void StaticConstructorTraversal::visit(SgNode *n) { // Get declared variables SgInitializedName *vName = isSgInitializedName(n); if (vName && !isAcreIgnore(vName->get_declaration())) { Sg_File_Info *fInfo = vName->get_file_info(); SgScopeStatement *scope = vName->get_scope(); // Find global variables (variables in namespaces count, e.g. std) if (!fInfo->isCompilerGenerated() && (isSgGlobal(scope) || isSgNamespaceDefinitionStatement(scope))) { // Walk typedefs until reach pointer to base type SgTypedefType *tdType = isSgTypedefType(vName->get_type()); while (tdType && isSgTypedefType(tdType->get_base_type())) tdType = isSgTypedefType(tdType->get_base_type()); // Determine if type is a class (i.e. type with a constructor) SgClassType *cType = isSgClassType(vName->get_type()); if (tdType) cType = isSgClassType(tdType->get_base_type()); // Output location of globals with a static constructor if (cType) { *out << "Static Constructor Violation: " << fInfo->get_filename() << " @ " << fInfo->get_line() << "\n"; } } } }
/** * class: SgTypedefType * term: typedef_type(name, base) * arg name: name of the new type * arg base: basetype */ PrologCompTerm* RoseToTerm::getTypedefTypeSpecific(SgType* mtype) { /* make sure this is actually a SgTypedefType*/ SgTypedefType* tp = isSgTypedefType(mtype); ROSE_ASSERT(tp != NULL); /* create term and add name*/ return new PrologCompTerm ("typedef_type", //2, new PrologAtom(tp->get_name().getString()), (tp->get_base_type() != NULL /* add base type */ ? getTypeSpecific(tp->get_base_type()) : new PrologAtom("null"))); }
bool FixupTemplateArguments::contains_private_type (SgTemplateArgument* templateArgument, SgScopeStatement* targetScope) { // Note that within EDG and ROSE the template arguments may be shared so that we can support testing for equivalence. // static std::list<SgTemplateArgument*> templateArgumentList; // templateArgumentList.push_back(templateArgument); static std::set<SgTemplateArgument*> templateArgumentSet; if (templateArgumentSet.find(templateArgument) == templateArgumentSet.end()) { templateArgumentSet.insert(templateArgument); } else { #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH printf ("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Already been or being processed: templateArgument = %p = %s templateArgumentSet.size() = %zu \n",templateArgument,templateArgument->unparseToString().c_str(),templateArgumentSet.size()); #endif #if 0 printf ("Leaving contains_private_type(SgTemplateArgument): templateArgument = %p returning FALSE \n",templateArgument); #endif // DQ (2/15/2017): Unclear if this is the correct return value, it might be that we want to record // the associated value from the first time the argument list was processed and use that value. // Then again, if the value had already been substituted into the template argument then no further // processing is required. return false; } #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH printf ("--- added templateArgument = %p templateArgumentSet.size() = %zu \n",templateArgument,templateArgumentSet.size()); #endif #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH // For debugging, keep track of the recursive depth. static size_t depth = 0; printf ("In contains_private_type(SgTemplateArgument*): depth = %zu \n",depth); ROSE_ASSERT(depth < 500); printf ("In contains_private_type(SgTemplateArgument*): global_depth = %zu \n",global_depth); if (global_depth >= 50) { // output the list of SgTemplateArgument in the list printf ("Error: too many elements in list: recursuion too deep \n"); size_t counter = 0; for (std::set<SgTemplateArgument*>::iterator i = templateArgumentSet.begin(); i != templateArgumentSet.end(); i++) { printf ("--- templateArgumentSet[counter] = %p = %s \n",*i,templateArgument->unparseToString().c_str()); counter++; } } ROSE_ASSERT(global_depth < 50); #endif // Note this is the recursive function. bool returnValue = false; #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE printf ("In contains_private_type(SgTemplateArgument*): templateArgument = %p = %s = %s \n",templateArgument,templateArgument->class_name().c_str(),templateArgument->unparseToString().c_str()); #endif switch (templateArgument->get_argumentType()) { case SgTemplateArgument::type_argument: { ROSE_ASSERT (templateArgument->get_type() != NULL); SgType* templateArgumentType = templateArgument->get_type(); #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE printf ("templateArgumentType = %p = %s \n",templateArgumentType,templateArgumentType->class_name().c_str()); if (isSgModifierType(templateArgumentType) != NULL) { SgModifierType* modifierType = isSgModifierType(templateArgumentType); SgType* base_type = modifierType->get_base_type(); printf ("--- base_type = %p = %s \n",base_type,base_type->class_name().c_str()); SgNamedType* namedType = isSgNamedType(base_type); if (namedType != NULL) { printf ("--- base_type: name = %s \n",namedType->get_name().str()); } } #endif #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH depth++; global_depth++; #endif #if 0 printf ("In contains_private_type(SgTemplateArgument*): case SgTemplateArgument::type_argument: Calling contains_private_type(templateArgumentType) \n"); #endif // DQ (2/14/2017): We might want to generate a list of the private types used so // that we can check them against the scope of the declaration where they occur. // Note also that this does not address types that might appear in name qualification. returnValue = contains_private_type(templateArgumentType,targetScope); #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH depth--; global_depth--; #endif #if 0 printf ("In contains_private_type(SgTemplateArgument*): case SgTemplateArgument::type_argument: DONE calling contains_private_type(templateArgumentType): returnValue = %s \n",returnValue ? "true" : "false"); #endif if (returnValue == true) { // Find an alternative typedef to use instead. // Note that this need not be a SgTypedefType (the lists are available in every SgType). SgTypedefType* typedefType = isSgTypedefType(templateArgumentType); if (typedefType == NULL && isSgModifierType(templateArgumentType) != NULL) { SgModifierType* modifierType = isSgModifierType(templateArgumentType); SgType* base_type = modifierType->get_base_type(); #if 0 printf ("Found SgModifierType: --- base_type = %p = %s \n",base_type,base_type->class_name().c_str()); SgNamedType* namedType = isSgNamedType(base_type); if (namedType != NULL) { printf ("--- base_type: name = %s \n",namedType->get_name().str()); } #endif #if 0 printf ("******* Reset the typedefType to what was found in the modifier type as a base type = %p = %s \n",base_type,base_type->class_name().c_str()); #endif typedefType = isSgTypedefType(base_type); } if (typedefType != NULL) { // Check if this is a type from a typedef that is in the same scope as the target declaration (variable declaration). SgTypedefDeclaration* typedefDeclaration = isSgTypedefDeclaration(typedefType->get_declaration()); ROSE_ASSERT(typedefDeclaration != NULL); // Test for the matching scope (an even better test would be to make sure that the targetScope is nested in the typedef scope). SgScopeStatement* typedefDeclarationScope = typedefDeclaration->get_scope(); ROSE_ASSERT(targetScope != NULL); ROSE_ASSERT(typedefDeclarationScope != NULL); #if 0 printf ("targetScope = %p = %s \n",targetScope,targetScope->class_name().c_str()); printf ("typedefDeclarationScope = %p = %s \n",typedefDeclarationScope,typedefDeclarationScope->class_name().c_str()); if (typedefDeclarationScope == targetScope) { printf ("In contains_private_type(SgTemplateArgument*): This is a typedef type from the same scope as the target declaration \n"); ROSE_ASSERT(false); } #endif // Consult the list of alreanative typedefs. SgTypedefSeq* typedef_table = typedefType->get_typedefs(); ROSE_ASSERT(typedef_table != NULL); #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE || 0 printf ("Looking