNode(); sceneNode->type = FbxString("camera"); sceneNode->attributes.push_back(std::make_pair(FbxString("name"), FbxString("camera"))); sceneNode->attributes.push_back(std::make_pair(FbxString("fixed"), FbxString("true"))); double diag = sqrt(rootBboxSize[0] * rootBboxSize[0] + rootBboxSize[1] * rootBboxSize[1] + rootBboxSize[2] * rootBboxSize[2]) * 0.5; double eye = diag / tan(15.0 * FBXSDK_PI_DIV_180); double position[3]; double up[3]; double znear; double zfar; znear = eye - diag - 1.0f; zfar = eye + diag + 1.0f; if (rootBboxSize[0] <= rootBboxSize[1] && rootBboxSize[0] <= rootBboxSize[2]) { position[0] = eye + rootBboxCenter[0]; position[1] = rootBboxCenter[1]; position[2] = rootBboxCenter[2]; up[0] = 0; up[1] = 1; up[2] = 0; } else if (rootBboxSize[1] <= rootBboxSize[0] && rootBboxSize[1] <= rootBboxSize[2]) { position[0] = rootBboxCenter[0]; position[1] = eye + rootBboxCenter[1]; position[2] = rootBboxCenter[2]; up[0] = 0; up[1] = 0; up[2] = 1; } else { position[0] = rootBboxCenter[0]; position[1] = rootBboxCenter[1]; position[2] = eye + rootBboxCenter[2]; up[0] = 0; up[1] = 1; up[2] = 0; } char lookat[1024]; char perspective[1024]; FBXSDK_sprintf(lookat, 1024, "eye:%8.5f,%8.5f,%8.5f,center:%8.5f,%8.5f,%8.5f,up:%8.5f,%8.5f,%8.5f", (float)position[0], (float)position[1], (float)position[2], (float)rootBboxCenter[0], (float)rootBboxCenter[1], (float)rootBboxCenter[2], (float)up[0], (float)up[1], (float)up[2]); sceneNode->attributes.push_back(std::make_pair(FbxString("lookat"), FbxString(lookat))); FBXSDK_sprintf(perspective, 1024, "perspective,fov:%8.5f,aspect:-1,znear:%8.5f,zfar:%8.5f", 30.0f, (float)znear, (float)zfar); sceneNode->attributes.push_back(std::make_pair(FbxString("projection"), FbxString(perspective))); scene.setCamera(sceneNode); scene.addNode(sceneNode, scene.root()); } // // Output the file. // //FbxString outputFilename = FbxPathUtils::GetFileName(m_arguments->FBXFileName.Buffer()).Lower(); //outputFilename.FindAndReplace(".fbx", ".psc"); FbxString outputFilename("scene.psc"); FbxString path = FbxPathUtils::Bind(m_arguments->outputFolder, outputFilename.Buffer()); bool ret = scene.output(path.Buffer()); if (!ret) { FBXSDK_printf("Exporting failed!\n\n"); } return ret; }
// return true to retry later (e.g. after display lost) static bool MainLoop(bool retryCreate) { TextureBuffer * eyeRenderTexture[2] = { nullptr, nullptr }; DepthBuffer * eyeDepthBuffer[2] = { nullptr, nullptr }; ovrMirrorTexture mirrorTexture = nullptr; GLuint mirrorFBO = 0; Scene * roomScene = nullptr; bool isVisible = true; long long frameIndex = 0; ovrSession session; ovrGraphicsLuid luid; ovrResult result = ovr_Create(&session, &luid); if (!OVR_SUCCESS(result)) return retryCreate; ovrHmdDesc hmdDesc = ovr_GetHmdDesc(session); // Setup Window and Graphics // Note: the mirror window can be any size, for this sample we use 1/2 the HMD resolution ovrSizei windowSize = { hmdDesc.Resolution.w / 2, hmdDesc.Resolution.h / 2 }; if (!Platform.InitDevice(windowSize.w, windowSize.h, reinterpret_cast<LUID*>(&luid))) goto Done; // Make eye render buffers for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye) { ovrSizei idealTextureSize = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEyeType(eye), hmdDesc.DefaultEyeFov[eye], 1); eyeRenderTexture[eye] = new TextureBuffer(session, true, true, idealTextureSize, 1, NULL, 1); eyeDepthBuffer[eye] = new DepthBuffer(eyeRenderTexture[eye]->GetSize(), 0); if (!eyeRenderTexture[eye]->TextureChain) { if (retryCreate) goto Done; VALIDATE(false, "Failed to create texture."); } } ovrMirrorTextureDesc desc; memset(&desc, 0, sizeof(desc)); desc.Width = windowSize.w; desc.Height = windowSize.h; desc.Format = OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB; // Create mirror texture and an FBO used to copy mirror texture to back buffer result = ovr_CreateMirrorTextureGL(session, &desc, &mirrorTexture); if (!OVR_SUCCESS(result)) { if (retryCreate) goto Done; VALIDATE(false, "Failed to create mirror texture."); } // Configure the mirror read buffer GLuint texId; ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferGL(session, mirrorTexture, &texId); glGenFramebuffers(1, &mirrorFBO); glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, mirrorFBO); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId, 0); glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); // Turn off vsync to let the compositor do its magic wglSwapIntervalEXT(0); // Make scene - can simplify further if needed roomScene = new Scene(false); // FloorLevel will give tracking poses where the floor height is 0 ovr_SetTrackingOriginType(session, ovrTrackingOrigin_FloorLevel); // Main loop while (Platform.HandleMessages()) { // Keyboard inputs to adjust player orientation static float Yaw(3.141592f); if (Platform.Key[VK_LEFT]) Yaw += 0.02f; if (Platform.Key[VK_RIGHT]) Yaw -= 0.02f; // Keyboard inputs to adjust player position static Vector3f Pos2(0.0f,0.0f,-5.0f); if (Platform.Key['W']||Platform.Key[VK_UP]) Pos2+=Matrix4f::RotationY(Yaw).Transform(Vector3f(0,0,-0.05f)); if (Platform.Key['S']||Platform.Key[VK_DOWN]) Pos2+=Matrix4f::RotationY(Yaw).Transform(Vector3f(0,0,+0.05f)); if (Platform.Key['D']) Pos2+=Matrix4f::RotationY(Yaw).Transform(Vector3f(+0.05f,0,0)); if (Platform.Key['A']) Pos2+=Matrix4f::RotationY(Yaw).Transform(Vector3f(-0.05f,0,0)); // Animate the cube static float cubeClock = 0; roomScene->Models[0]->Pos = Vector3f(9 * (float)sin(cubeClock), 3, 9 * (float)cos(cubeClock += 0.015f)); // Call ovr_GetRenderDesc each frame to get the ovrEyeRenderDesc, as the returned values (e.g. HmdToEyeOffset) may change at runtime. ovrEyeRenderDesc eyeRenderDesc[2]; eyeRenderDesc[0] = ovr_GetRenderDesc(session, ovrEye_Left, hmdDesc.DefaultEyeFov[0]); eyeRenderDesc[1] = ovr_GetRenderDesc(session, ovrEye_Right, hmdDesc.DefaultEyeFov[1]); // Get eye poses, feeding in correct IPD offset ovrPosef EyeRenderPose[2]; ovrVector3f HmdToEyeOffset[2] = { eyeRenderDesc[0].HmdToEyeOffset, eyeRenderDesc[1].HmdToEyeOffset }; double sensorSampleTime; // sensorSampleTime is fed into the layer later ovr_GetEyePoses(session, frameIndex, ovrTrue, HmdToEyeOffset, EyeRenderPose, &sensorSampleTime); if (isVisible) { for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye) { // Switch to eye render target eyeRenderTexture[eye]->SetAndClearRenderSurface(eyeDepthBuffer[eye]); // Get view and projection matrices Matrix4f rollPitchYaw = Matrix4f::RotationY(Yaw); Matrix4f finalRollPitchYaw = rollPitchYaw * Matrix4f(EyeRenderPose[eye].Orientation); Vector3f finalUp = finalRollPitchYaw.Transform(Vector3f(0, 1, 0)); Vector3f finalForward = finalRollPitchYaw.Transform(Vector3f(0, 0, -1)); Vector3f shiftedEyePos = Pos2 + rollPitchYaw.Transform(EyeRenderPose[eye].Position); Matrix4f view = Matrix4f::LookAtRH(shiftedEyePos, shiftedEyePos + finalForward, finalUp); Matrix4f proj = ovrMatrix4f_Projection(hmdDesc.DefaultEyeFov[eye], 0.2f, 1000.0f, ovrProjection_None); // Render world roomScene->Render(view, proj); // Avoids an error when calling SetAndClearRenderSurface during next iteration. // Without this, during the next while loop iteration SetAndClearRenderSurface // would bind a framebuffer with an invalid COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 because the texture ID // associated with COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 had been unlocked by calling wglDXUnlockObjectsNV. eyeRenderTexture[eye]->UnsetRenderSurface(); // Commit changes to the textures so they get picked up frame eyeRenderTexture[eye]->Commit(); } } // Do distortion rendering, Present and flush/sync ovrLayerEyeFov ld; ld.Header.Type = ovrLayerType_EyeFov; ld.Header.Flags = ovrLayerFlag_TextureOriginAtBottomLeft; // Because OpenGL. for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye) { ld.ColorTexture[eye] = eyeRenderTexture[eye]->TextureChain; ld.Viewport[eye] = Recti(eyeRenderTexture[eye]->GetSize()); ld.Fov[eye] = hmdDesc.DefaultEyeFov[eye]; ld.RenderPose[eye] = EyeRenderPose[eye]; ld.SensorSampleTime = sensorSampleTime; } ovrLayerHeader* layers = &ld.Header; ovrResult result = ovr_SubmitFrame(session, frameIndex, nullptr, &layers, 1); // exit the rendering loop if submit returns an error, will retry on ovrError_DisplayLost if (!OVR_SUCCESS(result)) goto Done; isVisible = (result == ovrSuccess); ovrSessionStatus sessionStatus; ovr_GetSessionStatus(session, &sessionStatus); if (sessionStatus.ShouldQuit) { OutputDebugString( "ShouldQuit\n" ); goto Done; } if (sessionStatus.ShouldRecenter) { OutputDebugString( "ShouldRecenter\n" ); ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin(session); } // Blit mirror texture to back buffer glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, mirrorFBO); glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); GLint w = windowSize.w; GLint h = windowSize.h; glBlitFramebuffer(0, h, w, 0, 0, 0, w, h, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST); glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); SwapBuffers(Platform.hDC); frameIndex++; } Done: delete roomScene; if (mirrorFBO) glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &mirrorFBO); if (mirrorTexture) ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture(session, mirrorTexture); for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye) { delete eyeRenderTexture[eye]; delete eyeDepthBuffer[eye]; } Platform.ReleaseDevice(); ovr_Destroy(session); // Retry on ovrError_DisplayLost return retryCreate || OVR_SUCCESS(result) || (result == ovrError_DisplayLost); }
