Esempio n. 1
int MergeGroupsCommand::eliminateZeroOTUS(vector<SharedRAbundVector*>& thislookup) {
    try {
        vector<SharedRAbundVector*> newLookup;
        for (int i = 0; i < thislookup.size(); i++) {
            SharedRAbundVector* temp = new SharedRAbundVector();
        //for each bin
        vector<string> newBinLabels;
        string snumBins = toString(thislookup[0]->getNumBins());
        for (int i = 0; i < thislookup[0]->getNumBins(); i++) {
            if (m->control_pressed) { for (int j = 0; j < newLookup.size(); j++) {  delete newLookup[j];  } return 0; }
            //look at each sharedRabund and make sure they are not all zero
            bool allZero = true;
            for (int j = 0; j < thislookup.size(); j++) {
                if (thislookup[j]->getAbundance(i) != 0) { allZero = false;  break;  }
            //if they are not all zero add this bin
            if (!allZero) {
                for (int j = 0; j < thislookup.size(); j++) {
                    newLookup[j]->push_back(thislookup[j]->getAbundance(i), thislookup[j]->getGroup());
                //if there is a bin label use it otherwise make one
                string binLabel = "Otu";
                string sbinNumber = toString(i+1);
                if (sbinNumber.length() < snumBins.length()) {
                    int diff = snumBins.length() - sbinNumber.length();
                    for (int h = 0; h < diff; h++) { binLabel += "0"; }
                binLabel += sbinNumber;
                if (i < m->currentSharedBinLabels.size()) {  binLabel = m->currentSharedBinLabels[i]; }
        for (int j = 0; j < thislookup.size(); j++) {  delete thislookup[j];  }
        thislookup = newLookup;
        m->currentSharedBinLabels = newBinLabels;
        return 0;
    catch(exception& e) {
        m->errorOut(e, "MergeGroupsCommand", "eliminateZeroOTUS");
Esempio n. 2
int SharedCommand::eliminateZeroOTUS(vector<SharedRAbundVector*>& thislookup) {
	try {
		vector<SharedRAbundVector*> newLookup;
		for (int i = 0; i < thislookup.size(); i++) {
			SharedRAbundVector* temp = new SharedRAbundVector();
		//for each bin
		for (int i = 0; i < thislookup[0]->getNumBins(); i++) {
			if (m->control_pressed) { for (int j = 0; j < newLookup.size(); j++) {  delete newLookup[j];  } return 0; }
			//look at each sharedRabund and make sure they are not all zero
			bool allZero = true;
			for (int j = 0; j < thislookup.size(); j++) {
				if (thislookup[j]->getAbundance(i) != 0) { allZero = false;  break;  }
			//if they are not all zero add this bin
			if (!allZero) {
				for (int j = 0; j < thislookup.size(); j++) {
					newLookup[j]->push_back(thislookup[j]->getAbundance(i), thislookup[j]->getGroup());
				//if there is a bin label use it otherwise make one
			//else{  cout << "bin # " << i << " is all zeros" << endl;  }
		for (int j = 0; j < thislookup.size(); j++) {  delete thislookup[j];  }
		thislookup = newLookup;
		return 0;
	catch(exception& e) {
		m->errorOut(e, "SharedCommand", "eliminateZeroOTUS");
SharedRAbundVector SharedSAbundVector::getSharedRAbundVector(){
	try {
		SharedRAbundVector rav;
		for(int i=1;i<data.size();i++){		
			for(int j=0;j<data[i].abundance;j++){
				rav.push_back(i, data[i].group);
		sort(rav.rbegin(), rav.rend(), compareMembers);
		return rav;
	catch(exception& e) {
		m->errorOut(e, "SharedSAbundVector", "getSharedRAbundVector");
Esempio n. 4
int MetaStatsCommand::process(vector<SharedRAbundVector*>& thisLookUp){
	try {
				if(processors == 1){
					driver(0, namesOfGroupCombos.size(), thisLookUp);
					int process = 1;
					vector<int> processIDS;
		#if defined (__APPLE__) || (__MACH__) || (linux) || (__linux) || (__linux__) || (__unix__) || (__unix)
					//loop through and create all the processes you want
					while (process != processors) {
						pid_t pid = fork();
						if (pid > 0) {
							processIDS.push_back(pid);  //create map from line number to pid so you can append files in correct order later
						}else if (pid == 0){
							driver(lines[process].start, lines[process].num, thisLookUp);
						}else { 
							m->mothurOut("[ERROR]: unable to spawn the necessary processes."); m->mothurOutEndLine(); 
							for (int i = 0; i < processIDS.size(); i++) { kill (processIDS[i], SIGINT); }
					//do my part
					driver(lines[0].start, lines[0].num, thisLookUp);
					//force parent to wait until all the processes are done
					for (int i=0;i<(processors-1);i++) { 
						int temp = processIDS[i];
                    //Windows version shared memory, so be careful when passing variables through the summarySharedData struct. 