at typedef typedefType = %p = %s = %s \n",typedefType,typedefType->class_name().c_str(),typedefType->unparseToString().c_str()); #endif SgTypePtrList & typedefList = typedef_table->get_typedefs(); bool foundNonPrivateTypeAlias = false; SgType* suitableTypeAlias = NULL; int counter = 0; SgTypePtrList::iterator i = typedefList.begin(); while (foundNonPrivateTypeAlias == false && i != typedefList.end()) { ROSE_ASSERT(*i != NULL); #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE || 0 printf ("Looking for suitable type alias (#%d): *i = %p = %s = %s \n",counter,*i,(*i)->class_name().c_str(),(*i)->unparseToString().c_str()); #endif #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH global_depth++; #endif bool isPrivateType = contains_private_type(*i,targetScope); #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH global_depth--; #endif if (isPrivateType == false) { suitableTypeAlias = *i; foundNonPrivateTypeAlias = true; } // foundNonPrivateTypeAlias = !isPrivateType; i++; counter++; } #if 0 printf ("foundNonPrivateTypeAlias = %s \n",foundNonPrivateTypeAlias ? "true" : "false"); #endif if (foundNonPrivateTypeAlias == true) { ROSE_ASSERT(suitableTypeAlias != NULL); #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE_TRANSFORMATION || 0 printf ("targetScope = %p = %s \n",targetScope,targetScope->class_name().c_str()); printf ("typedefDeclarationScope = %p = %s \n",typedefDeclarationScope,typedefDeclarationScope->class_name().c_str()); targetScope->get_file_info()->display("targetScope: debug"); typedefDeclarationScope->get_file_info()->display("typedefDeclarationScope: debug"); printf ("Found private type to be replaced: typedefType = %p = %s = %s \n",typedefType,typedefType->class_name().c_str(),typedefType->unparseToString().c_str()); printf ("Found suitable type alias: suitableTypeAlias = %p = %s = %s \n",suitableTypeAlias,suitableTypeAlias->class_name().c_str(),suitableTypeAlias->unparseToString().c_str()); #endif #if 0 printf ("SageInterface::whereAmI(targetScope): \n"); SageInterface::whereAmI(targetScope); printf ("SageInterface::whereAmI(typedefDeclaration): \n"); SageInterface::whereAmI(typedefDeclaration); #endif #if 0 printf ("Selecting alternative type to use for unparsing: \n"); printf ("--- were going to use: %s \n",templateArgument->unparseToString().c_str()); printf ("--- selecing instead : %s \n",suitableTypeAlias->unparseToString().c_str()); #endif // TV (10/05/2018): (ROSE-1431) Traverse the chain of all associated template arguments (coming from the same EDG template argument) SgTemplateArgument * templateArgument_it = templateArgument; while (templateArgument_it->get_previous_instance() != NULL) { templateArgument_it = templateArgument_it->get_previous_instance(); } ROSE_ASSERT(templateArgument_it != NULL && templateArgument_it->get_previous_instance() == NULL); do { #if 0 printf (" Update templateArgument = %p\n", templateArgument); #endif templateArgument_it->set_unparsable_type_alias(suitableTypeAlias); // DQ (1/9/2017): Also set the return result from get_type() so that the name qualification will be handled correctly. templateArgument_it->set_type(suitableTypeAlias); templateArgument_it = templateArgument_it->get_next_instance(); } while (templateArgument_it != NULL); ROSE_ASSERT(templateArgument_it == NULL); // #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE_TRANSFORMATION #if 0 string typedefType_typeName = generate_string_name (typedefType,NULL); printf ("typedefType_typeName size = %zu \n",typedefType_typeName.length()); printf ("typedefType_typeName = %s \n",typedefType_typeName.c_str()); string suitableTypeAlias_typeName = generate_string_name (suitableTypeAlias,NULL); printf ("suitableTypeAlias_typeName size = %zu \n",suitableTypeAlias_typeName.length()); printf ("suitableTypeAlias_typeName size = %s \n",suitableTypeAlias_typeName.c_str()); ROSE_ASSERT(suitableTypeAlias_typeName.length() < typedefType_typeName.length() * 100); ROSE_ASSERT(suitableTypeAlias_typeName.length() < 