void AccountManager::serverInfoSuccess(const Account &account, const ServerInfo &info) { setServerInfoKeyValue(db, account, kVersionKeyName, info.getVersionString()); setServerInfoKeyValue(db, account, kFeaturesKeyName, info.getFeatureStrings().join(",")); setServerInfoKeyValue(db, account, kCustomLogoKeyName, info.customLogo); setServerInfoKeyValue(db, account, kCustomBrandKeyName, info.customBrand); QUrl url(account.serverUrl); url.setPath("/"); seafApplet->rpcClient()->setServerProperty( url.toString(), "is_pro", account.isPro() ? "true" : "false"); bool changed = account.serverInfo != info; if (!changed) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < accounts_.size(); i++) { if (accounts_[i] == account) { if (i == 0) emit beforeAccountChanged(); accounts_[i].serverInfo = info; if (i == 0) emit accountsChanged(); break; } } }
void ServerInfoRequest::requestSuccess(QNetworkReply& reply) { json_error_t error; json_t* root = parseJSON(reply, &error); if (!root) { qWarning("failed to parse json:%s\n", error.text); emit failed(ApiError::fromJsonError()); return; } QScopedPointer<json_t, JsonPointerCustomDeleter> json(root); QMap<QString, QVariant> dict = mapFromJSON(json.data(), &error); ServerInfo ret; if (dict.contains("version")) { ret.parseVersionFromString(dict["version"].toString()); } if (dict.contains("features")) { ret.parseFeatureFromStrings(dict["features"].toStringList()); } if (dict.contains("desktop-custom-logo")) { ret.customLogo = dict["desktop-custom-logo"].toString(); } if (dict.contains("desktop-custom-brand")) { ret.customBrand = dict["desktop-custom-brand"].toString(); } emit success(account_, ret); }
// _GetServerInfo status_t NetFSServer::_GetServerInfo(ServerInfo& serverInfo) { // set the server name and the connection method char hostName[1024]; if (gethostname(hostName, sizeof(hostName)) < 0) { ERROR("NetFSServer::_GetServerInfo(): ERROR: Failed to get host " "name."); return B_ERROR; } status_t error = serverInfo.SetServerName(hostName); // TODO: Set the actually used connection method! if (error == B_OK) error = serverInfo.SetConnectionMethod("insecure"); if (error != B_OK) return error; // get the shares from the security context BMessage shares; error = fSecurityContext->GetShares(&shares); if (error != B_OK) return error; // add the shares const char* shareName; for (int32 i = 0; shares.FindString("shares", i, &shareName) == B_OK; i++) { error = serverInfo.AddShare(shareName); if (error != B_OK) return error; } return B_OK; }
void ServerDialog::loadCustomServers() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERLIST; ++i) { const std::string index = toString(i); const std::string nameKey = "MostUsedServerName" + index; const std::string typeKey = "MostUsedServerType" + index; const std::string portKey = "MostUsedServerPort" + index; ServerInfo server; server.hostname = config.getValue(nameKey, ""); server.type = ServerInfo::parseType(config.getValue(typeKey, "")); const int defaultPort = defaultPortForServerType(server.type); server.port = (unsigned short) config.getValue(portKey, defaultPort); // Stop on the first invalid server if (!server.isValid()) break; server.save = true; mServers.push_back(server); } }
void MPDConnection::connectToMPD(const ServerInfo &server) { if (d->connected) { if (d->server == server) // Trying to reconncet to same server, ignore return; // Trying to connect to another server. disconnect, then connect to it. disconnectFromMPD(); } setCaller("MPDConnection::connectToMPD", "mpd_newConnection"); d->connection = mpd_newConnection(server.address().toUtf8(), server.port(), Config::instance()->timeoutTime()); if (!finishCommand()) { disconnectFromMPD(tr("Could not connect to server %1:%2").arg(server.address()).arg(server.port())); return; } if (!server.password().isEmpty()) { mpd_call(MPDConnection::connectToMPD, Password, server.password().toUtf8()); if (!finishCommand()) { disconnectFromMPD(tr("Authentication failed")); return; } } d->connected = true; d->server = server; emit connected(server); }
BaseProxy::BaseProxy( ServerInfo serverinfo, int32_t maxConn, bool initConsNow, ServiceManager* service_manager, int32_t tryCount, int32_t tryInterval) :_serverinfo(serverinfo.getIP(),serverinfo.getPort()), _service_manager(service_manager) { _name = StringUtil::generate_uuid(); _nMaxConn = maxConn; _tryCount = tryCount; _tryInterval = tryInterval; _seqid=~0; _use_existing_socket=false; #ifndef _WIN32 signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif if(initConsNow){ init(INIT_ALL); } else{ init(INIT_CALLBACK); } }