void InputTestApp::OnIdle() { double curtime = pPlatform->GetAppTime(); time_t t = time(0); // get time now struct tm * now = localtime(&t); // float dt = float(LastUpdate - curtime); LastUpdate = curtime; if (pBox) { Vector3f acceldata = SFusion.GetAcceleration(); Vector3f gyrodata = SFusion.GetAngularVelocity(); Vector3f magdata = SFusion.GetMagnetometer(); Quatf q = SFusion.GetOrientation(); pBox->SetOrientation(q); //fstream outFile; //"C://Users//Barrett//Documents//oculus_sensor_data.txt"); // Output the sensor data to the text file ofstream outFile("C://Users//Barrett//Documents//oculus_sensor_data.csv", ios::app); outFile << \ now->tm_sec << "," << \ curtime << "," << \ acceldata.x << "," << acceldata.y << "," << acceldata.z << "," << \ gyrodata.x << "," << gyrodata.y << "," << gyrodata.z << "," << \ magdata.x << "," << magdata.y << "," << magdata.z << "," << \ q.x << "," << q.y << "," << q.z << q.w << "\n"; // Test Euler conversion, alternative to the above: // Vector3f euler; // SFusion.GetOrientation().GetEulerABC<Axis_Y, Axis_X, Axis_Z, Rotate_CCW, Handed_R>(&euler.y, &euler.x, &euler.z); // Matrix4f mat = Matrix4f::RotationY(euler.y) * Matrix4f::RotationX(euler.x) * Matrix4f::RotationZ(euler.z); // pBox->SetMatrix(mat); // Update titlebar every 20th of a second. if ((curtime - LastTitleUpdate) > 0.05f) { char titleBuffer[512]; SensorDevice::CoordinateFrame coord = SensorDevice::Coord_Sensor; if (pSensor) coord = pSensor->GetCoordinateFrame(); OVR_sprintf(titleBuffer, 512, "OVR SensorBox %s %s Ang: %0.3f", (SFusion.IsGravityEnabled() ? "" : "[Grav Off]"), (coord == SensorDevice::Coord_HMD) ? "[HMD Coord]" : "", CalcDownAngleDegrees(q)); pPlatform->SetWindowTitle(titleBuffer); LastTitleUpdate = curtime; } } if (pBox2) { pBox2->SetOrientation(SFusion2.GetOrientation()); } // Render int w, h; pPlatform->GetWindowSize(&w, &h); pRender->SetViewport(0, 0, w, h); pRender->Clear(); pRender->BeginScene(); pRender->SetProjection(Proj); pRender->SetDepthMode(1,1); Sc.Render(pRender, View); pRender->Present(); }
UINT WGCallOfHumanHandler::Execute( WGCallOfHuman* pPacket, Player* pPlayer ) { __ENTER_FUNCTION PlayerID_t PlayerID = pPacket->GetCallOfTargetPlayerID(); GamePlayer* pGamePlayer = g_pPlayerPool->GetPlayer(PlayerID); if( pGamePlayer==NULL ) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_3, "WGCallOfHumanHandler::Execute pGamePlayer==NULL" ); return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; } if (pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID != pPacket->GetGUID()) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_3, "WGCallOfHumanHandler::Execute pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID[%d] != pPacket->GetGUID()[%d]",pGamePlayer->m_HumanGUID, pPacket->GetGUID()); return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; } Obj_Human* pHuman = pGamePlayer->GetHuman(); Assert( pHuman ); Scene* pScene = pHuman->getScene(); if( pScene==NULL ) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_3, "WGCallOfHumanHandler::Execute pHuman->getScene() == NULL" ); return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; } if( pPlayer->IsServerPlayer() ) {//服务器收到世界服务器发来的数据 Assert( MyGetCurrentThreadID()==g_pServerManager->m_ThreadID ); pScene->SendPacket( pPacket, PlayerID ); g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "WGCallOfHumanHandler: CallerGUID=%u, SceneID=%d, Pos=%f,%f, Duration=%u", pPacket->GetCallOfInfo()->m_guidCaller, pPacket->GetCallOfInfo()->m_SceneID, pPacket->GetCallOfInfo()->m_Pos.m_fX, pPacket->GetCallOfInfo()->m_Pos.m_fZ, pPacket->GetCallOfInfo()->m_uDuration); return PACKET_EXE_NOTREMOVE; } else if( pPlayer->IsGamePlayer() ) {//场景收到Cache里的消息 if(MyGetCurrentThreadID()!=pScene->m_ThreadID) { Assert( FALSE && "WGCallOfHumanHandler::Execute MyGetCurrentThreadID()!=pScene->m_ThreadID"); return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; } const _CALLOF_INFO *pCallOfInfo = pPacket->GetCallOfInfo(); pHuman->SetCallOfInfo(pCallOfInfo); g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "WGCallOfHumanHandler: CallerGUID=%u, SceneID=%d, Pos=%f,%f, Duration=%u", pPacket->GetCallOfInfo()->m_guidCaller, pPacket->GetCallOfInfo()->m_SceneID, pPacket->GetCallOfInfo()->m_Pos.m_fX, pPacket->GetCallOfInfo()->m_Pos.m_fZ, pPacket->GetCallOfInfo()->m_uDuration); return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } else { Assert(FALSE && "WGCallOfHumanHandler::Execute (!pPlayer->IsServerPlayer() && !pPlayer->IsGamePlayer())"); } return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; __LEAVE_FUNCTION return PACKET_EXE_ERROR ; }
Scene* createScene() { Scene* scene = new Scene(100); scene->addObject(new Sphere(Point(0, 7, 2), 1, RGB(1, 0.3, 0.3))); scene->addObject(new Sphere(Point(-3, 11, -2), 2, RGB(0.3, 0.3, 1))); scene->addObject(new Sphere(Point(0, 8, -2), 1, RGB(0.3, 1, 0.3))); scene->addObject(new Sphere(Point(1.5, 7, 0.5), 1, RGB(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))); scene->addObject(new Sphere(Point(-2, 6, 1), 0.7, RGB(0.3, 1, 1))); scene->addObject(new Sphere(Point(2.2, 8, 0), 1, RGB(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))); scene->addObject(new Sphere(Point(4, 10, 1), 0.7, RGB(0.3, 0.3, 1))); scene->addLight(new Light(Point(-15, -15, 0), RGB(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))); scene->addLight(new Light(Point(1, 0, 1), RGB(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))); scene->addLight(new Light(Point(0, 6, -10), RGB(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))); return scene; }
void init(int argc, char** argv) { Display* disp; int width; int height; PNG_Reader P; int i; BMP_Loader B; JPEG_Loader J; Scene* scene; struct tex* t; scene = Scene::GetInstance(); i = 2; disp = Display::GetInstance(); width = disp->screen_width; height = disp->screen_height; glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH); glutInitWindowSize(800, 800); glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0); glutCreateWindow("Bviewer"); glutDisplayFunc(display); glutIdleFunc(display); glutReshapeFunc(resize); glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard); glutSpecialFunc(keyboard_s); glutMotionFunc(mouse); glutMouseFunc(callback); atexit(exit); glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); glViewport(0, 0, width, height); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluPerspective(45.0f, (GLfloat)width / (GLfloat)height, 1.0f, 10000.0f); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); while (i < argc) { t = new tex(); t->name = strdup(argv[i]); t->id = P.loadPNGTexture(argv[i]); if (t->id == -1) { t->id = B.Read(argv[i]); if (t->id == -1) { t->id = J.Load_JPEG(argv[i]); if (t->id != -1) scene->Add_Texture(t); } else scene->Add_Texture(t); } else scene->Add_Texture(t); i ++; } glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); }
void IntensityGenerator::createScenes() { m_odd = new Scene(m_doc); m_odd->setName("Intensity - Odd"); m_even = new Scene(m_doc); m_even->setName("Intensity - Even"); m_full = new Scene(m_doc); m_full->setName("Intensity - Full"); m_zero = new Scene(m_doc); m_zero->setName("Intensity - Zero"); // Create sequence & random scene lists int i = 0; QListIterator <Fixture*> it(m_fixtures); while (it.hasNext() == true) { Fixture* fxi(; Q_ASSERT(fxi != NULL); Scene* sq = new Scene(m_doc); sq->setName(QString("Intensity - ") + fxi->name()); m_sequence << sq; sq = new Scene(m_doc); sq->setName(QString("Intensity - Random - %1").arg(++i)); m_random << sq; } // Go thru all fixtures for (int i = 0; i < m_fixtures.size(); i++) { Fixture* fxi = m_fixtures[i]; Q_ASSERT(fxi != NULL); // Find such channels from the fixture that belong to the // given channel group. QList <quint32> channels = findChannels(fxi, QLCChannel::Intensity); // Insert values to member scenes for each found channel for (int j = 0; j < channels.size(); j++) { quint32 ch =; const QLCChannel* channel = fxi->channel(ch); Q_ASSERT(channel != NULL); uchar min = 0; uchar max = UCHAR_MAX; int modulo = i; // Find the minimum and maximum intensity values for // the current channel findMinMax(channel, &min, &max); // Set all intensity channels to max in the $full scene m_full->setValue(fxi->id(), ch, max); // Set all intensity channels to min in the $zero scene m_zero->setValue(fxi->id(), ch, min); // Create even & odd values if (fxi->isDimmer() == false) modulo = i; // For each intelligent fixture else modulo = j; // For each dimmer channel if ((modulo % 2) == 0) { m_even->setValue(fxi->id(), ch, max); m_odd->setValue(fxi->id(), ch, min); } else { m_even->setValue(fxi->id(), ch, min); m_odd->setValue(fxi->id(), ch, max); } // Create sequence and random values for (int s = 0; s < m_sequence.size(); s++) { if (s == i) m_sequence[s]->setValue(fxi->id(), ch, max); else m_sequence[s]->setValue(fxi->id(), ch, min); if ((rand() % 2) == 0) m_random[s]->setValue(fxi->id(), ch, max); else m_random[s]->setValue(fxi->id(), ch, min); } } } }
QImage RayTracer::render (const Vec3Df & camPos, const Vec3Df & direction, const Vec3Df & upVector, const Vec3Df & rightVector, float fieldOfView, float aspectRatio, unsigned int screenWidth, unsigned int screenHeight) { QImage image (QSize (screenWidth, screenHeight), QImage::Format_RGB888); Scene * scene = Scene::getInstance (); std::vector<Light> lights = scene->getLights(); Light light = lights[0]; QProgressDialog progressDialog ("Raytracing...", "Cancel", 0, 100); (); //#pragma omp parallel for for (unsigned int i = 0; i < screenWidth; i++) { progressDialog.setValue ((100*i)/screenWidth); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < screenHeight; j++) { float tanX = tan (fieldOfView)*aspectRatio; float tanY = tan (fieldOfView); //Nombre de découpe par dimension du pixel (Antialiasing) int aliaNb = 2; if(!activeAA) aliaNb=1; aliaNb++; Vec3Df c (backgroundColor); Vec3Df tempc(0.,0.,0.); for(int pixi=1; pixi<aliaNb; pixi++){ for(int pixj=1; pixj<aliaNb; pixj++){ Vec3Df stepX = (float (i)-0.5+float(pixi)/float(aliaNb) - screenWidth/2.f)/screenWidth * tanX * rightVector; Vec3Df stepY = (float (j)-0.5+float(pixj)/float(aliaNb) - screenHeight/2.f)/screenHeight * tanY * upVector; Vec3Df step = stepX + stepY; Vec3Df dir = direction + step; dir.normalize (); Vec3Df intersectionPoint; Vec3Df IntersPointNormal; float occlusion; int idObj = getIntersectionPoint(camPos,dir,intersectionPoint,IntersPointNormal,occlusion); if(idObj>=0) { tempc += Brdf(camPos, IntersPointNormal, idObj,intersectionPoint,occlusion,0)/std::pow(aliaNb-1,2); c=tempc; } } } image.setPixel (i, j, qRgb (clamp (c[0], 0, 255), clamp (c[1], 0, 255), clamp (c[2], 0, 255))); } } progressDialog.setValue (100); return image; }
