Esempio n. 1
void findCandidateFunctionDefinitions (SgProject* project, std::vector<SgFunctionDefinition* >& candidateFuncDefs)
  ROSE_ASSERT (project != NULL);
  // For each source file in the project
  SgFilePtrList & ptr_list = project->get_fileList();
  for (SgFilePtrList::iterator iter = ptr_list.begin(); iter!=ptr_list.end();
    SgFile* sageFile = (*iter);
    SgSourceFile * sfile = isSgSourceFile(sageFile);
//    SgGlobal *root = sfile->get_globalScope();

    if (enable_debug)
      cout<<"Processing each function within the files "<< sfile->get_file_info()->get_filename() <<endl;
    //      cout<<"\t loop at:"<< cur_loop->get_file_info()->get_line() <<endl;

    // This is wrong, many functions in question are not top level declarations!!
    //SgDeclarationStatementPtrList& declList = root->get_declarations ();
    //VariantVector vv;
    Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> defList = NodeQuery::querySubTree(sfile, V_SgFunctionDefinition); 
//    bool hasOpenMP= false; // flag to indicate if omp.h is needed in this file

    //For each function body in the scope
    //for (SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator p = declList.begin(); p != declList.end(); ++p) 
    for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator p = defList.begin(); p != defList.end(); ++p) 
      SgFunctionDefinition *defn = isSgFunctionDefinition(*p);
      ROSE_ASSERT (defn != NULL);

      SgFunctionDeclaration *func = defn->get_declaration();
      ROSE_ASSERT (func != NULL);

      if (enable_debug)
        cout<<"\t considering function "<< func->get_name() << " at "<< func->get_file_info()->get_line()<<endl;
      //ignore functions in system headers, Can keep them to test robustness
      if (defn->get_file_info()->get_filename()!=sageFile->get_file_info()->get_filename())
        if (enable_debug)
          cout<<"\t Skipped since the function's associated file name does not match current file being considered. Mostly from a header. "<<endl;
    } // end for def list
  } // end for file list
Esempio n. 2
 * Main Function
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
	// Build the AST used by ROSE
	SgProject* sageProject = frontend(argc, argv);

	// For each source file in the project
	SgFilePtrList & ptr_list = sageProject->get_fileList();
	for (SgFilePtrList::iterator iter = ptr_list.begin(); iter
			!= ptr_list.end(); iter++) {
		SgFile* sageFile = (*iter);
		SgSourceFile * sfile = isSgSourceFile(sageFile);
		SgGlobal *root = sfile->get_globalScope();
		SgDeclarationStatementPtrList& declList = root->get_declarations();

		// Insert header file

		//For each function body in the scope
		for (SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator p = declList.begin(); p
				!= declList.end(); ++p) {
			SgFunctionDeclaration *func = isSgFunctionDeclaration(*p);
			if (func == 0)
			SgFunctionDefinition *defn = func->get_definition();
			if (defn == 0)
			//ignore functions in system headers, Can keep them to test robustness
			if (defn->get_file_info()->get_filename()
					!= sageFile->get_file_info()->get_filename())
			SgBasicBlock *body = defn->get_body();

			vector<SgForStatement*> loops = querySubTree<SgForStatement> (defn,
			if (loops.size() == 0)


		// Generate source code from AST and call the vendor's compiler
		return backend(sageProject);

Esempio n. 3
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	if( argc < 2 ) {
		cout << "./amos: no input files                               " << endl;
		cout << "                                                     " << endl;
		cout << "Hi, this is Amos!                                    " << endl;
		cout << "It's my pleasure to serve you.                       " << endl;
		cout << "                                                     " << endl;
		cout << "Please type option '--help' to see guide             " << endl;
		cout << "                                                     " << endl;

		return 0;

	cout << "*************************************************************" << endl;
	cout << "**                                                         **" << endl;
	cout << "**      Welcome to use OpenMP task validation system!      **" << endl;
	cout << "**                                                         **" << endl;
	cout << "**                                      editor: Amos Wang  **" << endl;
	cout << "*************************************************************\n" << endl;

	vector<string> argvList( argv, argv+argc );
	vector<string> argvList0( argv, argv+argc ); // keep original argv and argc

	command_processing( argvList );

	if( !parse_OmpTask( argvList ) ) {

		cout << "\nAmos says: I am sorry that I could not find any OpenMP task !" << endl << endl;
		return 0;

