Esempio n. 1
/// propagateSiblingValue - Propagate the value in SVI to dependents if it is
/// known.  Otherwise remember the dependency for later.
/// @param SVIIter SibValues entry to propagate.
/// @param VNI Dependent value, or NULL to propagate to all saved dependents.
void InlineSpiller::propagateSiblingValue(SibValueMap::iterator SVIIter,
                                          VNInfo *VNI) {
  SibValueMap::value_type *SVI = &*SVIIter;

  // When VNI is non-NULL, add it to SVI's deps, and only propagate to that.
  TinyPtrVector<VNInfo*> FirstDeps;
  if (VNI) {

  // Has the value been completely determined yet?  If not, defer propagation.
  if (!SVI->second.hasDef())

  // Work list of values to propagate.
  SmallSetVector<SibValueMap::value_type *, 8> WorkList;

  do {
    SVI = WorkList.pop_back_val();
    TinyPtrVector<VNInfo*> *Deps = VNI ? &FirstDeps : &SVI->second.Deps;
    VNI = 0;

    SibValueInfo &SV = SVI->second;
    if (!SV.SpillMBB)
      SV.SpillMBB = LIS.getMBBFromIndex(SV.SpillVNI->def);

    DEBUG(dbgs() << "  prop to " << Deps->size() << ": "
                 << SVI->first->id << '@' << SVI->first->def << ":\t" << SV);

    assert(SV.hasDef() && "Propagating undefined value");

    // Should this value be propagated as a preferred spill candidate?  We don't
    // propagate values of registers that are about to spill.
    bool PropSpill = !DisableHoisting && !isRegToSpill(SV.SpillReg);
    unsigned SpillDepth = ~0u;

    for (TinyPtrVector<VNInfo*>::iterator DepI = Deps->begin(),
         DepE = Deps->end(); DepI != DepE; ++DepI) {
      SibValueMap::iterator DepSVI = SibValues.find(*DepI);
      assert(DepSVI != SibValues.end() && "Dependent value not in SibValues");
      SibValueInfo &DepSV = DepSVI->second;
      if (!DepSV.SpillMBB)
        DepSV.SpillMBB = LIS.getMBBFromIndex(DepSV.SpillVNI->def);

      bool Changed = false;

      // Propagate defining instruction.
      if (!DepSV.hasDef()) {
        Changed = true;
        DepSV.DefMI = SV.DefMI;
        DepSV.DefByOrigPHI = SV.DefByOrigPHI;

      // Propagate AllDefsAreReloads.  For PHI values, this computes an AND of
      // all predecessors.
      if (!SV.AllDefsAreReloads && DepSV.AllDefsAreReloads) {
        Changed = true;
        DepSV.AllDefsAreReloads = false;

      // Propagate best spill value.
      if (PropSpill && SV.SpillVNI != DepSV.SpillVNI) {
        if (SV.SpillMBB == DepSV.SpillMBB) {
          // DepSV is in the same block.  Hoist when dominated.
          if (DepSV.KillsSource && SV.SpillVNI->def < DepSV.SpillVNI->def) {
            // This is an alternative def earlier in the same MBB.
            // Hoist the spill as far as possible in SpillMBB. This can ease
            // register pressure:
            //   x = def
            //   y = use x
            //   s = copy x
            // Hoisting the spill of s to immediately after the def removes the
            // interference between x and y:
            //   x = def
            //   spill x
            //   y = use x<kill>
            // This hoist only helps when the DepSV copy kills its source.
            Changed = true;
            DepSV.SpillReg = SV.SpillReg;
            DepSV.SpillVNI = SV.SpillVNI;
            DepSV.SpillMBB = SV.SpillMBB;
        } else {
          // DepSV is in a different block.
          if (SpillDepth == ~0u)
            SpillDepth = Loops.getLoopDepth(SV.SpillMBB);

          // Also hoist spills to blocks with smaller loop depth, but make sure
          // that the new value dominates.  Non-phi dependents are always
          // dominated, phis need checking.
          if ((Loops.getLoopDepth(DepSV.SpillMBB) > SpillDepth) &&
              (!DepSVI->first->isPHIDef() ||
               MDT.dominates(SV.SpillMBB, DepSV.SpillMBB))) {
            Changed = true;
            DepSV.SpillReg = SV.SpillReg;
            DepSV.SpillVNI = SV.SpillVNI;
            DepSV.SpillMBB = SV.SpillMBB;

      if (!Changed)

      // Something changed in DepSVI. Propagate to dependents.

