RoseBin_DataFlowAnalysis::exceptionCall(SgAsmX86Instruction* call) {
  // this function returns true, if the function that is being called is the _malloc function
  // this is good to know, so that the malloc analysis can be performed even if there is no ret

  // (tps - 05/23/08): Since the new disassembler does not know function names, this analysis
  // does not work.
  // todo : as long as there are no function names -- the malloc analysis will not work.
  bool exception=false;
  if (call==NULL)
    return exception;
  if (call->get_kind() != x86_call)
    return exception;
  SgAsmOperandList* opList = call->get_operandList();
  SgAsmExpressionPtrList ptrList = opList->get_operands();
  // get the first (and only) element
  string comment = call->get_comment();
  if (ptrList.size()!=0) {
    SgAsmExpression* expr = *(ptrList.begin());
    string replace = expr->get_replacement();
    if (replace=="_malloc" || replace=="malloc@plt"
        || comment=="malloc")
  //  cerr << "Found call --- comment = " << comment << "  exception = " << exception << endl;
  return exception;