ErrorOr<StringRef> ELFLinkingContext::searchFile(StringRef fileName, bool isSysRooted) const { SmallString<128> path; if (is_absolute(fileName) && isSysRooted) { path.assign(_sysrootPath); path.append(fileName); if (exists(path.str())) return path.str().copy(_allocator); } else if (exists(fileName)) { return fileName; } if (is_absolute(fileName)) return make_error_code(llvm::errc::no_such_file_or_directory); for (StringRef dir : _inputSearchPaths) { buildSearchPath(path, dir, _sysrootPath); llvm::sys::path::append(path, fileName); if (exists(path.str())) return path.str().copy(_allocator); } return make_error_code(llvm::errc::no_such_file_or_directory); }
std::string CoveragePrinter::getOutputPath(StringRef Path, StringRef Extension, bool InToplevel, bool Relative) const { assert(Extension.size() && "The file extension may not be empty"); SmallString<256> FullPath; if (!Relative) FullPath.append(Opts.ShowOutputDirectory); if (!InToplevel) sys::path::append(FullPath, getCoverageDir()); SmallString<256> ParentPath = sys::path::parent_path(Path); sys::path::remove_dots(ParentPath, /*remove_dot_dots=*/true); sys::path::append(FullPath, sys::path::relative_path(ParentPath)); auto PathFilename = (sys::path::filename(Path) + "." + Extension).str(); sys::path::append(FullPath, PathFilename); sys::path::native(FullPath); return FullPath.str(); }
void native(SmallVectorImpl<char> &Path, Style style) { if (Path.empty()) return; if (real_style(style) == Style::windows) { std::replace(Path.begin(), Path.end(), '/', '\\'); if (Path[0] == '~' && (Path.size() == 1 || is_separator(Path[1], style))) { SmallString<128> PathHome; home_directory(PathHome); PathHome.append(Path.begin() + 1, Path.end()); Path = PathHome; } } else { for (auto PI = Path.begin(), PE = Path.end(); PI < PE; ++PI) { if (*PI == '\\') { auto PN = PI + 1; if (PN < PE && *PN == '\\') ++PI; // increment once, the for loop will move over the escaped slash else *PI = '/'; } } } }
TEST(DeclPrinter, TestCXXMethodDecl_Operator2) { const char *OperatorNames[] = { "~", "!", "++", "--", "->" }; for (unsigned i = 0, e = llvm::array_lengthof(OperatorNames); i != e; ++i) { SmallString<128> Code; Code.append("struct Z { void operator"); Code.append(OperatorNames[i]); Code.append("(); };"); SmallString<128> Expected; Expected.append("void operator"); Expected.append(OperatorNames[i]); Expected.append("()"); // Should be: with semicolon ASSERT_TRUE(PrintedDeclCXX98Matches( Code, methodDecl(ofClass(hasName("Z"))).bind("id"), Expected)); } }
/// LookupFile - Given a "foo" or \<foo> reference, look up the indicated file, /// return null on failure. isAngled indicates whether the file reference is /// for system \#include's or not (i.e. using <> instead of ""). Includers, if /// non-empty, indicates where the \#including file(s) are, in case a relative /// search is needed. Microsoft mode will pass all \#including files. const FileEntry *HeaderSearch::LookupFile( StringRef Filename, SourceLocation IncludeLoc, bool isAngled, const DirectoryLookup *FromDir, const DirectoryLookup *&CurDir, ArrayRef<std::pair<const FileEntry *, const DirectoryEntry *>> Includers, SmallVectorImpl<char> *SearchPath, SmallVectorImpl<char> *RelativePath, ModuleMap::KnownHeader *SuggestedModule, bool SkipCache) { if (SuggestedModule) *SuggestedModule = ModuleMap::KnownHeader(); // If 'Filename' is absolute, check to see if it exists and no searching. if (llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(Filename)) { CurDir = nullptr; // If this was an #include_next "/absolute/file", fail. if (FromDir) return nullptr; if (SearchPath) SearchPath->clear(); if (RelativePath) { RelativePath->clear(); RelativePath->append(Filename.begin(), Filename.end()); } // Otherwise, just return the file. return FileMgr.getFile(Filename, /*openFile=*/true); } // This is the header that MSVC's header search would have found. const FileEntry *MSFE = nullptr; ModuleMap::KnownHeader MSSuggestedModule; // Unless disabled, check to see if the file is in the #includer's // directory. This cannot be based on CurDir, because each includer could be // a #include of a subdirectory (#include "foo/bar.h") and a subsequent // include of "baz.h" should resolve to "whatever/foo/baz.h". // This search is not done for <> headers. if (!Includers.empty() && !isAngled && !NoCurDirSearch) { SmallString<1024> TmpDir; bool First = true; for (const auto &IncluderAndDir : Includers) { const FileEntry *Includer = IncluderAndDir.first; // Concatenate the requested file onto the directory. // FIXME: Portability. Filename concatenation should be in sys::Path. TmpDir = IncluderAndDir.second->getName(); TmpDir.push_back('/'); TmpDir.append(Filename.begin(), Filename.end()); // FIXME: