Esempio n. 1
const FileStatusCacheEntry * GitFolderStatus::BuildCache(const CTGitPath& filepath, const CString& /*sProjectRoot*/, BOOL bIsFolder, BOOL bDirectFolder)
	//dont' build the cache if an instance of TortoiseGitProc is running
	//since this could interfere with svn commands running (concurrent
	//access of the .git directory).
	if (g_ShellCache.BlockStatus())
		CAutoGeneralHandle TGitMutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, _T("TortoiseGitProc.exe"));
		if (TGitMutex != NULL)
			if (::GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
				return &invalidstatus;


	if (bIsFolder)
		if (bDirectFolder)
			// NOTE: see not in GetFullStatus about project inside another project, we should only get here when
			//       that occurs, and this is not correctly handled yet

			// initialize record members
			dirstat.status = git_wc_status_none;
			dirstat.askedcounter = GITFOLDERSTATUS_CACHETIMES;
			dirstat.assumeValid = FALSE;
			dirstat.skipWorktree = FALSE;

			dirstatus = NULL;
//			rev.kind = git_opt_revision_unspecified;

			if (dirstatus)
/*				if (dirstatus->entry)
				{ = authors.GetString (dirstatus->entry->cmt_author);
					dirstat.url = authors.GetString (dirstatus->entry->url);
					dirstat.rev = dirstatus->entry->cmt_rev;
				dirstat.status = GitStatus::GetMoreImportant(dirstatus->text_status, dirstatus->prop_status);
			m_cache[filepath.GetWinPath()] = dirstat;
			m_TimeStamp = GetTickCount();
			return &dirstat;
	} // if (bIsFolder)

	m_nCounter = 0;

	git_wc_status_kind status;
	bool assumeValid = false;
	bool skipWorktree = false;
	int t1,t2;
		git_depth_t depth = git_depth_infinity;

		if (g_ShellCache.GetCacheType() == ShellCache::dll)
			depth = git_depth_empty;

		t1 = ::GetCurrentTime();
		status = m_GitStatus.GetAllStatus(filepath, depth, &assumeValid, &skipWorktree);
		t2 = ::GetCurrentTime();
	catch ( ... )
		status = git_wc_status_unknown;

	CTraceToOutputDebugString::Instance()(_T(__FUNCTION__) _T(": building cache for %s - time %d\n"), filepath.GetWinPath(), t2 - t1);

	m_TimeStamp = GetTickCount();
	FileStatusCacheEntry * ret = NULL;

	if (_tcslen(filepath.GetWinPath())==3)
		ret = &m_cache[(LPCTSTR)filepath.GetWinPathString().Left(2)];
		ret = &m_cache[filepath.GetWinPath()];

	if (ret)
		ret->status = status;
		ret->assumeValid = assumeValid;
		ret->skipWorktree = skipWorktree;

	m_mostRecentPath = filepath;
	m_mostRecentStatus = ret;

	if (ret)
		return ret;
	return &invalidstatus;
const FileStatusCacheEntry * GitFolderStatus::BuildCache(const CTGitPath& filepath, const CString& sProjectRoot, BOOL bIsFolder, BOOL bDirectFolder)
//	svn_client_ctx_t *			localctx;
//	apr_hash_t *				statushash;
//	apr_pool_t *				pool;
    //git_error_t *				err = NULL; // If svn_client_status comes out through catch(...), err would else be unassigned
    git_error_t err = 0;

    //dont' build the cache if an instance of TortoiseProc is running
    //since this could interfere with svn commands running (concurrent
    //access of the .git directory).
    if (g_ShellCache.BlockStatus())
        HANDLE TGitMutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, _T("TortoiseGitProc.exe"));
        if (TGitMutex != NULL)
            if (::GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
                return &invalidstatus;

//	pool = svn_pool_create (rootpool);				// create the memory pool

//	svn_error_clear(svn_client_create_context(&localctx, pool));
    // set up the configuration
    // Note: I know this is an 'expensive' call, but without this, ignores
    // done in the global ignore pattern won't show up.
//	if (g_ShellCache.ShowIgnoredOverlay())
//;//		svn_error_clear(svn_config_get_config (&(localctx->config), g_pConfigDir, pool));

    // strings pools are unused, now -> we may clear them


    if (bIsFolder)
        if (bDirectFolder)
            // NOTE: see not in GetFullStatus about project inside another project, we should only get here when
            //       that occurs, and this is not correctly handled yet

