static SkPicture* inspect(const char path[]) { SkFILEStream stream(path); if (!stream.isValid()) { printf("-- Can't open '%s'\n", path); return nullptr; } printf("Opening '%s'...\n", path); { int32_t header[3]; if (, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) { printf("-- Failed to read header (12 bytes)\n"); return nullptr; } printf("version:%d width:%d height:%d\n", header[0], header[1], header[2]); } stream.rewind(); SkPicture* pic = SkPicture::CreateFromStream(&stream); if (nullptr == pic) { SkDebugf("Could not create SkPicture: %s\n", path); return nullptr; } printf("picture cullRect: [%f %f %f %f]\n", pic->cullRect().fLeft, pic->cullRect().fTop, pic->cullRect().fRight, pic->cullRect().fBottom); return pic; }
static SkBitmap draw_picture(SkPicture& picture) { SkBitmap bitmap; bitmap.allocN32Pixels(SkScalarCeilToInt(picture.cullRect().width()), SkScalarCeilToInt(picture.cullRect().height())); SkCanvas canvas(bitmap); picture.playback(&canvas); return bitmap; }
static void rerecord(const SkPicture& src, SkBBHFactory* bbhFactory) { SkPictureRecorder recorder; if (FLAGS_skr) { src.playback(recorder.EXPERIMENTAL_beginRecording(src.cullRect().width(), src.cullRect().height(), bbhFactory)); } else { src.playback(recorder. DEPRECATED_beginRecording(src.cullRect().width(), src.cullRect().height(), bbhFactory)); } SkAutoTUnref<SkPicture> pic(recorder.endRecording()); }
PassRefPtr<JSONObject> LoggingCanvas::objectForSkPicture(const SkPicture& picture) { const SkIRect bounds = picture.cullRect().roundOut(); RefPtr<JSONObject> pictureItem = JSONObject::create(); pictureItem->setNumber("width", bounds.width()); pictureItem->setNumber("height", bounds.height()); return pictureItem.release(); }
// Do the commands in 'input' match the supplied pattern? Note: this is a pretty // heavy-weight operation since we are drawing the picture into a debug canvas // to extract the commands. static bool check_pattern(SkPicture& input, const SkTDArray<DrawType> &pattern) { SkDebugCanvas debugCanvas(SkScalarCeilToInt(input.cullRect().width()), SkScalarCeilToInt(input.cullRect().height())); input.draw(&debugCanvas); if (pattern.count() != debugCanvas.getSize()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < pattern.count(); ++i) { if (pattern[i] != debugCanvas.getDrawCommandAt(i)->getType()) { return false; } } return true; }
void TestResult::testOne() { SkPicture* pic = nullptr; { #if DEBUG_SHOW_TEST_NAME if (fTestStep == kCompareBits) { SkString testName(fFilename); const char http[] = "http"; if (testName.startsWith(http)) { testName.remove(0, sizeof(http) - 1); } while (testName.startsWith("_")) { testName.remove(0, 1); } const char dotSkp[] = ".skp"; if (testName.endsWith(dotSkp)) { size_t len = testName.size(); testName.remove(len - (sizeof(dotSkp) - 1), sizeof(dotSkp) - 1); } testName.prepend("skp"); testName.append("1"); strncpy(DEBUG_FILENAME_STRING, testName.c_str(), DEBUG_FILENAME_STRING_LENGTH); } else if (fTestStep == kEncodeFiles) { strncpy(DEBUG_FILENAME_STRING, "", DEBUG_FILENAME_STRING_LENGTH); } #endif SkString path = get_in_path(fDirNo, fFilename); SkFILEStream stream(path.c_str()); if (!stream.isValid()) { SkDebugf("invalid stream %s\n", path.c_str()); goto finish; } pic = SkPicture::CreateFromStream(&stream, &SkImageDecoder::DecodeMemory); if (!pic) { SkDebugf("unable to decode %s\n", fFilename); goto finish; } SkScalar width = pic->cullRect().width(); SkScalar height = pic->cullRect().height(); SkBitmap oldBitmap, opBitmap; fScale = 1; while (width / fScale > 32767 || height / fScale > 32767) { ++fScale; } do { int dimX = SkScalarCeilToInt(width / fScale); int dimY = SkScalarCeilToInt(height / fScale); if (oldBitmap.tryAllocN32Pixels(dimX, dimY) && opBitmap.tryAllocN32Pixels(dimX, dimY)) { break; } SkDebugf("-%d-", fScale); } while (++fScale < 256); if (fScale >= 256) { SkDebugf("unable to allocate bitmap for %s (w=%f h=%f)\n", fFilename, width, height); goto finish; } oldBitmap.eraseColor(SK_ColorWHITE); SkCanvas oldCanvas(oldBitmap); oldCanvas.setAllowSimplifyClip(false); opBitmap.eraseColor(SK_ColorWHITE); SkCanvas opCanvas(opBitmap); opCanvas.setAllowSimplifyClip(true); drawPict(pic, &oldCanvas, fScale); drawPict(pic, &opCanvas, fScale); if (fTestStep == kCompareBits) { fPixelError = similarBits(oldBitmap, opBitmap); int oldTime = timePict(pic, &oldCanvas); int opTime = timePict(pic, &opCanvas); fTime = SkTMax(0, oldTime - opTime); } else if (fTestStep == kEncodeFiles) { SkString pngStr = make_png_name(fFilename); const char* pngName = pngStr.c_str(); writePict(oldBitmap, outOldDir, pngName); writePict(opBitmap, outOpDir, pngName); } } finish: if (pic) { pic->unref(); } }