      DEBUG(dbgs() << "  update " << DepSVI->first->id << '@'
            << DepSVI->first->def << " to:\t" << DepSV);
  } while (!WorkList.empty());
Esempio n. 2
/// Sort the blocks, taking special care to make sure that loops are not
/// interrupted by blocks not dominated by their header.
/// TODO: There are many opportunities for improving the heuristics here.
/// Explore them.
static void SortBlocks(MachineFunction &MF, const MachineLoopInfo &MLI,
                       const MachineDominatorTree &MDT) {
  // Prepare for a topological sort: Record the number of predecessors each
  // block has, ignoring loop backedges.
  SmallVector<unsigned, 16> NumPredsLeft(MF.getNumBlockIDs(), 0);
  for (MachineBasicBlock &MBB : MF) {
    unsigned N = MBB.pred_size();
    if (MachineLoop *L = MLI.getLoopFor(&MBB))
      if (L->getHeader() == &MBB)
        for (const MachineBasicBlock *Pred : MBB.predecessors())
          if (L->contains(Pred))
    NumPredsLeft[MBB.getNumber()] = N;

  // Topological sort the CFG, with additional constraints:
  //  - Between a loop header and the last block in the loop, there can be
  //    no blocks not dominated by the loop header.
  //  - It's desirable to preserve the original block order when possible.
  // We use two ready lists; Preferred and Ready. Preferred has recently
  // processed sucessors, to help preserve block sequences from the original
  // order. Ready has the remaining ready blocks.
  PriorityQueue<MachineBasicBlock *, std::vector<MachineBasicBlock *>,
  PriorityQueue<MachineBasicBlock *, std::vector<MachineBasicBlock *>,
  SmallVector<Entry, 4> Loops;
  for (MachineBasicBlock *MBB = &MF.front();;) {
    const MachineLoop *L = MLI.getLoopFor(MBB);
    if (L) {
      // If MBB is a loop header, add it to the active loop list. We can't put
      // any blocks that it doesn't dominate until we see the end of the loop.
      if (L->getHeader() == MBB)
      // For each active loop the block is in, decrement the count. If MBB is
      // the last block in an active loop, take it off the list and pick up any
      // blocks deferred because the header didn't dominate them.
      for (Entry &E : Loops)
        if (E.Loop->contains(MBB) && --E.NumBlocksLeft == 0)
          for (auto DeferredBlock : E.Deferred)
      while (!Loops.empty() && Loops.back().NumBlocksLeft == 0)
    // The main topological sort logic.
    for (MachineBasicBlock *Succ : MBB->successors()) {
      // Ignore backedges.
      if (MachineLoop *SuccL = MLI.getLoopFor(Succ))
        if (SuccL->getHeader() == Succ && SuccL->contains(MBB))
      // Decrement the predecessor count. If it's now zero, it's ready.
      if (--NumPredsLeft[Succ->getNumber()] == 0)
    // Determine the block to follow MBB. First try to find a preferred block,
    // to preserve the original block order when possible.
    MachineBasicBlock *Next = nullptr;
    while (!Preferred.empty()) {
      Next =;
      // If X isn't dominated by the top active loop header, defer it until that
      // loop is done.
      if (!Loops.empty() &&
          !MDT.dominates(Loops.back().Loop->getHeader(), Next)) {
        Next = nullptr;
      // If Next was originally ordered before MBB, and it isn't because it was
      // loop-rotated above the header, it's not preferred.
      if (Next->getNumber() < MBB->getNumber() &&
          (!L || !L->contains(Next) ||
           L->getHeader()->getNumber() < Next->getNumber())) {
        Next = nullptr;
    // If we didn't find a suitable block in the Preferred list, check the
    // general Ready list.
    if (!Next) {
      // If there are no more blocks to process, we're done.
      if (Ready.empty()) {
      for (;;) {
        Next =;
        // If Next isn't dominated by the top active loop header, defer it until
        // that loop is done.
        if (!Loops.empty() &&
            !MDT.dominates(Loops.back().Loop->getHeader(), Next)) {
    // Move the next block into place and iterate.
    MBB = Next;
  assert(Loops.empty() && "Active loop list not finished");

#ifndef NDEBUG
  SmallSetVector<MachineLoop *, 8> OnStack;