                    //Above fork() will clone, so memory is separate, but that's not the case with windows, 
                    //Taking advantage of shared memory to pass results vectors.
                    vector<metastatsData*> pDataArray; 
                    DWORD   dwThreadIdArray[processors-1];
                    HANDLE  hThreadArray[processors-1]; 
                    //Create processor worker threads.
                    for( int i=1; i<processors; i++ ){
                        //make copy of lookup so we don't get access violations
                        vector<SharedRAbundVector*> newLookup;
                        vector<string> designMapGroups;
                        for (int k = 0; k < thisLookUp.size(); k++) {
                            SharedRAbundVector* temp = new SharedRAbundVector();
                        //for each bin
                        for (int k = 0; k < thisLookUp[0]->getNumBins(); k++) {
                            if (m->control_pressed) { for (int j = 0; j < newLookup.size(); j++) {  delete newLookup[j];  } return 0; }
                            for (int j = 0; j < thisLookUp.size(); j++) { newLookup[j]->push_back(thisLookUp[j]->getAbundance(k), thisLookUp[j]->getGroup()); }
                        // Allocate memory for thread data.
                        metastatsData* tempSum = new metastatsData(sharedfile, outputDir, m, lines[i].start, lines[i].num, namesOfGroupCombos, newLookup, designMapGroups, iters, threshold);
                        hThreadArray[i-1] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MyMetastatsThreadFunction, pDataArray[i-1], 0, &dwThreadIdArray[i-1]);   
                    //do my part
					driver(lines[0].start, lines[0].num, thisLookUp);
                    //Wait until all threads have terminated.
                    WaitForMultipleObjects(processors-1, hThreadArray, TRUE, INFINITE);
                    //Close all thread handles and free memory allocations.
                    for(int i=0; i < pDataArray.size(); i++){
                        if (pDataArray[i]->count != (pDataArray[i]->num)) {
                            m->mothurOut("[ERROR]: process " + toString(i) + " only processed " + toString(pDataArray[i]->count) + " of " + toString(pDataArray[i]->num) + " groups assigned to it, quitting. \n"); m->control_pressed = true; 
                        for (int j = 0; j < pDataArray[i]->thisLookUp.size(); j++) {  delete pDataArray[i]->thisLookUp[j];  } 
                        for (int j = 0; j < pDataArray[i]->outputNames.size(); j++) {  
                        delete pDataArray[i];

		return 0;
	catch(exception& e) {
		m->errorOut(e, "MetaStatsCommand", "process");
Esempio n. 5
int MatrixOutputCommand::process(vector<SharedRAbundVector*> thisLookup){
	try {
		vector< vector< vector<seqDist> > > calcDistsTotals;  //each iter, one for each calc, then each groupCombos dists. this will be used to make .dist files
        vector< vector<seqDist>  > calcDists; calcDists.resize(matrixCalculators.size()); 		
        for (int thisIter = 0; thisIter < iters+1; thisIter++) {
            map<string, string> variables; 
            variables["[filename]"] = outputDir + m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(sharedfile));
            variables["[distance]"] = thisLookup[0]->getLabel();
            variables["[tag2]"] = "";
            vector<SharedRAbundVector*> thisItersLookup = thisLookup;
            if (subsample && (thisIter != 0)) {
                SubSample sample;
                vector<string> tempLabels; //dont need since we arent printing the sampled sharedRabunds
                //make copy of lookup so we don't get access violations
                vector<SharedRAbundVector*> newLookup;
                for (int k = 0; k < thisItersLookup.size(); k++) {
                    SharedRAbundVector* temp = new SharedRAbundVector();
                //for each bin
                for (int k = 0; k < thisItersLookup[0]->getNumBins(); k++) {
                    if (m->control_pressed) { for (int j = 0; j < newLookup.size(); j++) {  delete newLookup[j];  } return 0; }
                    for (int j = 0; j < thisItersLookup.size(); j++) { newLookup[j]->push_back(thisItersLookup[j]->getAbundance(k), thisItersLookup[j]->getGroup()); }
                tempLabels = sample.getSample(newLookup, subsampleSize);
                thisItersLookup = newLookup;
            if(processors == 1){
                driver(thisItersLookup, 0, numGroups, calcDists);