	// for time counter
	long t_start;
	long t_end;
	double time_program = 0.0;

	t_start = usecs(); 
	// for time counter

	transform_Task2Loop( argvList );

	SgProject *project = frontend(argvList);
	ROSE_ASSERT( project != NULL );

#if 1
	VariantVector vv( V_SgForStatement );
	Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> loops = NodeQuery::queryMemoryPool(vv);
	for( Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator iter = loops.begin(); iter!= loops.end(); iter++ ) {
		SgForStatement* cur_loop = isSgForStatement(*iter);

	//initialize_analysis( project, false );
	initialize_analysis( project, false );

	//For each source file in the project
	SgFilePtrList &ptr_list = project->get_fileList();

	cout << "\n**** Amos' validation system running ****\n" << endl;

	for( SgFilePtrList::iterator iter = ptr_list.begin(); iter != ptr_list.end(); iter++ ) {

		cout << "temp source code: " << (*iter)->get_file_info()->get_filename() << endl << endl;
		SgFile *sageFile = (*iter);
		SgSourceFile *sfile = isSgSourceFile(sageFile);
		SgGlobal *root = sfile->get_globalScope();
		SgDeclarationStatementPtrList& declList = root->get_declarations ();

		//cout << "Check point 2" << endl;
		//For each function body in the scope
		for( SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator p = declList.begin(); p != declList.end(); ++p ) 
			SgFunctionDeclaration *func = isSgFunctionDeclaration(*p);
			if ( func == 0 )  continue;

			SgFunctionDefinition *defn = func->get_definition();
			if ( defn == 0 )  continue;

			//ignore functions in system headers, Can keep them to test robustness
			if ( defn->get_file_info()->get_filename() != sageFile->get_file_info()->get_filename() )

			SgBasicBlock *body = defn->get_body();

			// For each loop
			Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> loops = NodeQuery::querySubTree( defn, V_SgForStatement ); 

			if( loops.size() == 0 ) continue;

			// X. Replace operators with their equivalent counterparts defined 
			// in "inline" annotations
			AstInterfaceImpl faImpl_1( body );
			CPPAstInterface fa_body( &faImpl_1 );
			OperatorInlineRewrite()( fa_body, AstNodePtrImpl(body) );

			// Pass annotations to arrayInterface and use them to collect 
			// alias info. function info etc.  
			ArrayAnnotation* annot = ArrayAnnotation::get_inst(); 
			ArrayInterface array_interface( *annot );
			array_interface.initialize( fa_body, AstNodePtrImpl(defn) );
			array_interface.observe( fa_body );

			// X. Loop normalization for all loops within body
			NormalizeForLoop(fa_body, AstNodePtrImpl(body));

			//cout << "Check point 3" << endl;
			for ( Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator iter = loops.begin(); iter!= loops.end(); iter++ ) {

				SgNode* current_loop = *iter;
				SgInitializedName* invarname = getLoopInvariant( current_loop );

				if( invarname != NULL ) {

					if( invarname->get_name().getString().compare("__Amos_Wang__") == 0 ) {

						//cout << "It's __Amos_Wang__." << endl;
						//replace "for(__Amos_Wang__ = 0;__Amos_Wang__ <= 1 - 1;__Amos_Wang__ += 1)" 
						//to "#pragma omp task"
						std::string strtemp = current_loop->unparseToString();
						strtemp.replace( 0, 64, "#pragma omp task" );

						cout << "task position at: " << current_loop->get_file_info()->get_line()
							<< ", " << current_loop->get_file_info()->get_col() << endl;

						cout << "context: " << strtemp.c_str() << endl; 

						TaskValidation( current_loop );

						cout << "TaskValidation done...\n" << endl;
					else continue;


			}// end for loops

		}//end loop for each function body
		cout << "--------------------------------------------" << endl;

	}//end loop for each source file


	//generateDOT( *project );
	backend( project );

	//generate final file with correct directive
	amos_filter( argvList0 );