  // Insert a sentinel representing the degenerate loop that starts at the
  // function entry block and includes the entire function as a "loop" that
  // executes once.

  for (auto &MBB : MF) {
    assert(MBB.getNumber() >= 0 && "Renumbered blocks should be non-negative.");

    MachineLoop *Loop = MLI.getLoopFor(&MBB);
    if (Loop && &MBB == Loop->getHeader()) {
      // Loop header. The loop predecessor should be sorted above, and the other
      // predecessors should be backedges below.
      for (auto Pred : MBB.predecessors())
            (Pred->getNumber() < MBB.getNumber() || Loop->contains(Pred)) &&
            "Loop header predecessors must be loop predecessors or backedges");
      assert(OnStack.insert(Loop) && "Loops should be declared at most once.");
    } else {
      // Not a loop header. All predecessors should be sorted above.
      for (auto Pred : MBB.predecessors())
        assert(Pred->getNumber() < MBB.getNumber() &&
               "Non-loop-header predecessors should be topologically sorted");
      assert(OnStack.count(MLI.getLoopFor(&MBB)) &&
             "Blocks must be nested in their loops");
    while (OnStack.size() > 1 && &MBB == LoopBottom(OnStack.back()))
  assert(OnStack.pop_back_val() == nullptr &&
         "The function entry block shouldn't actually be a loop header");
  assert(OnStack.empty() &&
         "Control flow stack pushes and pops should be balanced.");
Esempio n. 3
/// \brief Figure out if the loop is worth full unrolling.
/// Complete loop unrolling can make some loads constant, and we need to know
/// if that would expose any further optimization opportunities.  This routine
/// estimates this optimization.  It computes cost of unrolled loop
/// (UnrolledCost) and dynamic cost of the original loop (RolledDynamicCost). By
/// dynamic cost we mean that we won't count costs of blocks that are known not
/// to be executed (i.e. if we have a branch in the loop and we know that at the
/// given iteration its condition would be resolved to true, we won't add up the
/// cost of the 'false'-block).
/// \returns Optional value, holding the RolledDynamicCost and UnrolledCost. If
/// the analysis failed (no benefits expected from the unrolling, or the loop is
/// too big to analyze), the returned value is None.
static Optional<EstimatedUnrollCost>
analyzeLoopUnrollCost(const Loop *L, unsigned TripCount, DominatorTree &DT,
                      ScalarEvolution &SE, const TargetTransformInfo &TTI,
                      int MaxUnrolledLoopSize) {
  // We want to be able to scale offsets by the trip count and add more offsets
  // to them without checking for overflows, and we already don't want to
  // analyze *massive* trip counts, so we force the max to be reasonably small.
  assert(UnrollMaxIterationsCountToAnalyze < (INT_MAX / 2) &&
         "The unroll iterations max is too large!");

  // Only analyze inner loops. We can't properly estimate cost of nested loops
  // and we won't visit inner loops again anyway.
  if (!L->empty())
    return None;

  // Don't simulate loops with a big or unknown tripcount
  if (!UnrollMaxIterationsCountToAnalyze || !TripCount ||
      TripCount > UnrollMaxIterationsCountToAnalyze)
    return None;

  SmallSetVector<BasicBlock *, 16> BBWorklist;
  SmallSetVector<std::pair<BasicBlock *, BasicBlock *>, 4> ExitWorklist;
  DenseMap<Value *, Constant *> SimplifiedValues;
  SmallVector<std::pair<Value *, Constant *>, 4> SimplifiedInputValues;

  // The estimated cost of the unrolled form of the loop. We try to estimate
  // this by simplifying as much as we can while computing the estimate.
  int UnrolledCost = 0;

  // We also track the estimated dynamic (that is, actually executed) cost in
  // the rolled form. This helps identify cases when the savings from unrolling
  // aren't just exposing dead control flows, but actual reduced dynamic
  // instructions due to the simplifications which we expect to occur after
  // unrolling.
  int RolledDynamicCost = 0;

  // We track the simplification of each instruction in each iteration. We use
  // this to recursively merge costs into the unrolled cost on-demand so that
  // we don't count the cost of any dead code. This is essentially a map from
  // <instruction, int> to <bool, bool>, but stored as a densely packed struct.
  DenseSet<UnrolledInstState, UnrolledInstStateKeyInfo> InstCostMap;

  // A small worklist used to accumulate cost of instructions from each
  // observable and reached root in the loop.
  SmallVector<Instruction *, 16> CostWorklist;

