Esempio n. 1
void Smoke2D::CreateAdjustVelocityEffect (VisualEffect*& effect,
    VisualEffectInstance*& instance)
    PixelShader* pshader = new0 PixelShader("Wm5.AdjustVelocity2",
        1, 1, 1, 2, false);
    pshader->SetInput(0, "vertexTCoord", Shader::VT_FLOAT2,
    pshader->SetOutput(0, "pixelColor", Shader::VT_FLOAT4,
    pshader->SetConstant(0, "SpaceParam", 1);
    pshader->SetSampler(0, "StateSampler", Shader::ST_2D);
    pshader->SetSampler(1, "PoissonSampler", Shader::ST_2D);

    mIP->CreateEffect(pshader, effect, instance);

    ShaderFloat* spaceParamConstant = new0 ShaderFloat(1);
    float* spaceParam = spaceParamConstant->GetData();
    spaceParam[0] = mDx;
    spaceParam[1] = mDy;
    spaceParam[2] = mHalfDivDx;
    spaceParam[3] = mHalfDivDy;
    instance->SetPixelConstant(0, "SpaceParam", spaceParamConstant);

    instance->SetPixelTexture(0, "StateSampler",
    instance->SetPixelTexture(0, "PoissonSampler",
void ShaderParameters::UpdateConstants (const Renderable* renderable,
										const Camera* camera)
	ShaderFloatPtr* constants = mConstants;
	for (int i = 0; i < mNumConstants; ++i, ++constants)
		ShaderFloat* constant = *constants;
		if (constant->AllowUpdater())
			constant->Update(renderable, camera);
Esempio n. 3
void GpuGaussianBlur2::SetBlurInput ()
    VisualEffectInstance* instance = mIP->GetMainEffectInstance();
    float dCol = mIP->GetColSpacing();
    float dRow = mIP->GetRowSpacing();

    ShaderFloat* deltaConstant = new0 ShaderFloat(1);
    float* delta = deltaConstant->GetData();
    delta[0] = dCol;
    delta[1] = dRow;
    instance->SetPixelConstant(0, "Delta", deltaConstant);

    ShaderFloat* weightConstant = new0 ShaderFloat(1);
    float* weight = weightConstant->GetData();
    weight[0] = 0.01f;  // = kappa*DeltaT/DeltaX^2
    weight[1] = 0.01f;  // = kappa*DeltaT/DeltaY^2
    weight[2] = 1.0f - 2.0f*weight[0] - 2.0f*weight[1];  // must be positive
    instance->SetPixelConstant(0, "Weight", weightConstant);
PlanarShadowEffect::PlanarShadowEffect (int numPlanes, Node* shadowCaster)
	mPlanes = new1<TriMeshPtr>(mNumPlanes);
	mProjectors = new1<LightPtr>(mNumPlanes);
	mShadowColors = new1<Float4>(mNumPlanes);

	mAlphaState = new0 AlphaState();
	mDepthState = new0 DepthState();
	mStencilState = new0 StencilState();

	mMaterial = new0 Material();
	mMaterialEffect = new0 MaterialEffect();
	mMaterialEffectInstance = mMaterialEffect->CreateInstance(mMaterial);

	// The material diffuse color changes per plane on every draw call.
	ShaderFloat* sfloat = mMaterialEffectInstance->GetVertexConstant(0,
Esempio n. 5
void Smoke2D::CreatePoissonSolverEffect (VisualEffect*& effect,
    VisualEffectInstance*& instance)
    PixelShader* pshader = new0 PixelShader("Wm5.PoissonSolver2",
        1, 1, 2, 2, false);
    pshader->SetInput(0, "vertexTCoord", Shader::VT_FLOAT2,
    pshader->SetOutput(0, "pixelColor", Shader::VT_FLOAT4,
    pshader->SetConstant(0, "SpaceParam", 1);
    pshader->SetConstant(1, "EpsilonParam", 1);
    pshader->SetSampler(0, "DivergenceSampler", Shader::ST_2D);
    pshader->SetSampler(1, "PoissonSampler", Shader::ST_2D);

    mIP->CreateEffect(pshader, effect, instance);

    ShaderFloat* spaceParamConstant = new0 ShaderFloat(1);
    float* spaceParam = spaceParamConstant->GetData();
    spaceParam[0] = mDx;
    spaceParam[1] = mDy;
    instance->SetPixelConstant(0, "SpaceParam", spaceParamConstant);