	// for time counter
	t_end = usecs();
	time_program = ((double)(t_end - t_start))/1000000;
	cout << "analysis time: " << time_program << " sec" << endl;

	cout << endl << "***** Thank you for using Amos' compiler ! *****\n" << endl;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
AttachAllPreprocessingInfoTreeTrav::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute ( SgNode *n, AttachPreprocessingInfoTreeTraversalInheritedAttrribute inh, SubTreeSynthesizedAttributes st)
     wrap_data_used_by_AttachPreprocessingInfoTreeTrav_t save_data;

     SgFile *currentFilePtr =  dynamic_cast<SgFile*>(n);
     SgLocatedNode *currentLocNodePtr = dynamic_cast<SgLocatedNode*>(n);
     int file_name_id = -1;
     Sg_File_Info * file_info_ptr = NULL;
     bool isCompilerGenerated = false;
     bool isTransformation = false;

     if( ( currentFilePtr != NULL ) || ( currentLocNodePtr != NULL ) )
       // get a valid file name, and check if it is a new file; if yes, get
       // all the comments and store the list into map. Then set save_data
       // to prepare for the parent function.

       // 1. find the file name for the current node:
          if ( currentFilePtr!=NULL )
               file_name_id = currentFilePtr->get_file_info()->get_file_id();
               if ( currentLocNodePtr!=NULL )
                    file_info_ptr = currentLocNodePtr->get_file_info();
                    assert ( file_info_ptr!=NULL );

                 // Pi: compiler generated nodes have no real file names with them,
                 // so use the currentFileName as their names:
                    isCompilerGenerated = file_info_ptr->isCompilerGenerated();
                 // isCompilerGenerated = file_info_ptr->isCompilerGeneratedNodeToBeUnparsed();
                    isTransformation = file_info_ptr->isTransformation();
                    if ( isCompilerGenerated==true || isTransformation==true )
                         file_name_id = currentFileNameId;
                         file_name_id = file_info_ptr->get_file_id();

       // 2. check whether the file name is new:
       // AS(09/21/07) Reset start_index since we are dealing with a new file
          start_index = 0;

          map<int, wrap_data_used_by_AttachPreprocessingInfoTreeTrav_t>::iterator attr_list_itr = map_of_all_attributes.find(file_name_id);
          if ( attr_list_itr==map_of_all_attributes.end() )
#ifdef outputallfilenamefound
               cerr << "-->>> NEW file : " << file_name_str << endl;
               save_data.previousLocNodePtr = previousLocNodePtr;

            // AS(093007) Logic to include or exclude finding comments in paths
               bool includePath = true;
               std::string file_name_str = Sg_File_Info::getFilenameFromID(file_name_id);

            // If the command line directive to look for include paths has been
            // specified. See if the current filename is in the list of
            // included paths.
               if( lookForIncludePaths == true )
                    includePath = false;
                    for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator iItr = pathsToInclude.begin(); iItr != pathsToInclude.end(); ++iItr)
                         if( file_name_str.find(*iItr) != string::npos )
                              includePath  = true; 

               bool excludePath = false;

            // If the command line directive to look for exclude paths has been
            // specified. See if the current filename is in the list of
            // excluded paths.
               if( lookForExcludePaths == true )
                    for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator iItr = pathsToExclude.begin(); iItr != pathsToExclude.end(); ++iItr)
                         if( file_name_str.find(*iItr) != string::npos )
                              excludePath  = true; 

#if 0
            // DQ (11/30/2008): Moved currentListOfAttributes to inherited attribute
               if( (excludePath == false) && (includePath == true) )
                    save_data.currentListOfAttributes = getPreprocessorDirectives(file_name_str);
                    save_data.currentListOfAttributes = new ROSEAttributesList;

               save_data.sizeOfCurrentListOfAttributes = save_data.currentListOfAttributes->getLength();
               map_of_all_attributes[file_name_id] = save_data;
               save_data = (*attr_list_itr).second;