                int process = 1;
                vector<int> processIDS;
                #if defined (__APPLE__) || (__MACH__) || (linux) || (__linux) || (__linux__) || (__unix__) || (__unix)
                //loop through and create all the processes you want
                while (process != processors) {
                    pid_t pid = fork();
                    if (pid > 0) {
                    }else if (pid == 0){
                        driver(thisItersLookup, lines[process].start, lines[process].end, calcDists);   
                        string tempdistFileName = m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(sharedfile)) + m->mothurGetpid(process) + ".dist";
                        ofstream outtemp;
                        m->openOutputFile(tempdistFileName, outtemp);
                        for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) {
                            outtemp << calcDists[i].size() << endl;
                            for (int j = 0; j < calcDists[i].size(); j++) {
                                outtemp << calcDists[i][j].seq1 << '\t' << calcDists[i][j].seq2 << '\t' << calcDists[i][j].dist << endl;
                    }else { 
                        m->mothurOut("[ERROR]: unable to spawn the necessary processes."); m->mothurOutEndLine(); 
                        for (int i = 0; i < processIDS.size(); i++) { kill (processIDS[i], SIGINT); }
                //parent do your part
                driver(thisItersLookup, lines[0].start, lines[0].end, calcDists);   
                //force parent to wait until all the processes are done
                for (int i = 0; i < processIDS.size(); i++) {
                    int temp = processIDS[i];
                for (int i = 0; i < processIDS.size(); i++) {
                    string tempdistFileName = m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(sharedfile)) + toString(processIDS[i]) +  ".dist";
                    ifstream intemp;
                    m->openInputFile(tempdistFileName, intemp);
                    for (int k = 0; k < calcDists.size(); k++) {
                        int size = 0;
                        intemp >> size; m->gobble(intemp);
                        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
                            int seq1 = 0;
                            int seq2 = 0;
                            float dist = 1.0;
                            intemp >> seq1 >> seq2 >> dist;   m->gobble(intemp);
                            seqDist tempDist(seq1, seq2, dist);
                //Windows version shared memory, so be careful when passing variables through the distSharedData struct. 
                //Above fork() will clone, so memory is separate, but that's not the case with windows, 
                //Taking advantage of shared memory to pass results vectors.
                vector<distSharedData*> pDataArray; 
                DWORD   dwThreadIdArray[processors-1];
                HANDLE  hThreadArray[processors-1]; 
                //Create processor worker threads.
                for( int i=1; i<processors; i++ ){
                    //make copy of lookup so we don't get access violations
                    vector<SharedRAbundVector*> newLookup;
                    for (int k = 0; k < thisItersLookup.size(); k++) {
                        SharedRAbundVector* temp = new SharedRAbundVector();
                    //for each bin
                    for (int k = 0; k < thisItersLookup[0]->getNumBins(); k++) {
                        if (m->control_pressed) { for (int j = 0; j < newLookup.size(); j++) {  delete newLookup[j];  } return 0; }
                        for (int j = 0; j < thisItersLookup.size(); j++) { newLookup[j]->push_back(thisItersLookup[j]->getAbundance(k), thisItersLookup[j]->getGroup()); }
                    // Allocate memory for thread data.
                    distSharedData* tempSum = new distSharedData(m, lines[i].start, lines[i].end, Estimators, newLookup);
                    hThreadArray[i-1] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MyDistSharedThreadFunction, pDataArray[i-1], 0, &dwThreadIdArray[i-1]);   
                //parent do your part
                driver(thisItersLookup, lines[0].start, lines[0].end, calcDists);   
                //Wait until all threads have terminated.
                WaitForMultipleObjects(processors-1, hThreadArray, TRUE, INFINITE);
                //Close all thread handles and free memory allocations.