  // PHI-used worklist used between iterations while accumulating cost.
  SmallVector<Instruction *, 4> PHIUsedList;

  // Helper function to accumulate cost for instructions in the loop.
  auto AddCostRecursively = [&](Instruction &RootI, int Iteration) {
    assert(Iteration >= 0 && "Cannot have a negative iteration!");
    assert(CostWorklist.empty() && "Must start with an empty cost list");
    assert(PHIUsedList.empty() && "Must start with an empty phi used list");
    for (;; --Iteration) {
      do {
        Instruction *I = CostWorklist.pop_back_val();

        // InstCostMap only uses I and Iteration as a key, the other two values
        // don't matter here.
        auto CostIter = InstCostMap.find({I, Iteration, 0, 0});
        if (CostIter == InstCostMap.end())
          // If an input to a PHI node comes from a dead path through the loop
          // we may have no cost data for it here. What that actually means is
          // that it is free.
        auto &Cost = *CostIter;
        if (Cost.IsCounted)
          // Already counted this instruction.

        // Mark that we are counting the cost of this instruction now.
        Cost.IsCounted = true;

        // If this is a PHI node in the loop header, just add it to the PHI set.
        if (auto *PhiI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I))
          if (PhiI->getParent() == L->getHeader()) {
            assert(Cost.IsFree && "Loop PHIs shouldn't be evaluated as they "
                                  "inherently simplify during unrolling.");
            if (Iteration == 0)

            // Push the incoming value from the backedge into the PHI used list
            // if it is an in-loop instruction. We'll use this to populate the
            // cost worklist for the next iteration (as we count backwards).
            if (auto *OpI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(
              if (L->contains(OpI))

        // First accumulate the cost of this instruction.
        if (!Cost.IsFree) {
          UnrolledCost += TTI.getUserCost(I);
          DEBUG(dbgs() << "Adding cost of instruction (iteration " << Iteration
                       << "): ");

        // We must count the cost of every operand which is not free,
        // recursively. If we reach a loop PHI node, simply add it to the set
        // to be considered on the next iteration (backwards!).
        for (Value *Op : I->operands()) {
          // Check whether this operand is free due to being a constant or
          // outside the loop.
          auto *OpI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Op);
          if (!OpI || !L->contains(OpI))

          // Otherwise accumulate its cost.
      } while (!CostWorklist.empty());

      if (PHIUsedList.empty())
        // We've exhausted the search.

      assert(Iteration > 0 &&
             "Cannot track PHI-used values past the first iteration!");
      CostWorklist.append(PHIUsedList.begin(), PHIUsedList.end());

  // Ensure that we don't violate the loop structure invariants relied on by
  // this analysis.
  assert(L->isLoopSimplifyForm() && "Must put loop into normal form first.");
  assert(L->isLCSSAForm(DT) &&
         "Must have loops in LCSSA form to track live-out values.");

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Starting LoopUnroll profitability analysis...\n");

  // Simulate execution of each iteration of the loop counting instructions,
  // which would be simplified.
  // Since the same load will take different values on different iterations,
  // we literally have to go through all loop's iterations.
  for (unsigned Iteration = 0; Iteration < TripCount; ++Iteration) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << " Analyzing iteration " << Iteration << "\n");

    // Prepare for the iteration by collecting any simplified entry or backedge
    // inputs.
    for (Instruction &I : *L->getHeader()) {
      auto *PHI = dyn_cast<PHINode>(&I);
      if (!PHI)

      // The loop header PHI nodes must have exactly two input: one from the
      // loop preheader and one from the loop latch.
          PHI->getNumIncomingValues() == 2 &&
          "Must have an incoming value only for the preheader and the latch.");

      Value *V = PHI->getIncomingValueForBlock(
          Iteration == 0 ? L->getLoopPreheader() : L->getLoopLatch());
      Constant *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(V);
      if (Iteration != 0 && !C)
        C = SimplifiedValues.lookup(V);
      if (C)
        SimplifiedInputValues.push_back({PHI, C});

    // Now clear and re-populate the map for the next iteration.
    while (!SimplifiedInputValues.empty())

    UnrolledInstAnalyzer Analyzer(Iteration, SimplifiedValues, SE, L);

    // Note that we *must not* cache the size, this loop grows the worklist.
    for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx != BBWorklist.size(); ++Idx) {
      BasicBlock *BB = BBWorklist[Idx];