bool NetworkRoleMenu::joinAGame() { try { ServerInfo *game = servers.at(selectedGame); if (game->getLastPong() > 1) return false; return networkingMgr->connectToGame(game); } catch (...) { return false; } }
bool ServerModel::setData(const QModelIndex &idx, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (role != Qt::EditRole || !idx.isValid()) return false; ServerInfo si = m_servers.at(idx.row()); bool ok = false; switch (idx.column()) { case 0: si.setName(value.toString()); ok = true; break; case 1: si.setAddress(value.toString()); ok = true; break; case 2: si.setPort(value.toInt(&ok)); break; case 3: si.setPassword(value.toString()); ok = true; break; } if (ok) { m_servers.replace(idx.row(), si); Config::instance()->setServers(m_servers); emit dataChanged(index(idx.row(), 0), index(idx.row(), 3)); return true; } return false; }
/** * Throws NSPRException upon NSPR error */ Connection::Connection(const ServerInfo& server, const std::string &certDBPasswd, const std::string &certNickName, bool alwaysTrustServerCert) : socket(NULL), certdbpasswd(NULL), certnickname(NULL) { char buffer[PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE]; PRNetAddr address; PRHostEnt hostEntry; PRIntn hostIndex; PRStatus prStatus; SECStatus secStatus; prStatus = PR_GetHostByName(server.getHost().c_str(), buffer, sizeof(buffer), &hostEntry); if (PR_SUCCESS != prStatus) { throw NSPRException("Connection::Connection", "PR_GetHostByName"); } hostIndex = PR_EnumerateHostEnt(0, &hostEntry, server.getPort(), &address); if (hostIndex < 0) { throw NSPRException("Connection::Connection", "PR_EnumerateHostEnt"); } socket = createSocket(address, server.useSSL(), certDBPasswd, certNickName, alwaysTrustServerCert); if (server.useSSL()) { secStatus = SSL_SetURL(socket, server.getHost().c_str()); if (SECSuccess != secStatus) { PRErrorCode error = PR_GetError(); PR_Shutdown(socket, PR_SHUTDOWN_BOTH); PR_Close(socket); Log::log(Log::ALL_MODULES, Log::LOG_ERROR, "SSL_SetURL() returned error: %s", PR_ErrorToString(error, PR_LANGUAGE_I_DEFAULT)); throw NSPRException("Connection::Connection", "SSL_SetURL", error); } } prStatus = PR_Connect(socket, &address, connect_timeout); if (prStatus != PR_SUCCESS) { PRErrorCode error = PR_GetError(); PR_Shutdown(socket, PR_SHUTDOWN_BOTH); PR_Close(socket); throw NSPRException("Connection::Connection PR_Connect", "PR_Connect", error); } }
void ServerGrp::SyncGroupInfo(int32 nSocketID) { PacketAddSrvInfo pkt; for (SrvInfoMap::iterator itr = m_SrvMap.begin(); itr != m_SrvMap.end(); ++itr) { ServerInfo* pInfo = itr->second; pInfo->FillPacket( &pkt ); PeerSend( nSocketID, &pkt); } }
void ServerDialog::saveCustomServers(const ServerInfo ¤tServer, int index) { ServerInfos::iterator it, it_end = mServers.end(); // Make sure the current server is mentioned first if (currentServer.isValid()) { if (index > -1) { mServers[index] = currentServer; } else { for (it = mServers.begin(); it != it_end; ++it) { if (*it == currentServer) { mServers.erase(it); break; } } mServers.push_front(currentServer); } } int savedServerCount = 0; for (it = mServers.begin(), it_end = mServers.end(); it != it_end && savedServerCount < MAX_SERVERLIST; ++it) { const ServerInfo &server = *it; // Only save servers that were loaded from settings if (!(server.save && server.isValid())) continue; const std::string index = toString(savedServerCount); const std::string nameKey = "MostUsedServerDescName" + index; const std::string hostNameKey = "MostUsedServerName" + index; const std::string typeKey = "MostUsedServerType" + index; const std::string portKey = "MostUsedServerPort" + index; const std::string descriptionKey = "MostUsedServerDescription" + index; config.setValue(hostNameKey, toString(server.hostname)); config.setValue(typeKey, serverTypeToString(server.type)); config.setValue(portKey, toString(server.port)); config.setValue(nameKey, server.name); config.setValue(descriptionKey, server.description); ++savedServerCount; } // Insert an invalid entry at the end to make the loading stop there if (savedServerCount < MAX_SERVERLIST) config.setValue("MostUsedServerName" + toString(savedServerCount), ""); // Restore the correct description if (index < 0) index = 0; mDescription->setCaption(mServers[index].description); }
BaseProxy::BaseProxy( ServerInfo serverinfo, int32_t nprotocols, ServiceManager* service_manager, int32_t tryCount, int32_t tryInterval) :_serverinfo(serverinfo.getIP(),serverinfo.getPort()), _service_manager(service_manager) { _name = StringUtil::generate_uuid(); _nProtocols = nprotocols; _tryCount = tryCount; _tryInterval = tryInterval; init(); }