                for(int i=0; i < pDataArray.size(); i++){
                    if (pDataArray[i]->count != (pDataArray[i]->end-pDataArray[i]->start)) {
                        m->mothurOut("[ERROR]: process " + toString(i) + " only processed " + toString(pDataArray[i]->count) + " of " + toString(pDataArray[i]->end-pDataArray[i]->start) + " groups assigned to it, quitting. \n"); m->control_pressed = true; 
                    for (int j = 0; j < pDataArray[i]->thisLookup.size(); j++) {  delete pDataArray[i]->thisLookup[j];  } 
                    for (int k = 0; k < calcDists.size(); k++) {
                        int size = pDataArray[i]->calcDists[k].size();
                        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {    calcDists[k].push_back(pDataArray[i]->calcDists[k][j]);    }
                    delete pDataArray[i];

            if (subsample && (thisIter != 0)) {  
                if((thisIter) % 100 == 0){	m->mothurOutJustToScreen(toString(thisIter)+"\n"); 		}
                for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < calcDists[i].size(); j++) {
                        if (m->debug) {  m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: Results: iter = " + toString(thisIter) + ", " + thisLookup[calcDists[i][j].seq1]->getGroup() + " - " + thisLookup[calcDists[i][j].seq2]->getGroup() + " distance = " + toString(calcDists[i][j].dist) + ".\n");  }
                //clean up memory
                for (int i = 0; i < thisItersLookup.size(); i++) { delete thisItersLookup[i]; }
            }else { //print results for whole dataset
                for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) {
                    if (m->control_pressed) { break; }
                    //initialize matrix
                    vector< vector<double> > matrix; //square matrix to represent the distance
                    for (int k = 0; k < thisLookup.size(); k++) {  matrix[k].resize(thisLookup.size(), 0.0); }
                    for (int j = 0; j < calcDists[i].size(); j++) {
                        int row = calcDists[i][j].seq1;
                        int column = calcDists[i][j].seq2;
                        double dist = calcDists[i][j].dist;
                        matrix[row][column] = dist;
                        matrix[column][row] = dist;
                    variables["[outputtag]"] = output;
                    variables["[calc]"] = matrixCalculators[i]->getName();
                    string distFileName = getOutputFileName("phylip",variables);
                    outputNames.push_back(distFileName); outputTypes["phylip"].push_back(distFileName);
                    ofstream outDist;
                    m->openOutputFile(distFileName, outDist);
                    outDist.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); outDist.setf(ios::showpoint);
                    printSims(outDist, matrix);
            for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) {  calcDists[i].clear(); }
        if (iters != 0) {
            //we need to find the average distance and standard deviation for each groups distance
            vector< vector<seqDist>  > calcAverages = m->getAverages(calcDistsTotals, mode);
            //find standard deviation
            vector< vector<seqDist>  > stdDev = m->getStandardDeviation(calcDistsTotals, calcAverages);
            //print results
            for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) {
                vector< vector<double> > matrix; //square matrix to represent the distance
                for (int k = 0; k < thisLookup.size(); k++) {  matrix[k].resize(thisLookup.size(), 0.0); }
                vector< vector<double> > stdmatrix; //square matrix to represent the stdDev
                for (int k = 0; k < thisLookup.size(); k++) {  stdmatrix[k].resize(thisLookup.size(), 0.0); }

                for (int j = 0; j < calcAverages[i].size(); j++) {
                    int row = calcAverages[i][j].seq1;
                    int column = calcAverages[i][j].seq2;
                    float dist = calcAverages[i][j].dist;
                    float stdDist = stdDev[i][j].dist;
                    matrix[row][column] = dist;
                    matrix[column][row] = dist;
                    stdmatrix[row][column] = stdDist;
                    stdmatrix[column][row] = stdDist;
                map<string, string> variables; 
                variables["[filename]"] = outputDir + m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(sharedfile));
                variables["[distance]"] = thisLookup[0]->getLabel();
                variables["[outputtag]"] = output;
                variables["[tag2]"] = "ave";
                variables["[calc]"] = matrixCalculators[i]->getName();
                string distFileName = getOutputFileName("phylip",variables);
                outputNames.push_back(distFileName); outputTypes["phylip"].push_back(distFileName);
                //set current phylip file to average distance matrix
                ofstream outAve;
                m->openOutputFile(distFileName, outAve);
                outAve.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); outAve.setf(ios::showpoint);