       // 3. set data used by the parent before calling it:
          currentFileNameId = file_name_id;
          previousLocNodePtr = save_data.previousLocNodePtr;
#if 0
       // DQ (11/30/2008): Moved currentListOfAttributes to inherited attribute
          currentListOfAttributes = save_data.currentListOfAttributes;
          sizeOfCurrentListOfAttributes = save_data.sizeOfCurrentListOfAttributes;

     AttachPreprocessingInfoTreeTraversalSynthesizedAttribute syn;

     if( ( currentFilePtr != NULL ) || ( currentLocNodePtr != NULL ) )
          syn = AttachPreprocessingInfoTreeTrav::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(n, inh, st);
          save_data.previousLocNodePtr = previousLocNodePtr;

#if 0
       // DQ (11/30/2008): Moved currentListOfAttributes to inherited attribute
          save_data.currentListOfAttributes = currentListOfAttributes;
          save_data.sizeOfCurrentListOfAttributes = sizeOfCurrentListOfAttributes;

          map_of_all_attributes[currentFileNameId] = save_data;
  // The inh/st/syn is no use for now.
  // return_syn:
     return syn;
Esempio n. 5
AttachAllPreprocessingInfoTreeTrav::evaluateInheritedAttribute ( SgNode *n, AttachPreprocessingInfoTreeTraversalInheritedAttrribute inh)
     wrap_data_used_by_AttachPreprocessingInfoTreeTrav_t save_data;

     SgFile *currentFilePtr =  dynamic_cast<SgFile*>(n);
     SgLocatedNode *currentLocNodePtr = dynamic_cast<SgLocatedNode*>(n);
     int file_name_id = -1;
     Sg_File_Info * file_info_ptr = NULL;
     bool isCompilerGenerated = false;
     bool isTransformation = false;

     if ( ( currentFilePtr == NULL ) && ( currentLocNodePtr == NULL ) )
          return inh;

  // get a valid file name, and check if it is a new file; if yes, get
  // all the comments and store the list into map. Then set save_data
  // to prepare for the parent function.

  // DQ (12/1/2008): I think this code can be simplified now, but I am not clear how it should be done!

  // 1. find the file name for the current node:
     if ( currentFilePtr!=NULL )
          file_name_id = currentFilePtr->get_file_info()->get_file_id();
          if ( currentLocNodePtr!=NULL )
               file_info_ptr = currentLocNodePtr->get_file_info();
               assert ( file_info_ptr!=NULL );

            // Pi: compiler generated nodes have no real file names with them,
            // so use the currentFileName as their names:
               isCompilerGenerated = file_info_ptr->isCompilerGenerated();
            // isCompilerGenerated = file_info_ptr->isCompilerGeneratedNodeToBeUnparsed();
               isTransformation = file_info_ptr->isTransformation();
               if ( isCompilerGenerated == true || isTransformation == true )
                    file_name_id = currentFileNameId;
                    file_name_id = file_info_ptr->get_file_id();

  // 2. check whether the file name is new:
  // AS(09/21/07) Reset start_index since we are dealing with a new file
     start_index = 0;

     map<int, wrap_data_used_by_AttachPreprocessingInfoTreeTrav_t>::iterator attr_list_itr = map_of_all_attributes.find(file_name_id);

  // If the name is not in the map then ... it is a new file and we have to process it
     if ( attr_list_itr == map_of_all_attributes.end() )
#ifdef outputallfilenamefound
          cerr << "-->>> NEW file : " << file_name_str << endl;
          save_data.previousLocNodePtr = previousLocNodePtr;

       // AS(092907) Only collect the filenames we are interested in
       // AS(093007) Logic to include or exclude finding comments in paths
          bool includePath = true;

          std::string file_name_str = Sg_File_Info::getFilenameFromID(file_name_id);

       // If the command line directive to look for include paths has been
       // specified. See if the current filename is in the list of
       // included paths.
          if( lookForIncludePaths == true )
               includePath = false;
               for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator iItr = pathsToInclude.begin(); iItr != pathsToInclude.end(); ++iItr)
                    if ( file_name_str.find(*iItr) != string::npos )
                         includePath  = true; 

          bool excludePath = false;

