Esempio n. 1
void RewriteBlocks::RewriteBlockPointerFunctionArgs(FunctionDecl *FD) {
  SourceLocation DeclLoc = FD->getLocation();
  unsigned parenCount = 0;
  // We have 1 or more arguments that have closure pointers.
  const char *startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(DeclLoc);
  const char *startArgList = strchr(startBuf, '(');
  assert((*startArgList == '(') && "Rewriter fuzzy parser confused");
  // advance the location to startArgList.
  DeclLoc = DeclLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(startArgList-startBuf);
  assert((DeclLoc.isValid()) && "Invalid DeclLoc");
  const char *argPtr = startArgList;
  while (*argPtr++ && parenCount) {
    switch (*argPtr) {
      case '^': 
        // Replace the '^' with '*'.
        DeclLoc = DeclLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(argPtr-startArgList);
        ReplaceText(DeclLoc, 1, "*", 1);
      case '(': 
      case ')': 
Esempio n. 2
Stmt *RewritePRET::RewritePRETTryStmt(PRETTryStmt *S) {
  //printf("Rewriting a PRET tryin statment.\n");
  SourceLocation startLoc = S->getLocStart();
  const char *startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(startLoc);

  std::string buf;
  std::string deadreg;
  deadreg = '0' + S->getDeadlineRegister();
  buf += "if (_setjmp(PRET_jmpbuf_" + deadreg
         + ") == 0) /* tryin block */ {\n";
  buf += "DEADLOADBRANCH" + deadreg;
  // Argument to tryin block actually goes to DEADBRANCH statement
  const char *lParenLoc = strchr(startBuf, '(');
  ReplaceText(startLoc, lParenLoc-startBuf, buf.c_str(), buf.size());
  // Add in if and setjmp code
  startLoc = S->getTryBlock()->getLocStart();
  buf = ";";
  ReplaceText(startLoc, 1, buf.c_str(), buf.size());

  // Add DEADEND at end of try block
  startLoc = S->getTryBlock()->getLocEnd();
  startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(startLoc);
  assert((*startBuf == '}') && "bogus tryin block");
  buf = "DEADLOAD" + deadreg + "(0);\n";
  InsertText(startLoc, buf.c_str(), buf.size());
  // Replace catch stament with an else statment
  startLoc = startLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(1);
  buf = " else /* catch block */ ";
  const char *lBraceLoc = strchr(startBuf, '{');
  ReplaceText(startLoc, lBraceLoc-startBuf-1, buf.c_str(), buf.size());

  return S;
Esempio n. 3
void RewriteBlocks::RewriteBlockPointerDecl(NamedDecl *ND) {
  if (FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(ND)) {
  // Handle Variables and Typedefs.
  SourceLocation DeclLoc = ND->getLocation();
  QualType DeclT;
  if (VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(ND))
    DeclT = VD->getType();
  else if (TypedefDecl *TDD = dyn_cast<TypedefDecl>(ND))
    DeclT = TDD->getUnderlyingType();
  else if (FieldDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(ND))
    DeclT = FD->getType();
    assert(0 && "RewriteBlockPointerDecl(): Decl type not yet handled");
  const char *startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(DeclLoc);
  const char *endBuf = startBuf;
  // scan backward (from the decl location) for the end of the previous decl.
  while (*startBuf != '^' && *startBuf != ';' && startBuf != MainFileStart)
  // *startBuf != '^' if we are dealing with a pointer to function that
  // may take block argument types (which will be handled below).
  if (*startBuf == '^') {
    // Replace the '^' with '*', computing a negative offset.
    DeclLoc = DeclLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(startBuf-endBuf);
    ReplaceText(DeclLoc, 1, "*", 1);
  if (PointerTypeTakesAnyBlockArguments(DeclT)) {
    // Replace the '^' with '*' for arguments.
    DeclLoc = ND->getLocation();
    startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(DeclLoc);
    const char *argListBegin, *argListEnd;
    GetExtentOfArgList(startBuf, argListBegin, argListEnd);
    while (argListBegin < argListEnd) {
      if (*argListBegin == '^') {
        SourceLocation CaretLoc = DeclLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(argListBegin-startBuf);
        ReplaceText(CaretLoc, 1, "*", 1);
Esempio n. 4
/// AdvanceToTokenCharacter - Given a location that specifies the start of a
/// token, return a new location that specifies a character within the token.
SourceLocation Preprocessor::AdvanceToTokenCharacter(SourceLocation TokStart,
                                                     unsigned CharNo) {
  // Figure out how many physical characters away the specified instantiation
  // character is.  This needs to take into consideration newlines and
  // trigraphs.
  bool Invalid = false;
  const char *TokPtr = SourceMgr.getCharacterData(TokStart, &Invalid);