      // Visit all instructions in the given basic block and try to simplify
      // it.  We don't change the actual IR, just count optimization
      // opportunities.
      for (Instruction &I : *BB) {
        // Track this instruction's expected baseline cost when executing the
        // rolled loop form.
        RolledDynamicCost += TTI.getUserCost(&I);

        // Visit the instruction to analyze its loop cost after unrolling,
        // and if the visitor returns true, mark the instruction as free after
        // unrolling and continue.
        bool IsFree = Analyzer.visit(I);
        bool Inserted = InstCostMap.insert({&I, (int)Iteration,
                                           /*IsCounted*/ false}).second;
        assert(Inserted && "Cannot have a state for an unvisited instruction!");

        if (IsFree)

        // If the instruction might have a side-effect recursively account for
        // the cost of it and all the instructions leading up to it.
        if (I.mayHaveSideEffects())
          AddCostRecursively(I, Iteration);

        // Can't properly model a cost of a call.
        // FIXME: With a proper cost model we should be able to do it.
          return None;

        // If unrolled body turns out to be too big, bail out.
        if (UnrolledCost > MaxUnrolledLoopSize) {
          DEBUG(dbgs() << "  Exceeded threshold.. exiting.\n"
                       << "  UnrolledCost: " << UnrolledCost
                       << ", MaxUnrolledLoopSize: " << MaxUnrolledLoopSize
                       << "\n");
          return None;

      TerminatorInst *TI = BB->getTerminator();

      // Add in the live successors by first checking whether we have terminator
      // that may be simplified based on the values simplified by this call.
      BasicBlock *KnownSucc = nullptr;
      if (BranchInst *BI = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(TI)) {
        if (BI->isConditional()) {
          if (Constant *SimpleCond =
                  SimplifiedValues.lookup(BI->getCondition())) {
            // Just take the first successor if condition is undef
            if (isa<UndefValue>(SimpleCond))
              KnownSucc = BI->getSuccessor(0);
            else if (ConstantInt *SimpleCondVal =
              KnownSucc = BI->getSuccessor(SimpleCondVal->isZero() ? 1 : 0);
      } else if (SwitchInst *SI = dyn_cast<SwitchInst>(TI)) {
        if (Constant *SimpleCond =
                SimplifiedValues.lookup(SI->getCondition())) {
          // Just take the first successor if condition is undef
          if (isa<UndefValue>(SimpleCond))
            KnownSucc = SI->getSuccessor(0);
          else if (ConstantInt *SimpleCondVal =
            KnownSucc = SI->findCaseValue(SimpleCondVal).getCaseSuccessor();
      if (KnownSucc) {
        if (L->contains(KnownSucc))
          ExitWorklist.insert({BB, KnownSucc});

      // Add BB's successors to the worklist.
      for (BasicBlock *Succ : successors(BB))
        if (L->contains(Succ))
          ExitWorklist.insert({BB, Succ});
      AddCostRecursively(*TI, Iteration);

    // If we found no optimization opportunities on the first iteration, we
    // won't find them on later ones too.
    if (UnrolledCost == RolledDynamicCost) {
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "  No opportunities found.. exiting.\n"
                   << "  UnrolledCost: " << UnrolledCost << "\n");
      return None;

  while (!ExitWorklist.empty()) {
    BasicBlock *ExitingBB, *ExitBB;
    std::tie(ExitingBB, ExitBB) = ExitWorklist.pop_back_val();

    for (Instruction &I : *ExitBB) {
      auto *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(&I);
      if (!PN)

      Value *Op = PN->getIncomingValueForBlock(ExitingBB);
      if (auto *OpI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Op))
        if (L->contains(OpI))
          AddCostRecursively(*OpI, TripCount - 1);

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Analysis finished:\n"
               << "UnrolledCost: " << UnrolledCost << ", "
               << "RolledDynamicCost: " << RolledDynamicCost << "\n");
  return {{UnrolledCost, RolledDynamicCost}};
Esempio n. 4
/// handleEndBlock - Remove dead stores to stack-allocated locations in the
/// function end block.  Ex:
/// %A = alloca i32
/// ...
/// store i32 1, i32* %A
/// ret void
bool DSE::handleEndBlock(BasicBlock &BB) {
  bool MadeChange = false;

  // Keep track of all of the stack objects that are dead at the end of the
  // function.
  SmallSetVector<Value*, 16> DeadStackObjects;

