Esempio n. 1
DetectOriginalExpressionTreeTraversal::visit ( SgNode* node )
  // This is used to operate on the AST and on subtree that are hidden in SgArrayType and bitfile expressions.

     ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL);

  // printf ("In DetectOriginalExpressionTreeTraversal::visit(): node = %s \n",node->class_name().c_str());

     SgExpression* exp = isSgExpression(node);
     if (exp != NULL)
          SgExpression* originalExpressionTree = exp->get_originalExpressionTree();

          if (originalExpressionTree != NULL)
               printf ("Error: DetectOriginalExpressionTreeTraversal::visit() -- there is a valid originalExpressionTree = %p = %s on node = %p = %s \n",originalExpressionTree,originalExpressionTree->class_name().c_str(),exp,exp->class_name().c_str());
               ROSE_ASSERT(originalExpressionTree->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
               originalExpressionTree->get_startOfConstruct()->display("Error: DetectOriginalExpressionTreeTraversal::visit()");

       // DQ (6/12/2013): Commented out as part of EDG 4.7 testing.
#if 0
          ROSE_ASSERT(originalExpressionTree == NULL);
Esempio n. 2
visitorTraversal::visit(SgNode* n)
     SgFile* file = isSgFile(n);
     if (file != NULL)
          filename = file->get_sourceFileNameWithPath();

  // On each statement node and output it's position.
     SgStatement* statement = isSgStatement(n);

     bool outputStatement = (statement != NULL) ? true : false;

  // Check for the statement to exist in the input source file
     outputStatement = outputStatement && (statement->get_file_info()->get_filenameString() == filename);

  // Skip SgGlobal IR nodes
     outputStatement = outputStatement && (isSgGlobal(statement) == NULL);

     if (outputStatement == true)
          AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = statement->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();

          if (comments != NULL)
            // printf ("Found attached comments (to IR node at %p of type: %s): \n",statement,statement->class_name().c_str());
            // int counter = 0;
               AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i;
               for (i = comments->begin(); i != comments->end(); i++)
#if 0
                    printf ("          Attached Comment #%d in file %s (relativePosition=%s): classification %s :\n%s\n",
                         ((*i)->getRelativePosition() == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",

                 // Mark comments and CPP directives a few different colors.
                    int startingLineNumber   = (*i)->get_file_info()->get_line();
                    int startingColumnNumber = (*i)->get_file_info()->get_col();

                 // Subtract 1 from number of lines to avoid over counting the current line.
                    int endingLineNumber = startingLineNumber + ((*i)->getNumberOfLines() - 1);
                    int endingColumnNumber = (*i)->getColumnNumberOfEndOfString();

                    string color = directiveTypeColor((*i)->getTypeOfDirective());
#if 0
                    printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d\n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber);
                    dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;
            // printf ("No attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",statement,statement->sage_class_name());

          ROSE_ASSERT(statement->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int startingLineNumber   = statement->get_startOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int startingColumnNumber = statement->get_startOfConstruct()->get_col();
          if (statement->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL)
               printf ("Error: statement->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL (statement = %p = %s) \n",statement,statement->class_name().c_str());
          ROSE_ASSERT(statement->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int endingLineNumber     = statement->get_endOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int endingColumnNumber   = statement->get_endOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // Catch errors (likely compiler generate IR node or NULL file)
          if (endingLineNumber == 0)
               endingLineNumber   = startingLineNumber;
               endingColumnNumber = startingColumnNumber;
#if 0
       // Mark all statements blue
          string color = "blue";
          if (isSgScopeStatement(statement) != NULL)
             color = "red";
          string color = nodeColor(statement);
#if 0
          printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d  %s = %p \n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber,statement->class_name().c_str(),statement);
          dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;


  // On each statement node and output it's position.
     SgExpression* expression = isSgExpression(n);

     bool outputExpression = (expression != NULL) ? true : false;

  // Check for the statement to exist in the input source file
     outputExpression = outputExpression && (expression->get_file_info()->get_filenameString() == filename);

     if (outputExpression == true)
       // Currently we don't attach comments to expressions (as I recall).
          AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = expression->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();
          ROSE_ASSERT(comments == NULL);

          ROSE_ASSERT(expression->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int startingLineNumber   = expression->get_startOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int startingColumnNumber = expression->get_startOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // For expressions I would like to be a bit more tollerant of a few mistakes.
          if (expression->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL)
               printf ("Error: expression->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL (expression = %p = %s) \n",expression,expression->class_name().c_str());
       // ROSE_ASSERT(expression->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int endingLineNumber     = startingLineNumber;
          int endingColumnNumber   = startingColumnNumber;
          if (expression->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL)
               endingLineNumber     = expression->get_endOfConstruct()->get_line();
               endingColumnNumber   = expression->get_endOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // Catch errors (likely compiler generate IR node or NULL file)
          if (endingLineNumber == 0)
               endingLineNumber   = startingLineNumber;
               endingColumnNumber = startingColumnNumber;

          string color = nodeColor(expression);
#if 0
          printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d  %s = %p \n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber,expression->class_name().c_str(),expression);
          dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;


