Esempio n. 1
bool LogFatal(const char *szMessage)
	if (!szMessage) szMessage = "(null)";
	// add to fatal error message stack - if not already in there (avoid duplication)
	if (!SSearch(sFatalError.getData(), szMessage))
		if (!sFatalError.isNull()) sFatalError.AppendChar('|');
	// write to log - note that Log might overwrite a static buffer also used in szMessage
	return !!Log(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_FATAL"), szMessage).getData());
Esempio n. 2
bool C4Startup::DoStartup()
	// now in startup!
	fInStartup = true;
	fLastDlgWasBack = false;

	// first run: Splash video
	if (!fFirstRun)
		fFirstRun = true;
		if (!Config.Startup.NoSplash && !Application.NoSplash)

	// make sure loader is drawn after splash

	// Play some music!
	if (Config.Sound.FEMusic)

	// clear any previous
	if (pLastDlg) { delete pLastDlg; pLastDlg = NULL; }
	if (pCurrDlg) { delete pCurrDlg; pCurrDlg = NULL; }

	// start with the last dlg that was shown - at first startup main dialog
	if (!SwitchDialog(eLastDlgID)) return false;

	// show error dlg if restart
	if (Game.fQuitWithError || GetFatalError())
		Game.fQuitWithError = false;
		// preferred: Show fatal error
		const char *szErr = GetFatalError();
		if (szErr)
			Game.pGUI->ShowMessage(szErr, LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_LOG"), C4GUI::Ico_Error);
			// fallback to showing complete log
			StdStrBuf sLastLog;
			if (GetLogSection(Game.StartupLogPos, Game.QuitLogPos - Game.StartupLogPos, sLastLog))
				if (!sLastLog.isNull())
					Game.pGUI->ShowRemoveDlg(new C4GUI::InfoDialog(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_LOG"), 10, sLastLog));
	// while state startup: keep looping
	while(fInStartup && Game.pGUI && !pCurrDlg->IsAborted())
		if (Application.HandleMessage() == HR_Failure) return false;
	// check whether startup was aborted; first checking Game.pGUI
	// (because an external call to Game.Clear() would invalidate dialogs)
	if (!Game.pGUI) return false;
	if (pLastDlg) { delete pLastDlg; pLastDlg = NULL; }
	if (pCurrDlg)
		// deinit last shown dlg
		if (pCurrDlg->IsAborted())
			// force abort flag if dlg abort done by user
			fAborted = true;
		else if (pCurrDlg->IsShown())
		delete pCurrDlg;
		pCurrDlg = NULL;

	// now no more in startup!
	fInStartup = false;

	// after startup: cleanup
	if (Game.pGUI) Game.pGUI->CloseAllDialogs(true);

	// reinit keyboard to reflect any config changes that might have been done
	// this is a good time to do it, because no GUI dialogs are opened
	if (Game.pGUI) if (!Game.InitKeyboard()) LogFatal(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_NOKEYBOARD"));

	// all okay; return whether startup finished with a game start selection
	return !fAborted;