  // Find all of the alloca'd pointers in the entry block.
  BasicBlock *Entry = BB.getParent()->begin();
  for (BasicBlock::iterator I = Entry->begin(), E = Entry->end(); I != E; ++I) {
    if (isa<AllocaInst>(I))

    // Okay, so these are dead heap objects, but if the pointer never escapes
    // then it's leaked by this function anyways.
    else if (isAllocLikeFn(I, TLI) && !PointerMayBeCaptured(I, true, true))

  // Treat byval or inalloca arguments the same, stores to them are dead at the
  // end of the function.
  for (Function::arg_iterator AI = BB.getParent()->arg_begin(),
       AE = BB.getParent()->arg_end(); AI != AE; ++AI)
    if (AI->hasByValOrInAllocaAttr())

  // Scan the basic block backwards
  for (BasicBlock::iterator BBI = BB.end(); BBI != BB.begin(); ){

    // If we find a store, check to see if it points into a dead stack value.
    if (hasMemoryWrite(BBI, TLI) && isRemovable(BBI)) {
      // See through pointer-to-pointer bitcasts
      SmallVector<Value *, 4> Pointers;
      GetUnderlyingObjects(getStoredPointerOperand(BBI), Pointers);

      // Stores to stack values are valid candidates for removal.
      bool AllDead = true;
      for (SmallVectorImpl<Value *>::iterator I = Pointers.begin(),
           E = Pointers.end(); I != E; ++I)
        if (!DeadStackObjects.count(*I)) {
          AllDead = false;

      if (AllDead) {
        Instruction *Dead = BBI++;

        DEBUG(dbgs() << "DSE: Dead Store at End of Block:\n  DEAD: "
                     << *Dead << "\n  Objects: ";
              for (SmallVectorImpl<Value *>::iterator I = Pointers.begin(),
                   E = Pointers.end(); I != E; ++I) {
                dbgs() << **I;
                if (std::next(I) != E)
                  dbgs() << ", ";
              dbgs() << '\n');

        // DCE instructions only used to calculate that store.
        DeleteDeadInstruction(Dead, *MD, TLI, &DeadStackObjects);
        MadeChange = true;

    // Remove any dead non-memory-mutating instructions.
    if (isInstructionTriviallyDead(BBI, TLI)) {
      Instruction *Inst = BBI++;
      DeleteDeadInstruction(Inst, *MD, TLI, &DeadStackObjects);
      MadeChange = true;

    if (isa<AllocaInst>(BBI)) {
      // Remove allocas from the list of dead stack objects; there can't be
      // any references before the definition.

    if (CallSite CS = cast<Value>(BBI)) {
      // Remove allocation function calls from the list of dead stack objects;
      // there can't be any references before the definition.
      if (isAllocLikeFn(BBI, TLI))

      // If this call does not access memory, it can't be loading any of our
      // pointers.
      if (AA->doesNotAccessMemory(CS))

      // If the call might load from any of our allocas, then any store above
      // the call is live.
      DeadStackObjects.remove_if([&](Value *I) {
        // See if the call site touches the value.
        AliasAnalysis::ModRefResult A =
            AA->getModRefInfo(CS, I, getPointerSize(I, *AA));

        return A == AliasAnalysis::ModRef || A == AliasAnalysis::Ref;

      // If all of the allocas were clobbered by the call then we're not going
      // to find anything else to process.
      if (DeadStackObjects.empty())


    AliasAnalysis::Location LoadedLoc;

    // If we encounter a use of the pointer, it is no longer considered dead
    if (LoadInst *L = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(BBI)) {
      if (!L->isUnordered()) // Be conservative with atomic/volatile load
      LoadedLoc = AA->getLocation(L);
    } else if (VAArgInst *V = dyn_cast<VAArgInst>(BBI)) {
      LoadedLoc = AA->getLocation(V);
    } else if (MemTransferInst *MTI = dyn_cast<MemTransferInst>(BBI)) {
      LoadedLoc = AA->getLocationForSource(MTI);
    } else if (!BBI->mayReadFromMemory()) {
      // Instruction doesn't read memory.  Note that stores that weren't removed
      // above will hit this case.
    } else {
      // Unknown inst; assume it clobbers everything.