  // If they request the first char of the token, we're trivially done.
  if (Invalid || (CharNo == 0 && Lexer::isObviouslySimpleCharacter(*TokPtr)))
    return TokStart;

  unsigned PhysOffset = 0;

  // The usual case is that tokens don't contain anything interesting.  Skip
  // over the uninteresting characters.  If a token only consists of simple
  // chars, this method is extremely fast.
  while (Lexer::isObviouslySimpleCharacter(*TokPtr)) {
    if (CharNo == 0)
      return TokStart.getFileLocWithOffset(PhysOffset);
    ++TokPtr, --CharNo, ++PhysOffset;

  // If we have a character that may be a trigraph or escaped newline, use a
  // lexer to parse it correctly.
  for (; CharNo; --CharNo) {
    unsigned Size;
    Lexer::getCharAndSizeNoWarn(TokPtr, Size, Features);
    TokPtr += Size;
    PhysOffset += Size;

  // Final detail: if we end up on an escaped newline, we want to return the
  // location of the actual byte of the token.  For example foo\<newline>bar
  // advanced by 3 should return the location of b, not of \\.  One compounding
  // detail of this is that the escape may be made by a trigraph.
  if (!Lexer::isObviouslySimpleCharacter(*TokPtr))
    PhysOffset += Lexer::SkipEscapedNewLines(TokPtr)-TokPtr;

  return TokStart.getFileLocWithOffset(PhysOffset);
Esempio n. 5
Stmt *RewritePRET::RewriteMainBody(Stmt *S) {
  SourceLocation startLoc = S->getLocStart();
  startLoc = startLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(1);
  std::string buf = "";
  for (int i = 0; i < CurrentDeadlineRegister; i++) {
    buf += "register_jmpbuf(";
    buf += '0' + i;
    buf += ", &PRET_jmpbuf_";
    buf += '0' + i;
    buf += ");\n";
  InsertText(startLoc, buf.c_str(), buf.size());

  return S;
Esempio n. 6
void RewriteBlocks::RewriteCastExpr(CastExpr *CE) {
  SourceLocation LocStart = CE->getLocStart();
  SourceLocation LocEnd = CE->getLocEnd();
  if (!Rewriter::isRewritable(LocStart) || !Rewriter::isRewritable(LocEnd))
  const char *startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(LocStart);
  const char *endBuf = SM->getCharacterData(LocEnd);
  // advance the location to startArgList.
  const char *argPtr = startBuf;
  while (*argPtr++ && (argPtr < endBuf)) {
    switch (*argPtr) {
      case '^': 
        // Replace the '^' with '*'.
        LocStart = LocStart.getFileLocWithOffset(argPtr-startBuf);
        ReplaceText(LocStart, 1, "*", 1);
Esempio n. 7
/// ParseDirective - Go through the comment and see if it indicates expected
/// diagnostics. If so, then put them in the appropriate directive list.
static void ParseDirective(const char *CommentStart, unsigned CommentLen,
                           ExpectedData &ED, Preprocessor &PP,
                           SourceLocation Pos) {
  // A single comment may contain multiple directives.
  for (ParseHelper PH(CommentStart, CommentStart+CommentLen); !PH.Done();) {
    // search for token: expected
    if (!PH.Search("expected"))