QVariant ServerModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if ((role != Qt::DisplayRole && role != Qt::EditRole) || !index.isValid()) return QVariant(); ServerInfo si = m_servers.at(index.row()); switch (index.column()) { case 0: return si.name(); case 1: return si.address(); case 2: return si.port(); case 3: return role == Qt::EditRole ? "" : si.password().isEmpty() ? "" : "********"; } return QVariant(); }
bool AccountManager::loadServerInfoCB(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, void *data) { ServerInfo *info = static_cast<ServerInfo*>(data); const char *key = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text (stmt, 0); const char *value = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text (stmt, 1); QString key_string = key; QString value_string = value; if (key_string == kVersionKeyName) { info->parseVersionFromString(value_string); } else if (key_string == kFeaturesKeyName) { info->parseFeatureFromStrings(value_string.split(",")); } else if (key_string == kCustomBrandKeyName) { info->customBrand = value_string; } else if (key_string == kCustomLogoKeyName) { info->customLogo = value_string; } return true; }
void NetworkRoleMenu::refreshGameList() { servers = networkingMgr->discoveryAgent->getServerList(); gameList->resetList(); for(std::vector<ServerInfo*>::const_iterator it=servers.begin();it!=servers.end(); ++it) { ServerInfo *server = *it; //server->print(); // Don't list games which are not responding (possibly full) if (server->getLastPong() > 0) continue; addGameToList(server); } if (selectedGame > (int) gameList->getRowCount() -1) return; CEGUI::MCLGridRef ref = CEGUI::MCLGridRef(selectedGame,0); gameList->setItemSelectState(gameList->getItemAtGridReference(ref),true); }
void ServerGrp::InitDogDetailsPools(PacketSender* pSender, int32 nDogSrvID) { SrvInfoMap& map = m_SrvMap; for (SrvInfoMap::iterator itr = map.begin(); itr != map.end(); ++itr) { ServerInfo* pInfo = (ServerInfo*)itr->second; PacketDogData pkt; ParamPool*& pPool = pInfo->m_pParamDetails; if(!pPool) pInfo->UpdateDetailsPool(); pkt.nParamType = pPool->GetParamTypeID(); pkt.SyncParam2Dog( pSender, nDogSrvID, pPool, eParam_Flag_Server, eParam_Sync_All); } }
void GameNetwork::Start(ServerInfo server) { this->mServer = server; for(int i = 0; i < PLAYER_CAP; i++) { this->mNetBalls[i]->SetPos(this->mNetBalls[i]->GetStartPos()); this->mNetBalls[i]->SetHP(((WARLOCKInfo*)server.GetGameModeInfo())->GetStartHealth()); } this->mNetBalls[this->mIndex]->GetPlayerHistory()->Reset(this->mNetBalls[this->mIndex]->GetStartPos()); if(!this->mOnline) { if(this->mServer.GetIP() == "") { mConn->Host(server); } else { mConn->Connect(server); } } else { if(server.GetID() == -1) { char create[1024] = "CREATE GAME"; int offset = 12; server.GetBuffer(create, offset); create[offset++] = 10; this->mOnlineHandler->Send(create, offset); } else { char join[55] = "JOIN GAME"; int offset = 10; AddToBuf(join, offset, server.GetID()); join[offset++] = 10; this->mOnlineHandler->Send(join, offset); } } }
Warlock::Warlock(GraphicsEngine* ge, GameNetwork* net, ServerInfo server) { this->mGe = ge; this->mNumberOfPlayers = 0; this->mNumberOfRounds = 3; this->mGameMode = server.GetGameMode(); this->mNet = net; this->mServerInfo = server; this->mTimeElapsed = 0.0f; this->mProgressBars = NULL; }
void LoginHandler::chooseServer(unsigned int server) { if (server >= mWorlds.size()) return; charServer.clear(); charServer.hostname = ipToString(mWorlds[server]->address); charServer.port = mWorlds[server]->port; Client::setState(STATE_UPDATE); }
void AccountManager::serverInfoSuccess(const Account &account, const ServerInfo &info) { setServerInfoKeyValue(db, account, kVersionKeyName, info.getVersionString()); setServerInfoKeyValue(db, account, kFeaturesKeyName, info.getFeatureStrings().join(",")); setServerInfoKeyValue(db, account, kCustomLogoKeyName, info.customLogo); setServerInfoKeyValue(db, account, kCustomBrandKeyName, info.customBrand); bool changed = account.serverInfo != info; if (!changed) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < accounts_.size(); i++) { if (accounts_[i] == account) { if (i == 0) emit beforeAccountChanged(); accounts_[i].serverInfo = info; if (i == 0) emit accountsChanged(); break; } } }