    ShaderFloat* epsilonParamConstant = new0 ShaderFloat(1);
    float* epsilonParam = epsilonParamConstant->GetData();
    epsilonParam[0] = mEpsilonX;
    epsilonParam[1] = mEpsilonY;
    epsilonParam[2] = mEpsilon0;
    instance->SetPixelConstant(0, "EpsilonParam", epsilonParamConstant);

    instance->SetPixelTexture(0, "DivergenceSampler",
    instance->SetPixelTexture(0, "PoissonSampler",
Esempio n. 6
void Smoke2D::CreateFluidUpdateEffect (VisualEffect*& effect,
    VisualEffectInstance*& instance)
    PixelShader* pshader = new0 PixelShader("Wm5.FluidUpdate2",
        1, 1, 3, 3, false);
    pshader->SetInput(0, "vertexTCoord", Shader::VT_FLOAT2,
    pshader->SetOutput(0, "pixelColor", Shader::VT_FLOAT4,
    pshader->SetConstant(0, "SpaceParam", 1);
    pshader->SetConstant(1, "TimeParam", 1);
    pshader->SetConstant(2, "ViscParam", 1);
    pshader->SetSampler(0, "StateSampler", Shader::ST_2D);
    pshader->SetSampler(1, "AdvectionSampler", Shader::ST_2D);
    pshader->SetSampler(2, "SourceSampler", Shader::ST_2D);
    pshader->SetFilter(1, Shader::SF_LINEAR);

    mIP->CreateEffect(pshader, effect, instance);

    ShaderFloat* spaceParamConstant = new0 ShaderFloat(1);
    float* spaceParam = spaceParamConstant->GetData();
    spaceParam[0] = mDx;
    spaceParam[1] = mDy;
    spaceParam[2] = 1.0f/(float)mIMax;
    spaceParam[3] = 1.0f/(float)mJMax;
    instance->SetPixelConstant(0, "SpaceParam", spaceParamConstant);

    ShaderFloat* timeParamConstant = new0 ShaderFloat(1);
    float* timeParam = timeParamConstant->GetData();
    timeParam[0] = mDtDivDx;
    timeParam[1] = mDtDivDy;
    timeParam[2] = mDt;
    instance->SetPixelConstant(0, "TimeParam", timeParamConstant);

    ShaderFloat* viscParamConstant = new0 ShaderFloat(1);
    float* viscParam = viscParamConstant->GetData();
    viscParam[0] = mDenLambdaX;
    viscParam[1] = mDenLambdaY;
    viscParam[2] = mVelLambdaX;
    viscParam[3] = mVelLambdaY;
    instance->SetPixelConstant(0, "ViscParam", viscParamConstant);

    mSourceTexture = new0 Texture2D(Texture::TF_A32B32G32R32F, mIMaxP1,
        mJMaxP1, 1);

    instance->SetPixelTexture(0, "StateSampler",
    instance->SetPixelTexture(0, "AdvectionSampler",
    instance->SetPixelTexture(0, "SourceSampler", mSourceTexture);

void MaterialInstance::_CopyParams(ShaderParameters *from,
	ShaderParameters *to)
	int fromNumConstans = from->GetNumConstants();
	for (int i = 0; i < fromNumConstans; i++)
		ShaderFloat *fromFloat = from->GetConstant(i);
		if (fromFloat)
			const std::string &fromConstName = from->GetConstantName(i);

			ShaderFloat *toFloat = to->GetConstant(fromConstName);

			if (toFloat)
				int fromNumRegisters = fromFloat->GetNumRegisters();
				if (fromNumRegisters == toFloat->GetNumRegisters())
					for (int r = 0; r < fromNumRegisters; r++)
						toFloat->SetRegister(r, fromFloat->GetRegister(r));
					assertion(false, "numRegist doest not be the same.\n");

	int fromNumSamples = from->GetNumTextures();
	for (int i = 0; i < fromNumSamples; i++)
		const std::string &fromSampleName = from->GetSampleName(i);
		Texture *texture = from->GetTexture(i);
		if (texture)
			to->_SetTexture(fromSampleName, texture);
Esempio n. 8
void GpuGaussianBlur3::SetBlurInput ()
    VisualEffectInstance* instance = mIP->GetMainEffectInstance();
    int bound0M1 = mIP->GetBound0() - 1;
    int bound1M1 = mIP->GetBound1() - 1;
    int bound2M1 = mIP->GetBound2() - 1;

    float dCol = mIP->GetColSpacing();
    float dRow = mIP->GetRowSpacing();