                printSims(outAve, matrix);
                variables["[tag2]"] = "std";
                distFileName = getOutputFileName("phylip",variables);
                outputNames.push_back(distFileName); outputTypes["phylip"].push_back(distFileName);
                ofstream outSTD;
                m->openOutputFile(distFileName, outSTD);
                outSTD.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); outSTD.setf(ios::showpoint);
                printSims(outSTD, stdmatrix);

		return 0;
	catch(exception& e) {
		m->errorOut(e, "MatrixOutputCommand", "process");
Esempio n. 6
int MergeGroupsCommand::process(SharedRAbundVectors*& thisLookUp, ofstream& out, bool& printHeaders){
	try {
        vector<string> setNames = designMap->getCategory();
        //create sharedRabundVectors
        vector<SharedRAbundVector*> data = thisLookUp->getSharedRAbundVectors();
        //create SharedRAbundVectors for the merged groups. Fill with blank rabundFloatVectors
        SharedRAbundVectors* merged; merged = new SharedRAbundVectors();
        for (int i = 0; i < setNames.size(); i++) {
            SharedRAbundVector* myLookup = new SharedRAbundVector(thisLookUp->getNumBins());
        //for each OTU
        for (int j = 0; j < data[0]->getNumBins(); j++) {
            if (m->getControl_pressed()) { break; }
            map<string, vector<int> > otusGroupAbunds;
            map<string, vector<int> >::iterator itAbunds;
            //for each sample
            for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
                string grouping = designMap->get(data[i]->getGroup());  //what set to your belong to
                if (grouping == "not found") { m->mothurOut("[ERROR]: " + data[i]->getGroup() + " is not in your design file. Ignoring!"); m->mothurOutEndLine(); grouping = "NOTFOUND"; }
                else {
                    //Add this OTUs values to sets abunds
                    itAbunds = otusGroupAbunds.find(grouping);
                    if (itAbunds == otusGroupAbunds.end()) { //new group
                        vector<int> temp;
                        otusGroupAbunds[grouping] = temp;
                    }else {
            //find results for this bin. Set merged value for this bin in the results
            for (itAbunds = otusGroupAbunds.begin(); itAbunds != otusGroupAbunds.end(); itAbunds++) {
                int abund = mergeAbund(itAbunds->second);
                merged->set(j, abund, itAbunds->first);
        //free memory
        for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {	delete data[i]; 	}
        if (m->getControl_pressed()) { delete merged; return 0; }
        merged->eliminateZeroOTUS(); // remove any zero OTUs created by median option.
        //print new file
        merged->print(out, printHeaders);
        delete merged;
		return 0;
	catch(exception& e) {
		m->errorOut(e, "MergeGroupsCommand", "process");
Esempio n. 7
int Collect::getSharedCurve(float percentFreq = 0.01){
    try {
        vector<SharedRAbundVector*> lookup;
        map<string, int> indexLookup;
        vector<SharedRAbundVector*> subset;
        //create and initialize vector of sharedvectors, one for each group
        vector<string> mGroups = sharedorder->getGroups();
        int numGroups = mGroups.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < mGroups.size(); i++) {
            SharedRAbundVector* temp = new SharedRAbundVector(sharedorder->getNumBins());
            indexLookup[mGroups[i]] = i;
        SharedCollectorsCurveData ccd;
        //initialize labels for output
        //makes  'uniqueAB         uniqueAC  uniqueBC' if your groups are A, B, C
        for(int i=0;i<displays.size();i++){
            ccd.registerDisplay(displays[i]); //adds a display[i] to cdd
            bool hasLciHci = displays[i]->hasLciHci();
            groupLabel = "";
            for (int s = 0; s < groupComb.size(); s++) {
                if (hasLciHci) {  groupLabel = groupLabel + label + groupComb[s] + "\t" + label + groupComb[s] + "lci\t" + label + groupComb[s] + "hci\t"; }
                else{  groupLabel = groupLabel + label + groupComb[s] + "\t";  }
            string groupLabelAll = groupLabel + label + "all\t";
            if ((displays[i]->isCalcMultiple() ) && (displays[i]->getAll() )) {   displays[i]->init(groupLabelAll); }
            else {  displays[i]->init(groupLabel);  }
        //convert freq percentage to number
        int increment = 1;
        if (percentFreq < 1.0) {  increment = numSeqs * percentFreq;  }
        else { increment = percentFreq;  }
        //sample all the members
        for(int i=0;i<numSeqs;i++){
            if (m->getControl_pressed()) { for (int j = 0; j < lookup.size(); j++) {  delete lookup[j]; }   return 1;  }
            //get first sample
            individual chosen = sharedorder->get(i);
            int abundance = lookup[indexLookup[]]->get(chosen.bin);
            lookup[indexLookup[]]->set(chosen.bin, (abundance + 1));
            //calculate at 0 and the given increment
            if((i == 0) || (i+1) % increment == 0){
                //how many comparisons to make i.e. for group a, b, c = ab, ac, bc.