    // next token: -
    if (!PH.Next("-"))

    // next token: { error | warning | note }
    DirectiveList* DL = NULL;
    if (PH.Next("error"))
      DL = &ED.Errors;
    else if (PH.Next("warning"))
      DL = &ED.Warnings;
    else if (PH.Next("note"))
      DL = &ED.Notes;

    // default directive kind
    bool RegexKind = false;
    const char* KindStr = "string";

    // next optional token: -
    if (PH.Next("-re")) {
      RegexKind = true;
      KindStr = "regex";

    // skip optional whitespace

    // next optional token: positive integer
    unsigned Count = 1;
    if (PH.Next(Count))

    // skip optional whitespace

    // next token: {{
    if (!PH.Next("{{")) {
              diag::err_verify_missing_start) << KindStr;
    const char* const ContentBegin = PH.C; // mark content begin

    // search for token: }}
    if (!PH.Search("}}")) {
              diag::err_verify_missing_end) << KindStr;
    const char* const ContentEnd = PH.P; // mark content end

    // build directive text; convert \n to newlines
    std::string Text;
    llvm::StringRef NewlineStr = "\\n";
    llvm::StringRef Content(ContentBegin, ContentEnd-ContentBegin);
    size_t CPos = 0;
    size_t FPos;
    while ((FPos = Content.find(NewlineStr, CPos)) != llvm::StringRef::npos) {
      Text += Content.substr(CPos, FPos-CPos);
      Text += '\n';
      CPos = FPos + NewlineStr.size();
    if (Text.empty())
      Text.assign(ContentBegin, ContentEnd);

    // construct new directive
    Directive *D = Directive::Create(RegexKind, Pos, Text, Count);
    std::string Error;
    if (D->isValid(Error))
    else {
        << KindStr << Error;
Esempio n. 8
/// Finish - This does final analysis of the declspec, rejecting things like
/// "_Imaginary" (lacking an FP type).  This returns a diagnostic to issue or
/// diag::NUM_DIAGNOSTICS if there is no error.  After calling this method,
/// DeclSpec is guaranteed self-consistent, even if an error occurred.
void DeclSpec::Finish(Diagnostic &D, Preprocessor &PP) {
  // Check the type specifier components first.
  SourceManager &SrcMgr = PP.getSourceManager();

  // signed/unsigned are only valid with int/char/wchar_t.
  if (TypeSpecSign != TSS_unspecified) {
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int; // unsigned -> unsigned int, signed -> signed int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int  &&
             TypeSpecType != TST_char && TypeSpecType != TST_wchar) {
      Diag(D, TSSLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_invalid_sign_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      // signed double -> double.
      TypeSpecSign = TSS_unspecified;

  // Validate the width of the type.
  switch (TypeSpecWidth) {
  case TSW_unspecified: break;
  case TSW_short:    // short int
  case TSW_longlong: // long long int
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int; // short -> short int, long long -> long long int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int) {
      Diag(D, TSWLoc, SrcMgr,
           TypeSpecWidth == TSW_short ? diag::err_invalid_short_spec
                                      : diag::err_invalid_longlong_spec)
        <<  getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;
  case TSW_long:  // long double, long int
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;  // long -> long int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int && TypeSpecType != TST_double) {
      Diag(D, TSWLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_invalid_long_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;