We don't cache the result of getFileInfo across the call to // getFileAndSuggestModule, because it's a reference to an element of // a container that could be reallocated across this call. // // FIXME: If we have no includer, that means we're processing a #include // from a module build. We should treat this as a system header if we're // building a [system] module. bool IncluderIsSystemHeader = Includer && getFileInfo(Includer).DirInfo != SrcMgr::C_User; if (const FileEntry *FE = getFileAndSuggestModule( *this, TmpDir.str(), IncluderAndDir.second, IncluderIsSystemHeader, SuggestedModule)) { if (!Includer) { assert(First && "only first includer can have no file"); return FE; } // Leave CurDir unset. // This file is a system header or C++ unfriendly if the old file is. // // Note that we only use one of FromHFI/ToHFI at once, due to potential // reallocation of the underlying vector potentially making the first // reference binding dangling. HeaderFileInfo &FromHFI = getFileInfo(Includer); unsigned DirInfo = FromHFI.DirInfo; bool IndexHeaderMapHeader = FromHFI.IndexHeaderMapHeader; StringRef Framework = FromHFI.Framework; HeaderFileInfo &ToHFI = getFileInfo(FE); ToHFI.DirInfo = DirInfo; ToHFI.IndexHeaderMapHeader = IndexHeaderMapHeader; ToHFI.Framework = Framework; if (SearchPath) { StringRef SearchPathRef(IncluderAndDir.second->getName()); SearchPath->clear(); SearchPath->append(SearchPathRef.begin(), SearchPathRef.end()); } if (RelativePath) { RelativePath->clear(); RelativePath->append(Filename.begin(), Filename.end()); } if (First) return FE; // Otherwise, we found the path via MSVC header search rules. If // -Wmsvc-include is enabled, we have to keep searching to see if we // would've found this header in -I or -isystem directories. if (Diags.isIgnored(diag::ext_pp_include_search_ms, IncludeLoc)) { return FE; } else { MSFE = FE; if (SuggestedModule) { MSSuggestedModule = *SuggestedModule; *SuggestedModule = ModuleMap::KnownHeader(); } break; } } First = false; } } CurDir = nullptr; // If this is a system #include, ignore the user #include locs. unsigned i = isAngled ? AngledDirIdx : 0; // If this is a #include_next request, start searching after the directory the // file was found in. if (FromDir) i = FromDir-&SearchDirs[0]; // Cache all of the lookups performed by this method. Many headers are // multiply included, and the "pragma once" optimization prevents them from // being relex/pp'd, but they would still have to search through a // (potentially huge) series of SearchDirs to find it. LookupFileCacheInfo &CacheLookup = LookupFileCache[Filename]; // If the entry has been previously looked up, the first value will be // non-zero. If the value is equal to i (the start point of our search), then // this is a matching hit. if (!SkipCache && CacheLookup.StartIdx == i+1) { // Skip querying potentially lots of directories for this lookup. i = CacheLookup.HitIdx; if (CacheLookup.MappedName) Filename = CacheLookup.MappedName; } else { // Otherwise, this is the first query, or the previous query didn't match // our search start. We will fill in our found location below, so prime the // start point value. CacheLookup.reset(/*StartIdx=*/i+1); } SmallString<64> MappedName; // Check each directory in sequence to see if it contains this file. for (; i != SearchDirs.size(); ++i) { bool InUserSpecifiedSystemFramework = false; bool HasBeenMapped = false; const FileEntry *FE = SearchDirs[i].LookupFile(Filename, *this, SearchPath, RelativePath, SuggestedModule, InUserSpecifiedSystemFramework, HasBeenMapped, MappedName); if (HasBeenMapped) { CacheLookup.MappedName = copyString(Filename, LookupFileCache.getAllocator()); } if (!FE) continue; CurDir = &SearchDirs[i]; // This file is a system header or C++ unfriendly if the dir is. HeaderFileInfo &HFI = getFileInfo(FE); HFI.DirInfo = CurDir->getDirCharacteristic(); // If the directory characteristic is User but this framework was // user-specified to be treated as a system framework, promote the // characteristic. if (HFI.DirInfo == SrcMgr::C_User && InUserSpecifiedSystemFramework) HFI.DirInfo = SrcMgr::C_System; // If the filename matches a known system header prefix, override // whether the file is a system header. for (unsigned j = SystemHeaderPrefixes.size(); j; --j) { if (Filename.startswith(SystemHeaderPrefixes[j-1].first)) { HFI.DirInfo = SystemHeaderPrefixes[j-1].second ? SrcMgr::C_System : SrcMgr::C_User; break; } } // If this file is found in a header map and uses the framework style of // includes, then this header is part of a framework we're building. if (CurDir->isIndexHeaderMap()) { size_t SlashPos = Filename.find('/'); if (SlashPos != StringRef::npos) { HFI.IndexHeaderMapHeader = 1; HFI.Framework = getUniqueFrameworkName(StringRef(Filename.begin(), SlashPos)); } } if (checkMSVCHeaderSearch(Diags, MSFE, FE, IncludeLoc)) { if (SuggestedModule) *SuggestedModule = MSSuggestedModule; return MSFE; } // Remember this location for the next lookup we do. CacheLookup.HitIdx = i; return FE; } // If we are including a file with a quoted include "foo.h" from inside // a header in a framework that is currently being built, and we couldn't // resolve "foo.h" any other way, change the include to <Foo/foo.h>, where // "Foo" is the name of the framework in which the including header was found. if (!Includers.empty() && Includers.front().first && !isAngled && Filename.find('/') == StringRef::npos) { HeaderFileInfo &IncludingHFI = getFileInfo(Includers.front().first); if (IncludingHFI.IndexHeaderMapHeader) { SmallString<128> ScratchFilename; ScratchFilename += IncludingHFI.Framework; ScratchFilename += '/'; ScratchFilename += Filename; const FileEntry *FE = LookupFile( ScratchFilename, IncludeLoc, /*isAngled=*/true, FromDir, CurDir, Includers.front(), SearchPath, RelativePath, SuggestedModule); if (checkMSVCHeaderSearch(Diags, MSFE, FE, IncludeLoc)) { if (SuggestedModule) *SuggestedModule = MSSuggestedModule; return MSFE; } LookupFileCacheInfo &CacheLookup = LookupFileCache[Filename]; CacheLookup.HitIdx = LookupFileCache[ScratchFilename].HitIdx; // FIXME: SuggestedModule. return FE; } } if (checkMSVCHeaderSearch(Diags, MSFE, nullptr, IncludeLoc)) { if (SuggestedModule) *SuggestedModule = MSSuggestedModule; return MSFE; } // Otherwise, didn't find it. Remember we didn't find this. CacheLookup.HitIdx = SearchDirs.size(); return nullptr; }
/// DoFrameworkLookup - Do a lookup of the specified file in the current /// DirectoryLookup, which is a framework directory. const FileEntry *DirectoryLookup::DoFrameworkLookup( StringRef Filename, HeaderSearch &HS, SmallVectorImpl<char> *SearchPath, SmallVectorImpl<char> *RelativePath, ModuleMap::KnownHeader *SuggestedModule, bool &InUserSpecifiedSystemFramework) const { FileManager &FileMgr = HS.getFileMgr(); // Framework names must have a '/' in the filename. size_t SlashPos = Filename.find('/'); if (SlashPos == StringRef::npos) return nullptr; // Find out if this is the home for the specified framework, by checking // HeaderSearch. Possible answers are yes/no and unknown. HeaderSearch::FrameworkCacheEntry &CacheEntry = HS.LookupFrameworkCache(Filename.substr(0, SlashPos)); // If it is known and in some other directory, fail. if (CacheEntry.Directory && CacheEntry.Directory != getFrameworkDir()) return nullptr; // Otherwise, construct the path to this framework dir. // FrameworkName = "/System/Library/Frameworks/" SmallString<1024> FrameworkName; FrameworkName += getFrameworkDir()->getName(); if (FrameworkName.empty() || FrameworkName.back() != '/') FrameworkName.push_back('/'); // FrameworkName = "/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa" StringRef ModuleName(Filename.begin(), SlashPos); FrameworkName += ModuleName; // FrameworkName = "/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/" FrameworkName += ".framework/"; // If the cache entry was unresolved, populate it now. if (!CacheEntry.Directory) { HS.IncrementFrameworkLookupCount(); // If the framework dir doesn't exist, we fail. const DirectoryEntry *Dir = FileMgr.getDirectory(FrameworkName.str()); if (!Dir) return nullptr; // Otherwise, if it does, remember that this is the right direntry for this // framework. CacheEntry.Directory = getFrameworkDir(); // If this is a user search directory, check if the framework has been // user-specified as a system framework. if (getDirCharacteristic() == SrcMgr::C_User) { SmallString<1024> SystemFrameworkMarker(FrameworkName); SystemFrameworkMarker += ".system_framework"; if (llvm::sys::fs::exists(SystemFrameworkMarker.str())) { CacheEntry.IsUserSpecifiedSystemFramework = true; } } } // Set the 'user-specified system framework' flag. InUserSpecifiedSystemFramework = CacheEntry.IsUserSpecifiedSystemFramework; if (RelativePath) { RelativePath->clear(); RelativePath->append(Filename.begin()+SlashPos+1, Filename.end()); } // Check "/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Headers/file.h" unsigned OrigSize = FrameworkName.size(); FrameworkName += "Headers/"; if (SearchPath) { SearchPath->clear(); // Without trailing '/'. SearchPath->append(FrameworkName.begin(), FrameworkName.end()-1); } FrameworkName.append(Filename.begin()+SlashPos+1, Filename.end()); const FileEntry *FE = FileMgr.getFile(FrameworkName.str(), /*openFile=*/!SuggestedModule); if (!FE) { // Check "/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/PrivateHeaders/file.h" const char *Private = "Private"; FrameworkName.insert(FrameworkName.begin()+OrigSize, Private, Private+strlen(Private)); if (SearchPath) SearchPath->insert(SearchPath->begin()+OrigSize, Private, Private+strlen(Private)); FE = FileMgr.getFile(FrameworkName.str(), /*openFile=*/!SuggestedModule); } // If we found the header and are allowed to suggest a module, do so now. if (FE && SuggestedModule) { // Find the framework in which this header occurs. StringRef FrameworkPath = FE->getDir()->getName(); bool FoundFramework = false; do { // Determine whether this directory exists. const DirectoryEntry *Dir = FileMgr.getDirectory(FrameworkPath); if (!Dir) break; // If this is a framework directory, then we're a subframework of this // framework. if (llvm::sys::path::extension(FrameworkPath) == ".framework") { FoundFramework = true; break; } // Get the parent directory name. FrameworkPath = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(FrameworkPath); if (FrameworkPath.empty()) break; } while (true); if (FoundFramework) { // Find the top-level framework based on this framework. SmallVector<std::string, 4> SubmodulePath; const DirectoryEntry *TopFrameworkDir = ::getTopFrameworkDir(FileMgr, FrameworkPath, SubmodulePath); // Determine the name of the top-level framework. StringRef ModuleName = llvm::sys::path::stem(TopFrameworkDir->getName()); // Load this framework module. If that succeeds, find the suggested module // for this header, if any. bool IsSystem = getDirCharacteristic() != SrcMgr::C_User; if (HS.loadFrameworkModule(ModuleName, TopFrameworkDir, IsSystem)) { *SuggestedModule = HS.findModuleForHeader(FE); } } else { *SuggestedModule = HS.findModuleForHeader(FE); } } return FE; }
/// LookupFile - Given a "foo" or \<foo> reference, look up the indicated file, /// return null on failure. isAngled indicates whether the file reference is /// for system \#include's or not (i.e. using <> instead of ""). CurFileEnt, if /// non-null, indicates where the \#including file is, in case a relative search /// is needed. const FileEntry *HeaderSearch::LookupFile( StringRef Filename, bool isAngled, const DirectoryLookup *FromDir, const DirectoryLookup *&CurDir, const FileEntry *CurFileEnt, SmallVectorImpl<char> *SearchPath, SmallVectorImpl<char> *RelativePath, Module **SuggestedModule, bool SkipCache) { if (SuggestedModule) *SuggestedModule = 0; // If 'Filename' is absolute, check to see if it exists and no searching. if (llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(Filename)) { CurDir = 0; // If this was an #include_next "/absolute/file", fail. if (FromDir) return 0; if (SearchPath != NULL) SearchPath->clear(); if (RelativePath != NULL) { RelativePath->clear(); RelativePath->append(Filename.begin(), Filename.end()); } // Otherwise, just return the file. return FileMgr.getFile(Filename, /*openFile=*/true); } // Unless disabled, check to see if the file is in the #includer's // directory. This has to be based on CurFileEnt, not CurDir, because // CurFileEnt could be a #include of a subdirectory (#include "foo/bar.h") and // a subsequent include of "baz.h" should resolve to "whatever/foo/baz.h". // This search is not done for <> headers. if (CurFileEnt && !isAngled && !NoCurDirSearch) { SmallString<1024> TmpDir; // Concatenate the requested file onto the directory. // FIXME: Portability. Filename concatenation should be in sys::Path. TmpDir += CurFileEnt->getDir()->getName(); TmpDir.push_back('/'); TmpDir.append(Filename.begin(), Filename.end()); if (const FileEntry *FE = FileMgr.getFile(TmpDir.str(),/*openFile=*/true)) { // Leave CurDir unset. // This file is a system header or C++ unfriendly if the old file is. // // Note that the temporary 'DirInfo' is required here, as either call to // getFileInfo could resize the vector and we don't want to rely on order // of evaluation. unsigned DirInfo = getFileInfo(CurFileEnt).DirInfo; getFileInfo(FE).DirInfo = DirInfo; if (SearchPath != NULL) { StringRef SearchPathRef(CurFileEnt->getDir()->getName()); SearchPath->clear(); SearchPath->append(SearchPathRef.begin(), SearchPathRef.end()); } if (RelativePath != NULL) { RelativePath->clear(); RelativePath->append(Filename.begin(), Filename.end()); } return FE; } } CurDir = 0; // If this is a system #include, ignore the user #include locs. unsigned i = isAngled ? AngledDirIdx : 0; // If this is a #include_next request, start searching after the directory the // file was found in. if (FromDir) i = FromDir-&SearchDirs[0]; // Cache all of the lookups performed by this method. Many headers are // multiply included, and the "pragma once" optimization prevents them from // being relex/pp'd, but they would still have to search through a // (potentially huge) series of SearchDirs