void EnvironmentNode::validate(Status &status, bool includeChildren, bool includeHiddenNodes) const
    if (!m_pSchemaItem->isHidden() || includeHiddenNodes)
        // Check node value
        if (m_pLocalValue)
            m_pLocalValue->validate(status, m_id);

        // Check any attributes
        for (auto attrIt = m_attributes.begin(); attrIt != m_attributes.end(); ++attrIt)
            attrIt->second->validate(status, m_id);

            // If this value must be unique, make sure it is
            if (attrIt->second->getSchemaValue()->isUniqueValue())
                bool found = false;
                std::vector<std::string> allValues;
                std::set<std::string> unquieValues;
                for (auto it = allValues.begin(); it != allValues.end() && !found; ++it)
                    auto ret = unquieValues.insert(*it);
                    found = !ret.second;

                if (found)
                    status.addUniqueMsg(statusMsg::error, m_id, attrIt->second->getName(), "Attribute value must be unique");

            // Does this value need to be from another set of values?
            if (attrIt->second->getSchemaValue()->isFromUniqueValueSet())
                bool found = false;
                std::vector<std::string> allValues;
                for (auto it = allValues.begin(); it != allValues.end() && !found; ++it)
                    found = *it == attrIt->second->getValue();
                if (!found)
                    status.addMsg(statusMsg::error, m_id, attrIt->second->getName(), "Attribute value must be from a unique set");

        // Now check all children
        if (includeChildren)
            for (auto childIt = m_children.begin(); childIt != m_children.end(); ++childIt)
                childIt->second->validate(status, includeChildren, includeHiddenNodes);