// Looks for the token matching the predicate and returns the range of the found
// token including trailing whitespace.
static SourceRange FindToken(const SourceManager &Sources,
                             const LangOptions &LangOpts,
                             SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
                             bool (*Pred)(const Token &)) {
  if (StartLoc.isMacroID() || EndLoc.isMacroID())
    return SourceRange();
  FileID File = Sources.getFileID(Sources.getSpellingLoc(StartLoc));
  StringRef Buf = Sources.getBufferData(File);
  const char *StartChar = Sources.getCharacterData(StartLoc);
  Lexer Lex(StartLoc, LangOpts, StartChar, StartChar, Buf.end());
  Token Tok;
  do {
    if (Pred(Tok)) {
      Token NextTok;
      return SourceRange(Tok.getLocation(), NextTok.getLocation());
  } while (Tok.isNot(tok::eof) && Tok.getLocation() < EndLoc);

  return SourceRange();
Esempio n. 2
/// \brief Check the range that we are going to remove and:
/// -Remove any trailing whitespace if possible.
/// -Insert a space if removing the range is going to mess up the source tokens.
static void adjustRemoval(const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts,
                          SourceLocation Loc, FileOffset offs,
                          unsigned &len, StringRef &text) {
  assert(len && text.empty());
  SourceLocation BeginTokLoc = Lexer::GetBeginningOfToken(Loc, SM, LangOpts);
  if (BeginTokLoc != Loc)
    return; // the range is not at the beginning of a token, keep the range.

  bool Invalid = false;
  StringRef buffer = SM.getBufferData(offs.getFID(), &Invalid);
  if (Invalid)

  unsigned begin = offs.getOffset();
  unsigned end = begin + len;

  // FIXME: Remove newline.

  if (begin == 0) {
    if (buffer[end] == ' ')

  if (buffer[end] == ' ') {
    if (canRemoveWhitespace(/*left=*/buffer[begin-1],

  if (!canBeJoined(buffer[begin-1], buffer[end], LangOpts))
    text = " ";
Esempio n. 3
/// \brief Emit a code snippet and caret line.
/// This routine emits a single line's code snippet and caret line..
/// \param Loc The location for the caret.
/// \param Ranges The underlined ranges for this code snippet.
/// \param Hints The FixIt hints active for this diagnostic.
void TextDiagnostic::emitSnippetAndCaret(
    SourceLocation Loc, DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level,
    SmallVectorImpl<CharSourceRange>& Ranges,
    ArrayRef<FixItHint> Hints,
    const SourceManager &SM) {
  assert(!Loc.isInvalid() && "must have a valid source location here");
  assert(Loc.isFileID() && "must have a file location here");

  // If caret diagnostics are enabled and we have location, we want to
  // emit the caret.  However, we only do this if the location moved
  // from the last diagnostic, if the last diagnostic was a note that
  // was part of a different warning or error diagnostic, or if the
  // diagnostic has ranges.  We don't want to emit the same caret
  // multiple times if one loc has multiple diagnostics.
  if (!DiagOpts->ShowCarets)
  if (Loc == LastLoc && Ranges.empty() && Hints.empty() &&
      (LastLevel != DiagnosticsEngine::Note || Level == LastLevel))

  // Decompose the location into a FID/Offset pair.
  std::pair<FileID, unsigned> LocInfo = SM.getDecomposedLoc(Loc);
  FileID FID = LocInfo.first;
  unsigned FileOffset = LocInfo.second;

  // Get information about the buffer it points into.
  bool Invalid = false;
  const char *BufStart = SM.getBufferData(FID, &Invalid).data();
  if (Invalid)

  unsigned LineNo = SM.getLineNumber(FID, FileOffset);
  unsigned ColNo = SM.getColumnNumber(FID, FileOffset);

  // Rewind from the current position to the start of the line.
  const char *TokPtr = BufStart+FileOffset;
  const char *LineStart = TokPtr-ColNo+1; // Column # is 1-based.

