Esempio n. 1
void testSingleSearch()
	StarcraftState init(true);
	//init.doAction(DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Drone), init.resourcesReady(DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Drone)));
	//init.doAction(DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Drone), init.resourcesReady(DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Drone)));
	//init.doAction(DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Drone), init.resourcesReady(DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Drone)));
	//init.doAction(DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Drone), init.resourcesReady(DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Drone)));
	//init.doAction(DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Spawning_Pool), init.resourcesReady(DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Spawning_Pool)));
	//init.doAction(DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Extractor), init.resourcesReady(DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Extractor)));


	SearchParameters params(defaultZergGoal(), init, StarcraftSearchConstraints());

	//params.goal.setGoal( DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Zergling), 14);
	//params.goal.setGoal( DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Drone), 9);
	params.goal.setGoal( DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Mutalisk), 4);
	params.goal.setGoalMax( DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Overlord), 3);
	params.goal.setGoalMax( DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Drone), 12);

	params.useRepetitions = true;

	DFBBStarcraftSearch SCSearch(params);

	SearchResults result =;
	//if (result.solved)
Esempio n. 2
void testSmartSearch() {
    // default state
    StarcraftState initialState(true);

    SmartStarcraftSearch sss;
    sss.addGoal(DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UnitTypes::Protoss_Carrier), 1);
    //sss.addGoal(DATA.getAction(BWAPI::UpgradeTypes::Carrier_Capacity), 1);

    // do the search
    SearchResults result =;

    if (result.solved) {
Esempio n. 3
	// recursive function which does all search logic
	void DFBB(StarcraftState & s, int depth)
		// increase the node expansion count
		// if we have constraints and they are not met
		if (params.useConstraints && !s.meetsConstraints(params.ssc))
			// this state is not legal
		// the time at which the last thing in the queue will finish
		int finishTime = s.getLastFinishTime();
		/*int lookupVal = TT.lookup(s.hashAllUnits(1), s.hashAllUnits(2));
		if (lookupVal != -1 && lookupVal < finishTime)
		}, s.hashAllUnits(2), finishTime);*/

		// if we already have completed the units for the goal, don't worry about last finish time
		if (s.meetsGoalCompleted(params.goal))
			finishTime = s.getCurrentFrame();

		// if we have met the goal, we're good
		if (s.meetsGoal(params.goal)) 
			// if it's better than the current best solution, set the new best
			if (finishTime < upperBound)//  || ((finishTime == upperBound) && (s.getWorkerCount() > winnerWorkerCount))) 
				// set the winning info
				upperBound = finishTime;
				winner = s;
				winnerFound = true;
				winnerWorkerCount = s.getWorkerCount();

				results = SearchResults(true, upperBound, nodesExpanded, searchTimer.getElapsedTimeInMilliSec(), s.getBuildOrder());
				results.upperBound = s.calculateUpperBoundHeuristic(params.goal);
				results.lowerBound = s.eval(params.goal);
				results.avgBranch = numChildren / (double)numGenerations;
				results.minerals = s.getFinishTimeMinerals();
				results.gas = s.getFinishTimeGas();
				results.saveState = SearchSaveState(getBuildOrder(s), upperBound);
				//graphVizOutput(s, true);

		// if we are using search timeout and we are over the limit
		// (nodesExpanded % 1000 == 0) only checks the time every 1000 expansions, since it is slow
		if (params.searchTimeLimit && (nodesExpanded % 200 == 0) && (searchTimer.getElapsedTimeInMilliSec() > params.searchTimeLimit))
			results.saveState = SearchSaveState(getBuildOrder(s), upperBound);
			// throw an exception to unroll the recursion
			throw 1;
		// get the legal action set
		ActionSet legalActions = s.getLegalActions(params.goal); 