    // Remove any allocas from the DeadPointer set that are loaded, as this
    // makes any stores above the access live.
    RemoveAccessedObjects(LoadedLoc, DeadStackObjects);

    // If all of the allocas were clobbered by the access then we're not going
    // to find anything else to process.
    if (DeadStackObjects.empty())
/// Remove dead stores to stack-allocated locations in the function end block.
/// Ex:
/// %A = alloca i32
/// ...
/// store i32 1, i32* %A
/// ret void
static bool handleEndBlock(BasicBlock &BB, AliasAnalysis *AA,
                             MemoryDependenceResults *MD,
                             const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI,
                             InstOverlapIntervalsTy &IOL,
                             DenseMap<Instruction*, size_t> *InstrOrdering) {
  bool MadeChange = false;

  // Keep track of all of the stack objects that are dead at the end of the
  // function.
  SmallSetVector<Value*, 16> DeadStackObjects;

  // Find all of the alloca'd pointers in the entry block.
  BasicBlock &Entry = BB.getParent()->front();
  for (Instruction &I : Entry) {
    if (isa<AllocaInst>(&I))

    // Okay, so these are dead heap objects, but if the pointer never escapes
    // then it's leaked by this function anyways.
    else if (isAllocLikeFn(&I, TLI) && !PointerMayBeCaptured(&I, true, true))

  // Treat byval or inalloca arguments the same, stores to them are dead at the
  // end of the function.
  for (Argument &AI : BB.getParent()->args())
    if (AI.hasByValOrInAllocaAttr())

  const DataLayout &DL = BB.getModule()->getDataLayout();

  // Scan the basic block backwards
  for (BasicBlock::iterator BBI = BB.end(); BBI != BB.begin(); ){

    // If we find a store, check to see if it points into a dead stack value.
    if (hasMemoryWrite(&*BBI, *TLI) && isRemovable(&*BBI)) {
      // See through pointer-to-pointer bitcasts
      SmallVector<Value *, 4> Pointers;
      GetUnderlyingObjects(getStoredPointerOperand(&*BBI), Pointers, DL);

      // Stores to stack values are valid candidates for removal.
      bool AllDead = true;
      for (Value *Pointer : Pointers)
        if (!DeadStackObjects.count(Pointer)) {
          AllDead = false;

      if (AllDead) {
        Instruction *Dead = &*BBI;

        DEBUG(dbgs() << "DSE: Dead Store at End of Block:\n  DEAD: "
                     << *Dead << "\n  Objects: ";
              for (SmallVectorImpl<Value *>::iterator I = Pointers.begin(),
                   E = Pointers.end(); I != E; ++I) {
                dbgs() << **I;
                if (std::next(I) != E)
                  dbgs() << ", ";
              dbgs() << '\n');

        // DCE instructions only used to calculate that store.
        deleteDeadInstruction(Dead, &BBI, *MD, *TLI, IOL, InstrOrdering, &DeadStackObjects);
        MadeChange = true;

    // Remove any dead non-memory-mutating instructions.
    if (isInstructionTriviallyDead(&*BBI, TLI)) {
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "DSE: Removing trivially dead instruction:\n  DEAD: "
                   << *&*BBI << '\n');
      deleteDeadInstruction(&*BBI, &BBI, *MD, *TLI, IOL, InstrOrdering, &DeadStackObjects);
      MadeChange = true;

    if (isa<AllocaInst>(BBI)) {
      // Remove allocas from the list of dead stack objects; there can't be
      // any references before the definition.

    if (auto CS = CallSite(&*BBI)) {
      // Remove allocation function calls from the list of dead stack objects;
      // there can't be any references before the definition.
      if (isAllocLikeFn(&*BBI, TLI))

      // If this call does not access memory, it can't be loading any of our
      // pointers.
      if (AA->doesNotAccessMemory(CS))

      // If the call might load from any of our allocas, then any store above
      // the call is live.
      DeadStackObjects.remove_if([&](Value *I) {
        // See if the call site touches the value.
        ModRefInfo A = AA->getModRefInfo(CS, I, getPointerSize(I, DL, *TLI));

        return A == MRI_ModRef || A == MRI_Ref;

      // If all of the allocas were clobbered by the call then we're not going
      // to find anything else to process.
      if (DeadStackObjects.empty())


    // We can remove the dead stores, irrespective of the fence and its ordering
    // (release/acquire/seq_cst). Fences only constraints the ordering of
    // already visible stores, it does not make a store visible to other
    // threads. So, skipping over a fence does not change a store from being
    // dead.
    if (isa<FenceInst>(*BBI))

    MemoryLocation LoadedLoc;

