void FootstepDisplay::update(float wall_dt, float ros_dt)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < shapes_.size(); i++) {
      ShapePtr shape = shapes_[i];
      texts_[i]->setVisible(show_name_); // TODO
      jsk_footstep_msgs::Footstep footstep = latest_footstep_->footsteps[i];
            // color
      if (use_group_coloring_) {
        std_msgs::ColorRGBA color
          = jsk_topic_tools::colorCategory20(footstep.footstep_group);
        shape->setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, alpha_);
      else {
        if (footstep.leg == jsk_footstep_msgs::Footstep::LEFT) {
          shape->setColor(0, 1, 0, alpha_);
        else if (footstep.leg == jsk_footstep_msgs::Footstep::RIGHT) {
          shape->setColor(1, 0, 0, alpha_);
        else {
          shape->setColor(1, 1, 1, alpha_);

 void FootstepDisplay::allocateCubes(size_t num) {
   if (num > shapes_.size()) {
     // need to allocate
     for (size_t i = shapes_.size(); i < num; i++) {
       ShapePtr shape;
       shape.reset(new rviz::Shape(rviz::Shape::Cube, context_->getSceneManager(),
   else if (num < shapes_.size()) {
     // need to remove
void Optimizer::FitRest(mat& alpha,
	mat& beta,
	mat& rho,
	mat& lamda,
	InputPtr input,
	ModelPtr model,
	MeshPtr mesh,
	ShapePtr shape,
	TexturePtr texture)

	mat alpha_gradient = mat(PrincipalNum, 1, fill::zeros);
	mat alpha_hessian_inv = mat(PrincipalNum, PrincipalNum, fill::zeros);

	mat beta_gradient = mat(PrincipalNum, 1, fill::zeros);
	mat beta_hessian_inv = mat(PrincipalNum, PrincipalNum, fill::zeros);

	Rho rho_para(rho, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);
	Lamda lamda_para(lamda, model, mesh, shape, texture);

	// 2500 1000 700 500 300 200


	double weight = 1.0 / 200;

	for (int l = 0; l < 1000; ++l)

		Alpha alpha_para(alpha, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);
		Beta beta_para(beta, model, mesh, shape, texture);

		// Generate random points  
		GenerateRandomPoints(model, GradientRandomNum);

		double function_value = 0;

		for (int i = 0; i < PrincipalNum; ++i)
			double variance = shape->GetVariance(i);
			alpha_gradient[i] = weight * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &alpha_para, i) + 2 * alpha[i] / variance;

		for (int i = 0; i < PrincipalNum; ++i)
			double variance = texture->GetVariance(i);
			beta_gradient[i] = weight * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &beta_para, i) + 2 * beta[i] / variance;

		alpha -= alpha_para.Step*alpha_gradient;
		beta -= beta_para.Step*beta_gradient;


Esempio n. 4
SkeletonPtr createGround()
  // Create a Skeleton to represent the ground
  SkeletonPtr ground = Skeleton::create("ground");
  Eigen::Isometry3d tf(Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity());
  double thickness = 0.01;
  tf.translation() = Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,-thickness/2.0);
  WeldJoint::Properties joint;
  joint.mT_ParentBodyToJoint = tf;
  ground->createJointAndBodyNodePair<WeldJoint>(nullptr, joint);
  ShapePtr groundShape =


  return ground;
Esempio n. 5
SkeletonPtr createAtlas()
  // Parse in the atlas model
  DartLoader urdf;
  SkeletonPtr atlas =

  // Add a box to the root node to make it easier to click and drag
  double scale = 0.25;
  ShapePtr boxShape =
      std::make_shared<BoxShape>(scale*Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 1.0, 0.5));