  // TODO: if the implementation does not implement _Complex or _Imaginary,
  // disallow their use.  Need information about the backend.
  if (TypeSpecComplex != TSC_unspecified) {
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified) {
      Diag(D, TSCLoc, SrcMgr, diag::ext_plain_complex)
        << CodeModificationHint::CreateInsertion(
                                                 " double");
      TypeSpecType = TST_double;   // _Complex -> _Complex double.
    } else if (TypeSpecType == TST_int || TypeSpecType == TST_char) {
      // Note that this intentionally doesn't include _Complex _Bool.
      Diag(D, TSTLoc, SrcMgr, diag::ext_integer_complex);
    } else if (TypeSpecType != TST_float && TypeSpecType != TST_double) {
      Diag(D, TSCLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_invalid_complex_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      TypeSpecComplex = TSC_unspecified;

  // C++ [class.friend]p6:
  //   No storage-class-specifier shall appear in the decl-specifier-seq
  //   of a friend declaration.
  if (isFriendSpecified() && getStorageClassSpec()) {
    DeclSpec::SCS SC = getStorageClassSpec();
    const char *SpecName = getSpecifierName(SC);

    SourceLocation SCLoc = getStorageClassSpecLoc();
    SourceLocation SCEndLoc = SCLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(strlen(SpecName));

    Diag(D, SCLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_friend_storage_spec)
      << SpecName
      << CodeModificationHint::CreateRemoval(SourceRange(SCLoc, SCEndLoc));


  // Okay, now we can infer the real type.

  // TODO: return "auto function" and other bad things based on the real type.

  // 'data definition has no type or storage class'?
Esempio n. 9
/// Finish - This does final analysis of the declspec, rejecting things like
/// "_Imaginary" (lacking an FP type).  This returns a diagnostic to issue or
/// diag::NUM_DIAGNOSTICS if there is no error.  After calling this method,
/// DeclSpec is guaranteed self-consistent, even if an error occurred.
void DeclSpec::Finish(Diagnostic &D, Preprocessor &PP) {
  // Before possibly changing their values, save specs as written.

  // Check the type specifier components first.

  // Validate and finalize AltiVec vector declspec.
  if (TypeAltiVecVector) {
    if (TypeAltiVecBool) {
      // Sign specifiers are not allowed with vector bool. (PIM 2.1)
      if (TypeSpecSign != TSS_unspecified) {
        Diag(D, TSSLoc, diag::err_invalid_vector_bool_decl_spec)
          << getSpecifierName((TSS)TypeSpecSign);

      // Only char/int are valid with vector bool. (PIM 2.1)
      if (((TypeSpecType != TST_unspecified) && (TypeSpecType != TST_char) &&
           (TypeSpecType != TST_int)) || TypeAltiVecPixel) {
        Diag(D, TSTLoc, diag::err_invalid_vector_bool_decl_spec)
          << (TypeAltiVecPixel ? "__pixel" :

      // Only 'short' is valid with vector bool. (PIM 2.1)
      if ((TypeSpecWidth != TSW_unspecified) && (TypeSpecWidth != TSW_short))
        Diag(D, TSWLoc, diag::err_invalid_vector_bool_decl_spec)
          << getSpecifierName((TSW)TypeSpecWidth);

      // Elements of vector bool are interpreted as unsigned. (PIM 2.1)
      if ((TypeSpecType == TST_char) || (TypeSpecType == TST_int) ||
          (TypeSpecWidth != TSW_unspecified))
        TypeSpecSign = TSS_unsigned;

    if (TypeAltiVecPixel) {
      //TODO: perform validation
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;
      TypeSpecSign = TSS_unsigned;
      TypeSpecWidth = TSW_short;
      TypeSpecOwned = false;

  // signed/unsigned are only valid with int/char/wchar_t.
  if (TypeSpecSign != TSS_unspecified) {
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int; // unsigned -> unsigned int, signed -> signed int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int  &&
             TypeSpecType != TST_char && TypeSpecType != TST_wchar) {
      Diag(D, TSSLoc, diag::err_invalid_sign_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      // signed double -> double.
      TypeSpecSign = TSS_unspecified;