       // If the command line directive to look for exclude paths has been
       // specified. See if the current filename is in the list of
       // excluded paths.
          if ( lookForExcludePaths == true )
               for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator iItr = pathsToExclude.begin(); iItr != pathsToExclude.end(); ++iItr)
                    if ( file_name_str.find(*iItr) != string::npos )
                         excludePath  = true; 

          ROSE_ASSERT(inh.currentListOfAttributes != NULL);

          if ( (excludePath == false) && (includePath == true) )
            // This scans the file and collects the token stream...
               printf ("AttachAllPreprocessingInfoTreeTrav::evaluateInheritedAttribute(): Calling getPreprocessorDirectives for file = %s \n",file_name_str.c_str());

            // DQ (11/30/2008): Moved currentListOfAttributes to inherited attribute
            // save_data.currentListOfAttributes = getPreprocessorDirectives(file_name_str);
            // save_data.currentListOfAttributes = inh.currentListOfAttributes;

            // This will work for C/C++ but not for Fortran.
            // For Fortran use: returnListOfAttributes->collectPreprocessorDirectivesAndCommentsForAST(fileNameForDirectivesAndComments,ROSEAttributesList::e_Fortran9x_language);
            // or: returnListOfAttributes->collectPreprocessorDirectivesAndCommentsForAST(fileNameForDirectivesAndComments,ROSEAttributesList::e_Fortran77_language);
               save_data.currentListOfAttributes = getPreprocessorDirectives(file_name_str);
            // This builds an empty list; does not traverse the file
               printf ("AttachAllPreprocessingInfoTreeTrav::evaluateInheritedAttribute(): Building an empty list to represent the data from file = %s \n",file_name_str.c_str());

            // DQ (11/30/2008): Moved currentListOfAttributes to inherited attribute
            // save_data.currentListOfAttributes = new ROSEAttributesList();
            // save_data.currentListOfAttributes = inh.currentListOfAttributes;
               save_data.currentListOfAttributes = new ROSEAttributesList();

       // DQ (11/30/2008): Moved currentListOfAttributes to inherited attribute
       // save_data.sizeOfCurrentListOfAttributes = save_data.currentListOfAttributes->getLength();
          map_of_all_attributes[file_name_id] = save_data;

          save_data = (*attr_list_itr).second;

  // 3. set data used by the parent before calling it:
     currentFileNameId             = file_name_id;
     previousLocNodePtr            = save_data.previousLocNodePtr;

  // DQ (11/30/2008): Moved currentListOfAttributes to inherited attribute
  // currentListOfAttributes       = save_data.currentListOfAttributes;
  // sizeOfCurrentListOfAttributes = save_data.sizeOfCurrentListOfAttributes;

  // 4. call the parent and record changes to the data used:
     AttachPreprocessingInfoTreeTraversalInheritedAttrribute inh_rsl = AttachPreprocessingInfoTreeTrav::evaluateInheritedAttribute(n, inh);
     save_data.previousLocNodePtr = previousLocNodePtr;

  // DQ (11/30/2008): Moved currentListOfAttributes to inherited attribute
  // save_data.currentListOfAttributes = currentListOfAttributes;
  // save_data.sizeOfCurrentListOfAttributes = sizeOfCurrentListOfAttributes;
     map_of_all_attributes[currentFileNameId] = save_data;

  // 5. set the first attachable node for each file to make it simple
  // 5. to attach rest preproc info (the special case when a file
  // 5. contains no IR nodes): such info is attached to the first node
  // 5. of the next file.
     if ( dynamic_cast<SgStatement*>(n) != NULL )
       // Nodes that should not have comments attached (since they are not unparsed)
       // Conditions obtained from src/ROSETTA/Grammar/LocatedNode.code:251
          switch ( n->variantT() )
               case V_SgForInitStatement:
               case V_SgTypedefSeq:
               case V_SgCatchStatementSeq:
               case V_SgFunctionParameterList:
               case V_SgCtorInitializerList:
                    goto return_inh;

                 // 5. if the first node for a file doesn't exist, then add it; otherwise do nothing:
                    map<int, int>::iterator first_node_itr = map_of_file_order.find(currentFileNameId);
                    if ( first_node_itr == map_of_file_order.end() )
                         map_of_file_order[currentFileNameId] = nFiles;
                         add_first_node_for_file(currentFileNameId, n, nFiles);