                int n = 1;
                bool pair = true;
                for (int k = 0; k < (lookup.size() - 1); k++) { // pass cdd each set of groups to commpare
                    for (int l = n; l < lookup.size(); l++) {
                        subset.clear(); //clear out old pair of sharedrabunds
                        //add new pair of sharedrabund vectors
                        subset.push_back(lookup[k]); subset.push_back(lookup[l]);
                        //load subset with rest of lookup for those calcs that need everyone to calc for a pair
                        for (int w = 0; w < lookup.size(); w++) {
                            if ((w != k) && (w != l)) { subset.push_back(lookup[w]); }
                        ccd.updateSharedData(subset, i+1, numGroups, pair, mGroups);
                //if this is a calculator that can do multiples then do them
                pair = false;
                ccd.updateSharedData(lookup, i+1, numGroups, pair, mGroups);
            totalNumSeq = i+1;
        //calculate last label if you haven't already
        if(numSeqs % increment != 0){
            //how many comparisons to make i.e. for group a, b, c = ab, ac, bc.
            int n = 1;
            bool pair = true;
            for (int k = 0; k < (lookup.size() - 1); k++) { // pass cdd each set of groups to commpare
                for (int l = n; l < lookup.size(); l++) {
                    subset.clear(); //clear out old pair of sharedrabunds
                    //add new pair of sharedrabund vectors
                    subset.push_back(lookup[k]); subset.push_back(lookup[l]);
                    //load subset with rest of lookup for those calcs that need everyone to calc for a pair
                    for (int w = 0; w < lookup.size(); w++) {
                        if ((w != k) && (w != l)) { subset.push_back(lookup[w]); }
                    ccd.updateSharedData(subset, totalNumSeq, numGroups, pair, mGroups);
            //if this is a calculator that can do multiples then do them
            pair = false;
            ccd.updateSharedData(lookup, totalNumSeq, numGroups, pair, mGroups);
        //resets output files
        for(int i=0;i<displays.size();i++){ displays[i]->reset(); }
        //memory cleanup
        for (int i = 0; i < lookup.size(); i++) { delete lookup[i]; }
        return 0;
    catch(exception& e) {
        m->errorOut(e, "Collect", "getSharedCurve");
Esempio n. 8
int TreeGroupCommand::process(vector<SharedRAbundVector*> thisLookup) {
		vector< vector< vector<seqDist> > > calcDistsTotals;  //each iter, one for each calc, then each groupCombos dists. this will be used to make .dist files
        vector< vector<seqDist>  > calcDists; calcDists.resize(treeCalculators.size()); 		
        for (int thisIter = 0; thisIter < iters; thisIter++) {
            vector<SharedRAbundVector*> thisItersLookup = thisLookup;
            if (subsample) {
                SubSample sample;
                vector<string> tempLabels; //dont need since we arent printing the sampled sharedRabunds
                //make copy of lookup so we don't get access violations
                vector<SharedRAbundVector*> newLookup;
                for (int k = 0; k < thisItersLookup.size(); k++) {
                    SharedRAbundVector* temp = new SharedRAbundVector();
                //for each bin
                for (int k = 0; k < thisItersLookup[0]->getNumBins(); k++) {
                    if (m->control_pressed) { for (int j = 0; j < newLookup.size(); j++) {  delete newLookup[j];  } return 0; }
                    for (int j = 0; j < thisItersLookup.size(); j++) { newLookup[j]->push_back(thisItersLookup[j]->getAbundance(k), thisItersLookup[j]->getGroup()); }
                tempLabels = sample.getSample(newLookup, subsampleSize);
                thisItersLookup = newLookup;
            if(processors == 1){
                driver(thisItersLookup, 0, numGroups, calcDists);
                int process = 1;
                vector<int> processIDS;
#if defined (__APPLE__) || (__MACH__) || (linux) || (__linux) || (__linux__) || (__unix__) || (__unix)
                //loop through and create all the processes you want
                while (process != processors) {
                    pid_t pid = fork();
                    if (pid > 0) {
                    }else if (pid == 0){
                        driver(thisItersLookup, lines[process].start, lines[process].end, calcDists);   
                        string tempdistFileName = m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(sharedfile)) + m->mothurGetpid(process) + ".dist";
                        ofstream outtemp;
                        m->openOutputFile(tempdistFileName, outtemp);
                        for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) {
                            outtemp << calcDists[i].size() << endl;
                            for (int j = 0; j < calcDists[i].size(); j++) {
                                outtemp << calcDists[i][j].seq1 << '\t' << calcDists[i][j].seq2 << '\t' << calcDists[i][j].dist << endl;
                    }else { 
                        m->mothurOut("[ERROR]: unable to spawn the necessary processes."); m->mothurOutEndLine(); 
                        for (int i = 0; i < processIDS.size(); i++) { kill (processIDS[i], SIGINT); }
                //parent do your part
                driver(thisItersLookup, lines[0].start, lines[0].end, calcDists);   
                //force parent to wait until all the processes are done
                for (int i = 0; i < processIDS.size(); i++) {
                    int temp = processIDS[i];
                for (int i = 0; i < processIDS.size(); i++) {
                    string tempdistFileName = m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(sharedfile)) + toString(processIDS[i]) +  ".dist";
                    ifstream intemp;
                    m->openInputFile(tempdistFileName, intemp);
                    for (int k = 0; k < calcDists.size(); k++) {
                        int size = 0;
                        intemp >> size; m->gobble(intemp);
                        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
                            int seq1 = 0;
                            int seq2 = 0;
                            float dist = 1.0;
                            intemp >> seq1 >> seq2 >> dist;   m->gobble(intemp);
                            seqDist tempDist(seq1, seq2, dist);
                //Windows version shared memory, so be careful when passing variables through the treeSharedData struct. 