uint CGShopRepairHandler::Execute( CGShopRepair* pPacket, Player* pPlayer ) { __ENTER_FUNCTION GamePlayer* pGamePlayer = (GamePlayer*)pPlayer ; Assert( pGamePlayer ) ; Obj_Human* pHuman = pGamePlayer->GetHuman() ; Assert( pHuman ) ; Scene* pScene = pHuman->getScene() ; if( pScene==NULL ) { Assert(FALSE) ; return PACKET_EXE_ERROR ; } //检查线程执行资源是否正确 Assert( MyGetCurrentThreadID()==pScene->m_ThreadID ) ; BYTE Opt = pPacket->GetOpt(); BOOL RepairAll = pPacket->IsRepairAll(); //修理全部 BYTE BagIndex = pPacket->GetBagIndex(); //包中的位置 UINT UniqueID = pPacket->GetUniqueID(); SceneID_t SceneID = UniqueID>>16; ObjID_t NpcObjID= UniqueID&0x00ff; if(SceneID != pScene->SceneID()) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGShopRepairHandler Illegal scene ObjName = %s", pHuman->GetName()) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } //距离判定 Obj* pNpcObj = (Obj*) (pScene->GetObjManager()->GetObj(NpcObjID)); if(pNpcObj == NULL) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGShopRepairHandler Illegal Obj ObjName = %s", pHuman->GetName()) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } FLOAT fDist = MySqrt(pNpcObj->getWorldPos(), pHuman->getWorldPos()); if(fDist>MAX_NPC_DISTANCE) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGShopRepairHandler Out Of Range ObjName = %s", pHuman->GetName()) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } Item* pCurItem = NULL; INT MoneySpent = 0; INT MoneyLast = 0; INT MoneyHave = pHuman->GetMoney(); INT RepairedIndex = 0; GCShopRepair Msg; GCShopRepair::REPAIRED_ITEM ItemList[MAX_REPAIRED_NUMBER]; _SHOP* pShop = pHuman->Shop( ) ; if(!pShop) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "ERROR:CGShopRepairHandler Npc Shop Lose"); return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; } if(Opt == CGShopRepair::FromBag) { if(RepairAll) { INT nBeginPoint = 0; INT nEndPoint = 0; switch( pShop->m_nRepairType ) { case SHOP_All: { nBeginPoint = HEQUIP_WEAPON; nEndPoint = HEQUIP_RIDER; } break; case SHOP_WEAPON: //防具 { nBeginPoint = HEQUIP_WEAPON; nEndPoint = HEQUIP_WEAPON; } break; case SHOP_DEFENCE: //饰物 { nBeginPoint = HEQUIP_CAP; nEndPoint = HEQUIP_BOOT; } break; case SHOP_ADORN: //武器 { nBeginPoint = HEQUIP_SASH; nEndPoint = HEQUIP_RIDER; } break; default: { return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; } break; } for(INT i =nBeginPoint; i<=nEndPoint; i++) { pCurItem = HumanItemLogic::GetEquip(pHuman,(HUMAN_EQUIP)i); //pCurItem = pHuman->GetEquip((HUMAN_EQUIP)i); if(!pCurItem->IsEmpty()) {//有东西 //判定是否狗修理等级 if(pCurItem->GetRequireLevel() > pShop->m_nRepairLevel) { continue; } FLOAT fCur = (FLOAT)pCurItem->GetDurPoints(); FLOAT fMax = (FLOAT)pCurItem->GetMaxDurPoint(); FLOAT V = (FLOAT)pCurItem->GetPrice(); if(fCur != fMax) { //if(fCur<fMax/3) // MoneySpent += (INT)(7*V*V*fCur*6/(4*fMax)+V*V); //else if(fCur>=fMax/3&&fCur<fMax*2/3) // MoneySpent += (INT)(V*V*fCur*6/fMax+V*V*3/4); //else if(fCur>=fMax*2/3&&fCur<fMax) // MoneySpent += (INT)(V*V*fCur*6/(4*fMax)+V*V/4); MoneySpent += (INT) ( ((REPAIR_SPEND * (1- fCur/fMax) * V) * pShop->m_nRepairSpend) + 0.5); //临时的修理费计算方法 // FLOAT scale = (FLOAT)(fCur/fMax); // scale = 1-scale; // MoneySpent += static_cast<INT>(pCurItem->GetPrice()*scale); if(MoneyHave<MoneySpent) break; MoneyLast = MoneySpent; HumanItemLogic::SetEquipDur(pHuman,(HUMAN_EQUIP)i, (INT)fMax); ItemList[RepairedIndex].IsIn = GCShopRepair::EQUIP; ItemList[RepairedIndex++].BagIndex = (BYTE)i; } } } if(MoneyHave<MoneySpent) {//break出来的 if(RepairedIndex) { pHuman->SetMoney(MoneyHave - MoneyLast); MONEY_LOG_PARAM MoneyLogParam; MoneyLogParam.CharGUID = pHuman->GetGUID(); MoneyLogParam.OPType = MONEY_SHOP_REPAIR; MoneyLogParam.Count = MoneyLast; MoneyLogParam.SceneID = pHuman->getScene()->SceneID(); MoneyLogParam.XPos = pHuman->getWorldPos()->m_fX; MoneyLogParam.ZPos = pHuman->getWorldPos()->m_fZ; SaveMoneyLog(&MoneyLogParam); Msg.SetAll(0); Msg.SetReListNum(RepairedIndex); Msg.SetReList(ItemList); pHuman->GetPlayer()->SendPacket(&Msg); } GCShopBuy Msg ; Msg.SetBuyOk((BYTE)GCShopBuy::BUY_MONEY_FAIL); pHuman->GetPlayer()->SendPacket( &Msg ) ; g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGShopRepairHandler BUY_MONEY_FAIL") ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } else if(MoneySpent != 0) {//全修完了 pHuman->SetMoney(MoneyHave - MoneySpent); MONEY_LOG_PARAM MoneyLogParam; MoneyLogParam.CharGUID = pHuman->GetGUID(); MoneyLogParam.OPType = MONEY_SHOP_REPAIR; MoneyLogParam.Count = MoneySpent; MoneyLogParam.SceneID = pHuman->getScene()->SceneID(); MoneyLogParam.XPos = pHuman->getWorldPos()->m_fX; MoneyLogParam.ZPos = pHuman->getWorldPos()->m_fZ; SaveMoneyLog(&MoneyLogParam); Msg.SetAll(1); Msg.SetReListNum(0); pHuman->GetPlayer()->SendPacket(&Msg); } } else {//修理单个,一定应该在背包中 pCurItem = HumanItemLogic::GetItem(pHuman,BagIndex); if(!pCurItem->IsEmpty()) { if(pCurItem->GetRequireLevel()>pShop->m_nRepairLevel) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGShopRepairHandler Npc have no the Repair Levle") ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; } BOOL bCanRepair = TRUE; switch( pShop->m_nRepairType ) { case SHOP_All: { } break; case SHOP_DEFENCE: //防具 { if( pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_CAP && pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_ARMOR && pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_CUFF && pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_BOOT ) { bCanRepair = FALSE; } } break; case SHOP_ADORN: //饰物 { if( pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_SASH && pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_RING && pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_NECKLACE && pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_RIDER) { bCanRepair = FALSE; } } break; case SHOP_WEAPON: //武器 { if( pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_WEAPON ) { bCanRepair = FALSE; } } break; default: { bCanRepair = FALSE; } break; } if(bCanRepair == FALSE) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGShopRepairHandler Npc have no the Repair type") ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; } FLOAT fCur = (FLOAT)pCurItem->GetDurPoints(); FLOAT fMax = (FLOAT)pCurItem->GetMaxDurPoint(); FLOAT V = (FLOAT)pCurItem->GetPrice(); if(fCur != fMax) { //if(fCur<fMax/3) // MoneySpent += (INT)(7*V*V*fCur*6/(4*fMax)+V*V); //else if(fCur>=fMax/3&&fCur<fMax*2/3) // MoneySpent += (INT)(V*V*fCur*6/fMax+V*V*3/4); //else if(fCur>=fMax*2/3&&fCur<fMax) // MoneySpent += (INT)(V*V*fCur*6/(4*fMax)+V*V/4); MoneySpent += (INT) ( ((REPAIR_SPEND * (1- fCur/fMax) * V) * pShop->m_nRepairSpend) + 0.99); if(MoneyHave>=MoneySpent) {//可以修 pHuman->SetMoney(MoneyHave - MoneySpent); MONEY_LOG_PARAM MoneyLogParam; MoneyLogParam.CharGUID = pHuman->GetGUID(); MoneyLogParam.OPType = MONEY_SHOP_REPAIR; MoneyLogParam.Count = MoneySpent; MoneyLogParam.SceneID = pHuman->getScene()->SceneID(); MoneyLogParam.XPos = pHuman->getWorldPos()->m_fX; MoneyLogParam.ZPos = pHuman->getWorldPos()->m_fZ; SaveMoneyLog(&MoneyLogParam); HumanItemLogic::SetBagItemDur(pHuman,(UINT)BagIndex,(INT)fMax); ItemList[0].IsIn = GCShopRepair::BAG; ItemList[0].BagIndex = (BYTE)BagIndex; Msg.SetAll(0); Msg.SetReListNum(1); Msg.SetReList(ItemList); pHuman->GetPlayer()->SendPacket(&Msg); } else {//没钱还捣乱 GCShopBuy Msg ; Msg.SetBuyOk((BYTE)GCShopBuy::BUY_MONEY_FAIL); pHuman->GetPlayer()->SendPacket( &Msg ) ; g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGShopRepairHandler BUY_MONEY_FAIL") ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } } } else { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGShopRepairHandler BagIndex = %d", BagIndex) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } } } else if(Opt == CGShopRepair::FromEquip) { pCurItem = HumanItemLogic::GetEquip(pHuman,(HUMAN_EQUIP)BagIndex); if(!pCurItem->IsEmpty()) {//有东西 FLOAT fCur = (FLOAT)pCurItem->GetDurPoints(); FLOAT fMax = (FLOAT)pCurItem->GetMaxDurPoint(); FLOAT V = (FLOAT)pCurItem->GetPrice(); { if(pCurItem->GetRequireLevel()>pShop->m_nRepairLevel) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGShopRepairHandler Npc have no the Repair Levle") ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; } BOOL bCanRepair = TRUE; switch( pShop->m_nRepairType ) { case SHOP_All: { } break; case SHOP_DEFENCE: //防具 { if( pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_CAP && pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_ARMOR && pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_CUFF && pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_BOOT ) { bCanRepair = FALSE; } } break; case SHOP_ADORN: //饰物 { if( pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_SASH && pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_RING && pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_NECKLACE && pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_RIDER) { bCanRepair = FALSE; } } break; case SHOP_WEAPON: //武器 { if( pCurItem->GetEquipPoint() != HEQUIP_WEAPON ) { bCanRepair = FALSE; } } break; default: { bCanRepair = FALSE; } break; } if(bCanRepair == FALSE) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGShopRepairHandler Npc have no the Repair type") ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; } } if(fCur != fMax) { //if(fCur<fMax/3) // MoneySpent += (INT)(7*V*V*fCur*6/(4*fMax)+V*V); //else if(fCur>=fMax/3&&fCur<fMax*2/3) // MoneySpent += (INT)(V*V*fCur*6/fMax+V*V*3/4); //else if(fCur>=fMax*2/3&&fCur<fMax) // MoneySpent += (INT)(V*V*fCur*6/(4*fMax)+V*V/4); MoneySpent += (INT) ( ((REPAIR_SPEND * (1- fCur/fMax) * V) * pShop->m_nRepairSpend) + 0.5); if(MoneyHave>=MoneySpent) {//可以修 pHuman->SetMoney(MoneyHave - MoneySpent); MONEY_LOG_PARAM MoneyLogParam; MoneyLogParam.CharGUID = pHuman->GetGUID(); MoneyLogParam.OPType = MONEY_SHOP_REPAIR; MoneyLogParam.Count = MoneySpent; MoneyLogParam.SceneID = pHuman->getScene()->SceneID(); MoneyLogParam.XPos = pHuman->getWorldPos()->m_fX; MoneyLogParam.ZPos = pHuman->getWorldPos()->m_fZ; SaveMoneyLog(&MoneyLogParam); HumanItemLogic::SetEquipDur(pHuman,(HUMAN_EQUIP)BagIndex,(INT)fMax); ItemList[0].IsIn = GCShopRepair::EQUIP; ItemList[0].BagIndex = (BYTE)BagIndex; Msg.SetAll(0); Msg.SetReListNum(1); Msg.SetReList(ItemList); pHuman->GetPlayer()->SendPacket(&Msg); } else {//没钱还捣乱 GCShopBuy Msg ; Msg.SetBuyOk((BYTE)GCShopBuy::BUY_MONEY_FAIL); pHuman->GetPlayer()->SendPacket( &Msg ) ; g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGShopRepairHandler BUY_MONEY_FAIL") ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } } } } return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; __LEAVE_FUNCTION return PACKET_EXE_ERROR ; }