  // On each statement node and output it's position.
     SgInitializedName* initializedName = isSgInitializedName(n);

     bool outputInitializedName = (initializedName != NULL) ? true : false;

  // Check for the statement to exist in the input source file
     outputInitializedName = outputInitializedName && (initializedName->get_file_info()->get_filenameString() == filename);

     if (outputInitializedName == true)
       // Currently we don't attach comments to SgInitializedName IR nodes (as I recall).
       // AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = initializedName->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();
       // ROSE_ASSERT(comments == NULL);

          ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName->get_startOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int startingLineNumber   = initializedName->get_startOfConstruct()->get_line();
          int startingColumnNumber = initializedName->get_startOfConstruct()->get_col();
#if 0
       // For SgInitializedName I would like to be a bit more tollerant of a few mistakes.
          if (initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL)
               printf ("Note: initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() == NULL is OK (initializedName = %p = %s) \n",initializedName,initializedName->class_name().c_str());
       // ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL);
          int endingLineNumber     = startingLineNumber;
          int endingColumnNumber   = startingColumnNumber;
          if (initializedName->get_endOfConstruct() != NULL)
               endingLineNumber     = initializedName->get_endOfConstruct()->get_line();
               endingColumnNumber   = initializedName->get_endOfConstruct()->get_col();

       // Catch errors (likely compiler generate IR node or NULL file)
          if (endingLineNumber == 0)
               endingLineNumber   = startingLineNumber;
               endingColumnNumber = startingColumnNumber;

          string color = nodeColor(initializedName);
#if 0
       // This is redundant I/O for debugging.
          printf ("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d  %s = %p \n",startingLineNumber,startingColumnNumber,color.c_str(),endingLineNumber,endingColumnNumber,initializedName->class_name().c_str(),initializedName);
          dataFile << startingLineNumber << "," << startingColumnNumber << "," << color << "," << endingLineNumber << "," << endingColumnNumber << endl;

// Do finite differencing on one expression within one context.  The expression
// must be defined and valid within the entire body of root.  The rewrite rules
// are used to simplify expressions.  When a variable var is updated from
// old_value to new_value, an expression of the form (var, (old_value,
// new_value)) is created and rewritten.  The rewrite rules may either produce
// an arbitrary expression (which will be used as-is) or one of the form (var,
// (something, value)) (which will be changed to (var = value)).
void doFiniteDifferencingOne(SgExpression* e, 
                             SgBasicBlock* root,
                             RewriteRule* rules)
     SgStatementPtrList& root_stmts = root->get_statements();
     SgStatementPtrList::iterator i;
     for (i = root_stmts.begin(); i != root_stmts.end(); ++i)
          if (expressionComputedIn(e, *i))
     if (i == root_stmts.end())
          return; // Expression is not used within root, so quit
     vector<SgVariableSymbol*> used_symbols = SageInterface::getSymbolsUsedInExpression(e);
     SgName cachename = "cache_fd__"; cachename << ++SageInterface::gensym_counter;
     SgVariableDeclaration* cachedecl = new SgVariableDeclaration(SgNULL_FILE, cachename, e->get_type(),0 /* new SgAssignInitializer(SgNULL_FILE, e) */);
     SgInitializedName* cachevar = cachedecl->get_variables().back();
     ROSE_ASSERT (cachevar);
     root->get_statements().insert(i, cachedecl);
     SgVariableSymbol* sym = new SgVariableSymbol(cachevar);
     root->insert_symbol(cachename, sym);
     SgVarRefExp* vr = new SgVarRefExp(SgNULL_FILE, sym);
     replaceCopiesOfExpression(e, vr, root);

     vector<SgExpression*> modifications_to_used_symbols;
     FdFindModifyingStatementsVisitor(used_symbols, modifications_to_used_symbols).go(root);

          new PreprocessingInfo(PreprocessingInfo::CplusplusStyleComment,(string("// Finite differencing: ") + 
               cachename.str() + " is a cache of " + 
               e->unparseToString()).c_str(),"Compiler-Generated in Finite Differencing",0, 0, 0, PreprocessingInfo::before));

     if (modifications_to_used_symbols.size() == 0)
          SgInitializer* cacheinit = new SgAssignInitializer(SgNULL_FILE, e);
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < modifications_to_used_symbols.size(); ++i)
               SgExpression* modstmt = modifications_to_used_symbols[i];
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
               cout << "Updating cache after " << modstmt->unparseToString() << endl;
               SgExpression* updateCache = 0;
               SgVarRefExp* varref = new SgVarRefExp(SgNULL_FILE, sym);
               SgTreeCopy tc;
               SgExpression* eCopy = isSgExpression(e->copy(tc));
               switch (modstmt->variantT())
                    case V_SgAssignOp:
                         SgAssignOp* assignment = isSgAssignOp(modstmt);
                         assert (assignment);
                         SgExpression* lhs = assignment->get_lhs_operand();
                         SgExpression* rhs = assignment->get_rhs_operand();
                         replaceCopiesOfExpression(lhs, rhs, eCopy);