void ServerDialog::saveCustomServers(const ServerInfo ¤tServer) { // Make sure the current server is mentioned first if (currentServer.isValid()) { ServerInfos::iterator i, i_end = mServers.end(); for (i = mServers.begin(); i != i_end; ++i) { if (*i == currentServer) { mServers.erase(i); break; } } mServers.insert(mServers.begin(), currentServer); } int savedServerCount = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < mServers.size() && savedServerCount < MAX_SERVERLIST; ++i) { const ServerInfo &server = mServers.at(i); // Only save servers that were loaded from settings if (!(server.save && server.isValid())) continue; const std::string index = toString(savedServerCount); const std::string nameKey = "MostUsedServerName" + index; const std::string typeKey = "MostUsedServerType" + index; const std::string portKey = "MostUsedServerPort" + index; config.setValue(nameKey, toString(server.hostname)); config.setValue(typeKey, serverTypeToString(server.type)); config.setValue(portKey, toString(server.port)); ++savedServerCount; } // Insert an invalid entry at the end to make the loading stop there if (savedServerCount < MAX_SERVERLIST) config.setValue("MostUsedServerName" + toString(savedServerCount), ""); }
CaptureTheFlag::CaptureTheFlag(GraphicsEngine* ge, GameNetwork* net, ServerInfo server) { this->mGe = ge; this->mNumberOfPlayers = 0; this->mNumberOfRounds = 3; this->mGameMode = server.GetGameMode(); this->mNet = net; this->mServerInfo = server; this->mTimeElapsed = 0.0f; this->mTeam = (int)TEAM::NOTEAM; this->mEnemyFlag = NULL; this->mFriendlyFlag = NULL; this->mRedFlag = NULL; this->mBlueFlag = NULL; this->mRedScore = 0; this->mBlueScore = 0; this->mRedScoreText = NULL; this->mBlueScoreText = NULL; this->mIntermediateText = NULL; }
am_status_t BaseService::doRequest(const ServiceInfo& service, const BodyChunk& headerPrefix, const std::string& uriParameters, const Http::CookieList& cookieList, const BodyChunk& headerSuffix, const BodyChunkList& bodyChunkList, Http::Response& response, std::size_t initialBufferLen, const std::string &cert_nick_name, const ServerInfo** serverInfo) const { am_status_t status = AM_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE; std::size_t dataLen = 0; // Create a temporary buffer for the Content-Line header // the extra '2' is for the <CR><LF> at the end. The // sizeof the CONTENT_LENGTH_HDR includes space for the // terminating NUL. char contentLine[sizeof(CONTENT_LENGTH_HDR) + (sizeof(dataLen) * DIGITS_PER_BYTE) + 2]; std::size_t contentLineLen; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bodyChunkList.size(); ++i) { dataLen += bodyChunkList[i].data.size(); } contentLineLen = snprintf(contentLine, sizeof(contentLine), "%s%d\r\n", CONTENT_LENGTH_HDR, dataLen); if (sizeof(contentLine) > contentLineLen) { BodyChunk contentLineChunk(contentLine, contentLineLen); ServiceInfo::const_iterator iter; for (iter = service.begin(); iter != service.end(); ++iter) { ServerInfo svrInfo = ServerInfo((const ServerInfo&)(*iter)); if (!svrInfo.isHealthy(poll_primary_server)) { Log::log(logModule, Log::LOG_WARNING, "BaseService::doRequest(): " "Server is unavailable: %s.", svrInfo.getURL().c_str()); continue; } else { Log::log(logModule, Log::LOG_DEBUG, "BaseService::doRequest(): Using server: %s.", iter->getURL().c_str()); } Http::HeaderList headerList, proxyHeaderList; Http::Cookie hostHeader("Host", svrInfo.getHost()); headerList.push_back(hostHeader); if (useProxy) { proxyHeaderList.push_back(hostHeader); // Override (temporarily) server credentials if using proxy svrInfo.setHost(proxyHost); svrInfo.setPort(proxyPort); // We don't use SSL for initial proxy connection svrInfo.setUseSSL(false); Log::log(logModule, Log::LOG_DEBUG, "BaseService::doRequest(): Using proxy: %s:%d", proxyHost.c_str(),proxyPort); // Add Proxy-Authorization header if user defined if (useProxyAuth) { // allocate enough for a base64-encoded digest int authSize = proxyUser.size() + proxyPassword.size() + 1; // 11 extra bytes for prefix and terminator char * digest = (char *)malloc(authSize * 4/3 + 11); strcpy(digest, "Basic "); encode_base64((proxyUser + ":" + proxyPassword).c_str(), authSize,(digest + 6)); Log::log(logModule, Log::LOG_MAX_DEBUG, "BaseService::doRequest(): Using proxy auth as: %s", proxyUser.c_str()); hostHeader = Http::Cookie("Proxy-Authorization", digest); proxyHeaderList.push_back(hostHeader); free(digest); } } // retry to connect to server before marking it as down. // making the number of attempts configurable may have a negative // side effect on performance, if the the value is a high number. int retryAttempts = 3; int retryCount = 0; while(retryCount < retryAttempts) { retryCount++; try { Connection conn(svrInfo, certDBPasswd, (cert_nick_name.size()>0)?cert_nick_name:certNickName, alwaysTrustServerCert); const char *operation = "sending to"; // in case proxy is defined and target URL is HTTPS, // establish an SSL tunnel first send // CONNECT host:port string if (useProxy && iter->useSSL()) { SECStatus secStatus = SECFailure; // All the other parameters would be empty for a // proxy CONNECT Http::CookieList emptyCookieList; BodyChunk emptyChunk; BodyChunkList emptyChunkList; // Add a Keep-alive header since we're using HTTP/1.0 hostHeader = Http::Cookie("Connection", "Keep-Alive\r\n"); proxyHeaderList.push_back(hostHeader); status = sendRequest(conn, BodyChunk(std::string("CONNECT ")), iter->getHost() + ":" + Utils::toString(iter->getPort()), std::string(""), proxyHeaderList, emptyCookieList, emptyChunk, emptyChunk, emptyChunkList); if (status == AM_SUCCESS) { // Retrieve proxie's response if tunnel // established (void) response.readAndIgnore(logModule, conn); // Secure the tunnel now by upgrading the socket PRFileDesc *sock = conn.secureSocket( certDBPasswd, (cert_nick_name.size()>0)? cert_nick_name:certNickName, alwaysTrustServerCert, NULL); if (sock != static_cast<PRFileDesc *>(NULL)) { secStatus = SSL_SetURL(sock, iter->getHost().c_str()); } } if (status != AM_SUCCESS || SECSuccess != secStatus){ Log::log(logModule, Log::LOG_ERROR, "BaseService::doRequest(): could not " "establish a secure proxy tunnel"); // Can't continue and mark server as down as // it was a proxy failure return AM_FAILURE; } } if(Log::isLevelEnabled(logModule, Log::LOG_MAX_DEBUG)) { std::string commString; for(std::size_t i = 0; i<bodyChunkList.size(); ++i) { if(!bodyChunkList[i].secure) { commString.append(bodyChunkList[i].data); } else { commString.append("<secure data>"); } } for(std::size_t commPos = commString.find("%"); commPos != std::string::npos && commPos < commString.size(); commPos = commString.find("%", commPos)) { commString.replace(commPos, 1, "%%"); commPos += 2; } Log::log(logModule, Log::LOG_MAX_DEBUG, commString.c_str()); } std::string requestString = iter->getURI(); /* * In case the following request would go to a proxy * we need to use full URL and special headers. * If the resource is HTTPS, we're not posting our * request to the proxy, but to the server * through proxy tunnel */ if (useProxy && !(iter->useSSL())) { requestString = iter->getURL(); headerList = proxyHeaderList; } status = sendRequest(conn, headerPrefix, requestString, uriParameters, headerList, cookieList, contentLineChunk, headerSuffix, bodyChunkList); if (AM_SUCCESS == status) { operation = "receiving from"; status = response.readAndParse(logModule, conn, initialBufferLen); if (AM_SUCCESS == status) { Log::log(logModule, Log::LOG_MAX_DEBUG, "%.*s", response.getBodyLen(), response.getBodyPtr()); } } if (AM_NSPR_ERROR == status) { PRErrorCode nspr_code = PR_GetError(); Log::log(logModule, Log::LOG_ALWAYS, "BaseService::doRequest() NSPR failure while " "%s %s, error = %s", operation, (*iter).toString().c_str(), PR_ErrorToName(nspr_code)); } if (AM_SUCCESS == status) { if(serverInfo != NULL) *serverInfo = &(*iter); break; } else { if(retryCount < retryAttempts) { continue; } else { Log::log(logModule, Log::LOG_DEBUG, "BaseService::doRequest() Invoking markSeverDown"); svrInfo.markServerDown(poll_primary_server); } } } catch (const NSPRException& exc) { Log::log(logModule, Log::LOG_DEBUG, "BaseService::doRequest() caught %s: %s called by %s " "returned %s", exc.what(), exc.getNsprMethod(), exc.getThrowingMethod(), PR_ErrorToName(exc.getErrorCode())); if(retryCount < retryAttempts) { status = AM_NSPR_ERROR; continue; } else { Log::log(logModule, Log::LOG_DEBUG, "BaseService::doRequest() Invoking markSeverDown"); svrInfo.markServerDown(poll_primary_server); status = AM_NSPR_ERROR; } } } //end of while if (AM_SUCCESS == status) { if(serverInfo != NULL) *serverInfo = &(*iter); break; } if (status = AM_NSPR_ERROR) { continue; } } // end of for } else { status = AM_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } return status; }