    // If we encounter a use of the pointer, it is no longer considered dead
    if (LoadInst *L = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(BBI)) {
      if (!L->isUnordered()) // Be conservative with atomic/volatile load
      LoadedLoc = MemoryLocation::get(L);
    } else if (VAArgInst *V = dyn_cast<VAArgInst>(BBI)) {
      LoadedLoc = MemoryLocation::get(V);
    } else if (MemTransferInst *MTI = dyn_cast<MemTransferInst>(BBI)) {
      LoadedLoc = MemoryLocation::getForSource(MTI);
    } else if (!BBI->mayReadFromMemory()) {
      // Instruction doesn't read memory.  Note that stores that weren't removed
      // above will hit this case.
    } else {
      // Unknown inst; assume it clobbers everything.

    // Remove any allocas from the DeadPointer set that are loaded, as this
    // makes any stores above the access live.
    removeAccessedObjects(LoadedLoc, DeadStackObjects, DL, AA, TLI);

    // If all of the allocas were clobbered by the access then we're not going
    // to find anything else to process.
    if (DeadStackObjects.empty())
Esempio n. 6
/// Sort the blocks in RPO, taking special care to make sure that loops are
/// contiguous even in the case of split backedges.
/// TODO: Determine whether RPO is actually worthwhile, or whether we should
/// move to just a stable-topological-sort-based approach that would preserve
/// more of the original order.
static void SortBlocks(MachineFunction &MF, const MachineLoopInfo &MLI) {
  // Note that we do our own RPO rather than using
  // "llvm/ADT/PostOrderIterator.h" because we want control over the order that
  // successors are visited in (see above). Also, we can sort the blocks in the
  // MachineFunction as we go.
  SmallPtrSet<MachineBasicBlock *, 16> Visited;
  SmallVector<POStackEntry, 16> Stack;

  MachineBasicBlock *EntryBlock = &*MF.begin();
  Stack.push_back(POStackEntry(EntryBlock, MF, MLI));

  for (;;) {
    POStackEntry &Entry = Stack.back();
    SmallVectorImpl<MachineBasicBlock *> &Succs = Entry.Succs;
    if (!Succs.empty()) {
      MachineBasicBlock *Succ = Succs.pop_back_val();
      if (Visited.insert(Succ).second)
        Stack.push_back(POStackEntry(Succ, MF, MLI));

    // Put the block in its position in the MachineFunction.
    MachineBasicBlock &MBB = *Entry.MBB;

    // Branch instructions may utilize a fallthrough, so update them if a
    // fallthrough has been added or removed.
    if (!MBB.empty() && MBB.back().isTerminator() && !MBB.back().isBranch() &&
          "Non-branch terminator with fallthrough cannot yet be rewritten");
    if (MBB.empty() || !MBB.back().isTerminator() || MBB.back().isBranch())

    if (Stack.empty())

  // Now that we've sorted the blocks in RPO, renumber them.

#ifndef NDEBUG
  SmallSetVector<MachineLoop *, 8> OnStack;

  // Insert a sentinel representing the degenerate loop that starts at the
  // function entry block and includes the entire function as a "loop" that
  // executes once.

  for (auto &MBB : MF) {
    assert(MBB.getNumber() >= 0 && "Renumbered blocks should be non-negative.");

    MachineLoop *Loop = MLI.getLoopFor(&MBB);
    if (Loop && &MBB == Loop->getHeader()) {
      // Loop header. The loop predecessor should be sorted above, and the other
      // predecessors should be backedges below.
      for (auto Pred : MBB.predecessors())
            (Pred->getNumber() < MBB.getNumber() || Loop->contains(Pred)) &&
            "Loop header predecessors must be loop predecessors or backedges");
      assert(OnStack.insert(Loop) && "Loops should be declared at most once.");
    } else {
      // Not a loop header. All predecessors should be sorted above.
      for (auto Pred : MBB.predecessors())
        assert(Pred->getNumber() < MBB.getNumber() &&
               "Non-loop-header predecessors should be topologically sorted");
      assert(OnStack.count(MLI.getLoopFor(&MBB)) &&
             "Blocks must be nested in their loops");
    while (OnStack.size() > 1 && &MBB == LoopBottom(OnStack.back()))
  assert(OnStack.pop_back_val() == nullptr &&
         "The function entry block shouldn't actually be a loop header");
  assert(OnStack.empty() &&
         "Control flow stack pushes and pops should be balanced.");