Esempio n. 1
EGLBoolean eglMakeCurrent(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface draw, EGLSurface read, EGLContext ctx)
    EGLWrapperContext *wctx = (EGLWrapperContext *)ctx;
    EGLContext aglContext = (ctx == EGL_NO_CONTEXT ? EGL_NO_CONTEXT : wctx->aglContext);
    EGLThreadInfo *ti = getEGLThreadInfo();
    EGLBoolean res = getDispatch()->eglMakeCurrent(dpy, draw, read, aglContext);
    if (res ) {
        // NOTE - we do get a pointer to the server connection, (rather then using ti->serverConn)
        // for cases that this is the first egl call of the current thread.

        ServerConnection *server;
        if (s_needEncode && (server = ServerConnection::s_getServerConnection())) {
            server->utEnc()->makeCurrentContext(server->utEnc(), getpid(),
                                                (uint32_t) (draw == EGL_NO_SURFACE ? 0 : draw),
                                                (uint32_t) (read == EGL_NO_SURFACE ? 0 : read),
                                                (uint32_t) (ctx == EGL_NO_CONTEXT ? 0 : ctx));
            server->glEncoder()->setClientState( wctx ? wctx->clientState : NULL );
            server->gl2Encoder()->setClientState( wctx ? wctx->clientState : NULL );

        // set current context in our thread info
        ti->currentContext = wctx;
    return res;

Esempio n. 2
EGLBoolean eglSwapBuffers(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface)
    ServerConnection *server;
    if (s_needEncode && (server = ServerConnection::s_getServerConnection()) != NULL) {
        server->utEnc()->swapBuffers(server->utEnc(), getpid(), (uint32_t)surface);
        return 1;
    return getDispatch()->eglSwapBuffers(dpy, surface);
Esempio n. 3
EGLBoolean eglDestroySurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface)
    EGLBoolean res =  getDispatch()->eglDestroySurface(dpy, surface);
    if (res && surface != EGL_NO_SURFACE) {
        ServerConnection *server;
        if (s_needEncode && (server = ServerConnection::s_getServerConnection()) != NULL) {
            server->utEnc()->destroySurface(server->utEnc(), getpid(), (uint32_t)surface);
    return res;
Esempio n. 4
EGLSurface eglCreatePixmapSurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLNativePixmapType pixmap, const EGLint *attrib_list)
    EGLSurface surface =  getDispatch()->eglCreatePixmapSurface(dpy, config, pixmap, attrib_list);
    if (surface != EGL_NO_SURFACE) {
        ServerConnection *server;
        if (s_needEncode && (server = ServerConnection::s_getServerConnection()) != NULL) {
            server->utEnc()->createSurface(server->utEnc(), getpid(), (uint32_t)surface);
    return surface;
Esempio n. 5
EGLContext eglCreateContext(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLContext share_context, const EGLint *attrib_list)

    EGLContext share = share_context;
    if (share) share = ((EGLWrapperContext *)share_context)->aglContext;

    // check if are ES2, and convert it to ES1.
    int nAttribs = 0;
    if (attrib_list != NULL) {
        while(attrib_list[nAttribs] != EGL_NONE) {

    EGLint *attrib = NULL;
    if (nAttribs > 0) {
        attrib = new EGLint[nAttribs];
        memcpy(attrib, attrib_list, nAttribs * sizeof(EGLint));

    int  version  = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < nAttribs; i++) {
        if (attrib[i] == EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION &&
            attrib[i + 1] == 2) {
            version = 2;
            attrib[i + 1] = 1; // replace to version 1

    EGLContext ctx =  getDispatch()->eglCreateContext(dpy, config, share, attrib);
    delete attrib;
    EGLWrapperContext *wctx = new EGLWrapperContext(ctx, version);
    if (ctx != EGL_NO_CONTEXT) {
        ServerConnection *server;
        if (s_needEncode && (server = ServerConnection::s_getServerConnection()) != NULL) {
            wctx->clientState = new GLClientState();
            server->utEnc()->createContext(server->utEnc(), getpid(),
                                           (uint32_t)(share_context == EGL_NO_CONTEXT ? 0 : share_context), wctx->version);
    return (EGLContext)wctx;
Esempio n. 6
EGLBoolean eglDestroyContext(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx)
    EGLWrapperContext *wctx = (EGLWrapperContext *)ctx;
    EGLBoolean res = EGL_FALSE;

    if (ctx && ctx != EGL_NO_CONTEXT) {
        res = getDispatch()->eglDestroyContext(dpy, wctx->aglContext);
        if (res) {
            EGLThreadInfo *ti = getEGLThreadInfo();
            ServerConnection *server;
            if (s_needEncode && (server = ServerConnection::s_getServerConnection())) {
                server->utEnc()->destroyContext(ti->serverConn->utEnc(), getpid(), (uint32_t)ctx);
            if (ti->currentContext == wctx) ti->currentContext = NULL;
            delete wctx;

    return res;