Esempio n. 1
SparseMat SparseMat::operator*(const SparseMat &right) const {
  if(!consolidated() || !right.consolidated())
    throw ErrProgrammingError("Attempt to multiply unconsolidated SparseMats!",
			      __FILE__, __LINE__);
  SparseMat result(nrows(), right.ncols());
  const SparseMat rightt = right.transpose();
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<nrows(); i++) {
    for(unsigned int j=0; j<rightt.nrows(); j++) {
      const_row_iterator ai = begin(i);
      const_row_iterator bj = rightt.begin(j);
      while(ai < end(i) && bj < rightt.end(j)) {
	if(ai.col() == bj.col()) {
	  result.insert(i, j, (*ai)*(*bj));
	else if(ai.col() < bj.col())
  // result.consolidate();
  result.consolidated_ = true;
  return result;
Esempio n. 2
void SparseMat::tile(unsigned int i, unsigned int j,
		     const SparseMat &other)
  // Add other to this, offset by i rows and j columns.
  assert(i + other.nrows() <= nrows());
  assert(j + other.ncols() <= ncols());
  for(SparseMat::const_iterator kl = other.begin(); kl<other.end(); ++kl) {
    unsigned int ii = kl.row() + i;
    unsigned int jj = kl.col() + j;
    assert(0 <= ii && ii < nrows_);
    assert(0 <= jj && jj < ncols_);
    insert(ii, jj, *kl);
Esempio n. 3
void mmadump(const std::string &filename, const std::string &mtxname, 
	     const SparseMat &m)
  std::ofstream os(filename.c_str());
  os << mtxname << " = Table[Table[0, {i, 1, " <<  m.ncols() << "}], {j, 1, "
     << m.nrows() << "}]" << std::endl;
  for(SparseMat::const_iterator ij=m.begin(); ij<m.end(); ++ij) {
    std::string val(to_string(*ij));
    int epos = val.find("e");
    if(epos >= 0)
      val.replace(epos, 1, "*^");
    os << mtxname << "[[" << ij.row()+1 << "," << ij.col()+1 << "]] = " << val
       << std::endl;