  // Compute the line end.  Scan forward from the error position to the end of
  // the line.
  const char *LineEnd = TokPtr;
  while (*LineEnd != '\n' && *LineEnd != '\r' && *LineEnd != '\0')

  // Copy the line of code into an std::string for ease of manipulation.
  std::string SourceLine(LineStart, LineEnd);

  // Create a line for the caret that is filled with spaces that is the same
  // length as the line of source code.
  std::string CaretLine(LineEnd-LineStart, ' ');

  const SourceColumnMap sourceColMap(SourceLine, DiagOpts->TabStop);

  // Highlight all of the characters covered by Ranges with ~ characters.
  for (SmallVectorImpl<CharSourceRange>::iterator I = Ranges.begin(),
                                                  E = Ranges.end();
       I != E; ++I)
    highlightRange(*I, LineNo, FID, sourceColMap, CaretLine, SM, LangOpts);

  // Next, insert the caret itself.
  ColNo = sourceColMap.byteToContainingColumn(ColNo-1);
  if (CaretLine.size()<ColNo+1)
    CaretLine.resize(ColNo+1, ' ');
  CaretLine[ColNo] = '^';

  std::string FixItInsertionLine = buildFixItInsertionLine(LineNo,
                                                           Hints, SM,

  // If the source line is too long for our terminal, select only the
  // "interesting" source region within that line.
  unsigned Columns = DiagOpts->MessageLength;
  if (Columns)
    selectInterestingSourceRegion(SourceLine, CaretLine, FixItInsertionLine,
                                  Columns, sourceColMap);

  // If we are in -fdiagnostics-print-source-range-info mode, we are trying
  // to produce easily machine parsable output.  Add a space before the
  // source line and the caret to make it trivial to tell the main diagnostic
  // line from what the user is intended to see.
  if (DiagOpts->ShowSourceRanges) {
    SourceLine = ' ' + SourceLine;
    CaretLine = ' ' + CaretLine;

  // Finally, remove any blank spaces from the end of CaretLine.
  while (CaretLine[CaretLine.size()-1] == ' ')

  // Emit what we have computed.

  if (DiagOpts->ShowColors)
    OS.changeColor(caretColor, true);
  OS << CaretLine << '\n';
  if (DiagOpts->ShowColors)

  if (!FixItInsertionLine.empty()) {
    if (DiagOpts->ShowColors)
      // Print fixit line in color
      OS.changeColor(fixitColor, false);
    if (DiagOpts->ShowSourceRanges)
      OS << ' ';
    OS << FixItInsertionLine << '\n';
    if (DiagOpts->ShowColors)

  // Print out any parseable fixit information requested by the options.
  emitParseableFixits(Hints, SM);
void TextDiagnosticPrinter::EmitCaretDiagnostic(SourceLocation Loc,
                                                SourceRange *Ranges,
                                                unsigned NumRanges,
                                                SourceManager &SM,
                                          const CodeModificationHint *Hints,
                                                unsigned NumHints,
                                                unsigned Columns) {
  assert(LangOpts && "Unexpected diagnostic outside source file processing");
  assert(!Loc.isInvalid() && "must have a valid source location here");

  // If this is a macro ID, first emit information about where this was
  // instantiated (recursively) then emit information about where the token was
  // spelled from.
  if (!Loc.isFileID()) {
    SourceLocation OneLevelUp = SM.getImmediateInstantiationRange(Loc).first;
    // FIXME: Map ranges?
    EmitCaretDiagnostic(OneLevelUp, Ranges, NumRanges, SM, 0, 0, Columns);

    // Map the location.
    Loc = SM.getImmediateSpellingLoc(Loc);

    // Map the ranges.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumRanges; ++i) {
      SourceLocation S = Ranges[i].getBegin(), E = Ranges[i].getEnd();
      if (S.isMacroID()) S = SM.getImmediateSpellingLoc(S);
      if (E.isMacroID()) E = SM.getImmediateSpellingLoc(E);
      Ranges[i] = SourceRange(S, E);
    // Get the pretty name, according to #line directives etc.
    PresumedLoc PLoc = SM.getPresumedLoc(Loc);
    // If this diagnostic is not in the main file, print out the "included from"
    // lines.
    if (LastWarningLoc != PLoc.getIncludeLoc()) {
      LastWarningLoc = PLoc.getIncludeLoc();
      PrintIncludeStack(LastWarningLoc, SM);

    if (DiagOpts->ShowLocation) {
      // Emit the file/line/column that this expansion came from.
      OS << PLoc.getFilename() << ':' << PLoc.getLine() << ':';
      if (DiagOpts->ShowColumn)
        OS << PLoc.getColumn() << ':';
      OS << ' ';
    OS << "note: instantiated from:\n";

    EmitCaretDiagnostic(Loc, Ranges, NumRanges, SM, Hints, NumHints, Columns);

  // Decompose the location into a FID/Offset pair.
  std::pair<FileID, unsigned> LocInfo = SM.getDecomposedLoc(Loc);
  FileID FID = LocInfo.first;
  unsigned FileOffset = LocInfo.second;

  // Get information about the buffer it points into.
  std::pair<const char*, const char*> BufferInfo = SM.getBufferData(FID);
  const char *BufStart = BufferInfo.first;

  unsigned ColNo = SM.getColumnNumber(FID, FileOffset);
  unsigned CaretEndColNo
    = ColNo + Lexer::MeasureTokenLength(Loc, SM, *LangOpts);

  // Rewind from the current position to the start of the line.
  const char *TokPtr = BufStart+FileOffset;
  const char *LineStart = TokPtr-ColNo+1; // Column # is 1-based.