                //Above fork() will clone, so memory is separate, but that's not the case with windows, 
                //Taking advantage of shared memory to pass results vectors.
                vector<treeSharedData*> pDataArray; 
                DWORD   dwThreadIdArray[processors-1];
                HANDLE  hThreadArray[processors-1]; 
                //Create processor worker threads.
                for( int i=1; i<processors; i++ ){
                    //make copy of lookup so we don't get access violations
                    vector<SharedRAbundVector*> newLookup;
                    for (int k = 0; k < thisItersLookup.size(); k++) {
                        SharedRAbundVector* temp = new SharedRAbundVector();
                    //for each bin
                    for (int k = 0; k < thisItersLookup[0]->getNumBins(); k++) {
                        if (m->control_pressed) { for (int j = 0; j < newLookup.size(); j++) {  delete newLookup[j];  } return 0; }
                        for (int j = 0; j < thisItersLookup.size(); j++) { newLookup[j]->push_back(thisItersLookup[j]->getAbundance(k), thisItersLookup[j]->getGroup()); }
                    // Allocate memory for thread data.
                    treeSharedData* tempSum = new treeSharedData(m, lines[i].start, lines[i].end, Estimators, newLookup);
                    hThreadArray[i-1] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MyTreeSharedThreadFunction, pDataArray[i-1], 0, &dwThreadIdArray[i-1]);   
                //parent do your part
                driver(thisItersLookup, lines[0].start, lines[0].end, calcDists);   
                //Wait until all threads have terminated.
                WaitForMultipleObjects(processors-1, hThreadArray, TRUE, INFINITE);
                //Close all thread handles and free memory allocations.
                for(int i=0; i < pDataArray.size(); i++){
                    if (pDataArray[i]->count != (pDataArray[i]->end-pDataArray[i]->start)) {
                        m->mothurOut("[ERROR]: process " + toString(i) + " only processed " + toString(pDataArray[i]->count) + " of " + toString(pDataArray[i]->end-pDataArray[i]->start) + " groups assigned to it, quitting. \n"); m->control_pressed = true; 
                    for (int j = 0; j < pDataArray[i]->thisLookup.size(); j++) {  delete pDataArray[i]->thisLookup[j];  } 
                    for (int k = 0; k < calcDists.size(); k++) {
                        int size = pDataArray[i]->calcDists[k].size();
                        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {    calcDists[k].push_back(pDataArray[i]->calcDists[k][j]);    }
                    delete pDataArray[i];
            if (subsample) {  
                //clean up memory
                for (int i = 0; i < thisItersLookup.size(); i++) { delete thisItersLookup[i]; }
                for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) {  calcDists[i].clear(); }
            if (m->debug) {  m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: iter = " + toString(thisIter) + ".\n"); }
		if (m->debug) {  m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: done with iters.\n"); }
        if (iters != 1) {
            //we need to find the average distance and standard deviation for each groups distance
            vector< vector<seqDist>  > calcAverages = m->getAverages(calcDistsTotals);  
            if (m->debug) {  m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: found averages.\n"); }
            //create average tree for each calc
            for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) {
                vector< vector<double> > matrix; //square matrix to represent the distance
                for (int k = 0; k < thisLookup.size(); k++) {  matrix[k].resize(thisLookup.size(), 0.0); }
                for (int j = 0; j < calcAverages[i].size(); j++) {
                    int row = calcAverages[i][j].seq1;
                    int column = calcAverages[i][j].seq2;
                    float dist = calcAverages[i][j].dist;
                    matrix[row][column] = dist;
                    matrix[column][row] = dist;
                //create a new filename
                map<string, string> variables; 
                variables["[filename]"] = outputDir + m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(inputfile));
                variables["[calc]"] = treeCalculators[i]->getName();
                variables["[distance]"] = thisLookup[0]->getLabel();
                variables["[tag]"] = "ave";
                string outputFile = getOutputFileName("tree",variables);				
                outputNames.push_back(outputFile); outputTypes["tree"].push_back(outputFile); 