  Eigen::Isometry3d tf(Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity());
  tf.translation() = Eigen::Vector3d(0.1*Eigen::Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));


  return atlas;
 void FootstepDisplay::updateAlpha()
   float alpha = alpha_property_->getFloat();
   for (size_t i = 0; i < shapes_.size(); i++)
     ShapePtr shape = shapes_[i];
     jsk_footstep_msgs::Footstep footstep = latest_footstep_->footsteps[i];
     if (footstep.leg == jsk_footstep_msgs::Footstep::LEFT)
       shape->setColor(0, 1, 0, alpha);
     else if (footstep.leg == jsk_footstep_msgs::Footstep::RIGHT)
       shape->setColor(1, 0, 0, alpha);
       shape->setColor(1, 1, 1, alpha);
Esempio n. 7
void ClipVisitor::visit(ShapePtr shape)
    ShapeRendererStatePtr renderer_state = shape->getRendererState(renderer);
    D2DShapeRendererStatePtr shape_renderer = dynamic_pointer_cast<D2DShapeRendererState>(renderer_state);
    vector<ID2D1Geometry*> temp_geometry;


    for (size_t i = 0; i < temp_geometry.size(); i++) {
        ID2D1TransformedGeometry* transformed_geometry;
        HRESULT hr = renderer->m_pFactory->CreateTransformedGeometry(
            temp_geometry[i], &d2dMatrix(matrix_stack.top()), &transformed_geometry);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
void Optimizer::FitAll(mat& alpha,
	mat& beta,
	mat& rho,
	mat& lamda,
	InputPtr input,
	ModelPtr model,
	MeshPtr mesh,
	ShapePtr shape,
	TexturePtr texture)

	mat alpha_gradient = mat(PrincipalNum, 1, fill::zeros);
	mat alpha_hessian_inv = mat(PrincipalNum, PrincipalNum, fill::zeros);

	mat beta_gradient = mat(PrincipalNum, 1, fill::zeros);
	mat beta_hessian_inv = mat(PrincipalNum, PrincipalNum, fill::zeros);

	mat rho_gradient = mat(RhoNum, 1, fill::zeros);
	mat rho_hessian_inv = mat(RhoNum, RhoNum, fill::zeros);

	mat lamda_gradient = mat(LamdaNum, 1, fill::zeros);
	mat lamda_hessian_inv = mat(LamdaNum, LamdaNum, fill::zeros);

	vec step(RhoNum, 1);
	step.rows(0, 2).fill(0.00000006);
	step.rows(3, 5).fill(0.0002);
	step.rows(6, 6).fill(2.0);
	mat step_mat = diagmat(step);

	SetStartingValue(rho, lamda);

	// 2500 1000 700 500 300 200
	array<double, 6> weight_intensity = { { 1.0 / 1000, 1.0 / 900, 1.0 / 800, 1.0 / 700, 1.0 / 500, 1.0 / 300 } };
	array<int, 6> para_num = { { 10, 15, 25, 35, 55, 99 } };   // 20 40
	array<int, 6> iterations = { { 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000 } };

	//array<double, 4> weight_intensity = { { 1.0 / 900, 1.0 / 700, 1.0 / 500, 1.0 / 400 } };
	//array<int, 4> para_num = { { 10, 20, 40, 99 } };   // 20 40
	//array<int, 4> iterations = { { 1000, 1000, 800, 600 } };

	int counter = 0;
	for (int c = 0; c < 6; ++c)
		for (int l = 0; l < iterations[c]; ++l)

			if (counter == 0 || counter % 1000 == 0)
				Face3dModel face3d_model(shape, texture);
				mesh = face3d_model.Construction(alpha, beta);
				TwoPassZbuffer(rho, lamda, mesh, model);

				//GenerateRandomPoints(model, HessianRandomNum);

				//for (int i = 0; i < para_num[c]; ++i)
				//	double variance = shape->GetVariance(i);

				//	mat alpha1 = alpha;
				//	alpha1[i] -= H;
				//	Alpha alpha_para1(alpha1, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);

				//	double first_derivative1 = weight_feature[c] * ComputeLandmarkGradient(input, &alpha_para1, i) +
				//		weight_intensity[c] * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &alpha_para1, i);

				//	mat alpha2 = alpha;
				//	alpha2[i] += H;
				//	Alpha alpha_para2(alpha2, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);
				//	double first_derivative2 = weight_feature[c] * ComputeLandmarkGradient(input, &alpha_para2, i) +
				//		weight_intensity[c] * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &alpha_para2, i);

				//	double second_derivative = (first_derivative2 - first_derivative1) / (2 * H);
				//	alpha_hessian_inv(i, i) = 1 / (second_derivative +2 / variance);