void NinjamController::start(const ServerInfo& server) { qCDebug(jtNinjamCore) << "starting ninjam controller..."; QMutexLocker locker(&mutex); //schedule an update in internal attributes scheduledEvents.append(new BpiChangeEvent(this, server.getBpi())); scheduledEvents.append(new BpmChangeEvent(this, server.getBpm())); preparedForTransmit = false; // the xmit start after the first interval is received emit preparingTransmission(); // schedule the encoders creation (one encoder for each channel) int channels = mainController->getInputTrackGroupsCount(); for (int channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < channels; ++channelIndex) { scheduledEvents.append(new InputChannelChangedEvent(this, channelIndex)); } processScheduledChanges(); if (!running) { encodingThread = new NinjamController::EncodingThread(this); // add a sine wave generator as input to test audio transmission //mainController->addInputTrackNode(new Audio::LocalInputTestStreamer(440, mainController->getAudioDriverSampleRate())); mainController->addTrack(METRONOME_TRACK_ID, this->metronomeTrackNode); mainController->setTrackMute(METRONOME_TRACK_ID, mainController->getSettings().getMetronomeMuteStatus()); mainController->setTrackGain(METRONOME_TRACK_ID,mainController->getSettings().getMetronomeGain()); mainController->setTrackPan(METRONOME_TRACK_ID, mainController->getSettings().getMetronomePan()); this->intervalPosition = lastBeat = 0; auto ninjamService = mainController->getNinjamService(); connect(ninjamService, &Service::serverBpmChanged, this, &NinjamController::scheduleBpmChangeEvent); connect(ninjamService, &Service::serverBpiChanged, this, &NinjamController::scheduleBpiChangeEvent); connect(ninjamService, &Service::audioIntervalCompleted, this, &NinjamController::handleIntervalCompleted); connect(ninjamService, &Service::userChannelCreated, this, &NinjamController::addNinjamRemoteChannel); connect(ninjamService, &Service::userChannelRemoved, this, &NinjamController::removeNinjamRemoteChannel); connect(ninjamService, &Service::userChannelUpdated, this, &NinjamController::updateNinjamRemoteChannel); connect(ninjamService, &Service::audioIntervalDownloading, this, &NinjamController::handleIntervalDownloading); connect(ninjamService, &Service::userExited, this, &NinjamController::handleNinjamUserExiting); connect(ninjamService, &Service::userEntered, this, &NinjamController::handleNinjamUserEntering); connect(ninjamService, &Service::publicChatMessageReceived, this, &NinjamController::handleReceivedPublicChatMessage); connect(ninjamService, &Service::privateChatMessageReceived, this, &NinjamController::handleReceivedPrivateChatMessage); connect(ninjamService, &Service::serverTopicMessageReceived, this, &NinjamController::topicMessageReceived); // add tracks for users connected in server auto users = server.getUsers(); for (const auto &user : users) { for (const auto &channel : user.getChannels()) { addTrack(user, channel); } } this->running = true; emit started(); } qCDebug(jtNinjamCore) << "ninjam controller started!"; }
namespace TmwAthena { extern ServerInfo charServer; LoginHandler::LoginHandler(): mVersionResponse(false), mRegistrationEnabled(true) { static const Uint16 _messages[] = { SMSG_UPDATE_HOST, SMSG_LOGIN_DATA, SMSG_LOGIN_ERROR, SMSG_CHAR_PASSWORD_RESPONSE, SMSG_SERVER_VERSION_RESPONSE, 0 }; handledMessages = _messages; loginHandler = this; } LoginHandler::~LoginHandler() { delete_all(mWorlds); } void LoginHandler::handleMessage(Net::MessageIn &msg) { int code, worldCount; switch (msg.getId()) { case SMSG_CHAR_PASSWORD_RESPONSE: { // 0: acc not found, 1: success, 2: password mismatch, 3: pass too short int errMsg = msg.readInt8(); // Successful pass change if (errMsg == 1) { Client::setState(STATE_CHANGEPASSWORD_SUCCESS); } // pass change failed else { switch (errMsg) { case 0: errorMessage = _("Account was not found. Please re-login."); break; case 2: errorMessage = _("Old password incorrect."); break; case 3: errorMessage = _("New password too short."); break; default: errorMessage = _("Unknown error."); break; } Client::setState(STATE_ACCOUNTCHANGE_ERROR); } } break; case SMSG_UPDATE_HOST: int len; len = msg.readInt16() - 4; mUpdateHost = msg.readString(len); loginData.updateHost = mUpdateHost; logger->log("Received update host \"%s\" from login server.", mUpdateHost.c_str()); break; case SMSG_LOGIN_DATA: // Skip the length word msg.skip(2); clearWorlds(); worldCount = (msg.getLength() - 47) / 32; mToken.session_ID1 = msg.readInt32(); mToken.account_ID = msg.readInt32(); mToken.session_ID2 = msg.readInt32(); msg.skip(30); // unknown mToken.sex = msg.readInt8() ? GENDER_MALE : GENDER_FEMALE; for (int i = 0; i < worldCount; i++) { WorldInfo *world = new WorldInfo; world->address = msg.readInt32(); world->port = msg.readInt16(); world->name = msg.readString(20); world->online_users = msg.readInt32(); world->updateHost = mUpdateHost; msg.skip(2); // unknown logger->log("Network: Server: %s (%s:%d)", world->name.c_str(), ipToString(world->address), world->port); mWorlds.push_back(world); } Client::setState(STATE_WORLD_SELECT); break; case SMSG_LOGIN_ERROR: code = msg.readInt8(); logger->log("Login::error code: %i", code); switch (code) { case 0: errorMessage = _("Unregistered ID."); break; case 1: errorMessage = _("Wrong password."); break; case 2: errorMessage = _("Account expired."); break; case 3: errorMessage = _("Rejected from server."); break; case 4: errorMessage = _("You have been permanently banned from " "the game. Please contact the GM team."); break; case 5: errorMessage = _("Client too old."); break; case 6: errorMessage = strprintf(_("You have been temporarily " "banned from the game until " "%s.