  // Compute the line end.  Scan forward from the error position to the end of
  // the line.
  const char *LineEnd = TokPtr;
  while (*LineEnd != '\n' && *LineEnd != '\r' && *LineEnd != '\0')

  // FIXME: This shouldn't be necessary, but the CaretEndColNo can extend past
  // the source line length as currently being computed. See
  // test/Misc/message-length.c.
  CaretEndColNo = std::min(CaretEndColNo, unsigned(LineEnd - LineStart));

  // Copy the line of code into an std::string for ease of manipulation.
  std::string SourceLine(LineStart, LineEnd);

  // Create a line for the caret that is filled with spaces that is the same
  // length as the line of source code.
  std::string CaretLine(LineEnd-LineStart, ' ');

  // Highlight all of the characters covered by Ranges with ~ characters.
  if (NumRanges) {
    unsigned LineNo = SM.getLineNumber(FID, FileOffset);

    for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumRanges; i != e; ++i)
      HighlightRange(Ranges[i], SM, LineNo, FID, CaretLine, SourceLine);

  // Next, insert the caret itself.
  if (ColNo-1 < CaretLine.size())
    CaretLine[ColNo-1] = '^';

  // Scan the source line, looking for tabs.  If we find any, manually expand
  // them to spaces and update the CaretLine to match.
  for (unsigned i = 0; i != SourceLine.size(); ++i) {
    if (SourceLine[i] != '\t') continue;

    // Replace this tab with at least one space.
    SourceLine[i] = ' ';

    // Compute the number of spaces we need to insert.
    unsigned TabStop = DiagOpts->TabStop;
    assert(0 < TabStop && TabStop <= DiagnosticOptions::MaxTabStop &&
           "Invalid -ftabstop value");
    unsigned NumSpaces = ((i+TabStop)/TabStop * TabStop) - (i+1);
    assert(NumSpaces < TabStop && "Invalid computation of space amt");

    // Insert spaces into the SourceLine.
    SourceLine.insert(i+1, NumSpaces, ' ');

    // Insert spaces or ~'s into CaretLine.
    CaretLine.insert(i+1, NumSpaces, CaretLine[i] == '~' ? '~' : ' ');

  // If we are in -fdiagnostics-print-source-range-info mode, we are trying to
  // produce easily machine parsable output.  Add a space before the source line
  // and the caret to make it trivial to tell the main diagnostic line from what
  // the user is intended to see.
  if (DiagOpts->ShowSourceRanges) {
    SourceLine = ' ' + SourceLine;
    CaretLine = ' ' + CaretLine;

  std::string FixItInsertionLine;
  if (NumHints && DiagOpts->ShowFixits) {
    for (const CodeModificationHint *Hint = Hints, *LastHint = Hints + NumHints;
         Hint != LastHint; ++Hint) {
      if (Hint->InsertionLoc.isValid()) {
        // We have an insertion hint. Determine whether the inserted
        // code is on the same line as the caret.
        std::pair<FileID, unsigned> HintLocInfo
          = SM.getDecomposedInstantiationLoc(Hint->InsertionLoc);
        if (SM.getLineNumber(HintLocInfo.first, HintLocInfo.second) ==
              SM.getLineNumber(FID, FileOffset)) {
          // Insert the new code into the line just below the code
          // that the user wrote.
          unsigned HintColNo
            = SM.getColumnNumber(HintLocInfo.first, HintLocInfo.second);
          unsigned LastColumnModified
            = HintColNo - 1 + Hint->CodeToInsert.size();
          if (LastColumnModified > FixItInsertionLine.size())
            FixItInsertionLine.resize(LastColumnModified, ' ');
          std::copy(Hint->CodeToInsert.begin(), Hint->CodeToInsert.end(),
                    FixItInsertionLine.begin() + HintColNo - 1);
        } else {
    // Now that we have the entire fixit line, expand the tabs in it.
    // Since we don't want to insert spaces in the middle of a word,
    // find each word and the column it should line up with and insert
    // spaces until they match.
    if (!FixItInsertionLine.empty()) {
      unsigned FixItPos = 0;
      unsigned LinePos = 0;
      unsigned TabExpandedCol = 0;
      unsigned LineLength = LineEnd - LineStart;

      while (FixItPos < FixItInsertionLine.size() && LinePos < LineLength) {
        // Find the next word in the FixIt line.
        while (FixItPos < FixItInsertionLine.size() &&
               FixItInsertionLine[FixItPos] == ' ')
        unsigned CharDistance = FixItPos - TabExpandedCol;