void PathCPURenderThread::RenderFunc() { //SLG_LOG("[PathCPURenderEngine::" << threadIndex << "] Rendering thread started"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PathCPURenderEngine *engine = (PathCPURenderEngine *)renderEngine; RandomGenerator *rndGen = new RandomGenerator(engine->seedBase + threadIndex); Scene *scene = engine->renderConfig->scene; PerspectiveCamera *camera = scene->camera; Film * film = threadFilm; const unsigned int filmWidth = film->GetWidth(); const unsigned int filmHeight = film->GetHeight(); // Setup the sampler double metropolisSharedTotalLuminance, metropolisSharedSampleCount; Sampler *sampler = engine->renderConfig->AllocSampler(rndGen, film, &metropolisSharedTotalLuminance, &metropolisSharedSampleCount); const unsigned int sampleBootSize = 4; const unsigned int sampleStepSize = 9; const unsigned int sampleSize = sampleBootSize + // To generate eye ray engine->maxPathDepth * sampleStepSize; // For each path vertex sampler->RequestSamples(sampleSize); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Trace paths //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- vector<SampleResult> sampleResults(1); sampleResults[0].type = PER_PIXEL_NORMALIZED; while (!boost::this_thread::interruption_requested()) { float alpha = 1.f; Ray eyeRay; const float screenX = min(sampler->GetSample(0) * filmWidth, (float)(filmWidth - 1)); const float screenY = min(sampler->GetSample(1) * filmHeight, (float)(filmHeight - 1)); camera->GenerateRay(screenX, screenY, &eyeRay, sampler->GetSample(2), sampler->GetSample(3)); int depth = 1; bool lastSpecular = true; float lastPdfW = 1.f; Spectrum radiance; Spectrum pathThrouput(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); BSDF bsdf; while (depth <= engine->maxPathDepth) { const unsigned int sampleOffset = sampleBootSize + (depth - 1) * sampleStepSize; RayHit eyeRayHit; Spectrum connectionThroughput; if (!scene->Intersect(device, false, sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset), &eyeRay, &eyeRayHit, &bsdf, &connectionThroughput)) { // Nothing was hit, look for infinitelight DirectHitInfiniteLight(lastSpecular, pathThrouput * connectionThroughput, eyeRay.d, lastPdfW, &radiance); if (depth == 1) alpha = 0.f; break; } pathThrouput *= connectionThroughput; // Something was hit // Check if it is a light source if (bsdf.IsLightSource()) { DirectHitFiniteLight(lastSpecular, pathThrouput, eyeRayHit.t, bsdf, lastPdfW, &radiance); } // Note: pass-through check is done inside SceneIntersect() //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Direct light sampling //------------------------------------------------------------------ DirectLightSampling(sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 1), sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 2), sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 3), sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 4), sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 5), pathThrouput, bsdf, depth, &radiance); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Build the next vertex path ray //------------------------------------------------------------------ Vector sampledDir; BSDFEvent event; float cosSampledDir; const Spectrum bsdfSample = bsdf.Sample(&sampledDir, sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 6), sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 7), &lastPdfW, &cosSampledDir, &event); if (bsdfSample.Black()) break; lastSpecular = ((event & SPECULAR) != 0); if ((depth >= engine->rrDepth) && !lastSpecular) { // Russian Roulette const float prob = Max(bsdfSample.Filter(), engine->rrImportanceCap); if (sampler->GetSample(sampleOffset + 8) < prob) lastPdfW *= prob; else break; } pathThrouput *= bsdfSample * (cosSampledDir / lastPdfW); assert (!pathThrouput.IsNaN() && !pathThrouput.IsInf()); eyeRay = Ray(bsdf.hitPoint, sampledDir); ++depth; } assert (!radiance.IsNaN() && !radiance.IsInf()); sampleResults[0].screenX = screenX; sampleResults[0].screenY = screenY; sampleResults[0].radiance = radiance; sampleResults[0].alpha = alpha; sampler->NextSample(sampleResults); #ifdef WIN32 // Work around Windows bad scheduling renderThread->yield(); #endif } delete sampler; delete rndGen; //SLG_LOG("[PathCPURenderEngine::" << threadIndex << "] Rendering thread halted"); }
void SampleMaterial::update(Node* o, const int elapsedTime) { if (o->frame()->updateNeeded()) { Scene* scene = Scene::getInstance(); //matrice modelView modelViewMatrix->Set(scene->camera()->getModelViewMatrix(o->frame())); //position de la caméra glm::vec3 cameraPos = scene->camera()->convertPtTo(glm::vec3(0.0), scene->getRoot()->frame()); CamPos->Set(cameraPos); modelViewProjMatrix->Set(o->frame()->getTransformMatrix()); o->frame()->setUpdate(true); //o->frame()->rotate(glm::vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), 20); //tableau de positions mises a jour pour l'envoi dans le buffer const int taille = particleAtSameTime; glm::vec3* positionsMaj = new glm::vec3[taille]; //tableau de duree de vie pour les particules float* lifetimeMaj = new float[taille]; //tableau d'angle aléatoire pour les constructions de matrice float* angleMaj = new float[taille]; float angleTmp; //maj du tableau de particules for (int i = 0; i < particleAtSameTime; i++){ //particule morte if (tabParticles[i].life < 0){ //swap de particule vivante et morte Particle partJustDied = tabParticles[i]; tabParticles[i] = lastParticleAlive(tabParticles); tabParticles[indSwapParticle] = partJustDied; // plus de particules en vie if (tabParticles[i].life == -10.0){ tabParticles = fillEmptyTabParticle(tabParticles); } } tabParticles[i].updateParticles(0.1f); positionsMaj[i] = tabParticles[i].position; tabParticles[i].life--; lifetimeMaj[i] = tabParticles[i].life; angleTmp = minAngle + static_cast <float> (rand()) / (static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX / (maxAngle - minAngle))); angleMaj[i] = angleTmp; } //envoi des données nécessaires sur le gpu (position des particules) //buffer de positions glGenBuffers(1, &VBOpos); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBOpos); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(glm::vec3) * taille, &positionsMaj[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); //buffer de duree de vie glGenBuffers(1, &VBOlife); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBOlife); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(float) * taille, &lifetimeMaj[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); //buffer angle glGenBuffers(1, &VBOangle); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBOangle); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(float) * taille, &angleMaj[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); //vertex array du modèle GLuint VAO = mod->VA_Main; //glGenVertexArrays(1, &VAO); créé un nouveau VAO, pas celui associé au modèle glBindVertexArray(VAO); glEnableVertexAttribArray(6); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBOpos); glVertexAttribPointer(6, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 3 * sizeof(GLfloat), (GLvoid*)0); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glVertexAttribDivisor(6, 1); glEnableVertexAttribArray(7); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBOlife); glVertexAttribPointer(7, 1, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(GLfloat), (GLvoid*)0); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glVertexAttribDivisor(7, 1); glEnableVertexAttribArray(8); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBOangle); glVertexAttribPointer(8, 1, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(GLfloat), (GLvoid*)0); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); glVertexAttribDivisor(8, 1); glBindVertexArray(0); } }
