Esempio n. 1
 * @bug 4154537
 * SimpleTimeZone::hasSameRules() doesn't work for zones with no DST
 * and different DST parameters.
void TimeZoneRegressionTest:: Test4154537() {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    // tz1 and tz2 have no DST and different rule parameters
    SimpleTimeZone *tz1 = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "1", 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, status);
    SimpleTimeZone *tz2 = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "2", 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, status);
    // tza and tzA have the same rule params
    SimpleTimeZone *tza = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "a", 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, status);
    SimpleTimeZone *tzA = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "A", 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, status);
    // tzb differs from tza
    SimpleTimeZone *tzb = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "b", 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, status);
        errln("Couldn't create TimeZones");

    if (tz1->useDaylightTime() || tz2->useDaylightTime() ||
        !tza->useDaylightTime() || !tzA->useDaylightTime() ||
        !tzb->useDaylightTime()) {
        errln("Test is broken -- rewrite it");
    if (!tza->hasSameRules(*tzA) || tza->hasSameRules(*tzb)) {
        errln("Fail: hasSameRules() broken for zones with rules");
    if (!tz1->hasSameRules(*tz2)) {
        errln("Fail: hasSameRules() returns false for zones without rules");
        //errln("zone 1 = " + tz1);
        //errln("zone 2 = " + tz2);

    delete tz1;
    delete tz2;
    delete tza;
    delete tzA;
    delete tzb;
Esempio n. 2
// {sfb} will this work using a Calendar?
void TimeZoneRegressionTest:: Test4073215() 
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UnicodeString str, str2;
    SimpleTimeZone *z = new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT");
    if (z->useDaylightTime())
        errln("Fail: Fix test to start with non-DST zone");
    z->setStartRule(UCAL_FEBRUARY, 1, UCAL_SUNDAY, 0, status);
    failure(status, "z->setStartRule()");
    z->setEndRule(UCAL_MARCH, -1, UCAL_SUNDAY, 0, status);
    failure(status, "z->setStartRule()");
    if (!z->useDaylightTime())
        errln("Fail: DST not active");

    GregorianCalendar cal(1997, UCAL_JANUARY, 31, status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
      dataerrln("Error creating calendar %s", u_errorName(status));
    failure(status, "new GregorianCalendar");

    SimpleDateFormat sdf((UnicodeString)"E d MMM yyyy G HH:mm", status); 
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
      dataerrln("Error creating date format %s", u_errorName(status));
    failure(status, "new SimpleDateFormat");

    UDate jan31, mar1, mar31;

    UBool indt = z->inDaylightTime(jan31=cal.getTime(status), status);
    failure(status, "inDaylightTime or getTime call on Jan 31");
    if (indt) {
        errln("Fail: Jan 31 inDaylightTime=TRUE, exp FALSE");
    cal.set(1997, UCAL_MARCH, 1);
    indt = z->inDaylightTime(mar1=cal.getTime(status), status);
    failure(status, "inDaylightTime or getTime call on Mar 1");
    if (!indt) {
        UnicodeString str;
        sdf.format(cal.getTime(status), str);
        failure(status, "getTime");
        errln((UnicodeString)"Fail: " + str + " inDaylightTime=FALSE, exp TRUE");
    cal.set(1997, UCAL_MARCH, 31);
    indt = z->inDaylightTime(mar31=cal.getTime(status), status);
    failure(status, "inDaylightTime or getTime call on Mar 31");
    if (indt) {
        errln("Fail: Mar 31 inDaylightTime=TRUE, exp FALSE");

    cal.set(1997, Calendar::DECEMBER, 31);
    UDate dec31 = cal.getTime(status);
    failure(status, "getTime");
    UDate trans = findTransitionStepwise(*z, jan31, dec31);
    logln((UnicodeString)"Stepwise from " +
          sdf.format(jan31, str.remove()) + "; transition at " +
          (trans?sdf.format(trans, str2.remove()):(UnicodeString)"NONE"));
    trans = findTransitionStepwise(*z, mar1, dec31);
    logln((UnicodeString)"Stepwise from " +
          sdf.format(mar1, str.remove()) + "; transition at " +
          (trans?sdf.format(trans, str2.remove()):(UnicodeString)"NONE"));
    trans = findTransitionStepwise(*z, mar31, dec31);
    logln((UnicodeString)"Stepwise from " +
          sdf.format(mar31, str.remove()) + "; transition at " +
          (trans?sdf.format(trans, str2.remove()):(UnicodeString)"NONE"));