InstructionListModel::data(const Wt::WModelIndex &index, int role) const {
    ASSERT_require(index.row()>=0 && (size_t)index.row() < insns_.size());
    SgAsmInstruction *insn = insns_[index.row()];
    if (Wt::DisplayRole == role) {
        switch (index.column()) {
            case C_ADDR: {
                return Wt::WString(StringUtility::addrToString(insn->get_address()));
            case C_BYTES: {
                std::string s;
                for (size_t i=0; i<insn->get_raw_bytes().size(); ++i) {
                    uint8_t byte = insn->get_raw_bytes()[i];
                    char buf[32];
                    sprintf(buf, "%02x", byte);
                    s += std::string(i?" ":"") + buf;
                return Wt::WString(s);
            case C_CHARS: {
                std::string s;
                for (size_t i=0; i<insn->get_raw_bytes().size(); ++i) {
                    char ch = insn->get_raw_bytes()[i];
                    s += std::string(i?" ":"") + (isgraph(ch) ? std::string(1, ch) : std::string(" "));
                return Wt::WString(s);
            case C_STACKDELTA: {
                int64_t delta = insn->get_stackDelta();
                if (delta == SgAsmInstruction::INVALID_STACK_DELTA)
                    return Wt::WString("");
                std::string s = (delta >= 0 ? "+" : "") + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(delta);
                return Wt::WString(s);
            case C_NAME: {
                return Wt::WString(unparseMnemonic(insn));
            case C_ARGS: {
                std::string s;
                const RegisterDictionary *regs = ctx_.partitioner.instructionProvider().registerDictionary();
                const SgAsmExpressionPtrList &operands = insn->get_operandList()->get_operands();
                for (size_t i=0; i<operands.size(); ++i)
                    s += (i?", ":"") + unparseExpression(operands[i], NULL, regs);
                return Wt::WString(s);
            case C_COMMENT: {
                return Wt::WString(insn->get_comment());
                ASSERT_not_reachable("invalid column number");
    return boost::any();
Esempio n. 2
 * process operand tuples. 
 * Handles all expressions to be added to the instructions.
void RoseBin_DB_IDAPRO::process_operand_tuples_query(MYSQL* conn, MYSQL_RES* res_set) {
  // get the functions
  rememberOperandStrings.clear(); // Not needed right now

  char* q = (char*)"SELECT * FROM operand_tuples_1 order by operand_id desc";
  if (RoseBin_support::DEBUG_MODE())
    cout << "\n>> QUERY:: " << q << "\n" << endl;
  res_set = process_query(conn,q);
  if (res_set == NULL) {
  } else {
    map < int, vector < SgAsmExpression* > > tmp_instruction_map;
    // tmp_instruction_map.clear();
    MYSQL_ROW row;
    long address=0;
    int operand_id=-1;
    int position =-1;

    while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res_set))!=NULL) {
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<mysql_num_fields(res_set);i++) {
        char* ret=(char*)"";
        if (row[i] ==NULL) {
          ret = (char*)"<NULL>";
          if (i==0) address = -1;
          if (i==1) operand_id = -1;
          if (i==2) position = -1;
        } else { 
          ret= row[i];
          if (i==0) address = atoi(ret);
          if (i==1) operand_id = atoi(ret);
          if (i==2) position = atoi(ret);
      //cerr << " >>>>>>>>>> position : " << position;
      // if this would have to be saved in a map, it would need to be a multimap!!
      //if (RoseBin_support::DEBUG_MODE()) {
      ostringstream addrhex;
      addrhex << hex << setw(8) << address ;

      //cout<< "\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
      if (operand_id % 5000 == 0) {
        cout << ">> creating operand_tuple : address: " << addrhex.str() << " " << address << 
          " -  operand_id: " << operand_id << " -  position:" << position << endl;