Spectrum EstimateDirect(const Interaction &it, const Point2f &uScattering, const Light &light, const Point2f &uLight, const Scene &scene, Sampler &sampler, MemoryArena &arena, bool handleMedia, bool specular) { BxDFType bsdfFlags = specular ? BSDF_ALL : BxDFType(BSDF_ALL & ~BSDF_SPECULAR); Spectrum Ld(0.f); // Sample light source with multiple importance sampling Vector3f wi; Float lightPdf = 0, scatteringPdf = 0; VisibilityTester visibility; Spectrum Li = light.Sample_Li(it, uLight, &wi, &lightPdf, &visibility); if (lightPdf > 0 && !Li.IsBlack()) { // Compute BSDF or phase function's value for light sample Spectrum f; if (it.IsSurfaceInteraction()) { // Evaluate BSDF for light sampling strategy const SurfaceInteraction &isect = (const SurfaceInteraction &)it; f = isect.bsdf->f(isect.wo, wi, bsdfFlags) * AbsDot(wi, isect.shading.n); scatteringPdf = isect.bsdf->Pdf(isect.wo, wi, bsdfFlags); } else { // Evaluate phase function for light sampling strategy const MediumInteraction &mi = (const MediumInteraction &)it; Float p = mi.phase->p(mi.wo, wi); f = Spectrum(p); scatteringPdf = p; } if (!f.IsBlack()) { // Compute effect of visibility for light source sample if (handleMedia) Li *= visibility.Tr(scene, sampler); else if (!visibility.Unoccluded(scene)) Li = Spectrum(0.f); // Add light's contribution to reflected radiance if (!Li.IsBlack()) { if (IsDeltaLight(light.flags)) Ld += f * Li / lightPdf; else { Float weight = PowerHeuristic(1, lightPdf, 1, scatteringPdf); Ld += f * Li * weight / lightPdf; } } } } // Sample BSDF with multiple importance sampling if (!IsDeltaLight(light.flags)) { Spectrum f; bool sampledSpecular = false; if (it.IsSurfaceInteraction()) { // Sample scattered direction for surface interactions BxDFType sampledType; const SurfaceInteraction &isect = (const SurfaceInteraction &)it; f = isect.bsdf->Sample_f(isect.wo, &wi, uScattering, &scatteringPdf, bsdfFlags, &sampledType); f *= AbsDot(wi, isect.shading.n); sampledSpecular = sampledType & BSDF_SPECULAR; } else { // Sample scattered direction for medium interactions const MediumInteraction &mi = (const MediumInteraction &)it; Float p = mi.phase->Sample_p(mi.wo, &wi, uScattering); f = Spectrum(p); scatteringPdf = p; } if (!f.IsBlack() && scatteringPdf > 0) { // Account for light contributions along sampled direction _wi_ Float weight = 1; if (!sampledSpecular) { lightPdf = light.Pdf_Li(it, wi); if (lightPdf == 0) return Ld; weight = PowerHeuristic(1, scatteringPdf, 1, lightPdf); } // Find intersection and compute transmittance SurfaceInteraction lightIsect; Ray ray = it.SpawnRay(wi); Spectrum Tr(1.f); bool foundSurfaceInteraction = handleMedia ? scene.IntersectTr(ray, sampler, &lightIsect, &Tr) : scene.Intersect(ray, &lightIsect); // Add light contribution from material sampling Spectrum Li(0.f); if (foundSurfaceInteraction) { if (lightIsect.primitive->GetAreaLight() == &light) Li = lightIsect.Le(-wi); } else Li = light.Le(ray); if (!Li.IsBlack()) Ld += f * Li * Tr * weight / scatteringPdf; } } return Ld; }
int main() { int REN_HEIGHT = DEFAULT_HEIGHT; int REN_WIDTH = DEFAULT_WIDTH; const int LVL_WIDTH = 3600; const int LVL_HEIGHT = 3600; //REN_HEIGHT = LVL_HEIGHT; REN_WIDTH = LVL_WIDTH; const int CAMERA_WIDTH = REN_WIDTH; const int CAMERA_HEIGHT = REN_HEIGHT; try { SDL sdl; Window win("transistor"); win.init(); //win.pos(Point(0, 0)); //win.resize(REN_WIDTH, REN_HEIGHT); //REN_HEIGHT = win.height(); //REN_WIDTH = win.width(); Renderer::create_renderer(win); Renderer::set_rendering_resolution (REN_WIDTH, REN_HEIGHT); Action_List animation_list; Action_List event_list; Control ctrl; Camera camera(Point(0, 0), CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT); Event_Manager event_manager; Render_List render_list; Scene scene (Rect (Point (0,0), LVL_WIDTH, LVL_HEIGHT)); Player_Factory player_factory; Player& player = player_factory.create_Player(Vec2(LVL_WIDTH/2, LVL_HEIGHT/2)); event_manager.add_event_handler (win); event_manager.add_event_handler (ctrl); event_manager.add_state_handler (player); render_list.add_object (player); scene.add_dynamic_body (player.get_body()); /* Texture tex[2]; tex[0].load_from_file ("../rsc/ball_0_200.png", Color::WHITE); tex[1].load_from_file ("../rsc/ball_1_200.png", Color::WHITE); Texture_Stream ctex; ctex.add_texture (&tex[0]); ctex.add_texture (&tex[1]); const int ISIZE = 40; const int SSIZE = 80; const int SPEED = 10; const int SLICE = 20; const int ITEM_SIZE = 50; Sphere *item[ITEM_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < ITEM_SIZE; ++i) { item[i] = new Sphere (&ctex, Vec2((i*ISIZE*8)%(LVL_WIDTH-SSIZE*10) + SSIZE*3, (i*ISIZE*8)/(LVL_WIDTH-SSIZE*10) * ISIZE*5 + SSIZE*20), Vec2(0, 0), 0.0f); } Guided_Sphere gs (&tex[0], Vec2 (ISIZE*20, ISIZE*8)); gs.set_cmd ("xwdxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxssxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwwxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsdxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); Rectangle_Texture* rtex1 = new Rectangle_Texture(LVL_WIDTH, SSIZE); Rectangle_Texture* rtex2 = new Rectangle_Texture(SSIZE, LVL_HEIGHT - 2 * SSIZE); Rectangle_Texture* rtex3 = new Rectangle_Texture(LVL_WIDTH / 2, SSIZE); Rectangle_Texture* rtex4 = new Rectangle_Texture(LVL_WIDTH / 4, SLICE); Rectangle_Texture* rtex5 = new Rectangle_Texture(LVL_WIDTH / 8, SLICE * 4); Rectangle_Texture* rtex6 = new Rectangle_Texture(SLICE * 4, LVL_WIDTH / 8); Moving_Slab* mslab1 = new Moving_Slab(rtex5, Vec2(SSIZE + SSIZE * 10, LVL_HEIGHT - SSIZE - SLICE * 14), Vec2 (0.0f, -20.0f), 1400.0f); Moving_Slab* mslab2 = new Moving_Slab(rtex6, Vec2(LVL_WIDTH - SSIZE * 3, LVL_HEIGHT / 2 - SSIZE * 5), Vec2 (-20.0f, 0.0), 1000.0f); Moving_Slab* mslab3 = new Moving_Slab(rtex5, Vec2(SSIZE * 3, LVL_HEIGHT / 2 - SSIZE * 4), Vec2 (20.0f, -20.0f), 1400.0f); Moving_Slab* mslab4 = new Moving_Slab(rtex5, Vec2(LVL_WIDTH - SSIZE * 20, LVL_HEIGHT / 2 + SSIZE), Vec2 (0.0f, -20.0f), 1000.0f); const int MOVING_SLAB_SIZE = 4; const int SLAB_SIZE = 12; Slab *slab[SLAB_SIZE+MOVING_SLAB_SIZE]; slab[0] = new Slab(rtex1, Vec2(0, LVL_HEIGHT - SSIZE)); slab[1] = new Slab(rtex1, Vec2(0, 0)); slab[2] = new Slab(rtex2, Vec2(0, SSIZE)); slab[3] = new Slab(rtex2, Vec2(LVL_WIDTH - SSIZE, SSIZE)); slab[4] = new Slab(rtex3, Vec2(LVL_WIDTH / 2 - SSIZE, LVL_HEIGHT / 2 - SSIZE * 4)); slab[5] = new Slab(rtex3, Vec2(SSIZE, LVL_HEIGHT / 2 - SSIZE * 8)); slab[6] = new Slab(rtex4, Vec2(SSIZE, LVL_HEIGHT - SSIZE - SLICE * 6)); slab[7] = new Slab(rtex4, Vec2(SSIZE + SLICE, LVL_HEIGHT - SSIZE - SLICE * 5)); slab[8] = new Slab(rtex4, Vec2(SSIZE + SLICE * 2, LVL_HEIGHT - SSIZE - SLICE * 4)); slab[9] = new Slab(rtex4, Vec2(SSIZE + SLICE * 3, LVL_HEIGHT - SSIZE - SLICE * 3)); slab[10] = new Slab(rtex4, Vec2(SSIZE + SLICE * 4, LVL_HEIGHT - SSIZE - SLICE * 2)); slab[11] = new Slab(rtex4, Vec2(SSIZE + SLICE * 5, LVL_HEIGHT - SSIZE - SLICE)); slab[12] = mslab1; slab[13] = mslab2; slab[14] = mslab3; slab[15] = mslab4; //Circle_Texture* ptex = new Circle_Texture(ISIZE * 2, Color::GREEN); //Rectangle_Texture* ptex = new Rectangle_Texture(ISIZE * 2, ISIZE * 3); for (int i = 0; i < ITEM_SIZE; ++i) { scene.add_static_body(item[i]->get_body()); alist.push_back (item[i]->get_action()); } for (int i = 0; i < SLAB_SIZE; ++i) { scene.add_static_body(slab[i]->get_body()); cerr<<"slab["<<i<<"]: ("<<slab[i]->min.x<<", "<<slab[i]->min.y<<"), ("<<slab[i]->max.x<<", "<<slab[i]->max.y<<")\n"; } for (int i = SLAB_SIZE; i < MOVING_SLAB_SIZE+SLAB_SIZE; ++i) { scene.add_dynamic_body(slab[i]->get_body()); cerr<<"slab["<<i<<"]: ("<<slab[i]->min.x<<", "<<slab[i]->min.y<<"), ("<<slab[i]->max.x<<", "<<slab[i]->max.y<<")\n"; } scene.add_dynamic_body (p.get_body()); scene.add_dynamic_body (gs.get_body()); alist.push_back (mslab1->get_action()); alist.push_back (mslab2->get_action()); alist.push_back (mslab3->get_action()); alist.push_back (mslab4->get_action()); alist.push_back (p.get_action()); elist.push_back (gs.get_action()); Renderer::set_draw_color(Color::WHITE); Texture bg; bg.load_from_file ("../rsc/bg.png"); cerr<<"QUADTREE HEIGHT: "<<scene.get_height()<<'\n'; cerr<<"QUADTREE: \n"; scene.draw_static_tree(); */ const float fps = 40.0; const float dt = 1/fps; const float MAX_ACC = 0.2f; float accumulator = 0; float curr_fps; unsigned int frames = 0; unsigned int timer = 0; unsigned int t1 = 0; unsigned int start_time = SDL_GetTicks(); unsigned int frame_start = SDL_GetTicks(); while (!win.quit()) { timer = SDL_GetTicks(); event_manager.poll_handle(); if (win.is_hidden() || ctrl.is_paused()) continue; event_list.update (dt); #ifdef DEBUG cerr<<"accumulator: "<<accumulator<<'\n'; t1 = SDL_GetTicks(); #endif accumulator += timer - frame_start; frame_start = timer; if (accumulator > MAX_ACC) accumulator = MAX_ACC; while (accumulator > dt) { scene.step (dt); accumulator -= dt; } animation_list.update (dt); #ifdef DEBUG cerr<<"timer: "<<SDL_GetTicks() - t1<<'\n'; cerr<<"accumulator: "<<accumulator<<'\n'; #endif // render camera.update_position (player.get_body()->pos, LVL_WIDTH, LVL_HEIGHT); render_list.render_all(camera); /* bg.render(Point(0,0), &camera); for (int i = 0; i < ITEM_SIZE; ++i) item[i]->render(camera); for (int i = 0; i < SLAB_SIZE+MOVING_SLAB_SIZE; ++i) slab[i]->render(camera); p.render(camera); gs.render(camera); //... */ #ifdef DEBUG cerr<<"player_velocity: "<<p.get_body()->velocity.x<<' '<<p.get_body()->velocity.y<<'\n'; #endif timer = SDL_GetTicks() - timer; ++frames; #ifdef DEBUG curr_fps = 1000.0f/float(timer); cerr<<"fps: "<<curr_fps<<'\n'; // print current fps #endif } timer = SDL_GetTicks()-start_time; cout<<"Frames : "<<frames<<"\nTime Taken : "<<timer/1000.0f<<"\nFPS : "<<frames/(timer/1000.0f)<<'\n'; } catch (Exception& e) { cerr<<"Exception : "<<e.what()<<'\n';; } // deallocate memory? return 0; }
uint WGRetTeamDistribModeHandler::Execute( WGRetTeamDistribMode* pPacket, Player* pPlayer ) { __ENTER_FUNCTION PlayerID_t PlayerID = pPacket->getLeaderID(); GamePlayer* pGamePlayer = g_pPlayerPool->GetPlayer(PlayerID); BYTE nMode = pPacket->getMode(); if( pGamePlayer==NULL ) { Assert(FALSE); return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; } if (nMode>= ITEM_DISTRIB_NUM) { return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; } Obj_Human* pHuman = pGamePlayer->GetHuman(); Assert( pHuman ); Scene* pScene = pHuman->getScene(); if( pScene==NULL ) return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; if( pPlayer->IsServerPlayer() ) {//服务器收到世界服务器发来的数据 Assert( MyGetCurrentThreadID()==g_pServerManager->m_ThreadID ); pScene->SendPacket( pPacket, PlayerID ); g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "WGRetTeamDistribMode: ServerPlayer GUID=%X ",pPacket->getLeaderID() ); return PACKET_EXE_NOTREMOVE; } else if( pPlayer->IsGamePlayer() ) {//场景收到Cache里的消息 Assert( MyGetCurrentThreadID()==pScene->m_ThreadID ); TeamInfo* pTeamInf = pHuman->GetTeamInfo(); if (pTeamInf == NULL) { return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; } TeamID_t teamID = pTeamInf->GetTeamID(); if (teamID == INVALID_INDEX) { return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; } GCRetTeamDistribMode Msg; Msg.setMode(nMode); Obj_Human* pOther = NULL; for( INT i=0; i<pTeamInf->GetTeamMemberCount(); ++i ) { const TEAMMEMBER* pMember = pTeamInf->GetTeamMember( i ); pOther = (Obj_Human*)pHuman->getScene()->GetObjManager()->GetObj( pMember->m_ObjID ); if (pOther != NULL) { if( pOther->GetObjType() == Obj::OBJ_TYPE_HUMAN ) { TeamInfo* pTeamInfo = pOther->GetTeamInfo(); if (pTeamInfo->GetTeamID() == teamID) { pTeamInfo->SetDistribMode(nMode); GamePlayer* pTGamePlayer = (GamePlayer*)pOther->GetPlayer(); if (pTGamePlayer) { pTGamePlayer->SendPacket(&Msg); } } } } } g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "WGRetTeamDistribMode: GamePlayer PlayerID=%X ",PlayerID ); } else { Assert(FALSE); } return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE; __LEAVE_FUNCTION return PACKET_EXE_ERROR; }