to find it. std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> &CacheLookup = LookupFileCache.GetOrCreateValue(Filename).getValue(); // If the entry has been previously looked up, the first value will be // non-zero. If the value is equal to i (the start point of our search), then // this is a matching hit. if (!SkipCache && CacheLookup.first == i+1) { // Skip querying potentially lots of directories for this lookup. i = CacheLookup.second; } else { // Otherwise, this is the first query, or the previous query didn't match // our search start. We will fill in our found location below, so prime the // start point value. CacheLookup.first = i+1; } // Check each directory in sequence to see if it contains this file. for (; i != SearchDirs.size(); ++i) { bool InUserSpecifiedSystemFramework = false; const FileEntry *FE = SearchDirs[i].LookupFile(Filename, *this, SearchPath, RelativePath, SuggestedModule, InUserSpecifiedSystemFramework); if (!FE) continue; CurDir = &SearchDirs[i]; // This file is a system header or C++ unfriendly if the dir is. HeaderFileInfo &HFI = getFileInfo(FE); HFI.DirInfo = CurDir->getDirCharacteristic(); // If the directory characteristic is User but this framework was // user-specified to be treated as a system framework, promote the // characteristic. if (HFI.DirInfo == SrcMgr::C_User && InUserSpecifiedSystemFramework) HFI.DirInfo = SrcMgr::C_System; // If the filename matches a known system header prefix, override // whether the file is a system header. for (unsigned j = SystemHeaderPrefixes.size(); j; --j) { if (Filename.startswith(SystemHeaderPrefixes[j-1].first)) { HFI.DirInfo = SystemHeaderPrefixes[j-1].second ? SrcMgr::C_System : SrcMgr::C_User; break; } } // If this file is found in a header map and uses the framework style of // includes, then this header is part of a framework we're building. if (CurDir->isIndexHeaderMap()) { size_t SlashPos = Filename.find('/'); if (SlashPos != StringRef::npos) { HFI.IndexHeaderMapHeader = 1; HFI.Framework = getUniqueFrameworkName(StringRef(Filename.begin(), SlashPos)); } } // Remember this location for the next lookup we do. CacheLookup.second = i; return FE; } // If we are including a file with a quoted include "foo.h" from inside // a header in a framework that is currently being built, and we couldn't // resolve "foo.h" any other way, change the include to <Foo/foo.h>, where // "Foo" is the name of the framework in which the including header was found. if (CurFileEnt && !isAngled && Filename.find('/') == StringRef::npos) { HeaderFileInfo &IncludingHFI = getFileInfo(CurFileEnt); if (IncludingHFI.IndexHeaderMapHeader) { SmallString<128> ScratchFilename; ScratchFilename += IncludingHFI.Framework; ScratchFilename += '/'; ScratchFilename += Filename; const FileEntry *Result = LookupFile(ScratchFilename, /*isAngled=*/true, FromDir, CurDir, CurFileEnt, SearchPath, RelativePath, SuggestedModule); std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> &CacheLookup = LookupFileCache.GetOrCreateValue(Filename).getValue(); CacheLookup.second = LookupFileCache.GetOrCreateValue(ScratchFilename).getValue().second; return Result; } } // Otherwise, didn't find it. Remember we didn't find this. CacheLookup.second = SearchDirs.size(); return 0; }
/// DoFrameworkLookup - Do a lookup of the specified file in the current /// DirectoryLookup, which is a framework directory. const FileEntry *DirectoryLookup::DoFrameworkLookup( StringRef Filename, HeaderSearch &HS, SmallVectorImpl<char> *SearchPath, SmallVectorImpl<char> *RelativePath, Module **SuggestedModule, bool &InUserSpecifiedSystemFramework) const { FileManager &FileMgr = HS.getFileMgr(); // Framework names must have a '/' in the filename. size_t SlashPos = Filename.find('/'); if (SlashPos == StringRef::npos) return 0; // Find out if this is the home for the specified framework, by checking // HeaderSearch. Possible answers are yes/no and unknown. HeaderSearch::FrameworkCacheEntry &CacheEntry = HS.LookupFrameworkCache(Filename.substr(0, SlashPos)); // If it is known and in some other directory, fail. if (CacheEntry.Directory && CacheEntry.Directory != getFrameworkDir()) return 0; // Otherwise, construct the path to this framework dir. // FrameworkName = "/System/Library/Frameworks/" SmallString<1024> FrameworkName; FrameworkName += getFrameworkDir()->getName(); if (FrameworkName.empty() || FrameworkName.back() != '/') FrameworkName.push_back('/'); // FrameworkName = "/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa" StringRef ModuleName(Filename.begin(), SlashPos); FrameworkName += ModuleName; // FrameworkName = "/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/" FrameworkName += ".framework/"; // If the cache entry