    ShaderFloat* deltaConstant = new0 ShaderFloat(1);
    float* delta = deltaConstant->GetData();
    delta[0] = dCol;
    delta[1] = 0.0f;
    delta[2] = 0.0f;
    delta[3] = dRow;
    instance->SetPixelConstant(0, "Delta", deltaConstant);

    ShaderFloat* weightConstant = new0 ShaderFloat(1);
    float* weight = weightConstant->GetData();
    weight[0] = 0.01f;  // = kappa*DeltaT/DeltaX^2
    weight[1] = 0.01f;  // = kappa*DeltaT/DeltaY^2
    weight[2] = 0.01f;  // = kappa*DeltaT/DeltaZ^2
    weight[3] = 1.0f - 2.0f*(weight[0] + weight[1] + weight[2]);  // w[3] > 0
    instance->SetPixelConstant(0, "Weight", weightConstant);

    Texture2D* offsetTexture = new Texture2D(Texture::TF_A32B32G32R32F,
        1024, 1024, 1);
    Float4* offset = (Float4*)offsetTexture->GetData(0);
    memset(offset, 0, 1024*1024*sizeof(Float4));

    // Interior voxels.  The offsets at the boundary are all zero, so the
    // finite differences are incorrect at those locations.  However, the
    // boundary effect will overwrite those voxels, so it is irrelevant
    // about the finite difference approximations at those locations.
    for (int z = 1; z < bound2M1; ++z)
        for (int y = 1; y < bound1M1; ++y)
            for (int x = 1; x < bound0M1; ++x)
                // Get the 2D location of the voxel.
                int u, v;
                mIP->Map3Dto2D(x, y, z, u, v);

                // Get the 2D location of the z+ neighbor.
                int upos, vpos;
                mIP->Map3Dto2D(x, y, z+1, upos, vpos);

                // Get the 2D location of the z- neighbor.
                int uneg, vneg;
                mIP->Map3Dto2D(x, y, z-1, uneg, vneg);

                Float4& color = offset[mIP->Index(u, v)];
                color[0] = (upos - u)*dCol;
                color[1] = (vpos - v)*dRow;
                color[2] = (uneg - u)*dCol;
                color[3] = (vneg - v)*dRow;

    instance->SetPixelTexture(0, "OffsetSampler", offsetTexture);
Esempio n. 9
void ShadowMaps::CreateShaders ()
    // Create the shader constants.  Some of these are shared.

    // Create the light projector.
    Projector* projector = new0 Projector(Camera::PM_DEPTH_ZERO_TO_ONE);
    projector->SetFrustum(60.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f);
    APoint projPosition(4.0f, 4.0f, 4.0f);
    AVector projDVector(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
    AVector projUVector(-1.0f, -1.0f, 2.0f);
    AVector projRVector = projDVector.Cross(projUVector);
    projector->SetFrame(projPosition, projDVector, projUVector, projRVector);

    // For SMSceneEffect and SMUnlitEffect.
    ProjectorMatrixConstant* lightPVMatrix =
        new0 ProjectorMatrixConstant(projector, false, 0);

    ShaderFloat* lightBSMatrixUnlit = new0 ShaderFloat(4);
    ShaderFloat* lightBSMatrixScene = new0 ShaderFloat(4);
    ShaderFloat* screenBSMatrix = new0 ShaderFloat(4);
    const float* src;
    if (VertexShader::GetProfile() == VertexShader::VP_ARBVP1)
        src = (const float*)Projector::BiasScaleMatrix[1];
        memcpy(lightBSMatrixUnlit->GetData(), src, 16*sizeof(float));
        memcpy(lightBSMatrixScene->GetData(), src, 16*sizeof(float));
        memcpy(screenBSMatrix->GetData(), src, 16*sizeof(float));
        src = (const float*)Projector::BiasScaleMatrix[0];
        memcpy(lightBSMatrixUnlit->GetData(), src, 16*sizeof(float));
        memcpy(screenBSMatrix->GetData(), src, 16*sizeof(float));
        src = (const float*)Projector::BiasScaleMatrix[1];
        memcpy(lightBSMatrixScene->GetData(), src, 16*sizeof(float));

    // For SMSceneEffect.
    ProjectorWorldPositionConstant* lightWorldPosition =
        new0 ProjectorWorldPositionConstant(projector);