        // Walk forward in the source line, keeping track of
        // the tab-expanded column.
        for (unsigned I = 0; I < CharDistance; ++I, ++LinePos)
          if (LinePos >= LineLength || LineStart[LinePos] != '\t')
            TabExpandedCol =
              (TabExpandedCol/DiagOpts->TabStop + 1) * DiagOpts->TabStop;

        // Adjust the fixit line to match this column.
        FixItInsertionLine.insert(FixItPos, TabExpandedCol-FixItPos, ' ');
        FixItPos = TabExpandedCol;

        // Walk to the end of the word.
        while (FixItPos < FixItInsertionLine.size() &&
               FixItInsertionLine[FixItPos] != ' ')

  // If the source line is too long for our terminal, select only the
  // "interesting" source region within that line.
  if (Columns && SourceLine.size() > Columns)
    SelectInterestingSourceRegion(SourceLine, CaretLine, FixItInsertionLine,
                                  CaretEndColNo, Columns);

  // Finally, remove any blank spaces from the end of CaretLine.
  while (CaretLine[CaretLine.size()-1] == ' ')

  // Emit what we have computed.
  OS << SourceLine << '\n';

  if (DiagOpts->ShowColors)
    OS.changeColor(caretColor, true);
  OS << CaretLine << '\n';
  if (DiagOpts->ShowColors)

  if (!FixItInsertionLine.empty()) {
    if (DiagOpts->ShowColors)
      // Print fixit line in color
      OS.changeColor(fixitColor, false);
    if (DiagOpts->ShowSourceRanges)
      OS << ' ';
    OS << FixItInsertionLine << '\n';
    if (DiagOpts->ShowColors)
void TextDiagnosticPrinter::EmitCaretDiagnostic(SourceLocation Loc,
                                                SourceRange *Ranges,
                                                unsigned NumRanges,
                                                SourceManager &SM,
                                          const CodeModificationHint *Hints,
                                                unsigned NumHints,
                                                unsigned Columns) {
  assert(!Loc.isInvalid() && "must have a valid source location here");

  // If this is a macro ID, first emit information about where this was
  // instantiated (recursively) then emit information about where. the token was
  // spelled from.
  if (!Loc.isFileID()) {
    SourceLocation OneLevelUp = SM.getImmediateInstantiationRange(Loc).first;
    // FIXME: Map ranges?
    EmitCaretDiagnostic(OneLevelUp, Ranges, NumRanges, SM, 0, 0, Columns);

    Loc = SM.getImmediateSpellingLoc(Loc);
    // Map the ranges.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumRanges; ++i) {
      SourceLocation S = Ranges[i].getBegin(), E = Ranges[i].getEnd();
      if (S.isMacroID()) S = SM.getImmediateSpellingLoc(S);
      if (E.isMacroID()) E = SM.getImmediateSpellingLoc(E);
      Ranges[i] = SourceRange(S, E);
    if (ShowLocation) {
      std::pair<FileID, unsigned> IInfo = SM.getDecomposedInstantiationLoc(Loc);
      // Emit the file/line/column that this expansion came from.
      OS << SM.getBuffer(IInfo.first)->getBufferIdentifier() << ':'
         << SM.getLineNumber(IInfo.first, IInfo.second) << ':';
      if (ShowColumn)
        OS << SM.getColumnNumber(IInfo.first, IInfo.second) << ':';
      OS << ' ';
    OS << "note: instantiated from:\n";
    EmitCaretDiagnostic(Loc, Ranges, NumRanges, SM, Hints, NumHints, Columns);
  // Decompose the location into a FID/Offset pair.
  std::pair<FileID, unsigned> LocInfo = SM.getDecomposedLoc(Loc);
  FileID FID = LocInfo.first;
  unsigned FileOffset = LocInfo.second;
  // Get information about the buffer it points into.
  std::pair<const char*, const char*> BufferInfo = SM.getBufferData(FID);
  const char *BufStart = BufferInfo.first;

  unsigned ColNo = SM.getColumnNumber(FID, FileOffset);
  unsigned CaretEndColNo 
    = ColNo + Lexer::MeasureTokenLength(Loc, SM, *LangOpts);

