Esempio n. 1
long Universe::getClassPathExt(vector<StdString>& tokens,
        const StdString& arg) const {
#define EXT_TOKENS 2
    long result = ERR_SUCCESS;
    long fpIndex = arg.find_last_of(fileSeparator);
    long ssepIndex = arg.find(".som");

    if (fpIndex == StdString::npos) { //no new path
        //different from CSOM (see also HandleArguments):
        //we still want to strip the suffix from the filename, so
        //we set the start to -1, in order to start the substring
        //from character 0. npos is -1 too, but this is to make sure
        fpIndex = -1;
        //instead of returning here directly, we have to remember that
        //there is no new class path and return it later
        result = ERR_FAIL;
    } else
        tokens[0] = arg.substr(0, fpIndex);

    //adding filename (minus ".som" if present) to second slot
    ssepIndex =
            ((ssepIndex != StdString::npos) && (ssepIndex > fpIndex)) ?
                    (ssepIndex - 1) : arg.length();
    tokens[1] = arg.substr(fpIndex + 1, ssepIndex - (fpIndex));
    return result;
Esempio n. 2
   \brief Create header of netcdf file
   There are some information to fill in header of each netcdf.
   void CFile::createHeader(void)
      CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent();
      CContextServer* server = context->server;

      if (!allDomainEmpty)
         StdString filename = getFileOutputName();

// determine splitting format in the file name  : firstPart%start_date%middlePart%end_date%lastPart

         std::string strStartDate="%start_date%" ;
         std::string strEndDate="%end_date%" ;

         std::string firstPart ;
         std::string middlePart ;
         std::string lastPart ;
         size_t pos1, pos2 ;
         bool hasStartDate=false ;
         bool hasEndDate=false ;
         bool hasSplit = (!split_freq.isEmpty());
         pos1=filename.find(strStartDate) ;
         if (pos1!=std::string::npos)
           firstPart=filename.substr(0,pos1) ;
           pos1+=strStartDate.size() ;
           hasStartDate=true ;
         else pos1=0 ;

         pos2=filename.find(strEndDate,pos1) ;
         if (pos2!=std::string::npos)
           middlePart=filename.substr(pos1,pos2-pos1) ;           
           pos2+=strEndDate.size() ;
           lastPart=filename.substr(pos2,filename.size()-pos2) ;
           hasEndDate=true ;
         else middlePart=filename.substr(pos1,filename.size()) ;

         if (!hasStartDate && !hasEndDate)
           hasStartDate=true ;
           firstPart=middlePart ;
           if (hasSplit) firstPart +="_";
           middlePart="-" ;
         StdOStringStream oss;

         if (!split_freq.isEmpty())
           CDate split_start ;
           CDate splitEnd ;
           if (!split_start_offset.isEmpty()) split_start=lastSplit + split_start_offset ;
           else split_start=lastSplit ;

           splitEnd = lastSplit + split_freq ;
           if (!split_last_date.isEmpty())
             CDate splitLastDate=CDate::FromString(split_last_date,*CContext::getCurrent()->getCalendar()) ;
             if( splitLastDate < splitEnd)  splitEnd=splitLastDate ;
           if (!split_end_offset.isEmpty()) splitEnd = splitEnd + split_end_offset;
           else splitEnd = splitEnd - 1 * Second;

           string splitFormat;
           if (split_freq_format.isEmpty())
             if (split_freq.getValue().second != 0) splitFormat = "%y%mo%d%h%mi%s";
             else if (split_freq.getValue().minute != 0) splitFormat = "%y%mo%d%h%mi";
             else if (split_freq.getValue().hour != 0) splitFormat = "%y%mo%d%h";
             else if (split_freq.getValue().day != 0) splitFormat = "%y%mo%d";
             else if (split_freq.getValue().month != 0) splitFormat = "%y%mo";
             else splitFormat = "%y";
           else splitFormat = split_freq_format;

           oss << firstPart ;
           if (hasStartDate) oss << split_start.getStr(splitFormat) ;
           oss << middlePart ;
           if (hasEndDate) oss << splitEnd.getStr(splitFormat);
           oss << lastPart ;

           StdString keySuffix("CContext_"+CContext::getCurrent()->getId()+"::CFile_"+getFileOutputName()+"::") ; 
           context->registryOut->setKey(keySuffix+"splitStart", lastSplit);
           context->registryOut->setKey(keySuffix+"splitEnd",   splitEnd);
         else oss<<firstPart<<lastPart ;

        bool append = !this->append.isEmpty() && this->append.getValue();

         bool useClassicFormat = !format.isEmpty() && format == format_attr::netcdf4_classic;
         bool useCFConvention = convention.isEmpty() || convention == convention_attr::CF;

         bool multifile = true;
         if (!type.isEmpty())
           if (type == type_attr::one_file) multifile = false;
           else if (type == type_attr::multiple_file) multifile = true;

         if (!multifile)
            info(0) << "!!! Warning -> Using non parallel version of netcdf, switching in multiple_file mode for file : " << filename << " ..." << endl;
            multifile = true;
         if (multifile)
            int commSize, commRank;
            MPI_Comm_size(fileComm, &commSize);
            MPI_Comm_rank(fileComm, &commRank);

            if (server->intraCommSize > 1)
              oss << "_" ;
              int width=0; int n = commSize-1;
              while (n != 0) { n = n / 10; width++;}
              if (!min_digits.isEmpty())
                if (width < min_digits) width = min_digits;
              oss << right << commRank;
         oss << ".nc";

         bool isCollective = par_access.isEmpty() ||  par_access == par_access_attr::collective;

         if (isOpen) data_out->closeFile();

        data_out = shared_ptr<CDataOutput>(new CNc4DataOutput(this, oss.str(), append, useClassicFormat, useCFConvention,
                                                              fileComm, multifile, isCollective, time_counter_name));
        isOpen = true;


        // Do not recreate the file structure if opening an existing file
        if (!data_out->IsInAppendMode())
          std::vector<CField*>::iterator it, end = this->enabledFields.end();
          for (it = this->enabledFields.begin(); it != end; it++)
            CField* field = *it;

          for (it = this->enabledFields.begin(); it != end; it++)
            CField* field = *it;
          for (it = this->enabledFields.begin(); it != end; it++)
            CField* field = *it;

          vector<CVariable*> listVars = getAllVariables();
          for (vector<CVariable*>::iterator it = listVars.begin(); it != listVars.end(); it++)

          // check time axis even in append mode
          std::vector<CField*>::iterator it, end = this->enabledFields.end();
          for (it = this->enabledFields.begin(); it != end; it++)
            CField* field = *it;