                    case V_SgPlusAssignOp:
                    case V_SgMinusAssignOp:
                    case V_SgAndAssignOp:
                    case V_SgIorAssignOp:
                    case V_SgMultAssignOp:
                    case V_SgDivAssignOp:
                    case V_SgModAssignOp:
                    case V_SgXorAssignOp:
                    case V_SgLshiftAssignOp:
                    case V_SgRshiftAssignOp:
                         SgBinaryOp* assignment = isSgBinaryOp(modstmt);
                         assert (assignment);
                         SgExpression* lhs = assignment->get_lhs_operand();
                         SgExpression* rhs = assignment->get_rhs_operand();
                         SgTreeCopy tc;
                         SgExpression* rhsCopy = isSgExpression(rhs->copy(tc));
                         SgExpression* newval = 0;
                         switch (modstmt->variantT())
#define DO_OP(op, nonassignment) \
                              case V_##op: { \
                                   newval = new nonassignment(SgNULL_FILE, lhs, rhsCopy); \
                                   newval->set_endOfConstruct(SgNULL_FILE); \
                              } \

                              DO_OP(SgPlusAssignOp, SgAddOp);
                              DO_OP(SgMinusAssignOp, SgSubtractOp);
                              DO_OP(SgAndAssignOp, SgBitAndOp);
                              DO_OP(SgIorAssignOp, SgBitOrOp);
                              DO_OP(SgMultAssignOp, SgMultiplyOp);
                              DO_OP(SgDivAssignOp, SgDivideOp);
                              DO_OP(SgModAssignOp, SgModOp);
                              DO_OP(SgXorAssignOp, SgBitXorOp);
                              DO_OP(SgLshiftAssignOp, SgLshiftOp);
                              DO_OP(SgRshiftAssignOp, SgRshiftOp);
#undef DO_OP

                              default: break;
                         assert (newval);
                         replaceCopiesOfExpression(lhs, newval, eCopy);

                    case V_SgPlusPlusOp:
                         SgExpression* lhs = isSgPlusPlusOp(modstmt)->get_operand();
                         SgIntVal* one = new SgIntVal(SgNULL_FILE, 1);
                         SgAddOp* add = new SgAddOp(SgNULL_FILE, lhs, one);

                    case V_SgMinusMinusOp:
                         SgExpression* lhs = isSgMinusMinusOp(modstmt)->get_operand();
                         SgIntVal* one = new SgIntVal(SgNULL_FILE, 1);
                         SgSubtractOp* sub = new SgSubtractOp(SgNULL_FILE, lhs, one);

                         cerr << modstmt->sage_class_name() << endl;
                         assert (false);

#ifdef FD_DEBUG
            cout << "e is " << e->unparseToString() << endl;
            cout << "eCopy is " << eCopy->unparseToString() << endl;
               updateCache = doFdVariableUpdate(rules, varref, e, eCopy);
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
            cout << "updateCache is " << updateCache->unparseToString() << endl;
               if (updateCache)
                    ROSE_ASSERT(modstmt != NULL);
                    SgNode* ifp = modstmt->get_parent();
                    SgCommaOpExp* comma = new SgCommaOpExp(SgNULL_FILE, updateCache, modstmt);

                    if (ifp == NULL)
                         printf ("modstmt->get_parent() == NULL modstmt = %p = %s \n",modstmt,modstmt->class_name().c_str());
                         modstmt->get_startOfConstruct()->display("modstmt->get_parent() == NULL: debug");
                    ROSE_ASSERT(ifp != NULL);
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
                 cout << "New expression is " << comma->unparseToString() << endl;
                 cout << "IFP is " << ifp->sage_class_name() << ": " << ifp->unparseToString() << endl;
                    if (isSgExpression(ifp))
                         isSgExpression(ifp)->replace_expression(modstmt, comma);
                      // DQ (12/16/2006): Need to handle cases that are not SgExpression (now that SgExpressionRoot is not used!)
                      // cerr << ifp->sage_class_name() << endl;
                      // assert (!"Bad parent type for inserting comma expression");
                         SgStatement* statement = isSgStatement(ifp);
                         if (statement != NULL)
#ifdef FD_DEBUG
                              printf ("Before statement->replace_expression(): statement = %p = %s modstmt = %p = %s \n",statement,statement->class_name().c_str(),modstmt,modstmt->class_name().c_str());
                              SgExprStatement* expresionStatement = isSgExprStatement(statement);
                              if (expresionStatement != NULL)
                                   SgExpression* expression = expresionStatement->get_expression();
                                   printf ("expressionStatement expression = %p = %s \n",expression,expression->class_name().c_str());
                              statement->replace_expression(modstmt, comma);
                              ROSE_ASSERT(ifp != NULL);
                              printf ("Error: parent is neither a SgExpression nor a SgStatement ifp = %p = %s \n",ifp,ifp->class_name().c_str());

#ifdef FD_DEBUG
                    cout << "IFP is now " << ifp->unparseToString() << endl;