    ShaderFloat* lightColor = new0 ShaderFloat(1);
    (*lightColor)[0] = 1.0f;
    (*lightColor)[1] = 1.0f;
    (*lightColor)[2] = 1.0f;
    (*lightColor)[3] = 1.0f;

    // For SMUnlitEffect.
    ShaderFloat* depthBiasConstant = new0 ShaderFloat(1);
    (*depthBiasConstant)[0] = 0.1f;
    ShaderFloat* texelSizeConstant = new0 ShaderFloat(1);
    (*texelSizeConstant)[0] = 1.0f/(float)mScreenTargetSize;
    (*texelSizeConstant)[1] = 1.0f/(float)mScreenTargetSize;

    // For SMBlurEffect.
    const int numRegisters = 11;
    ShaderFloat* weights = new0 ShaderFloat(numRegisters);
    ShaderFloat* hOffsets = new0 ShaderFloat(numRegisters);
    ShaderFloat* vOffsets = new0 ShaderFloat(numRegisters);

    // Compute the weights.  They must sum to 1.
    Float4* weightsData = (Float4*)weights->GetData();
    const float stdDev = 1.0f;
    const float invTwoVariance = 1.0f/(2.0f*stdDev*stdDev);
    float totalWeight = 0.0f;
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0, j = -numRegisters/2; i < numRegisters; ++i, ++j)
        float weight = Mathf::Exp(-j*j*invTwoVariance);
        weightsData[i] = Float4(weight, weight, weight, 0.0f);
        totalWeight += weight;
    float invTotalWeight = 1.0f/totalWeight;
    for (i = 0; i < numRegisters; ++i)
        weightsData[i][0] *= invTotalWeight;
        weightsData[i][1] *= invTotalWeight;
        weightsData[i][2] *= invTotalWeight;

    // Compute the horizontal and vertical offsets.
    Float4* hOffsetsData = (Float4*)hOffsets->GetData();
    Float4* vOffsetsData = (Float4*)vOffsets->GetData();
    float uDelta = 1.0f/(float)GetWidth();
    float vDelta = 1.0f/(float)GetHeight();
    for (i = 0, j = -numRegisters/2; i < numRegisters; ++i, ++j)
        hOffsetsData[i] = Float4(j*uDelta, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        vOffsetsData[i] = Float4(0.0f, j*vDelta, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    // Create the scene effect.
    std::string effectFile = Environment::GetPathR("SMScene.wmfx");
    SMSceneEffect* sceneEffect = new0 SMSceneEffect(effectFile);

    std::string stoneName = Environment::GetPathR("Stone.wmtf");
    Texture2D* stoneTexture = Texture2D::LoadWMTF(stoneName);
    std::string ballName = Environment::GetPathR("BallTexture.wmtf");
    Texture2D* ballTexture = Texture2D::LoadWMTF(ballName);
    std::string projectedName = Environment::GetPathR("Magician.wmtf");
    Texture2D* projectedTexture = Texture2D::LoadWMTF(projectedName);

    mPlaneSceneInstance = sceneEffect->CreateInstance(lightWorldPosition,
        lightPVMatrix, lightBSMatrixScene, screenBSMatrix, lightColor,
        stoneTexture, mVBlurTarget->GetColorTexture(0), projectedTexture);

    mSphereSceneInstance = sceneEffect->CreateInstance(lightWorldPosition,
        lightPVMatrix, lightBSMatrixScene, screenBSMatrix, lightColor,
        ballTexture, mVBlurTarget->GetColorTexture(0), projectedTexture);

    // Create the shadow effect.
    effectFile = Environment::GetPathR("SMShadow.wmfx");
    mShadowEffect = new0 SMShadowEffect(effectFile, lightPVMatrix);

    // Create the unlit effect.
    effectFile = Environment::GetPathR("SMUnlit.wmfx");
    mUnlitEffect = new0 SMUnlitEffect(effectFile, lightPVMatrix,
        lightBSMatrixUnlit, depthBiasConstant, texelSizeConstant,

    // Create the blur effect and instantiate for horizontal and vertical
    // blurring.
    effectFile = Environment::GetPathR("SMBlur.wmfx");
    SMBlurEffect* blurEffect = new0 SMBlurEffect(effectFile);

    mHBlurInstance = blurEffect->CreateInstance(weights, hOffsets,

    mVBlurInstance = blurEffect->CreateInstance(weights, vOffsets,