      // get the expr_id for the operand_id
      SgAsmExpression* binExp=NULL;
      //string operand_str=(char*)"";
      if (operand_id>=0) {
        // operand_str = rememberOperandStrings.find(operand_id) != rememberOperandStrings.end() ? rememberOperandStrings[operand_id] : "";
        //if (RoseBin_support::DEBUG_MODE())
        //cout << ">>>> operand_str: " << operand_str <<  endl;
        ROSE_ASSERT (operand_id < (int)rememberExpressionTree_ROOT.size());
        int expr_id_root = rememberExpressionTree_ROOT[operand_id];
        ROSE_ASSERT (operand_id < (int)rememberExpressionTree_ParentChild.size());
        map <int, vector<int> > subTree = rememberExpressionTree_ParentChild[operand_id];

        rememberExpressionTree_ROOT.resize(operand_id + 1);
        rememberExpressionTree_ParentChild.resize(operand_id + 1);

        ROSE_ASSERT (expr_id_root < (int)rememberExpressionTree.size());
        exprTreeType exprTree = rememberExpressionTree[expr_id_root];
        string typeOfOperand = resolveType(&exprTree);

#if 0
        // print multimapsolveRe
        if (RoseBin_support::DEBUG_MODE()) {
          multimap<int,int>::iterator it = subTree.begin();
          for (; it!=subTree.end();++it) {
            int f=it->first;
            int s=it->second;
            cout << " mm : " << f << "," << s << endl;
        binExp = buildROSE->resolveRecursivelyExpression(address,expr_id_root, 

      } // if operand

      // should save for each instruction, a list of operands and their position
      // and add the operand later on to the instruction
      // map < address, map < pos, binExp > >
      vector<SgAsmExpression*>& currentOperands = tmp_instruction_map[address];
      if (position >= (int)currentOperands.size()) currentOperands.resize(position + 1);
      currentOperands[position] = binExp;
#if 0
      map <int, map <int, SgAsmExpression*> >::iterator tmpIt = tmp_instruction_map.find(address);
      bool found=false;
      if (tmpIt!=tmp_instruction_map.end())
      if (found) {
        //cerr << " found   position: " << position << endl;
        // I do not want to add an address into tmp if not in (side effect!)
        map <int, SgAsmExpression*> tmp_map = tmp_instruction_map[address];
        tmp_map[position] = binExp;
        tmp_instruction_map[address] = tmp_map;
      } else {
        // first time visit
        //cerr << " notfound   position: " << position << endl;
        map <int, SgAsmExpression*> tmp_map;
        tmp_map[position] = binExp;
        tmp_instruction_map[address] = tmp_map;

    } // while

    // get basic_block and append this instruction
    if (RoseBin_support::DEBUG_MODE())
      cout << "\n\n> appending operandList to instruction.  " << endl;
    rose_hash::unordered_map <uint64_t, SgAsmInstruction* >::iterator blockIt;      
    int count = 0;
    cerr << "Instruction count: " << rememberInstructions.size() << endl;
    for (blockIt=rememberInstructions.begin();blockIt!=rememberInstructions.end();++blockIt) {
      if (count % 1000 == 0) cout << "Adding operands to instruction " << count << endl;
      int inst_address = blockIt->first;
      SgAsmInstruction* remInstr = blockIt->second;
      map<int, vector< SgAsmExpression*> >::iterator it = tmp_instruction_map.find(inst_address);
      if (it != tmp_instruction_map.end()) { // Skip for instructions without operands
        vector < SgAsmExpression*>& exprList_forInst = it->second;
        int sizeList = exprList_forInst.size();
        // find each element separately
        for (int i=0; i<sizeList; i++) {
          SgAsmExpression* binExp = exprList_forInst[i];
#if 0
          map <int, SgAsmExpression*>::iterator it = exprList_forInst.find(i);
          // get the elements in order!! this is important.
          SgAsmExpression* binExp = it->second;
          exprTreeType exprTree = buildROSE->getDebugHelp(binExp);
          if (RoseBin_support::DEBUG_MODE())
            cout << ">> append operand (to instruction): binExp: " <<binExp  
                 << " - sym: " <<exprTree.symbol << " - immedi: " << exprTree.immediate << endl;

  } // if (res_set==NULL)