\nPlease contact the GM " "team via the forums."), msg.readString(20).c_str()); break; case 7: errorMessage = _("Server overpopulated."); break; case 9: errorMessage = _("This user name is already taken."); break; case 99: errorMessage = _("Username permanently erased."); break; default: errorMessage = _("Unknown error."); break; } Client::setState(STATE_ERROR); break; case SMSG_SERVER_VERSION_RESPONSE: { // TODO: verify these! msg.readInt8(); // -1 msg.readInt8(); // T msg.readInt8(); // M msg.readInt8(); // W unsigned int options = msg.readInt32(); mRegistrationEnabled = (options & 1); // Leave this last mVersionResponse = true; } break; } } void LoginHandler::connect() { mNetwork->connect(mServer); MessageOut outMsg(CMSG_SERVER_VERSION_REQUEST); } bool LoginHandler::isConnected() { return mVersionResponse && mNetwork->isConnected(); } void LoginHandler::disconnect() { if (mNetwork->getServer() == mServer) mNetwork->disconnect(); } bool LoginHandler::isRegistrationEnabled() { return mRegistrationEnabled; } void LoginHandler::getRegistrationDetails() { // Not supported, so move on Client::setState(STATE_REGISTER); } void LoginHandler::loginAccount(LoginData *loginData) { loginData->characterSlots = 9; sendLoginRegister(loginData->username, loginData->password); } void LoginHandler::logout() { // TODO } void LoginHandler::changeEmail(const std::string &email) { // TODO } void LoginHandler::changePassword(const std::string &username, const std::string &oldPassword, const std::string &newPassword) { MessageOut outMsg(CMSG_CHAR_PASSWORD_CHANGE); outMsg.writeString(oldPassword, 24); outMsg.writeString(newPassword, 24); } void LoginHandler::chooseServer(unsigned int server) { if (server >= mWorlds.size()) return; charServer.clear(); charServer.hostname = ipToString(mWorlds[server]->address); charServer.port = mWorlds[server]->port; Client::setState(STATE_UPDATE); } void LoginHandler::registerAccount(LoginData *loginData) { std::string username = loginData->username; username.append((loginData->gender == GENDER_FEMALE) ? "_F" : "_M"); sendLoginRegister(username, loginData->password); } void LoginHandler::unregisterAccount(const std::string &username, const std::string &password) { // TODO } void LoginHandler::sendLoginRegister(const std::string &username, const std::string &password) { MessageOut outMsg(0x0064); outMsg.writeInt32(0); // client version outMsg.writeString(username, 24); outMsg.writeString(password, 24); /* * eAthena calls the last byte "client version 2", but it isn't used at * at all. We're retasking it, as a bit mask: * 0 - can handle the 0x63 "update host" packet * 1 - defaults to the first char-server (instead of the last) */ outMsg.writeInt8(0x03); } Worlds LoginHandler::getWorlds() const { return mWorlds; } void LoginHandler::clearWorlds() { delete_all(mWorlds); mWorlds.clear(); } } // namespace TmwAthena
//初始化获取服务器 void connectToBalanceServer() { WORD wVersionRequested; WSADATA wsaData; int err; wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1, 1); err = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData); if (err != 0) { //printf("WSAStartup failed with error: %d\n", err); return ; } if (LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 1 || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 1) { //printf("Could not find a usable version of Winsock.dll\n"); WSACleanup(); return ; } /* else printf("The Winsock 1.1 dll was found okay\n"); */ SOCKET sockClient=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0); //send SOCKADDR_IN balanceServerAddr; balanceServerAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr=inet_addr(BalanceServIP); balanceServerAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; balanceServerAddr.sin_port = htons(BalanceServPort); //addrSrv.sin_port = htons(balanceListenPort); /* clientConnectRequst cliConReq; cliConReq.bitRate=bitRate; cliConReq.flag=1; cliConReq.frame_rate=frame_rate; cliConReq.resolution=resolution; */ //发送请求设置 clientConnectRequst