Scene* RaptorExample::scene () { Scene *scene = Scene::create(); scene->addChild(RaptorExample::create()); return scene; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // QApplication app(argc, argv); //// QEditorExternal w; //; // // app.exec(); Engine engine; // intit the engine engine.initialize("engine_config.xml");//1680, 840, RENDER_SUBSYSTEM , 2, false); engine.setPostProcessing(PP_FXAA, true); engine.setPostProcessing(PP_HDR, true); engine.setPostProcessing(PP_BLOOM, true); // load and set the start scene Scene * scene = new Scene(); scene->load("island-scene.xml"); Object * obj = scene->addObject( "models/energy_remain.obj",glm::vec3(0,0,0) , false); if(obj != nullptr) { Script * s1 = obj->addScript(); RotationScriptElement * rs1= s1->addRotationScript(); rs1->setupAlways(); rs1->setup(glm::vec3(100,0,0) ); } Object * obj2 = scene->addObject("models/rooster.dae", glm::vec3(1, 0, 0), false); if (obj2 != nullptr) { obj2->setScale(glm::vec3(0.1f,0.1f,0.1f)); Script * s2 = obj2->addScript(); RotationScriptElement * rs2 = s2->addRotationScript(); rs2->setupAlways(); rs2->setup(glm::vec3(0,100,0)); } engine.setScene(scene, false); //std::future<void> future_editor = std::async(startEditor, argc, argv); // run the main loop while(engine.running()) { scene->acquireLock(); engine.update(); engine.render(); scene->releaseLock(); } // shut everything down engine.shutDown(); //future_editor.get(); if(scene != nullptr) delete scene; return 0; }
/// Return an importance value for the given tile virtual double importanceForTile(const Quadtree::Identifier &ident,const Mbr &mbr,ViewState *viewState,const Point2f &frameSize,Dictionary *attrs) { if (ident.level == 0) return MAXFLOAT; Quadtree::Identifier tileID; tileID.level = ident.level; tileID.x = ident.x; tileID.y = ident.y; if (!validTile(ident,mbr)) return 0.0; // Note: Porting. Variable size tiles. int thisTileSize = tileSize; // if (variableSizeTiles) // { // thisTileSize = [_tileSource tileSizeForTile:tileID]; // if (thisTileSize <= 0) // thisTileSize = [_tileSource tileSize]; // } double import = 0.0; if (canShortCircuitImportance && maxShortCircuitLevel != -1) { if (scene->getCoordAdapter()->isFlat()) { if (TileIsOnScreen(viewState, frameSize, coordSys, scene->getCoordAdapter(), mbr, ident, attrs)) { import = 1.0/(ident.level+10); if (ident.level <= maxShortCircuitLevel) import += 1.0; } } else { // We need the backfacing checks that ScreenImportance does import = ScreenImportance(viewState, frameSize, viewState->eyeVec, tileSize, coordSys, scene->getCoordAdapter(), mbr, ident, attrs); // WHIRLYKIT_LOGV("ScreenImportance: %f, %d: (%d,%d)",import,ident.level,ident.x,ident.y); if (import > 0.0) { import = 1.0/(ident.level+10); if (ident.level <= maxShortCircuitLevel) import += 1.0; } } } else { // Note: Porting // if (elevDelegate) // { // import = ScreenImportance(viewState, frameSize, thisTileSize, coordSys, scene->getCoordAdapter(), mbr, _minElev, _maxElev, ident, attrs); // } else { import = ScreenImportance(viewState, frameSize, viewState->eyeVec, thisTileSize, coordSys, scene->getCoordAdapter(), mbr, ident, attrs); // } import *= importanceScale; } // if (import > 0.0) // __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, "Maply", "Tile = %d: (%d,%d), import = %f",ident.level,ident.x,ident.y,import); return import; }
uint CGStallApplyHandler::Execute( CGStallApply* pPacket, Player* pPlayer ) { __ENTER_FUNCTION GamePlayer* pGamePlayer = (GamePlayer*)pPlayer ; Assert( pGamePlayer ) ; Obj_Human* pHuman = pGamePlayer->GetHuman() ; Assert( pHuman ) ; Scene* pScene = pHuman->getScene() ; if( pScene==NULL ) { Assert(FALSE) ; return PACKET_EXE_ERROR ; } //检查线程执行资源是否正确 Assert( MyGetCurrentThreadID()==pScene->m_ThreadID ) ; //获得本地税率 UINT PosTax = 0; BYTE TradeTax = 0; GCStallApply Msg; //验证是否有资格摆摊 if(pHuman->GetLevel()<30) { g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "ERROR: CGStallApplyHandler::ObjID=%d level = %d ", pHuman->GetID(), pHuman->GetLevel()) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; } //摆摊地点判断 StallInfoManager* pStallInfoMgr = pScene->GetStallInfoManager(); if(pStallInfoMgr) { UINT PosX = (UINT)pHuman->getWorldPos()->m_fX; UINT PosZ = (UINT)pHuman->getWorldPos()->m_fZ; BOOL bCanStall = pStallInfoMgr->CanStall(PosX, PosZ); if(bCanStall == FALSE) { Msg.SetIsCanStall(FALSE); } else { PosTax = pStallInfoMgr->StallPosPayment(PosX, PosZ); TradeTax = pStallInfoMgr->StallExchangeTax(PosX, PosZ); pHuman->m_StallBox.CleanUp(); pHuman->m_StallBox.SetStallStatus(ServerStallBox::STALL_READY); pHuman->m_StallBox.GetBBS()->LoadTitle(); Msg.SetIsCanStall(TRUE); Msg.SetPosTax(PosTax); Msg.SetTradeTax(TradeTax); } } //验证完毕,通知客户端确定 pGamePlayer->SendPacket(&Msg); g_pLog->FastSaveLog( LOG_FILE_1, "CGStallApplyHandler::ObjID=%d ", pHuman->GetID()) ; return PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE ; __LEAVE_FUNCTION return PACKET_EXE_ERROR ; }
void ViewerBase::renderingTraversals() { bool _outputMasterCameraLocation = false; if (_outputMasterCameraLocation) { Views views; getViews(views); for(Views::iterator itr = views.begin(); itr != views.end(); ++itr) { osgViewer::View* view = *itr; if (view) { const osg::Matrixd& m = view->getCamera()->getInverseViewMatrix(); OSG_NOTICE<<"View "<<view<<", Master Camera position("<<m.getTrans()<<"), rotation("<<m.getRotate()<<")"<<std::endl; } } } Contexts contexts; getContexts(contexts); // check to see if windows are still valid checkWindowStatus(contexts); if (_done) return; double beginRenderingTraversals = elapsedTime(); osg::FrameStamp* frameStamp = getViewerFrameStamp(); if (getViewerStats() && getViewerStats()->collectStats("scene")) { unsigned int frameNumber = frameStamp ? frameStamp->getFrameNumber() : 0; Views views; getViews(views); for(Views::iterator vitr = views.begin(); vitr != views.end(); ++vitr) { View* view = *vitr; osg::Stats* stats = view->getStats(); osg::Node* sceneRoot = view->getSceneData(); if (sceneRoot && stats) { osgUtil::StatsVisitor statsVisitor; sceneRoot->accept(statsVisitor); statsVisitor.totalUpStats(); unsigned int unique_primitives = 0; osgUtil::Statistics::PrimitiveCountMap::iterator pcmitr; for(pcmitr = statsVisitor._uniqueStats.GetPrimitivesBegin(); pcmitr != statsVisitor._uniqueStats.GetPrimitivesEnd(); ++pcmitr) { unique_primitives += pcmitr->second; } stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of unique StateSet", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._statesetSet.size())); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of unique Group", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._groupSet.size())); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of unique Transform", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._transformSet.size())); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of unique LOD", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._lodSet.size())); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of unique Switch", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._switchSet.size())); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of unique Geode", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._geodeSet.size())); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of unique Drawable", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._drawableSet.size())); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of unique Geometry", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._geometrySet.size())); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of unique Vertices", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._uniqueStats._vertexCount)); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of unique Primitives", static_cast<double>(unique_primitives)); unsigned int instanced_primitives = 0; for(pcmitr = statsVisitor._instancedStats.GetPrimitivesBegin(); pcmitr != statsVisitor._instancedStats.GetPrimitivesEnd(); ++pcmitr) { instanced_primitives += pcmitr->second; } stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of instanced Stateset", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._numInstancedStateSet)); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of instanced Group", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._numInstancedGroup)); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of instanced Transform", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._numInstancedTransform)); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of instanced LOD", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._numInstancedLOD)); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of instanced Switch", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._numInstancedSwitch)); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of instanced Geode", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._numInstancedGeode)); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of