40000); #endif } } else { #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE printf ("Alternative types not searched for in nontypedef types (not implemented) \n"); #endif #if 0 printf ("####### Alternative types not searched: templateArgumentType = %p = %s \n",templateArgumentType,templateArgumentType->class_name().c_str()); if (isSgModifierType(templateArgumentType) != NULL) { SgModifierType* modifierType = isSgModifierType(templateArgumentType); SgType* base_type = modifierType->get_base_type(); printf ("--- base_type = %p = %s \n",base_type,base_type->class_name().c_str()); SgNamedType* namedType = isSgNamedType(base_type); if (namedType != NULL) { printf ("--- base_type: name = %s \n",namedType->get_name().str()); } } #endif } } break; } default: { #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE printf ("Ignoring non-type template arguments \n"); #endif } } #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE printf ("Leaving contains_private_type(SgTemplateArgument*): templateArgument = %p = %s = %s \n",templateArgument,templateArgument->class_name().c_str(),templateArgument->unparseToString().c_str()); #endif // templateArgumentList.pop_back(); templateArgumentSet.erase(templateArgument); #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH printf ("--- pop templateArgument = %p templateArgumentSet.size() = %zu \n",templateArgument,templateArgumentSet.size()); #endif #if 0 printf ("Leaving contains_private_type(SgTemplateArgument): templateArgument = %p returnValue = %s \n",templateArgument,returnValue ? "true" : "false"); #endif return returnValue; }
bool FixupTemplateArguments::contains_private_type (SgType* type, SgScopeStatement* targetScope) { // DQ (4/2/2018): Note that this function now addresses requirements of supporting both private and protected types. #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH // For debugging, keep track of the recursive depth. static size_t depth = 0; printf ("In contains_private_type(SgType*): depth = %zu \n",depth); ROSE_ASSERT(depth < 500); printf ("In contains_private_type(SgType*): global_depth = %zu \n",global_depth); ROSE_ASSERT(global_depth < 55); #endif // Note this is the recursive function. bool returnValue = false; #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE || 0 // DQ (1/7/2016): It is a problem to do this for some files (failing about 35 files in Cxx_tests). // The issues appears to be in the unparsing of the template arguments of the qualified names for the types. // printf ("In contains_private_type(SgType*): type = %p = %s = %s \n",type,type->class_name().c_str(),type->unparseToString().c_str()); printf ("In contains_private_type(SgType*): type = %p = %s \n",type,type->class_name().c_str()); #endif SgTypedefType* typedefType = isSgTypedefType(type); if (typedefType != NULL) { // Get the associated declaration. SgTypedefDeclaration* typedefDeclaration = isSgTypedefDeclaration(typedefType->get_declaration()); ROSE_ASSERT(typedefDeclaration != NULL); #if 0 bool isPrivate = typedefDeclaration->get_declarationModifier().get_accessModifier().isPrivate(); #else // DQ (4/2/2018): Fix this to address requirements of both private and protected class members (see Cxx11_tests/test2018_71.C). bool isPrivate = typedefDeclaration->get_declarationModifier().get_accessModifier().isPrivate() || typedefDeclaration->get_declarationModifier().get_accessModifier().isProtected(); #endif #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE || 0 printf ("typedefDeclaration isPrivate = %s \n",isPrivate ? "true" : "false"); #endif // First we need to know if this is a visable type. bool isVisable = false; #if 0 printf ("targetScope = %p = %s \n",targetScope,targetScope->class_name().c_str()); // printf ("typedefDeclaration = %p = %s \n",typedefDeclaration,typedefDeclaration->class_name().c_str()); printf ("typedefDeclaration->get_scope() = %p = %s \n",typedefDeclaration->get_scope(),typedefDeclaration->get_scope()->class_name().c_str()); #endif #if 0 printf ("SageInterface::whereAmI(targetScope): \n"); SageInterface::whereAmI(targetScope); printf ("SageInterface::whereAmI(typedefDeclaration): \n"); SageInterface::whereAmI(typedefDeclaration); #endif #if 0 printf ("\ntargetScope symbol table: \n"); targetScope->get_symbol_table()->print("targetScope"); printf ("end of symbol table \n"); printf ("\ntypedefDeclaration->get_scope() symbol table: \n"); typedefDeclaration->get_scope()->get_symbol_table()->print("typedefDeclaration->get_scope()"); printf ("end of symbol table \n\n"); #endif // Test for the trivial case of matching scope (an even better test (below) is be to make sure that the targetScope is nested in the typedef scope). if (typedefDeclaration->get_scope() == targetScope) { #if 0 printf ("In contains_private_type(SgType*): This is a typedef type from the same scope as the target declaration \n"); #endif // ROSE_ASSERT(false); // return false; isVisable = true; } else { // SgTypedefSymbol* lookupTypedefSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope = NULL); SgTypedefSymbol* typedefSymbol = SageInterface::lookupTypedefSymbolInParentScopes (typedefDeclaration->get_name(),targetScope); if (typedefSymbol != NULL) { #if 0 printf ("In contains_private_type(SgType*): This is not in the current scope but can be reached from the current scope \n"); #endif // ROSE_ASSERT(false); // return false; isVisable = true; } else { #if 0 printf ("Symbol for typedef name = %s not found in parent scopes \n",typedefDeclaration->get_name().str()); #endif // ROSE_ASSERT(false); } } #if 0 // Testing codes because it seems that "BitSet" shuld be visiable and so we need to debug this first. if (typedefDeclaration->get_name() == "BitSet") { printf ("Exiting as a test! \n"); ROSE_ASSERT(false); } #endif // If this is not private, then we are looking at what would be possbile template arguments used in a possible name qualification. // if (isPrivate == false) // if (isPrivate == false && isVisable == false) if (isVisable == false) { if (isPrivate == true) { return true; } else { // Get the scope and see if it is a template instantiation. SgScopeStatement* scope = typedefDeclaration->get_scope(); #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE || 0 printf ("++++++++++++++ Looking in parent scope for template arguments: scope = %p = %s \n",scope,scope->class_name().c_str()); #endif // Get the associated declaration. switch (scope->variantT()) { case V_SgTemplateInstantiationDefn: { SgTemplateInstantiationDefn* templateInstantiationDefinition = isSgTemplateInstantiationDefn(scope); ROSE_ASSERT(templateInstantiationDefinition != NULL); SgTemplateInstantiationDecl* templateInstantiationDeclaration = isSgTemplateInstantiationDecl(templateInstantiationDefinition->get_declaration()); ROSE_ASSERT(templateInstantiationDeclaration != NULL); SgTemplateArgumentPtrList & templateArgumentPtrList = templateInstantiationDeclaration->get_templateArguments(); for (SgTemplateArgumentPtrList::iterator i = templateArgumentPtrList.begin(); i != templateArgumentPtrList.end(); i++) { #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE printf ("recursive call to contains_private_type(%p): name = %s = %s \n",*i,(*i)->class_name().c_str(),(*i)->unparseToString().c_str()); #endif #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH global_depth++; #endif bool isPrivateType = contains_private_type(*i,targetScope); #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH global_depth--; #endif returnValue |= isPrivateType; } break; } default: { #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE printf ("Ignoring non-SgTemplateInstantiationDefn \n"); #endif } } } } else { // If it is visible then it need not be qualified and we don't care about if it was private. ROSE_ASSERT(isVisable == true); // returnValue = true; returnValue = false; } } else { #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE || 0 printf ("could be a wrapped