		// only use relevant actions
		legalActions = legalActions & relevantActions;
		// if we enabled the supply bounding flag
		if (params.useSupplyBounding)
			// if we are more than 2 supply providers in the lead 
			if ((s.getMaxSupply() - s.getCurrentSupply()) >= params.supplyBoundingThreshold*DATA[DATA.getSupplyProvider()].supplyProvided())
				// make supply providers illegal
		// if we enabled the always make workers flag, and workers are legal
		if (params.useAlwaysMakeWorkers && !params.goal[DATA.getWorker()] && legalActions[DATA.getWorker()])
			ActionSet tempLegal(legalActions);
			ActionSet legalBeforeWorker;
			// compute when the next worker will be trainable
			int workerReady = s.resourcesReady(DATA.getWorker());
			// for each other legal action
			while (!tempLegal.isEmpty())
				Action nextAction = tempLegal.popAction();
				// if the action will be ready before the next worker
				if (s.resourcesReady(nextAction) <= workerReady)
					// it's legal
			// update the legal actions
			legalActions = legalBeforeWorker;
		// if we enabled the use worker cutoff flag and we're above the cutoff
		if (params.useWorkerCutoff && s.getCurrentFrame() > (params.workerCutoff * upperBound))
			// workers are no longer legal

			// if we have enough supply for the remaining goal
			if (s.hasEnoughSupplyForGoal(params.goal))
				// make supply providers illegal

		// if we have children, update the counter
		if (!legalActions.isEmpty())
			numGenerations += 1;
			numChildren += legalActions.numActions();
		// load the save state if we are using it
		if (params.useSaveState && !finishedLoadingSaveState)
			// if we are under the saved depth, load accordingly
			if (depth < params.saveState.getDepth())
				// pop actions until the NEXT action is the one we want to start on
				while (!legalActions.isEmpty() && legalActions.nextAction() != params.saveState[depth])
			// if we are over the depth, we are finished loading
				finishedLoadingSaveState = true;
		// children of this state in the search
		std::vector<StarcraftState> childStates;

		// while there are still legal actions to perform
		while (!legalActions.isEmpty()) 
			// get the next action
			Action nextAction = legalActions.popAction();
			// when this action would finish
			int actionFinishTime = s.resourcesReady(nextAction) + DATA[nextAction].buildTime();
			// heuristic value of the goal state
			int heuristicTime = s.getCurrentFrame() + s.eval(params.goal, params.useLandmarkLowerBoundHeuristic);
			// the h value for this node
			int h = (actionFinishTime > heuristicTime) ? actionFinishTime : heuristicTime;
			// primary cut-off, very quick heuristic
			if (h <= upperBound)
				bool stillLegal = true;
				StarcraftState child(s);
				// set the repetitions if we are using repetitions, otherwise set to 1
				int repeat = params.useRepetitions ? params.getRepetitions(nextAction) : 1;
				// if we are using increasing repetitions
				if (params.useIncreasingRepetitions)
					// if we don't have the threshold amount of units, use a repetition value of 1
					repeat = child.getNumUnits(nextAction) >= params.getRepetitionThreshold(nextAction) ? repeat : 1;
				// make sure we don't repeat to more than we need for this unit type
				if (params.goal.get(nextAction))
					repeat = (std::min)(repeat, params.goal.get(nextAction) - child.getNumUnits(nextAction));
				else if (params.goal.getMax(nextAction))
					repeat = (std::min)(repeat, params.goal.getMax(nextAction) - child.getNumUnits(nextAction));

				// limit repetitions to how many we can make based on current used supply
				if (DATA[nextAction].supplyRequired() > 0)
					int haveSupplyFor = (s.getMaxSupply() + s.getSupplyInProgress() - s.getCurrentSupply()) / DATA[nextAction].supplyRequired();

					repeat = (std::min)(repeat, haveSupplyFor);
				// if we're not finished loading the state, repeat value is 1
				if (params.useSaveState && !finishedLoadingSaveState)
					repeat = 1;

				// for each repetition of this action
				for (int r = 0; r < repeat; ++r)
					// if the action is still legal
					if (child.isLegal(nextAction, params.goal))
						int readyTime = child.resourcesReady(nextAction); 
						child.doAction(nextAction, readyTime);
					// if it's not legal, break the chain
						stillLegal = false;
				// if all actions in a row are legal, recurse on the child
				if (stillLegal)
					//DFBB(child, depth+1);
		//std::sort(childStates.begin(), childStates.end(), StarcraftStateCompare<StarcraftStateType>(params));
		//std::random_shuffle(childStates.begin(), childStates.end());
		for (size_t i(0); i<childStates.size(); ++i)
		    DFBB(childStates[i], depth+1);