instanced Drawable", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._numInstancedDrawable)); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of instanced Geometry", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._numInstancedGeometry)); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of instanced Vertices", static_cast<double>(statsVisitor._instancedStats._vertexCount)); stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Number of instanced Primitives", static_cast<double>(instanced_primitives)); } } } Scenes scenes; getScenes(scenes); for(Scenes::iterator sitr = scenes.begin(); sitr != scenes.end(); ++sitr) { Scene* scene = *sitr; osgDB::DatabasePager* dp = scene ? scene->getDatabasePager() : 0; if (dp) { dp->signalBeginFrame(frameStamp); } if (scene->getSceneData()) { // fire off a build of the bounding volumes while we // are still running single threaded. scene->getSceneData()->getBound(); } } // OSG_NOTICE<<std::endl<<"Start frame"<<std::endl; Cameras cameras; getCameras(cameras); Contexts::iterator itr; bool doneMakeCurrentInThisThread = false; if (_endDynamicDrawBlock.valid()) { _endDynamicDrawBlock->reset(); } // dispatch the rendering threads if (_startRenderingBarrier.valid()) _startRenderingBarrier->block(); // reset any double buffer graphics objects for(Cameras::iterator camItr = cameras.begin(); camItr != cameras.end(); ++camItr) { osg::Camera* camera = *camItr; Renderer* renderer = dynamic_cast<Renderer*>(camera->getRenderer()); if (renderer) { if (!renderer->getGraphicsThreadDoesCull() && !(camera->getCameraThread())) { renderer->cull(); } } } for(itr = contexts.begin(); itr != contexts.end(); ++itr) { if (_done) return; if (!((*itr)->getGraphicsThread()) && (*itr)->valid()) { doneMakeCurrentInThisThread = true; makeCurrent(*itr); (*itr)->runOperations(); } } // OSG_NOTICE<<"Joing _endRenderingDispatchBarrier block "<<_endRenderingDispatchBarrier.get()<<std::endl; // wait till the rendering dispatch is done. if (_endRenderingDispatchBarrier.valid()) _endRenderingDispatchBarrier->block(); for(itr = contexts.begin(); itr != contexts.end(); ++itr) { if (_done) return; if (!((*itr)->getGraphicsThread()) && (*itr)->valid()) { doneMakeCurrentInThisThread = true; makeCurrent(*itr); (*itr)->swapBuffers(); } } for(Scenes::iterator sitr = scenes.begin(); sitr != scenes.end(); ++sitr) { Scene* scene = *sitr; osgDB::DatabasePager* dp = scene ? scene->getDatabasePager() : 0; if (dp) { dp->signalEndFrame(); } } // wait till the dynamic draw is complete. if (_endDynamicDrawBlock.valid()) { // osg::Timer_t startTick = osg::Timer::instance()->tick(); _endDynamicDrawBlock->block(); // OSG_NOTICE<<"Time waiting "<<osg::Timer::instance()->delta_m(startTick, osg::Timer::instance()->tick())<<std::endl;; } if (_releaseContextAtEndOfFrameHint && doneMakeCurrentInThisThread) { //OSG_NOTICE<<"Doing release context"<<std::endl; releaseContext(); } if (getViewerStats() && getViewerStats()->collectStats("update")) { double endRenderingTraversals = elapsedTime(); // update current frames stats getViewerStats()->setAttribute(frameStamp->getFrameNumber(), "Rendering traversals begin time ", beginRenderingTraversals); getViewerStats()->setAttribute(frameStamp->getFrameNumber(), "Rendering traversals end time ", endRenderingTraversals); getViewerStats()->setAttribute(frameStamp->getFrameNumber(), "Rendering traversals time taken", endRenderingTraversals-beginRenderingTraversals); } _requestRedraw = false; }
int ART(Scene& scene) { bool profiling = false; Timer timer("Main"); int x,y; Color pixel; Write file(scene.Width(), scene.Height()); SDLEngine sdl(scene.Width(), scene.Height()); if(sdl.Status() == SDLENGINE_FAIL) return EXIT_FAILURE; RTEngine rt(scene); int time; double last_time=0, total_time =0; double last_rays=0, total_rays =0; std::cout << "Begin rendering" << std::endl; for(int iterations = 1; !sdl.PollGetEscape() && (profiling == false || iterations <2); ++iterations) { time = timer.StartNew(); for(last_rays = 0; ( !sdl.PollGetRefresh() && (last_time = timer.Elapsed(time)) < 2 /*&& last_rays < 500000*/); ++last_rays) { rt.Trace(); } timer.StopLast(); total_rays += last_rays; total_time += last_time; std::cout << iterations << "th iteration, shot " << last_rays << " rays, total " << total_rays << " rays shot, total time "<< total_time << " seconds" << std::endl; // Let's write the image and update screen! or just update for(x = 0; x < sdl.GetWidth(); x++) { for(y = 0; y < sdl.GetHeight(); y++) { // std::cout << "Showing x: " << x << " and y: " << y << std::endl; pixel = scene.Pixel(x,y); sdl.SetPixel(x,y, (int)(pixel.x*255), (int)(pixel.y*255), (int)(pixel.z*255)); // image.plot(x,sdl.GetHeight()-y,pixel.x,pixel.y,pixel.z); } } sdl.UpdateSc(); } std::cout << "Total " << total_rays << " casted in " << total_time << " seconds, averaging to " << total_rays/total_time << " rays per second" << std::endl; file.WritePixels(scene); // sdl.UpdateSc(); timer.SinceStart(); if (!profiling) sdl.Wait(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Game game(Window(1900, 1200, "MyGame", Window::OPENGL)); Context context(game.window()); Scene scene; scene.addMesh("ground") .fromFiles("res/models/ground.obj", "res/models/ground.mtl") .moveTo(0,-2,0); scene.getMesh("ground").material().normalMap().fromFile("res/textures/bricks_normal.jpg"); scene.addMesh("box") .fromFiles("res/models/box.obj", "res/models/box.mtl") .attachTo(scene.getMesh("ground")) .moveTo(0,6,0); scene.addMesh("sphere") .fromFiles("res/models/sphere_hd_smooth.obj", "res/models/sphere_flat.mtl") .attachTo(scene.getMesh("ground")) .moveTo(0,2,0); scene.setAmbient(vec3(1,1,1) * 0.3f); .withPerspective(toRadian(70), game.window().aspect(), 0.01f, 1000.0f) .moveTo(0,0,7) .aimAt(0,0,0); scene.addLight("d1").directional(vec3(1,1,1) * 0.8f, vec3(1,-1,1)); scene.addLight("d2").directional(vec3(0,1,0) * 0.5f, vec3(-1,-1,-1)); scene.addLight("p1").point(vec3(1,0,0) * 0.4f, vec3(1,-1.5f,1)); scene.addLight("p2").point(vec3(0,1,0) * 0.6f, vec3(2,-1.5f,2)); scene.addLight("p3").point(vec3(0,0,1) * 0.6f, vec3(3,-1.5f,3)); scene.addLight("s1").spot(vec3(1,1,0) * 1.0f, vec3(-2,-1.9,2), vec3(1,0,-1), 0.6f, 10); scene.addLight("s2").spot(vec3(0,1,1) * 1.0f, vec3(-3,-1.9,3), vec3(1,0,-1), 0.6f, 10); game.add(FPSCounter()); game.add(WindowControl()); game.add(KeyboardControl(; game.add(MouseControl(; game.add(Renderer(context, scene)); game.start(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
bool OBS::SetScene(CTSTR lpScene) { if(bDisableSceneSwitching) return false; HWND hwndScenes = GetDlgItem(hwndMain, ID_SCENES); UINT curSel = (UINT)SendMessage(hwndScenes, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); //------------------------- if(curSel != LB_ERR) { UINT textLen = (UINT)SendMessage(hwndScenes, LB_GETTEXTLEN, curSel, 0); String strLBName; strLBName.SetLength(textLen); SendMessage(hwndScenes, LB_GETTEXT, curSel, (LPARAM)strLBName.Array()); if(!strLBName.CompareI(lpScene)) { UINT id = (UINT)SendMessage(hwndScenes, LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1, (LPARAM)lpScene); if(id == LB_ERR) return false; SendMessage(hwndScenes, LB_SETCURSEL, id, 0); } } else { UINT id = (UINT)SendMessage(hwndScenes, LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1, (LPARAM)lpScene); if(id == LB_ERR) return false; SendMessage(hwndScenes, LB_SETCURSEL, id, 0); } //------------------------- XElement *scenes = scenesConfig.GetElement(TEXT("scenes")); XElement *newSceneElement = scenes->GetElement(lpScene); if(!newSceneElement) return false; if(sceneElement == newSceneElement) return true; sceneElement = newSceneElement; CTSTR lpClass = sceneElement->GetString(TEXT("class")); if(!lpClass) { AppWarning(TEXT("OBS::SetScene: no class found for scene '%s'"), newSceneElement->GetName()); return false; } DWORD sceneChangeStartTime; if(bRunning) { Log(TEXT("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")); Log(TEXT(" New Scene")); sceneChangeStartTime = OSGetTime(); } XElement *sceneData = newSceneElement->GetElement(TEXT("data")); //------------------------- Scene *newScene = NULL; if(bRunning) newScene = CreateScene(lpClass, sceneData); //------------------------- HWND hwndSources = GetDlgItem(hwndMain, ID_SOURCES); SendMessage(hwndSources, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)FALSE, (LPARAM) 0); bChangingSources = true; ListView_DeleteAllItems(hwndSources); XElement *sources = sceneElement->GetElement(TEXT("sources")); if(sources) { UINT numSources = sources->NumElements(); ListView_SetItemCount(hwndSources, numSources); for(UINT i=0; i<numSources; i++) { XElement *sourceElement = sources->GetElementByID(i); bool render = sourceElement->GetInt(TEXT("render"), 1) > 0; InsertSourceItem(i, (LPWSTR)sourceElement->GetName(), render); if(bRunning && newScene) newScene->AddImageSource(sourceElement); } } bChangingSources = false; SendMessage(hwndSources, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)TRUE, (LPARAM) 0); RedrawWindow(hwndSources, NULL, NULL, RDW_ERASE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); if(scene && newScene && newScene->HasMissingSources()) MessageBox(hwndMain, Str("Scene.MissingSources"), NULL, 0); if(bRunning) { //todo: cache scenes maybe? undecided. not really as necessary with global sources OSEnterMutex(hSceneMutex); UINT numSources; if (scene) { //shutdown previous scene, if any numSources = scene->sceneItems.Num(); for(UINT i=0; i<numSources; i++) { XElement *source = scene->sceneItems[i]->GetElement(); String className = source->GetString(TEXT("class")); if(scene->sceneItems[i]->bRender && className == "GlobalSource") { XElement *globalSourceData = source->GetElement(TEXT("data")); String globalSourceName = globalSourceData->GetString(TEXT("name")); if(App->GetGlobalSource(globalSourceName) != NULL) { App->GetGlobalSource(globalSourceName)->GlobalSourceLeaveScene(); } } } scene->EndScene(); } Scene *previousScene = scene; scene = newScene; scene->BeginScene(); numSources = scene->sceneItems.Num(); for(UINT i=0; i<numSources; i++) { XElement *source = scene->sceneItems[i]->GetElement(); String className = source->GetString(TEXT("class")); if(scene->sceneItems[i]->bRender && className == "GlobalSource") { XElement *globalSourceData = source->GetElement(TEXT("data")); String globalSourceName = globalSourceData->GetString(TEXT("name")); if(App->GetGlobalSource(globalSourceName) != NULL) { App->GetGlobalSource(globalSourceName)->GlobalSourceEnterScene(); } } } if(!bTransitioning) { bTransitioning = true; transitionAlpha = 0.0f; } OSLeaveMutex(hSceneMutex); delete previousScene; DWORD sceneChangeTime = OSGetTime() - sceneChangeStartTime; if (sceneChangeTime >= 500) Log(TEXT("PERFORMANCE WARNING: Scene change took %u ms, maybe some sources should be global sources?"), sceneChangeTime); } if(API != NULL) ReportSwitchScenes(lpScene); return true; }