was unresolved, populate it now. if (CacheEntry.Directory == 0) { HS.IncrementFrameworkLookupCount(); // If the framework dir doesn't exist, we fail. const DirectoryEntry *Dir = FileMgr.getDirectory(FrameworkName.str()); if (Dir == 0) return 0; // Otherwise, if it does, remember that this is the right direntry for this // framework. CacheEntry.Directory = getFrameworkDir(); // If this is a user search directory, check if the framework has been // user-specified as a system framework. if (getDirCharacteristic() == SrcMgr::C_User) { SmallString<1024> SystemFrameworkMarker(FrameworkName); SystemFrameworkMarker += ".system_framework"; if (llvm::sys::fs::exists(SystemFrameworkMarker.str())) { CacheEntry.IsUserSpecifiedSystemFramework = true; } } } // Set the 'user-specified system framework' flag. InUserSpecifiedSystemFramework = CacheEntry.IsUserSpecifiedSystemFramework; if (RelativePath != NULL) { RelativePath->clear(); RelativePath->append(Filename.begin()+SlashPos+1, Filename.end()); } // If we're allowed to look for modules, try to load or create the module // corresponding to this framework. Module *Module = 0; if (SuggestedModule) { if (const DirectoryEntry *FrameworkDir = FileMgr.getDirectory(FrameworkName)) { bool IsSystem = getDirCharacteristic() != SrcMgr::C_User; Module = HS.loadFrameworkModule(ModuleName, FrameworkDir, IsSystem); } } // Check "/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Headers/file.h" unsigned OrigSize = FrameworkName.size(); FrameworkName += "Headers/"; if (SearchPath != NULL) { SearchPath->clear(); // Without trailing '/'. SearchPath->append(FrameworkName.begin(), FrameworkName.end()-1); } // Determine whether this is the module we're building or not. bool AutomaticImport = Module; FrameworkName.append(Filename.begin()+SlashPos+1, Filename.end()); if (const FileEntry *FE = FileMgr.getFile(FrameworkName.str(), /*openFile=*/!AutomaticImport)) { if (AutomaticImport) *SuggestedModule = HS.findModuleForHeader(FE); return FE; } // Check "/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/PrivateHeaders/file.h" const char *Private = "Private"; FrameworkName.insert(FrameworkName.begin()+OrigSize, Private, Private+strlen(Private)); if (SearchPath != NULL) SearchPath->insert(SearchPath->begin()+OrigSize, Private, Private+strlen(Private)); const FileEntry *FE = FileMgr.getFile(FrameworkName.str(), /*openFile=*/!AutomaticImport); if (FE && AutomaticImport) *SuggestedModule = HS.findModuleForHeader(FE); return FE; }
/// LookupFile - Given a "foo" or \<foo> reference, look up the indicated file, /// return null on failure. isAngled indicates whether the file reference is /// for system \#include's or not (i.e. using <> instead of ""). Includers, if /// non-empty, indicates where the \#including file(s) are, in case a relative /// search is needed. Microsoft mode will pass all \#including files. const FileEntry *HeaderSearch::LookupFile( StringRef Filename, SourceLocation IncludeLoc, bool isAngled, const DirectoryLookup *FromDir, const DirectoryLookup *&CurDir, ArrayRef<const FileEntry *> Includers, SmallVectorImpl<char> *SearchPath, SmallVectorImpl<char> *RelativePath, ModuleMap::KnownHeader *SuggestedModule, bool SkipCache) { if (!HSOpts->ModuleMapFiles.empty()) { // Preload all explicitly specified module map files. This enables modules // map files lying in a directory structure separate from the header files // that they describe. These cannot be loaded lazily upon encountering a // header file, as there is no other known mapping from a header file to its // module map file. for (llvm::SetVector<std::string>::iterator I = HSOpts->ModuleMapFiles.begin(), E = HSOpts->ModuleMapFiles.end(); I != E; ++I) { const FileEntry *File = FileMgr.getFile(*I); if (!File) continue; loadModuleMapFile(File, /*IsSystem=*/false); } HSOpts->ModuleMapFiles.clear(); } if (SuggestedModule) *SuggestedModule = ModuleMap::KnownHeader(); // If 'Filename' is absolute, check to see if it exists and no searching. if (llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(Filename)) { CurDir = 0; // If this was an #include_next "/absolute/file", fail. if (FromDir) return 0; if (SearchPath != NULL) SearchPath->clear(); if (RelativePath != NULL) { RelativePath->clear(); RelativePath->append(Filename.begin(), Filename.end()); } // Otherwise, just return the file. return FileMgr.getFile(Filename, /*openFile=*/true); } // This is the header that MSVC's header search would have found. const FileEntry *MSFE = 0; // Unless disabled, check to see if the file is in the #includer's // directory. This cannot be based on CurDir, because each includer could be // a #include of a subdirectory (#include "foo/bar.h") and a subsequent // include of "baz.h" should resolve to "whatever/foo/baz.h". // This search is not done for <> headers. if (!Includers.empty() && !isAngled && !NoCurDirSearch) { SmallString<1024> TmpDir; for (ArrayRef<const FileEntry *>::iterator I = Includers.begin(), E = Includers.end(); I != E; ++I) { const FileEntry *Includer = *I; // Concatenate the requested file onto the directory. // FIXME: Portability. Filename concatenation should be in sys::Path. TmpDir = Includer->getDir()->getName(); TmpDir.push_back('/'); TmpDir.append(Filename.begin(), Filename.end()); if (const FileEntry *FE = FileMgr.getFile(TmpDir.str(), /*openFile=*/true)) { // Leave CurDir unset. // This file is a system header or C++ unfriendly if the old file is. // // Note that we only use one of FromHFI/ToHFI at once, due to potential // reallocation of the underlying vector potentially making the first // reference binding dangling. HeaderFileInfo &FromHFI = getFileInfo(Includer); unsigned DirInfo = FromHFI.DirInfo; bool IndexHeaderMapHeader = FromHFI.IndexHeaderMapHeader; StringRef Framework = FromHFI.Framework; HeaderFileInfo &ToHFI = getFileInfo(FE); ToHFI.DirInfo = DirInfo; ToHFI.IndexHeaderMapHeader = IndexHeaderMapHeader; ToHFI.Framework = Framework; if (SearchPath != NULL) { StringRef SearchPathRef(Includer->getDir()->getName()); SearchPath->clear(); SearchPath->append(SearchPathRef.begin(), SearchPathRef.end()); } if (RelativePath != NULL) { RelativePath->clear(); RelativePath->append(Filename.begin(), Filename.end()); } if (I == Includers.begin()) return FE; // Otherwise, we found the path via MSVC header search rules. If // -Wmsvc-include is enabled, we have to keep searching to see if we // would've found this header in -I or -isystem directories. if (Diags.getDiagnosticLevel(diag::ext_pp_include_search_ms, IncludeLoc) == DiagnosticsEngine::Ignored) { return FE; } else { MSFE = FE; break; } } } } CurDir = 0; // If this is a system #include, ignore the user #include locs. unsigned i = isAngled ? AngledDirIdx : 0; // If this is a #include_next request, start searching after the directory the // file was found in. if (FromDir) i = FromDir-&SearchDirs[0]; // Cache all of the lookups performed by this method. Many headers are // multiply included, and the "pragma once" optimization prevents them from // being relex/pp'd, but they would still have to search through a // (potentially huge) series of SearchDirs to find it. std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> &CacheLookup = LookupFileCache.GetOrCreateValue(Filename).getValue(); // If the entry has been previously looked up, the first value will be // non-zero. If the value is equal to i (the start point of our search), then // this is a matching hit. if (!SkipCache && CacheLookup.first == i+1) { // Skip querying potentially lots of directories for this lookup. i = CacheLookup.second; } else { // Otherwise, this is the first query, or the previous query didn't match // our search start. We will fill in our found location below, so prime the // start point value. CacheLookup.first = i+1; } SmallString<64> MappedName; // Check each directory in sequence to see if it contains this file. for (; i != SearchDirs.size(); ++i) { bool InUserSpecifiedSystemFramework = false; const FileEntry *FE = SearchDirs[i].LookupFile(Filename, *this, SearchPath, RelativePath, SuggestedModule, InUserSpecifiedSystemFramework, MappedName); if (!FE) continue; CurDir = &SearchDirs[i]; // This file is a system header or C++ unfriendly if the dir is. HeaderFileInfo &HFI = getFileInfo(FE); HFI.DirInfo = CurDir->getDirCharacteristic(); // If the directory characteristic is User but this framework was // user-specified to be treated as a system framework, promote the // characteristic. if (HFI.DirInfo == SrcMgr::C_User && InUserSpecifiedSystemFramework) HFI.DirInfo = SrcMgr::C_System; // If the filename matches a known system header prefix, override // whether the file is a system header. for (unsigned j = SystemHeaderPrefixes.size(); j; --j) { if (Filename.startswith(SystemHeaderPrefixes[j-1].first)) { HFI.DirInfo = SystemHeaderPrefixes[j-1].second ? SrcMgr::C_System : SrcMgr::C_User; break; } } // If this file is found in a header map and uses the framework style of // includes, then this header is part of a framework we're building. if (CurDir->isIndexHeaderMap()) { size_t SlashPos = Filename.find('/'); if (SlashPos != StringRef::npos) { HFI.IndexHeaderMapHeader = 1; HFI.Framework = getUniqueFrameworkName(StringRef(Filename.begin(), SlashPos)); } } if (checkMSVCHeaderSearch(Diags, MSFE, FE, IncludeLoc)) return MSFE; // Remember this location for the next lookup we do. CacheLookup.second = i; return FE; } // If we are including a file with a