cliConReq; cliConReq.bitRate=5000; cliConReq.flag=FLAG_CLIENT_CONNECT_REQUEST; cliConReq.frame_rate=5000; cliConReq.resolution=5000; cliConReq.reConPort=10001; cliConReq.channel = channel; cliConReq.cameraID = cameraID; //初始频道不正确 if (cliConReq.channel < 1) { cout << "频道为0,设置错误" << endl; isStop = 1; cin.get(); exit(0); } char sendBuf[SEND_TO_BALANCE_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE]; for(int i=0;i<sizeof(clientConnectRequst);i++) { sendBuf[i]=((char*)(&cliConReq))[i]; } sendto(sockClient,sendBuf,SEND_TO_BALANCE_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE,0,(SOCKADDR *)&balanceServerAddr,sizeof(balanceServerAddr)); //reconnect thread SOCKET * reConnectSock = &sockClient; HANDLE hThread5; DWORD ThreadID5; hThread5=CreateThread(NULL,0,reConnect,reConnectSock,0,&ThreadID5); isConnect=0; //listen int len = sizeof(SOCKADDR); char recBuff[RECEIVE_FROM_BALANCE_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE]; while(isConnect!=1) { memset(recBuff,0,RECEIVE_FROM_BALANCE_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE); recvfrom(sockClient,recBuff,sizeof(recBuff),0,(SOCKADDR *)&addrSrv,&len); //receive ok serge //cout<<" receive data\n"; ServerInfoBlock * pServerBlock; pServerBlock =((ServerInfoBlock *)recBuff); if((*pServerBlock).flag==FLAG_SERVER_INFO) { isConnect=1; if (pServerBlock->server_id<0) { //std::cout << "no server avalible now\n"; // cin.get(); //调整为默认频道 channel = 1; cameraID = 1; connectToBalanceServer(); return; //exit(0); } serverFromBalance=ServerInfo(*pServerBlock); //tempServer.showInfo(); //std::cout<<"the server ID is : "<<serverFromBalance.getServerID()<<std::endl; } else { //std::cout<<"recieve error server info\n"; } } //printf("the %s says: %s \n",inet_ntoa(addrClient.sin_addr),recBuff); std::string temp =serverFromBalance.getServerPublicIP(); unsigned int i; for(i=0;i<temp.length();i++) { ServIP[i]=temp[i]; } ServIP[i]='\0'; /* char aa[20]="\0"; int i; for(i=0;i<temp.length();i++) { ServIP[i]=aa[i]; } ServIP[i]='\0'; */ ServPort=serverFromBalance.getServerDataPort(); retranport=serverFromBalance.getServerRetransmitPort(); commandport=serverFromBalance.getServerCommandPort(); //cout<<"serverIP: "<<ServIP<<endl; //cout<<"tranport: "<<ServPort<<endl; //cout<<"retranport: "<<retranport<<endl; //cout<<"commandport: "<<commandport<<endl; }
/** Fetch a split from remote worker and keep it in the shared memory region * @param dest a memory pointer where the split will be written (usually shared mem) * @param name a name of split to fetch * @param size the size of split to fetch * @param client a worker information from where we will fetch the split * @param myhostname a name of worker who initiate the transfer request * @param store a location other than dram where the split will be written. It can be zero-length * @return return code from server */ int32_t TransferServer::transfer_blob(void *dest, const string &name, size_t size, WorkerInfo* client, const string& myhostname, const string &store) { // Setup the transfer this->dest_ = dest; this->size_ = size; bytes_fetched_ = 0; // Initialize semaphore to zero. Server thread will increment // when it is ready sem_init(&server_ready, 0, 0); // Setup a receicing thread. // Later, we will send a Fetch request, // and the data will arrive to this thread pthread_t server_thread; pthread_create(&server_thread, 0, transfer_pthread, this); // fprintf(stderr, // "Waiting for server to be ready for transfer array %s from %s\n", // a.name.c_str(), a.location.name.c_str()); // Wait till server is ready sem_wait(&server_ready); // FIXME(shivaram): This doesn't work on bfc machines // char hostname[64]; // HOST_NAME_MAX is 64 in Linux // int ret = gethostname(hostname, 64); // if (ret < 0) { // return ret; // } // Information of the requester ServerInfo location; location.set_name(myhostname); location.set_presto_port(server_socket_port); // Create a fetch request FetchRequest req; req.mutable_location()->CopyFrom(location); req.set_size(size); req.set_name(name); if (!store.empty()) { req.set_store(store); } client->NewTransfer(req); // request transfer to remote workers void* server_ret; pthread_join(server_thread, &server_ret); sem_destroy(&server_ready); return *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(server_ret); // TODO(erik): error handling // } else { // // Cancel the server thread if transfer failed. // // TODO(shivaram): Check if this behaves correctly or use signals. // fprintf(stderr, "Transfer failed, cancelling server\n"); // sem_destroy(&server_ready); // pthread_cancel(server_thread); // shutdown(serverfd, SHUT_RDWR); // close(serverfd); // return -1; // } }