            // initialize record members
//			dirstat.rev = -1;
            dirstat.status = git_wc_status_none;
   = authors.GetString(NULL);
            dirstat.url = urls.GetString(NULL);
            dirstat.owner = owners.GetString(NULL);
            dirstat.askedcounter = GITFOLDERSTATUS_CACHETIMES;
            dirstat.needslock = false;
            dirstat.tree_conflict = false;

            dirstatus = NULL;
//			statushash = apr_hash_make(pool);
//			git_revnum_t youngest = GIT_INVALID_REVNUM;
//			git_opt_revision_t rev;
//			rev.kind = git_opt_revision_unspecified;
                folderpath = filepath;

                /*err = svn_client_status4 (&youngest,
                	TRUE,		//getall
                	FALSE,		//update
                	TRUE,		//noignore
                	FALSE,		//ignore externals
            catch ( ... )
                dirstatus = NULL;

            if (dirstatus)
                /*				if (dirstatus->entry)
            = authors.GetString (dirstatus->entry->cmt_author);
                					dirstat.url = authors.GetString (dirstatus->entry->url);
                					dirstat.rev = dirstatus->entry->cmt_rev;
                					dirstat.owner = owners.GetString(dirstatus->entry->lock_owner);
                dirstat.status = GitStatus::GetMoreImportant(dirstatus->text_status, dirstatus->prop_status);
//				dirstat.tree_conflict = dirstatus->tree_conflict != NULL;
            m_cache[filepath.GetWinPath()] = dirstat;
            m_TimeStamp = GetTickCount();
//			svn_error_clear(err);
//			svn_pool_destroy (pool);				//free allocated memory
            return &dirstat;
    } // if (bIsFolder)

    m_nCounter = 0;

    //Fill in the cache with
    //all files inside the same folder as the asked file/folder is
    //since subversion can do this in one step
//	localctx->auth_baton = NULL;

//	statushash = apr_hash_make(pool);
//	git_revnum_t youngest = GIT_INVALID_REVNUM;
//	git_opt_revision_t rev;
//	rev.kind = git_opt_revision_unspecified;

    git_wc_status_kind status;
    int t1,t2;
        git_depth_t depth = git_depth_infinity;

        if (g_ShellCache.GetCacheType() == ShellCache::dll)
            depth = git_depth_empty;

        t1 = ::GetCurrentTime();
        status = m_GitStatus.GetAllStatus(filepath, depth);
        t2 = ::GetCurrentTime();
    catch ( ... )

    ATLTRACE2(_T("building cache for %s - time %d\n"), filepath.GetWinPath(), t2 -t1);

    // Error present if function is not under version control
    if (err != NULL)
//		svn_error_clear(err);
//		svn_pool_destroy (pool);				//free allocated memory
        return &invalidstatus;

//	svn_error_clear(err);
//	svn_pool_destroy (pool);				//free allocated memory
    m_TimeStamp = GetTickCount();
    FileStatusCacheEntry * ret = NULL;

    if (_tcslen(filepath.GetWinPath())==3)
        ret = &m_cache[(LPCTSTR)filepath.GetWinPathString().Left(2)];
        ret = &m_cache[filepath.GetWinPath()];

    //memset(ret, 0, sizeof(FileStatusCacheEntry));
    ret->status = status;

    m_mostRecentPath = filepath;
    m_mostRecentStatus = ret;

#if 0
    FileStatusMap::const_iterator iter;
    if ((iter = m_cache.find(filepath.GetWinPath())) != m_cache.end())
        ret = &iter->second;
        m_mostRecentPath = filepath;
        m_mostRecentStatus = ret;
        // for SUBST'ed drives, Subversion doesn't return a path with a backslash
        // e.g. G:\ but only G: when fetching the status. So search for that
        // path too before giving up.
        // This is especially true when right-clicking directly on a SUBST'ed
        // drive to get the context menu
        if (_tcslen(filepath.GetWinPath())==3)
            if ((iter = m_cache.find((LPCTSTR)filepath.GetWinPathString().Left(2))) != m_cache.end())
                ret = &iter->second;
                m_mostRecentPath = filepath;
                m_mostRecentStatus = ret;
    if (ret)
        return ret;
    return &invalidstatus;