  // Validate the width of the type.
  switch (TypeSpecWidth) {
  case TSW_unspecified: break;
  case TSW_short:    // short int
  case TSW_longlong: // long long int
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int; // short -> short int, long long -> long long int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int) {
      Diag(D, TSWLoc,
           TypeSpecWidth == TSW_short ? diag::err_invalid_short_spec
                                      : diag::err_invalid_longlong_spec)
        <<  getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;
      TypeSpecOwned = false;
  case TSW_long:  // long double, long int
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;  // long -> long int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int && TypeSpecType != TST_double) {
      Diag(D, TSWLoc, diag::err_invalid_long_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;
      TypeSpecOwned = false;

  // TODO: if the implementation does not implement _Complex or _Imaginary,
  // disallow their use.  Need information about the backend.
  if (TypeSpecComplex != TSC_unspecified) {
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified) {
      Diag(D, TSCLoc, diag::ext_plain_complex)
        << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(
                                                 " double");
      TypeSpecType = TST_double;   // _Complex -> _Complex double.
    } else if (TypeSpecType == TST_int || TypeSpecType == TST_char) {
      // Note that this intentionally doesn't include _Complex _Bool.
      Diag(D, TSTLoc, diag::ext_integer_complex);
    } else if (TypeSpecType != TST_float && TypeSpecType != TST_double) {
      Diag(D, TSCLoc, diag::err_invalid_complex_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      TypeSpecComplex = TSC_unspecified;

  // C++ [class.friend]p6:
  //   No storage-class-specifier shall appear in the decl-specifier-seq
  //   of a friend declaration.
  if (isFriendSpecified() && getStorageClassSpec()) {
    DeclSpec::SCS SC = getStorageClassSpec();
    const char *SpecName = getSpecifierName(SC);

    SourceLocation SCLoc = getStorageClassSpecLoc();
    SourceLocation SCEndLoc = SCLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(strlen(SpecName));

    Diag(D, SCLoc, diag::err_friend_storage_spec)
      << SpecName
      << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(SourceRange(SCLoc, SCEndLoc));


  assert(!TypeSpecOwned || isDeclRep((TST) TypeSpecType));

  // Okay, now we can infer the real type.

  // TODO: return "auto function" and other bad things based on the real type.

  // 'data definition has no type or storage class'?
Esempio n. 10
void html::AddHeaderFooterInternalBuiltinCSS(Rewriter& R, FileID FID, 
                                             const char *title) {

  const llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buf = R.getSourceMgr().getBuffer(FID);
  const char* FileStart = Buf->getBufferStart();
  const char* FileEnd = Buf->getBufferEnd();

  SourceLocation StartLoc = R.getSourceMgr().getLocForStartOfFile(FID);
  SourceLocation EndLoc = StartLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(FileEnd-FileStart);