void PhotonShootingTask::Run() { // Declare local variables for _PhotonShootingTask_ MemoryArena arena; RNG rng(31 * taskNum); vector<Photon> localDirectPhotons, localIndirectPhotons, localCausticPhotons; vector<RadiancePhoton> localRadiancePhotons; uint32_t totalPaths = 0; bool causticDone = (integrator->nCausticPhotonsWanted == 0); bool indirectDone = (integrator->nIndirectPhotonsWanted == 0); PermutedHalton halton(6, rng); vector<Spectrum> localRpReflectances, localRpTransmittances; while (true) { // Follow photon paths for a block of samples const uint32_t blockSize = 4096; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < blockSize; ++i) { float u[6]; halton.Sample(++totalPaths, u); // Choose light to shoot photon from float lightPdf; int lightNum = lightDistribution->SampleDiscrete(u[0], &lightPdf); const Light *light = scene->lights[lightNum]; // Generate _photonRay_ from light source and initialize _alpha_ RayDifferential photonRay; float pdf; LightSample ls(u[1], u[2], u[3]); Normal Nl; Spectrum Le = light->Sample_L(scene, ls, u[4], u[5], time, &photonRay, &Nl, &pdf); if (pdf == 0.f || Le.IsBlack()) continue; Spectrum alpha = (AbsDot(Nl, photonRay.d) * Le) / (pdf * lightPdf); if (!alpha.IsBlack()) { // Follow photon path through scene and record intersections PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_STARTED_RAY_PATH(&photonRay, &alpha); bool specularPath = true; Intersection photonIsect; int nIntersections = 0; while (scene->Intersect(photonRay, &photonIsect)) { ++nIntersections; // Handle photon/surface intersection alpha *= renderer->Transmittance(scene, photonRay, NULL, rng, arena); BSDF *photonBSDF = photonIsect.GetBSDF(photonRay, arena); BxDFType specularType = BxDFType(BSDF_REFLECTION | BSDF_TRANSMISSION | BSDF_SPECULAR); bool hasNonSpecular = (photonBSDF->NumComponents() > photonBSDF->NumComponents(specularType)); Vector wo = -photonRay.d; if (hasNonSpecular) { // Deposit photon at surface Photon photon(photonIsect.dg.p, alpha, wo); bool depositedPhoton = false; if (specularPath && nIntersections > 1) { if (!causticDone) { PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_DEPOSITED_CAUSTIC_PHOTON(&photonIsect.dg, &alpha, &wo); depositedPhoton = true; localCausticPhotons.push_back(photon); } } else { // Deposit either direct or indirect photon // stop depositing direct photons once indirectDone is true; don't // want to waste memory storing too many if we're going a long time // trying to get enough caustic photons desposited. if (nIntersections == 1 && !indirectDone && integrator->finalGather) { PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_DEPOSITED_DIRECT_PHOTON(&photonIsect.dg, &alpha, &wo); depositedPhoton = true; localDirectPhotons.push_back(photon); } else if (nIntersections > 1 && !indirectDone) { PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_DEPOSITED_INDIRECT_PHOTON(&photonIsect.dg, &alpha, &wo); depositedPhoton = true; localIndirectPhotons.push_back(photon); } } // Possibly create radiance photon at photon intersection point if (depositedPhoton && integrator->finalGather && rng.RandomFloat() < .125f) { Normal n = photonIsect.dg.nn; n = Faceforward(n, -photonRay.d); localRadiancePhotons.push_back(RadiancePhoton(photonIsect.dg.p, n)); Spectrum rho_r = photonBSDF->rho(rng, BSDF_ALL_REFLECTION); localRpReflectances.push_back(rho_r); Spectrum rho_t = photonBSDF->rho(rng, BSDF_ALL_TRANSMISSION); localRpTransmittances.push_back(rho_t); } } if (nIntersections >= integrator->maxPhotonDepth) break; // Sample new photon ray direction Vector wi; float pdf; BxDFType flags; Spectrum fr = photonBSDF->Sample_f(wo, &wi, BSDFSample(rng), &pdf, BSDF_ALL, &flags); if (fr.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.f) break; Spectrum anew = alpha * fr * AbsDot(wi, photonBSDF->dgShading.nn) / pdf; // Possibly terminate photon path with Russian roulette float continueProb = min(1.f, anew.y() / alpha.y()); if (rng.RandomFloat() > continueProb) break; alpha = anew / continueProb; specularPath &= ((flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0); if (indirectDone && !specularPath) break; photonRay = RayDifferential(photonIsect.dg.p, wi, photonRay, photonIsect.rayEpsilon); } PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_FINISHED_RAY_PATH(&photonRay, &alpha); } arena.FreeAll(); } // Merge local photon data with data in _PhotonIntegrator_ { MutexLock lock(mutex); // Give up if we're not storing enough photons if (abortTasks) return; if (nshot > 500000 && (unsuccessful(integrator->nCausticPhotonsWanted, causticPhotons.size(), blockSize) || unsuccessful(integrator->nIndirectPhotonsWanted, indirectPhotons.size(), blockSize))) { Error("Unable to store enough photons. Giving up.\n"); causticPhotons.erase(causticPhotons.begin(), causticPhotons.end()); indirectPhotons.erase(indirectPhotons.begin(), indirectPhotons.end()); radiancePhotons.erase(radiancePhotons.begin(), radiancePhotons.end()); abortTasks = true; return; } progress.Update(localIndirectPhotons.size() + localCausticPhotons.size()); nshot += blockSize; // Merge indirect photons into shared array if (!indirectDone) { integrator->nIndirectPaths += blockSize; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localIndirectPhotons.size(); ++i) indirectPhotons.push_back(localIndirectPhotons[i]); localIndirectPhotons.erase(localIndirectPhotons.begin(), localIndirectPhotons.end()); if (indirectPhotons.size() >= integrator->nIndirectPhotonsWanted) indirectDone = true; nDirectPaths += blockSize; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localDirectPhotons.size(); ++i) directPhotons.push_back(localDirectPhotons[i]); localDirectPhotons.erase(localDirectPhotons.begin(), localDirectPhotons.end()); } // Merge direct, caustic, and radiance photons into shared array if (!causticDone) { integrator->nCausticPaths += blockSize; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localCausticPhotons.size(); ++i) causticPhotons.push_back(localCausticPhotons[i]); localCausticPhotons.erase(localCausticPhotons.begin(), localCausticPhotons.end()); if (causticPhotons.size() >= integrator->nCausticPhotonsWanted) causticDone = true; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localRadiancePhotons.size(); ++i) radiancePhotons.push_back(localRadiancePhotons[i]); localRadiancePhotons.erase(localRadiancePhotons.begin(), localRadiancePhotons.end()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localRpReflectances.size(); ++i) rpReflectances.push_back(localRpReflectances[i]); localRpReflectances.erase(localRpReflectances.begin(), localRpReflectances.end()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localRpTransmittances.size(); ++i) rpTransmittances.push_back(localRpTransmittances[i]); localRpTransmittances.erase(localRpTransmittances.begin(), localRpTransmittances.end()); } // Exit task if enough photons have been found if (indirectDone && causticDone) break; } }
int RayTracer::getIntersectionPoint(const Vec3Df & camPos, const Vec3Df & dir, Vec3Df & intersectionPoint, Vec3Df & IntersPointNormal, float & occlusion) { Scene * scene = Scene::getInstance (); float smallestIntersectionDistance = 1000000.f; int idObj = -1; bool hasIntersection=false; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < scene->getObjects().size (); k++) { Object & o = scene->getObjects()[k]; Ray ray (camPos-o.getTrans (), dir); hasIntersection = ray.intersect (o.getBoundingBox ()); if (hasIntersection){ Mesh mesh = o.getMesh(); std::vector<Triangle> tabTriangle = mesh.getTriangles(); std::vector<Vertex> vertices = mesh.getVertices(); std::vector<Vec3Df> normals = o.getTrianglesNormals(); //Precomputed Vec3Df normal = normals[k]; float intersectionDistance; float coefB[3]; //The three barycentric coefs of the intersection point unsigned idTriangle; bool hasIntersection = searchNode (o.getTree(), ray, tabTriangle, vertices, normals, intersectionDistance, idTriangle, coefB); if (hasIntersection) { if (intersectionDistance < smallestIntersectionDistance) { Triangle triangle = tabTriangle[idTriangle]; if(o.getSmooth()) IntersPointNormal=normal; else { IntersPointNormal = vertices[triangle.getVertex(0)].getNormal()*coefB[2] +vertices[triangle.getVertex(1)].getNormal()*coefB[0] +vertices[triangle.getVertex(2)].getNormal()*coefB[1]; IntersPointNormal = IntersPointNormal/(coefB[0]+coefB[1]+coefB[2]); } occlusion = o.getMesh().getVertices()[triangle.getVertex(0)].getOcc()*coefB[2] +o.getMesh().getVertices()[triangle.getVertex(1)].getOcc()*coefB[0] +o.getMesh().getVertices()[triangle.getVertex(2)].getOcc()*coefB[1]; occlusion = occlusion/(coefB[0]+coefB[1]+coefB[2]); intersectionPoint = vertices[triangle.getVertex(0)].getPos()*coefB[2] +vertices[triangle.getVertex(1)].getPos()*coefB[0] +vertices[triangle.getVertex(2)].getPos()*coefB[1]; intersectionPoint = (intersectionPoint+o.getTrans())/(coefB[0]+coefB[1]+coefB[2]); smallestIntersectionDistance = intersectionDistance; idObj=k; } } } } return idObj; }