				/*	for (int i = 0; i < para_num[c]; ++i)
					double variance = texture->GetVariance(i);

					mat beta1 = beta;
					beta1[i] -= H;
					Beta beta_para1(beta1, model, mesh, shape, texture);
					double first_derivative1 = weight_intensity[c] * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &beta_para1, i);

					mat beta2 = beta;
					beta2[i] += H;
					Beta beta_para2(beta2, model, mesh, shape, texture);
					double first_derivative2 = weight_intensity[c] * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &beta_para2, i);

					double second_derivative = (first_derivative2 - first_derivative1) / (2 * H);
					beta_hessian_inv(i, i) = 1 / (second_derivative + 2 / variance);


				//for (int i = 0; i < RhoNum; ++i)
				//	double variance = GetRhoVariance(i);

				//	mat rho1 = rho;
				//	rho1[i] -= H;
				//	Rho rho_para1(rho1, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);
				//	double first_derivative1 =/* weight_feature[c] * ComputeLandmarkGradient(input, &rho_para1, i) +*/
				//		weight_intensity[c] * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &rho_para1, i);

				//	mat rho2 = rho;
				//	rho2[i] += H;
				//	Rho rho_para2(rho2, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);

				//	double first_derivative2 = /*weight_feature[c] * ComputeLandmarkGradient(input, &rho_para2, i) +*/
				//		weight_intensity[c] * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &rho_para2, i);

				//	double second_derivative = (first_derivative2 - first_derivative1) / (2 * H);
				//	rho_hessian_inv(i, i) = 1 / (second_derivative + 2 / variance);


				//for (int i = 0; i < LamdaNum - 7; ++i)

				//	double variance = GetLamdaVariance(i);
				//	mat lamda1 = lamda;
				//	lamda1[i] -= H;
				//	Lamda lamda_para1(lamda1, model, mesh, shape, texture);
				//	double first_derivative1 = weight_intensity[c] * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &lamda_para1, i);

				//	mat lamda2 = lamda;
				//	lamda2[i] += H;
				//	Lamda lamda_para2(lamda2, model, mesh, shape, texture);
				//	double first_derivative2 = weight_intensity[c] * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &lamda_para2, i);
				//	double second_derivative = (first_derivative2 - first_derivative1) / (2 * H);

				//	lamda_hessian_inv(i, i) = 1 / (second_derivative + 2 / variance);



			Alpha alpha_para(alpha, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);
			Beta beta_para(beta, model, mesh, shape, texture);
			Rho rho_para(rho, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);
			Lamda lamda_para(lamda, model, mesh, shape, texture);

			GenerateRandomPoints(model, GradientRandomNum);
			//double function_value = 0;
			//function_value = ComputeCost(input, model, alpha_para);
			//ofstream cost;
			//cost.open("all_cost", ios::app);
			//cost << function_value << "\n";

			for (int i = 0; i < para_num[c]; ++i)
				double variance = shape->GetVariance(i);
				alpha_gradient[i] = /*weight_feature[c] * ComputeLandmarkGradient(input, &alpha_para, i) +*/
					weight_intensity[c] * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &alpha_para, i) +2 * alpha[i] / variance;

			for (int i = 0; i < para_num[c]; ++i)
				double variance = texture->GetVariance(i);
				beta_gradient[i] = weight_intensity[c] * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &beta_para, i) + 2 * beta[i] / variance;

			for (int i = 0; i < RhoNum; ++i)
				//double variance = GetRhoVariance(i);
				//double mean = GetRhoMean(i);
				rho_gradient[i] = /*weight_feature[c] * ComputeLandmarkGradient(input, &rho_para, i) +*/
					weight_intensity[c] * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &rho_para, i);// +2 * (rho[i] - mean) / variance;

			for (int i = 0; i < LamdaNum; ++i)
				double variance = GetLamdaVariance(i);
				double mean = GetLamdaMean(i);
				lamda_gradient[i] = weight_intensity[c] * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &lamda_para, i) +2 * (lamda[i] - mean) / variance;