  std::string s;
  llvm::raw_string_ostream os(s);
  os << "<!doctype html>\n" // Use HTML 5 doctype
  if (title)
    os << "<title>" << html::EscapeText(title) << "</title>\n";
  os << "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
      " body { color:#000000; background-color:#ffffff }\n"
      " body { font-family:Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt }\n"
      " h1 { font-size:14pt }\n"
      " .code { border-collapse:collapse; width:100%; }\n"
      " .code { font-family: \"Andale Mono\", monospace; font-size:10pt }\n"
      " .code { line-height: 1.2em }\n"
      " .comment { color: green; font-style: oblique }\n"
      " .keyword { color: blue }\n"
      " .string_literal { color: red }\n"
      " .directive { color: darkmagenta }\n"
      // Macro expansions.
      " .expansion { display: none; }\n"
      " .macro:hover .expansion { display: block; border: 2px solid #FF0000; "
          "padding: 2px; background-color:#FFF0F0; font-weight: normal; "
          "  -webkit-border-radius:5px;  -webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 7px #000; "
          "position: absolute; top: -1em; left:10em; z-index: 1 } \n"
      " .macro { color: darkmagenta; background-color:LemonChiffon;"
             // Macros are position: relative to provide base for expansions.
             " position: relative }\n"
      " .num { width:2.5em; padding-right:2ex; background-color:#eeeeee }\n"
      " .num { text-align:right; font-size:8pt }\n"
      " .num { color:#444444 }\n"
      " .line { padding-left: 1ex; border-left: 3px solid #ccc }\n"
      " .line { white-space: pre }\n"
      " .msg { -webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 7px #000 }\n"
      " .msg { -webkit-border-radius:5px }\n"
      " .msg { font-family:Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:8pt }\n"
      " .msg { float:left }\n"
      " .msg { padding:0.25em 1ex 0.25em 1ex }\n"
      " .msg { margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px }\n"
      " .msg { font-weight:bold }\n"
      " .msg { max-width:60em; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap }\n"
      " .msgT { padding:0x; spacing:0x }\n"
      " .msgEvent { background-color:#fff8b4; color:#000000 }\n"
      " .msgControl { background-color:#bbbbbb; color:#000000 }\n"
      " .mrange { background-color:#dfddf3 }\n"
      " .mrange { border-bottom:1px solid #6F9DBE }\n"
      " .PathIndex { font-weight: bold; padding:0px 5px 0px 5px; "
        "margin-right:5px; }\n"
      " .PathIndex { -webkit-border-radius:8px }\n"
      " .PathIndexEvent { background-color:#bfba87 }\n"
      " .PathIndexControl { background-color:#8c8c8c }\n"
      " .CodeInsertionHint { font-weight: bold; background-color: #10dd10 }\n"
      " .CodeRemovalHint { background-color:#de1010 }\n"
      " .CodeRemovalHint { border-bottom:1px solid #6F9DBE }\n"
      " table.simpletable {\n"
      "   padding: 5px;\n"
      "   font-size:12pt;\n"
      "   margin:20px;\n"
      "   border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px;\n"
      " }\n"
      " td.rowname {\n"
      "   text-align:right; font-weight:bold; color:#444444;\n"
      "   padding-right:2ex; }\n"

  // Generate header
  R.InsertStrBefore(StartLoc, os.str());
  // Generate footer
  R.InsertCStrAfter(EndLoc, "</body></html>\n");
Esempio n. 11
void RewriteBlocks::RewriteMethodDecl(ObjCMethodDecl *Method) {
  bool haveBlockPtrs = false;
  for (ObjCMethodDecl::param_iterator I = Method->param_begin(), 
       E = Method->param_end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (isBlockPointerType((*I)->getType()))
      haveBlockPtrs = true;
  if (!haveBlockPtrs)
  // Do a fuzzy rewrite.
  // We have 1 or more arguments that have closure pointers.
  SourceLocation Loc = Method->getLocStart();
  SourceLocation LocEnd = Method->getLocEnd();
  const char *startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(Loc);
  const char *endBuf = SM->getCharacterData(LocEnd);

  const char *methodPtr = startBuf;
  std::string Tag = "struct __block_impl *";
  while (*methodPtr++ && (methodPtr != endBuf)) {
    switch (*methodPtr) {
      case ':':
        if (*methodPtr == '(') {
          const char *scanType = ++methodPtr;
          bool foundBlockPointer = false;
          unsigned parenCount = 1;
          while (parenCount) {
            switch (*scanType) {
              case '(': 
              case ')': 
              case '^':
                foundBlockPointer = true;
          if (foundBlockPointer) {
            // advance the location to startArgList.
            Loc = Loc.getFileLocWithOffset(methodPtr-startBuf);
            assert((Loc.isValid()) && "Invalid Loc");
            ReplaceText(Loc, scanType-methodPtr-1, Tag.c_str(), Tag.size());
            // Advance startBuf. Since the underlying buffer has changed,
            // it's very important to advance startBuf (so we can correctly
            // compute a relative Loc the next time around).
            startBuf = methodPtr;
          // Advance the method ptr to the end of the type.
          methodPtr = scanType;