quoted include "foo.h" from inside // a header in a framework that is currently being built, and we couldn't // resolve "foo.h" any other way, change the include to <Foo/foo.h>, where // "Foo" is the name of the framework in which the including header was found. if (!Includers.empty() && !isAngled && Filename.find('/') == StringRef::npos) { HeaderFileInfo &IncludingHFI = getFileInfo(Includers.front()); if (IncludingHFI.IndexHeaderMapHeader) { SmallString<128> ScratchFilename; ScratchFilename += IncludingHFI.Framework; ScratchFilename += '/'; ScratchFilename += Filename; const FileEntry *FE = LookupFile( ScratchFilename, IncludeLoc, /*isAngled=*/true, FromDir, CurDir, Includers.front(), SearchPath, RelativePath, SuggestedModule); if (checkMSVCHeaderSearch(Diags, MSFE, FE, IncludeLoc)) return MSFE; std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> &CacheLookup = LookupFileCache.GetOrCreateValue(Filename).getValue(); CacheLookup.second = LookupFileCache.GetOrCreateValue(ScratchFilename).getValue().second; return FE; } } if (checkMSVCHeaderSearch(Diags, MSFE, 0, IncludeLoc)) return MSFE; // Otherwise, didn't find it. Remember we didn't find this. CacheLookup.second = SearchDirs.size(); return 0; }
/// StringifyArgument - Implement C99, converting a sequence of /// tokens into the literal string token that should be produced by the C # /// preprocessor operator. If Charify is true, then it should be turned into /// a character literal for the Microsoft charize (#@) extension. /// Token MacroArgs::StringifyArgument(const Token *ArgToks, Preprocessor &PP, bool Charify, SourceLocation ExpansionLocStart, SourceLocation ExpansionLocEnd) { Token Tok; Tok.startToken(); Tok.setKind(Charify ? tok::char_constant : tok::string_literal); const Token *ArgTokStart = ArgToks; // Stringify all the tokens. SmallString<128> Result; Result += "\""; bool isFirst = true; for (; ArgToks->isNot(tok::eof); ++ArgToks) { const Token &Tok = *ArgToks; if (!isFirst && (Tok.hasLeadingSpace() || Tok.isAtStartOfLine())) Result += ' '; isFirst = false; // If this is a string or character constant, escape the token as specified // by if (tok::isStringLiteral(Tok.getKind()) || // "foo", u8R"x(foo)x"_bar, etc. || // 'x' || // L'x'. || // u8'x'. || // u'x'. { // U'x'. bool Invalid = false; std::string TokStr = PP.getSpelling(Tok, &Invalid); if (!Invalid) { std::string Str = Lexer::Stringify(TokStr); Result.append(Str.begin(), Str.end()); } } else if ( { PP.CodeCompleteNaturalLanguage(); } else { // Otherwise, just append the token. Do some gymnastics to get the token // in place and avoid copies where possible. unsigned CurStrLen = Result.size(); Result.resize(CurStrLen+Tok.getLength()); const char *BufPtr = + CurStrLen; bool Invalid = false; unsigned ActualTokLen = PP.getSpelling(Tok, BufPtr, &Invalid); if (!Invalid) { // If getSpelling returned a pointer to an already uniqued version of // the string instead of filling in BufPtr, memcpy it onto our string. if (ActualTokLen && BufPtr != &Result[CurStrLen]) memcpy(&Result[CurStrLen], BufPtr, ActualTokLen); // If the token was dirty, the spelling may be shorter than the token. if (ActualTokLen != Tok.getLength()) Result.resize(CurStrLen+ActualTokLen); } } } // If the last character of the string is a \, and if it isn't escaped, this // is an invalid string literal, diagnose it as specified in C99. if (Result.back() == '\\') { // Count the number of consecutive \ characters. If even, then they are // just escaped backslashes, otherwise it's an error. unsigned FirstNonSlash = Result.size()-2; // Guaranteed to find the starting " if nothing else. while (Result[FirstNonSlash] == '\\') --FirstNonSlash; if ((Result.size()-1-FirstNonSlash) & 1) { // Diagnose errors for things like: #define F(X) #X / F(\) PP.Diag(ArgToks[-1], diag::pp_invalid_string_literal); Result.pop_back(); // remove one of the \'s. } } Result += '"'; // If this is the charify operation and the result is not a legal character // constant, diagnose it. if (Charify) { // First step, turn double quotes into single quotes: Result[0] = '\''; Result[Result.size()-1] = '\''; // Check for bogus character. bool isBad = false; if (Result.size() == 3) isBad = Result[1] == '\''; // ''' is not legal. '\' already fixed above. else isBad = (Result.size() != 4 || Result[1] != '\\'); // Not '\x' if (isBad) { PP.Diag(ArgTokStart[0], diag::err_invalid_character_to_charify); Result = "' '"; // Use something arbitrary, but legal. } } PP.CreateString(Result, Tok, ExpansionLocStart, ExpansionLocEnd); return Tok; }
static std::string getImplibPath(StringRef Path) { SmallString<128> Out = StringRef("lib"); Out.append(Path); sys::path::replace_extension(Out, ".a"); return Out.str(); }