			//alpha -= 0.00003*alpha_hessian_inv*alpha_gradient;  // 0.01  0.00003
			//beta -= 0.01*beta_hessian_inv*beta_gradient;
			//lamda -= 0.03*lamda_hessian_inv*lamda_gradient;
			//rho -= 0.0001*rho_hessian_inv*rho_gradient;

			alpha -= alpha_para.Step*alpha_gradient;
		    beta -= beta_para.Step*beta_gradient;
			rho -= step_mat*rho_gradient;   // gradient descent
			lamda -= lamda_para.Step*lamda_gradient;


		Face3dModel face3d_model(shape, texture);
		mesh = face3d_model.Construction(alpha, beta);
		VisualizeResult(rho, lamda, input, mesh, "segmented", c);
void Optimizer::FitFirstPrincipalComponents(mat& alpha,
	mat& beta,
	mat& rho,
	mat& lamda,
	InputPtr input,
	ModelPtr model,
	MeshPtr mesh,
	ShapePtr shape,
	TexturePtr texture,
	const cv::Mat& ready)

	mat alpha_gradient = mat(PrincipalNum, 1, fill::zeros);
	mat alpha_hessian_inv = mat(PrincipalNum, PrincipalNum, fill::zeros);

	mat beta_gradient = mat(PrincipalNum, 1, fill::zeros);
	mat rho_gradient = mat(RhoNum, 1, fill::zeros);
	mat lamda_gradient = mat(LamdaNum, 1, fill::zeros);

	vec step(RhoNum, 1);
	step.rows(0, 2).fill(0.00000006);
	step.rows(3, 5).fill(0.0002);
	step.rows(6, 6).fill(2.0);
	mat step_mat = diagmat(step);

	// down sampled version
	cv::Mat down_sampled;
	pyrDown(ready, down_sampled, Size(IMAGE_WIDTH / 2, IMAGE_HEIGHT / 2));
	input = make_shared<InputImage>(down_sampled);
	model->SetSize(IMAGE_WIDTH / 2, IMAGE_HEIGHT / 2);
	rho[FOCAL] /= 2;

	//SetStartingValue(rho, lamda);
	double para_num = 10;
	double weight = 1.0 / 900;

	int counter = 0;
	while (counter < 1000)

		Alpha alpha_para(alpha, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);
		Beta beta_para(beta, model, mesh, shape, texture);
		Rho rho_para(rho, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);
		Lamda lamda_para(lamda, model, mesh, shape, texture);

		if (counter == 0 || counter % 1000 == 0)
			Face3dModel face3d_model(shape, texture);
			mesh = face3d_model.Construction(alpha, beta);
			TwoPassZbuffer(rho, lamda, mesh, model);

			//GenerateRandomPoints(model, HessianRandomNum);
			//for (int i = 0; i < para_num; ++i)
			//	double variance = shape->GetVariance(i);

			//	mat alpha1 = alpha;
			//	alpha1[i] -= H;
			//	Alpha alpha_para1(alpha1, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);
			//	double first_derivative1 = weight * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &alpha_para1, i) + 2 * alpha1[i] / variance;

			//	mat alpha2 = alpha;
			//	alpha2[i] += H;
			//	Alpha alpha_para2(alpha2, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);
			//	double first_derivative2 = weight * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &alpha_para2, i) + 2 * alpha2[i] / variance;

			//	double second_derivative = (first_derivative2 - first_derivative1) / (2 * H);
			//	alpha_hessian_inv(i, i) = 1 / (second_derivative + 2 / variance);

		// Generate random points  
		GenerateRandomPoints(model, GradientRandomNum);
		double function_value = 0;
		function_value = ComputeCost(input, model, alpha_para);
		ofstream cost;
		cost.open("first_cost", ios::app);
		cost << function_value << "\n";

		for (int i = 0; i < para_num; ++i)
			double variance = shape->GetVariance(i);
			alpha_gradient[i] = weight * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &alpha_para, i) + 2 * alpha[i] / variance;

		//for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
		//	double variance = texture->GetVariance(i);
		//	beta_gradient[i] = weight *ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &beta_para, i) + 2 * beta[i] / variance;