                //creates tree from similarity matrix and write out file
                Tree* newTree = createTree(matrix);
                if (newTree != NULL) { writeTree(outputFile, newTree); }                
            if (m->debug) {  m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: done averages trees.\n"); }
            //create all trees for each calc and find their consensus tree
            for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) {
                if (m->control_pressed) { break; }
                //create a new filename
                //create a new filename
                map<string, string> variables; 
                variables["[filename]"] = outputDir + m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(inputfile));
                variables["[calc]"] = treeCalculators[i]->getName();
                variables["[distance]"] = thisLookup[0]->getLabel();
                variables["[tag]"] = "all";
                string outputFile = getOutputFileName("tree",variables);				
                outputNames.push_back(outputFile); outputTypes["tree"].push_back(outputFile); 
                ofstream outAll;
                m->openOutputFile(outputFile, outAll);
                vector<Tree*> trees; 
                for (int myIter = 0; myIter < iters; myIter++) {
                    if(m->control_pressed) { break; }
                    //initialize matrix
                    vector< vector<double> > matrix; //square matrix to represent the distance
                    for (int k = 0; k < thisLookup.size(); k++) {  matrix[k].resize(thisLookup.size(), 0.0); }
                    for (int j = 0; j < calcDistsTotals[myIter][i].size(); j++) {
                        int row = calcDistsTotals[myIter][i][j].seq1;
                        int column = calcDistsTotals[myIter][i][j].seq2;
                        double dist = calcDistsTotals[myIter][i][j].dist;
                        matrix[row][column] = dist;
                        matrix[column][row] = dist;
                    //creates tree from similarity matrix and write out file
                    Tree* newTree = createTree(matrix);
                    if (newTree != NULL) { 
                if (m->control_pressed) { for (int k = 0; k < trees.size(); k++) { delete trees[k]; } }
                if (m->debug) {  m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: done all trees.\n"); }
                Consensus consensus;
                //clear old tree names if any
                m->Treenames.clear(); m->Treenames = m->getGroups(); //may have changed if subsample eliminated groups
                Tree* conTree = consensus.getTree(trees);
                if (m->debug) {  m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: done cons tree.\n"); }
                //create a new filename
                variables["[tag]"] = "cons";
                string conFile = getOutputFileName("tree",variables);				
                outputNames.push_back(conFile); outputTypes["tree"].push_back(conFile); 
                ofstream outTree;
                m->openOutputFile(conFile, outTree);
                if (conTree != NULL) { conTree->print(outTree, "boot"); delete conTree; }

        }else {
            for (int i = 0; i < calcDists.size(); i++) {
                if (m->control_pressed) { break; }
                //initialize matrix
                vector< vector<double> > matrix; //square matrix to represent the distance
                for (int k = 0; k < thisLookup.size(); k++) {  matrix[k].resize(thisLookup.size(), 0.0); }
                for (int j = 0; j < calcDists[i].size(); j++) {
                    int row = calcDists[i][j].seq1;
                    int column = calcDists[i][j].seq2;
                    double dist = calcDists[i][j].dist;
                    matrix[row][column] = dist;
                    matrix[column][row] = dist;
                //create a new filename
                map<string, string> variables; 
                variables["[filename]"] = outputDir + m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(inputfile));
                variables["[calc]"] = treeCalculators[i]->getName();
                variables["[distance]"] = thisLookup[0]->getLabel();
                variables["[tag]"] = "";
                string outputFile = getOutputFileName("tree",variables);					
                outputNames.push_back(outputFile); outputTypes["tree"].push_back(outputFile); 
                //creates tree from similarity matrix and write out file
                Tree* newTree = createTree(matrix);
                if (newTree != NULL) { writeTree(outputFile, newTree); delete newTree; }
		return 0;
	catch(exception& e) {
		m->errorOut(e, "TreeGroupCommand", "process");