  // The inh/inh_rsl is no use for now.

     return inh_rsl;
Esempio n. 6
static std::string
sourcePositionInformation (SgNode* node)
  // DQ (8/31/2013): Adding source position information for DOT output.
     string ss;

     SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(node);
     if (locatedNode != NULL)
          Sg_File_Info* fileInfo = locatedNode->get_file_info();
          if (fileInfo != NULL)
               bool hasSpecialMode = false;
               if (fileInfo->isCompilerGenerated() == true)
                    ss += "compiler generated\\n";
                    hasSpecialMode = true;
                    if (fileInfo->isFrontendSpecific() == true)
                         ss += "front-end specific\\n";
                         hasSpecialMode = true;
                         if (fileInfo->isTransformation() == true)
                              ss += "is part of transformation\\n";
                              hasSpecialMode = true;
                           // ss += "???\\n";

               if (hasSpecialMode == true)
                    if (fileInfo->isOutputInCodeGeneration() == true)
                         ss += "IS output in generated code\\n";
                         ss += "is NOT output in generated code\\n";
                 // DQ (9/1/2013): Name a few cases were we want to output the end of the IR node construct's source position range.
                 // bool outputEndOfConstruct = (isSgAggregateInitializer(node) != NULL || isSgScopeStatement(node) != NULL);
                    bool outputEndOfConstruct = true; // (isSgAggregateInitializer(node) != NULL || isSgStatement(node) != NULL);

                    if (outputEndOfConstruct == true)
                      // Output the end of the range represented by the IR node's source position.
                         ss += generateFileLineColumnString(locatedNode->get_startOfConstruct());
                         ss += generateFileLineColumnString(locatedNode->get_endOfConstruct());
                      // For an SgStatement this is the startOfConstruct, but for an SgExpression this is the operator position (or sometimes equal to the startOfConstruct).
                         ss += generateFileLineColumnString(fileInfo);
               ss += "no source position available\\n";
       // DQ (9/1/2013): We could handle the source position of some other IR nodes (e.g. output name of the file for SgFile).
          SgFile* file = isSgFile(node);
          if (file != NULL)
               ROSE_ASSERT(file->get_file_info() != NULL);
               ss += generateFileLineColumnString(file->get_file_info());

     return ss;
Esempio n. 7
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  vector<string> argvList(argv, argv+argc);
  //Processing debugging and annotation options
  //  autopar_command_processing(argvList);
  argvList = commandline_processing (argvList);
  // enable parsing user-defined pragma if enable_diff is true
  // -rose:openmp:parse_only
  if (enable_diff)
  SgProject *project = frontend (argvList);
  ROSE_ASSERT (project != NULL);

  // register midend signal handling function
      << "[WARN] "
      << "Configured to keep going after catching a "
      << "signal in AutoPar"
      << std::endl;
    Rose::KeepGoing::setMidendErrorCode (project, 100);
    goto label_end;

  // create a block to avoid jump crosses initialization of candidateFuncDefs etc.
    std::vector<SgFunctionDefinition* > candidateFuncDefs; 
    findCandidateFunctionDefinitions (project, candidateFuncDefs);
    normalizeLoops (candidateFuncDefs);

    //Prepare liveness analysis etc.
    //Too much output for analysis debugging info.
    //initialize_analysis (project,enable_debug);   
    initialize_analysis (project, false);   

    // This is a bit redundant with findCandidateFunctionDefinitions ()
    // But we do need the per file control to decide if omp.h is needed for each file
    // For each source file in the project
    SgFilePtrList & ptr_list = project->get_fileList();
    for (SgFilePtrList::iterator iter = ptr_list.begin(); iter!=ptr_list.end();
      SgFile* sageFile = (*iter);
      SgSourceFile * sfile = isSgSourceFile(sageFile);
      SgGlobal *root = sfile->get_globalScope();

      Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> defList = NodeQuery::querySubTree(sfile, V_SgFunctionDefinition); 
      bool hasOpenMP= false; // flag to indicate if omp.h is needed in this file