		//for (int i = 0; i < RhoNum; ++i)
		//	double first_derivative1 = 1.0 / 1000*ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &rho_para, i);
		//	//double variance = rho_para.GetVariance(i);
		//	//double mean = rho_para.GetMean(i);
		//	rho_gradient[i] = first_derivative1;// +2 * (rho[i] - mean) / variance;

		//for (int i = 0; i < LamdaNum-7; ++i)
		//	double first_derivative1 = 1.0 / 1000 * ComputeIntensityGradient(input, &lamda_para, i);
		//	//double variance = lamda_para.GetVariance(i);
		//	//double mean = lamda_para.GetMean(i);
		//	lamda_gradient[i] = first_derivative1; //+2 * (lamda[i] - mean) / variance;

		alpha -= alpha_para.Step*alpha_gradient;

		//beta -= beta_para.Step*beta_gradient;
		//rho -= step_mat*rho_gradient;   
		//lamda -= lamda_para.Step*lamda_gradient;  
		//alpha -= 0.00008*alpha_hessian_inv*alpha_gradient;


	// restore original version
	input= make_shared<InputImage>(ready);
	rho[FOCAL] *= 2;

	Face3dModel face3d_model(shape, texture);
	mesh = face3d_model.Construction(alpha, beta);
	VisualizeResult(rho, lamda, input, mesh, "first");
void Optimizer::FitPose(mat& alpha,
	mat& rho, 
	mat& lamda, 
	InputPtr input, 
	ModelPtr model, 
	MeshPtr mesh, 
	ShapePtr shape,
	TexturePtr texture)

	mat alpha_gradient=mat(PrincipalNum, 1,fill::zeros);
	mat alpha_hessian_inv = mat(PrincipalNum, PrincipalNum, fill::zeros);

	mat rho_gradient=mat(RhoNum, 1,fill::zeros);
	mat rho_hessian_inv = mat(RhoNum, RhoNum, fill::zeros);

	double weight = 0.05;
	int para_num = 10;
	int counter = 0;

	while (counter<300)  // 300

		Alpha alpha_para(alpha, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);
		Rho rho_para(rho, input, model, mesh);
		Lamda lamda_para(lamda, model, mesh);

		//stringstream file;
		//double residual = 0;
		//residual = ComputeCost(input, alpha_para);
		//ofstream cost;
		//cost.open("cost", ios::app);
		//cost << residual << "\n";

		if (counter == 0 || counter % 1000 == 0)
			for (int i = 0; i < para_num; ++i)
				double variance = shape->GetVariance(i);
				mat alpha1 = alpha;
				alpha1[i] -= H;
				Alpha alpha_para1(alpha1, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);
				double first_derivative1 = weight * ComputeLandmarkGradient(input, &alpha_para1, i);

				mat alpha2 = alpha;
				alpha2[i] += H;
				Alpha alpha_para2(alpha2, input, model, mesh, shape, texture);
				double first_derivative2 = weight * ComputeLandmarkGradient(input, &alpha_para2, i);

				double second_derivative = (first_derivative2 - first_derivative1) / (2 * H);
				alpha_hessian_inv(i, i) = 1 / (second_derivative + 2 / variance);


			for (int i = 0; i < RhoNum;++i)
				// rho
				mat rho1 = rho;
				rho1[i] -= H;
				Rho rho_para1(rho1, input, model, mesh);
				double first_derivative1 = weight * ComputeLandmarkGradient(input, &rho_para1, i);

				mat rho2 = rho;
				rho1[i] += H;
				Rho rho_para2(rho2, input, model, mesh);
				double first_derivative2 = weight * ComputeLandmarkGradient(input, &rho_para2, i);

				double second_derivative = (first_derivative2 - first_derivative1) / (2 * H);
				rho_hessian_inv(i, i) = 1 / second_derivative;


		for (int i = 0; i < para_num; ++i)
			double variance = shape->GetVariance(i);
			alpha_gradient[i] = weight*ComputeLandmarkGradient(input, &alpha_para, i)+2 * alpha[i] / variance;

		for (int i = 0; i < RhoNum; ++i)
			rho_gradient[i] = weight*ComputeLandmarkGradient(input, &rho_para, i);