  // Rewind from the current position to the start of the line.
  const char *TokPtr = BufStart+FileOffset;
  const char *LineStart = TokPtr-ColNo+1; // Column # is 1-based.
  // Compute the line end.  Scan forward from the error position to the end of
  // the line.
  const char *LineEnd = TokPtr;
  while (*LineEnd != '\n' && *LineEnd != '\r' && *LineEnd != '\0')
  // Copy the line of code into an std::string for ease of manipulation.
  std::string SourceLine(LineStart, LineEnd);
  // Create a line for the caret that is filled with spaces that is the same
  // length as the line of source code.
  std::string CaretLine(LineEnd-LineStart, ' ');
  // Highlight all of the characters covered by Ranges with ~ characters.
  if (NumRanges) {
    unsigned LineNo = SM.getLineNumber(FID, FileOffset);
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumRanges; i != e; ++i)
      HighlightRange(Ranges[i], SM, LineNo, FID, CaretLine, SourceLine);
  // Next, insert the caret itself.
  if (ColNo-1 < CaretLine.size())
    CaretLine[ColNo-1] = '^';
  // Scan the source line, looking for tabs.  If we find any, manually expand
  // them to 8 characters and update the CaretLine to match.
  for (unsigned i = 0; i != SourceLine.size(); ++i) {
    if (SourceLine[i] != '\t') continue;
    // Replace this tab with at least one space.
    SourceLine[i] = ' ';
    // Compute the number of spaces we need to insert.
    unsigned NumSpaces = ((i+8)&~7) - (i+1);
    assert(NumSpaces < 8 && "Invalid computation of space amt");
    // Insert spaces into the SourceLine.
    SourceLine.insert(i+1, NumSpaces, ' ');
    // Insert spaces or ~'s into CaretLine.
    CaretLine.insert(i+1, NumSpaces, CaretLine[i] == '~' ? '~' : ' ');
  // If we are in -fdiagnostics-print-source-range-info mode, we are trying to
  // produce easily machine parsable output.  Add a space before the source line
  // and the caret to make it trivial to tell the main diagnostic line from what
  // the user is intended to see.
  if (PrintRangeInfo) {
    SourceLine = ' ' + SourceLine;
    CaretLine = ' ' + CaretLine;
  std::string FixItInsertionLine;
  if (NumHints && PrintFixItInfo) {
    for (const CodeModificationHint *Hint = Hints, *LastHint = Hints + NumHints;
         Hint != LastHint; ++Hint) {
      if (Hint->InsertionLoc.isValid()) {
        // We have an insertion hint. Determine whether the inserted
        // code is on the same line as the caret.
        std::pair<FileID, unsigned> HintLocInfo 
          = SM.getDecomposedInstantiationLoc(Hint->InsertionLoc);
        if (SM.getLineNumber(HintLocInfo.first, HintLocInfo.second) ==
              SM.getLineNumber(FID, FileOffset)) {
          // Insert the new code into the line just below the code
          // that the user wrote.
          unsigned HintColNo 
            = SM.getColumnNumber(HintLocInfo.first, HintLocInfo.second);
          unsigned LastColumnModified 
            = HintColNo - 1 + Hint->CodeToInsert.size();
          if (LastColumnModified > FixItInsertionLine.size())
            FixItInsertionLine.resize(LastColumnModified, ' ');
          std::copy(Hint->CodeToInsert.begin(), Hint->CodeToInsert.end(),
                    FixItInsertionLine.begin() + HintColNo - 1);
        } else {

  // If the source line is too long for our terminal, select only the
  // "interesting" source region within that line.
  if (Columns && SourceLine.size() > Columns)
    SelectInterestingSourceRegion(SourceLine, CaretLine, FixItInsertionLine,
                                  CaretEndColNo, Columns);

  // Finally, remove any blank spaces from the end of CaretLine.
  while (CaretLine[CaretLine.size()-1] == ' ')
  // Emit what we have computed.
  OS << SourceLine << '\n';

  if (UseColors)
    OS.changeColor(caretColor, true);
  OS << CaretLine << '\n';
  if (UseColors)

  if (!FixItInsertionLine.empty()) {
    if (UseColors)
      // Print fixit line in color
      OS.changeColor(fixitColor, false);
    if (PrintRangeInfo) 
      OS << ' ';
    OS << FixItInsertionLine << '\n';
    if (UseColors)