      //For each function body in the scope
      //for (SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator p = declList.begin(); p != declList.end(); ++p) 
      for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator p = defList.begin(); p != defList.end(); ++p) 

        //      cout<<"\t loop at:"<< cur_loop->get_file_info()->get_line() <<endl;

        SgFunctionDefinition *defn = isSgFunctionDefinition(*p);
        ROSE_ASSERT (defn != NULL);

        SgFunctionDeclaration *func = defn->get_declaration();
        ROSE_ASSERT (func != NULL);

        //ignore functions in system headers, Can keep them to test robustness
        if (defn->get_file_info()->get_filename()!=sageFile->get_file_info()->get_filename())

        SgBasicBlock *body = defn->get_body();  
        // For each loop 
        Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> loops = NodeQuery::querySubTree(defn,V_SgForStatement); 
        if (loops.size()==0) 
          if (enable_debug)
            cout<<"\t skipped since no for loops are found in this function"<<endl;

#if 0 // Moved to be executed before running liveness analysis.
        // normalize C99 style for (int i= x, ...) to C89 style: int i;  (i=x, ...)
        // Liao, 10/22/2009. Thank Jeff Keasler for spotting this bug
        for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator iter = loops.begin();
            iter!= loops.end(); iter++ )
          SgForStatement* cur_loop = isSgForStatement(*iter);
        // X. Replace operators with their equivalent counterparts defined 
        // in "inline" annotations
        AstInterfaceImpl faImpl_1(body);
        CPPAstInterface fa_body(&faImpl_1);
        OperatorInlineRewrite()( fa_body, AstNodePtrImpl(body));

        // Pass annotations to arrayInterface and use them to collect 
        // alias info. function info etc.  
        ArrayAnnotation* annot = ArrayAnnotation::get_inst(); 
        ArrayInterface array_interface(*annot);
        array_interface.initialize(fa_body, AstNodePtrImpl(defn));

        //FR(06/07/2011): aliasinfo was not set which caused segfault

        for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator iter = loops.begin(); 
            iter!= loops.end(); iter++ ) 
          SgNode* current_loop = *iter;

          if (enable_debug)
            SgForStatement * fl = isSgForStatement(current_loop);
            cout<<"\t\t Considering loop at "<< fl->get_file_info()->get_line()<<endl;
          //X. Parallelize loop one by one
          // getLoopInvariant() will actually check if the loop has canonical forms 
          // which can be handled by dependence analysis
          SgInitializedName* invarname = getLoopInvariant(current_loop);
          if (invarname != NULL)
            bool ret = ParallelizeOutermostLoop(current_loop, &array_interface, annot);
            if (ret) // if at least one loop is parallelized, we set hasOpenMP to be true for the entire file.
              hasOpenMP = true;  
          else // cannot grab loop index from a non-conforming loop, skip parallelization
            if (enable_debug)
              cout<<"Skipping a non-canonical loop at line:"<<current_loop->get_file_info()->get_line()<<"..."<<endl;
            // We should not reset it to false. The last loop may not be parallelizable. But a previous one may be.  
            //hasOpenMP = false;
        }// end for loops
      } // end for-loop for declarations

      // insert omp.h if needed
      if (hasOpenMP && !enable_diff)
        if (enable_patch)
      // compare user-defined and compiler-generated OmpAttributes
      if (enable_diff)
    } //end for-loop of files

#if 1
    // undo loop normalization
    std::map <SgForStatement* , bool >::iterator iter = trans_records.forLoopInitNormalizationTable.begin();
    for (; iter!= trans_records.forLoopInitNormalizationTable.end(); iter ++) 
      SgForStatement* for_loop = (*iter).first; 
      unnormalizeForLoopInitDeclaration (for_loop);
    // Qing's loop normalization is not robust enough to pass all tests

    // clean up resources for analyses

  // Report errors
  if (keep_going)
    std::vector<std::string> orig_rose_cmdline(argv, argv+argc);
    Rose::KeepGoing::generate_reports (project, orig_rose_cmdline);

  return backend (project);
Esempio n. 8
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  vector<string> argvList(argv, argv+argc);
  //Processing debugging and annotation options
  // enable parsing user-defined pragma if enable_diff is true
  // -rose:openmp:parse_only
  if (enable_diff)
  SgProject *project = frontend (argvList);
  ROSE_ASSERT (project != NULL);