		alpha -= 0.0006*alpha_hessian_inv*alpha_gradient;
		rho -= 0.01*rho_hessian_inv*rho_gradient;


  void FootstepDisplay::processMessage(const jsk_footstep_msgs::FootstepArray::ConstPtr& msg)
    if (!validateFloats(*msg)) {
      setStatus(rviz::StatusProperty::Error, "Topic", "message contained invalid floating point values (nans or infs)");
    latest_footstep_ = msg;
    Ogre::Quaternion orientation;
    Ogre::Vector3 position;
    if(!context_->getFrameManager()->getTransform( msg->header.frame_id,
                                                   position, orientation)) {
      ROS_DEBUG( "Error transforming from frame '%s' to frame '%s'",
                 msg->header.frame_id.c_str(), qPrintable( fixed_frame_ ));

    // check thhe length of the shapes_

    for (size_t i = 0; i < msg->footsteps.size(); i++)
      ShapePtr shape = shapes_[i];
      rviz::MovableText* text = texts_[i];
      Ogre::SceneNode* node = text_nodes_[i];
      jsk_footstep_msgs::Footstep footstep = msg->footsteps[i];
      Ogre::Vector3 step_position;
      Ogre::Quaternion step_quaternion;
      if( !context_->getFrameManager()->transform( msg->header, footstep.pose,
                                                   step_quaternion ))
        ROS_ERROR( "Error transforming pose '%s' from frame '%s' to frame '%s'",
                   qPrintable( getName() ), msg->header.frame_id.c_str(), qPrintable( fixed_frame_ ));
      // size of shape
      Ogre::Vector3 scale;
      if (footstep.dimensions.x == 0 &&
          footstep.dimensions.y == 0 &&
          footstep.dimensions.z == 0) {
        scale[0] = depth_;
        scale[1] = width_;
        scale[2] = height_;
      else {
        scale[0] = footstep.dimensions.x;
        scale[1] = footstep.dimensions.y;
        scale[2] = footstep.dimensions.z;
      // update the size of text
      if (footstep.leg == jsk_footstep_msgs::Footstep::LEFT) {
      else if (footstep.leg == jsk_footstep_msgs::Footstep::RIGHT) {
      else {
      text->setVisible(show_name_); // TODO
  void FootstepDisplay::processMessage(const jsk_footstep_msgs::FootstepArray::ConstPtr& msg)
    if (!validateFloats(*msg)) {
      setStatus(rviz::StatusProperty::Error, "Topic", "message contained invalid floating point values (nans or infs)");
    latest_footstep_ = msg;
    Ogre::Quaternion orientation;
    Ogre::Vector3 position;
    if( !context_->getFrameManager()->getTransform( msg->header.frame_id,
                                                    position, orientation ))
      ROS_DEBUG( "Error transforming from frame '%s' to frame '%s'",
                 msg->header.frame_id.c_str(), qPrintable( fixed_frame_ ));

    // check thhe length of the shapes_
    if (msg->footsteps.size() > shapes_.size())
      // need to allocate
      for (size_t i = shapes_.size(); i < msg->footsteps.size(); i++)
        ShapePtr shape;
        shape.reset(new rviz::Shape(rviz::Shape::Cube, context_->getSceneManager(),
    else if (msg->footsteps.size() < shapes_.size())
      // need to remove


    for (size_t i = 0; i < msg->footsteps.size(); i++)
      ShapePtr shape = shapes_[i];
      jsk_footstep_msgs::Footstep footstep = msg->footsteps[i];
      Ogre::Vector3 step_position;
      Ogre::Quaternion step_quaternion;
      if( !context_->getFrameManager()->transform( msg->header, footstep.pose,
                                                   step_quaternion ))
        ROS_ERROR( "Error transforming pose '%s' from frame '%s' to frame '%s'",
                   qPrintable( getName() ), msg->header.frame_id.c_str(), qPrintable( fixed_frame_ ));

Esempio n. 13
void Draw::visit(ShapePtr shape)
    ShapeRendererStatePtr renderer_state = shape->getRendererState(renderer);
    D2DShapeRendererStatePtr shape_renderer = dynamic_pointer_cast<D2DShapeRendererState>(renderer_state);