type: type = %p = %s (not a template class instantiaton) \n",type,type->class_name().c_str()); if (isSgModifierType(type) != NULL) { SgModifierType* modifierType = isSgModifierType(type); SgType* base_type = modifierType->get_base_type(); printf ("--- base_type = %p = %s \n",base_type,base_type->class_name().c_str()); SgNamedType* namedType = isSgNamedType(base_type); if (namedType != NULL) { printf ("--- base_type: name = %s \n",namedType->get_name().str()); } } #endif // If this is a default SgModifierType then unwrap it. #if 0 SgModifierType* modifierType = isSgModifierType(type); if (modifierType != NULL) { #error "DEAD CODE!" // What kind of modifier is this? printf ("What kind of type modifier: %s \n",modifierType->get_typeModifier().displayString().c_str()); if (modifierType->get_typeModifier().isDefault() == true) { // This is a default mode modifier (acting as a wrapper type). type = modifierType->get_base_type(); } else { printf ("Not a default modifierType wrapper (need to handle this case) \n"); ROSE_ASSERT(false); } } #else // Strip past pointers and other wrapping modifiers (but not the typedef types, since the whole point is to detect private instatances). type = type->stripType(SgType::STRIP_MODIFIER_TYPE|SgType::STRIP_REFERENCE_TYPE|SgType::STRIP_RVALUE_REFERENCE_TYPE|SgType::STRIP_POINTER_TYPE|SgType::STRIP_ARRAY_TYPE); #endif #if 0 printf ("After stripType(): type = %p = %s \n",type,type->class_name().c_str()); SgNamedType* namedType = isSgNamedType(type); if (namedType != NULL) { printf ("--- stripType: name = %s \n",namedType->get_name().str()); } #endif ROSE_ASSERT(type != NULL); // Make sure this is not a simple template type (else we will have infinite recursion). // if (type != NULL && type->isIntegerType() == false && type->isFloatType() == false) // if (type != NULL) SgTemplateType* templateType = isSgTemplateType(type); SgClassType* classType = isSgClassType(type); SgTypeVoid* voidType = isSgTypeVoid(type); SgRvalueReferenceType* rvalueReferenceType = isSgRvalueReferenceType(type); SgFunctionType* functionType = isSgFunctionType(type); SgDeclType* declType = isSgDeclType(type); // DQ (12/7/2016): An enum type needs to be handled since the declaration might be private (but still debugging this for now). SgEnumType* enumType = isSgEnumType(type); // DQ (2/12/2017): Added specific type (causing infinite recursion for CompileTests/RoseExample_tests/testRoseHeaders_03.C. SgTypeEllipse* typeEllipse = isSgTypeEllipse(type); SgTypeUnknown* typeUnknown = isSgTypeUnknown(type); SgTypeComplex* typeComplex = isSgTypeComplex(type); // DQ (2/16/2017): This is a case causeing many C codes to fail. SgTypeOfType* typeOfType = isSgTypeOfType(type); if (type != NULL && templateType == NULL && classType == NULL && voidType == NULL && rvalueReferenceType == NULL && functionType == NULL && declType == NULL && enumType == NULL && typeEllipse == NULL && typeUnknown == NULL && typeComplex == NULL && typeOfType == NULL) { #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE || 0 printf ("found unwrapped type = %p = %s = %s (not a template class instantiaton) \n",type,type->class_name().c_str(),type->unparseToString().c_str()); #endif // if (type->isIntegerType() == false && type->isFloatType() == false) // if (type->isIntegerType() == false && type->isFloatType() == false) if (type->isIntegerType() == false && type->isFloatType() == false) { #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE || 0 printf ("Making a recursive call to contains_private_type(type): not integer or float type: type = %p = %s \n",type,type->class_name().c_str()); #endif #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH depth++; global_depth++; #endif bool isPrivateType = contains_private_type(type,targetScope); #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH depth--; global_depth--; #endif returnValue = isPrivateType; } else { // This can't be a private type. #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE printf ("This is an integer or float type (of some sort): type = %p = %s = %s \n",type,type->class_name().c_str(),type->unparseToString().c_str()); #endif returnValue = false; } } else { // This is where we need to resolve is any types that are associated with declarations might be private (e.g. SgEnumType). if (classType != NULL) { // Check if this is associated with a template class instantiation. #if 0 SgClassDeclaration* classDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(classType->get_declaration()); ROSE_ASSERT(classDeclaration != NULL); printf ("--------- classDeclaration = %p = %s = %s \n",classDeclaration,classDeclaration->class_name().c_str(),classDeclaration->get_name().str()); #endif SgTemplateInstantiationDecl* templateInstantiationDeclaration = isSgTemplateInstantiationDecl(classType->get_declaration()); if (templateInstantiationDeclaration != NULL) { #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH global_depth++; #endif #if 0 printf ("Calling contains_private_type(SgTemplateArgumentPtrList): templateInstantiationDeclaration = %p = %s \n", templateInstantiationDeclaration,templateInstantiationDeclaration->get_name().str()); #endif returnValue = contains_private_type(templateInstantiationDeclaration->get_templateArguments(),targetScope); #if DEBUGGING_USING_RECURSIVE_DEPTH global_depth--; #endif #if 0 printf ("DONE: Calling contains_private_type(SgTemplateArgumentPtrList): templateInstantiationDeclaration = %p = %s \n", templateInstantiationDeclaration,templateInstantiationDeclaration->get_name().str()); #endif } #if 0 printf ("DONE: --- classDeclaration = %p = %s = %s \n",classDeclaration,classDeclaration->class_name().c_str(),classDeclaration->get_name().str()); #endif } } } #if DEBUG_PRIVATE_TYPE || 0 printf ("Leaving contains_private_type(SgType*): type = %p = %s = %s returnValue = %s \n",type,type->class_name().c_str(),type->unparseToString().c_str(),returnValue ? "true" : "false"); #endif return returnValue; }
SgTypedefType * SageUtils::buildTypedefType(SgTypedefDeclaration * d) { SgTypedefType * type = new SgTypedefType(); type->set_declaration(d); return type; }
// DQ (8/27/2006): This functionality already exists elsewhere // It is a shame that it is recreated here as well !!! NameQuerySynthesizedAttributeType NameQuery::queryNameTypeName (SgNode * astNode) { ROSE_ASSERT (astNode != NULL); string typeName = ""; Rose_STL_Container< string > returnList; SgType *type = isSgType (astNode); // printf ("In TransformationSupport::getTypeName(): type->sage_class_name() = %s \n",type->sage_class_name()); if (type != NULL) switch (type->variantT ()) { case V_SgTypeComplex: typeName = "complex"; break; case V_SgTypeImaginary: typeName = "imaginary"; break; case V_SgTypeBool: typeName = "bool"; break; case V_SgEnumType: typeName = "enum"; break; case V_SgTypeChar: typeName = "char"; break; case V_SgTypeVoid: typeName = "void"; break; case V_SgTypeInt: typeName = "int"; break; case V_SgTypeDouble: typeName = "double"; break; case V_SgTypeFloat: typeName = "float"; break; case V_SgTypeLong: typeName = "long"; break; case V_SgTypeLongDouble: typeName = "long double"; break; case V_SgTypeEllipse: typeName = "ellipse"; break; case V_SgTypeGlobalVoid: typeName = "void"; break; case V_SgTypeLongLong: typeName = "long long"; break; case V_SgTypeShort: typeName = "short"; break; case V_SgTypeSignedChar: typeName = "signed char"; break; case V_SgTypeSignedInt: typeName = "signed int"; break; case V_SgTypeSignedLong: typeName = "signed long"; break; case V_SgTypeSignedShort: typeName = "signed short"; break; case V_SgTypeString: typeName = "string"; break; case V_SgTypeUnknown: typeName = "unknown"; break; case V_SgTypeUnsignedChar: typeName = "unsigned char"; break; case V_SgTypeUnsignedInt: typeName = "unsigned int"; break; case V_SgTypeUnsignedLong: typeName = "unsigned long"; break; case V_SgTypeUnsignedShort: typeName = "unsigned short"; break; case V_SgTypeUnsignedLongLong: typeName = "unsigned long long"; break; case V_SgReferenceType: { ROSE_ASSERT (isSgReferenceType (type)->get_base_type () != NULL); Rose_STL_Container< string > subTypeNames = queryNameTypeName (isSgReferenceType (type)->get_base_type ()); typedef Rose_STL_Container< string >::iterator typeIterator; //This iterator will only contain one name for (typeIterator i = subTypeNames.begin (); i != subTypeNames.end (); ++i) { string e = *i; typeName = e; break; } break; } case V_SgPointerType: { ROSE_ASSERT (isSgPointerType (type)->get_base_type () != NULL); Rose_STL_Container< string > subTypeNames = queryNameTypeName (isSgPointerType (type)->get_base_type ()); typedef Rose_STL_Container< string >::iterator typeIterator; //This iterator will only contain one name for (typeIterator i = subTypeNames.begin (); i != subTypeNames.end (); ++i) { string e = *i; typeName = e; break; } break; } case V_SgModifierType: { ROSE_ASSERT (isSgModifierType (type)->get_base_type () != NULL); Rose_STL_Container< string > subTypeNames = queryNameTypeName (isSgModifierType (type)->get_base_type ()); typedef Rose_STL_Container< string >::iterator typeIterator; //This iterator will only contain one name for (typeIterator i = subTypeNames.begin (); i != subTypeNames.end (); ++i) { string e = *i; typeName = e; break; } break; } case V_SgNamedType: { SgNamedType *sageNamedType = isSgNamedType (type); ROSE_ASSERT (sageNamedType != NULL); typeName = sageNamedType->get_name ().str (); break; } case V_SgClassType: { SgClassType *sageClassType = isSgClassType (type); ROSE_ASSERT (sageClassType != NULL); typeName = sageClassType->get_name ().str (); break; } case V_SgTypedefType: { SgTypedefType *sageTypedefType = isSgTypedefType (type); ROSE_ASSERT (sageTypedefType != NULL); typeName = sageTypedefType->get_name ().str (); break; } case V_SgPointerMemberType: { SgPointerMemberType *pointerMemberType = isSgPointerMemberType (type); ROSE_ASSERT (pointerMemberType != NULL); SgClassType *classType = isSgClassType(pointerMemberType->get_class_type()->stripTypedefsAndModifiers()); ROSE_ASSERT (classType != NULL); SgClassDeclaration *classDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(classType->get_declaration()); ROSE_ASSERT (classDeclaration != NULL); typeName = classDeclaration->get_name ().str (); break; } case V_SgArrayType: { ROSE_ASSERT (isSgArrayType (type)->get_base_type () != NULL); Rose_STL_Container< string > subTypeNames = queryNameTypeName (isSgArrayType (type)->get_base_type ()); typedef Rose_STL_Container< string >::iterator typeIterator; //This iterator will only contain one name for (typeIterator i = subTypeNames.begin (); i != subTypeNames.end (); ++i) { string e = *i; typeName = e; break; } break; } case V_SgFunctionType: { SgFunctionType *functionType = isSgFunctionType (type); ROSE_ASSERT (functionType != NULL); typeName = functionType->get_mangled_type ().str (); break; } case V_SgMemberFunctionType: { SgMemberFunctionType *memberFunctionType = isSgMemberFunctionType (type); ROSE_ASSERT (memberFunctionType != NULL); SgClassType *classType = isSgClassType(memberFunctionType->get_class_type()->stripTypedefsAndModifiers()); ROSE_ASSERT (classType != NULL); SgClassDeclaration *classDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(classType->get_declaration()); ROSE_ASSERT (classDeclaration != NULL); typeName = classDeclaration->get_name ().str (); break; } case V_SgTypeWchar: typeName = "wchar"; break; case V_SgTypeDefault: typeName = "default"; break; default: printf ("default reached in switch within TransformationSupport::getTypeName type->sage_class_name() = %s variant = %d \n", type->sage_class_name (), type->variant ()); ROSE_ABORT (); break; } // Fix for purify problem report // typeName = ROSE::stringDuplicate(typeName); if (typeName.size () > 0) returnList.push_back (typeName); //ROSE_ASSERT(typeName.c_str() != NULL); // return typeName; return returnList; //return ROSE::stringDuplicate(typeName.c_str()); }