#if 1 // This has to happen before analyses are called.
       // For each loop 
       VariantVector vv (V_SgForStatement); 
        Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> loops = NodeQuery::queryMemoryPool(vv); 

      // normalize C99 style for (int i= x, ...) to C89 style: int i;  (i=x, ...)
       // Liao, 10/22/2009. Thank Jeff Keasler for spotting this bug
         for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator iter = loops.begin();
                     iter!= loops.end(); iter++ )
           SgForStatement* cur_loop = isSgForStatement(*iter);

  //Prepare liveness analysis etc.
  initialize_analysis (project,false);   
  // For each source file in the project
    SgFilePtrList & ptr_list = project->get_fileList();
    for (SgFilePtrList::iterator iter = ptr_list.begin(); iter!=ptr_list.end();
     SgFile* sageFile = (*iter);
     SgSourceFile * sfile = isSgSourceFile(sageFile);
     SgGlobal *root = sfile->get_globalScope();
     SgDeclarationStatementPtrList& declList = root->get_declarations ();
     bool hasOpenMP= false; // flag to indicate if omp.h is needed in this file

    //For each function body in the scope
     for (SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator p = declList.begin(); p != declList.end(); ++p) 
        SgFunctionDeclaration *func = isSgFunctionDeclaration(*p);
        if (func == 0)  continue;
        SgFunctionDefinition *defn = func->get_definition();
        if (defn == 0)  continue;
         //ignore functions in system headers, Can keep them to test robustness
        if (defn->get_file_info()->get_filename()!=sageFile->get_file_info()->get_filename())
        SgBasicBlock *body = defn->get_body();  
       // For each loop 
        Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> loops = NodeQuery::querySubTree(defn,V_SgForStatement); 
        if (loops.size()==0) continue;

#if 0 // Moved to be executed before running liveness analysis.
      // normalize C99 style for (int i= x, ...) to C89 style: int i;  (i=x, ...)
       // Liao, 10/22/2009. Thank Jeff Keasler for spotting this bug
         for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator iter = loops.begin();
                     iter!= loops.end(); iter++ )
           SgForStatement* cur_loop = isSgForStatement(*iter);
        // X. Replace operators with their equivalent counterparts defined 
        // in "inline" annotations
        AstInterfaceImpl faImpl_1(body);
        CPPAstInterface fa_body(&faImpl_1);
        OperatorInlineRewrite()( fa_body, AstNodePtrImpl(body));
	 // Pass annotations to arrayInterface and use them to collect 
         // alias info. function info etc.  
         ArrayAnnotation* annot = ArrayAnnotation::get_inst(); 
         ArrayInterface array_interface(*annot);
         array_interface.initialize(fa_body, AstNodePtrImpl(defn));
	//FR(06/07/2011): aliasinfo was not set which caused segfault
        // X. Loop normalization for all loops within body
        NormalizeForLoop(fa_body, AstNodePtrImpl(body));

	for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator iter = loops.begin(); 
	    iter!= loops.end(); iter++ ) 
	  SgNode* current_loop = *iter;
	  //X. Parallelize loop one by one
          // getLoopInvariant() will actually check if the loop has canonical forms 
          // which can be handled by dependence analysis
          SgInitializedName* invarname = getLoopInvariant(current_loop);
          if (invarname != NULL)
             hasOpenMP = ParallelizeOutermostLoop(current_loop, &array_interface, annot);
           else // cannot grab loop index from a non-conforming loop, skip parallelization
            if (enable_debug)
              cout<<"Skipping a non-canonical loop at line:"<<current_loop->get_file_info()->get_line()<<"..."<<endl;
             hasOpenMP = false;
	}// end for loops
      } // end for-loop for declarations
     // insert omp.h if needed
     if (hasOpenMP && !enable_diff)
       if (enable_patch)
     // compare user-defined and compiler-generated OmpAttributes
     if (enable_diff)
   } //end for-loop of files

  // Qing's loop normalization is not robust enough to pass all tests
  return backend (project);